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Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 10

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LrBERTYVILE IXDEP1ENDENT. THIUR- AY. AUGTJST 8,.1918 Board of Supervisors ili Proceedingis of the Special Mâréh and Spécial Apffl and Regular June <1918) Sessions, Held in the the Coit House at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, --~ .s --- -.on6. PaIc% apse t-téNaiua ong'oct-d9 eriao r-cE ad1el "Ms - Y, on TaiIaO, e- Id..s frn th o r r o!adJnZmmrfrliees ep J opinion tat grétérer éeieé1cy qua Ue4 agreemeént lit bol Me( ait Muldlt 0 uch a llà1àe, tMr tlx ~ttnprelimInae:a.cýMse Ibos, -eriatendent 01 thse HoSpital coaiid giv4. vsat -aasd.i will incerttly appregiate A thé Htospital greater attentt~0ion l helIl lit you *wil do everything ln ydur IMi was on the ground at ail tmes anGfd ower.ta obtain thie consent and givé and epeciaily at nlght. me an early repiy 10 this letter. I pl #4ND WHEREAS, We believe thti As soon as al parties bave Indi. C it lm an absolute necessitY in order te cated theèlr conscnt lnt ii agreemetnt. foil hold the splondid orgaDizatiOn whicb iaust t1at it he preparéd In legal e ns, ,nC' eiste ett h« Nnsnttal betwenI ainadsla'ned hy the proper au- -C FIRST DAY Shop Licenns in tise Town af Vernon th "" e"tsdbli ti ' lat Walilegan, Il., Marcis 20, 1918. 'vere prenet: SuperinteÏd<eplCp,e Nuises' Ham* N.iry truly yourc. c Board of Supervlcor; met,$ubjéci, to To thse Chaîmman ant Meinhére of tbe hé huilt.at'o0e0.> W. A. mOFFEIIT jug Boar of uChairmanofthKirach ANDWRerappre UlS.ingY au ernergency coat byite Chairman. iociofSp1isr fth ony NIW EAS. il sncb a building Cpai9.1.Nay o! bChlmn ishnrpesd ý aLtke andi Stale of Binauis' Io buut it-wiii aldol at toast élght botso Commandant. Cri] ant thé followinuî members Prescrits: 'flicuniérsigneti peiioners re ta thé capaclby ô! the Hospit libis.' Pipoet agreemenélt btéeen:a Supervîsoürs airtomn. Barntablé stuétfully represent that tbey are le& liminatlaonof nurses and helli fr00' Thé Navyytiepartuent cul Burgess, tlarkt, rapo, 'Dilger. Eger. ai votera resttig In the Tacwn of Vep t emaialnan fuîte r atibe Thé Corhweag. Nr h.SR.o. M L. ' Plis. oîrîig. lutti Krshnrno, aleCoaily. Ililots. and théy titrîust upan thé County by thé Nae O Martin, Mather, Meéé Monabat rtipectfulIy pétItion yaur Hoaorable* Relief rýocbot3. ce think Jil Impérailive a~é5 R. Co. Murphy. EcCulbougi. Paddock, RE> tagana& icne 0keeti a that tits b M iebcconsîructed thg Ps ent !bte dabi. Rockenbacb, Stratton, StrgigBesson 'li onsJic hila 'rhomrpson. Webb of Antiocis, Webbi of tramn shop in the sait Townsahip of, W n TRSOVD T4hont;h B orShields Waulté$an. White-26. Absent: Sup: Vernon at chat le comnli l' ied TatéHER Ooli aitqB Tté Wlie Tho . econil. Long med'a nstal '- .-Umg' QWebb. of nt sc - il, Chair-diot.rlge a mOwere ta séduire ts otaîiy. mno the vioutWélili.oAntcin.Chi atAuoplac lt te ci f leé8ry iqiiat fd t1ftItOi'icÇst.onio! a subcay L litis S té Cunt Fa Camiltethé General Assembly'. étitlét"D n guchiaL ullthltp ant procéé. vitb tise under Ulrta odattétat susîté téfolciéréouto: Act ta provide for thé licensitig at - r t ieéaIetposbeeaélto isLaitîmai opnisa WHERE1S. l lis bée caiet é linst thé évls arising fr0155 tesale sait buildIng 10 cost not 10 éxcééoe tlcteiaud oritnrtfé l - .5i~ t5.ikn .t ecr ouny ai ~ uu.xEano iloumTl.' In force JuiXY thé smo IMFIteen Thousand Dollars eouth -af tis e opent, crosing kiiov J thé Lalte County Parin has ieen f .111100 ionyourm Honorable Boardi.. placet lu thé bakte County General togrntsch licencé e jta -ZknineA W. J. STRiATTON. Bachs rallroati cotlpsfly viilpay t f lb> Hlospital In Fc dlicate condition, anti ailntIJRi oi. T1Vr-I. M. CLAK.l cost of contructing aiutmentbli pn WHEREAS, thé sait femaie hei o éut O aeanti Staté o! Il1.W ODf E bTdgatsuprliow taciinHi made serlous chargea agaittthe n.Coits 0f b lte gwtte-optl omte uigftl wrtecg.oec 'Supeçinltettt to! Raidi County Faim lilonlt.lion had cropiylii8 cîtitger -osliS ommîbhàtthée cllud n teaIse on$.6thé 0.o0. Te p réatv 1 Ie cndton ct Statutés in uiscb cage matédte r ueaii' grmoe iti icalou o oécé 2000 i r HeleA ber cargéonaren!d cidvtet. Résolutitl hé lait over untilithé ncx'I Stateof:Iflîlinis, if possible. clU pay p a ntuie lta tiis ommtté hiteés Signet by William Cordes anti 312 meeating 0 iéBad iéCa faumnsat nugi-R a atr ta. bs omitr eipe 0-Motion carnet. cludting faige cork. tri support Sherni- I tha bisad tatBto ard kudle suc actionfTthé char_ 1so ebiso! th(- Superviser Kirschnel'. Chaînait Of dan Rondt. Thé Navy Départinent on the ortsthatir a orieréforé thé Board o! BupervisOma o! thée(Cointy thé Spéciai Committeheretofore ap cîli .aythé balance of thé cost. Ill F ~ finay seeni prpr hrfoete o ak n t., ofIlinis pointet, sutimittét the follovihig re cluditigaIl excavation, (except f or But Committée la,, catict this meeting of Tho! balt d e tianu 0,a,éTeOport"* limithaabutments) retaining valj the oar. spctfllyreprffint hat hevare e Sateof Ilini».drainage, pavtng, foot bridgea overKi THRF.B Tistbtsmle érErut EDthégai votere resiting li tbo Town5 of County of Lalte, us:th uwysaiaynoonrlod a Thro! hsupettr ie refas Comt the Vernon, Lalte (Cunty, Illinois. aneý Board o! Supervisomî. Spécial April nîglts .6! cayanti aoy co.9tbnexcella Ma Bor th oSpié0 tatése a cton asîte 'retftilly pelitlin your lionort Session. April i8 A. tD. 1918. o1 $25,000.00 ta cach railroad cai-, may ileé' necécsrY. chiéBody legrant a licence ta ket' ýr. Chairtoat andi Gentlemeln o! thée pany for, ils abutmens rdgsat may deiw eresstamabo Yté able oTyovihip o! Board oSfSupervisomc: ffailea cork. C. TIIOMPSON. Vernon -àt chat le cOmatunly calél ouir Spéctil(,ommitteta chonm We daetIot api~aé yV B. . TOMPON. Hall Day. li matif Town, accot'ding tc the matters weiulck havé laelY ariSstI thé Navy Départment. thé ocners of BuRAYso PbADDOK.ia icanii oili.td î h d o h ,tte.County am èereertthé land neédét for thé subvay pr o ReritaiS hiréteti andtatpté.andeIntémpA.slilevit "AnseAdofte bég léavé 10 report that ehen taiti *jet, cul edét iis landto10thé town- MReotion b, carne adprovit. e or thé iicév ntiteg An t tet Cosuittemet te cousitét'saIt mat ship anti thé Navy Department cl we Motio ar ibésîbtitt 1WIeévl 3alsn rm h ae !1 ers, Superitttéidét tChas. A. Applel' pay for the balance of thé land thé folocng és luion sut avéi "thex i art liqu o in tf o e f u > c filet ivtis this ('om -Inib ee is reig -saneé pries il voult havé pais for 0o' > flloingReBluton nd ov 1874. titanY étiionera re. pedtful nation as Superintendent o! thé bakteteïr ntiré tracts, if tise subway bat adapton: 17.adYu eiinr oi 1 County Fan. ewhiclirésIgnatiOn wvas not hen constmuctéd. If thse land instla RESOI.VET). Th&thé Board o! Su' néition your Honorable Body I0 gl'Iaccpeteéyedn isrltoeDtprhpi yteNv eat h pérvîsors i spécIal sion assémitldtri eut in sait Township o! Vernontacpé,téeyédn i eain 0 u'iasth h ayDpr-t Kela-e. C htolBad ment tieth ie compensation ta tiseC.l ta beorebv réfer the motteèra cicitsucb licence ta ll4ard Kll. ésv tittbé Boarti. i cule wesfrladtknfrsuwypr o hav iabely artsen at thé County Farme 'oltnty o! Lake and Stat Of!Illinois AWé titareupeaintéet ocfyithe oces for la tated nftshveynpur- nl landér thé masagen*llnt oI Charlesupon is cOMPAnytg viitthe Sîatuitéé Appley Fas Sueprlnteilo!thé posie. sandhaildatet b dethéenanan Appéy.Supntiteiiéiî.luicon ^ion 11) suci casé matie anti providet. Ctt attmoalyuîitémné nialuaae tdt ols Appleh.Sbtupeiiét mate iny 00e Nn ige yW. tcraanti 305 April meeting o! Ibis Board.cont utthis part a! thé vom i viiho coi wirsen.gtate ts om ae b ons iis s g d b in.é< othéré.W o tisenefare rcontienit litI the paît for by thé NavY Deparîtént.C PoorFari Cmmiteeothez. at thé Cap ount ént oo hé pré ThéT;7w-shitiant üi alO'wil notQI' vIbI tThe taddition of Icoo ber Menit Tcthé Chaînaitand Mén5béir5o! théemternto!thepponty it F ainup en he Boardof Sl>eri8on f Conty.of frredt 10tisé Boardi o! Supérvisorsl. adietyn othcs ftem' bers, one o!fviticitallait lie thé pire« LBoando!Suiperofios: .u 0 !tndn o swy direct evutfthé oat e! thé i cal Chaîmniotf te Boardi, the otier bleat tt f~Respertfully Fgbntttéteuddroét u ié onhSci merbér toi hé aproiusbei bv thé Chair Tlîe nestné'5 ed~pitianér.ré ePRDKCHE.assoumé ail cosso! matntailtitg te man o! thé Board;: and' solloqCoupit.ssîectfully repremeuit tat îhév are le- FRAEKCE. siîéwaiks. stréet paving. drainage, ma tee ila hérébv nailtrzéd ant idreltdgat votera résîîtng li the Town o! .c.TRMSO..-bankmens. méainlng wenlia. out-oui il OurHonor.A. T. wHITIL vtiait.gfving l artilqins1ter litev rpoestfutly ptition You lio'RAY PADDOCK. not inciuding thé railroati anti higt- Lb eSgti an opoui t telie béart cnt able Boy ta grant a licenc4 e takéét Supervisar Eger ',novée blthathé ré way bridges anti théir aiutméuis. Thé gke testimenl. holding sssonts t %aI.tramn abolirIn thé RaidtTownship(port hl,, accepltedanti atoptéti. rnsitoctcompanie clastntwis aucis ttmes andt placéses Rait crnm- Venon al. chat tg camiflnl>' callifi parioncusedaintenancde a! al bridges. abutmietts Mi v Suervsai irshnétwani réaisiitgcals v thbtir Tré msatsntav deem conveniént sand td.Prairie Vice ii aitToutAect o t uriocr Ket. ermovdthtiandrti'gwlswti visable. Sidcommîitéten sfîutitét' 10ant Iun cOmpiandé viithte à pliAiosfod sttmn iertive igiseo! cey anti théState anithéeatno latio o sAid h G pnraiîd fornbiy tte ice n niCounty Foai Superinténtént blie réo! Ilîuutots cl assumé thé mainte- t< a us é a r i a s o I a i g f t s i m n . A t a r v d o h e l c n i g a d f e r r e d t a t h e n e c C o u n o r n it ( 'o n t n a n c é O f t é e b u t i m e t s a n d b r i d g e a i l tarinraltnUdIs th naatisupoý axinst tisé evils arlittsgfront thé calé igSeidnRa.C lin millo!onnioidalis liqIiors in fore JîîlyinitIéefor invetigation anti repart aIi u1ortig tntnR at. ('p h tiOéal careet.f1874.lst yoiurgeltfoarespectthé néxt meeting o!fte Boird. Thé construction,'eltcePt t as llr e MtinChaîdait' lop.i1874' snditfi yauir ioners respet- Motion carniet. .peciiîéti. shall léecarniet oP1 The haimar ppontel asthefull peitin vor Hnorale aod i, Tise foloving report d55 filet andi one général contract t0 hé maie andih Suiérvisohr olaRaid l mte, RthéPls résien nsatlnoFerdinando! ,motion of SU, rvlsor ThOniPEa sttpémviieet by thé NcvyyDéparbin'int. iovelVépeo. Cisor o batetneiStaté of réfrred la tise Committée: Thé Chicago suit Norhél 5 R I. supevisr Carkmovd 4at heVeron.Couatyompyki, and.ith thé Report af Couint>' Cleçklt tahiéCor, Ca. stalitcontruet Its ovo abutnrientul Commttemakeltéilqreport Fit the Illinois, utfnlit s c pyn W tiiedt 10tgI aci Meeting o!fteBoardi anti bridgé. Thé abutméois anti 1Asuii meeting of this Board.,If po~s tabitbea li sucit casé maté antipoo! CSuiifyCommisalofléra or Supeorvi- bridges o!ftée Northt Shore R. R. saat subIe. vIdet 30é bh contrUctét as thet compasty nay Molor arnt Sinethy . l. nUgr ati Staté af Illîinis, se(, fit. cillier by séparaté contracb th jupsero railéi oft ira To h hara adMr eof the balte Couiflty, Iasmate ity thé RailmoatiCompany> or an 'joun abie' b cal o!bis Chirian o th Chirtiat ani Méber1a!bbc bacA. Hentée. County Clork ln untér thé générat contraet maie by to Motion carried Board of supervisorr o!ftée uuiyand for sald Coslty in thé taté alors. thé Navy Depanîmént. In tée latter Al Waukporan. I., Apil 19. 1918. ont Lalte anti Stabé of!Illlinoiasé: at.. beelcertify tisaItiséefol- évent. vjié Nort Sita Company' Board of Supervisons o! Lalte Coun Thé undrslignit elioners.te IVIlllinois, met ln epeciaessioun Ir sppecîtlly repréSélit tisat thoy are î le,11i09latisenaine anti regideice aof shlaitsupervisé thé constrtuctiont vot'tas lieBuprviOl' Roto sithéCout. ai olés rsiin 0thé tocti ofe.Uéisappffliat 4étét'iinet by 4.K.0fil a utns andibridges n con- dt the SpervsorsRooCln téntyuti rt voeratised la IL ofet laisDattieft s u a n t e t h é f o l a v t t g a U .1 i t v r a t î Ct ul l p t . It i n y o ir . H a n d t ' f r O I j i t . . . E x a m i e r U t t h b ie B l i n d i J u n t i o n w i t h r e p r e s e n a t u s i o f t h é d e Bouse ln te (ity o! Waultégsn puri Vernon. balte Countv. helliinoleis.av Dparrunt Waukpltéa. iI .11. al Bd agatalosée1lt eéi ut5 ra! titis Honorable Boar'd. 10 hc Thé pans for ail worlt within te II.APkI9.1131abeBd ngadRic entilédtg th e bon*eit provideti for by !ightts of day o!fte relIront cotopai' fo .1To bec A.q:lendee .Coutty (Cterk ofaadramn chOp in tée sait Tocutchif' 01 nA o i.~le lts iat pls Xéi ali t iangvi balte Couti ltlinoi" Vénoi aihat ta commontY cole' apAtrovét Mto teBid pls xetpaigaddaiae ilF 'Wé. tlitnersigitéd Supervisou'tto!, Mal Day, in sait Towni. accoming saAtolt.10.aiIYst yhépeaéib h aiotctta thé rnaiespec Ltoe bon séIloiosite oeant intscoîrnpinévîh'h At latct tcuio are enitiet te li te NavV Déparitment. Prelimin' fe hi etiios you a ConbY Chek e rovtfr thé m ly éncimig «AnAcin sait liéne#t fro n d afler the irai amy titans salitbe euhssittéd for ap- by ettio yi Cunv Cer t prvie fr he icnSig uanist day o! jlit'A. D. 1818. provai tri ail parties concernét béfore N cli a meeting o! thé Boartd of Super thé évtts eiitig trot bite salé o! unK MRIN ori faycnrcs 1villos o! sait lette County. It e h itélti ItoxK. tinR ilquans." luofforce Jtilv 15 lu th up j'iors o u i.h*(ah'I 17ating y o s!' i na fr ce tu elli o 670 M aron Bt.. W auisegan. . h ay D çépal't êt wst iii assum é 10 l un llnte Civ of Waultégati balt e ptition vostr Honorable Bodto l'o Witnéss Whérésof I' havé hère. ail paymeets unier bieé général catn- 'Bouse Ilni. nTusly h shSacîIf t uit, set my bandi and affixét my sat ltract. If the ahuinténltanti bridgés Conv lios.o isndY l 21hgrant sct irence 10 (George Ssi o! Office aI Walikegau. In matCo'yo!téNortht Shore R. R. are built un.t4 d.aI. orAthe. Ap. 1818o oaI 31 o gcon.a Cuiolui so LkaiTonittP ofni1 Ver lthday o! ApitI. A. D. 10,18. ter Iie général contreci lité North at elecing Charmanand ran Ids omplingLEW A. HENDEB, Shoro, R, R. saolirélmburse thé Navy el A M. for thé otinitose o! orgaiiig rno. CoutYo!blt n itl a tits 8t eic og c haýirmP-aiat taactng Snui. upIn liachcaseilmande antpo-('OuittY ly rkm. Il1atmrnt 0.orthé général contractai tI suct oite butsîssaé onylégll~'Satués n ~ch as mitiéant pr. Supervisor Crapo mavét that te isurit smariter'as mai li e teérminét P camélie loré ..aitt oard, o! Supervi. vdf(.aetmitp1 t,.aitecmfe4no h bt sons; ai sat id eting: Signet by Fred ioiteiit anti 306 Chaininan appoint nCmitel aea h opeit !ts bt Alfr(l . Mothr ~ernn. t brs.conterén itisthé Péterai Réstervé Banlt ment andt bridge cork réquret Toi >. James OConuor-West Déérnfl&it. Bèîervia(lr Dilger movédt tiat te o -Cicgo on thé Rond Bond Issue. Chicago, Nantt Shore andtiMlwcaukeeééS P. . onaia--Slpd,, PRtiios le .éfrled e he 1 Motoncar'iied. tractsR. Thé Staté ofIl.liinais, If It t B.ruitMA itkýan hét éiin é emt elt ew 1 UP risar Barsow mavedt liallte pays for thse abutmelntsat ttié Geo.iW A iet -aukcensé çiq ord iUIl e 0mreotctin Id Cauny uprntendenî of Highvwayu. csmying SerinERot, at.mbl rit. Ose>il -tamstw Wstlegai. itisBoad a li iilt eetng. lée Intrutéltetaprépare plans and burse thé Na'>'> I'>parttent or tée 1. W. lioltiriige - atîtsk"nMottitn carniet. pifatosorhebldnof24gec G. T. Mecuioug-Wtsrréfl. suprvlsor Wl n mvédt litite, illîséIictosfrliebIdngo-%gnrai rontractot' ln sucIl mennuet' as Fred KshnI' ('usia. oi Kenoaha Coantt bé aitriver litil mules mare or lèse of concrété rosit maly héeteterminéti îatér, vitén tiesé . CapeWeb-Atioh. hr.Juematig.fron t tiseWisconsin State lUne ttouit auImtiit>t.anti bridges. are rom'IB M. P. iuerh-WAttltdh. Mbioe.în a metig.oniSheridansoRoCtianti advertisé for pletét for the BSheridanitRond bridge i . r. DilrhvWauilétsuperias crnhet Ursetilth tolMis: bits ta héoîubiitteil ta thé andte tiéSaté inia>' éiein possession T.V 0t iN Stéd ipriurWiélnshlttéfiRond ant Bridgé Commitééand-tteailtnceartutobiétrm Certtficale o! Qualification pèrç l inlSrésaluton andmovedti lsatij CutyBpéitofn othgtcy s'ise no! boy nds o itaine fmonts > ilet iy te' floinig Supervislons: t Ion: onySprnndnofHgwyFisuefbldsormltyras.T Burgease o!fttî'ultn. Stratton of Grant RESOIXED. Tînt teo Coutv ror, a report ai thé J'une meeting o! Sispervison Eger muvét that thé i Banablé o! Lalte Villa. MeCulattgh Treasurer 'hé ant ie hé s iumby auttior tIom'oar. pbasti ountyie acocee nBuieia.0 . ofWarren. Webb. Holdildge, and Dii i'éd tu buy Lbehrty Bonds o!fte ue to rir Wélih ! Antio'h move Matio carnet 14 !Wuléai urh !~ Tibd Liberty LO«M itte moneY biat a bllIh ie gie k aae Sîprio Wiémvtt ea Siger oa!Lblirtvbville. Paddock of Wall leviet in 1917 for thé Building Funti o! cfl. glittaPtt tpri;r:ht ordi eo nda. Ktmcitheaonte of Cuba, Fickeéf a!kale (ountv, (héa fUlt !Rait' ofteolioltVogel téceaset for board iter Mr. Egér'e motion. u.s, Matiter o! Vrnoni. OConInor a! îévy being $15.000) anti teép sait at thé balte County Paroianti médical >îoiior. carniet!. 1 Wet Derfied an Veroe o Der aial, imegin aepaate undatîentdanco snddilre t thé Lakeé COUo . sîpervtsot' Paddock imovedt Iat 4thé 1 litlDeefiltAntNDrasofBErmoié IT Itié Ti E> sépnatéfut y Gnemai HoRpital. malter lie referrét to thé Rosiantia ' ..1 pnT. l ai h oloigsprB.TANtI the] IT FITRTHER RESOth, Motion carnlet. Bridgé Comasittée anti Mn.'GeiîthSéT _ po n mseccli th foliovmser D he lémoé aseih i S ulevîor Eger movéti that tée Rogers te report at thé nnil meting .i1 aatseé 0îht aé bond issue for gond ronds lie placet ini Chairman appoint c CommUltée te Mobion carriét.r ,Supervisari: ltairstow, Barnutalléthé batilte drswing Intprmsl.tbiséRaitd lraft ruies governîng ibis Board for Buprvisor Bairtoc moi'edti lti' »urges. Clark. Crapo, tiuigét'.Eger monéy ta- Inclut. boîl tise levy te paY thé ensulng Yéar. thsé Count l ('lent é istruictedt 1no.0 jicé,liotntig. ulon.Kiscitur onds anti aoite monev raiset foi Motion carrnet. ti!v tantaits Moffét li taI hig comuait- Martin. Maether. Meyer, Murphy. Me itereat asn saitl bonds, andt iat tée Thé Chiarman appoimtetisas sucitcatio bat îieémtrecéivét anti référréi 1 euIbugh. OConnior, Paddock. Ring. sait oat rnonéy hé képI in a sepuratté t'oiiiitte, urervicors Kirseér, te te Roat anti BTIdge fl0iistittr fail, SIaton, Sîrang. Thonipson. Ver-lunt fanrte aboyé purpose. MeYtiranti Clark~. ant istt attorney, Mm. George T. 1105èe ebe, Webbh niAntiot. , Web o! Waui Motion carniet d.N !le>tamniul frsriu tlt sX etn !lt ogan. White-27. Supérvîson Cranttoevét iait'héo ' ,AS. >'ATRAINING STATION Boardti vsuririelt noar ltaISprlIo! W. . SamBoit for labor ansd GréaI balts I111. Motion carniet.1 . vion Rrschmèr cl a témporry oaleriai amountIng la $146.60 hé al.pi .11. StprtamEe oét 0aiui Chimman. iMotton carnet anti Sup lacet. Mi' (Chari Rle itucl. pi is. sînil pril 251hr1918a 0 i dok A. riio r inacliner oIt théec'..tr. Muotior carniet. i' i ApiF.ngn918liéIor. Mc A 3 Supervisonr White mové t taBop Sutwrvisor Stratton. Chiatmasinto! ,Colnty Hausse Wuitga. I m tir.crnt Uvia? ashérbu életei émmanthé Hospital ('DOmifitlée. sulitttd lear ir-I 'am encIùing hérvtt Waulcegan, I., Apil 25, 1918. 1 î 1litChaînais for thé ensuing yéam te foUaing résolution: a draft a!ftée oroposti agreénh- Board met pursuati 0adomiié otion tarriét unanimousîr ant iSîp t'IRA Weym tptaCo.îw'éit aletitrtéioco-r îtu(iart bhmpresîte hi anmnti 'isa Matbértou lit chir. %ntéE las Wa x' itr HospialDm. t'P ilienéOthetrlé,S> soteprnéto ts it vih hi m atberain ut: ilp - Mb ute aIspécal menéndî fliét rie atvisbuity o bul-dng aSupr "tisas' întx tse N ntI Siir..asi enI-os Bsratt -l&Suuab-.1li t V9S. >of *tiocb. V9bb o AU Ct ian, White-236. Minutqe ip ~3gtçIiia iguponsnotof aiSupérvIsor Vercoe >roved. chairman Maether annoitnced thel Iowing Standing Commiltteee for tbç, W50ieyér: Coupty Farni-Webb of Amtioch, hoqijýon, Pe$0ci. Ceaiuy Fa rin Auditlog - McCui. S6ý, oeCoaov.Webbdi Waukegan. Ig«tMf0us AeSmemtt0 - Brge»,. ra"I'tlOfts-Martin, 1 Padok! Educatiofl-Webb of Waukegan, Me- 'ougb. Stranl;. cînpp 9.White, Vercoe. Meyer. $.. Wd .ri.s-Clark. SItreai. rbb ot AnttpCl.' Iud(4iry-UBger. Webb of Aniloch, iseMuiphy, RRlogdahl, ]Barn- xble., Lake OoUMlY Giferai Hospta- trttonf, llaldritlpé. Clark., ak. Cous'ty *Galberai Hospital Audit. i-Meyer, Kirochner, White. mlsceilanýs S dam@ -Kirschner, Ild)-Dilre. ,Murphy, ThoMhloq. poor (Balancé o1 C.ustly)-iCke, [uton. Crapo. Privitingý,Hdldridié. l'lcke, Murphy. purchàslIngýRlngdahi. Dilger. Ficke. Buii uli g-'rapo. Monaban, ngdabl. -i -Ih. n on Fi lui lq ta a lu il 40 E Ve E 1 oc hE loi 301 lei )n ýoI lu, ni' mi sfi re Ln ELP cc ha pri P14 tb th an to AI ai] di de fo Fi fo Ni Io le t4 ai el s rt si L A ti: fi: a r -3 local commnuiiy bY lthe officiai whil Lakts County, were referred, leort s tAumist4 p nieno. WIU Yeu not 1foîîows: cO0Tsspé04wtt4-*F. gitiaia-t tSis < We have examined eau petitioni tiis prpbierà of expenseo? . I d-i nd tht oaci.eCoBtaâasthe r& Yourre very trtily. quired oumber of signetures; that thse }IBNRY W. 9!HURSTON. places of business of AIl of saili Or Superviser Paddock movesi thal cons are outotlde the five mile seins ro Jîudas Persons bé allowed hie ex. céàtly establialied bje theé Gaver penses ta Kencas City to attenid te m"t; ihat la the yepa ia?47 t tiq l<étona Cafif eci0fSocial Workt itaI Towno Depton la ssii Tîa sa g<otion carId. tstp ttbt4dinst Tise fnilowing pétitions for County offleisat leOpmmoniy callesi,'5wÏt aid v re popenési:tirltory. W .tbérefo M, recoUgend a td . e r c Pi i o r t e d :t h a t d r a m s a b o p l, i c e n s e a , ,b p g r a i d t a Laké ofun y t ~4a && é Sl é te-b#p -drant alép , lu = hi epcIve places of business, Rp. Mir. (,bsal rnhal and gentlemnen of the on the' pCyment 01 the ilceo0e f@e Of Board of Supervisera or làake County: 1601.00 e-cii and enterlng loto bond -The un"dqiged (toIsinufer o! CC xeqjir4 .bx u Rigwa aitIa 6WUai~t54>iire e Wf V .uibmttei. b,.,repr4eéti t a t a 0br'l .e 1'4If.' .iv m b0bflto~ h.each 1= la< tbQI MRTNIL14DA ai S9ection 32 i éfaid TwU %ai:El: ~ %nawn as thss Milliard', se. 5 otHECADQUAmTe 1 w1ith tise ToWlt 0f BéntiiB l Fdrt Shrdalt, ?liiiaol. iNlé; ti)at tise totai l i by 4 e 1 -Molis tvaj yeara last past vaà luésatit year -ArlW i for theé fulainount off l cents alla*' Prom C (olonel l. Burkhal'dt. Jr. mlu éd hy law for ths co)mmicsioneriç te 1) il. g&asc..and that the probable cont of To: Supervicor A. G. M4aetbér. Chair' ~ ,<jfr~3450. man oL thé Boerd. aOt- S5flQt"q Wberetore your ConimIséiOllér hors, Prairie Vîew, Illinois. by pe titions you for ald. and forRan Boerd ury te meet one haîf of thp cosi of D rSir:-t understad YOuor appropriation f rom thé Couflty Treas. ha0 the sole authorliyfergrhntsole oe matid, thé salit Town being prepared fisé agaticné o h ae0 te Rsy thte lter one' hall. lîquor In lke county out8ide of citiés Datd ii.s~ti dy 0 ApilA.1). andi Villages. LaRet ausaMOIr C019091 Daid tis;2fih dy O APliA. Nicholson appeai'ed bof-l your Boeu. la ocrable Btody and pr.'ferred a réquest cHAS. STICKNEY. ferthue révoration of certain licensea commisine in Verfista Township. Heé Matéd tisat n.CTHoMPSON. hé hadibéen cOMiPélld t Put 68 mén Supervise?. Ir, thé Guard litou,.for lttxliaiôn Stateunif lîlinolis, f rom llqua's Purbusldedt jJýlf Day 'ouunty of lke. B19:The trouble was <'Onfltiéd t0 the sol Town af West D.."fltId ILtiers of the regular army. Wé are te To lite Floarul of SupervisOrsOf l'alte have 1s large assemitiage of slIerg oI ('.tintY. 11111n018: thé regular amy titis ouininer t Fort Thte undersiK5ned (,onmntionptr of Sheridan andi i undt'rstand tilat thse HtgwaY ofthéTow ofWes Der-camie men tiré appiyitig for a rer~ fjeldi in said Couunty. voulit respect, 0f thé liconseg. 1 sincerely hopetn' fully mrersént that a new bridge fo ueîy patriotîc cniPAID u Recfe e b bult verthegkolecountry bcng in a Tite and death Ditcti viere the Bamée la crossei by tg, whAMotoeruepy thé highwaY leating frein "&If Day yct¶illefusea toa;t verfulse te HighWood IR said town. for ehich i you vii efU a gmiet of salpon cati worits thé Town fl fW~ e A reply te tisis jetter will bca> a 1-fételi responsilie that thé total cent prectatet. sOf gatu3 wnrk vili hé $3000 Titrée Rpecfl 'Thousand Dollars. viicit sum will bc S.péctURKll. T J rmore than twélvé rente on thé One of BRKHADT.J 9Hu.ndred Dollar% valuatIOn On thé 'At oain.) O . mest asséecinment rol ofsait towii. and STATI' (OUVINC11,0FrDEFIFNSE tite lvy for th e ro nd an di bri tai J<hc g , p i 5 ,8 for the tva yearc Tst pact Incalul The Bloard f Sup rvisflr5 o b4 townovas In each yéar for thée full Couinty,5 aniofuit aliowéd 1w law telue raiséd A. (C. Maelhér, FAsq ('haîrman. for aIt rond and bridge puratoses, ex- Waîkegan. 111Laoic. z.d 7 epit for 'isylout0,5.itering. wiiDff S Dcar ir:--I havPe hen yqus eor vacaling ronds, thé major pUt Of ,v Colonel isurkbsrdt, commanding ai vitci le y a eee ,d for thé ordnary Fort Sherida . tn asi y en Iif (thé repair of moats and bridges. Wbr wrie>farblaconn dstn fore te iald (Omintsioner o!f115h« thé lîquor vviIn a minimum tu. tii i wys éréy ptitions youi for aid ad couny. t»' the noniccue. nonrenéwai fo -aprOpiation frOso thé COUiitY or révocation of liquior licén-esIn the éTreasul'Y of a aun I uffîcl b iite et varlous townB. particulariy thnef On. tOIf thé éxpénsés 0f sait bridge miles of Fort Sheridan~ or thP Great or oither work. caid town bélng pro baltes Naval Trainini; StaLtin ,r paret to furnisb thé, thér liaif of the havé aise beén tirectot hy the Sec iamount required. retary of War te malté évéry effort te a Datéd at Dééerfil this fifléentit day léuueen thé vice proïilern and Intuad 1of Aprii, A. D. l1918 dregi;ing me on thé pubjéct. SecretaW i JOHN CAROLAN. Baker writée as foliows: r C~oisbaer of lfgitwaI'. "Thé greatr proportIion f IiP staté of Illinois, forcé probably dlihécsoadé up of Countyof Lae. 55young enn ho havé nt y.'î becOtof r C u ty orw Li tsf . t Bl rfOiia cu to eul to contact w lth sither thé i. hé ndesigét omnisutoer of aloan or thé prostituté andti om ill , 1.teu ndero! héTne ofmissaonDeer b"Ctai tat plastirc andi generous period 4 field., County aforesald. hAreby Pste of life ohétu théir service to tiseit l itajeba até a careful éstitnatéc runtry sitoul l ibe urroundet by café' flinte1prob alrosi of sait bridgé ruards agaiuiet tmPtatiOns te wbIah d (thé proposet bridgéeaBattit hé a forty (bey are Dot accîîetoniéd." er foot atan twenty féét cidé RIl thé 1 wouit request that you givé Ber other bridgés over te Ski lfieftri'tus considération te the aboyé re- DAre 40> féét long) and i1doe.'stiutate quete. as It la vital flhnt everYtbing 11 iii hé $3000 Tr.hree Thc-'i5Cnd Dollars nmer of the army and Davy.f witné5iî MY hand titleis iflitisdaY li!ltruiz.. of April, A. D. 1918. SAMUEL, INSULL. JOHN CAROLMN. Chairman. ýy commisstoOer of HughWCYs. Fl Sheridan, Ili. AvrIl 25. 1918. Stl S Iiioe rom : intellige c e Oflîcer, Pt. Shri- County of Lakte. Bse: dan 111. Le Town of West O)eeriietd To: tommanding Otticer, Ft Sheri John Carlan. Cormtiooer of dan 111. 2:HigbocYs o!Baaid Town of West Deer. SubJpct: bîquoi tealers. fjldt being duiy ewomn on ctit saCYs i. Thé folioT'^8 places havlé been il that Titrée Tisousant Dolare men réportédti is off iîe as sellins liquor itionéd in théectimis éta chiclitiitri nbake Couotv under a Fédérai Il- affidavit le attached la neceBaary. and ceose: et that the santé cl ot lié more expén Jacob Spilman. }tlghwooi. Ill. l cive Ihan ta néeded for thé P,ýrP0eé Franku Stupy. Higbwoot. 111. tf requis éd. Edwarul Heustés. High coot. Ili. m JOHN CAROLAN. Saloons nt Haîf Day. tC Comotisaioner f o!HiShWCYS. Mr. Yulé pf Lake Forest bai a Fid- subzcri'bet ant sworn to beforé me érai bicenst bot bas sali out te ai%, Ihis t t day of Aprîl A. 0i 191U. other, party. name unknown. f localt ARTHUR J. ENDER. Mr. Yulé ta now working for Ibis Xi jueticé o! thé Pence Party. t: upervisor Fické, moved that thé Pe John Baldwvin. Lakte Foret.Ill. titione hbé reîérréd te thé Road and Win. Ganigt, balts Forest. 111 Bridge CoOlMIttél'. . Itlte reportéd (bat thé Tet twa Mont a r., Mtion cariedmn ionedl have gone out of bufitnsai Superviser' Clark, Chairman of the recently. e Fes andi Salariés Comnittée, suh. A true éxtrRet éopy. S. Burisiardt mittét ichéfalloiig report: ..Coonelfrt. . bL 't State of Ilintois, Siupetviso aiiarstow m<ived that lte rq balte County.ese: report bc accepteil ant adoptét.. M. Board nf Suipérvilarut. special April Ayé and Nay voté béing callét fori td Session, 1918. Superviser Balrstowva motion was cai 1. Mr. Charman andi Gentlemen o! the niet bythé folowlng vote: Board of Supervisora: Tljqe vpttg. y.a~.Pp.var Your Cammittee on Fées anti Bal BsaIrstow. BarnÏtabld, ro. igé c riésB teohonithé mattér Of thée. ael- Exer, Vbcke. iioldrdté, uttton. Itir. ary o! Chas. E. Russell, coUnty Supt echnér. Meyer. Mw'phy, McCullouîis o! HigiseCys was referred. wouit ré O'Connor. Paddock, Ringiaisl Srt. ro ia e rcosmmnd that thé cal ton, Wbb of Anttpcb, Wbb pf Wau v y a of sait SuPt. o IhCSlekgn-8 d raiséd front $1500 Per yéar te $2000 Titasé voting No are Superviqore Per year, payable onthiY. tprgew,,, Clark, Martin, Manajia I ReépectfOlly subm3itted. Tom no, Verctié. Whte-.7. TaI. iM. CbARKC. Superviser Whtite, Chairnian of thée CH ABE WËBB. Fiance Comtittee, Bubntedt )F supervier Vçrcec movet that the foilowlng: report: ,report bc aceéptéd and adopte. St1.até o!Ililinois, Superviser Eger m ed s n ace County. as: B. améadment 'bat the Supet'lnténténtl Board of Supervisore. Spécial ApK'i hé co. -e t d voe I q f tne si- n. 1918. . - --Wo&lmqqr Réoali iUtaldi~n utln. ainThOw in rsa lBtrtw Noadùo mmd Urgee-.inBac, egin Irsehsé. Ofq Stoate CanitBiél - StrtS, EW1161, rtihn Swinip Lande..Paddock, Siratton. Settloment wth Cauuty Clrk- ercpe, Moyen. Strattoti. Settloment with GeuntY.Tr&ÇUOr [onahati. Martin>. Hoidritigé. Settbémg@t wiit Shérif? - Hutton. 'élit of Wàtegan, Uier. Settiemetlt wtth Circuit Clrk- ',coneor. Clark. Vercoé0-. Theodore H. Dursî. Secrétar>' of thé )cal Couineil o! ýDéfense. atidresset e Board et tite request Of thé Staté oumcii of Défenffe ,anti reQuete4 lise nandti lamat an apllroPriatîOti for scessary expenges ta ait in cArryihi8 s lte vantonS car activitlés in bakeé unty te te anau nt O! $1.600. Superviseir Eger movedt Ial thé re' uésqt li e femedtD thebtéFinancé, Coisi- itéee for a report thia afternoan. motion. carriéti. supérvisor Wéebb ni Anîlocit. ciair- ai' o! the (olitunl Farni Counsite uinittiite iolîowing report: ;aIl- of!Ilinois, alto CountY. se': Bloard of SupervksonS. Spécial Apnil 'pnt .1918. Ir. Chaimmnat anti Gentlemeén of tité Board of Supervisors: Wé. youn Count>' Fart ('otototte 0 cho thlie séveral applications fat ýppointmelnt o! Bupéinténtétut o! the aunty Fanai wore rneamet. iavil kd thé malter under caréful canalit ration. ecarmnttithat BcisuYléi Ap Iey hé appoinltedSuperintéitdétt of be County Fani. Réspoctfuiy sulimittéti. (,HASE WEBB. B. C-THOMPBON. RAY PALDDOCK. Suîperviser Kinscittuérmovédth ial hé report lie acreçpléd anti adoptéol moit Ibethlie ('ommittée hé atthorimed aO enter inoa a ontratl itt Scbuyléi %ppiéy. Supenvison Crapa movét as;ai métidmeéut titat thté Boarti voté on thf lifférnut applications for Bupelinben suit b>' ballt motion cannîeti. Supévisor Eger movedt lit an In anral ballot hé tatén fan' Counti Famis'Sssperinlénntl. Motter car nie .. Thé nsuit o! thé firsI balloI cas ai folows: McNéviuis. 1: Werner. 0; Booth,. 12 Ntunsoul, 0' Appley. 12. Thèee bung no chiesc a second hal lot vas laltitnwiich résullt as foi loea: Appléi. 14; Bootht. IL Bupérvisol', Klrscitner movedthbit lie informel haltbI hédéClanét foma and tat Sc'huyié Aýpley lié déclarég eectet anti that thé' County Paro committe h autiotnzedtot enter iti Pcantract'with Mr. AppieY. Motion carniet. Sîspervisar irisc4ner, Chaissiso Special (Cafh.iitléé a ppainlt l ti rai uhea, - utlitttètithé !oilowiitg repart talteo linois.: Boarndof ttupervisorb. Specit ltpri Session. 1918. . Mfr. Chaimian anti Géntieunen o! tih Rosi.'o!fSupervisore; Youn 'Spécial (COtnmiteéappointe e ima.ftI miles 10 gavernt li aBOas for thée nsuing yéar, collit recar ment that tite Rules chicit governel tiis Board ion 1917 bc adoptét c11t nul anY changes. Réspécbfully subrnitbtid, FRED KIRBCHNER. T. M. CLARK. H. C. W. MEYER- sutienvison Webb f ai WXttean nia etIhat thé report hé acceptét au adapted. Motiou' carniet. Tisé folloeiilg commniciation co reat : THE NE!W YORK sCHP)Ob C PHLANTHROPY New c ont, April 20, 1918. HONORABLE PEIIRY 1- P£RSONI Waukégao. Illinis. . My Dear Jutigé Poisons:-,ia, pléasédt tiyou are able 10 tiscul Thé Children'a Court anti Rural ('hil Welfare ýit Kansas City,ý Mootay. Mil i0 noté chat yau say relative la noses santcnîliing to, Mr. (batli bi. (hutéstasloIfilil iq not poasib for thé National Probabttis A90l lion 10 héhp on tiXis prablem. . e é in part. le té not aise possilei for y( to secune thlité îant t !étises1 the tiotnty? 14 MaDy parts O! tI dôuttry suci aprouitt@ilsaet 0 sîtéret iégitimnaté. bot frôintisé Poil af ie vofo! ervice ta otàe;a hi t

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