LýIBE'FRTYVILI INDIPWNDNT. TUR SDÂY, ,AUGUST 1,.1918 g~y ruuunubsequentIy born id-Nsdne I II lii IECC DECwas bis but ai thp sani. t i .'tafi LÀC U RI E - U I W NTTO IND EY SCÀ ES smitted thât the Bililcal 5ia lie tween him a.nd thse chili .in qUe-stion TER THE FIGIlT TO ÀHURT TU HUNS; THEF PENITENTIAY, e.t. had .o iglit b î n r '<jET THE KAISER'lUNIORM STRIPPED SUPREME CT. ACTS hlm. Preftrred Hangng a in Lalke county court, r r Richard S. Wilson, Formerly of Ian Shupe's "Conscientious" Recognizes Error in the ReC- t'itdl<>' skud lie wotld !,, ..' .< Zion City, Back idding Scruples Oust Him From od fPrahrs ra fl lefra sotoe- !,r : ;, Friends Good Bye Great Lakes Station Lake of ir cu' TitnCourt -tfor.ahr lte erd, i <Il [Il __LakeCo._Cicuit Curt lad lieen misjudged., "..vln A conscientious objector %.,as dis '"' ir wronged the girl ni;ii GOES TO MESOPOTAMIA coverediat Great Lakes navaltrnH GEST FR NS'QM h hahpe met in the navy are voluntary, , 1h. lier, in tact theY had a nl I.1nI,- J. W. Clay of Zion Join the cam isuniue Belief Expressed that Findley standing to that cffi.<t . Canadians; Scotch Regi. Ian Shupe of ChiayNeerAainBeoen 1h.wasoetfhle r man -a hlome conscience caitiled hlm t 10 ayN<erAginBcas-n 1 is that h one h(.l-"ýj.<': ments Leave Monday e ()as, hth cneb :i . ofet to shooting the Pnuslns fII a Trial.'itcorc:d evirnî oleRd. Wben Ueut. Çommander c.'Iwat court neveloii 'f li Il.- ichard S. Wî'n.for 12 year, a S.lRoberts, executive officer, hlienrl The 11ev. Edward'r Flndley, a t'f,ee uteLk oo weaxî r'r t tl1. lace %worksiq n Ziont liont ilm yoisterday, Roberts rf i'fU <t o.r peahe a inn itthe,îutLake . 91. oinhi(on, fttlce porlnte at y mly' o emthmbrmanS h ilthi, arcli term of circuit court wa< lion the court served 0'e nSe Ihe acepat tIlyria, Ohio, va. tatOtio b ingle 'ati, the 40h.ouv'cî .-ýd on tile clargi-, madei, f Criffixlflot 10 takI, h:,l,'olJoliet inWukegan Wednesdlay cealing on consClentiOus fightlng inen h"re ,0 gnthl .'Car ndr.a1 "nigdreomnsi.,ap fr-n.. lie also went t0 Great the offic.'r ordered the navy's unift,,,-i *r old girl In Zion City, Ioda' mo ta.e a new trial. his-ait' n.] iOn, and, It d'v.lop,'d of honor bce trlpped from shu1o'ý , alked forth from the ,ike cbi'ttlh I'The men who ha%(, f irniulîed-( hi ii as In the Iahapp of a frare. I lv" Inni a dlscliarge as un(le'ir-aY',, la1 aller havIng furnlslied a >jflniysbndbv ..-)' c 'wîI -l'fore lie Ileavç-s 10go ,,,.lan(] ordi'zad Iini liick 4t~to t, w îcpemite bsreea.e eest b ndbi chaved1-PI la camin Funde lie ngcae the lait t t *r. p)orLt 10 iia draft board. Il i<s x- The release came In the uhap.e -i 10 sted In litesnce andvner Eupe.lected the Srmy will stoon adopt hî:, n O~.'irdorfrontOrrîn 'M Carter, ud i onfie h.p eiaI Blu iii,'î.' attr,ra Wilson Ila 42 years orf ý, a*wd. and that If he continuies h. is noft th" suitrenie court and it '.hOw."1nierchant. arrived fl .'.' indle Ose A' ir1 i 'ias cAllted' au 'An- lions 10 shouldering a gun th -e e oh tîtat indîlev lad been sentene'd 01saounvce epcin ' y, gin >'inÙP to 44 t- tie co'orm, Îhe lauthorîties will gIvse him a tuc soft 'Mardi mmli and that lie lad "sd ()Il itî,î -o b iegîn the .1v z t r ie In 1 lIýt %0- soie solhnto,-re.l itsnstejo01) tth a spcide ,digg.n, lr' nýe . rnffi) error fromt the su"pre la.- ' ud toile'asegn h dlitaplîe r ni- lime&go andilhas. recel jontmIn front wheriI lie wil lt li.ecou trtfor resa P""'. jid . , ahen le found Ie c'a.liaiigone ~'r, le asacPiIted andi asstýgiî'-c to shoot atanyone. 'This means that the supremne coult iNalie'wthunths eng a nr ttrn.rtwok l% Ie.Opotaynia. Shupe enlisteti liere 'omtitm istut nrrl m wii,- Sithi ord lits elbe. Hlm a out iguai. t ln-dv'rf.,in gnd . ,shilis cook. fourth cia'.. '. ecrsin connertion with thxe ras-' IFlde Lord e -Il'.wt al.î ngsit- aî mî,'., r -' announçu ti his ec",isiî"î'ntirî,eand'ri.l 1.1 tîer.fore ordereti lii .ril,&--u, o t e te is oih r"n u bu' t. n.- l i pu<m a ;p..î.liut a"ti skiîerî es-.-uray lcbonds. peuîding a new triai. Il tii.' in'.1r sentênce for the offna'. and al WIlson, t s ru-. a~~il 'Ib a-i.u-iu Lieutenatt-Comnma nél.'r that lindley willi go 10 trial agairu onsptai.ceatrteI .t'th- a 1eraolatAui at Rî<I Uo'î.. s "he lie*nlteti if lie cd ilie .ame chargi- Pr.ividing tlire sti ! nît iea h-Lr Psic'ý ,n-In the MeAli.ter î n',i lît t o ir-bfIglit ilm .answer w5'. rares 10 puahthe caseugainstlilîiîhc-usLord W'l.n s'. fl 0 lIe .i -i it, t ho)tîlit he roîtid rtl p('ciaI dut.. Ter eeîv(lea elnga'.'are cotîcernet Iin hie .iloite, that m irt , r1 I ur te ,i t ie stto h. r th ýe a r ots ,, 1h.' ,g , l, , la'astlîe business o (if î ls " Im the ht front at he sttion urîng tl.ablv whe ould fbos hti t 1l Ero .en in cçyurt Fin,11P, kp't t,,11- nîOki tebgmllis at Zion tî-i alwud tbegin ;anollur ýv ~ ielarr n ' utI' Was regarded am One Of t.lte hi",OBSERVE WAR'F ANNIVERSARV tdon agitînst Findley in s'iew of t1h nd ig the lwyrsd arr- n'i onlvon.- Morknuen ttise plant.'The foiilu iniilter,%iirv 'ut i'til, g"-nî'r.ul Ircuruutanlc" 1-' nde L rdneti'ý li .n IAnother Laceworker Enlias. gl!uiing i îf th't;up-uîu att i1 Th lubondi was furnlsh.l Iv ieI _____ho,_____ I dvelops that J W,(Clay, or Perat.'d Sunla. i'. aaou l.î ' . .J lillitn El-.ChneF l e. ku..tî "11aeî11t' wî j. r ut" t' h. hautîfu) ravin.' îî ill, Zut. W',tali ard IL litenn, il. Two ontha ago tî , 1.is l.'un thPre. aise ,.. enl l it b ri»at 1t,e . *i , 't--nn hi-ýh I.. t i'n . I l l!i tmg ini'i itti,' rown t'ar ('amp Comunuttt icie r' - ll.lt1h-la ier. îLela, !jo 11'i, îtyrl.a .,.os'uc . a.t. inlui 'ti, (. he civerd îper'mission Irw'., "l;'.0" Zor' rîd i Su"r, i r in. ot' .,I 1". li t e.ita '.nIu.- lit rîtil l "ttîlidl' i pru'a'heclhefor'. hl n.' "dinuton andtihIe cit, h., 1,ae X'., flt \tnda 1 reîî~ hintl, a ui.a, rmdu Enl'nLue Zion (-<il' a ndIgot tnt.. thu'toth. Marktet Square on St. "lIl' for liii', Nu,-tin, d"- ' - q - a ' -1 -'ls I- !-tr-' ' i that calised bis arre"!'f1,r iongm andi gam. ' ' miti ti TheteîtîJ t h Indigtef Itier iind ua 'iîdetlîi...' ri. ing tkrough LaX f-,' t 'n t l'h indpenen'a circulation éon. t ctit Iîll ftlin. formi rI' of ! 't' in lii' .'îd.î or! a' Zion 'd day es-cinz, lie mt2-lt ' l,. ' ' 'O l "t tîsticf RADEFI-not0f c Ntes t clitri h. ('llîcago ushile th,. il. andtis ha mily antid eueit'..' licas.in a 11111e ia ' utu. 1 I .'ltt . M r u. o! hi go t.1'uca ., uLhrtîult.'r shile the t" "pâiil clut, t. i.'ttn tants ..1, 'i t~-l'i. t .1. taln, ~,î.t, - nts r.- acr ay The childtht a('~' i-e' f thp bloe ni s' wt'titforttt'. TWELVE BANDSMEN i "ORPh eJA AE (il EN SIXTY DAY1 FOUND AT NAVA SENTENCE FOR -ACT STA. BY PARENTS t'Men Who, Participated in Orgy at Kankakee Following the Concert Go to Brig Sixiet, ac-,' -ttiotm tIn the Iurig uti(,ru'at Lali es-was the pttttî." aini t inu-u otté)ti héttu12 bituilitî.î siWho tir.'allegPil tr 1..-pari ii>put 'il In jn crgy un thé- lati<i".'.tt!ul un c ut St Kankakee 1Il].. on lIhi night if MVari-h lhe tifth. Thé i- iîanclnasî.ý- %%as ri-ducpîl in lic raunis frctnta chie!f petty officr r t o4 a intrlct11an, TheA nature rf mth,, p inihîiu ni mere)y tend- Io îrro'.u thut 1he.K n-î îa-ke e i)fficl;élcu 5.-rn tluainz politlcé s-len thev sent ott bb cn- tha to'm cof the citv"eai mro-n girls liati been ravl-.hed liv thc baud-mni, Ti'. court martial ield ti hGreat J,,h.o-s went Into evu'ry n'.iuse ,! the.- leg,- orgi'. anti no crim<e of gny exruin' i..- founti. Fotur cf ihe gLl..s-ho-au'e.allW*45 te bas-e spont mie nîgit In tbre "ar, teere pros-en fo lie comnuon str. et- waliter.anti theyvé-n. c setic-n 0a tu Institution. The 12 liand.smen werp commlitl nf the brie spvcnil di ys ugo. This ws'a.thu e ait--meýr, ufiArr ti reports camne ontt front K'nl<akf'- f'apt. '.toff.-t '.nt aid-es0 mi.- the t0 %nttait,. ftii -is r,,i i-t l the satis.faction oif alîuîo-, ci-crs lodv thât Insteati of!lire ri'. s'ho ws-nt t otlie 'train oonblhe nîglit in question haî-!ng heen enliecci letee's'th,. bandsmnen. tisst 1h., were In unnat cases quiestinnalile characters; who o! their rusn accord solicitet atlen- tion'. rfom Ithe miuslciang. The puni Ishmn as given 10 Lthe bantismin wi-v accordin - 10 an officiaaitt ria Laites, more liecanise tlhtes permîti' Il tfhp-womn 10 -t remaîn In lte u-ar rallier than liecatse of! any mi'.'r,"rl m(ni o! thenu. The severtv of 1h. ittntlrn: to :'s lîmntlghtnent was dîme lui tht- fae t t"' ihe aliowp-eth îe wnmen lto romain il thr' car Insteati o! nrd,'ring ther a as- Now It's "'No Soap" for Little Joe Wolkfosky; He's Out of the U. S._Navy crîuhîn .Iraf lui 'ohlloskv. h."- ait olnt.i i«f.lrîc f )i -. oni -(t:, NINti 'r oa. of lîîrk. likes i.-'.oui of the na-,v ut ;l1othfir "a(1 fille,. miae titni andî fiugitn' ittadutlt , - 'no soa;.- il" (.l 'iti il otut andgioItri'- to hii' na Il" tira 'us, i i s Ili i u'rs oh]. ..nior.'. but he iî' ol. sItkr a r.-gilar f(i10m os f ,iout hl, Tlires-i'u-ks ago lie hteart] the- litu.i îtiiliomî of ir-ar la're-.a ilas ing 1 in r s'treet In Chcc t)'. er Tliren" a thle gI idTefrrain, su ni i litlu-hI.. 'rîtlifîl tear joit) for thie Iaar'-ur' liioit. Iiil'e n" b I'n ,ififi,- ttrteI lue a jarkie. 'ho. But Jo wai<s llrir.neuls'îth.pr'r Mr. ant iXI-9. lolun "Wok fosity. l1't',it r!bhAli.îuy-ase-nie anti a hirtl dittý' of the rf-ceni i otage of ic4-Bt eaazî'l iorn aithtoutt rai ns. ' it- knew lie cotlin't gel their con-eol to join anti couiin't join liecause 0f lils age. If, they titi consent, m.o ie doped i H rit 10 gel rurit f i.i, pst'- -t ' by a paintes and!hoole-îmn'thi oti A sveek ago lie walk,-,(l otolie Prit bale coturt In the cottir huildinzauni) ho)d d lriîhte ,l î.ge I lriier hi,. nlimtîe sas Josep.h W.ilco. att orphun. tand il- wanted a gitartilan appuint' Clor hi iis.-l f iti' h ad i a at cu ti)e,'l iii a wfiee. ilc ' s. til;i' ,iur. MI ir.îî'irg gsiti.e.i our In the int-tini It' a1 strelcit of ImfagInation. ('Nt offett ha-. r.'lrtrn-'r) t- oi wr"u-ilnnton isiere he s's- confer. ti z itr' s h itgiî n'iv o1iii.1-i 111)(111 plans for i tso nles-chool--I't" e<'rs for tlit(, nîer liuit marine t. ni th-r i-ter îe siulent officer f,011001 motrain jîreparation se-hool .tidentS for i' fI cerships In aviation, NEW EDICT ENP$A UIQUOR CAR PROTECTS Saloon Keepers, Forblddon Self Bottles to, Patrons; Must Drink it at Bau BARRED AFTER AUGUST 1 Seller Can Deliver, But fo Waukegan; Dry Zone Pr>. vents Delivery TAKE NOTICE The United States governmu through lts representative,' 44 G. Ciabaugli, division supérI.t dent of the DepartimntcfJu4I hian requested this association I co-peate with the Departmet] justic bprevent the. sal ef quor to men in uniform. The gcvernment lhas dlréog that on and aller Aug. 1 no - g oods cf lntoxicating liquors any kind or description "mlli SOlM or given Over- Ithe bar.**'~ prem uses 10 any «person orP to be taken out of thé 'promMoý whether in uniform or In clviii ciothes. s The purpose of this rul. la~ pitevent civilises feom pu"eê botte goods and subsequentij livering them -4o men ite unlifO Take notice lIat thie rutls int effect on Aug. 1 and à a li to con.ply with the sams, 'W cause the violitor to beomie % votved with the department of l lice and asa reluit In lthe 1 .1 11cense. The proîerhiaI "Dry Sariba" wi lias-- nothing on Waukegan after Ai gumat the fIr-b. After that date no liquor will1 soldtio W'atikegan cxonsumera by (2 isco liquor dealer- Il1inton G. Clabawghl, divisional obi t lite tppartment of justice. anoi c. io,I the é(lcî'it shicih 111l V vent booze f rom searchlng the I of tra L-akIt,'.salofs. Fort Sber "oldier.or waukegan. booze -bol Ail licînor stoeres, saloos, I cabarets, pharmnacies. andi other bdi neî-.ý plie. dlpenslng alcoblIi. affected. Booze cannot lie sold le-ý fhe intoxicant i.. drunk ou renî1 '"a. Tis Mruans ilie "water wagons" .h "ltper's" of thîs locallbv, for ai vilolation of -the order meana t% th(, dealer wiil l e stopped trom~ latnlng further supplies. WVhpn bottIed Itiquor f.s ol1 ' niu.-t blie ih'rpd b' tise sell er, ý 1 s-l olitain the purchasers' rsem4 The latter mulst lie responsible Ils s 'nd, must gIse none to-at diers or sallors, As Waukegan Is within the - mile d ry zone. no seller could deliveries. ,uo Waukegan wil aeW mnr dry Iliat the great Saha=a flqtuor ,'un top carried Inmb the tS If the spirit, ii willlrig JACMES IN JAIL TO BE STRIPPED 0F THE NAY Il- Navy Uniform WmIl Mot Be Ci ried into Celis of Cm*ty 1Jails in theFutur INSPECTOR MAKES-RUI40 Jailor Had Plannèd toi T# Jackie Convict to Penftenw tiary in a Barrel - Men intlie navy hereafterm lie strippeti of their uniforms at m wlien tliey are te, lie lncaroerate4. the county jail. Thls was arrauM y'eqtprda v h.- Lient. CommanderU S. Ctulp. t"S . Xlnspecfor of rc tng for the ucontrai states. follW a, conferenc- witlî Jailer W. T. VIS, of Chicago. Thie naval offepr was aroused 1 m.ccou,tin or thle life seutefloui *% luoSetion loIn tirI Claude. a fotM jsckîe nt the Great L1*1<05M for th,'nît(t if.Ti-ckie John; Itecker.Lt s'as stateti that the- or appeared In court, foliGu toonîlîs of tnrarceration, .111 v i ng hi.. unltbrm. The jalior has ne fund for the, chase of cîvîlianclotbing. Com4 er Culp arranged for the pureb"é, i dozem suits, 10 lbe kept on 15 ".Clatide must lie taien teb li penitentiary." satid te jaller, "b« refuttîs 0aite hlm tbere In ltheaM or's mniforin. isti hold i hm al lInalîs' take limdownf-n b eM ntecesfsary -, WOODS NEARFT. SHIERIDAN BEINO.- IPATROLLED DÂ Po-t 'M.orîdan, Jul>' 29.-Àny lilsrleroi ing flaturalistW n i r e i n l. ei' tn lic .. ot d j;'n, 1"ll.N,l' anti connld P