A COMPLETE UINE 0F CORN MACHINES Janesvill1e, Deere and Ir tervational Planters and: Cultivators - Large Stock. Priced Right. Schanck Hardware Co. ANNO UN CE MENT Lightless Nîghts Effective Beginning Monday, JuIy 29th To aid in cons.rving fuel for war purposes, the United States Fuel Administrator has ordered the restriction of out-door and dlsplay ilumination. Effective July 29th, and until furtLer notice, Monday and Tuesday nights of each week wil be observed as "Ligbtlesa Nights." On these nigbts, out- door illumination of advertisements, announcements and signa, and external lighting of buildings for orna. mental purposes, are to b. discontinued. The use of ligbt for illumination or display in &hop windows and store windows, or for signa. in' show windows is to be discontinued from sunirise ta sunset every day, as well as on "Lightless Nigbts." Copy of the order of the United States Fuel Administrator may be obtained f rom Our General Office Chicago. Public Service Company 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS thousands of dolLars ta g~duoevxddbcnaturel elD b. abs 10obtain - such a spbpeîum at a lob prca= e adeiigtM surp&lss This surprise airaits you ln the Talc vcr =~mdwth ileui4- 1h. sv Oof oTvenl'. siX flavers. Decker's Drug Store, IFIUS 14 AK CU ONTb ai FAIR BOI( OUT; SUPERINTfNDENTS ARE ANNOUNCED IThe premlum liai ai the Étity-liftb au. nuel Lake couuty fair la ot and many of them have besu dlstrlbuted. Sow- aver, there ara a numbar ai book@ono baud aud h. snretery. 0. E Cburcb- 111. wii h. pieseed ta mail a copy tu auy. o ne wbn mlght désira one. The book ponnlste 0i over lilty pages ad la repiete wltb lnteretlng data coucerning the halm, vblcb promies ta ho a big one. Folaviug sre the nuperltendente af tim jsar'à fai: B. F. Svan, boresm sud mule.; John Austin, cattie; Edv Boyan, aheep andd avine; E. B. Brown, poultrr,; Gearge Cooper, agielcuai and dalry productsansd regletebise; B. N. lixam, iruite; H. J. Cater, cae nage., buggies sud mechauical arta Mine Ad& Niobolea, culnearl'sud pro eerrod fruit@; Ftank Boun. demesti manufacture@; lir@. Luoinlattocka, o tru &meutal needbsvaad; B. J. Proctor vorksoaiart; llas9. A. Buoh, naturs hitorj, art§ ad cts and mlacelienj T. A. Simpeon, achool and îaung folk E. E. Eliswarth. besebail. LIBERTYVILLE'ENDEPEIIDKN,_TE UESDÀY, ÂUGUST 1, 1918 I Libertyvill1e News If you know of an iten of local interest, kindly telephone No.1 TICKTS CN Jhn Cla pentWed.adaiulleag. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Fry were Zion Cit! BE PURCHASED AT THE INDE- Mis@ Margaret Figer apent Tto.sday l in loao udy PENDENT OFFICE. Chcago. J, R. Allemnan wasa& Lake Foret - - E. H. orett waa abuoineen o tor yn vintor ou Wedne4dav. .1. A Treptow wan a Bacinêviator on Chicgo Tueada. 1 Mise Eva Willamm and Mr@. Fr, Tuenday. Mina Marie Engiebreeht l14 tho gu,,t of BmIb Ipent Sonday ln Zion Cty. Panl Ray vas a Chcago vipitor On' Wauipgan relative@ thîn week. Miena Clara Ehingher and lIra. William Tu.eday. George Bolion, of Hammond, lndlann, [ecker vole Chcago vil@tora today. ieIn Floren-a <oideuberg lu npendgle1' areding the wee i s11 local friendi. Miea Uorotby Datte ie npendiug 1le îho voei ln Chicago. er. and lira, W. L. Whipplp, of veni wlsh relativea in Racine, Wia. I1 A. Waiier. the Ford man, lamoqrîng Rochelleelied on Libertyville frieude Mr. ind lira. W. 1. Colinsansd daugh' hie heei.quarters to the Ban garage. on Monday.: ter motored tu Chicago on Tueaday. Mlar Seringa @temps are'vîthin the Hounwves, maie thia your motto: lMr. and lira. f. Sape announca the reach (of Cvëroe'!OD bo conacientiouteîy "Maximum C&BDIng with illiilnuW brth o a daughter, onMondasy.Juiy ul. :, ivante tu @av@. e~' ugrI Mi... lilidred Erilaizor bas retumned1 Mira.8. J. Daininîn la in 86. Josnph'a Silea Stelia Langworthy baN rturned trom an ezt.ndnd riait wlib relatives at' boapitai, Chicago. wshen abe will bavé o îi lhrlate tE ryISpringfield, Ohio. ber touilae removed. Mfilate .,.. Franir Appie! and lira. E C. Durlng the wieakendinmgaStur4Y.'îl Y160conwaeaeta Iilge and a" ung vers gnset#o»bygau; Wie.i Juiy 27. the pot office aold War geringa e te ý,ý fpup«. rtènde.on Suudey. and Ttirit etampa to the amunt of $1,592 85. This la the seond blhiit lira. C. Md. Fuller and lira F. E Clark lire. F. E. Clark o? Charleton. ri., le, weekly naiealce tbecampelga opent4d. viited the formerasoni. J. M. Fullrrand vaitng ber mother, lire. C. Md. Fuieér Mont people ia tbe country. deapite! failiy at Wauconda tibia week. and other relative@. the tact %biat vo are at ver, are maklng1 Mine@ Bertha SvaInson and Fioreff Dr. Charle Young, of Laie Fornat. more money then ever befora. ThatI la, Lotte of Cbiego, wera the giucata of and E. C. Young, of Libertyville, motored ailth moe eaen liyvsaboldnee Mina Betty Jochbelm on Saturday. tb Lake Geneva on Sunday. Dow aud buy War Savingaatampo. lMe1 Minaeliabel Greaslay and brother C.B. Levmno,rprewntivoltleGulbran.E bave the opportunlty tu helpihugover., Claece, of Chcago. are miwndlng thé'ann Player Piano (ompany, Chicago.E ment and tu provide for ou! own future. weiant the Frank LlgbtbodY haine trap a local caller on Tneadav E Àdelghtunî band concert and lavu lMr. and lira. Georga Jarvie, o! Sioux-E aocial van given hithe Libertyvlleband Ci t. la , vêeeover *uIday isi tr@ nta arion tirta ada; 'Adaeocetyltun the homea of W. 1. and E. H. CollinebrUNO.ER IE the pak on Turada evenig. b l Mra. Iipllle-Dopblerl a entertainingrbrU IN S R IE baud endered an excellent program and friend liraF. Cbrity, of Niluneapalia A1 rrreamenta vére nnid irom prtili lira. Chr4ty and famiij fi rmërI'y lved IN A BIGi TENT d ecorated tanda, the proceeda golng to ber thée baud and thbe noclely. lir. aud li. Fred Jocbbeim and Ibeir Lent lfaturday maruicga Chicago gueata, Jeob sud Albert PoIluacttl of Ulerald and Examiner abowed la group Fort Wayne, *peut Wedu..éday lu C of the boja ef Baltery F, 149th Fielid lauee.ê Artlilery. Tha ptbre ibovol aLUburty- Mi.@ Ruth Wbfpple returund ta bere ville Young man, Hioward W.Flogg, non home la Rochelle on lionday, alter of Or. aud M*Lira esFi4«. rm ail &pouding a vaeiek tthe homne oi Mien accunte th@ l49tb la doms souta Dorotbî Devin. splendid fOshtlog durlAg ihe &ail@s allen. $lie D Frac@. rank Cleveland. B&pSInion, Ur. and ~ aire u Frace. lra. James La sud lira. Robert BcOtt, lElci iclabon, thé, Llhertjrvllle driver, eitended the faueraIai of . H Pritchard has bad more gond fortune ait the Grand la Mlauee on Wfdeday Circuit meeting. Toledo, iJhio. On Mms ryadRpe fMdgn daturday ' dlviug Bei Boy. lha van thélie .an " k udRaera. i! tofadito at.cood an.1 ibird bheaIn lutha 2:04 P We, coua:In. e.R-eéllema n d -itmlvit îak Ing 2:03% and 2:04Y. la iha second r.adla.JR.Aeansdfui. and tbird beate, rsspecllveil. Douter Mise lgmlaieolr.lmu Lou von the firotheat; tImeblr2:02Y.. C. liofiman and daughten, Marie, Miss Ths purs e a 1,000. Katbryn Braun, Jacot) and Albert itenerved namta for the cheutauqua are Polnétti ai Fort M fi 1 i.'. idiana, on nais et thé Decer drug store. lere. motored hore the itreztoaimcevk and are tofore reeerved @est@ could ha procured guetoe at the Fred Jov-hlwiin honme. ,at either drng @tore. but %hla@.îear It At the recerit epftial --itIng of Ch. wan decided that It wouid iaciliîiate Woman'n Clb te resîgnation of Mina rnlters ta have oniy ans place, aifmale, Blanche Kimbaal. as a mendier aofiibe ni Meccre Dtiter and Swaniipped n lihrary board, m a. iEN 1ted and lMra. cuin Io> Pte ahan store wouid hé êFF.C. Foulde eue vL,îled to fliithe fev,r,,d-and Mm. Docker won. varancy.E The lioner of helng thétifret 100 pier Tiie Reserve Militia u iii give a darnce euýt maximum iamliy lu Llherty ville and baket socil iai iuîaujond Lake, iu goes ta that af W. A. Brewerton. Mr. Ray Brothers ai.-! air jýavi ion, tonlght. lirewertoii. lie@ vife and ta o cilidren .Ail tho@e astending meho mafil lave here bave eaL-il purchaeed $100 Worcth of yitber on the ,'.ior .ight care viii be War Savinge etanipe, and have reveired u frer eai fili ramAres to ertificatee of mcemrbfpin luthéIllinois Diamond Lake. i,,1--3esscure a very Maximum War Savinga club -Illinole cood lime ta Cv, rýoue arrcndliig. WVar Sevînge Bulletin, Juiy 25, 19>181fr. and' Mfm. I,-riiiiiri Ncytraenter- Almoat tvo buudred emploseco) of thie tained a uumt r (A r. nîlvi', and tiencda Hawthorn larmaenîajyed a harveet On SuudiIy, 81iirg tiieuioiug: Orat pieie at thé J. C. Penme home on Thrme MeY@r. Of Ronelarai 1.11; Private Athur day erenlng. Samuel meâuh gave an G. iceyero of Inidanapolis Techulcal jaddreaa. urgîng ail ta pmactice conierva, ScIhoot; M r. a rn! Mc Ecar Herman and M lon aud bny War Serlig aampd. Warm IsmIll sud Mm. ..d SMca. Barry Bolea aougs e eesang end dancii.g wéan sd isml, of!Pl,-rf1,1d. sud Rdward induigedilu The fiaw thoraemvico ilag, Pearson. ewhich valipayed"on thia occasion, A petitIan ca. yiculated l wtb a ahowa fourtion stars. vlew af havIng the band concerta beid lu Some unknoun pemsan, vho evidently thé pari inastead ai on the atreet and to taks cniderale nteestln armandreetrfct the sale ofrtrchsmentse t thé tardo cnnirdemabla lutereatlurdi e adpari tu thé Red tCrase. A nuilelent naim- gtadeoctn, meariy s aetneet aber of signer@ baving tiecti ecured. the et the door of Thé Iudependent office. bn oetw@bl nteprto The wcli-deveioped seocmen prasumabiî Weduesday evecnng, sheu a rary de- bad beeu brougbt tram We.t Dsiem, llbtiui srogram vwaa endernd. Wi., for ettacbed tu Itwvsan etag, lMr. sud lMra. W. i.lollit ansd daugh. bearlng the Information that theé teli ter bl oder èvfor Syramone. mînlg the v asea nampie oi coru beiug grovu et trIp lu their cam. tir. Colllqos blrtbdey Fthet place. vii 1e nbserved afi thé homte ai bis liouu ouy emArmrw brother.lu.law ait Sycamor--tbnir blrtb. 7.p. Mhuer han atarted a drive ageinat daussomluu osrteirema da, tl at okgraaboppera. vbîcb. accordiug torie e. cueio oahanmve thir bird fmlluili teemanatiug fromt CerlIurlle, amo berger eeyya.M.Cun u afîvi - h.t. . - --h..- .,_returu home on Satucday. lE; th; Madison count, la filiet i homoe t Aihambre. M. Hahrkotn van formor. lî manager of Sentor SwiiWe tarin. Save to thé nimout of jour ebiftj sud bui War SarInga tmps no tb»t the Grman tbIng mai inn f055 ont ai Amerms Kensas. Hors la thé formula vhlch lir. Miler. who la a Lake couty man, naja vili termînats the fle of th. heaithinat granahopper: "Fifty Pound@ of bran, ivo Pound@ ai1ersnabe of lesd, tva galionna aicheap molasses. Jules ci sax lamoun or oranges. TiSa la ta be aproed iu the fildse nd viii suralî fMilthe greneboppoe, but It viil ina f111 chiokens If 11ey are notiept 6way." The meeting oaithbae sCountj Lav sud Order laue et ths Meibodist chu rcbou lietThnreoi @vnersuinev largeiî ettondod. Suppar vansrvedl by the Epvantb Leogu, and W. L. Cois, a Q31at Laes jackle. sang nsreral solos, Mina Suby WiUIam bolsing coompait. The Bar. T. E. Ream gave a brief ad- drase oi elcame. Other Ictsrestiug L ddreoe vers mode by B.PÉ Bedgwici, North Chicago; George T. Rogers. Lake Forest; Sonetor Swift, Ubertyvle; 1ThomeaQuayrle. lir. Findial an& lir. aile!. Y. iM. C. À. Secretery st Orast Lae.R. C. Jacobson, 01 Highlaud Park, vas chairman ai the meeting. W. 8. Banau, ot Chicago, an Tuieday vW« sent traCmp Granita oLearsu' varth priaon, wheré hé la tu do bard labor for tweuty yéamn, as Penaty for deoriiou irom the national army sud wuà varkiug ut Randout shen sent tu Camp rant on Feb. 28 hi tho local draft board. De deneted on April 12, but vau appmebended et Morion Orove, DL, an April 27. The deetb ofi R. Il. Pritchard ocnurzd et hi. home lu Mlveaukes an Monda. E bail been 111 and unable ta work for nearly ivo seua. WM. Pritcbard had bisn in the ampiai of the Chicago, Mlwaukee aud ei. Paul raiimoad ans nuiussr. About thrne yeara ago the PritchardE iamlli oyeu tram bers ta Mlvaukees, aler bavlng lbeen local rasidente about tanypterme. Tic limerai vwu beid iom hl@at ae orne .iii lVdnenday; Iniermout at Fort»nt ime ,-eneterj. Tbedeeaeled vas a neniber of the Manon aind K. Of~ P. iodgéjà, thé latter iodwé baving ehtiue of thea inuémaiservice@. The Methodînt and Preabytertan bhurcbea viii haid a Uionu nrvice unit ftnday moruiug at il'o'cloci lu the bhautauqua tout. Prof A. V. Tiîbée, sups. of Sehooleaet Pîpeatone, Mlnn., wiii bu the speaker at thîn aervice and bia thexmé wvii h: "The Teeting, of L)emOcrocy." There viibeapeeinlinnie for thia services. ACordial invitation la extendnd to the public. lWanted - - GIRL! iambirm snd bookkéeper; gui.d iay and a picanant pomitio n l Libertyvi ui; pür. manent ter riglit lereon. Make aipii.- cation by letter !mruiediat4eiy, tatlugt experierîce aud givivlng phoue numbem. Addreen, 'ilookkeeier, are af Liberty. ville ludependeut. RAYXN.SMITH Ubeutyvil%., L page pi"e ha~.1. 1r T. e&p àoi iýcda mS *ini BaiLs îs 4ie unerg'ln rnipk of ileNa{ionl Li.>1eu &4 'he stl-iif Çi{s Iaws ha$1,en pnVn'a testl-of fijycr. iso¶urwjfoy-o rGoNdwa SAVE MONEY BY PLACINO YOUR MAGAINESUBSCRIPTIONS WITIIME My catalog gives many clubbing combinations. Here are two of its money-saving clubs: Delineator............. $1.50 Everybody'a ............ 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.00 Curront Opinion 8..... 3.00 Review of Reviows . 8...3.00 BOTH FOR $5.00 + MRS. A. TODD, JR. Independent Office Phone, No. 1 - - - - - - - - BUILDINg UAERILà FOR SALI and (;-inch W. P. Fi.ioring 4-.iîh liardl pine FiaaA)(ng 6;4ncii Hard Piue Ceiling Ix8 10 and 12-foot Tinibera 20(000 tn ard Pinao Timber, 8nS to 8xl4c,4m Sali pie, titinge and vauhbovia Steel framé building, (54%352 feet 3.larIýc 1-.ich Pipe ië'euce 8.incb Drop Siaing Staire 4 to 12 leet lu widtb 2x4s and 2x6@ 100.000 meet 21(l Floorlnât ylée ti.toot Feue, wltb cear pomr 500 Ilneail fet iron Fencé 200 piecen Saeb, Windows and Doors 8,000 hinged grand sansd Sosie 10,000 brick Buy NOW, while the. assortment is complete Salesman on Premsises AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK RUEL WRECKING CO, LIBLRTY VILLE, ILLINOIS Chicago Office: 7337 Stony Island Ave., Chicago, IL Ph... Hyde Park 1726 Independent Cfassilied Ads Paçj. Ask n musr of fBargains lm Boys'BlueI XTERY seasonable are the savinga we off er in this lot of Boys' high- Sgrade Blouses. For summer or achool wear, you wiil find themi a good investrnent. There are about fire dozen of these, in sizes from, 6 ta 14 years. The materiais are good chambray, niadras and percale. They are aIl made with the military 'collar .and ink and,would oei, regularly for about 75 cents. Our special price while they last is 58. Cents Each W. W.. CARROLL & SONS'COMPANY Phone 29 - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - --- m ui - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -