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Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1918, p. 10

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Board of Supervrsôî3s ~ ~I Poe~dI*mof the - Spec l arch ao,, 3peçwa Abril t *duIa-june (1918) senons, eBdli aàh tbl6tt lqouseat waukié-n lake touaty, IWaoine (&natluued Prom l4at Wees) etlpsrvipor HoUfildge requeltfed the AllA Whereaa, 1: will ho necesmary haÀaorto eamuder dlvidlig the o b ake partil ipaymenta on md cou- ~iiisfisue e iM lulsDmse that tbe tract as the eaad progresses. Ur"d saw Bride bin e e udited by, Theretore Be It Résolved, That the i~~~iy agmmîtse mi be arneCofy C1rk-ho auirtied ta, draw ý%*iýuio0 mmerus ta le audited by on.ý warrants on lh. Couty Troasurer. lu Oommitee. Jpayment o frighi anid oement buils '"~ ues Kiuaher: mavod thal aud mothly maeiaenia for île con- mIl h4.Ir= bina Ve audied i tructibn of ibis mail upaon certificatos. 1vleOn.Ci:dtieCeumttee. igned hy the County uperintendent 14coonea oeml. of Hishways and te Raad snd Bridge j¶à tollewiug eammunlcaiion was Comiittea. ahowlng the amounia due. reLdad drdered filed: Chairman Mattbr appolnted the S.Waukegan. Il. June 14, 1918. followng commttieeo t attend the Ta lbe Board of Superylmars af Iake Superrr' and County Clerk' con.1 Coustv:, 1. ventioti ai Rock elaild July 30. 31 and We wlml te exteu4 tb the Board aur- Âflttgslot. Bupervisors aiiptow, stocere thauks fer the raies ln alary Paddock, Crapo, wth William J. Stt-t gven un, snd asubjre yau that we ton as alernato If one of, the com. grestly appreciate lh. mittee 15 Sable 10 attend. C. IL THAVER. Superviser Martin; Chairmri of te A. B. GRIPPIN. Mellion CeMmÙitie. subimtted -the Thé fol2ewlg ?*BotiUeu waa pro. followlag report: gened *ai où moiaono*upervisor,Btte of Illinois, Vnbe ie cepted adadopted. Lako Cquntr as: WVIF*UeABthe Cme of lAI e in' Boar of Supervisors. June Term, lbp SBItta ai. Iinaiis lacaoli- 10 enter 1918. innenitrmet te Improve', Sheridan MÎ Charman and Gentlemen of the Xdipi viii a cmani read frente Board of Bpervisora: Norlt Ciy limite of the Cty of Watt. our cmmtee on Elections bereby keg4 te he tte lhp. awWiccnsý' report that we recammend titat tho *t&Abort, mëbdngtherefrom that Judgop of Election for, the onsuing 7 portien ef sid roqd luido the carpor years, and the polling lacos ho an îfw limite o? tion Cty. followm, as recommended ylc s, oral uprvisors: PREINCT- JUDGES- lien ulati............... . Lh Brown C. W. Buta Malcolmi Brock blato ad ............... B. C. TheuPsoit W. J. Armstreng Abert Thorpe Baton 3rd.............. A. B. Burgess I. IL Hill Henry ine Beuton 4t ............. C. W. toakes James Leech Joseph Bei-i-a Boulon fib ................. D. Theum H. C. Peterson H. B. Rame Belion eth .............. A. L. Berg~en Conrad ebafer Joie. 1losolmstd xwo ....... ....Peter Clespon Elmer Murrie IL A. Martin Autioci t ............... B. LI Shnoup B. Bluter Break Mari-y longes Latli2nd.............. Hnry Giimmn F'rankc Dunn C. P. Rchards.... îàIe villa,............... J. J. Barnmtablo lorace Culver W. M. Webber emsailot................ W. J. Biratian D. V. wat M. Heudrieks Grant 2ad ...............Hoard Scott 10d. Fichier n <us LandY Aveu lo1................ A. T. White M. B. Dolttle Fred Wlibur Avon 2nd................Wmn. Wlmingtan Mars11 Murna John Hart Warren ......... 0....... T. MeCullaugit L. W. Wakefield R. B. Bison Waukegan 1ot............. A. h. Hendee 1,94%MeDonougit 0. W. Dîver Waukegsa ud ............ A. Mutton Frank Webb H. J. Broeçker Waukegan. Ird ............. W. Holdridge H. A. Bam Jas. Salman Wautegsu <lb ............. W. Churchill H. C. Couison r. IL BairstoW Wauksgan 6tb ............ W. B. Simitht Bavrd Adamts Adaml Vagel Waukeafl«Ilh............Conad llolletein Frank Bidiltgo? John schai Waàsgau 11h............ Carl Mai-in Peter McDermott M timoff Wank«gan BIh ...........Mgx Baade phtt pBrand B. Bowe Waukeau 11h ............ M. P. Bilger I. V Fitch Wankegsu loth .......... hï. Mlrmai Adlbb t Tita C. W. Lutter Wsukegan 111h ............Tho. IL Mever Chas. Gegokits 'Wakegu 11h.......James Fi-aber Wauegn 1th..........Mike Rakowski Emil Guation John BbeIn Waukegau- 13t11........... Frank Kurkewsi Walter ICi-use Frank Opeka Waukegsm lOtIt...........Joe Mcesi-fl Frank Burke Wm. McKiliialt hiélis lot1............. -B. 3. monahan Themas . Haran Thomas Steele Ohleldji 2ud.............. Jase$ Masanick Matt Alinson Cyrlir Miller Shields Ird.............. John C. Hale J. T. Brownl T. V. Murphy Ehielda <t ............. 3. 3. KeeleY Jehn Speliman Thas. Appleten lertyvilla lai............trak £er Gearp Man Eiward Carrol lertyville li...........E. LEger Hou"y Carrol Bd Voila Lihertyville rd .......... Jaha Bou>e Will Cooper Gardon RaY premft ............ .....W C. W. Meyer Car Dorere Frank DBoîph, .~ ......m........... Ray Padipt lomer Cok POLLING PLACE Nor) th ront Itooni BItiloit Tabernacle ZMon City Cologe Building ZMon City Res. 221 Enoh Ave. ZDon City Res. 3108 Encb Ave. Mion City Pire Station. ZMon City Village Hall, WInthrap Harbor Welcit's Hall, Rosencrans James Building. Antiocit Village Mal, Antiocit Barnatahle Hall. Lake Villa Tawin Mail, Ingleside Village Hl-al, Pax Lake TownMal., Grays Lake Police Station, Round Lake Woadmafl Hall, Gurne -Wainwrbgitt'a SItOP, N. letaty St. Waukegan.' Harter's Paint Bhop, Conter St. Waukegan. Bauge' Barn, Third St. Waukegan. Ai-mary. Caunty St. Waukegan EhmugnaGarage. Ash St. Waukegan. Besley's Malt Rouge. Sheridan Road Wsukégan Whitney Bidg.. Washingtonl Bt Waukegmit Barber Bhop. 207 Belvîdere St. Waukegac Harterle Barn, Belvidere St. Waukegan R. Brnnko's Shap, Glen Rock Ave. NVaukegmsl Meyer'@ Green Mouse, Marlon St. M'aukegan. Fînlit Temp. Mal. MeAitate? Ave.. Waukegafl Vire Station. lit & Prescott Ave. Northt Chicago ninisStore. Sixteentil St.. Nor-th Chicago City Hall. Lake Forest Village Hall, Lake Bluff (117 Hall. North Chicago, Garlali Sehool. Lake Foi-est Town Hall. Lliertyville Goili & 00. Store, Libertyville Village Hall, Are& Wqodman Hall, Ivauboe Town Hall. Wantconda ll...................USA1 e John V.,WFUX Vernon .................. A. G. Mtetleu Henry H. Sobrooder Imnil1 ..Cae Weai Deerfleld ............ Jamme.9MOoner C. Wé Pettit Thoumas 1D*iwae Dqerfield lot.............. W. Pino M. .. 041 R. G. Smith Deerfield, 2nd............. T, M. Clark Ernest S. Gail 0. L. Oleson lleerfield Srd .............. M. Piefr T. B. Pierion W. 'B. nIbid Deerfield 4tb ............ John X. Scîruers Henry M. Coale Daniel Cobb Deeffieid Bih............. Carl Grant, W. o. SoulIes Et; S. Staxger Deerfield BIh .............S8. A. Si. Peter Frank Laing J. J. Brand Deerfield 71h .............. Jas C. Boyland A. A. Mos. Horman Densel George U Vot$er Deerfield Bih ..............George .A. Htier Frank WM&,. Respectfully auitmitted, B,. A. MARTIN. 0 . T. McCIJLLOIJGH. Supervisari icIe maved ltailthe re- paort bo accepiei and adopted. Motion carriod. Staper«iaor. Fcko maved taI the bill et Western Union Tlegrapb Co. for $4.00 ho allowed. Itlam carrelod. The falowing reolution vas pro. Sented: UNSOLVMJD.Thal ltte'finauiand Bridge Cosnmito. actng wilb lthe Superiniondent of Highwaya and the Stte's Attirny, ho and they are bore- hIy ut1tprlsOd sud empowrd té ad- jout ail pattera grawlng oui of te acunlaltian of eaaàeotm. rlghtt of way and' cousent ef ovuors for the pur- pose of extendlng culverta, wldening embankments. providioz drainage, elbnlntlnlg curves and the ordilîariq changes necessary 10 be made ln con- nection viti the Itenprovemeti 0 Sheridan Road nov under conaldera- tialt and undertaken by Lake Counhyb itd toi institute guis 10 candemn nprop. erty undor the Eminefit Dontain Act of the State of Illinois if they deem Iil necemmary. Swpervîsor Kirsebuer moved that the Resolution bo accepted and adopt. od. Motion carriod. Suporvisor Meyeor moved that té County Clrk be authortzed 10 draw warranta on te Caunty Treasurer to the several clalmants In paymont of all bis allowed at thîs meeting. Motion caried. Supervigor White moved ta adjourn subjeçt ta cati of the Chaîrnian. Motion ciiiled. 51mb 0of Illinois, Lake Cauniy. es: 1 itoroby certIfy ltailthe foregoins la a true and correct tranacript of the proceedings of thte Board af Super- visai-m ai the Juno, 1918 session of »MiBoard. In Wiineas Whereof 1 have iteroun.m t0 suhocrihod my hand and affixed te ,eul of sai County Ibis lot day of July, A. D. 1918. LEW A. HENDEB, - . Clerk. Special Asseeement Notice. Docket No 132 Notice la heroby given to ail per- soas ntereîted, that the Cty Couni of the Ciy of North Chicago having ordered that a supplemental asmeqs- ment be made to cover the deficieflcY ln Special Amesament No. 113, for thé construction of a cst iron water supiply pipe,. together with lire hy- drants, shut off valves and special castings complote, ln a portion of Seymour avenue tram suad cOnnecling with.the water mply pipe now laid la Sixteenth street at a point twentY- tWo feet wiuaiariy of the. llantprli line of saad Seymour avenue; rualngi thenco Southerly parallel wlth ana1 twreniy.two (22); ieet Distant from the said! EasterlY lUneofotSeymour Avenue te and eonnectlng wtb a water supply pipe now laid ln Twen. tieth treot, al in the City of North Chicago, County of Lake and State of Illinois. The ordinalice for the smre being en Ile In the offlce of the City Clerk of gaid Ciy and the aaid City baving Rpplied te the CountY Court Of t.ake Couny,Btte of Illinois. for an as- sesmelitof the cost te cover saad de- ee4, bcy accam'dlui to theo henelita, and an assesament, tborefore. havý ing béeon mde and ret.urned la said Court;- the final hearing thereon wîîî be had ai Ton o'clOck A. M., on te 2Md day or Sqpternb or. A.' D., 19 18, or au soon thereafter as the buiness of tho Court wlll permit. Bald ordînance ptovides that the aggiegato ainaunt of ald assoafimeni divided into six inatalllinte hoaring lIeront at the rate of lOve Per centum Pki' alinum nrain 1t1e date or lte first vouchor Issmuodon secoue' 0f worlc deite on sald IMProvemell. SAil prsona deoring may file ob- jections In ald Court before -aId diy and may àppeaàr si the henrlng and make their.dete"eI. Dated ai N orth CM-cagoIlîlinois. thi la lth day or AUnai, A. D., 1918 ffARUT MclC11NNEY, Týho persan appointed W ythe Preai- dent of the BOard 01 Loca-l lm- praventis le mako said ag8sma mdài. . *kly, 2t Barringtali Town Hall. Lake Zurich Town Hall, Half Day Town Hall, Deerfleld City Hall, Higbwaot D.S. Twp. Hîgit Scitool Highland Park J. H. Duffy's Office Highland Park 0Ottolnaaks Store., Highland Park, Meruire & Orr9s Office Highland Park Henry Edward's Store, H-ighland Park Firettiail'sHall, lghlalýdPark là»coln-Ave. Sobool Highland Park A BRIDE AÀLONi? John B. Jensen of North Avenue SWttises Foiku Soth by Furlough and Wedding CAME FROM CAMP, GORDON Sister Unaware that Young Soldier Had Planned Mar- Mage as He Kept Secret John B. Jansen, 1212 North avenu.ý, Waukogan, and who IiOW is4u servie* aI Camp Gordon, Atanta, Ga., loday ln Chicago procurred a Ilîcense ta mari-y Miss 'Margaret Doyle of Joltt. Jansen. the son of Marlon JayItsri ,of 1212 Northt avenue. kept bis mat- niage plans ta himself for, witen 1thr. Sun caîîed lte bouse this noon aik. Ing about 1dm It was explainea liraI be had clied bis mother tram ChIra- go tiIs morning and tld ber he wai homo on a furtough and 'would bel up later ln the day. "'Dld ho iay ho was golng btt rin [anybady witîthlm?" was aRked hiî, sater. "~No, ho didn't say anything atont t-jumt toîd motber he vas coming tp an a furlaugIt," sald te aiter. "Say anytiting about getting atar- riled?" askod the reporter "'Oh. mercy, na--havent heitrd any. thing Ilke tai We'lJ let you knaw If we bear auything," added te aiter wha wau anxioupîy avwaIting ber brothor'a arrivaI, but who bad no Irea ln tIhe world bilat she was at-a ho have a ister-in-law ln the pari v. Jmosen waa on@ af lte Waucýegan lads la leave lunte draft on May 111h. Order Recelved -by Adiatant General is a Surplus e to o cal Draft rd 15 EMERGEPJCY MEASURE on Auguat 24 ail Young mon who have celebrated thoîr 21st blrthdayà since June 5, will be requlred ta regîs. ter. Tt lae stimated tIbere will be States. Most cf thein will bo placed In clama oeeand consequently WiD loin te army wihlp ià monlh aftei their naines 4re recorded. Under a proclamation by the pres. ident 1 rovost Narahal General Crow. der i ,A' d the order for ibis registra. tion day. lm order bas been receir. ed by Adj.-Cen. Die'ison ln Spring- lield, but lte draft board bas recelv- ed no notification 0f the new onrol. ment. Board@ Tiken by Surprise. The latent order t00k draft boards by surpr.ise. They were .preparLng luo moott he dAmand that *111 « corene ou tbem ; n Seplember If lte là ta 45 enlarged manpower bill la pamsed,l and were already seeking volunteer workers t a a.sist ln the vast work. Ttlsi said ltatthis proposed.coral.- ment wlll mcan lte listing of 10,000,. 000 men. lit before hC reglstratldt of tIis polential army will conite lte enrol. ment of the 21 yeatr-old mon. The meamure bas no relation ta tbe man power bilI. Tt la an-emergency mess. ure Intended Io attain the Immedlatp Incrense of the aImait exhausied eas 1 ta meet thé army draft catll ln Selîtember.. TAUN(61N ALI LAND SOUTli 0f CoNcR13tt ROAD The expansion of the naal station to lthe west Lsla asumlng a Point where itlaIsgaing 10 go beyond wliere, people bave generally expected It. If 'i, luit learned that station autharities are taking at-or ail af the land west of tire factory 7.ane and aartlr of the cocrete raad running ta Vive Paois. lb is understood tbey are ta m.t.e, [tie of the ulîn il-abel residencr. t1iti fpropty baving istely been tak#on over un<ler lease and Lon Neal alSO Is planning ta varate 1hi praperty ai <rnco. lie Is expectiflg 10 go tl aWt farnia ta spend the a-inter. In line witb the advaitce of lthenv ai etatlon toward Uic weat Ifit ldr lthat eery plece of property wr-st ot the factary zone and tioutb af titi cancreto romd running on la Fivee Points la under contraI ar navy or ,ootntw;Il ho. Thus Included with lte other properly over a far as Lient. Dewea's reaidence. it la acen Itai a enarmotistarolcit ot vacznt land I'r coming tînder the cantrol of the iiav>, ah tbtIpoint. 'I Mr. Williamn A. Rosing of Antioeb1 JUls. announees lis canididacy for County Treas- urer of Lake County. Four years ago, lie re- eeived the very loyal support of a great group of friends and acquaintances. Since that time, lie las buit up a substantiai buîsiness in Antiocli, Jus., and believes that al vho sup- ported him four years ago, sliould sup~port him at the present time. lHe proposes to condiîct a elean eut cam- paigu, using no personalities. If elected, lie promises tlie voters of Lake Ceuîîty to place thie County money lu safe depositories and to obtain for the public money the largest com- mercial rate of, interest possible. liHe xay not be able to meet ail the voters - of Lake Count.y but promises as efficient ad- ministration of the offic'e of Couîîtv Treasurer, if elected, as lie liAs maiîîtained 1:11 the trans- action of bis own business. WILLIAM A. ROÉSING t. -,-~ J- Voters Eighth Seftatorial- District 1 Iiorel) ' talîllolllnr'e îî s- ta aR'pîli'îî-iîlid:te~ foi. the Lor ~-IItrîlsei' rithe-(r-eiî \--r-îbl. \îrtbeîr tlis istie andîîl 1 î elortkeul fie Iliai ;Itl.liiîitîiit withj eoîîîe, I1t -st, pîrdonatîiî;ltî, jtt-srîiaiI iid-ý. Il(\\ lo ttl'e iiîptîîiaiîilis thet'l1i-t 1 Ila eîr;lie ir ; ili\ f-rîeîjor Lo.rîdeîî inî lis îîî l-atie iîi;k-Illino'is :1 Illonrîtlit pîth ttî li\-e iii ifteî lthe- lrtts <-iîlvle irrîtiv Ï1.1,11l'1v11w~ liieotiIlil'Otiontli n hîi\- rectrdt li 4iîi the otrs I4ertgîît'said îreîît Iv: '"Edlîiîi-i ). tSIîleli.ï, leînuil4m tive (Ret.) z s tî Loîr 'wdeîî lt t rir.;iîri, thIi bouse. Ilad it ]îlrt h-t'i l for bis eflîri-Is il is iîIk'~tha the (Juv-~ii~ diiîs vtile brI11iiîih< liat' lt'i lîiss('t. 1îlis' orilhf 11lt î iaî r î rtse <C'tbill' îîîjttev'ai1 gav-elîiiîst tifIlis Iillivte lr fui-I i-ii ilite JîssiigPM, ir dm~hiitrtion itti uastires." (Jîîveîrrî I Ltitvlî l ai lWr .ittli rk. tîtrîîlî tIl, 1917: "1.waîît tir sa%, .a woirîIl rott tIiv of îr ritjzt-îîs. waîît tritake id\-;iit;ige(- rf lus ;ls iti tlav. 1 relet'r l-lîvaîI-d 1. Sii-tlelf. 1 'w;îîl ii jrtrr of- tilts homile colin ty te)ri îaiiz.o tîat, îliîiiiig the' Iresetit adilîîîîîst-at ion, NMr S lhui-leff vas ni\- rî-lît ilIî:ll, lt11iiIgliii' plannîîinîg ofith admîinîistrîation voiole- lie Ivas îtitl lif11 ;îitl wtrkiil J(îitl rîl anîd effivienîlly. I u i tkîîtiîvwi;ît 1 tt HuIt1 ha le'e donî hvtIrîtIiîîî; I aîî iîiideîît Illat îesîtlts worîll îîîît hîv ])(,enî wlat tiley %weîe. A îil, wlat ci- * Ul' o;e"i wtl 1 shah îeed hiîii ernre tliaîîetl.iii tut- lii 111. Tlîî'eforîe i walît to SaY v li iîpe-opîle lîeî'e that Yvitillîuist îtlttiperli liiii unît tir le a -aniatiil;tforî îî--île-- rinas I Iî;îve ]l , a' îîîiglît le'thecae' IIhav-e lîad uinîisi rieeî--ii-esw' il Iî ( <t'-lîi ,. Ltw (le1 i) iee that tiiie as to tht' pîrgî-aîîîlit-is ttie i ' wol ou tin ii " tietiicvisillg iillil iî< I gtlie Adîîili; trativu'oe ,' ii Mut'Nattrs" iii '4 'ciîît i raeti îîatc's." 1î a"'New 1ItIarî a-' iii an 111 ffo to get a "NFW TATE C NSITTI n,':îil oh1 make ~Illinoiis a hottoîr place tnt li\ve iii foi- aIl iftpe. 1 feel tliat the elpetirrate ofif lis distu-jet knoiw whofoe stand (enuîpublieiniatters, andîl lii'-~i cesTIlil-vcperl'6îin cd, so tlîat 1 uîoed not restate tlieniî. 1 .xïi(ret tt Vote fo the Nationtai Aniendnient. ho friendiv, etuieoding niy înminaiitnî anîd ceton, anc inisistiig thiat 1 shall have inany votes to spaI-e. [f' this adl vie,Ioiihol14e OiiITied tcîits 'logif-al eoîîelîîsuînm. 1woildi have no voutes la tli. Tlîeir purpose is tr iitîahlO the voi~ ers tliat Ilhey aMretndly tiinie, that T ca'uno iiîîated and Plected witiout t'votes, anîd thiat l'an issue'" cails £.:o inother man. 1 earnestlv solieit the votes îof î'-v er lliaiin th. district whIo 1elieveSsluul u utr1', niee that it is more than probable I will have noneto spare. Thinîking you sineerely for peur supptor't.and etlîf douce int'the past, I aîih Very respectf ully, EDWAR1)D.,SIJUWRTLEFF, - Ifarengo, rlluie Il

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