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Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 11

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t. trt be accePted admid"itd. etin carieti. , IUU'Vl8O1 B iicer C(barcam f the Salij çonmilttee beretof-reappoint *b nvetgate tihe OrphaDlBC. lub r e ~ tb glf qiiow ing report: i ~~i land (Gent lemeni of tue o Supervisons: 11 . spécial CommUttes appoiited1 estlate the Orpianage. re- y&Tly report that w. finti thel (5ounty has at Lake Bluff Or- 1i.114 eliltirefi and that dui»V Idjar isHiintnelrelch hep til(OD WI34 eilidren; ive elso findt tal ~je Buff orpisanage and Mss ~dreirb's homte are rrowded te ifulrapacity, andi w. nd tibM t* Our supervisors ara helffleee tnaiIot finitirpain for ManDY atis Denthai abaulti he taieft cale Of Sud tht thée Coufty ban raid ffip jfrent achools durlng the lasi Icg nduxtrial 1schoi for la..................siîo Training, Echools for 149 oneti Boys..............1 I.9l )[nual Trainlig S 00 .....** ;...........200 Manual Tiý;ning chool Gils ..................180.0n ConyHumilie Soelety 4..1 #W*Manuel TrainingE bol................. 6.3 W~ Rildge Schooi for Girls..633-50 l.à Slnd OrphfLnage . 4000.0 86974.3r fWs find that L.aSaIllsCaunty bas lois operating a County OrPhBiiCCS a much les. Msi than It cOst% Laisi ir at the present. W. find that eSlle CoîutY la grawiit il its vg Iesanti ha> 1kinda and bai an . d bi olisurplus nt différent Onan. Ail are talten cre 0Of by 11.P fi tomates. We therefore recammeiid that Lakte jonty tsise Immédiate teps ta pavé *way for a Lakse (CoifitY orpban- ,We fAd that It requliem a referaS- Oof the People af the County é .bristhe building landi securing je necesAary rai etitO. W.further tecomimend 1ininaking 115.~~~ nxanulappropriat.ion that * 'FnaneCommtes Include. there a aum sulficleni ta serlîre otions en ri etate an4 pans andi sPecifi ý!aee for such an Orphanage, if the liq isarrIet by a vote of the pec> r* 0f the County. Wf furher recommeild that thIs uasevey effort in their Pavret eelrîrng tthe necessmamv signatures, 06'to carry thi' proposition ta a sur" uen ani;asve beiicvt' there t9Aan lut* necessjitv for sîîrb an Insîti oion anti ve reconlienti that a Coin Ateo be appoiiited. S Respertfull1y subiitieti M. P tTIAER. z . J.1.MONAHAN. B. C. TIIOMPSON. Uupervii.or Ficlce moveti thit the re 1$ be arreizted anti atopteti Iotiai' cartieti oupervior White. Chstrnr the ceCmiteO, sulimiltedthetb ne-erét: ,P runty 8a:s: mseia p roard nf Supervisos pra pi haon 1919. r. Chsirmsin anti C.ntIpýenlofnthe Boardi of SîîPervisams: itmur Finance ConmItr In whoiu ltenort of thé County Clerk nI per ba vhâ ve basa examineti 1w the ofieraItue Blind. w55 m-fprer *to report thai ve have examine" jpStiOttonIfK ErjnZn. 070 M a, 81 teet. MWauktegaf. Illinnlq. si Ifnm nii pettiol' and1 fron I lb msn~r*j5reportiha hý IF, bind anti .lileil t he Prnslafl allniwed liv law 'Ws ltherelare FrOmmentithat b" 1 lveti siirh penmion. th- frsi pay Vtt otab altédeJulv 1it., 1918. A. T, WFITE A W. VERCOP H. vC W. MEVER SUaerirttO BOirîtOW inved that file mrt h l sr.ceid anti stopteti Motion rarrieti. ?bh. fllnving repert WaS Esuhnlltteti rWHREfLAS. ve yoir Hospit a Coin It ttéé bast aken îînder cansileratloi' lte. sdvisabilitY 0f budine a SuPerin. ~dent'li antiNurses Home eti the W.~Conniv (leneral Hospital. WHEREtFAS. anare aI the a flon thai rester fficleflrv and. , management ran lta, sitaineti 1w -building of surb a borne, for the ossn thai vo' belipe that the Sup momenent of the Hosipital roult i gve -H lospital erreate,_r attention If b"h o n the grotid t ai tlimles net rjliv li ntaht. , eiv hti ~ADWHEaEABS.Wehletatt ILin ebô ,,eneesitV Ilii ordef tr nthe splen'J'did oiaiiClOwhilib bWexigts att h h ioal bt%etw the erttentont andi he11.thPi s Snîp pitentieut's anti Nurses' Haome ha A~ t oncep. 1l WiELREAS. if such s bilidinI ~ilt i ill iiatit aatelih edi' ~ecapaciv Of the Hosltal hy the in&ltol of nurses anti help frnm le Itopital. anud luther ovin thét iandig vhieh are alreadv hein? trugt upon the County ly the Navy -tl. Society. ve thîn i i Imprative jt titi buildingbho contruciti -thit. IfflitFPoRE BE IT ROSOLVMD (at the Itospitai Comaittese, a u ri» and empowered to secure the MheaseTY pandanti eificRtloniS for 5cii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t a ulin niprceivii b LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTTUP&, AUOLIST 8, 1918 vestiItate thin condition ofibhe Monn. vhîch was thse differeace ia tise The City of Rock IsiaRi is P-rrni Anaesthetica............. 3.00 *e.f .Cl&ty. .-amount bie turned in ta th1e Assessor V. hearty recoptian fer,,MINla Evauaon. andt Nay vote being collet! forlI 1916 andi 1917; thai the Boarud of Very reapectfulig Yomin, Naine Wslges........... 96.17 Sup.wvlsorw Bainsibw. Baretible. Dur.CHSW.BE , ge.cra$0Dilge«erý r, Ii'ike, Holti. Reviev gave hlicu neopportunity te Rewrting Sec. ,iI .Erfeon nl*e utton, Kirsrhnen. Mlatn, a.tiEpresant thi» statement Supervisertht'. (leneral ilipensce1 p6.00 iii Ugrphiy. C7UiU.O'Connor. reason for hia persanai prperty as Cunt erorbathoW oved taha tt c.ro Fa v. 7ea dck l-31. 10111811 s cmessnt eat i.ag lbs In 1917 tban IL a warrant on the Cotcat! rrrei Funk finalokShn. T1hone voting No are Supervisons 1916 that it in Inequltable and unjusîfr81.0taW . in. raurr Cenerai Expenmp ........... .36 CiD., Webb Of Auktici, Webbs Of WD.U I ita lie shoulti ho campelled. ta paY andti hat the Chairm appauoint thr Iv:: learvor taxs on property which ho tid netot oti on carnet. Miss Malvis Ctzloff. superviser ai-k. Clarman of teO M h oio igrslstO a TheouaandvSalariesoltatiofi vas pr Nitrs- Wages ............180.t00 Fete ati Saolawrie pornte. a Your petitioner further represents sertet: (lriffin's Wa%1kegan Ctaage. mttet hofolloi rpot that ne la mady anti villlng te afpear~ WHERIIAS. ai a meeting Of the (epneral Rpns .... .40 Rusaillnos efore yaur Honorable Body or beutoî. aie Cui' owsip Roasi Officiai5 Misr A.lHansen. l'io oinSpevly, . e88:p taCommiitee, ta explain the tiffernci '. SuCvbW< BOOM In the SNorme vage.a....... . 81 Session uievsospca p in 1.sait assassinent, if tde1ned by ths ortHottqesnlaVl[ee5 ISinoi0%a.lemîhim teliden. Buo.tl.Board. ioudrlptaiaArl1.11.a q0itolUo w as un <enp.rg Waren......37101 me. Chalr-nisfland Gentiezen et tlie. pi10 ,,Whreftp, he ndeaignd alie nîmousîy atopteti by laid offlelts MTherJ. P . iamiz C. Board of -Suapervisons: t& bsptto a'*9i1e n etn htte(1ut'Sd0 Yoir COIhTltiCO on lieem anti Bal 15 hapttonmyb rnei ant us n t'tteCua ada Qlinme"nt. lien expens 59.91 arie ouli econllii tsa lb sisthet ibis Boardi may recommenti the S ielîsaO f Lait@ CAlt!'purchasAgne" Johnson. ayOf the mins a " ud de Ofaitht eutn 0hmaiiesi fS? anal her-«.rsding outfit 1nnerpî Wages;..........120.00 Board afRi ve for tise yeux 1918 i. may direct the payaient oui of thii Tisrefare Be It ResBOI"4i. 'ai his A, J jevel fixet! As foliowa: chbirmmli$6.90 per froain the praper taxing bodies antirmtie r ho referredte 0tise Cait rlese.... 90 day: other meiberg andti liif cerit COlitI Treasury af the proper Pro IBoardi of Laie Cotnty foi lis coni Jennie Iorlias. $5.00 anti as$Igintw dorsy pe83.54 tnof the (couniy and Stato taxe, sideratiol'..(eep peq.....1o0 Respecfui! subaitted, out ofaI aid $5793. GIIORGE P. RUNElIÂN. H.W. Keel & (Co. T.M: CARKC. IRVIN-G E. POAYSE. <fi l. BAIRSTOW. Provisinsm.............. .169;.02 CHARI WEB. Satûof IliJ.sMONAHAN. Mms Frpt' Kirbner, Supervisoan Burgess moe!tihiat the, Couni! of Laise. sa: C nmIttee 0on.Re»ôltiltion, Provisions ............. ..1.00 report be accePteci andi adoptai. Irving 10. Payne heing tiritiduly supervîsor Webb of Wma5Wi -. B Leinari ca - port ho amendeta moud 'Agstat e.4md ithe abovti anti foegaling petitîli'theRoat nd hBnl4ge .Cotflie do î; Clark $400 per day.- b>' fim subsce'd anti Inova the Motion rarriaed. ti(loerai' E xpansei......16.24 Motion. carii. contiente themeof anti that the saine lF superviser 'mayer, CliaIrmalI ai thi, Franklin mrVeattr & C. Motion. carniet. tirucbaise Couaty HospitlI Auditiiig Corn Provisions. Gea. Expenan 156.19 Vote récurinx on the original mo IRVING 1IL PAYNE. miitee". suhmîîîetithe iiloving rmeIl- K. Muiord'Co.. tionas ainontieti the sains vas cr.r Subt.rribed anti avama ta belone me. part: . . ercan &lralEeii ..... 62 re.thio, 16th day ar May. A. 1D. 1919. state onIlîlinois. J.CenocantiBipnn 52 whteet. - ofth set)--i H 'vz - ' cnY.15:Geneona Expense .........40.20 Supprvisao t 'ar mane.Iro, <Sel) JOHTH. 5Dr. P.Late.Couartias Finance CommiItere. eporte that Notiry Public. Board oi Superviser.ln euD.1.H atn there vwere sufficient lunds ta huildT h 1e fllovina Petitlins wae, Pr@. A. D.1918. Anesthetica ..............120.00 the SuperintendtentS anti Nurpes' santeti anti on motion et Superviser M bimnadGnlmnn h i.F cagln&C. Home. ai111110Webo Antiéch releTretet the Con Board oI Superviaons' Provision"............... 20.90 Supervimor ThOmPsin moveti tâtaI mitiee or Ur-ense: Your Committee an Lakse ('unty Win.J. Moiley, the report ho eceeptet and adopted. To the Board af Supervisors of baise leave ta report t'bat tise>'havee'X. ProvisIons ....... ...... 96.13 Motion carniet. Conui, Illinois: I (leneral Hospital Auditing yvouiti bel J. T Merchani. Vote mcumnlng On thse oinigal ma, We the tinternlgfleti hing log' aminedtheuicbooks anti .necol f th% lî Provisions ...............71.19 tion af Superviaor Kimchiien tiseame votera of the Town aof(Cuba. Lake Superintendent andi Tresunrer ai saiti Mandel Bras.. vas carnet by the followifl< vote: County, Illinois, herehy petition YOL' Haepital anti fiadtihti'»san@ correct ilaulpaient............... 3.00 Thoso voting Aye are Züpevisorp ta grant ta ('harles Frisch of saiti anti that mince th. lest ?epOrt the' Ina Neiny. lactav. Burgess, Clark,('ripa. Dii. Tovn ai Cuba, ae lIcence lteieer> a items af receiptu anti dishursemf-nq Genera! Wages ..........160.00) gar. Elger. Holtritige, Iiriee, Moi- drain shop for the sale ai malt liquorts are as falova: Sorti' Sire Home Bakery. er. Monahn.Murphy. McCilloiigbt only, In salti Townofa Cuba. pursueiia vne~t per day per patient Provisions.............. 24.01 O'Connor, Ringtabl. Stratton. Tboînp to an Art af the Genemal Amseiniy la ta baise Couair for pont three moth- H. C'. Petterson. son, Vervoe. Whiteo-18. suri' case mode anti pravideti» $166) Gencrai Expense......... 45.62 Thase voting No ara Superviser Signeti by Otto Jurkart anti 12f Rec*ipta Fanleo Peansqon. Barntabli'. Ficke. Hutten. Martin ai berc. pl enmWao....- 4.5 Paddock. Web ofAntioeb. Webb £j State ai Illinois, M1>1.-Bln ,...an 2.4 l er I Waa & ---o3.5 Wauegan-7. ('ounty of Laieeas: Mamch 1-Balanrce........ain 7.0 Aler Pick & 'o..... .4 Suprvior aimtOWmavi -a Tc "othe .Honorable, ChairmnantiMrb2Cs rriéfoiGan .. 60 .W erlEens.64 Supevise Baintowmovp ta d Bord o SuMrs. Lellert ................i ExpenW. W....e.rc.8 jaurn t uber ta the cali of the Chair Bad iSparvisars of the CounIvtY Iarch 6--Cash reçeivedtinmGnmiEpno88 pane. aofbaace la the Stat afI lilinois: Lakse CounY ............. oto no Puble Service Ca.. iiotlon c"""' heundersigii, eti. l)egal voý g h S8-Cash receiveti frein Waaiscgan. Ili.. lune 10. 1918. ers of the Tovn af Antioci'.In si! Mail Victorias........... ........RasmiaIusesen.. .. 435 Bloard ai Supenvisomof aI biseCoun aunty aIfbaise, i'erehy rspectfulli Mardi t-'eh eceivet tram Dcoa xe» ... 36 ly, Illiis, met in Reglar Session ai petitiomi yaur Honorable Body tr Aug. Rode............ ... .12On Reartol' & Wall. theCortNone n heCiy o Wu rat t Pchofthefolein napdfr.13 Cash receivedt rain Provisions.............. 98.73 iegen. Cnunty ibalke anti Blte oý parties af saîi Tavn ai Antiacli. toi Mr@. Pr,.:vborgki ..-.........21- uis Illinois, vith Ci'airmaia Meetiler pme vit: J. P Joahnson, J. M. Oleson. Neq Mer. 20-Cash receivet frotte Canerai Expenso......... 24.74 sidîng. anti the folloving niembeni fi. Btes. Goa. H. Nelson, Daviti H Jh abt....... n .D ere&C. present: - Cushing. Sm.. Robert Blier, Joh h n lar. i'-abet............. 10 O G 8 ne& Cans..... 0 lIalmtov. Barrntabie. liirgetz 'Connom. Raymond Pregafizer. ElîJali Mar21- ih Rcelvei SteveCnerionse C....... 05 Clark. Dlger. Eger, Hoitiritge, Hutten .Jackson. A. W. SBunneson. I eonarti Mr. 3przvaborlved train o. Sev en&a..... 06 Kirchnr, artn.' Methr. eYj Soebn, ous BthelglmE. Sim Mra. Przyboraki........... 3g. 55'James Salmnon, Monghan. McCultoughi, O'Connor ans, Henry Jackson. RarrY Brown. G Ma, 3-Aah eelveti from Doelrai Expens........ 160.11 Stistion, Thompsan. Verco.. Webb of auer. C. Potha (Charles B 1114 r. rnkSit-.....5).7 rer' Hrwae Antioci'. Weib ai Waukegan.-20. joseph' fallabeciser. Jahn Jurchie,.a AMia. Franfit Bnith........ 51.70Sch-" Hrwrp xen..... 13 AbfentsuprviorsCrao. lck liens takee lamai Ton o Au Lakse CountY ..............15.00 Standard 011 Ca, Murphy. Paddock, Rngdail. Sirangs tîoch a dirran shop for the sale oi April 1--Cash ecéiveti I cao General Expens......... 6.30 WhIte-7ý malt liquoOl'sony. Pursuant ta an Art Elizabeth Do0w.... -.......1.00 B.. P. Bpaultilng. .Minules ai prec-ding meeting reati ai the (encraI AsaémblY alibi' Statt, Aprtî 1-Cash rereivotifr0013111ks. eneral éxpeasé .. 202.62 anti upor motion ai Superviser KIrsch. of Illinois, entitleti "An Art ta restrici Wmn.Dow.............. 10.00 Soranson Bron.. nom appraveti the powers ai Counties5. Ciles. Tavas Anit 3-.Casi receivet f rom 1CaneraI Expens......... 12.03 The followlne peit"anW"aspressili. anti Villages la licohnlg tramn shapw r. LOTatt........ .. .-. 2.00 Mise Todoroif. Mt anti on motian ai Supervisar Mer" ta provide for the granting of ali > . hmeeiei rnmCnerai Wagea.......... 20.00 Pr referredt a theeErrofluits AssescenssetIn métil malt liuons sePAmné'ie Mrs. Tmpp.......... .... 12.00 MaGoge hrs ment- Commit tee. i anti for puniaing persans boltiui"' i 1-ah eele fo Nurse Wages........... 200.00 9t4ltraetI llinois, such a aate licénse for unavie Mns. Hennir Broecker - 10.60 Vanille Tendisowf, CInlntv n« Laie, as: alie anti gifla;." approved June 15, 181le April 13.,-Ce.ai receiveti irorn General Wagea.......... 110.00 Ta the it-orabln Boardl af SuPervl-In force July i, 1883, upon colYing P. C. trkkuant . - 15.00 Vtn & Zunniser. «.n ni the Cnunty oI Lake and' viIh saitiAAt ai the (aencmal AsmaApnil 3$-.-Caa éeieiframPoian......... 30 tA ' Io'llinois: ly anti the Statutes af the State 'q mrs. HgM.çsm Kirk -.. . 36.409 Miss Agnes Weyniillem. yn'- jtiioner. Irving E. Payas, ofi minois h Go Avril 18--Csh réceived f rani Nurse Wagoa............ 226.00 tle Vnilp- ni Area. Ia the Caunîr ai Daleti lune 2. 1918. Signet Mes~-. Wm. Wslter . . 47.96 Wilson & Ohm. L.ake' anti Stale aI Illinois. reaqperîfltiH. Nelaon anti 619 thers. April 22--Cuýil rereiveti tram ('eneral jlxpense......... .75 ly représents ta yaur Honorable Bntiy The follaving communicatioin wap P. C. Stiçkland _ 4.3ê J. Wainvrlght. thai bis pPrsangtl propeity anti the presentet. April 23--Caah recèived fi'ntm Gemersi Expense......... 1.60 persoas'praperty aiflhi vile. Mary State Aaaocislioui of Supervisors Mugi' Martin ..... - 1.00 Washlagtrtt L*tntry. Payne. weme erraiif'Oly assei5eti b! Couniy Comaisaloners, County April 27-Cash recelveti fr010 I.aundry................ 196.15 the Board of Reviev for the yeai and Probate Clerkr and Coun- HarrY Bayer........-., 6.00 Wauiseeai i 01Co., 1917: that thé prapentY of hiaiseli i1 y Audtorr April 30--Cash meiveti fr001. (seraI Expense ....... .t4 anti is vure se esséssed togeiher Springfield. Il., Juas 5. 1918. Jahn Bouon ............ 80 Waulegan Ire Ca., anti net sepaately; thet hbe eeli'ee F(RETAP-Y'ql OFFICE Mev 2-Cai' receivedti irf Geueral ExReitse ......... 8.45 a noice ta appear boloro the Baane To the Honorable Chaîmman anti tht Mni-s bffent ............32.00 Frec, Zoehler, at Rvîev ntthieïr session In 1917 Members ai the County Board: May 2-ÀCepi' eceived fram (enemal Expens......... 14.00 which notire vas atitresseti ta I. 0 The Thitv-Flerant Annuel Conven bake C.onntY ..... ......000.00 PW * Payne: thai his fathérnnAUié vas E tion oI the Siate Association oI Sur> Max «I-Cash ceéved i rom Dia3blll'éleitg. Marcli. B. payne andt iat ho ibought saIti ervisors. Couotv Cammîssianers. Caun Ma -ee ilb.3$.09 ROIS, ta lune 1. 1i13...... . 84U15.911 nolice reierred ta bisgahr' ses vatiPoao rs antCunvMev 16-Cp&h receiveti fMrm ~ Ala hc ansetul n îienf: th a i-he apperet bdmg laidM Audiors viii belieldit at Rock tland Everett D«: bere -.- . 28.800 iittet. Board af Review and faunt that aI'lian July 3". .1 anti Augustl1: escli a 6-abreevdfnH.C .MYR notice vas Ian bis ovn asseassint; County t, entîtîcti ta four d gae M 16-Ceai'rtved iam- H.0 CRI) W. NER that the Boardi of Ravies' ihen Inquiin viz: threp Supervisons or Commis. Ma.y 16-tIaai' eneived Iran: A. T. WHITEI._ et of hum vhY lhi apeeaumieit foi aloners anti thé Caunix ClerIt ant Ir1 Mrs. Anna Witlivenaflen .. 10.00 Supervîsan Dilger ,tiovei that the 1917 vas laver than for 1916; thai hi those Caunties whlrh bave a Prabate May 2-Cas;h receivéti fr010 neport be erceptét anti adoeptet.' titi nt bave the figures wlth ha t Clark or (Counly Audîttil. they are tc M me ea. Cane ............ 20.00 Motion carniet. show thé reasan for suci' decregft ho atdoti fly direction ai the Aq Mev 2g6-Caai'. reçcivepd rini Supetrviser Stratton. Chirman ai anti asiset lotfuithon lime ta appeni soclallon I1:rgently requeal Yeu f(; Elizabeth. Daw.............1.0 teLakse Coui Hospital Commit- hefoce selti Boardi anti prenant tht appoint telagates la attend. Ma 8Cs eevt ri:tée subinittodti he foîiovlng repart figures, andt hat sait Bouaiest Fo detail information ,regartilng Wr'm. it<>............ -. 1.6() anti nivet, is .adoption. hlm that they voulti coniten the the prgpam 1 vîli dirent vola ta the' May 28--Cash neceived i 1:00 Motion camriot. 1 mater anti let hlm tnop; that li 1e Cuaiy Cerk, whcn aI have ihema ar, Mna. Cea. Yare .... . .. 25.00 We Youn baise County Ogneral Hou- taIt sait Boardthe£1he1 ti asaegBsnainosn as ;ninied. DieteIroanvhici the Mar 81--Vast' recelved irrn pii Camnmittée beg leave ta recoin- os maté by the esosasan vg prape' expenaeW of the Associtioni are paR bLakeé County........ .... 1600.00 nii. that Djn, A. &1 Brava be re-en- but thet h nover recelvet any futtliqis latn dollars ftrain eah (oumille, vil' -.- gffletà Couiity Phiîclatanti Sup- er notice tfian saiti Board 01 Reviev; you thèeetre plcese mati-unI yaut $5871.7r eiitçMa. of tiie Laite Count>' Oea. that lie tIinet knav that.hbis asseuI (lent ta issue a warrant for Iha' Merci' 1 1918 ta lu ne 1. 1918. etal Hosptal on théesanie terme anti ment bat been Inéreased -until hé anounit payable ta W. S. Binas, Trocs. tatal tlsbusmemnts. . $4416.94 cottreot as lantpreceing yeara. anti paît is taxes la thé Te% Collector Ir urér. vith the equest thst lhé malin tisattise Chairman anti Clérk ai the 1March, 1918; thet is total persoal the varrsght "o M. Binas4, et Pittai luné 1. 1918, balance tr the BaSrctibe a;utharized ta enter lai is pnoperty ansesment for the yeac 191f fieldtlinis. 'r-aw>.. . ...$146574 coatraci., lune Io-, 1918. , Wan $21.02835 andt ha1 the Board oi 1 vant ta impréas upon you the lm- T Olabur.....te.t....WM. J. STRATTON. ! nleaie Vaation tisereop va.$7 0 portance of your, County afiilîtttingP ret' Buk iauseItr . W. HOLDRIDGE. andt Iat the taxes paît 0 o bp h ie ahl a'1 wttb this Conventioni. The resuis aobi eiios........ $37.19 T. M, CLARK. 1ai praperyfr oi l8i *re ;É3606: thal tainedtr maa i is organization hae PrBvusinsSuperviser ire. ,Chairman af the the svorn steténielit WblCi b is eaI heén aigreai benefit ta every Counti - fia............ 30 oiltea eiein ii h fiant ant is Ifi ie retirpetotathé An . te8m;b iécninet fot utlmç.Ca.Circuit ('lo-k suhmitteti the filoving : seanon fer tisé yeei-1917 for.iheim jper eftisée Cierks anti Commissianens DoeaiîExpensé ........... 9.46 report. akgnIl.Mrh>118 901141 popty vas $18J98; thaf mur' gooti logîisation bha>beon Ailj.J M. 3difr T teWoaben II. amc .Uu1918. thç Board ofaIRevtew Iarneset sait fectet anti bat *legilation defenteti ry isiona -........ 27.97TaieHnrbeBmd fupv- assesoment ta $20.365.00, bêlingan l hrîntétipaona eey îiso o ILaise Conu, 11111118: cresai $215900; thai the taxes pat county ha~ve béen savet thousantisai1%t.................148.40 Vaur Camiite an Settiai~n tli by yaun pettionar for sit .yean toIdallera, .Itlaisone ai thé hast Inveat A E Bras..-----teCrutlrkwld1I . un 1917 vere 8646.21; andt talsait In masta 'tcemlétaetiel n.xpnc irotins 110.69 report that lie havaexau *udthé crease aft hîs aaa asmentaamen del, Den.tXithîs convention.tReports anti AccouaI> oiý, wais 0. 1 rae fbsa8esinto Iý a90 gates e hscovnin*Burkot'A Wnlght.. 90Brocisvay. Circuit Cleark ai',4cént- .matie a total Increane. _Qt.taes aeIimportant aubiecis now belote the qnlpmaent ..... ........ ...90 p it a eneiJ~gDcm 857.93 anti hat yoc petiionoeput ConilorB for tihebisiiatsvîlI b Relpi ChIit$ideO itherefore recommend that the report f aid C'ircuit CerIt and Recorder ise approvpd. Ail of whh i4, re.4bctfuily ub. mitteti. S.<J. ARNSTABL. T. M. C'LARK. --Coum ifte upervisor Tbomp8n maveti that thereport bc accepteti andi adopteti. Motion carriei. The raiiowîng report af the County Parrn Superintendent anI nventry wee Preenteti andi on motion or Sup- ervisor Myer referrsd ta the Caunty FarIn Auditing (lommittes. Reort of C. . Apiey. Buperinten. dnt of Lake County Poo Faim Libertyville . . Jne 10. 1918. AMount Paid Ou. March 4. 118 toi June 10. 191. 1Mer. 9-Dt. O. 9. Butterfieid Veterinarian services ....$10.00 Marci' 16-Standafrd, 011 (Co.. 100 gais. Kerosene ati 0/1.. 10.60 March 15-Pubic Services Co., eiectric iightand power .. 42.96 Marcit 36-John Barnard. use of auto tranaferrins patient arh21--c. M. St. P. Ry. C., fre.Igisi an sugar........ .26 March 28-C. M. & St. P. Ry Co., freight . on wahing powder................... Z A;i; -W o . Laycock Ca., shaft foi racor ............22.08 AprIl 4-C. M. & St. P. Ry. C ., freight on coITee....... . .26 April 9-Public Service Co., electrie-iight andi power.. 33.3 Aprii 13-S. P.Evilsizer. put- iy for mtor............ 3.76 A pril 19 W ,,, .-ýcock C .. repairlng purnp............. 1.26 April 15-tc. M. & St. P. Ry. Co.. Freight on %Oetil crn .26 îApril 19--S. A! Mattaon, car- Penter work n roatilma- 1 chine andi buildings,... 53.30 April 23-Lveil Morris. Ber, vices as Notary Public ln Leapoiti Vogel case ..... .0 April 27-tirm. Susan Blanis, houi(eholti services, 2 weeks 1 at 87.00 ...................14.00 Aprit 30-C. S. Appley. ei- penses. Dunntng andi ratura, escorting Insane man 2.26 iMay 7-C, M. & St. P., ty. Co.. freigbt on tobac6o... .26 tMay 7-U. 9. Pont Office. pos- ..tage stampa................ .1.00 iMay 7-Alton Riate Hompital, clothink for Bîste Kane . 6.00 May 7-Dr. L. E. Golding, 1dental services............. 3.00 May 8-Wm. SchlçY. builti. Ina icti box................60.00 May 14-Harry Gaiaway, 3 days service hanging panier 15.00 May 15ý-Public Service Ca., eiectric light andi power.. 29.81 May 15-. A. Mattsen. car penter and moaon ....... 74.90 0May 16-C. MN. & St. P. Ry Ca. freight an sait and waabing machino .............53 May 20-W. E. 7a'i Il.23 bu. seed corn at $10.75. 26.88 May 27-J. Goltiberg. 2 doz. 1 brooms....................16.00 May 27-C. M. & St. P. Ry. 1 freight an ayrup andi suger .86 June 1-A. P. Raugbt. sharp- 1 ening 2 iawn mowers........ 1.50 June R-9'. ..Elfering. repair- ing andi sharpening machin- ery........................ .80 $ 429.52 1Amaount Recelved. Mer. 4, 1918 to June 10, 1918. Aprit 15-A. Rilty. 1 boar. .. $36.00 Apri1&-A. lUttyl "2.calves. . 301.00 May 6-N. W. Instîrance Ca., damage by lire..............9.14 may 9-A. Rity. 1 rail.........20.00 Total Iteceiveti........... 180.14 Summary Marci 4-Balance due Lakse County ...ý................821 Total received .............1014 Total ('rédit............ 662.27 1 Total Paîti Ont............42952 .lunr 10 Bl.idue Lakse Caunty$232.75 lnventory Lake C. Poor Farm Lihertyville. iIt-. .une 3. 1918. AGRICULTUTRAI. IMPlEMMENTS 4 hianisets (2 Iboise, 2 barnl)..$ 6.00 1 bah aleigb. ligbt ............2.00 2 chains. 14 ft. i10........... 2.00 i clati crusher................5.00 i corn binder ................75.00 6 corn Clitterq ................ 2.00 1 romn planter. horme......... 20.00n 1 creain cajo, 10 gal.......... 7.0 1 crow bar ...................1.00) 2 cultivators. walkIsit.. . 1 englne, 18 H. P. gai........ 30000 l fanning Mnul.............. . 1.0 i feed grindor ................25. 00 10 farkm ..............'«....... 3.0 40 grain macks............... 8.00 1 gnindatane................. 3.00 î2 mets harness. double ... 50.00 2 set barrow. apring tooth. 18.00 1, larvester ..................7.00 i hay tedder .................2.00 2 jack ae.rews................ 2.00 3 stop iadderc............... 3.00 1 landi rafler .................100 1 lutter carrier and trarck.. 26.00 1 maul, Iron ............... .7 7 palis, rnil< ..................3.0 1 p1ck aY.................... 1.00 1 plow, pulkcY ................25.00 1 poteta digger...............35.00 2 pulleY blockq............... 2.00 2 raites. garden.............. *75 1 roati drag..................15.00 2 bob sîiehs. heavy......... 30.00 1 buze sawaud.freme ....10.00 PAO4F 5TREI9 r10 boea......................2.00 7- 1 is tid r 4 0 Il. e t e nis io n . . . 7 .0 0 2 luntémn .................... 75 3 lava mavérs............. 4.00 1 mnanuré apreader ...........000 1 m avec, 6 il ... . . . . .. 2 .00 12 Pais vater ................50 I plow, dise, gang............ . Oô 1 pins', valkng................00 1 potain planter ..............40.001 1 Pulverizér. double ..........76. A0 3 reIrlgeratos.............. 76.00 1 set scales. platio m..........1.00 1 eti anales, stock ............10.0 .i srvlhés and anamins .... 3.00 t smitifoc u nlnating barm ls. . 2.00 1 troc pruner....... ......... 1.00 t wagon , iump ...............30.00 t Wagon aprin&t..............35.00 3 wagons Itruck............... 0.00 2 vakon jaks............... 2.00 1 wcn'der, 2 h. abrel......... 10n.00 .1 ef whifflP Irees, 2 h ......... 6.00 1 wic sIretrier ..............1.00) I set vraies soîitl...........1.50 8 s h o v e ls a n ti 2 sp a d vn s . . . 5 . nçt, 1 aurey, 2 sat.............. 2.00 2 wagons. cao............... 40.00, 1 w a g o n , b a n d . v a 1 1 1 c a r t . . . 1 6 . 0 0 . 1 wagon, stock.............. 75.00 3 wagon boxes.............. 20.00 1 sel wagon ping, 3 tan.. 400p 2 set s'hlffle Ines3 bh4.00 i w ffti racis..................3.00 Total...................2696.25 L.IVFI STOCK AND POU LTRY 1 huit( 3 ypars ait........$.1125.00 l? raws ...................1170.0On 4 horses.................... 260.00 1 catI.................. ..... 8.00 60 rlîickens ..................60001 2 sov, blrnont................80.00 (flOPS STORED 2F tons hay ................ $ 345.0(1 150 bl. potataca........... .. 75.00 20 l u. nas ................. 130.00 CROPS IN FIELD 301 acres ecoma............. .$il240.0On 20 armes ails anti vheat. . . 150.00 24 anres gerden............ 100.00 1 acre patoes.............. 280.00 HOUSEHOLI) ARTICLES 1 haking aven, large . . . ..$300.00 40 beti b lan k ets . .. Ir »*1 40 .00 1 brea ixier anti motar ,... 300.00 10 brau tins, large........... 5. 00 12 broois...........6.00 100 chair, romman.......... 20.00 60 Chambers, granite......... 22.00 60 beisteda. Iran ...........240.00 1 hi-eut box, Irn............. 3.00 1 breat amier .................00 1 breeti traugh. Iran... - 6.Q0 6 chairs, cane seat............ 6.00 1 ,chair Ilalit ...............16.00 3 docks. alan................ 2.00 4 clothés baskets............. 2.00 2 coffea pots, coupai-, large. . 6.00 1 testi,tlag ..............10.00 1 tih truck................ 10.00 4 isettles, large. cooltîag-... 8 .00 100 linIves anti Taks.......... 3.00 1 méat chopper.............. .00 70 Dllovs anti 2 feether bats 45.00 1 rangé, ges................ 26.00 40 soup havis ................ 4.00 60 spons, table.............. 1.00 2 slaves, noolting .............60.00 I table, extension........... 10.00 12 vegetalile tiahes ............300 É v a h b olle r a . n a p p e r . . . . . . 1 1 vesb machine, pover... 300 ' 12 vater pitchers. granite..t. 4 3 niotbéa wringers ........... '1 1 cot. spring .................'- 4 tish pans. Iao...... < 10 fiat Irans................ .50 4 Itetilas. granité............. A- 60 mattréssés ............... 100 flO 18 ment pans............... .- 100 plates. upa anti sauers."' C 6 seat, Iran ................ n 1 spîen cuphoarti.............r 100 20 t Inds. Irurnonm..........?r (Il 2 Ânveg. heatlng .............2, (1 1 table, trop leal .............'no1 4 wah boarda.............. 1.00 1 wasb machines, handt.... 10.00 7 vash. tubas..................n.o0 T ali .... *............... 81701.60 DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES 10 hot apreada .............8$11.00 10 ytis. ralina. utrli blucé... 2.00 f; rosIs. mér...............12.00 5 y tia. ten nin g. braow n . .. . 2.00 5 Irocits, mep's ............... 7.50 20 yards muslin. unhicarbeti 2.50 20P shfeéts ant i lliawcasés. .30.00 5 yards bet icking . . 1.00 .caps. men-s............... 1.80 100 nainlarlers ..............100.00 3 yds. fiannel. shaker . . . . .36 4 bts,. m én's ................ 6.00 12 pr. pants. ovemaîls, mens 24.00 24 shimîs, mens............. 18.00 6 pua. Shos. mci' 'n.......... 15.00 24 tpr.marks. mer'ms.......... 3.00 10 multa undervear. men's .. 12.00 2 Ves, men's............... 3.00 46 Ib. coffe. '...... ........ 1125 75 gai. koroséne.............. 7.60 i. î sugan .................18.00 M. blvinegar ...............6.00 4 pr..ahaca. vomen'R.s ... 8.001 6 pr-. alociings, vamen's ... 1.00 6 suits undérvoar, vmes 9.10 200 Ib. butter.............. 80.00 1 bhl. molase............. 40.0 1 box aaap ...................4.5n 30 Ib. tes. ............... 10. 'Totai ................... $ 446.91 MISCELLANEOI!S ATTICLFS 1 cornent m ixer. ir n . . ..$ 45 On b..oirt scraper .............. .. 2.00 1 beatine plant, l twater ... 2500.00 >i hettng plant. large tank-- 300 00 2 ie sa va ................. .. 1 'l o l ta is.................. .. 2.0 20 nords voati...... e........120 .00 2 ga slin e tanks ............ .. 12.60 10 tos cenal................ 10.00 1 heatine plant. dnying rnoma11500 1 Iee chitiel................ .. 1.00 6 p. ire longs..... .......... 3.00 1p.pipe tapes ............... 1.00 Total................... $3239 00 --v tokAt pu 1n. 1600 ý4

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