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Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1918, p. 2

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IRTYVILLE DNDEPENDENT, TUSÂ,AUGUST 151918 *De PROCTORI W.W«anl kinde of NSURANCE nis. Lie, Accident and Heaibli Plte GlssAu. tomoblil and WorkIng- mai's compensation. Him Before Placing -Y.ur Inurane Ot.,.dW$ 'sDaue Stm. '"WÊLL DRILLING 1iUStIBRMAN & DOLAN t- zioN ciTry 0 " 173-W ~:*BMRSTOW OWerWe and Granite Monuments Gsmetery Work of Ever% -Description mCr0.pondence 5olicited 116 Genesee St 0i'EX S. BURGESS blASN AMD ÇPERML CONTRACTOR =~*wrk, @ton. work, plasterian >bsr ork. Boller work and oesaspeclaty. 8*Miu sud repailng promptly and ibomohly executed. -= - Dt Io L ITAYLOR ~a I.Fust Nad" a" aakdoding Wâwmn:-l ta 8:80 aid 7 ta 8 p. m. ieosnaBroadway. opposite Pars S DR. GOLDING DENTIST ilour 8bo 12 a.rn-1tu ô.m. SOver Elint National Bank Plions19-J. ilu.. Phone 157-J. r Ubortribe. Illinos DL EL H. SMITH. W»a 8-àK& 0U5T 5NATIONAL BANK. uSSm.-a tc 12 Ia. M. and I t a SP. M. JLbryii Ililois tUAS. N. STEPUENS, M. D. PBRy5iCXA.Na" SURGEONI 4E,. stNos., 1hmu *Fes exaned for Oismus OMO i OOsé 55Co. Tel. ise Litertyeviie. DE O. P. BUTRFIELD. VTEIRINAIY SJRGOR. Libsrme, m..Ifinois. ELHANNW. COLDY Attorney-at-Law aU. ni omneCook Ave. Phone 168.1 tUlgElrTVILtLE, ILLINOIS. LYELLIl MORRIS ATTO5EY-AT-LAW Libertyvile Illinois Le S uidinit. il". Mhos leu. Obee Phone is PAUL MAC GUFFIN. AIMTOAV Â LAW. -MARTI C. DECKE &T1OElgny-AT LA W 807 Washington Street VAUKUGAN, .- ILLINOIS Offlos Phone 848 Ru.. Phone 1860-R lU CO<JNTY FEED & FUEL CO. RAY N. SMITH Ia.,tyill, L kàoUms n4oe UONU W""EAT1JFR WAS SO liOT, LITLE REATLYA*MO0VJN6 Business Rather Quiet During the Past Week, SmalI Deals Being Put on Record LOANS $31,800; 15 DEEDS Business of the Rcoerdermf brdl Il usinees of the Recorder's office for the week ending August 10, 1918 hr A. K. Bowes, assistant seçretiry Security Tille & Trust' Co. Number of conveyances, 61. Numtser of chattle mortgagegs. 8. Number of trust deeds and mort- gages, 16. Total number of Instruments filed, 84. Total amount of loans, $31,800. Business bas e ben very quiet durine the week snd 'banis helow the aver- sge. tanÏt deaIs. In Wsukegan: Charles H. Cheever bought the James -M Brenton place on northeast corner Hickory and Fourth &ta. for $2,341.85. John A. Hayes of Chicago, bought the Sophia Luhey Hoover property on south aide Frank.ito at.. west of Coîn- ty et., for nominal consideration and gave back trust deed for $5500. Eva L and Orrin i. Cookson bon&ht two lots on west side Lewis ave. south cf Washincton st., from Then H. Durst, for $1,000. In North Chicago: Geo. A. Scru- macher and wlfe bought the Ernest Kusdel property on south aide 161h i., east of State Btreet, for $3.000. John Jarc and wife bought the Frankir temzgar place on east aide McAlister ave., juat south cf llth. st. for $3,000. Anna M. Bostedt bought two lots on mast -aide Bouth '",ctoiqa st., just north cf l8th at., front Lakte County State Bank for 31.050. ln lihertyvilp. Geo. A. Raton bought the L.ake ('ounty Gra% ,rw property in Secs. 15 and 22, for n ,ni mnal consideration. Jas. J. Gabrys and wife boughi the NI. A. Hanlan property on east side Second st., for $1,300. la Hlghwood: John J. MeNaxnara hought s 50-f t. lot on soui.h %ide Prairie ave.. west cf Centrai ave., front R. G. Evans for nominal cortsld. eration. In Highland Park: Eva E. \'eb- meyer bought a lot on west aide St. Johns ave., sout.h ot Lincoln ave. fraxa Harry W. Dietrich, for 12.00(j. In Deerdeld township:.. The Dor. cas Home' hought the Francis Por- ter 8 acres lu NE 1-4 section 33 from Ellen I_ Van Schaick for $13.500. In Zion City: Withur Glenn Voli- va bought at foreclosure, the Chas. Morris place on west ide Ezekial ave. just forth of 2l3rd si. for$721 bia Newport: Hernian C. Gohr and wif e bought the Rony C. Zion farm crf 80 acres in Secs. 7 and 8, for nom- inal consideration. In Wegt Antlcch: Curt Teich bought two lota ln Ayings Bluff Park Subdiv., in Sec. 28 on Bluff Lakte from John Aying, for $14,000. Agnes A. Sturgeon hought a Io' in Channel Lake Bluffs la Sec. Ilt from James L. Davis for $2700O. In Grant: Chas. M. Whipple bouglht a 90-ft. lot in Converse Subdiv. ln Se,. 23 on Wooster Lak<e f rom M. C. ilfy. att. for $2.450. In Cuba and Fla: Harry A. Dool. ey bnught thse Geary farm of 143 12 acres ln Sec. 1, Cuba and Sec. i1, Ela, from the Master in Chsncery for $34,000. Real Estate Transfert Aug. 5, 1918 Ernesi Jtnodei andS wtfe to G. A. SChUmacher and wlfe, Iots 2 and 3, block 3, Lenox Sub., Norths Chicago, WD, $10. Mary A. Hanlan ta J. J. GabrYs and wife, lot on eaet aide second st., 150 fIL north of North ave., Libertyviie, WD, $1300. F. H. Bartlett and.wife to Herujan Bauers, lot 12, blockt 7. Ravia High. lands, Deed, $499. A. D. Orvis and wlfe te Il.. L.Tar. ney, lot 16, 17, N 1-2 lot 15 and S 1.2 lot 18, block 75, Hghla.nd Park, QCD, C. F. Smilth and wfe ta Mlay Per- kOwsbci lot 11, (ex. W 27 1-2 ft.) ýbbock 16, Dryer's Suh., North Chicago, WD, $325. R. C. Zion and wife te H. C. Gobr and wvife, SE. 40) acres, 9W. 1-4 Sec. d and N. E. 40 acres, NW 1-4 Sec. 18. Newport w»., WD, $10. Fyank Remzgar and wlife o .Jacob Jare and wife, lot 2, block1il Wiiu. kegag Highlands, North ChIcago, Wl) Aug. 6, Isis John AybIIg tb Curt Teicb, lots 9 and 16, Ayling Bluff Laite Bob., WII, $1400... Aug. 7, 1918. Laite County State BIaktot Anna M. Bostedt, ots 32 and 33, blocki 21. Waahburn Park, North Chicago, WI), $3050. W. B. Walrath and wife te Joseph MNacak, lot 464. Shstw's Second Sub. on Fox Lakte, W», $150. J. IL Devis and wife te Agnea A Sturgion, west 1-2 lot 4, blockt 1, Chan. net lAite Bluffs, Wl), $2500. P. H. Bartiett and wife t E.' C.* An- derson, lot 20, blockt 7, Ravinia ,High- lands, Highland Park. Desd, $1. Christine Frenzel and husband t Sigurd Thrnnsen, lot 9 bioct 1, M.,- ahalîdale Suh., on Long Lakes, WD, $176. Estale cf J. M. Brenton. deceased, te C. H. Cheever. W 55 fi. S 1-2 blockt 7, Norths West Add. Waukegan, Deed $2341.85. Sophii L. Hoover and husband te J. A. Hayes, E 1-2, N 1as ft. lot 63, Cory's Add.. Waukegan., WD, $1. J. J. Flannigan and wife to Mike Smoiz, lot 20, block 18, Wauitcgau Hlghiand9. North Chicago, WD, $1800. H. H. Goodfriend and wife te D. J. Friodmnan, lot in Village cf Grayslake, WD, $100. August 8, 1918. lAite Ce. Grs.vei Ce. te G. A. Raton. tract of land eaAe cf Wrlghts Add.. Libertyvillle.WD. Il. Jesse Hyatt and wlfe te C. M. Whipple, S 90.62 ft. lot 3, Converse Sub., Wooter Lakte, WD, U450. William Watts and wife te Town of Grant, stri» cf laid 10 ft. wide ln Sec. 4, Grant Twp., QCD, $1. Wmn. Watts and aff to Village cf Fox Laite, strip ol land 10,1t., widc j-. Q... -tfz.o. ,.I.. Pt - - f.i-. VsI &auo wsse rte a . c u 0 1. Cockson, N 1-2 ot 34 aid S 2-4 lot 35, block-. 8. Nixon'a West Bide Add, auitegan, W», $1000 H. W. Detrich and wlfe te Eva E. Vehmeyer, bot 12 .(ex. W go ft.) blockt 76, Highland Park, WD. $2000. NRMÂGE JUINSE8. Mark Hlubihorst, Chicago, 38; tici- en 1. Roblaif, cmre, 35. Clarence A. Martin, Milwaukee, 21; Gertrude Grossitaif, came, 18. John Wilhelm, Lakte Zurich, 27; Can& Waltmaa, saine, 18. Ernest W. Kruger, Jr.. Milrauitee, 21; Opal Martin came, 18; Patrickt J. Rlley. 'Milwauktee, 33; Frances A. Poster, *ame, 23. Siwert Bundîle, Great l.Akes, 23; Estebla Sundeen, Iahpemng. Mlch., 20. Rudelph Grzanaa, Pt. Rlley, Kan., 24; Edos Lutacis, Oaledona, Wls., 199. Curbett Huston, Evanston, 26: Ameil Thonapson. samne. 19. Claude J. Bandeel, Mlbwaukcee, 38: Sarahs Aria, Birlen, Wis. 36. Edwip B. Humpbreys, Chicago,. 37; Signa Ï. Bentsen, sarne, 28. Walter B. Kranse Miwauktee, 21; Fainie Greeaehrg, saame, 19. Paul Stepheas. Great Laites, 21: Mararet Pacit, Chicago, 20. Johrn F. Rader, flattie Crepit, M 29: Mary Vogels, Milwauktee, 29. Arthur Ayala, Great I.aes. 24; Fredericita M. Nowlsn, Weukegan, 24. Christ A. Rusch, Mlwaukee, .17; Lucia G. 'Phormatis, samne, 18. John C. Sloowney, Mlwauktee. 34; Steila Cailles, am 311 Rari H. Ken1't Binghamton, N. Y., 36; Annie 'Miner, Milwauitee, 33. Josephs H. Ornatine, Milwauktee,.124: Rose 1l. Schwartz, came, 25. Edw. J. Rîtter, Fr. Riey. Esca., 25- WInnie Redman. Racine. 24. Chas. A. Coda, Great Laites, 27: Mayna D. Grainai, Chicago, 28. Wm. A. Hsig, Camp Humphr's. Va., 31; Martisa Blngenhelmer, Mil- wauktee, 31. Foster W. Derst, Foynette. Wis, 39: Esie J. 'Meier, Mlwauktee, 41. Elpidio Tesbarelîl, Wauiegan, 215; Anna Samma. Keneasa, 27. Daniel 0. Schucit, Mlwauitev, 51: Lottie Volitman, cmre, 47. Josephs A. Glîscis, Mlwauitee, 30: Stella 1. Glisch. samne, 27., Bonj. Brooks5 Sheboygan. Wis., 21, Anna De BraIt, samne, 18. Donald P. Stroit. Great Litkes, 23. Fay C. Bell, Chidage, 21. Mahel M. Long, St. Louis, Mo., 32ý Frank W. Haicacit, Great Laiteq, 28. Richard. Walker. Great Laites, 21; Grace Hagen, Evanston. 19. Irving W. Schmidt, Grout Laites, 21; Adele A. Schroeder, St. Louis, Mo., 18. Roy Carlson, Chicago, 21; Theresa M¶OI], samne. 21. Wm. Odett, (Chicago, 26; Miarie Mosbey, saine, 23. AIex M. Morton Zien City, 46: Co- lls E. Tuttbe, saine, 28. Otto R. Baheocit, Great Laies, 27: Sophie- D. L.amb, Waterman, Ill.. 21. Ftrankt E. Oison, Chicago, 24; Irene H. Arnold, sane, 20. Chas. Orebup, Chicago, 39; Helen McNeeley, came .11. Richard Thomapson, Camp Logani, 24; Bessie I. Taylor, Handricits, MIan. 24. Arthur B. Bradbury, Great Laites, 24t Viva MU Nonsmaiter, Palnsview, MInn., 19. Jas. E. Jensen, Grand Rapids, 34; illan Riecr, same, 27. Chas W. Schardt, Barberton, 0., 24 Ebiz. Hill, Leland, Il., 22. A. Raymand Wise, Great Lak(es, 21i; Anna Scblelcis Canton, Ohio, 21. Jacit liniteltin, Chicago, 21, gara Borofsity, same, 22. Lorentz N. Lund, Chiciago, 29: Ha- lles Sneedry, Waukegan, 28. Roy Lntzen. ICamp Cuiter, 25; Eiz.lein, Milwaukee. 27. Peter M. Duncan, Eberts Field, Art.. 26: Nilldred M. Uivîngoton, Mil. waukee, 26. Richard Calltes, Miwaukee, 13: Jobanna blrewbakt. smre, 50. Franit Tomaistit, Milwaukee, 21: Hsien Opalewsiti, Rame, 20. Capt. 1L. C. Trow of Lakte Forest. receatby given a commission ln tie army. re.ported at. Camp Grat te laite charge cf the wate.r plant. Capt. Trow wili taite over the work wiich bsas iseen In charge af Vint Lieut. C. W. Older. twio is awalting tranhr tn s«othér camp to tait. charge cf the utiities departmnent la the quar- termaster corps. Lient. Older l aa graduate cf tise first offiers' traJinn camp at lFart Sheridan and livea aI 123» E. 46th street, Chicago. Citt. ,Traw, for years was superlatendent of the Lakte Forest water company and la well knowa in Waufitegan. FIilJRS DONT AND JIRE'S PROOF War to End this Year, Accord- ing to One Man who Wrntes Paymaster Doyle IF SUPERSTITIOUS, BEWARE Compiles Table Using Figures Based on,Date of Birth, Age, Leadership, Etc. Are you uperstltutious;? If yen belleve In your horoecope or rua several blocksta t prevont a blackt cat froej crossiag yeur iiath, or re- fuse thse thIrd lliFbt from a match, snd are afraid ta pasa rînder a bsdder attention!t Assistant Paymaàter .. fl. ly bas rêeived a latter encîosIng a ta. of btrth, first year ofbleadersafp, pros- ent age an the ength cf office, of elght leaders of thse principal allies. War te End ln 191-Maybel The Informant, who bas prepared the uncanny figures, points out tbilt tise total for each leader la 3836, which dlvided by two gives 1918. the year wben thse war wlil end, If there 19 anything te figures. The following are tise figures on tise prablem: Presldent Wilson bora ........ 18.1r) Was elected................ 1912 Years ruling.................. e Years obd.................... r2 Total .....................3s34 Presîdent of France bora.... 1960 Was ebected................ 19211 Tears rnling.................. 5 Yearg aid ....................58 Total .....................313, Ring of Itaby haro ............ 181;7 Started ta rube.............. 1900 Ypars rulng .................18 Ypars aId ....................1 Total .....................381f; Ring cf Serbia boro ...........814 Started tb rule ..............191 Years ruling................. 1 - Years nid ................... 7 Total .....................18716 King of rngland born........16 Startr'd tbrube .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1 Yeara ruing ................ Years old ................... Toial................... Ring of Belgiiirn bora ....1 Started to uIe............ - Yoar-. rrling ................. Yoars nid .................. Total .....................1 Czar of Rîissta haro ...........1 Startpd ho rule ........ .....1 Veurs rulinz.................. Yoars old... ............... Total .....................1 E.mperor of Japan horn ....1 Started te ruIe .............. Years rultng ................. Age ........................ Total.......... Itivido . *by"2'and the resui 1918, vison the war wlll end. Hindenburg "Figures" Remnaritabi as the figuresr seem, anr5 oarnest tudent of BîueJacitot's Manual, who ls préi Iag for bis warit in seading "treat-em-rough" boys over th with the coid steel argument cao yen wiso the winner wlbI ho and1 issus that M. the mont Importantp after ail. Whirsicuggots the saylag: FiNgure.s don lie-but liars wil ure,' and judging by the nuiher times Von Hlindenburg lias figured reachlng Paris. he la nome figure Three ituecitet featured the1 mng show et Fart Shseridan Tsuars ülgbt. Troop H won over thse sq et Company 1 as a reanît a! a foil Raymond or the latter organisi faling to appear for bis battIs Gennenberg. Tisat gave Troop B 's'Ictories la ive . f*jr Company whibe four bouts ended l i umws. bouts wore ocb.duled for th rounds. A good crawd of Chic fight fans saw tise sport. ______________________________________________ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC:,f A STATEMENT BY THE OFFICERS 0F THE Studebaker Oil & Refining Company WR would Dlot permit Our names ta b.med nor advlse aur trlends te jain ne In - this Company, Do w@ bave don@, unise we bad f12117 ompleted Our investi- gations And had obtained contiol of actual producing ail proiaertme.. te ilivoit, re belle. w. are osirlas au excoptienal op. Pantunliy; vw. tberefarenun.- bestatbngl.y reconaoend thees harosta Our Monde and acquaintaan.- Signed. CLEN. W. STUDEBAKER A. B. STUDERAKEII P, E. STUDE&IAKER DO YOU KNOW that the prcsperties controlled by the Studebaier Oil & Refining Company bave a production now of about one-haif million a year? DO YOU KNOW that the Studebaker Oul & Refining, Company is destined to be one the Saf est and Best Dividend-Paying Oil Concerqs? Da YOTJ KNOWi that the Covernment -yesf the whole world muet bave miore oul? DO YOU KNOW that Bankers, Manufacturers, Farmners and Business men-large and smail are rapidly taking up this stock? DO YOU KNOW that you can get Studebaker Ou1 & Refining Sbires now ($1 .00 per sbire) upon most liberal ternis, but you rnust act quickl? Our lnvestment letter contains a full report on this Securit>¶. Send for itl It wiIl pay you: ADDlRESS8 8LL INQIRltE Il 1 SECURITIES TRUST COMPANY 10 South LaSIle Street CHICAGO, ILL bILINOIS SERIAL No. 1084. Thesegeqcurite bave been approved by tbe Departiment oîtState tlilinol,. TUE SECRETARY OFSTATE DOES NOT RECOMMEND THE IURCHASE 0F ANYSEl IIITY OFFREI) 01 13 193 .191 Travel t hcg VIA pliE NORTH SHORE LINE mnay the Ppar- Resiclenta of Libertyville will find the limited service to Chicago over the there the North Shore Une cool, clean and convenient. Limited trains con- lotell nect wlth Elevated Express trains at Central street, Evanston, mak- bler- ing oniy two stops south of Evanston. These trains go aroumd the part..Loop, stopping at most department stores in the L.oop district. [1 fl Running time to Chicago is only 1 hour, 43 minutes r of ýd on Train Schedule box- sday Trains leave Libertyville every hour from 6:30 a. m. to rrett.11:30 p. m., making dlose connections et Lake Bluff wtba .junction with Milwaukee Limited Trains and Evanston 1 sixExpress Trains. Saturday afternoons, Sundays and i. U hoidays, Limited trains leave Lake Bluff junction every three (0 cathirty (9)minutes. Parlor cars are attached to trains leaving Lake Bluff junction at 9:54 a. m. and 2:54 p. m.' Chairs, 28 cents, including war tax. Dinming cars are attached to, trains leaving Lake Bluff Junction at 12:54 p. m. and- 5:54 p. m. For fertiser 4forraai4ona pply go neaet t icket ollie of the NORTHI SUORJE UNE Chicago Ticket Office Là1bertyville Passenger Station Milwaukee Ticket Office 137 Souh Ci" Sesi Phone. Libenyvifle 74 187 Second Sr..I Phne.CntrailS8m Plonea Grand lias h a h rtaa III bei Ja aI id 1'~ A h. ai, v St tr tri th, Si'- t,' Fr lii

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