S-- - ~*-*t - , - TII ~ÂY~ AVGU$T 22, 191f. 1~.sIgWeek" to Be Ex- P.~~é; Lanch Local Cam- - pagn eitMonday ,IEEK MAXIMUM PURCHASES Aif to Make the Campaign One -of the Most Spirited HeId Here in Some Time -War Savings Stamp Campaig cai. 1q ltfee for Wau'tegan helit a meetin " et the Chamber of Commerce, Titi-ts dayaflrnon, ugu thM, 1919. at 1,80 o'clock. Folowtng general disetision re! u tIve tu ftle lresclît statutstir Watle X-%dgfes' as pompareit la ils quili ta If --as decideditotaconu-î-trite onu MU Intensive campaign in Watkegani '-th week beglnning Maonuîav Augut ,26th andi enditîg Siturday, August 31, ýthe sanme tulie au extentiaa of lPer sing Week." Tt heing etit (at (the W. S. S. suil Mcrlption cv asnow beag ilset wir, -fot defiftîlte enougli. Jattge '. . Eui varda and *,Ir. Crady wore apîtainteul a ciqiuittoe ta Ppcpare andt have] prlated suîuule candi- for useC durlîîg the campaign. Trhe Salvation Arniy War Fuiit cspalgn comnmit tee were appoitct s liub-coasmîte", a! h- commllîe Sacrry on the work durlng thie aam- Those cammittîeo are as fllows: Gesneral chairnian, T. J. Stabl: vice- -charMan, Chas. T. Ford. Womns Wrkers. Mrs. Rolit. D. Wynn, Wrs. Jas. Il. Broad of the Women',4 Committee, Nà, ~tmal Council of DefenseP. Manufacturer. SClarence Asbîler. chairman: Il. V. ý'11MkeIstein, W. 0. .%cKinney, E. V. jobason. il. C. PattfrRon. ,eo. A. B3~d d Aulsan, W. S. BloWS. , WN C'ÀPT J T BMWCUDDEf4. Cauitain J. 9. McCudden, cham- pion of the British ace, has been kllled on the western front b>' the fai, of hie machine troa a 10w altitude 'just after leaving the hangar. He was only 22 years :)Id, had more than 54 air vîcties ta bis croîlit. and had -von ail trio niitary decorations. ('lias. Morri4on. t). 'T. Xvi li, T1. Il. Mdrphy, Ed WWrfs A. F. Alex lipin, To leK!5ianey. Prof essiona t. Dr. C. F. Daniols, chairman: ha A. Worack, lohn Vallon, ('oral ll-y- decker, Max Prlyborski. lPr. L. . WJot, ]y. The four bankePrs rcprcs-eqetatlvcsF an the gencral comimittee, Meusrs. Wm. Joues, C. P. Stiiey, W. Wlaril and Theo IL Mir,;! were appaintei 1w I (halrman Edwards a &Peclal CommInît- te@ ta prepare lis-h of prospectlveîu ta lie sallcitfd tar amaunts ranging fram $1,001) ta $10b). Thesp liaIs are (n bi' turned ove r ta ,-titl anailîer sipcclal cammittoe far canvas. arez, W-. J. Sackman, l)(,n Thonsi- Pouir-ypor-oldl Chrlotte wnu bnvlng au, Geo. Barstow, D. E. Clarkte. trouble svtl lier lEtglîsit. but ulie lînî 1 rtetaiI. entlrely pammeil ber difllcittleq an one Bd Conradt, chairman; Frank Nolati. point. 11I se n~osv If 1.upos, tiotler,", ba.A. Ptaught, A. M. flublii, Thes i she saidth(e allier ilay. lHell4 set aad PIFS?àr, T, E. (Jray, Dr. Vctor ofef-laY; andt people sit tandlîe.(Ilont thîuy ý, Wm. P. trolimi-L. A. Doolittîs. uîotber?"-Couitr3' <ienfierin. CAJ'T. TRO ELS W ukegan Locais thie meeting lai regarded as montj ý ýký 1-i , 1-Mis Ethe McBride of Ares la sed PROM 1'E~ S'AYS rta~nout~eenî smae'ofhemr~ ng a (ew dayse with relatives and fîlend. ini this Cifty. ASANIN TR CT J . Il. UolgoiLh or Chicaigo, and The regular weekly fond meeting at the homle of the bride at Fart ai Coeintniht Higlan Pak Of ierWeII Worth,' Tex. Mr. Hollingwartb Ilaa HighandPar Ofice, fylng lnstr'uctor at Dallas, Tex, Ha]- . rbere lin(oalie Sivation army3 meet- Known in Waukegan, Re- îîngwrh lu a '_-niisan of the late ingsaia Waucanda and Lakc Zurich ceives Promotion Dlr, V. C. rire aof Waukegan. hits toolght. nsother. being anc or (tie well known A marriage license lias been iqsued - Waîrcegari young wamen yearq ago. here to Alfred Croesaey and Mis; .I WILL TRAIN NEW SOLDIERSI Word rcivd from1 Raymond Spel. My John-son, boith of Waiikean. manof Waukegan wha hs stationed at A pea for lahorêes at the Kella- Pa 7fc-lrane, lietibat biénmet lariry 5tI~iiit T tri'rina1ln s Was One of Eighteen Officers Benson and other Waukegan young madie ta, Cltfrman ('aulson. T'base Who Were Promoted and me. wllî a w fi-hta aPPlY for POSItIons Rhwuld Attorney Vene SYlvester and hier ais'uly ta Mr. Caulan. Instructed to Remain neath*er have returied framt an outing The test af the Page-Biirton noillr ai Channel Lakte. alth(le watcr works yeuterday apPears ('ampl Grant, Roeûk!nrul, Ill.,'Aug. -1. ipUut. B. F. Xest, wba was commis-.e ave na31Ves.frI eax -ýolace for the sadleinformation Ililat :llômad ?eecand ieinajit li 11r4 sltedlifs abiliiy ta run ail the pomjpg tbev would flot accompany lIn France Sheridan, and wlio bas been statloned at the sttalan wltb a big su-plus of 41t Ikforfr ihio paint several watêr. t'aI Chrle E.Stôdter's 242ul infan- months, bh ý beu promotei ta rsI nlqetwshedtdy h try, wlth wlsiclî tbey ha ltrained fi lieutenant. Hlis comission came nIq1tetws el oa ite nianths, came today to 18'afffcer.u o Saturday and hoie lanaw on j few Wbite and Tabin Undertaklug rooma thie regîmenit In the way ofritromo ays 'leave af absence awaItIng or- ta liquire inwthe pc ause of deuil, or lions. ders taProcced ta sorme Olhier train- S. E. Signal', a jackle aith(le naval The news that tliev huitlîeen chas. Adolpb Trulîy 'f the Lewn feed station who was drownc'd il ,Rivin- en ta remnain' hehind and train ne%% store todla), di-ptaved a two (aeecilelt parie, August 4. Thîe verdict of Ia ien t-Camp Gratt(n the infî fry suntlawer. The flawers. growitig the Jury w as Ihat dpath was acciden- tOps ë s raedno fcan. asbock (n back, w(eeon a isngle Isteni. tai. Signar las it hs ifi In tryiag te antiai te srvic dldflo cam as Al I-endee lias gatie ta is puntchi-vth lf-afala wo wa I - ot the officers. Tbey hait ranch In Coloradr. sv h ieo aiwi a theen warned previously af tlielr fate A crabappie ti-ce in the Mrs. P'. irowning. by the findinga of ai, exarining honni Tairstow yard on Cary avenue l; MiNs akbèita McCGay, îîiO lias lei which liad bippn appoinited to chooap hOiwng frenkisli tendences, Tt bas aftendlne; Blackburn caolle. is vil pleseon lit san l teRame ime the îng frietî In li Cit iy, rampetcnt insfr'îctors. wl'i sucere 10 second lot af blossomss are In evîdence. Amang (lie business nilen itlping remnin In tfli ioantry repiacemprn t'ls an 'anusual freak ar tree ite. (anil). Mrs. Augusasliartmsn of Wauce: the faraiers gttiuig in lhPir crnps li Amn h fiegarc îwo cpcoa alegi aa dabill (or L.. Il. Lictitfcilwlîo (s upendîne ii' Amtig ueoP*crsdivorce agaînst ]lir hîsband. (lePorgft wgek aifel t c'Iifllld favin nt Art-i tains, seven first and aine secondl C. 1lartmaîî cliarglng desertion. Sue Xlrý .Oscar Lystluînd anîd ciildren, lieutenants. Thie captains become sayq (beY were niarrled Novemnber 26 m.ijors. the tirst Il peuîîiiaîîîs arc ap- 1907 andi tlat lie ilegertedl ber Auguit of Lbcrty streel. haveh-i sppnd pointedl captains and the gold bar or 2S. 1913. -l ng îa few da>s oinle,countttry wîth Oers don-the sitievr bar tilndiirttloîî An Instance Of atrlking slmlarity In' lier.aunt, %Ir.. %NW. Ryan. _ -of tîîeir ailvancemeat ta tlie ran*, or persanal appearance occured In the af- Fedet-al .ludge Kenëea MOuttato first lieutenant. ice of the county cdent Th ursday ai- Laais af Chicago, arrîveit at the nav- None af the ofllters l9 dowîiîearteîl ternoon when Hfugo Repli and Lillian al station taday ta natîîralizc, 100 aur,-n over lits selrciiauîta remusin In Ibis Kuck. both -of Slîeboygan. camne bere jackies. conty orseerl ar mnt ,elut takreouf a marriage license. Wlîtle Aitboiîgb produtction of knilting P had beybail(ber chlceIn te mt-' lliey were In the cierk'ua office an em-yarn bl e i ~ ie.druucdli ter lbhey probably woîtul have volei Pio3'e O!f the local cal dock entereit Red Cross lu fairhy wcll fl',eu. HIlias, unanimously fa farra ntheîpromoonflic( office to laIte out a bunttng Il- 1,140,0 pouinti. ready for dl-triIou sait levP witb Itie Ilvis'In wbea Il cenise. Both men lookeit as riear alice il Ion. Kitliag wlll lie reîluied to gaes ta flic batilie clld of France. lsu two peag In a pond. They could Ibose articles mrst csocitlal. Ai Amang lieose wbo are promotedIt î.nat bave renembleit each other moitp kîîitltiîu ptuuuus.iî wiltai- annttîini.'u Captin 'Thomas Q'. Troxel arI li-,Ii if tbey bati been twins. n fact It de- z5wre. landt Park, 111. C0aptain Troxel t5 il velapled that the two men knew each , Tlhe food dem<îtîtratioa ttuîiirruto% brafluer of James Traxel, tisa tuf aiher well. baving worked together alf1will take tif)riccetliur, oat and oat Iliglilluni Parknul wba o ols a r- Slîeboygan (for rive ypars. They al- tinuir in ca'ie andl trr-adiul'lictea! ,*"an.qil)le position 'alt flcFinsis wîiys had been taken for twins. Reppi ternoun il %%Ilit hi ient -tsiuu-s p îlant atilNorth Chicago. Caplain insisted thtat is friend Éîuould "stand l'liei' uany fr1'nuls f Nli tMlt)a Ti-os.l 1inseif lîclîl a position at t,(ut uit for hilmi at the weddlug. Affer- andt Floy îrOwn, arc- glat Iota i-ar à Fansteel pat l hwore lie Prelitted In ward they weuft t the Waukegan Ibat they- are lmpravIng ripidll) ai Y h evc andl recived a commi- tnat's hotte for a visît. The>' haith(e Jane Mc»Alister b ospitali htlopu- tservice fot seen ecir other i a long time atnd they il sooni lie homo. Thos. E. Graham CANDIDATE FOR Re-Nominiation to the Legisiatulre Primaries Sept. 11, 19 18 .Your Vote and Support Will be Appreciat ed Every Mail Subscriber Should Read This Very Carefully Every Newspap.r in. the Country ÎHas àReceived the FeIlowini Officiai. Order FronI tb. War Industries Board "L'iscotinuite Sendîling PapeshAter Date of Expiration of SsbcrponUniless SuhScriptlýon 1-s Renewed and Paid For." (Tis hling " slàt. lift ctobar lq16>18I) EXPLANATION 0F ORDER AS UT AFFECTS OUR SUBSCRIBERS Tis means that ail outstandlng acco unts (or arrearages) mnust be paid, and that no paper ln the United States c@& b. sent by miail unless paid- for in advance. 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Borne have availed themselves of tbis courtesy.- Uncle Sam bas la id down the cou~rse f or us to pursue, and we can only ask your cooperation to, carry it out. PLEASE GIVE THIS YOUR, IMMEDIATE ATTENTION T.he Lake -Coutu*W. Inee nt -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ici ie lm