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Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1918, p. 7

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LIBRTYflL INEPEDE~, ~YRSAYAUGtJST 15, 1918, LAKE VILLA Ifls... ltiaKerr' anti Roby Faei ara apendlag tht. aeek in Chicago. mm. Ella Unyment 0oleisicagtea guent o!flire, Frank EBamlin. Meov. Sisyder le ln Zon City foi' lao avsska tu &alset the M.-E. paotor thon. In a sortes o! revival nîetinge, so thare aiii -b. no preachulng services bers e otSon,, day mornlng or evenjing, but Sunday acisool anti Epwiiî th League wili he as Usuai. Mr@s. Amnos Bupey lme nteitaining bei' grandimutber. au agedilady 1irom ÀAtientle, Ur. sdan. it usuil Dawson andi chiltiren o! Ciero, are spending tise wsek at theS Bispartison home. Mise Champion, o! Ntsimai, t. a guset o!flMns, A. Richards thie avsek. R. L. Murrie, avio reconîl>' movedt t Auliocis, bas retgned bis position as vilage clinh and the position bas been accejutsd by Di. C. W. Taibot. MkandMrn.. W ii Waikei' an. OMUcpy. Ing tise Wald cottage reeenti>' vacateti by Bon Bammes.. Ur.,&antI Mn. E. L. Waldi anti lre. Uia Baroitabie drove to Kirkiand. Sonda anti @pont the day isijis 1ev. Evane, a former pâotor, anti bis faniiy. Misse Hariet andti esanor n.,nalned for' lie nemaintisi'oa!tiseaeex. Mi'. anti Mr.. D. R- Mansee anti Mar- gares drove 10 Ciscago. sari>' Bonday andt@psut tise day wth relativtee, lir@. Chas. Jarvie anti ttIle son bsavs nelurneti iron tisa cty. Mis. Gurman Qf inesvilie, @pont a couple tiase ast week ailisber tiaugister, Mr@. A. Kepple. Mri. andi lre. . Sorenson êpenb Sun- Rev. e0.. cbark @peut t1 puast week 3et Chicago. Mdrs. John Walton le on tise sick lilt. Sir. ant idMn. bon Lenzen anti famîll> speqt Bunda>' et the homne o! Mr'. anti lire. John Lenzetn. MlipesElla Moore epert severai day@ at S. J. bifeiin us! Libeuit> ville, calldeta tise nome of! li. Sý Winigart, iluada>' afterniuun. Mise Hlda Oefiing vh'.ibeti ler autnt, Mi'.. 8. J bicileiu, lest ueekt Ot0 to ulidor, o!t iirî i--ajet1- iti- logea ten das ftlui ui %t St1,- ionte tere. Mir. adntir. Nick '.4- anti Sites Auna tIolibaor lunt ia pt;'î et licHeni'>' uudev i-v-u,îug. - hUis, Iu.e aumjuul ta visiting ter dangister, àdre. Henry' Bohne, at Elgin tsi. wsek. Ur., anti Mms.Lee Biteon wveecailere at licHenry 'Sauit "y afteirtson. SEEK TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION IN.FOX LAK -RSORT CASE Attorney George Field, Repre- senting Lippincott Hotel SPeople, Starts Fight VENUE CHANGE IS ASKED Cae Will Be Heard Etither by PROMINENT MEN WENT WITli QUAYLE TO fiET EVIDENCE Secy. Law Order League Tells of Gathering Evideîice on Fox Lake Men "1WILLIS INN" NEXT IN LUNE Quayle Tells of What He Found There; Rich Men May Buy Fox Lake te Clenilt Up Fox Lattes diruînttanti uisordertv rareer seems de.itineti for earl>' un mInnation. l'isui, Latte t'runiy Law anti Ortiir t,î-agite, aup organization coinioset of avuali>' ruiuentslo! tise Norths Siori- tisappointi-t ln attemupts 10 interet couoi y officitît, tIs carnled t is woe- la Sprinielt. A ttorne>' General Brundagi- respondedtilutise fit-st art- peal 1>' etarting injuricîin procecîl- loge against 'tise Lpptncoli Hotel. Tise WilIis Inn lm neit on lise league prograns. Thsomats R. QuaI-, Pecretar>', o! tise rufors body>, de- ct'reti Frlday tisaI, Mr'. Brunag aoulti leakedti 0etjoin bIle re-,ort froîn carrylnc- on Ils etertainme-nt. -Investigalors o! tise league lai-e joinedthvlItlose frons SpringfieldtIin turnlng the 'taiot" on lise Willl.s. Mr. Quayle tabeti: -We founti a 16-year-oîd girl lielp. esal>' drunk up lisere Satfflay nîglil, 'Every Saturtia> niglit tisere are frons'.00 10 400 dIarepîttatule aomet In tise resuir, there. We hiiv coîlit ed>mora tisan 300 aot tmachines tisat latte in fuli>' $60,000 blavto monrt. turing tise sommer. "Olur tnve.ut-fratoi4a 5-unteimors day witb their @on, fHarry, wbo le ln juaeu o UUiIIi or UI u JUe thour0 sLnelraUp there Saturd:4 training ln the aeropiane division of the R. K. WeIsh ngtit 'U. S. euny in Evanston, and expecta "I was areomtsanled on my visit in 500fl %0 be in active service. Efforts te dissolve Ille Ijnto the Attorney (;enpral hy a committ'0' ltJfcînof flivetroam the leagu-John T. Pl- Mr'. and Mr@.. Fred Berg, ot Chicago, gr.snted Wedni-sday hy Circuit Jud gp rie Jr., mery Rumasey. Mai. Il. 1.1 Chicago.i @Peut the P&st two weeks witli Edward, against the Lipplncott Hio- Vail. Thomas D1onnelley and Gcorge te latrs parents. Mr'. and Mris. T. tel a' Po\ Lake, w. re in:ttluted Io- fndiey. <iraz. nd oherrelaive. . day by Attorney George FIFld, v.bo "Tt la oui' purpose to dry up the (irit.sudotbr elaive. tP reriente the owners and lîýses <ofvhoe Fox Lake district. Everyone la cui'dialiy welcome at the the suimmer resort property. Mr.."If we cannot do it any other îway.. Red Cross work icoms evei'y Thuraday. Field arkîi a change of venue so th- there are men ln the 'league who Plsnty of ewlng and kniting and il' arguments wi li e preaented liefore wm iubiy op al the property thr." yonknu o!an diesewog ai-ina tther Judz.- C. Il. Donnelly or Judge 'tir Morley laable to do wliat the please biof a it to tewrun, MachneuiR. E. Welch. The case will lie n-ardla dontiemwiigtdohn urk lu-h uet e etiir a 111lu ii e o ltot~frd n ime vout will speeFox Lake von- mrr~e lai' the wr ma IeiThe rc-araining ordi-r %%as graniel Ivertui b' o a p- e like Lakte ;,nQv-i finlshed this month i yJudg., Edw2erhi on petition of At- Tt will 1), changed front a rowe-v The Ladies Aid society will tie coin- iorn'-v 't ne-rtl idward .1. Erundage, place whrîh decenit folks avold. ini ioitme at lire, Frat.k Haîtnlinso this 1 n ttîîo tore aesG ec an atîrartile spot suris as L.ake Cct, - liha rgedi lIaz.ran t îiîla t ios hav 'evan- a I atelgclii week Friday. Cet 1the ladiee have thebt--n goîîg lin ai the hotel for a ion. te o av19.oxtla te lialce it'î job of getting jour viter comîlrters 1'--rlod orf ie,,mi king il a nuiani it. ae o ak uh lceri raady fori you. A picnie supper wilî ne mil n ihr u-of pubîîîî moraîs Il er. than what i lias been-and w-ni-ý sei'ved. Wvas carged iha liqior vas .«O<j In !oing to help ma«e ilvo. salit one M inor:t-. oîianv saI-a %,r" tniadi-of ihe leaders In vppaking of the Misso Mary Kerr asment a lew dayo th. on Sunda ' :Ihat numerou.s aloi ma_ at r tie% o! tht week ailli ber iters ln chineu; were in oTu-ration. and tlb Evauetuun. disordeil',- I.îpI- congregAte i h--re, HARD TO -GET EVIDENCE Mi'.. Albert Lrecoli clent a few days e4rring on a dehauclîerv Iha' i-,stp'AtonyJmsG ec faut week a ittu lra. .1 Mitchell at a Attorni ndý>FiI-'I itiaîtaîns hit tîrlievesii tat tise course taken bv At- Libertyville. wli,re the'ri- 1- a rr-i-ri(dy ai law thai Ifrnev (hý-ni rat Brundage ln sendînit Mr. and lire Dtks atre enttrtai4ulng il ta flot bitaI 10 in n ;,i ion -n ilîîvi-.igaloirs Io Fox Lake, oh- sererai relatives rom ttet ,jtÏ cliancî-ry sîîch a- ais I ii. entihi tiuiiflg P'i tuence against te liptîjli- ____________________________case. Il is on tii faci t h-tiasi- colt hiolel. and app.-îrlng in court at Ilithbie, Il lit aid, for haiîng tlie Waukç-can and obtaining an inj anc I IIILBU N njuncîlon disaolcIl d. ý"tat-'s .XIiir- lion r.-înaning the proprietor-. of te _________________________ Oy-Welcli today sailt..lie aa te fi ra well knov.n latter(-OrtIo disr-ontiîîup itobt. Bonner ePent the weeik-end atO nuthis Iscore. hlie salîl .,il-P"î a iopecoe Ito-le ao in io, atie court rîtino wh lw-rnîîi . i, rre ore 0letki aoi Roch,ýte', YVis, returnlng home Mon- cours.- oI,-lii akr nand Ihi!am thain Ithat kind ile gays vucli a cours'- hi day. lie lias el-cil 10 have an i]uncti-.iî more productive of resulîs than for Mr. anîd Mrm..ilareie iinei' and grauti dops nri bar hini. hi- ithie tateu'atatorney bo go loto cauri daugliser Jean, of Park Rdge, refrons startinoL criminil ailllio ;an, and file Information agalosi thoal- trj he men viho riodîoi i tl.- lo'-I l î-lvged -lolators. "pedig Ibis ai-i-k lîl Mrs. Juohninmau uaIIiscue il'e iiiirîilIlaiu-iitird i Blonner. taken but qay s hlirslnt il c o--r fling iîîOcrlitoti agani tc- itilo vie- F. A. Martîn traneacied business in willh i-attorney general. ]ators.,lieciîaid, 'la ihal considerablie Chicago this eek."A nimbeý of h(ý, - eaîtfiri.v lii lý, ime lnfervscîi-bcfore tise casesaare lire E .ick ntetaled he t-dbeen 'tarItfli hniiîgLoui the sate hy calti-d for trial. In su-v erlil cas.- s M Mr@.E. . Jck ntotaiiedtheRedtise a*110rt&- g-ierals officef ehinlvistil:ators havi bei n callu-dIo war Crose moiclty Wedne.day. sali and there la no douît' abo-it and th,, Cvidemuilîtiu lias.tii-en to-t, E. A. liartIn thue supervîsor, wNa telgaiyof 1h'cîîursu Tthe ca'- bsouec.eeîs jur--hae dr-ciiieîl ifo caiied lI L 1u-sell. Mouîday, lin a mad will flot lie triedl on ftl m-ruts t tht- cons !et vulire 1h-eraiden.-. aîpea'oîl dog 8cae. , ou--il.- court svmphIY-twill éi iskil Iio b- overwhf-lmlng. dog stare. 10~, decîde wheiher or îlti e nui "Ini tie previil5t case whei'e thse ut- Miseme Tr oluok of Chcago, mPu lion should bcliedsaotved - torney general lias sîarted an action the w.-k-end %%ltis ber aunts, the Misses igainsi the l.tppincott hoiel the ei- Watson. dence presented te a court %vlio lie The village lias a Ilaekpriih. Mr'. N ÀLP N Cahlte0to aviidcnîent -more itilti- <.1neno Waukegan. a roucis needed A~~JL ~gently thaîî a jury sud 1the case is yq u~u1 wuaws~ ,~ ireil on ils m1ýis atone. ie want filied. K4 I diate action 1 s olilain-d. Tih1si mvsa CE. Denman threshed Tuesday and I TO BE RLI AT rveiry Impiortantfatr bis cate made 713 btinhel loi' nine acres.0 - I hope Iflat the action taken in an average of eigbty bueliels te the acr'e WKDSWOR H 15TH le rai-e of the Lppincotholtl will by weight. ~~serve aa a lesson tate10pitr by eigt. ______of ollier resorta, but I arn afrald il Mi. anl Mre. E. I)eunmatuof Liberty- SrieFawo eDdctd aIlo t lie 'luny of thens appear ville, @petit Sunday wtb home foks evc igtoB eiae unwilling te recognize the ftact tisaIa Mr@. E A Martin returned home by St. Patrick's Church at new era la liere. Wrben I appeari d Wednsda, frin enosa. is.,whee th Sae Tie lefore tlisîaloonkepers at Fox Lakte Wednselay, romKenoha.Wis, whre he Sme imeseveral weeks ago and told thens the she spent a few da.ys w iber ulstser. The members of St. Patricka regultlonstisaI would lie enforceil they apparenîly ibouglut I was jo*ing cisui'cisat Wadswortli are te liold and dîd flt mean wisat 1 aaid. The R USSIELL tbaîr annual pîcîie In NIcartliy's attion agaînst the proprietors of the woeds near Wadswortis on Tisursday. Lippîncott liot liould serve as a Threehing ls the order L-1 the day. Thse August 13 Tisere wll lie a service warning ta otheisa" yteid is very gond. flag dedicablon ln connecîlon. Tise Aile and Midred Siven are -sponding flag containe 20 stars.J BB IN S01 thefr vacation at home. Tbey are Ise Tise Rev. P. X. MecCahe. o! DPaul BB P N O entertaining riendti. universlty, Ciicago, wiil deliver tise IE V AETnNU 1i~ Mir. auil Mr@. Uorham and daugiter dedcatory address. Serraitor R B IIf i V UIU called on relatives, Monday. Swft of Libertyville, State's9 Attor-S l Mrs. 8. J. Kensela and daughtei', Mis@ ney James G. Welch, andaoliser,; wll SU NU 'ST f'1ACSI Bayle, o! Oak Park. and Id rs. Koenes and give addresses. son, of Whitewater. ara spendlng the A iackie band Ironst iise naval sta- week with Mire. Corrnu and tamliy,. lion Wili pay. There aili be Zion Chief Police Raids Meet- R. E. Lwin ia stayiag wlh J. R. Cor- gantes and sports of ail kinds. Chick- ingPlace Where Rantings ris and famliy for a few days. 1 en dinner and supper avi lie served of Queer Folks-"Go On Mr. * Schwartzfager andi famiiy have and tisera aililie a grand hall nt been Iremoved to anotherinumber yard. nigist SEEKING SPIRIT STIRS IRE A new man le ln lhe office at Russell. Mr. andi Mi. R. L. Nelis ait viiting Tise Modern Woodmeof Ât mertc&.NîhosDn m ekn avlis their ulster andi brother at Taylor- of Gurnea dedilet thatir service egbr DotMn Sek g viiile, Cbritian rounty. Tbey ailiaisea flag Saturday niglit. Tisere are si the Spirit but they Want it attend tise tate fair as Springfield. stars ln tihe flag. Attorney C. T. Rey- Done Quietly Ailes Boisebas returneti [ronm a vist decker of Waulcegan delivered thea de- o! a week at Eikhorn, Wl.. A cousin dicalory talk. A jackie, band from Chief Theodore Becker raldeti a retunedwit ber th naal satin fmisbd msicandbuilding on 27tli street, Zion City, rslunedwlt be. lse ava sttio funisset mulo ntiMonday night. Meetings have been Mr. and huis. Mike Arbert and famiiyisati charge of tise entertâl=$Diet. le heldth iere almost nIgitly of a ettppov- had a very narrow escape front dealis, creani and cake aers serveti and these dt> religions nature, but reports t§anday, rons eatIng wbat lhey snp- affair proved ta bhr a complete sucees. have coome m tise Police depart- ment comptning o! unearthiy yetis poieti aas musisroome. Coneiderable aviicis proceed front these andi a few excitement exited lu the neighborhood Tise young aonen recently hurt at obler premises Of 1the einti ln tise for a time. -J Wadsavorlis when Atruck bY a train, ît>'. lirâ. R. E. Lewin andoddaugbtter have are gelting on îicély at the MeAilter -These pecpîr act ln a manner returmeti te tie home ln Sav5anna, [Il. issial hcl is1 e. na yance to tý,e They cdaim tise> are seeklrtg tise Spir- UIfh' Il, but itlai evident tisaI îhey don"' of Sioux Indiana on tisfoa- ilh, 1ai >S" rl rund on tise floor, t.k a kiiid TIN R UL N of ibbritlhwiich aouli p.<îa fr Chino-Indo-Javan.-Eâqulnaîîx dibali-et pl aitis a 11111e smack of Mu Si-tii clii. con carne tirown in. LU V RC A Tise>' daim 10 speak lb an uflkiîî,îvn -__1_ longue and go tbrotgis varionlsion- lt-rtaons In order to actluînî ia parat. Both Indepents and Volivaites They bolier, yeil, and saiînil Cam Ca Qoao x thue air la saturated waithuis îîîîîîl vvuuQotal-sEx for milesP arounti anti whil he lî-n.-igtit Johnson Coal Company hors are tossing ons lieir 1lods tr>ing bo slcep these people s Il 'îeal. cses mntoa frenzy IsOmilîtinv ke ERSKJNE FAVORS FORMER tise ire Walkc-rs of the SîîtihîSc-a Iglanders and tart Off %%Oiih aiil of subduet hb-bub tifi ; i Ir, i Says He WiII Let Them Have itt ireadises a yell tisat might b t-l-tuk frFa fVoiaGti on for 10.,00catte ail I li-i-r Ilila o er f oiaGt lied togetiser and alun& ovi r a cloîliva They Would Freeze lit wae 11:1.0 last niglil wbeti-î cîIit Fuel Admini-tratîîr t;-, îo! thi-i Bec'cer invided tlsahi-ii-nigeîîi-iuu <ount', lias lad t tiias1.1w u rbiter mnass. T-wo or tisçee a-r.-la ' ing narliruuuliitîn ead about on bisei floor yoling as if il,-y i ahruu lstainrgr hll been eatlng green applis and th, ing tise antîralcli- Ual uli i a giiinu noise was a perfect Il-dltîn. The lu lie allolted to Zîîî iCity for tite main meeting, accortiing Ii the-echie! comîng aitr an tui l -ial dite 10 hld i-en hlid in an upetair riiom' bhtt aller tise trastu lad bei-n -eîaraled bise fact that tit-heind.-, tîduntsanso thie seekera avnt to tise b.sim,-nl. the Voliva 'faction an- vîeing ailisF Tisose on tise ioor aers ivwhoopng ter each obiser in onu-r il) ggît lte, winîer up in good-sh&upe avhen ln ,tL-i)ped Slqpply- of coul i 'lucty usiIii e assîgn- the chie!.. edt l Zion. llie auddeeded in saubduing th,- bowl- l ii.tO Ing mess long jenough 10 gîve cer- Tise wisoîe rea-on' for i î.ulo tain instructions. lai ths: Some tinte ago lbe,- ' alia .'l aant order horo alIlih'ocloct: faction bondît lîont - i).îîjohnson ctî.l at niglil," saillitise chie!, 'adl if 1 and luisber isusiiiesi. h uit in tise bill dont get ilb I aili close thî- place ulP. You can conduot orderly mieeting.,,, of sale ail thatI~uolinïoti agn-cal tug but yeîing of Ibis kinti lias, got bo do avas to sel Ilim hi- lutitiver anti stop! ' o r-main out o! lw iii t uilut a iîis 'l aoultnt nterfere a- i il- ç,Spi.. for 10 years. il of lise Lord," sait a spîki-sitian lie chie! made lit plain tisaI the Voivas peapI, iiid nul nitîsphe1e Spirit o! tise Lord didot suit-k tuat contract ailisJohinso whlich îrv,în-ît waa andti iat order mu-- il(. main- et hlm doing anytilng el-o. In short. c tainei orlise would have îito-e ibt ie waaicoal baii- il h;doit hand I-, place up. -'d lie a!raid to inter!- r vn îitte 100k tpps inmintly-h islplose of t spirit of tise Lord." pi-r tcdt-i eî oandi according-lv -pi. ne i- i tî u il - longue si-eker. directi>' acroca illie slî--t!nî his t 'Tins 00 afrald'" said ï: k ou former lumbter coal office. kèe lidrere or l'I ali -hi-qt-a10 Tiser lie contînueil tii-ini-s for About 40 persons wlat- a Inîlu ot ie t ime andti i fotas in,, \îiloay fnthe blasemenb and ahi-n ti-y saw People expeccid, tiupart :siý-idlatcly f that lise chef meant ht-un- výs tise>' for bise farm wahicîtissad tiien trailiv liroke Up for tise nigist an,ît i rdî-r wsais maintaineti. Tise stepit taku î i y tise 1 hlm in conneclion wi'hthe liii al.i police asat nighb meil us the Sp- ITisaI was vw-iat tliey 'exPected hin t', proval o!fnsany citîzens mt.I- laile lied do, but lii- didn't. le opened uî)lte 1 thIser nighta sleep disturtîî 1 for tome office anti soîti the coal titat Ile hallil 'It aont lie toleral<d in (hicagoOfist. or an>' ther cil>," iiti te cisiet. Selle Out Again.0 and il won't lie toea0 he- TIen along came a man lamed .%1-1 dr wîo nmade a deal vuihlohînsonî, wuvie suU'5whureliy hi-oligît h'ehbaance o! SHIR LESSBOY he oul ttîat Johsaon lad on banti,v SERVES M Aet0 ~ c.and îmmîiîaleiyl'vpuit uaia gru sow itg îh atilu-w wa- a icces-sot- toii i ba APPL IN4 NEI L 1 J.ohnson coat coinv îî-îo r 1îlet, i-gatitu arise. Ten Year OId Lad at Fox Lake iîen it came limte fth,I-i-al v -Picked up by Police for lotrneni, 50111sides lt-gin tgio t "Indecent Exposure" 1I thughail Ihis rncio wtý1 In Fox Lakei-.i, %i lIige wtere th'u VoitatpeopI l îîPîîcneuj vav liaik1 tisey bai s- in.ver s.tuln iril, te Voliva p ruPt,, n-v ir tbah n*cisineo and Suiidl sa'luons las ani- steps 10 aséertain te(,tatit o i an ordiruancu- itili x. tii i vliielh ic-de llii(liiun outiil jîtst now vu fi- t (tares tat li il-itrou appeîurlalltmeni il liard r-ii.l isaliorutt o On tise striets i ih.ing sits. lI matie, otisur cords. iii--(.j'lte-ntion i, puid Tbî-y ititi-n ,,Iid,, iiiquiirs uf .or .- 10 maîbers o i î i u wierc-asu ,.\dImini.-irauor t-r--kiteaîîîi -l-atii-i to tise presc-itî ill,. 7- e aloi machin,. bis .du'i-s lv tý rufe-c i litls i itv n busînuis, lias; i- ,,,rl)okp(lcon-ý iltri(-alu.,lîrolten erably. I It. .skei iii sc, i , l ielll f a,! t B il il vas-. i ' i . aý that a Ili fron Joilttso(î ii, Voii.i Iie itlo i mi year old boy îît -i1riogistise %v lourdthîlîtt Jîîlîî-în liait lot old -uîi hi- lage, and a- l- ) r. eporus ft-iluî g(ol .Il tî t1i I1i'iiia p iiu Fox Lakte 5<- -!v ilsure lie muýle N w.ilin, MI iEt ,kmn.- i-n.i w-as tisaI hwî- liin i tiion a shi-h the ttvuiit ri lii-l'9d il l O! 1h-,I He hld on Ili, ' - . etc., but fi I*1-Johnstion ('nul coi tnîy ri-;iri*-t,l some reason fit -ý liaI on ashirt Inrivilc-.u. fur it-ii iii-n,rain amiilnit anti tlerefore i i - t-cîdeul lic ua Io! Cîîal thi-.'v eit- bu. -.1 onttiht.- ,o tiir ln ba1 t xlii d 'dilion andi lieCent anuçuittO! Couuliscd il inta -sas arresîed, 1916-17. as t ttI,,us ti-wtuî uoi ts According Jo rnu-rf t-i-i.ls fatlii-r bsilîeIrotril.il alivtiin u1 î-în un wasa bld il vi ouIl (.l i$25 0tutticlis. lise malter up andtîl1iirufore tise sit- It iv ilis 0 ier p nt- -Io! Ju)Ihttsiin's nation it lreai h I îulire a snuali formter cuai that ubi- Voliva pit boy avas uret i.îiiin-sample tb un-are t-> mc-tglibne uP anti whiî-ll' r force an ordinarifi- ibtilstkini. Tiese kune Iha no-s itkeiy 001to gjve tl-i. boys parents a.,r.,-r vindignant bv- Mr.i-r-ikinr assumes thi- position Cause bise>'de<iarc iunolie a fac'irthai bliat Aider, bl u>'iyng Tohinon's coat. man>' bathers r 'i- iomfas errounut- wagon. horves, and alîsI coaul h buil îng torrutory' 1 iniioitio.)ileg anti have iefb on isanti.antiaa liecause of thi batisrobes, etc., mver tiseir batiig W0tding of tise bibI o! sale la reatt, suite andt tIi-viii. o tise batihigenlitledti 10precedc-ncuu over tltse Xotlý beacises.TIo irtuth iat Iltas ont va peopie. a ver>' serlous aftr fl O 1 see a lhoy Afraid of Vniiva Folk@. o! 10 years uof adi .îo.ng about the Furlisermore, Mr. Ersttlnc le no1 a street avlis lis shirt off. bitb lackcaard ln saying tisatlbe Voit, Residents o! Fox lake waere askei-i va People are ryirtg Io gel ail tise wb4etiser tiese lioîlîclitee aere oper- anthracite roalsI. 1'figîures Ihiat if aing tisere no-s-and the wrcply w5as bis e>' aere gis-n 8Ô pet- cent of tise foiioavs: "Tisey are. luiit flot as open Johinson coal as uteti turing 191l.17 as tise>' aere. -rh-v ire doing It a tIbat tise Ildoiiendc'nt faction avouiti uitIle more quetly." Plan liuying ruai o! Aider, would flot _________________ et an>' iard rosi thist ainter. Tise Voliva people, le explaineti, are on- ZBON M9AN IN AN itlin 80to per cent o!flise roal tise 7io Inustiesuseti turing 191r,-17 AUTO TRUCK, MARES et) tho ls>çvlilibe ln the same Position lbis yesr as tIi-y aere bise year lie- CHAR E VSWINfOW tus li tiat o! other communitog. ~iI1tIlUItThsug Mr. Erattite figures tisaItise Tise front o!flise Anderson studio, Vçltva people have nso reason 10 e-- 1000f Washinglo)n avenuetI, ias tise ap pPect tu gel tise 80 Pur cent o! John- n mi Bell System IN a face ta face conversation, the persan addreused often gets -part of the idea from the motions of the speaker's lips as wdll as from the sound vibrations that strike the car. in using the telephone, the lip movement af the speaker is flot- vis-. ible ta the listener who, thereforc., depends entirely upon what he hears. To get the best resuits, the person1, tâlking should speaksalowly-and dW tinctly with lips clo o 'butnoî4 touching emo CHICAGO TELEPHONE [1 COMPANY coat lie lad liln 19f,-17.M E~ U AUi~ Init cuoniptethat isas at-Ien lntise SA T YI R N hanlinz ofthecoul ait ii Ion ti b -, R N Ahtier il lW. aLd 1fias iîâjnçady Onu - r l" irucî.-d for 1i-i o ns o!fliard coil anîl 0 FA STA l tup the pt-csenttlIme l as r'ce'i veu______ lut ablitîîî . FiO it- Ev lne, it de v itopi-, iti rie.iti i-fimfltinicailo n Lawrence Kneisle Who Lived frtîm se-a. ruîi-il ci.mpanîi-v wîol Near Gurnee, Killed Near hav ase iit pashoinion Wadsworth Monday, bou-i cuis Iri ît o i tiiti. ii-t- q iu -st - fa oal aisoin plit>'ibatthi v iahieAVOIDED A FREIGHT TRAIN~ the eomplicated situation t t risi rx tIers. 'Sat Down onl Other Track, and 1Failed te Note Approuof- et UTZ THNKS HEPassenger Train. .awr-uu-i Kneislp, ageti 19, adn of IS THE BEST EXPON= 1airs. Georgei- neiste. wlo lives bots - of ttîttne. near lise Plan'; roati, ava LU ( lileti initantîs tate Monda>' allou- ENT OF lARD LU K noon.-at a point'ni-ar \Visaortb avise ise aait trîuck b>' a pasengrr train- Fox Lake Mari, Arrested by Relatives, Gets off, Then Is in Automobile Crash AND IS ONLY ONE IN.JURED Accident at Cedar Lake, Near Lake Villa After He had SignedOwn Bonds If you had boots acuseti hy relatives of being insane, if you lad bieer cisargcd by tisem of isaving kept tisent up two whole nigisis andt tireatening tests 10to ewhohe lot of tisen, andi tison if yotj lad boon arresteti and tatten to Waukegan from fai' outi n tise country, and if you lad manageti tb gel free temporarity, and if you avere on your way home i an auto- m obile and il went In the dilchis anti you were thse only man out nI the four in tise car w;'Q wae injuîed, wnidn't you tisink tisI you were has' ing isard iuck? Tlat'e tise niosition tliat (liantei Litz o! Fox Lakte has fount iiseif in anti ac-cortiingly Charlie ta o! tle blief tisai le is the b-st illustrautioîn o! lard luc * Iliat iv obole fotîntilit Lakte coîitl>. According 10 reports froflu Fox, Lakte, Lai bldbeen laving troubtle- vilis hie fansuly a~nd lie ki-pt lhrui up ail o!f rits>' andi Satiurtiay niglit mîtt permittlng an>' o! tisens tuli-ep SI ail and holdinîg ti tu cftîostant ti' t-or ail nigl it v-lin lrîats Il it lu- i- gitrg10cIi-an ruo ut- riMil ilu. clu-ulu boneh of bbem. ti.uî t tirnait-If h-oued ti litu e î.î an>' Ilremuts 10 kîi any memiber -of hie fansity, bsut gays tisaI il lsailt nt n lille urouhlul- stuurleîi lii uit lut uiv. -lie adroilitis atile lias tî- i havi-g troublle ailI lis son-in-iaw tut jI s ih-a a taiil t nta su-niuuus mt- toîucl willui tate's Attorne-y Wetciî l' Miondta%-and iolii->'svon- out aî atr i sut i lurit-to isorionîx- nulut. Titi constale- -as si-ni ouItbt us La:ke anti hi took Luti in ciisîoiîs bt-inging lins to Watikegan clurlinu %vas iak. n, luifore JIustice Fttitir inul tihe lae ouiiîuevi ttil -lit ut-ut nuorting t a 10 o'clock, ltw justice V,,iiiuitling Lutz t go uften sigiium- is; ouso bonds LuIz insista tisat lie bail not ibîreati-nt-dtio kilt ulni tuoîiv andlit ho la not mental>' affect'c. lie i tuaIt ut Ilaail tit.- l fýii i it riki anti notis in g ei,.sce t.uiz ia its îu i-n worklng for lIari«y Daîziei t ainlogbofubeanti aci-ord-nlt 1talz,lanti NIiy-or Nugel o! Fu oIn- on thp, ti. Paul tine, Knî-lile- a'na aritsio'on tise sc- tlon.ahen lie rapt hi1. deatis. Wtt. n. -s,-. ay lie liad gone téo get a pail n! waaer and on bis relurn in1 lis. place whiere thse section men aere working he steppet out- o!tise way of a freight train and sat down on tis opposite track to walt for tise freigisi in - us Tise roar of tise frelgist train Il la aaid, preventýdbinhamfrons ibene, Ing thie approadis o! a passenger trea on i' track on whîch lie aas sit,- lin g. Tise body of tise victinuhabaieE removed to tise home o! hie mother. Tise coroners tInquest bas been set for tonsorrow morning. Lawrence- Kneisle waa a son o! tisa late George Kneisle w'uo diet su&. deni>' a few years ago andi vio awan one o!flise bel t nown farmers Ila Lakte cotint>'. hec-ane interesteti in hie predicament.L Tise> came to Waukezan aitis Lot mnt arrangedte 1 a*ie bain bat* home. In tise car avicisbelonged te flayor Nagle wPr- Daîziel, tise ma>'ot himseet, Lùlz and a fourtis man. on thier way hotme as they reacisel ('udar Lakteaviicisla 1%a amaltilake Jgt aest o! tise village o! Ii61ke VSl la, anotiser car came along and crowvtedti iens Into tise ditois Thse small auttomsobile in whilstise FPM T.iute part>' were rltiing turneti ove twic-e ai, Il-v went down bavard bise latte and iatt oîcupantýs were pinaisé lu-ni-aitiste uplurned car. Anoilier car happened 10 paea along about tisat lime and tise aces. liants, gol out andi rescued tise fou men etio aver pinfletibeneathis i. A aurve> o! tise condition o! eaeb of ilie nenîbers o! tise Nagle Çat sisowedth ie interf'stiiig fact tisat nome, oP tIens wore scratcised in tise Ieat cxcpling I.îtz aviso iad a ver>' badly' tiamageti nose. le coul dont iselp buot sake handa aitis isiîsl! b tblak tisaIlie wa-vnt worse for isavtng gone ilirougli so man>' experiences doring tise previous 24 isours andibho as .lnîo-t reaiiy for anyiising. A me»s hlooIv noie afiî-r ail titi not amoklwat 10 nicli. Thse Independent'a circulation 0051. sîste of READERS-not of contee. tant.. 'bSHOESf RAY'N. SMITH neignoors ior severai -bleffl around.

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