T IS the Govç nient wish that we reduce our stocks of Clothing and shoes, and the public must have the advantage of .1Plus mecadse; andhere-wil.be. an opotunityv for ail our-customers to take advantage of this-reducing stock-sale. that we hae bot $10,000.00 worth too much merchandise and will have six days to dispose of same- Bs~, rn~, Au i 2.1ma sUIgt a.Am NOTHINGYWILL BE RSERVEDI Furnishing Goods Dress Shirts A beautiful fine worth up to $1.50, reduced to $1019 Dress shirts, worth up to $2, reduced to $1669 Dress shirts worth $2.50 to $3, reduced to $1095 Sport Shirts Reduced to one-haîf reg- ular price. Chambray Shirts A Une of chambray shirts reduced to 95C Khaki Peints Ail sizes up to 44...........1.95 Oshkosh Overalis, $3.00 'val- ues, reduced to ......... 2.45 Overails worth $2.50 reduced to .................... 1.95 A Liberal Discount of Wash and Dress Pants Meé,n e'S LOTi1 -Alil broken sizes ffom this season and Iast, in- cluding a few Palm Beach suits Reduced to- $91875. LOT 5 -This lot includes about the same class of goods as lot 4, only a better quality goods. AIl sizes, 35to 50. Reduced to- $e24.75- Suit-s LO'F 2 - Ail broken s izes of men's overcoats carried from last winter. Price of. theseý overcoats for next winter wii be $25. Reduced to- $14015 LOT 6 -This includes a selec- tion of the best merchan- dise that can be bought, and are worth to-day a good deal more tnan we are asking. Reduced to-, $29.75- la IT WILL soon be time for your boy to start to school and we bad you in mind wben we started thissale, and- We wiIl be able to Save You $3 to $6 On Your Boys' Outfit which will include: -SUITS -UNDERWEAR -WAISTS -STOCKINGS -SHOES -and CAPS and LOT8 Alil a fine range of patterns of odd sizes f rom last season and this, good values. Reduced to- -3095 OvercotI LOT 3 -Are a regular run of sizes of merchandise that are to-day worth $25 to $30. Reduced f0- $14075 L O 'T 7p RAIN COATS -T h is will include any rain coat ini the house, ranging in price from $3.50 to $19.75 LOT 9 -Are suits Worth up to $ 10 in plain and Pinch backs, witb 1 and 2 pairs of pants. Reduced to- Several Bargains to be Had in Our Shoe Dept. Wonlc n'a i top button sh value $5; No. Incomplète Lines of Oxfords, Pumips and Boots at Saving Priées Patent Colt, cloth Boys' Scout Elk 8kim Shoes doil alippers with leather Wornen's black1 ehoes;139 $2.00-42.50 o rbber sole@ boots, value $5 anc >5139 39 $25ad.....25 Iat ..................1.75J $6.00 at.......... Women's Tan Kid lace boots, value 89.00; No. 327.......... 7 9 Boys' Gun Metal button shoes, ixe 1 ta 5 at .....:1... . 75 noys' Gun Metal blucher at...........2*95 Women's white and lvory kid lace boots, value $7 and $8 for.. Women's black kid lace boots with white kid top&-- value $.50 at .................59 Misses' white canvas baby kid butten n.d 3 Growing girls' Patent *gd au t.u lippere . meta........ . Women'a patent itathsr duil top button boot . f value $5 and....... 7 Women'm black kid lace boots with Urey top fl value $6.50 a .... 3.9 LOT 10 Alil the beat that we have ever carried and are ali wool. Some- thing that you wiII flot be able to buy this (ail. Yotir lait chance for an ail wool suit. You had better buy yours now. LOT 11 Are a sample ofo new suîts for faiti are ready for yo inspection and_. coet you double wh we are askini for i above- 12.50, $1 L imuu Our nd ,ur qii rhat the For Boys Boys' Blouses reduced to 69c Boys' Sport Shirts reduced to 49c. Boys' Caps reduced to 49r. Boys' Overalîs reduced to 49c. Boys' Wash and. Romper Suits reduced one-haif. Any Chifds' Hat in the house reduced one-half. Boys' Sweaters at prices you cannet afford to miss as a sweater wili be a lux- ury this season. Boys' Knee Pants at reduced prices. g ail sur- We-find LOT 4 -Inciud es blues, Tweeds, Cheviots and Tihbets, a beautiful run of patterns, ail wool and guaranteed colors. Reduced -to- $19.75 F There are a nuiliber of small items too small to mention but will assure you of a reduction on anything in the store. Boys' Suit Department Men'a gun metal button boots, value $4.50 , $5 and ............ 3.89 Men's Work Shoe'14 value $4, *4.80 .an4* Women's patent and kid strap lîppers 27 at..........2 7 Women'm white canv asOx- tords and pumps, large ies only ,. .. .175 MIL 4"MM" onnýmmo . 1