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Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1918, p. 13

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LIBERTYVILLE INflEPEi~1)ENThAUGUsT 8. 1918 7 PAGE 147VE ,grante.d, and th . opsoni and spécifies.as a lban AM"~ud viatiai of', 760 .Jaa.G a . 'supervisor"Kiraadclne?. di-airnin of M. P. Diger. ttejte b.'prepa id, andtiratiIt TSrtBa and t*XS.e MiW*'U tlvult ent s.. '.. ~.. 5~. 4.0ill UAu i U çt*ap ila, Coiitten Work ..........6.70 b;let by tli!"eommittc<t at such tire following described prIl t Nrtit Bowman Dairi. I shnte h ôlwn eot f*~ ~r sW they doxol favoîrable foi the ramie. 11 acres, 8S'04 ettoS'33 Town- MIlk.................... 61.67 Statn of Illinols. Commitpe Work......... 18.00 In têtO mater lit the petilion ln th% htP 46 N .1. 10, bel»Ding to the Paus Glese.,> Lal(< County aInir-Stre Town of Bentori. forr he construction etstais of E. 1. Lehmann, and refiand Meat.................... 37.9# Bnard of Supervisera, Junn T,'rm, Supplies%................. 27.90 ~egb illiard bridge, on Beach Rond raid amount of f430.34 ln accordance Char. Gaminer, 1918.EmlAFik Sfind it t ucsrscoa t thet ecin' 3Cate 2 ta- Crcerier. ................22.46 Mr. 't.eirraan and Gentlemen of the ColmItlec Work ... >......31.60 k xcc iivil,-,)2 cents, on each tuIies oai Illinois. A. W. Hîmier, 1 tdrd $14.00)ttidollars of val Respettnlly tsubmltted. Grocripr ..............* 87 er fSprloa .Gay ýftioa. andilitîreforp annot recom A. 8 SUROESS. Chr. H. P. JePpersen, Your committee on NUceltsn,.our, Siampeil Envelope . 94.80 uknd aid foi- tI&idi ,îge. CHAS H. CRAPO. GrOcerier ................ 29.07 ('laimii would beg leava to report thei' I-A. Grady. subrffledB. . MNAHN. rs.B. indstrurhave exainnedail clatib rntpeantpd Stampad envelopea ... 31.1110 CEC 14 l.IIAIRSTOW. Superviser DtIler moved that the Rent.................... 16.00tellure ther u îd recomitueni th,, pay.ewA nd, Ai lEE.report be aceptad and adopted. e Middleton & Clark, ment of thâ' frolowing, ai that Il,.. Writing Assefssors books 974.34 FltkE- l' t2IlIN1FR 14OOR s~ce.led. . Fuel.................... 126.13 "Ierk he di:pcerd ta i*.sue,. rdpr., Il r Lew A. Hendee' ltoai & Bridge Ce. 5uPe'1$aor Millier, Cirman of Northwetern Store,ih s.*i il Ainouéls ta tht'r P rat County Service 3912 Supe-rvitunr 11<I<' Mnoyed thsi the re. Conmiltteeaoit Waukeg.n, Ritelda and Merchandise............ 77.06 claimantq, to.wit 1>D A Hutton. -pat , icîted anditadopiteil flerfleli Poor CMaints, .ubtntted the R. O'connor. Nalfci For VOsat Wm.. olridiOOWrk15 Met or vartit (tnri nita. followlag report: Fuel ..................... 13.60 J. ID. Adamus, *1.W.,70rd Cuhalîrrlin .<n. ai fStatri of Illinots. aae Cs MreRepaire ...............8$1.4 f66 COnbmlttee Work .. 33.60 tbe Ronsd ;ti ltnll,g'Comittee. Eub- L.ako Count>' sa: Ment?.....................S.91 Austin Western Rond Mach.,.}igginhothain & flquglasý, injIttiii. foitI.itit..PrtBoard of Superv~isera, June Ternt Frank Rertpinwald Repairmî................. 14.965r Keva.................. 2.10 ~V',uk,~,'aiiP FrldKlrscbner, IL 113nî:, 1918., 91.SIOca.......... 14.28 Austin Western Road Mach - ommttef Work ..... 26.60 Tc il,. sîuîuriýrr or L.akeC tO: Mr. Chaînmai and Gentlemen of thé Saut! fro.,Repaire................. 15 17 GeOrgg y. Lewin, IWýttik* ;in 111 Board of, Mmprvi8oro: Grocerieg ....,.... 61.29 Pau, Bairtow Grass Seed.......... ... 12.5n iionorabi, i4r:,: Ttb, uadersigned Tour comnttee on Waukeuan. J. A Stryki Services Road Outilt ... 82-40 John E. Lane, have thé. following 7retIori ta malleln Shields andi Deerflid Pour Claima' 0roceries................1l4.5.2 Peti lairstow Livoa'y......... 8.00 .ibe rnatil-lI oisiir'ilil of the would beg leave ta report that ihey R Shannon Services Rond Outfit.. 65.Qiý George Larpen. bridg.. onl ie ;,oîoséd fil road ai have eXaMiBeM&U il claita9reened Grederles§............... .262 Paul ,,airgtow. Frantlng Piclureà .... 3.46 Fo a" r' fîî ile, Nippedaîfink efore tltem n ld rttcolilitiafd the p:, -- Servie" Road Oult .... 61-00 George Larsen. wr,ît ~.îu.."~ re calîid for ment of the illowinic and thti telS766..84 PulBairmtow, Ambane services ... 122.00 _s.elu indn may 22ru1. 1919 ai Clerkrbhe directed.to Inique oa e a Total ..... ......8$660.32 Servicer Rond Outfit .. 7ý:l E A.Martin.* efor inalt'tid. ýci' rpelPve<1 'SWîblIII1o-it .mited Rond Ouflit .. 79.360-If.C.W eer Prîoil r" aidfor ta ha Namn For Wbat Ami, .tIE.Pu artw 'mltewr .... 1.$f Oppof iN2rd aeg T V MURPHY. Services Rend Outfitt 81.10 A. I. MitI npre, Thé l r , .Iving Folder91 Per John Aahmua B C.THOMPRON. Suff & SufMfg. Co.. Supplua.......... ......28.25 "Mission roi nu.truilinn nitahrlcated Merchandis....... ....S 137.00 Superviseir Ringdahl maoved thrat the Repaira.................. 1.20 Mac> Ce;. stel w,'rai~cl .n~ eautai'Orl WrCP. lsratw.report ble accepted and adopted. -Arhur Brooks. Furtjese.............. 173.96 ,~iln . .uîî'ii it lîrrcu winlg ta Fuel.................... 207.79 Miîon a crrled. Services plana Sher. Rd tsnfo 0. J. ite4bn. »Pc dourt.? l, 'Xrlt vI-d P the mnatter J. Babos. Superviser HoIrilIge. Chaîmman of Philo, Burge- CG»Itteegquark......... 32.20 "rT id<.tî.î wan ex Merehandise............ 100.00 thl- Commtter on Plntift and Sta. 1Bervicest Road Oulftât 153 58 W. W. Pearce. ténde(, t"14 1! 1. Ill J.M. idinger tianery. subîitied the following re. Philo Burgegiq.Rubiter Iploa . ..... ......1.95, orti. ' t ' îîIr.t1 was' rpecived Mrchandiso............. 60.00 part: Services Road Outflt. 146 60 P L, Persans. 'fer tit, , ~~i. î titl ot Inlude P. A.SBlirait. Stale .of Illinoais. Philo IBuresExansene 0convention. 46.94 .the .'. li . ,iî,tge. Aride Merchandise ............. 142.00 Lidke Countyas: Servieýr Road Outfit .. 74-25 Ray Paddock. Ir -11111~~iiitt nnsidered CoO.Peralivo Trading Co.. Board of Supervisera. Juste Tèrii, Philo Bur»80sa Gomntittee wark......... 23.90 thé li , ., In'l' il' was 1.Ided Merchandisa............. 161.69 1918. Services Rond Outfit .1.70 Martin IUngdahl. -ý1oi .1e t 11ieiI'lit? «ira woodaiî Joe rasl Mr. Ch airma n aud Gentlemen of the Philo Bur'geas Go SIIei worlr..........11.70 bridig' 'ili'nitI ili)i lietr thé wat Merchaadime..............80n.63 Bad0 îprio.:Services Rond Outfit 73.76 Remie To*IPOeritrCo. 11111-11> fti'il t'eel fapan Dooililtle & White_orofSpviea Philo Burgots.,, Rru ..:'1.95 "poit .n ,,nIld fl,. otaiited Clethinr ................ 69.75 Tour ('ommitteae on Printing and ServiCë. Road Outtit 71.60 Remngtný ryewriter Co., troutl,. p tî.il land State Finnish Mercantilie., Statianar>' Clamima would beg fraye la j. 1.Case Mfg. Go,noRa t.. ee ......... 1.25 aUtti,,orit Merchandiae. ............ 138.00 reprt thret thev have exarined ail Repaira ... .............. 6 60 W. J., Itnatton. T.i..'eu'aItI>urneil until a Chas. Foraberg,.clairon prestented befare fitrera and 'e- R. B. Voiolly Cohplbttap work......... 30.00 tole.,t.'-.,. .pt unedrtoî Merchandiso ..............8.20 .'emmpnd thé payaient af the folloqs Services SheridanRod. 10 72 La f#ý %syteiseter. of lh-.'î"' V oi Store. li; and that the Clerk ha directed Ln R. B. ConalyT'eÎig............. 7.98 SClohing.................566.00 flissu- ordera for the several ainaqntg Servleee, Sheridant Rqad 222Mail ~,iveteî', t.tittSfl Ondhout Shoery. i' nyri liat.t-wit: R9..50oly i 1. ...... - 33.00 Name'. Fat What Amt. De' and expensea ..........34.265 Maimb , 'tntl........16 t1-Ilîts'IER< cGe. lermang Sons. Dely .Sunt, C(. W. Chandler, 1'ynewfltiing..............40.60 t."& ltrîdse (Court Merchbdise............. 74.00 Siînpîici......... 166.60 Services Road Outit ... 7.0.00 W. . stratton., i it'r' t' tisc hat the Hoffmar, Bree.. ail% $Un . C. W. Chander, ,COnMMWtae work ..........16.00 iep,,. ,, i .. 'i n adoptcd. Mebapd4o ............- 10.00 Supplie. ............... 188.00 Services Road Outflt .... 45.00> B. C. Thompfan. <iili ",~,,,,.,c, a efrAntar iackrzewl<tiki. Dal' Suit C. W. Chtandler. Gomnlttee' Work ..........7.20 1111%.d r r'pr Merchandilise............. 234.46 Supplies.........00 Services Ro*d Outfit .... 6.-,.)o B. C. Thdanpiln th l l 1î. \.to 'the . udl Anter Kreu;. Dalis' Suu W. A. Chandler, ('ammtttae wattr..........82.10 ciar' NMrchandise............. 93.0on0 Not ices.......... ....... 17.16 Services Road Outfit ... . fi. 00 Tenney Tarding & Sherman. moio'r "' lames Kynkor. Daîî -v San. W. A, Chtander. 1. emr*ce................ 293.67 ta~ n.d1 ad Mlerchandise............. 99.50 Notices.................. 12.96 $ervices Road Outit .. 55.00 A. W.'Vercoe. joii ii " n""oorniflI aiIl' A. 1, Kennedy. Dailv Sun. W. A. Chandler, Coniîttea work ..........7.00 cî,îFuel.................... 214.96 Supplier,......... ....... 130. '1 Services Read Outlit . 65. 00 F. A., Webb, Chas. Jacabs. Gré. D. Barnard & Co.. W. A. Chandler, Gbmrittee worlc.......... 3.10 9IFTH DAY SfliR.................. 3.7 Récordr ................. 24.39 Services Road Outilt ... 65 10 F. A. Webb. 1411 1919 5lrpd .1ohnpen OGe D3.Brnard litCa, Coiwell Batter>' Shap, CMnmlttee work .......... 6.70 Fia' ,.I, .aIJoîrnme.nI Mill,....................42.12 ec......................8.92 Ballery .................23.10 Ghe.s Webb, Witt' uîî,î, ,r.aiding and W.J. LaneC. GoD1. Barnard & Co- Drur>'. Oniaewr . . 400 th ii t ,,,' Gjrsn:Croceri.................890.00 Rca«r . ................ 160.57 Services Roand Outfit .- 70.00 Llay6 4. White, u;.' t r-î' Burgess AxeIl ybpck, Ger, D. Barnard & Co. L. J. Drury, ~r ....... .0 Clark. i I ogI.-i, Eger, Vtcke Goreie1 '............... 176.01 Rec»i'dn................ .7.72 Services Roati Outttt.. 20. 00 A. T. White, Iioldtidgc' . îar, r Meyer i. C Mrchant. 11,0 cr' )D.Barnard & Co.. L. J Drury, e&tate wark ..........17.40 Monat..,n. tr . 'tr. McCUI irortrer . ..... ......610 Records. . .............. 61.42 Services Road Outtit .... 60.00 Gea.,U .Bilrilow............ 57.70 m11ugi. *.IIn" t<î,gdatht Thoinpson -ohr Naozie&. Ger. tD. Barnard & Co.. L. J. Drur>'. T. V. MUrphy. ýi Vrrîs' W111 GrocIerles;............... 276.68 Recore ................. 87,4 Services Rond Outit . 40.0 Coâui.ftee work .........6.70 At~1t~ r< ',,rý lîarratahle North Shore ar.Ger D. Barnard & Co.. H. B. Eger, P-CêIwasa o.. , ~tîn, î.îî,, S itn. Srang Miii'...................26.68 Blanur ...................3n16 Rapa%..........3. services .................13.00 wiiof Wauke George Oisont. Gen D. Barnard & Co. H. J. Pled. Hansen Taxi. gag> ~M erchandisn............. 116.10 BIans u.................. 2.89 Services As Engineer. 6.00 Services................. 16.100 Mr1.,.tn reeing rendi J OlluskY. c'rBnad&CHJPld M~ l.,I< n H. J. Floyd. ~,'..î .:, r Mana N eite erchandixe ............ .6rGer.fl.,Barrnard & Ce. Services Asst. Engineer. 65.00 f$7e.97.2r9g Senin o sud %][",ri * upr itht s Rubins. Sl&nr.i..................12 48 J. Floyd.8237haella'taCekuile b, ,,,, ~ ,.,,,;.n h Ira EMcercha*iae..........103 Oea D.,Barnard & Co.R, 140k. Rad ad Brde cat tee sarnt h MeNcttaIri' t ni the 'ici'bcalgan ecoda............2 . Services Ast Engieer. 60 0 o, reie ord ingbpa&'Shm a fror 3diiî' .I of îydihthe r Merca................. .26.82Geer ID. Barnard & Co. S ervicesRtAist. Outinee. 6.00 rTbwvs e W a.téfii 'i utlowed for A Seile,.Recorda' ......R...ec.u... su1m10ted $lt'.ht the Meth...................11.89 Ose. D.Barnard litCo..it'la ok &MgC. IlIr" r i rl" 't rC, alre . ....Record ..................71.21 Reflgs .... ..... 37.50 FRED KIRSCUNER, Mei' .Talr Frchaookdiaa W.L ycc oM. P. DILGER. Sîc. rM'illiir fh h FU echnds . ..... 16 10 uper. ....... 26.,6 . UReaire...o, .32.26 A. S BNRGESS caîen ii.îhî' itted thé fol Frank' TrustSoi'........25.6 Rpi1......... ...Supervisor Hoidr140 movred that batin ecads.......0.00 1H. A Frien<t & C.. net Pott the report bhe acepe Uaotd Staln' .. Gust Wallberg Bene........... ....... 9.00 Bervicer. Road Pull' . 81.9e Motion carried. Oraltat"iMrchnde..........13.00, Franklir Frs, Erneat Pott, - La,(-n%1:Mrhnie..Letten ....... 4.26 Services Road OuOiitt.... 66.60 tCeiitinflud Nqxt Week) Bîtird of Spur ur' une Terni Le,. Vilc 2.0Frarikîte Press Ernest POIL 19t1 ,s"f 0 GniOeno h WC.thn. ..roce .. .Blankr ......... ..........25.50 Services Rendi Oufftl . 66.45 HORRORSR! ME N GEl' T HIN! lIn,1o' ~î'.ri r'Nercitandis 44.00..Gazetterintin C....rea..ol..the food heing connitmed'by Wauke- ortte.H... 7.60 Services Rendi Ouftl 62.80ga.mnl rcytobnefrt' yniir unmiixî.. .........t...To... 1 4dacrease ta welght asud Wure., Cîtn s nlte lcd in report fitha Tuil..........10 aytte lpiting.C..C..F..P..a Co.. ,.,îîne i?<ntu pe P Whb axRcape.......?Ô.0 Bie Print ...ments on the mcn et the'comanIt. an prmed ul10.6Gazettc Printing Ca.,C . . ussell. AWukgnmnIi pri tè 1,t',ttaon i h'mnatreomal Ful.......... 0.5 Notice............ fgja~..130.00 a pair o itrousers teai a & ai tlli (I pi~uf eth, lie l.wig.and tha? M. E.Smith & Ce. aet ulsigC. e c the~~~~ i.i.t',,et'th i5IodeS Grocertea *..F....130 0GztePbisigC,.Sa ca.'te haie therumadle eanaier 'In the othi .u. iî.n" thsseverait a'BaoB.Ilankr i...................5.50 RodOutit .78.0witHPauli-mde#l'*ar inout.,le hé êveai.Frak Baon.Samal cha. tWt is. Be <'sulindf*tk *ba't lie ,fiflfil Fto1n .Mrchandise .............30.04 Gazette Printing Co.Smul ear' eun hne fl tea~ ,trimantiat Aru 1V miElseFolders............ .....2.25, gii-a'iere Rondi Outtit .. 38-60 > taglcîia ne'W"b r it5ppi' . nS C r............40.00) Gazette Printing Co.. 1.0Samuél Sèh:r. n . 7.0the tallor matie an Intîettt etatè- 5. t' ?Li .1.. ..... ..ptn.....7îIllinoissePrinting (Co., Samual Schar. '1lp eétp rehaan la 7yeca'i4C C. <f lO onr- IWe.el-1) Supplies .................19.70 Services Read Oiitit ' .75.738 O r nigte iIa adt M l'~~t.~.Ser4ices ....... ..........3.00 Illinois Printini (Co,taàdànl,(0ti Ca.la rncceusary iraider wrtne.'ou' l< l'at. .. 1.14 SainiGlanra Clothing Store Supplies .......-.........1.40 011 and Gaaolmne .3.87, i nar the aaly Incident of the kind j, ~~Clothing ....... ...........0tlnl rnin ',Safr 1 ethat cornes ta ru>'attention. We hava 29.2n Supplie. .... ..... .....1.50 011 sud Gasoline . 170.40 had ocasion te taile ln more troida. Exie"" $4002.~~~~~~0'lilinois Pridt4nr (Co. '. B Vratrbus Son5, a hiycrtnevrbarsnc Wt' I ',tt"<~28.12 Shiolda upis.........30 Hr1 e .. 34# 1 have heen lanhbusiness. In fact. S;I'. Anderson Bros.,fllnoiqP iidtlnr, Co.. 64.0Waukean Oit Co-fîé'atically ever>' ruawho fioes ii.- 2500 Mrcanie....... 1762 Seefr Supplies .........014.01on mdGasoline......7891 mitess wîîh me bas hroîîght ln lis V. W. Burris. , renrnin'C.Wakga OlC.trsera. net once, but two or thrpe i ptiî'<' .. 13.66 Rent ....................39.00 'Suppolies...................00 t andi Gasrniue .661 ie i re 0hv h ud -- -Ber Eseqberl Ilntsl Printîaï. Co.. 3. 1. Çac Mtg. Co. simallcr about the waist. 1 have ig- $485.35 Merchandise............. 20.00 Recordic........ ........ 99.49 ltJbUra............ .... 4686 ered the maliar eut and have cerne y~. 11.rtiil. utnîtd C. T. Gan & Go.. Ilils Printlng '. B C. ThomlBson, tô thé .,Onclusion that it is ail due ta t ltlILI(BMerchandise............. 589.64 Bl'.rîj IE............... 10..... ... 5.00 the kiati of fond that 1 .4 eiag jîset C T l.itoaai înei ha heMB.Bss Ce&G.. Ke'Rýo0 f.Envebope Co. - throughout the' country as a reault reor ~ ,..,~,,.taîîar odpthad Fuel................3.3 Envelapes ................93.25 $3894.79 af war conditions. Il Is s at raking MotlIonI,,rrIl ai' aiJ elat......mr........ LaIt..County adepeedent. J. J Barnatable. .the lmcisthinnpr, thnt's aIl." 1 cx'n iîr.nu 'hiila ? so,&S..............1.6 P1jintng proceedinga . .. 162.50 omiitite.'worl. .... 8.00 The mena.lhe atda, 'have tried in Gaout.< o rrînoît Asamat .Of ritus..........Nelsoil-5ierauQua a.J.. a sabe.vain tû malle thelr belts do the work sruti? Iii nlowing repart: tirugr ................... 1.60 SBijotier ................. 460 Conifmittest worlc k 4.60 for tlpienit the belts prove tinade- 51510 idlIl i'.Ca ue Z........00 Perfection Legal Blank Co.. Philip Branld. esttat the dsnîands and an the>' Lak t'îiiiy u:Fuel .20.0. Blanke ................. ."50 uace. .144.20 have ta have the waists made saiat- Larî fSîp'vlon Jun:Teii.-r-n &Ba ---d PanfagraptiPrnting litSta. L. .: Brackway. er. Thus,, whtie thé shortage of foodi Bural................... 30.0f) tioner>' Ca.. Supplies....... 3.26 Gaunty Service......306.00 stiiffi; IR workiag a hsrdahip on the Mi 'iiriti n iat'e ni if he T. S. Pro]Imire. M.ItD. PantAgrmph. Prlating & Bsta- .F. N.Blakeslee. .0M.' egt lMyale i i andnvi Gi rior:Services 1$5 allowed) .... 1.00 ttoneiy Co.. Supplies . 97.00 services............ ....gMltns egfo ht, B mayair Il 'be lo norofi tiîiiuîtî'e n ronos sRset Il'eml . P. Pettibane 4.CoJ. Blumberg, ln hringing flic-'tailora' t09uInesa er a lseuai'~t5 ooitl e ave ta repart Mrhnie......13.631 ti1r..............6 Funtr..............3.8561fil chararter. thttîe iîe .,Oiic hepttrisN . cat P. P. Pettibone & Co. A. S, Burges fi l'iitAstth aeI- lioPtye. aptitin$ Mar. chands........ 17.56 laltkr ...................3.47 Comrnttee worl' ..........7.26 RA iMU - .1 1, Attu!n In; rvitc tSae.ad Cthe Rem i..................600 Sppir..........8.0Ueara . . . .6 tee t'. be~ ed " beM ALEXII1~ Lake County 's GreaetgoreFo A Midsummer Sale o Prttty îew silk dresses ini a va riety <nf ~m i -tl'Ies aîîdtut he îîtfaslîiabce olorings. Thero-4m all sizes inî taffetas, satinîs, gerepes, etc. Valuesup to 3Z.50 at- -serge0-jr~e An &dvaiîeesaie of prettw new Fali styles ln dr-esses ofpeq ç crepeaý, satins9 , afftlcli i 'Mài arin ,n<i tuai.' efiects and ieflo styllsh new jerihe>' serge and new Fre'nch panaman in scoresotm some modela -i'entesm semui-fitted bodires trimmed with pilk or enîbroiderv, ta.sseis and triage. .. a jefollowipng clearing prkme $;2 Waists & Middies 1. 19 Smocks to 3.50 at .) 6.50 SiIk Waists at 4~ Womens walmls and riisq0sand childrena middlie n vlilte mal coIorB at $1.19. niueI mismiae' emocks In artist lIDI.sWrzf!S IavinR, etc..' "f $1.93~. <icrget e stlk Wasta laboratety uI1I beads and sjjIk n ali c<'oins at$4.94. Values to 3.50 In Children s Dress Mta, bayt Inplain coini.asid pîit,u stripeni, ch.ecks and vtrioIWp. iiîior coi,uinatiouîa. Wash le&)1Suit Sensationally..Roduc "'~ 298 NVhite and vo'îed wash skirts to 354 - Whi~te dc1ot1d wash skirts t Whvlite ndcîîlored silk, woolen or -wah $8 at~ $e89 -.

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