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Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1918, p. 5

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LIBERTYVILLE MNDPENDKENT, TBIJRSDAY, ÂUQUST 15, 1918 Pg Ie, MIR M eMuSpa eof h iago sopeut tire Mrf.H. K.Wlson ot< att evilted wefek end lu the C. F. Smale bomne. irb gte r Mo aliJm' e 4 S .WIEELERS Mr.. J. Mitchell ha@ bée evi ulrtu ntng da hsy ek Mrs. iilbert Oreeolilof Lake VIlla& a tew %lies .Hazel Stockton <F NEA UNoffIli.bj days iisweek. ie aioa eetldtu pend titleweekli % i l ________________________________aD u_____ W. 1. C line sttended t a u!î îebfr ' nu rk lH'l i~anterert!C u1t1vatoo:e groang to Ilebbingf 1 an itemusaÊnk W lleet.No. reflet of tire la a Grfatue - eMWivv s eoeltl4ia ait th aMin.,Wbéte allétg to t Fl1 h at Shberman bute!, Chicago, the fi&bt o! the SylveterS. Wl C i.,r le! l n"uItay PI4TI aO week. Mr. end Mrst. L B i kii dimbt ie ig, uRelIl.aIInt -îu-dCalgary, Irincîle ofiheNation.I ânk1l'IaI M ru. Warren fetb, of Columbus M ut Hoyile, of Chago, sud &Mr. tij m era anadaa,Éi. trdîîîgt a télOgrat reîtýed arrlred hëre Sintayforuextended vle t Kirbv aud MI@@ lut* Vari., o u h benb Jsay Frtidy, Mondas. T! ' ieo ~Iïyof Us laws lias lbee toniWhis violted CIar llv o ra 'mmediate caume of t -r dcatîti@eflot teb COMPLUTE LINE 0F CORN MACHINES wjtb rlat sdtiueI .istysdîae.kuowu to relatives li-r-, but aninourtce vicia lis. ~~~EStewart W. Thomltson, 2Sari- meut ot ber llues was fnade lu a coin- rvniltsto itYa Janlllruetday dlont of Chiicago, droppto-daci ai Lake munication receitiel a of vîle ek Ja at t -le nAu 0 it heboulae ofurgedIlle wdiDeputy.Cor ou(rait pro- Mrms. Js>' lrudy and Ml-s Ethel Wbeeir,:v f u w m m atedside ii etqet Fi,% ritws1tfCnlaan ir,.] t,! ea wth . r i n a rioie -r Autber finée sbuwer o ra)li, faig hr~alwîînls ot getlyTuesdayevenin$g,'fmuIatedgruw. fw ii ihbrsn n hf Large Soc.Priced -Rîutig vegetatiuu sud posturl e l M@. l ing for îtOIl Caad, nd t~ ________________________________ coiing off the torrit teiperature ofthtiti lie ern amrn unct i rýd front lias Rit tii-r boule lhe- îa.ý.-d awar I*Tsa !~W prvo;dlCm rti-Te -i ard for' A Secondîtelt,-irair--tei>-trdv * MIL1 K  S c an k ar w a e o r Mm.F. E. Clark of Chareston, 111 ,tilti. acition tthe etI, ,IitarILhet - c a c a d a e C . who i lsbe: violtlna the Pest tw.iof th,' newitich ri - l inIlleh. or LibertyvHile T'îaýe-,;i ___i to ber homte Friday. ch<lsiadusbir,-Fl enri ltleordtlied III THE PlATRONS ai Iogî bnsl bspu-tcy Mre W. .Uoinîrs etertalurd aut a tour And(rew Iozoce, t I alc y te .Ei-a, r--tîtLSîlîliy ; ii iet,,lal nt.ItaLi! ____ '-n,,tu- jrr~n 't-riialiit3 ou ibale clîîek teu Saturday atternoon tlbuoiîr arrî--ted at Rondout (oit \ andtrietOces-edeuee. tJtîîlîi uidytChiîr ccitt-rii %itl lici' ui ttisv An Ordinance prescribing traffc rogiti 1' ~ ~ ~ no l(, it i,tO bodsînie il aroîrdauce , tr bri s-e, .sDrtb itîeand 1whohtt lld bpen hpMlt b\t1, Wutitk-' lterf(l, f ilei.'itt-rt-t1,,Lt oll,,s aI ouThieedayilra.- t*N Wîeioek. lations governing lte use ofAutonm. Mî. tULO Da id 1littierib-galpo r-Wh er i>iuond Lai ,,' t,ry ,c tI l eIAhir tir , i-i lo' i t'. îîitOil,,'rs ui biles 'n IeVlag fLbrivylll.. lll Of T E LO A our ,,eanus tîuitatjae othO elit) uarrNrJere aiuty-utr'wb aplce owre 1- tîg itthVllgeof'î buyugetîtl-. S-Iiir l tau3 w.-r.-the 'gueiste o n i e u.. sce .wether or Pot lt,' a tatrait 1rentain ut lier lièt ù aiirtrlIde tft,- 'i til 0 t1ei n t.. il .rdaiu,-d lv thePresldent "di for you t,, May it'u ba%.- uit Il,..tineto Rç-etatltei ut the Chicago Trie- .%a-, lias boen tulutl -t, r f)t t' - gyei 5'tiifo,'r it-tta lt ti trt otTrums of thIe village P OS T O F f 1 C E byn ti'"1wr ntecrtr riatoiôsi hrg o :fi-i - IPetl/I bit:uLi ta'ilieuîiîiiiiio S ilil * w, l(il ,îirted ibtertytille, Illinotis: Mt, anti ,riitr for -tbuig-irs I rîv- tie wcek, 'ieltverimir tupatrons colies low liait nothinirtsi ' hé, had IO TD INKfERStr*l ta i h. .Eftaf r tIi. 'Sl,ýi.,L n prù1r priig1 Ou tir abotut J5,,,- 20I , ticee ac re St-li i, ii t nea i-at t't put ,taat utrttl Ifltite direitory orthit Calke eouty dis- ~ 1crfilfor the dr fI bt.Itf lmii- f., lir Itr. A F. Clark, uttitirtielormotir ttrcycle or ob, p e ted aho ut ', A F fn it Ilm apeut1ir.-d the r iturkt, !aie J1ain. 1, t1923 tIltwhbleta iludes LlbertyA il-tn OlA K S/RA tsr ipcit-ii-n.w eîr-.itv-iI-ii-uîgtoedaub o~ lu tire te-ai palicrm, r ridîg fitçPart fas'Tîttit le ri a itit a l 'R.1Ismly TheCoule cuunty iboard LA sup.-rt-tio<s ot i f t.-- a CKWA AT D<rtiit w, p st]thie aniai hse shawntitr, fulow : -l'mua t uliilr tiro lamiatiin1 oleit r.I- e- lrIotit ii e ttue wýf,1J'erk retueed tou ew tiere1 t Atai b ('h - 1 st i ir u , nItrrlm n l balai h lrs I - ~ 'r -tire tirltwf the DRINK --tio,, ub ttlic bnllbways, or stresta tlt.-i,,tir ti of hce isWart "TheIt Bouse thIaTt I t tit. n lnw - at '-e mi t--CENTS ÀD I Thje Fîret Reqe tht tilileiof Lllertyville keep 10 fl ot Il , 'resi(l,-it t.1<ftlIl rt»A t- i lar"and 1 w ty i i t i- i z 1 iiti' lt- îti r> i. , j rai i h,1,pt-eue ut 1'Tue H1oueItlat Stiltt, dît ititi Jack luit.' a i -%wroadbousee o11 thea. t"W hin 1-. tirr marr V <obeeirglit titie -enter of saeb sitrent Sit îg Ii ,-- frolr Illiiitsi ioiti g tiitc t ,- i)*l titht b-st t ofit iltlt> Mtlauker avenue, euuth uA tie couuty h iristmas boxes - - 7lttiIoih ettut, t As tasigto bsi-nli a0 ittcîtgt h lh m u, fitrIlei mth. î -F ai Congressmen Order Tax on îOuî-."ititTranscriph. paise tiithe riglit uf the euger of Sud tri-isu r> i-I rtiitt bia, il-ti ,il ittrs-te, t i l t uîi.,t ti.,fiefr t le-tr meL sIl wo aib rn ri% ed on te morning ,' txtVurthirj, ra oa oRie I-lueecîuwe uuu oteIi aisupar- acia, - Lm, t,Io o. - it n--., :-Lt,'î.tlr Iî-.-r r aj.ritii.!tIir cmLui ou, ibs en n,-.tîandl Werl doul l- uci om f tr I00,000,Soas00 So'e ntsItio hti for-arkgtuga hemof Frid v, J lie 1ý, i, ii,. liýl -u, flotliLài:,J f. esly II forai, yltIt fWuca@t %as tallt teit rdays, Theaky-n aomaon.d Tite0 0,00ruI l Il. ecrr parinr ul -ii- Frda -du,. It-, gt l-r 'îot li itt ii ttl -.ilI it *IL-it-i. lier itushanil tutthe Jatte Mau ittt r i! 'rr i- ____Iv.-bie, lmiitcr cycle, or other vebleW tt.ie tî % r 'a iti' Satlit - ltig aH- ttgii it! i i tliluti 4 aukega eidW'dd j Dnt (iion -iucluling thuse drawn by hoeses *04, grm tr ý l %\ýr fî%iw,1î.,to riJ i. hAlietar P i r' , 119 l.loo @ a frml l Tho VIcitery Krni,,'- lri pur cent iax oit ail st it-iritk ý Ilohr ntasth w e rpr est tit.- tut I.tir ili title litt tiro10 iîv- la ben 1îîîc-d tri i -t- or 'i',îîacz arràti ator itoupoy.ut.0 r t.tîtftî ii -,iro(iittr 'loi i -- c harg h iaalways park ou lh. Brcit(-<'r li l,,iltti i1 .t- . tte-t IMr.itdl re. iClaude MKentie and sn(filttraI Tru4t compici .O.iu-.'sele of the stresS lesvîug his vee.j Tr oXLfLI ST usàholortt firarLadgle at nul leosO ipoie nd3 .1 o tou 1bnau nge t utle@ ba>-6 fOI, M T e,,a i" - vi Uv sr otrd u5d uicl o u i'e ,1 -a ti sil o'rat,! t î-n cin iii.muit r, 2 fui.a -poTii J-i' T'nui--c"to!iti- a i uda, Jrmtf odatuviit t a re. a Ptititon hy G,.ort hm . awrittîc n 1t tite $8,(vtiinttttheddierecti on a i us p tar scbveb r. iirtu tii uilii' i al A DEN=T ESE NS'Mt KO-îýzIce*ÉÉpareuse, Mtr. al MrÉ. Audrew tditeg rttl. i r it tlaltitl \a, t _- ttibil lit ut.-itiS cti,% nd hly tos Park surbu periie t Ii, ui--ttii. :,- inititiot F1ARX 1SUG(G'ESTIONS LeIgler. They wlah lstotit Mc. MeKenu- W " rat fr .Ma -: V (rawftrd mirati, îomînit',E:.iît-e-îigtr-e. iluh b liteateusuiet4ofailtu,î,e ýÉfu1z eitparent, Mr. anil MrS A'. $A'.MeK,, prar -n-.fo r- Tho' proo.al i. tuPriti a t-tx or2 a the t t e.o 1o r-lô hehn eh d i tRde ,ii' uIoe ,tailelotei pemîts - - ie- a rc'li-t,. îdjutiti ria nkru tapt.t al o l lilte rwn p wtiiwi nsi z' rIe tRdes.Vl ilr euun. --tr'o î ti inepltrrttiti'curb ine c negletedto ubmirib, m ttitie-r Il I-.ýrY meion if ake it e inaterilibeiîg ou band, theti' i, lhomos aIle.!t-ýs t--rt i- ithm $27, sottt irnk- scl as '-oti tfoItti ý1 ý iyprsns ner60gleîili*iletlaliiti ca ig. iI t, t t"t, i5 tttîtt tiI aii tlmut>-. ro.seAuxillar>le a uorkiug u îleAugnet Q00t for dogs oMi and 1 crn1 upono a of r7 cr"tît or a utor veitele, utour cycle or Titmi netlita. lt-Idl ini lit,' LiOrt ittllIt, hphlaît ti.Uliili lt i illto luota ound retudta i l8uuually Vas:;tî .17" -M thi itet-rbier as wou ld r 1 c nI a siail totby sted o tera vile uaititt lgt cîiti.atitil.,gI a ua>' titi'tîr a dilat e ori, l - 1. Td hohel ed omethil- i-rty 1,'t- - en eri so id n eag Tr e minîulteepay ent oavhallart îd lu itimteddle u Julie 2M.'l'litelhca' band fanti isse@rVe' i I-il i ltitti.- ucr sai ctî ri-.tii a e tenibae oe vr rë ed irltlt, be cif aln h o mtee )it;tvhee ao n n te md o MIitIa kidi>.oîhli'h- i-t1-sto Ilia'. Itike, thieplatn lm out .Itîa-.d. Iiurc ar pneeyTuesday, Wed- at Atantic pur'-tinct, Jul>29 an-Irt."efron titis source comeauliýtr bloc-k withtiîiueclosely bultu futtaitilliiif titetif. In-luddititontuto 'Soir the tb-lrge art. arme i-e.5 hetitoeda> ad Turtiday, ater litau.th ooft- jrn'tnnu itî i-s OCl0Oltlt0etwas s:-.î p ecticru iif aid vIllage oh L irlbr.v titis ce iail tti gio tiil ttt tiit @mail tarhî r t t1p Itîenit <i-h ter Anyuue wlsbiLi u tend aewî.tauc, kindi>- today ihati t o ne ot them a.', Acdd Medicine Tas but ebailidrive lic the neit butersq is-akero, tîne of tiiur eiu&( is Brtidlittlitshiitrlui-îaîfotir i- or a f 1 cil. stati-td for tii, --ination aitîtir. 2l1'Tliti'comnitte lok the pîreprt. 4 'TAL~C iM sre îdlr lsskeigI efficer. Althiiugit Itiail S550> t,.ctiualIbhIp .NIatit to aiîuîttilýi.-te cutad. tictise Mcl. eunie Plia nsd hié Durotity heurs tiir, r-' il. sOn , 11 Iltor îîdtcinî c and pt-nInt tîîu- li-rglto!lteintrputlus1hsl 1t nottcre itiatt.-iil stineîrgti-. hîîei livrine. ThIe le al,soiutiyDolittte, 01 Synainorp, returned to their brotîgiti 2.' - i iera iian tîhîÉo-vriou* o"thte'nu"etireebut p"ne'S malle']i, tt..a.îîif 1 i i l-etty uut iithterîini tarîi-er. Ta- outtrd«hortes uMonda>-, alter more titau a 20.000rut\ -no2andi a shitpa lax and crotîp itlin a 10 lier ci'tt ans person or persous to operifl about11r7IPékrois h ireVaio ,ila viI lot,éa tldftototîarti1t 2,0 v11t uMtteW.i. Coltnpbtne. l agmuto01r' ôehiampli. ore l molorbicec o îoorwcclew1 q urgent cail of the Steite IfIrw,ýtor, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lttta%.,)daN s atîrk on a big ltin. Mis itne. aWho te a trry gitd singer, Clarence,.,Éo .B o o 11, I p«ý 'tae oa ha pnetotunassref81 Uen rgment rai t the bla t . t ic 'Aiy înîti-r witî, .xpetéii- o thter tirsang la solo, sud a dueS with John rîngt. i-,Ii -,t-'. rhom,'e ayin It rl(- mstelv $tltttîttl 0'tOtwîIîlie rai,.,! publi,- place vîitiute mîafi lu obrdi-rt t'etiwn> *cters. -1 re1orted 1gice hi-, -.tris houre t,!labor at titrt-"h-Bradfoird, nt lite Methodlt tchurcit Outreceli-(i nt '- to bis car (trtintt. * v shitftinzgloir patent rnedlcinc andl tvillage o! Lîbertyille. A lte paticulars f itnsîtertuetittt 1tute g tîtti..atîhotîttalci coituipOsatton le Suorat-mocning andl eveniung, reàpec. w1ncoui d-r- rmFrîi. iig -ct-iîi-,frotnt a nianartur. gives every woman lEl-rioi Vt. Au.v person or State iîector. OAifou ho a iiîuder- aiïia' as a wanrîiti-erasbe le g-ttg hîvel>-. a iattie sLit .a timarine onfile e rs' ftxof e0 tiiter rutiIte oa sttitl ttatiwho loves a rare pier- violaîlug aunso!fte provisions o s a î Ina lii t i offitce. te@ rt,n g m ore tiroirtl e d eerv i-s F -e ,' o llte iut i s purceita e il a mes, m o ning tif t. e 2'ith. H , ' sta tL , on the- cnst nti. r a if t.î c t at o 'fu m e, th e o ppo rtun ity to rdina ce ebha il bie tled lu a sun o circulata i t alhu-dtiiuthe Lîltert>ilil Ili eicitanged wart. aity rîtti-te and mlnemauto- deiîrers t-au totaclil- tîtat hi- t lo'ir titi-big shi Ilthaknw a nd erfu lc o s- u vr fse.- pet)i- aIIO tt" iu, nani-s it m ent t as1 .aaitireslîirmaîî ýthel i,-labtîr roii'orde ae poip flor>u teInraseut hectit tuei nandlii Or/z c 'evce trwataproOffense.E-ts"IA>-prto pi tieing absen-fit] thie-Meeting 1 i f utte!-t ~ndîvitutil tarnîterî,ncerued eau tng demand f<tr bis poltular hakery gonds. ho Iti n aferI ' tCiat le h cfer 0'. t ordinance Nu. 27(1 c prto r parlg ts. 0 tivey reortd nooneasÉ ot uyi__t____t 1.. .diTakeN Jonteel homeg tth fi îlet eîîrt. n tu e e lutu otare'Tht.eaertIRpalted a brilliaut bine sud a-reks. Tli , i i - 1 tiot Cor dec home ordinance are bereby repeaied. -.-i e4tampo. Altbuugb I1itativeu givenil Hlielair liittre enaipurain gcower. H'Be i atulil suggeot titat Itrtnght b. a ed pernî.tnet' 't " ng Fox bas tit'ti MethodistmEpiscopaI. with you tod.ay. *~-i VI. Tbis Ordination sbéiil- authiority tolilehtire hati-in irteî lut-ailedofl hits îatrioiicpart lu totod pro. goouId iea t'tmiti a ni-W branil ot lD serNt!ce b.'ý tu - ar ago lasI t r I Servîti-s ilt undày>- ail lie f-itf(]as 296o' ~ fresdefelf u maitl. liasere < t home Whio refluse fo btuy o ucdution. bouidyouruietglitut"soPtutou bn-adtt orspeciail delîcer-, uamîugitthe maiing ttl' toss on aif'tttio loîws- Sttnîsv .-,il at 0Il) i ,,ker' rug Store 1 beî in orad eeîu rom ad & pledge th oy>-etanipo. 'pori taklng ttii- -Of o!itu ble gît-eu ai> vr-,usidei-atiou [anrBu"bad.Sae - jg recti evci o(Ic.psaead lcto @rqIe motte'!'p uit althetii-State lttcscto's -'ortus otounr local titreeherîen itate pubedy tg ] h Peb- Tt a , ttu pwrcactEelt raiiu evtsa suii otîcre. i 1rec-eil dtite' ollowtig i-clais- i besu lnthe tchabit ofci!riiig lint a Ou- Lead! t -1 he- -Te - ft10w.apoe sachEenngpeahngsrvc femiali l idoeo hl ights un th,1li'battle-ctrp" of 0 tithtie eveuiug servtce tlîure wili t'OEJ . .Mre Preda Itui. 'Wc regret th,- iuitsunderatmundlng icommntthromttceiing ouI>- tro or trcstaspleniltunert ou James lSwIlu'al armeil guai d t,,ciS caILit pcai melety te ch'itr. À cordiJalMogPrtm, regarding tire <bt. sou ent us4 ut tituse lo!ite best tir larl ljobs sud titen banifI av. hemeuaiutaei o iav benii. 11 . sd reno i tvilà,uteexe1edhoai.8.IE ailiug to attend titi-War Savluge tuet- nteetl' on ti r cpeat this policy lu sorne - * - '. i ~ ohgnct o Tit iîdden l"llar, utf aI e é»al 5 ppovdAgut 2,198 57nvitrufiesi-il tire wI'ieas thenîtîr us tittueenotlie iasi-of on.lPublished, Auguel 15, 1918. -t furoJliît, end 3tu ea nîetîgtdunte e Itsehicit a hlt oti se carme nrrbreai tat ever acut dowu Mil. inding durtîtus t uîîsisriucs on I.aIe rthe. î.jcetoftireltsEpa-irtLeague RAY N. SMITH A<et wake- ve t Hsonitke Ou,'lcfigan, whut i ;rterrupon blean lso etSua vuîga uîr iel-hiII J A. Trplow, Village Clark. but a-ltoirire punm-last-ce ohfsahmil , Sîat andtilieaa aati o! ime awicit dIscoutuedite original @s-ile .fesi t'-nfistio tt' we regret tIl itey ot utattendths TIe li -sbtng couiutitîtee urges every Tu et-elîuwaefo ttepupo e s aInglt-I - seciongith ae - s- impolantmeetng ciledperesut o tiri-heruau t tal rac tA il gainl tg elgittien c,îmorte, aiticit tas tbey tîset Iote ixutIi -- tltî.shore lins, atb Preoideuthal proclamation, tîat we arean>- community tututi tcitlic Moves, ttin@hd lules@ titan sti ioure. Hale offte resuit tht' rt-- dents of Highliandl~ gladl tuii îow tuf iteIr ah.s,-nce iSe pcoviding audit grain je ready tuthireitto tite'Ladies Aid. god timon, goord îskat i -tuysbyu lA i . . nt due lu a lad o! Intecet lu the Vinutits amr eîebn u aeacou km, gooailworkers. Iltan oiliorti i.-haeyoi-eua is- -I~ savinge campatgu. Vie trucs tuîesy alîl horough job. ac fE aeb -aa-AC UTSLO continue tu support thii ver>-itmprtaut Report utdesrable tractîfce 0licte Tire attention o!fte pubilie Is dlrected eneti aItcuttti'litgittehîning ln * - - pars of the geverument financial plan." cbresbiug commiSîeah Libertyvillie for to Orditîanu-e No., 296, Puhlsitet else. titeir ainitot, -tB i...MUT D A N DII> C > V FO RT E NS Lberty ville has more titan matie good aadîîîstmsunt. Let us pau lu sac,- ail the vitere lun titese nolumus, an ordînsuce Anoît -> t-utt ias madie b> lte lu every outîî,r va et drive tir ramiu1 igratn and ati te samie tinter conserve regulatlng ite operatlon of automobiles, nav'alstation tiýt uttuItci- uring tithdao lligo om-aeCmfres aefousb thLais test suri- itlmleot >our wlsitflet Lberty-- labtîr andl fuel. We itouti do thii as a uiitorc>-cles aud otber vebicles wilhielu w ecn<itt z u. 7, aien 1,250,000it>Ad S ety. Tn ofhoeseaemadeComf our ew cma forer cr tetonn ies'n ville,.sabouti taitti, bu>- its iluotsautfViar warrnîtasure . tire corprelas limtte o! the village o! pieces etfirt'ci ls-t mai were receit'- AdScey hs r aeo u e Ofre rtnei 15tviugt§ stamps. But If Iis hd holie -..Have You Barberry Bush? Ltlî'cyvills and particularl>- ln the cd anti di paîlu d. Iaccortiig<o Chit!' variety of h-andsome patterns. They are filled with oui best grade -- accomplsbet, yo willhi al have to do During the tuant ten tinys, mans, flelde nhîtct rîtadeti business distrct. The Mal Vît-th F c.IBarr. Titis excv-eds of cotton, in one large sheet, are closely tied with Germantown yarn. your part. Do not leave il aîmosh o! wileat have iheeu examineil for tbe ocdiîîan,- treflues vitere veblcles may lbe by 2U0.000 titi' aitîtunt of mai ban-Teecrfresir i ag ie 2b 0ice n ehv eutirel>-ho te women sud cbldreu. pttrpoee o! fihdiug black stem ruât Iu- Surued, the proper aie of the sltreet ~teilthte pe tiweek, ahîcla waus Tis -frer r l ag sz,7 y9 nc n ehv Borne 0ofyou canuot lis back aud lit e<ction. Mati>-ofhheefiele show 100% m n.l eeud'by11,ilesh l h ien the recnrd. The depachînent 1spriced thienf at jullthte price of the niaterial, pius--tTse $51 olter@ ho bu>- ail the @tamps.e ou are Iufecton. About -453V.o!fte field, are parketi, proiîlttinthu e operatlon or gcottung a"si, vt]'hat tîhe neîvwi i rftwihmuttah1 -~not doing soeur best, viben you submeccllu not aî'ecled but tais condition May- cut-outs anti providlngpeuaities. Don't building jusi i-i*,fe foc f ir l eîu- cost o mkng -no auued rft-wihaou eo e 5 1 for a tbrlft shamp per veel for jour beconie more prevalet If- local people fail ho rend It carefuil>-. comnootcitte euh tlo t-flst chli nt Large, size Wool-Nap Blankets, in handsome plaids. These are from -birn hnyucoliwl odhoconlînnu. to ig--Ire raques-s1o-e-adicate kln-da>-, a te eeleue ! br aterreiern-tiiîtîii otue. -An tiad av rrve. 11

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