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Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 4

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INDNP EN? 2DY AUUS.T 11 ~tvleIdependent.'t." *&poSo 1t jÇoua*v Inependnt -Wauke<'fl eeklySun . -L . ..to ul tê Moin, in almo Wmoded to over- Office Talophon 1I~iba . Libertyville Exchange. WUoan ak fUdowadl2of h rk i bol -E ,Nma very dollar spent for Y. MO .vrwr aadl f* lbe Posoffice at Lbrtyville, Ills Second Clan Mail Matter lMU Spent tovrard the @fitudmUêIîo u os r - Officiai Pblcation for The Village of LibertevIliS. mrid pil o fieautfr La" eCouhWty Bard of SuperviSoisrle ee.oldInce20,000 Persons vitiesaboxing bouts at naval uta. ISvsy Thnrsday. Adrertsloit Rates Mad. Known on ApplIcatiOn. tion" read a seven columi streamer ho"d i a Ohicago *QAIPTION PRICE. 1!1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY lN ADVANCE paper today. Magle iti 20),OQO Perona55WatChin o ITOOD, J R............... . .............. ..................... Resident Manaer statets attornoy hI ake county nformed Captain Mofoett S-- Uiat ho mlght seP inand arret tbem If ho aflowed out- siders to wituess theo boxing bouts; ho evon intirntàd bho mxght piuc h e aptain himasif for letting the sallors meet i formai content wfth the'gloves. And nov 20,9W Persona vitatu hIe eventa. What a chaage wu~ brings. And,in regard to boxlng, wbynot? If theboys aneto be taught to flet- witb gui and suber, vhy, not flrêt teach tbem to hindi.thoir fats?, Thatitwhu t&OptaiXoffott _____ -thought w»en the Otato's attoriey 1"butted hnt90aid b. told A GROWING DANGER hlm se-aid lb. o00c4ainer actuafly tried te test out bis la. view of the fatta omn mk on> w iie aéa thotY over the navy depatmenVs. -- - ,qcations te saffors at Get Ies Ïttr case aïw- mi happons te them vhiloi 1h.ervice, il appears as ghit veuld b. a good thing for th. naval station au- ïWais te maki public the situation With referocote et martiage licenses iIllnois. il is possible undor Igw to, use the license only in the county where it la md.. Therefore the use ot Lake county licenseai Chi- pWlg a meut serious thing for these yeung men Wbo cone @roat Lakes and vho are not tamiliar VU bOur. lawis. They use these licenses innocently and without any gra toeovade the law. Il appoars evideit that the min- M - âd justices of Cook county are not concerned gh in th. welfare et the young couples te inform es ftheb exact statua of the lav for surely they them- rus w wn h at th. IaW in. There lsn't any getting th frmlb act because the licons itaelf plalnlY Wthelb license is useble only i the county vbere Thus oie cannmot help but feol that the. minstera aig U ofe Cook counly are wfflhng for a tee te cmpro-1 » and complicate the Young couples who corne te them aihg liconses which have been issued in anY countY m! than Cook. it seems tee bad that such la the cas Saerdlng te the records et Lake county Il la a practice peitly followedi Chicago. Up te the present lime bu babon no cases tbat have cerne te tbe attention of ~clcourt offciais ahowlng that Chicago ministers or ootara deun couples wbe appear bef ors them te gel whs vo posseu Lake counly licenses. Theref are the 'Pir luplain.. GERMIT àIDPRESED .iThat the Germans are being bard pressed i every re-i augoverument, according te a message from A=i- hu, a givn 1"final notice" te the public te give up ~tfyat least one sit et clothea euch te lbhevau pamnd atdhe arrny. Failure te meet the demand viii 1 torcible roquisition aid delinquents vill be liable pomet for oie yoar and a fine not exceeding 10.Wlth very- fov exceptions noie oet1he Germai1 -m'itl has, yiolded ils assosament et vorn clothes ~seup the aggregate eft1h. 1,600,000nuits required. ~Bt erli enly bas coitnlbutod 34,994 oethé .75,000 Thua vitesays the Huis aren't pretty voIX dovi aid 9ln their home country? RECAL PATEIOTIO UETIMN -B regm patriotism as abovu by a Lake Forest 001 as explaiiod hi th. Lake Foroater: ,One et our patrietic business men, vbo does not vant W mmrn mentloied, bas rented 1h. P. Cougblan cottage -I)oerpath avenue and la fitting Il up for 1h. us. of ses ho corne bore te, visit their sailor sons aI GMàâ bh ouse la beig nevly do.orated aid viii h i turnlshod. .%hero viii horoorna te acconuiodate six moîhersat a ?berovhlbeaneatkltcbon,wlth al ioceusary ~sel stbal thosn desrig todesno msyprovide thelr ,ýi And lb. niceat part ot It al l ibat 1Mr. aid M,- OR lo accpt any remuieralion for th. us.et collage. ~ . A-Là JMMDE 0. 0. EDWARDS (News item fram DeKaldb Dernocral) Judge J . H. Menili leaves tomorrow for tbe harvest Mes and will flot be in court again this, week until Satur- W morning. 11e will hold court on Saturdays only un- I after the harvest is over and expects to devote the rest t bi time to helpin g out tai-mers in need of a judicial eal tcker. Zvery time the twine on the bundie breaks, the Mg selkel'v b fine the International Iarvester Comn- My29,000,0W0. <l udge Edvards bas been eut on bis ftler's farn .f'Waukog for a fev day. dolng thé routine tarm ZVERY DOLLAR HEILPS 4M ofl et Lake county people vho are lntereatod in bfflw #over thon." vwiiib. furlber nterested te knov ~a MI=o covles et a bookiet enlltled l'France, Our m'ae buhng dlslnlbuted toeovery soldior aid saleorhI Tt. !lasaidtobe a septovard ettng the soldier 1rmte musical comedy ef tbe French peop:e aid enîtftled te n i' ceo i'ton . oM-iitno lbe traglc accident te MM. Adolade Moryl A toacher et vee cildroi for 86 yoars, a vcman vhe 6arod for an aged and heiplees father yoar aftor year and smllod through It all; oie vho nover voit any place becaums ab had such home responsibillties. A»D THENI: Tho ONIR DAY on vhlcb as seoks a day's recroallon as encounters an ac- cident vblcb romovea bher from ber importait taïs inh lite aid even thougb doath doosn't foflev, incapacitatos her se that ber usetuliesa te hersoif and buidreds of oth- ors becornes nil and the posibillty confronta ber etflierseif becemng a chargo on ethers. If Fate basn't tepped ite Ibis casevltb unusual force ve'd liko te bear a case vhere It bas. TWELVE COUSINS AN MIDROTIRSAÀRE HEIITINE TRE IHUNS CENTENNIAL AT ILLINOIS STATE MAR AU(iUST 926 il f i c Relatives Of Mis. AI Maether'S The-State Board of Agriculture aly Brother Are Doiug Their iùaogley preparai ions fo Shar in he ar ,ai ft fr È a ,Y Shr nteW r duptrla ExpostIon. @et for Au ', d A siter-ln-iw of Mrs. Maetbher. to 26tb. Ueual>Y the fair bai laeted but1 vite of Cbairman A. Mlaetber or t th tel] day@ county board. bolds a unique distine- On tihe. fna»iay. eommemorative cf tion of baving 12 cousinSs ad a broth the adoption of th@ tirt Contiution 0f et flgtng the Hune. Mis. Maether i.St,10yasegapentwl bas just recelved at Prairie View. a teSae 0 er gapgatwl copy of the Gallup Independent, prît bé girru and a progra,» ai addreusr ed at Gallup, New Mexico. cantin- vilb. d"liîvpreýd. Theod.rei WO@Osvelt ing a reterence to thie bit Mis. W. Il. bas accept..d au invtation to deIIver the Henn"' relatives are dolng ta help chief addretes and UJovernor Fr-ank 0 w-m the war. Mfr. and Mrs. Hannî awe ilpeie.Seilniain are running the paper lu question. oduilr@e.Seainstoe Mfr. I-anna as edItor, bIs vite as have been ieeupd tu state oiflcer@, justices news edîtor. Mr. Hanns le Mr.ý, 01 the Illinoiq fupreme Court. inembere M'atebor'e brotber. 6f the Gengral Aosembly and other Xeerrlng ta the part the tamily fi dignitaries. playing ln the war. the Independent Iliteamofi. taeFiBcrd bIts Alce Mattbevs, whae pent accordirigitolB.M. Daviso, the secretary, three years In this clty. durlng mottu 0keep inremo@t In &Il of the exhibit@ part of wich time she wa enplayed te owiolhi-Denilýr h a' *aenographer for AttorneY A. 'r. e togîio1hecneoliy 1r Ilannett and who la now- attending edueaion sud rna..InPry exhibite wîll flare Commercial qcbool I n-n be arranged to sLow the contra'te ln ver, Colo.. vrltea that ber tw-o broth. ecLooal xethods and mecbanleal pragree ers, are both ln the service of their îhrcugb a bundred yearo. This same country snd stationed ai Camp Dix. Ides, Mr. Davison »tatea, viii ha evdeut N. J. and Camp LkesVa. Both boys wer. educated la the Cathauice chool ubroughout the exposition. for boys st Notre Damne. Ind., and Agaità this year the Setter Babies' tbonghbobth under 25 years of ago, Conferetice wlii continue tram Augusi recelved commissions as Ileutenantq 12th ta 23d. Approximately 1,000 at tbe Leou Springs odkere' tralnintent pt ieyaso g ii camp last fkil. The older boy, ifnt pl f ayar iae ilL toyw-ho viaited ln thls city tw-o gradedi by medical experts. A large lears ago with hie sister. bIrs. Mat number ai prizxs will b. ofed. tbew-s, and bis cousin, lira. W. H. 8peed kinRe, Inludlng Barns Oldfileld Hamnes and Dan Patterson, bai bepn and Louis Chevroiet. viii tait. part ln proenoted td aide-decamp ita Gêneral van Viet, at Camp Plke, Ark., Of th. auto rates. iThe usual barneas rasa whicb the Camp Ptke paper baA flue aiso are ta be nun. Plans have beeu follovtng teaMy: made taa'-cujguuodate a large numbi-r Camp Plke. ArIr., April 6.-5perhal of<t î itý uu ia" euted ch>" ju% autmld@ -Lieut. Ufivard J. Story of ENt Cit,*. goud OU& an bisut hieu made aidede. -gud. camp to Geera Van Vllet, utthIis Tb@. Briih and a merican goverumente camp, a position vbIcb le considerpil w-i shâow fnipl.,ments 1.01 var*fare. A a signa baottr for l'e young Oktlabo- Dow buildibg bas ben erected by the ma o0fcer. Ha. bau iready assumed Fair Board to accomanodate th... ei- bis new- dutles. Lieutenant Story -bbte rtihorieeadpatoh ceived bas aummîion e at i bts riil arin.adpata Springs, Teuai la the second oflierg' wreked Zeppelin. (lerinn gaue pleked t-Illa n MP a2d .boty aterward, Up on the battieUeh, heimel. and band w-s assgned tt, this casnp as au in* grendqdss. vii Le show-n. With the strUotar ta drafted m4n ln the ns. a' efe goverueu hiiviib tional aumy. ra xIi Iib Ineludlng tbe tory ibrotheru, MM. diplai. oi goyernmenî dspartmente, W H. Hennis bai 12 touplas and one perticularly that oi thefaad administra. brother, anl bm scadet 27 ymn of lion, sawing methoda of food conserva- age lu the diffuent raka of tinele lion. Sam'@s great aruy ta flght to aubju. TaVI pe umibeiAga 2 gae the HUM.ThFaroeslfulbetAgâ12 Ci urc ceruei DI3IICATI S ERVICE Service@ noni Buadal w-l b. heid a- failavu: sundar sebool atlO oO'clock. Thome w-II b.e Uplon prebachngsrvies at tb. Ch atacque tout st Il o'eloeI vIth apelai muale ptovlded fot the mra There vill bu oùa enlog prouhon usrvlce. "AIl fan Christ, INy Pluemn.,' w-i b. tb. auh ledof the Epvanhh Lmagu leson next Sundai sveulog et 7 o'lek. Chas. Jedleke w ied lb. imustng Thiesermnyce v111 cloue Lefore 8 oaclocIt gIvIng Urne ta attend chatauqua ben Is béa». Thons W111 b. speclai chotrebsaneai on Tburudey sevenlng ai tble W-etek t 8 o'clock. Alimembrarursd toatte~nd. Thoar ban b el'n nThe lnde. pendont's advertislng oolumnm, Miary 0f, the Red Croe. Tb sature of the evening w-as thi maI dediration af a service I honor 0f the, baye from PYq tow'nahip w-ho have re.ponde-d, cai for service with the colon Very ,laboeate plana bad mae for the dedîcation but ti ef the evening resuited lu tI teidmes being ouly about what Il would bave beau b; eventng beeu pleaaant. The hr of tbe boys to corne trom the station to tae part In the proved one o! the disappointin ture of the evening. These men ver. golng ta entertwin iaiig, etc. :However. the rrowd that c tend the event had a very del evefllfg snd the sale turned au aucemsfully as about $100 w-a ed fia, that tenture. Fred s.eted as auctIoneer. Tbe Service Flag dedlosted the evening la saidt!ot be one fixent service giags that bas ete Ideated lul lAIte county. Tc Katherine ilironluous la di] cre411 for prepariiig sucb a be ilag. Itlah stated that Mie1 mous made the glag ail by bersq oe bas reeelvpd a. orreat mial plilmesits becauee orflis varlori titl featuras. Itlai a fiag of 'the towpdlip May w-eu teel pM Thons aae 24 blue stars st gai& star èu the flagf. the g0 ru.si a tributs ta L Lepsen, -dled,_f pneumoni là UltiluCazhp NMacArthi leit February. Some o! the bo.ra tram r townshilp are already 0,cr fle. otbers are lu training nov and to sal for PYance any day. lu ôonuection vii'th te mal vice fiage that are belng mad easy ta conclude thet an unno' of thought runs lhrough the of those wbo make the fiai the case of Mise Hlironimous. stan<*. s;hPesaid. iii speikinx matter. "A greatmn-Y thoun tbrough a ppnrsatt's mId w-b are maklng the fgag, espectally apply, the stars. Ottentimif rau dovu my obeeks w-heu 1i of tbe gold -fi- w-hlch 801 rnay bedecli the 1gg birhw te deicate ln ilremont." The tbougbt expraased bY %fi animous illustrataother me Liae founty w-ber. thesee gaga bave been prepared. F'remont townsblp: bai a fil Cross brancb and Altbough E the memberq are targuera, t the vomen have to taketh Iez mon tii... days lu the far- they always seeita Sund tini consîderable lRed Crois vor In reterring ta the crops mont townsbip a rentier oft per writes as foflova: -Crops ber. lu FremontA best in the caunty. AUl I grain and tbe corn looktheb] The lice have kiIlled nearly poitaovines and lte crop light. At preesent tbey are bavoc w-ltb nome of the garden are as dpstructiv as the Hu as bard ta 1<111 as the kaisei w-ho go tbrough bers tram nr Ing to'wn a y lte cropa looka better here than atyw-bere hti bome north of LibertY, HUOUST 13THi IS ý"PERSIIIN4i DAI THROUODIOUTI ho bit ho for remont ta0 tbe been hé rain .beý at. Shaif. WANT A DS ItATIS-On.Cam a Word, Eadi lmntio. Ne bllawm Cauge ad the i.A FOR EXCHANGE-160 acre fârm, 12 nablty ______+____________ Miles from capital south VDluoa,lutile enaval ta count @estl; aIl tilieble land. WIII aflair FOR SAI.E-Tw-o gond w-ark hurses trade fur town ar cauntry proIe-ny. 14 fAr InquIrs ai L. Wolff, Phane 13-R-1, Dr. Alpha B. Appiebe.. Lirt.veille, 1l. n w-It Round Lake. ~ 80-2 -_ ________ ___ ________LOST-Dlschargs papers and pendius di ai- FOR SALE-Neweomi 1000 sud 811- c.rtbicite ed the Civil w-ar, between ljgbtul aecesenniee, Weaves fine rugi. Pries lburu and Waukiexan, July 6. Pleaée, ut ver'; resonable. lis. i. T. Graves, Round retura lu Peter Straug, R. D., Wads. se dean ýLake, IM., Box 218. 30 W orth, Ilii. Grabbe ___________________ tiurng + REAL EBTA E *FOUNO-.etter. with kudaklitures. durIg RX L - TATEUwicer pleano Inquire ulud epsudent of the afile. ýe Iten FOR SAi.E--Uhoice resiuiene lota on ___ o Ml.s McKtnley Ave. Ure. Gîlmen. 2 4 LOST-L N A pin, betwes u naearont le te hotel and 'ree.b> tarLan curch. leavre ecautitul FOR, SALE OR RENT-lionses and *a ladepeaideutoffim. C. I. Wooirldgei selfnt larmeInsuranco agPnt and coliector. ,self-d l utn Fin 6 tf WANTED.-.AII kind ofet care ny cm- dwi Autin plone26.bglllders, pana fly finlabers, Ici*. as beau- ,ba u.es od ale» ,f whlcb FOR SALE-An împtoved 44)ace rtei; pipes. Les, bilîderS wad cakera, rn. wlih or wlthnut stock, erope and fin- piefUr.setmoa oies ~oud. eleciaus, plumbena, tinamiths, nd one pieuenss. imnmedlate possession If blacksmithe, wire and topa aplicor, îld suer desIred. F. M. Harding. Area, 1li. 211f uaUwrghi. enine lnatail"a, steam, L.euartl______________ ' nd -@nLut u!.ý he " 0,- la w-ile 'COUP",à l ai Ieré Lou Bbmaine Chaser Ur. Tex., + U O L AUO U 4 orei. Ont shops are sanitary and wee 'venîilated. àM dthe w-okilng rremont ANTrEZ-Abad reIbs or faut quarter. are excellent. Port Clinton se but i xpemw day.e awest thle Ideal Laundry. làe stuàted on Lake ,Erie lu Lb. cen- Ubertyville. tan of Lb. lamous fruit growing die- ~ ~ ~-________trict, on th. main Une o! the New de i îsWANTEDAs nUial rman ta re. York Central rafiroad. iwa b- uail hie prfesul us l hle communit>; muet Le lw-aen Toledo snd Ceveland; a good Inexpensîve litile taw- n bwhlch ra PmIncIs fevonabi> kuowu sud have foiiovon. live, w-jUdo easy each of the Great 9%. IQ This la au lnveslinaen proposition of -Lek'ea summer regarts, and there la ifor In- t ofte nnquntianablo merit. %h s urnish every plelnty oif lsblng, huntIng and boat- igts 1t, co-opsrstion and closée pâles for lirail ng. Non-union iop. We oSfer ien thov man. Arldrese. Seturitie.. Trust Caom. àteady work and gond wages and y a w- peuv,105Lieeli sie-I Clcag, ~ trnsportation wviiib.' refund-cd. Write ly as liii q qfor pattiulars. Th-" %Iatt,cwe5 thouKhtrbt Co.. Port ClinWn. Oblo. wk; 2t se vere ases lni seice âne Red Most af nany of place o! n vont. ne ta do of Fre- thiq Pet- are the kdnd% of ir best aIl the wili br playinct -ns. Th.'v [uns and 'r. A npighbor- so Murh Uessé n First "'Honor Day" for the Peo- pie Saving War Savings and ThriftStamps Honar day 19 the most Important "happening" ln thé presenl War Sav- ings and Th rift campaign-thFre willl b, a serle ai tbem. begtnnlng with Oie second Tuesday ln Augu!-,. l3ecauee o! the gre3t Ameran drive, Oie first "honor" day, whlcIt w-lit be Augua 1 3, viilhbckttowtt tis "Penahing day" sud will bc observed not ouly lu Illinois, but Lin every state ln the union. on this J theyOi varlons cnntpalgn caunty cha rman %#111, lhrougb tbeir organizaiions. sece b the collectionuof' outâtandlng pledgea. Increase- lhem If possible, sud galber nev plederes Ili la expected thal Ibis w-ii matermally Increase Oie pledgee already taken out and ln tMe way, also, addto the total amount of War Sa-Ings for Il- linois. The fact thal S4 tanuies have a]- neady madIe thaîr reports as ta 1h. recent pledge campalin.Le speeding up other counutes ta getl n their re- ports and lila sexpected thal eveny county lu the stale vili eventualhy show- at lessi a 100 per cent quota or mon. than that. 1 aut nov, the Important tbiug Il "Honor" day. hIt lanrged that al those who aIready have pledges, In- cresse tbem If possible, and that those who, fon any tesson. diclan silgu up, yl do no on that day. STRANEiE OW FI3W rI1MInMPI 'rVnv - m - - - b-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-tioi- DanceI For the Benefit of the RE3D CROSS Saturday, Aug. 10 -AT- Lfertel's Park Pavillon Hait Day,llinois Corne and Dajul ail the OId and New Dances! 1Tieke ts: Gentlemen ...... 50 Cents Ladis..... ...25 Cents PRIZE DANCE! RAY BROS.' PAVILION D"aond Lake, Illinois SATURDAY, AUG. 39,YI18 The most popular lady will be awarded a box of chocolates. The rnost popular gentleman "iI be awarded a box of cigars. Best appearing couple on the floor- Ladies' prize-l carton of gum. GentlemWns prize-6 packages Carnel cigarettes. Prizes wili b. awarded from a vote of ail couples on the floor. McCormick's Jazz Band Dauc commences at 830 o'clock FUEl FOR N~YS I1MI LM. IIIEDL single, a blessd w-tch or ciocItlit FLÀO F RNBOY the w-boIe tow-nship. 0OF FRE dT TWp. AR IN TEM COUM oig"fc htteew Do timeptece lu lb. tow-nship so far WaticendaTownshlp a th"M essor's reports Jo. Chair- Waucoda Twnshp Hanyt ae athero! the Board of Review- Twenty-Four Stars on the Fag a Single Time Piece, Ac- suggested Io a mas the otherda that Wauconda tow-nship would b. and Impressive Ceremefl 1 cording to Books a migbty goad place for a saleumni Held W dnesdy ot itciies and cloches 10 go and &pend Hed ene-a WALKECAN TIMELESS ALSO sont. tinte "It loIts as lboDÜ91 the people there ougbt ta hava a few- ONE OLD TAR ON FAG atchezansd cdocks" suggested Oie ONEGOLOSTA ON LAGVory Few Timepieces Shown; cara and there Are Actually n But no far as that go«.,Waucouda It Is in Honor of Leonard ton- hs' eymc nWaeé.et zenWhoDIe ata TxasBoats Here at Ail and tovu. Pot Instance, lu Weuke. Training Camp Many thlnga bave deyeloped tien. are but 1w-o vatchesan - - lbrougb lthe compilation of figures Mi claOkL lu Inte cty and tow-nship oui- An important eveut tooIt place last the assessors trom the varlous 10w-n.aide Intluded there are 169, maklng 'Wodneaday evanng la th. Ivaubo. dabeluLake coumty. For Instance, lu ail about 167 vatabeesud cdocks M. W.* «A.bailwheu tbe Red Cross a lance.Iathe lbfgures show- Iat ln ln Iaukeean propet. dance aud*- aie wai bell under lh. Wauoonda township lbere te but on. Speekng of this matten Chairman auspice.o o the Freguant Ceuten Aux- sew-fng machine, auM thene isn't a Maether aald: 'l eau sow- nuder- stand w-by e year or go ago su et- tort w-a made ta geltheb supervisons la praperly llght up the court bouse clacIt. Il lookse asi Oagh there were no cdocks sud vatobea lu Wais. kegan and tberetone eevrybody w-sut- ed ta Snd ont w-bt btht. was sd -expcted Oie court hans e dock ta, do the job.» Anotker thlng as nUards Wanke. gan. It show-s la the total there are vsrY few- vessebla luheb, arbon bere. lu tact, the ttalivaiue OfthOe vater craft, lu Waukea barbon leabsow-n ta be merely $450. Nov tban, the Point ln, the board of review- iys that $450 would't côve'r any on, o! Lb. lshlns bOats that are llie )0. cal port. As ta the dlamonds, w-bY, wheu you tae a lok ut the aisesson'u re- Porti thane aren't euougb dlamouds lu te scouuty, judging hi lbaae ne. ponta, ta MIl the .ar of a huimgv - 'rtLu ------------ ----------

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