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Libertyville Independent, 1 Aug 1918, p. 9

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L-MI ýRTY VILNDEPENDENT LACE Q'JNT INDE>ENDfNT Lke Countps Big Weekly WAJEA EEL U cw"a flot %maa çW~s alvnim satJ9&NW R U ÏVOL. XXVL-NO. 31 lAZT TWO LIBERTYVILLE.INI>EPENDENZ .UOUST 1, 1918 POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADYAZGU State Utilities Commission, Sitting in Chicago AIIovWs -271V2 Per Cent Raise ORPI4ANS' HOME FOR ORERPI L,,PTALI( ABOUT off The littie orpâat thIe Doas home, :531 Judsoasavenue, were. en- jJJ i Setie t a Party an the lawn ati lIA TIIIU SOFUD IF the horne ftlMr. and Mrs. T. P. Silit 0of Wlnnetka. Thlrty-nlne bayas N aad girls attended and sAd a cood O S , IIR lime. They enjoyed especilly wad- Ing in the laite. ,iMrs. Allan Starr of1,Ash Street lir. James 8. Wlnn and NIra. Wal- Hears of Daughter In Law's ter S. Vase are on the board of dia-o Dat rectars of te Dorcas home. The In- rge et stitution vas etarted titree years ago- by Misa Anne Jane Ardis, whinI the' IN ELGIN ASYLUM TUESDAY. suierintendent of Ihe',home. .Thte pum.nbqr o! ç--phans takm lit-by th-, e a--im- 1 home bas so increased that l bas I been iound neceeslry ta eniargp 'he Husband and Ofthr Sorrows home. lt la tou planned t boy elghî That Have Corne to Her I %-î »é?~ 1ce.;ltonahip, -e»ï ___ --~~- adéqateboulngandeduatinlfai Talk about trouble. if You thlank cllitien can b. hadl.-Evsêeîon Newsya vetoule st opandttblnk Index. j.. . HE CIVE$ GIRLS CANDY, lISSES, otje uaeof airs. Alln nrarrc Ast st., Wau,;egan. lira. Slaly, tbe vaman Whoa a - I ______ QUITS Fr aÀYEAR City Sehool Superintendent to Get Year's Leave of Ab- sence in Order.to Take Up Camp Welfare Work to Aid Gomerment Editar of The Sun: J ite naEin iormely a s iday.asd VOTE STANDS THREE.TrWO 1amn uriting yen la cail yauî Pi hsnaefmrywsEdws tentîlon te a rallier menaclug Inc i te wvani vio seeaied ta have mare titan her share of trouble. Believed that the Action TheN' dent Ihal 1 ulînessedthlie otber aigil: In the ral place lira. Slarr'e ral isaForerunner of Similar ntveYfearli oeace ac, ' gatre. lî usband vas a minan nained ist y. lie il a notklrydfanntramaJui&ao inraerail- Attitude Here you knaw thero are a umben ot Mo vsble in oraM nari- . . rosLnWukgnlal-it hoa-rondt accident at Kenasha. Titen .,..ne ~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ nm Prsel o lua a aaiipa ab nleyhries bt yeare later lir#. Slaly married W C Propecs fr anitifir 'gaàrat i per t beentrel hamies btAllant Starr. Mir. Slarr dlod last Jan. Waukegaa la borne by thiins oafroinuho may do thînga in thal viii brin< ayai tIelm fhaiel C ~~~~~~~~a nsation te Waukegan, lte aime,1ur n ttéfn,,o i et Cicaga papers laday tiigaili'îbis bon fvais laFrance snd lte > action ai the tullilîlen commission In a a rqu'îi it as a arematier had ta gel yard te 1dm aof Chicago Tuesday bearlng le thte ratas 1 am ispakla.g nov of an iaclder.l the tather'. itealt. I-here. As the hearing on te'Wau- 1ulîneoset the olher day aboaut Ii Now titan. Mirs. Slaty, vito met A kein ait other La*ýolanîy raleso'clock. A wPU Înovn citaractan a.iteatb In te Elgin asyluai, vas tbe. la pendlng belte te comailasian, itd Waukegan vhoitolanet coasdereitvt flr.Sinrssnb e ia Chticago action may lie a fararuaner taentlliy rigitî vas valklng along itusband. lira. Stan' novwlus lins. THIRO WIDOW CLAIMS ESTATE of ainlar increase tla lie aliowed la Genesee et.. and 1I .aw hlm reschIn SistY'i4_ our-yaar old son living vith io apt(ýio h Waukean. tc Tibunesaitta-'bis Packet, Pull ouI a plate of caady bier, havlng taken hlm uh.n te A thîrdwio apel- î le Waanuhad î taa The TgrlibuanotemIte vadsetel Elin.eaWednemdav te crown iliî, roc dar:adbaed 0 lfte gi.rmel .-of îj abou mt'er a setln th UWnclord af Paul J. lelat aiss a thuai- The Peoples C-saUgitI and C o ke1 I') il years of age. He ter. But tI;isnlannt ail. Wtt ber %on Oabgre company of Chicago, vas liven leývej h erslir n ll oriuba a- ea vskletb I Tuecitay te lacreabe ls gaës ratés i tn neksd kiasedIt ti. Tito'girl Plir n ihle ubn a- Litwskle yalmkIln Chiagoconurrer aproxmat Piiileti auay andilbe triei tu do teélag, dled lant Jaauary anti vil liber trinast auMay,. md tht-t, women 1-2 per cent. sterlig vîithîoaîorro --bime Iiiag agate butî@bcitera airai i augbter-in-iaw just nowie, taving edaim tehé$,500i lndemnite z-uuiratice -Au. I Tc odafo lie ow e on- tr m a. passeit avay Ila a ragîc mariner, âtre due bis enIte. oitg 1.îe asThed Ier o tinie ater. Nv ioIbub frpop bSlarr tuniber basnte constant care Florence DeWems MeiulIQlan. vii' noa b ylhe sade public ulilillies raine etafi nie like Ibis la, bau of lier fatb4r-ini'iaw, Luclus Starr, No. a"' vio déclarées site i, t ha ona commission. udrlt nal long viii snobu a harmiles croalure go uha las coaipletely blitsund only, viii présent hý-r ras. 1w-. Theinceao. nde th oder lateon vithoul doing nontebody saine rani Therefore. antyboity ub ttiaks fore JUtte Horner In ('licago loday. TOaie Il fcére raasd fo.nea b&rm ~as la usuaiiy the cane la due ibey have badtIrouble can mereîy Site rarrled L.eist, site sad. Nov. 14. year. andte la a "ar emerency rmte,.",course ai lime? look aItlira. Starr'a case a.ndlhlnk l1912, In St. Lisl, ulcre lho vas Il vas givan bit a divideit -nnlas- Yau necal bau tnequently tote taI abc bas liad more titan ber knovn as licQuillin. slon. Commisslonera Walter %. cases caernétas& cliax In teé big share. 1'He vent ta the Mim.-ouri penilen Sha neEvngtn nd ran I. ctls ad ow atir t j al yertant i Pamltal te erassk h ttryahd1 e,"traitf htn" eite Sbau ofi Evanton anisge"ra n c<oIasunti bau Sf, "iOlhu vn le irEmile, lte egesahWb lra. NMQuilian, aho 1ta a cbaret gIrl Fun afrnamalglo diseneti~ cminn nmar bu 'Ot v Ibugb isîrangleit lra. Slsty ai the aaylilî ro ait. îataia. lte grounittaIlite incroaâ s to iteyvene Perfectly nariWepas." Tuesitay, la 48 years laid itarrîveit ToWuçgnWvs gréi. he ompny ax ranéd Nev thon, the tact of te malIen at the asylun f ram Chicago ain June The o Wsukeginan Wite te. es Pracîlcal>lte lacrease it hait aboed', If la man lîke titis la carrybag can.-128, 1918. When siteFras camasitteit estate are Florence- Le. ait Aile J. fils demanit havlag beca for a 30 pan, t> around la give 11111e ciiltiran ud lhan huabasit andi altonrs atatdIbat Nardaell, bath ai Waikegan. .ionl uplura. bées fit te bug and bilootaim on ilite @ebe ait been vicions tarnsoie lime The fariner. ae-uording le lier mat- Scitedul. oi New Raes. 1-reet, vitlmlafiable te bappea laI havlng on one occasion altacitoit ler e n. vas mArniatito l.abst Apnil 21, The newrats anounpd y teor? It seenta as tough t seps sitatlti broter vilb a balte. Since bclng In 1915, ovîw ng a cotitr.Ilp ot a tew commisision, togotber vitit pregent lie laken la guard against te poai- teJ 19ll5,sexiitd ilec bilities i; flite future 1in caMŽll to! lth e i lsist hsehîiethiln e burelanlte Walikegaîu Jail, vbe'-a rates adthlie Inreames hicit bat noer.1aiiîe, havlng knocket daun bath were detaineIl teiipanmiliy. bren asheit by te camiîav. are aà kînit for a "s§tlcitla lie savea aine' bier nurse' ait atîacked alter allen. Lelatt îo Ibisiwibt' ta Chiîcago, talliova(rates la ceaIs etpar 1.0011andIthtiicase of an Individuel o! dents uteristhI*lilvet i i l.l)i W. Mslo tet.itis sort, one aunce ofprvninl Firet Murder ai Hospitl. street. Tua childréin vere bot, Rate réset Raé vartt a great deal mare tan sever. 1OfficiaIs aItte basplai staltltaI Royalt, nov tibrce il <Clarence. 10 Raited.Pren.aïdantoudso pniImn Ir hore hait ieena animabity existing monîba aId, Piinary rate -.... 88 70 1 Titis incident te ubici t roter ha-, belveen the Ivo vamen betane. lra. Bo arder Marret. tes. -Secandary rate .82 65 1 Dat been unnoticoit by alter persans SisI> happenodte tah ie neairest paer- Misa Nardgeli. a to.irdet- in Ibi' Tertian> rate ... A 5 40 .2 sînce l it aPPeneit i bave heard snuacuà ev a iîia îm~o halg tllî ett T'he largo Increase In terti" rates aumber ai peconle speab ai IL. lte maitnées'airte calaroit vania.*. colcpded. Site uonfes'ýedad ie hait -langer titan vasasakeit iv te cent-NOR1TH SIDER. Dr.RT. -f ..*..airArt .. pn-fa. m h. -A- *-- --- --*nt--- pay-a-as totermlnedt yth ie coie islsion becaiîsa il desIrei tolad ai large part aofte adirance upa bitg consumons ai gas-manaaeiln planta, etc. $4.700.0à0sVear More. The compan> Vifii collecl apprari- mately $4,700,000 mare s yesî front tas consumera, under tae novr.,e. Tite'nov rate varba nuit Ibis vs>: Uimier the presant rates 5.000 feot of gas oasIs $3.55. For Iis saine amaunt teinanltly bill. under thte neu rates vili be 84.40. For large consumera te Incrmeseln beavier. Nov 10, -000 feel ai guecnta $4905. Uniton tbe nov rates the aiottly bll for Ibis vili te $7410. Tbe commilsion dit nal fil thte la- crosse onder, but l prababi> viilbo -PusitîlsimitIoday. The rate incroitçp, l vas salti as grantet an the grimai that the g"i company ta oper. *tlngeta aegosaunder hlgh van caus, and t l as itld praobable Ibat *Ibh Opinion yull cantaln a clause whîcli vîi liovide for a nefunti oi mono> »aid on ibilla If a lalen Investigation shows the tomponary rate la too higi. Commissionera Shaw anti Puni 'sîilie opinions, prabably tlas, ex- pressing telr vieva. Cammisaloner SIasu. vta vas ln change air11>0 bearing ai teatlmnoy. tecîlamit tadit!- esa bis diaseutlng opinion ln ait- vance of iha lng. Tite arder tan the incroqiso vas signait by Citairman Deinpcy. -fldrm B. Sterling anti Pa-1 trickt J. Lucey, te athon memtens aof tbe cotmissian. Order te BDe Cheileiigei. Il vas' Indicateit lasI ulgitIthal tite tate comsnlsslon's oriten vIl ho cballenged. It la sieppameit a iffght yull criseout of lbe ctys contention -tiat thee Ixiug et Sas rates le a mal- -te! for the aldermen iMbe timtan ei EflITOR's NOTE: The Sun la In position to corrobor. mte what the conimunîcant maya a!oovP for the reaison that a few years aga a weil known officiai whe nov boldo " reapanaibie positon 'In Wau'iegan ,caiied the Sun'a attention ta the verY samue tact as havlng taken place on North Genesee strpet, la wbich the man vas the sante individual ;i% reefrred ta abcve, and lt me, hap. pened that the kgaing-candy stunt took place et the fiaie spoôt on Northt Genettes street. Thuq It vould Indicate that ti'c saute Mun bas been trying to carry on the saine sort of relations vith te sanie . ittie !Oris In the sane iieighborhood ay tbese years. The offciIlAn quemlion cailed the 8Bans attention te, the OacI at that tinte and sald titat he feared somethlng rerlous would haPpen unies. atepa were taken ta, Prevent that sort of a mieeting between a Man of titat Men. tality and an Innocent little chiid. ln other worda, the point raised vas tJ>at a feilow ni that sort wouidL't he carrylng candy around to give La litho .chlldren and hugglng and kiss- fng thein wtitt, somethAng criticai <alminatlng later. It sems therefare as thougli soanetblng aitould be done toa t leaist Investigate the Migitter and fini out tbe true statu%. state utiities board. This dispute aver autbority bas neyer been lisally adJudicated. However, the city wattroprcseutedl by tccounsel éuring tbe hcartaS be- i fre- the edat. board tand he îectvPlW pwttcpatod ii the- pretentation et evliengo. Ur.. . Hi ntonSL, supevitendenut, stat- eait sufartanas he could ascertaîn. ttaeehail nover ben a anulder in the Ein institution before. The rne- gras. la nov la confinement ait is belng given treatient la quiet ber. NOTIIING TO CRITICIZE IN CITVI A. J. Granala ofthlie Automobile taparlicul 'ai taesecretary of slate, caine ta Waukegsîî Wednestay afler- nonetelaooak ven tesituation viit netenenca la Uta entarcement of the autamobile law. Mnr. Granata conferreit itlte po- lice deparmneat aitdstimilleti sitar- varda litIho ditDot Oit mucit trou- ble viitt te automoble lawlauenfone.- ment ln IbIs cIl>. He saidt litIho tound Inbail anly one automobile Il- cense taI vas flot aifte year ai 1118. That bs.ppenoi tela oe ront M Zon City uherein a yaung man hati diven a car ta Waukegan vici ha- langei teta bIsbrotherubo .Je IDnlte wra. The yauag man oxplite t lit bis brother hait auke i buelasel the car anti accondingi> ho hui t 1e., cureitaa 00w licanso ait vas using Ibe 1917 license pendlng the sale. "Yau hait betten go hack te10Zion Cly anti not drive tecar fgain unili yau gel S 0ev licmnse an ell Il," aug- geslmd thm state InvestIgator. Mn. Granala snalit that Waukegala one ai lte best cilles In Ibm state au fan as cetnplylng vith lte alato lau an automobiles go«s. Ho saidt lure vas very litle vr ont to lu 10do bore anti about ail thal ho oould s-g goal vas te tel tho poli;ce le keep à valcit for nusu cars unitafter ern- pientingtem for Ibeir_-vert lu àsigUal lte lau le Obscna'ed.Le :rt aon@ tut- isb tlet marit i nm unu.-r itut- isme oufate- Wsaî'megai ree i how lthaI E. 1. licQuillan vas miit rbel tt Age J. 8Nartiseh Fait. 21, IsIS Wednesday abghl utn h, t-r 111 oant- lng houge la 2311 Warren aver.ue,, lira. Le-Lelstbrute <lovnansoitsoli- fibed wvien site heanul atout vite No. . p "Sba'l have tf, aua a ber clait. i bougit th<is tai-asp itlthe lsur- ince inaney loft lv Paul. Sait 1 kaov be'it ant lthe hables taeihave lthe railnaad moneyt. In." SENT TO WAR FROM DIST. ON1E; NOW OFF TO PRISON W. R. Hauan. 3544 Diîckens avenue. Citicaga, paît for itracruion frainthe national an> uanit hnuaklng a miii- tan> tflleaWetnedaY at Rocittord. by leaving I$amp tGrant tendon guanit ta begia a sentence of 20 yeare aI -bard iabor aI Leavanwonlh prison. Hanun as sent te camp eanly ln tthe sprlng by laka onatIboarit ana andi vas assignadtoia uty vith tite Thirit provîsianal compaaY af the Thlnty-aecont englacera. He desenl- oit framntte regîmnit on April 12, but vas appretenteti ln Morlon Gravte. 111. an Aprl 27 anti brought liaci toth ie ceattonment. He sac. cemeitiln broaiklng hls annomt, but aspiciteitup agala in Cirac» anti brosîgit ta face a generalourt: mar- tial on Juîy 17. VuseS O uotic pas le - m4tbatcldil4simym e ~~IUusêip s oioda *fc~ TiIERE WILR.B: BUT TWO MEN ON . REPUBLICAN TICK. Senatorial Committee Meets at Woodstook Tuesday and Fi=e Important Point DEMOCRATS TO HAVE ONE Undter Action of Committee ate Three is Prevented  d- meeingothe S"ntorbLaî-- aiitteo friramtis. te lgbl $csear- la District, vas beld Tuestay afler- nomn ai Woaaitcksaitdlte decîsion of the comnantîe vas ltaI ite Lali primany the Reptîblicanq vili nominale but tira members tferte legisiature. It la diacrelionary ulitlte sens- tonial commitîce ta decide vitether -teRepubiicans vili ruin tva or Ibree candidates for theteiglaîunc. Accorditngly maehlime thal lite 50515 are la be fillei t illa nocessary for lte senatoniai commiltee ta deslgnale1 ubether thon. shahl be lava or tbree candidates on lte ballal. Accarting- ]y the meeting vas caMait Tuesay St Wadastocb ait Sutperviser John- son aifZDon City, vas thte iember ,ýrom Lake caunty altending. The alter tva moîrnitrs are JA. Crlsney ai Marengo and Dr. iqwlftI aiBeIldltpe. Thora bas been a report' alicat ltaI tecommlîlai vaulit say Ibis yoan ritaltitres meenbeu's oulit be naininateit b> the Republican party. lu facl. Il la reporte thlitatIvans lte doal tahait bdben caretul!y plajîneit tbroughou thte district anit accordingly nome exceent vsé loakait for aIi tils meeting on Tuea- day. Iloweevr, nanae deveoped aI aIl andtihie commillees unauimaiîsly voledtelaleaira Ihîagsa as ley bave been ln tae past vberoity but tva unombars vare placet on lte Repub. lican ballaI. Up laelite present tme ltera are tour aavvwed candidates ln lte lield 'Tan lte Repubhican naÊ1iURDWi Et fiburtleli ai Marengo. . H . Viciera ai Hfarvardt, ait A.' K. Stoarns ai Lakte Bluff, Laite counly andt Lee Mc- flanaugit. lin. Stearas vas prasool aIt the meeting unit nabot> aise vas thora tramn La'ce couaty exceptlng Mn. Johnson. Ilow Plan Wat Lined Up. The Ibeon> advanced by aome poili- liclane vasltaIi te planIb tis year vouit ha te nominate tjinee Republi- cana on the RePublican ticket snd ondeavar te lerltbree Repuhlcans tramtlite disitrIct. If Ibis vone due of course -il auid cuit nul the district havlng' a ln>jaaiy represehllîtlve. that la fraiinte temoc-nallc party. Thal positon nov Is fillit by Thomas Graham, vito lsasaa candIdate vlt @Lttornoy Sites train Waukegan, fan re-election. ltnder lte oid plan vbereby lte ekpublhins nominale I'va candidates ait te Damocrats ane itlila generaiiy canceted Ibal lita man vito socurea Ibe Damocrallc nomination la sure af, election bocause aai oIbe -Dema- crata cenler thelr votes on but anti accartingi> the tva men noaiiaated by te Republicans lntheir primary are aiso sure of election. asaking la ail tua Republicans andt one Datmo- crat ln thé legiblaturo, but lansae lhree Republicans vono nômînstei t a tbe pninaary, thon thora uouiit be a acrap aI the alection as tevitetiten lte Democrats voulit senti ta man la ltse legialtaure an uhether ltae Re. pulilcans vaulit lect titres. By Ibm action of lte SanatoriaI cain- miltee upon Tuesday. haover, it mens Ihal lte Ivo mon naminatet by the IlePubicans at ite pimaries ait teian naminatei by lte Dent- ocraIs aithIem prImanT - ilI te aue- cesstul aI ite uubsequeeat eboction. Tbreiore trein nov on tIbm Oght viii lie ta vin aut la the,,pimany., 1 Theo Republicart candidates Sturl. le soitd Vîckers are nov holding of- lice as representatives tramib tis dis tnicI. Me a KMc X&nkind le ge«oet tbc iccli» ta- puicms many of Il* actlvitles; btt 'se ýcamaI be sam ltaI th.elous rsula t our labor 1.aotnet mcing as Ureote sud uususpect.4 by oumelvtes aS te soeyico te litespring fiovern la W t»c bec We do mat alvaia toenbàt*0 me. or Ou t ur' mmcles«mm,-~a~ EVENINO FARMIN GIN COUNTV UBîN&B AiD AT LISIRTYVIIL j. I2bertyvillie, July i. Dy W. E. WATKINS Lake Caunty Psrm Advsor The plan af usiag emergeacy twl. iight help for barveat l; bcbng tried ouI an the taraeisnla-ho, neighbor- bood of Ubertyvilie. The plan ,is proving succe8asîli. Mn. -M. H. 'Pe tersen Isat evenlag hait 12 ernergen- cy heipers tram the American Wirp. Fence Co.. who hebpçd hlm shuck viteat frani 6:15 until 9:15 p. nt. These 12 men wltb the assistance o! tua men trameinte arm, abacked_20 9*qéla nthe abîcve lIeme. Toaaî i -3 planned teta$endt out eigbt men te mr., Pelerson andt 10 or 12 men ta the gvergrscA[Manîa4q C-. .aldey est) These émergency or twililgbt worlc- ers viiil he sêoured ftram the Wine Mille. and Macaroni tactory. - ath places have klndiy consented' taelI temr men quit a litIle early In andt " that titey rnvy have sifficient Oine ta geltata lteflieids la do as pvîch isark as passible tatane dark. This plan le praviag satlstat.q sud Il la hoPed t1ha1 ather amq vwiii avai thoinseives of the appor. tunlly ta save their grain In the best atannpr possible. lnaiamont every mectian -of Lako cauaty there la cn. sideAMbie grain t te ppot In ahock. Durlng the l5.1tvaw days at léasat 40 wamen and girls have been sea-n la varions parts of the caunty heip- lng ouI ulth lte fout w.ork. The vomen consider titis a prt of thoir van work. A number of 'tactary Sand city w0!s- ors have muid Ihat If the farmera would cul dava ri lot oai Ihaîr grain on a flitay and Baturday that they vauid be glati tl go out tD u tatp- bles and beip do Ibe shockiag en Sunday. WhiPPlngt the kaiser la au- national duty. Worklng Ms SunîLuy la save the grain la a prictimai farn ai religion whlcb vili go a long wayt, lavard bringlng ibis about. As automobiles are neceaaary te gel titis emergency belp la our taris In lIme. Il la suggesîed that ail ma. chine owners who ran donale titeir machine and Ibein services for a few houre evenlng service viii pleat@ natlfy aur offce ai Ibis tact. Thia la a god type of clty ami ferm co-operatlon. - - FactOry MonCt In Wheat. company, manufacturera oif Fuld'a .tfacaronI and aofte Anierican Wlre Fence campany caas Io lte *id af farinera In the vlclniît' of berty- ville tihis ueek uhen at the cAhiail0 Counly .F*rmn Advlaer Wstklns andi Caunly Faod .Aitinlaîrator Grtdiey, about 40 men la number enlilteit for the evelag's 'setup" uheat. i byP *ork vas accomplbehd by lte mon whoalased at the Jahn R. Thamp- sam, Hect and other neighbanng ftrais. The aid vas mtghty veicome 1e the farmera ubose heip I o sMes POTATOFS TURNINU BROWN? lIIR IS 15 600D REMEDY Farmers Ibrougitaut Lake caunly are can-paining titat Ibein eariy pa- tata~ are Iuralng broun and drylng up with the tubera oniy parUy graun as a remilt of what aiany or theni ttlnk ta be Ibe wark of littho green leafboppers. Reparla tram Southera Wisconsin bring the saine news. lDr. Bâ& BtDa. Entomoiogttof the WlsoonW-x> gntment ai Agriculture at liatOb, reports videapread destructioq et pe Isams aIn many districts&vitich te laa vialteit. Ilp thora fanmersamaaadt. vised tet spray villi "Black Leaf 40" or kerosene ennuision. Lake Caunty Advlsor W. E. Wst- bine advlses The Independent repor- -ter that the ýpremastire turaing brown andit drying up aoflte otatoes la flot causoit tramn the green pesta, but la due ta blgit. He advisea, and bas tram early apring, tbe us» or Bardeaux Mixture, conslsting or four pounda of copper sulphate snd four pounds of lime. milzed with 50 gai. lona of vs.ter. LaIe potatoma ahoulit bo sprayed vith Ibis 'solution as a preventivo. ubile the leaves are. green, for once thm blightI alerts there le natblng Ihat vilitai il course. la,1ii Wi"lold for Wm*% The drsf t tram an effldoot eorvin- 4"w li etes dlsaglrous ta ltse flacet anP» op u saburuer. à wvisimlh auB be quichly madie 1w1on***, dalimapiua. icads itavn, lte t Vi lqw or lie slave top suit plaeilat lisoU a Ploc*etaibssvy caritioard or Oven a foitoit neuaper. iy s"Win the qeleu dototper tiii. gil4 l it britclaU elth ha@flgm st-qMý *e'tlîàm pM To 1111 rirai Ensin Ruolph Winz er of St. Laes Gets Maiage U.ý cense inLake County FIRST CASE .,F KIND HEREE Up to Now No Lîcense Ever ls-. sued Here Was Used In - the Manner Re Plans' Waukmgan aoa utîl bave a msar- Mage by proxy! it develapalit a alicense vas la- ouedt in laun lodoy le Busigu Rudoipb Wlnsmr ai Great Laitesastlo, vitoreby ho la la manry -giss Eau7 M. Oral of Cairo. Egypt. Thte Il- ceose showus ho is 42 andth ie bride. ta-be la 23. The bride la sîil lanCaIra sud te- carding la Enaiga Winzer'a state- inantaSIelte caînty cler*i's otOs, be plans 10 marny ber vititout ber caming on la lte States lu bave lbe lcMnilIy »t a eeremoety Bern t brougit. How ta do tis Ie no langer a 9pnb- lem fon Il le done iytyhAe pgfly yàtt,' sffnslWluser Sdad«y'WNvV" aibsence ironi the station today Md4 Iberetare coulti nol ite localt la to a alaleentau se l bis exact pIffs. The day "off" vas taken no b. caulit go tar the ilcente andt asie- tunthen plana fon the unusual mar- rnge plans. Ensiga Winzer vilI bave ta gond ltae InsItrragelilcense ta Cairn, "d have lte propar persan farnualiy dol. egatei tot stand up viit Miss Orsi soi tlako lte voua in bis (lte oa- slgn's) came; tite papera thea vill ho sent bacit haro ton paopen recoçit Ing sodIt Iisvay lte marrilge pacî yl bave been pertouneit. T ill lie te ttlime thal a lmi' niage by praxy yUl have been jler- formadin b uicit Waukegan peoole on a Waukegan licease fIgured as principale. Ensiga Winzer lRves on te station et G3reat L.akma, itsving been atatieu.-> et bore acue tInte. Hi. finet thebaStation expres- et surprise wbu he tbayeardof b@- Plana to gel ntarried In Ibis is- ner. itlà lasaidt litiho mt Mis Oii uben ho vas la tarelgo service lu lte navy. Cmlmnalco Long Romances. Titi'msnliage ai the onsigu ta lié girl lanligypt enda a romance of tn> Vouai nature, for, il vas vile b. Pus In Canstantinaple, Ibm TIII'l.bt capital that Wlazon met Miss Orsi many years- ago. Lger hoe marvled- anotber yaeug voasu ira AMi- ce and ber deatit occurreit ratber aed- dmuiy'about four moatits ma"la lte .McA»@l ýhasvAta1 Wisukegani Taïes. Ibmromance begu al lte Tunkiai capital many Yoar ago, la to be reneveit agala andtiiatae la the inarriage nov. " ilg n W lnser is &Muta t of tic - ral ragimnant aI Great lââtec aMd bas been statindet ah ie Wstll about a yoar andit hait. He wu #t&* tiondIt aninaval service et Conuatiso- pie fan about Oive years PERSONS KURT, NOW SUR Peronai njury asma ls agregatille $140,00') vene Ilei ln Cbicago Wed- asday lnu tesuperlor court aaMt mie Chiciago. North Shene and MUi. yanktee -lotrid ralîradi.,Thsoe suita are Ibe resut theIbmacolieut an July 14, viten a Norlt Sioe.tis cirasbed teb&atruackt oait of piuiu idér Fort Shteridan. Tite aeeident oecuna'ed lSseo- licart Academy a*bd lte iWU trS* the eB#t aide or lite ele*ie8 'l

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