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Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 12

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L".ibe rtyWvilie Iîtdepeùdent zoom Cowaiy Independet, - -Waukegan WemHy Sun ,LOWDEN NEEDS SHURTLEFF Lake county people and residents of Boone aid Me- Henry county 'are keenfi interested in tii. effort to'dis-. plac E. D. Shurtleff1-, -mresentative at Sprlugflldfrom this district. While it is'oonceded that the. effort wMf not be productive of any tangible resuitsaid Xr. Shurtiff 'will probably go back to Springfield with the blggest ma- jority ho bu ever .bad because the. figiit 18 being put Up againat him, nevertiieless, tiiose who are suppooting Gov. --iaowde ladministration. cann t hae but f e.I that9waat- tacks made on Shurtleff's seat corne frein the camp that formerly were opposed te Gov. Lowden, camps that inco *iiad tried te pacify the Govornor aid even make hum un- derstand- that they were for him for the nomination and election. There la no mai Gov. Lowden wants at Springfield i the legislatsure morbthat ho doos E. D. Siiurtleif. The writer was at Woodstock Sept. 6, 1917 when Gov. Lowden wau the guest of honor at the county fair., At that time witii thousands of people assembled, Gov. Lowden took advintagç ofX b . Shurtleff 'a absence and witii the crowd standing at close attdhtion, said with great emphasis: "1want to sav a ,word about one of your eiti- zen)s. 1 -aîît te take advaîitage of bis absei(ee toda..J refer tii Edward D. Shurtlel'f. 1 waîît you pteoîideoIie Jls-homre eontv to realize thbit, (1-drit lg-te pi-esesît admrinistration, Mr. 81hurt-leff was my v î-it ar-îu, alil dîriîîg tIîî planniîg ioff tue aiiîiiisti-ation code he tras with nie and woî-ke(l zeahîîîs] vai(effieiîî1v Idon 't know Whdt I woel]. lîat-e <1111Wwitliotît lint; 1arn i fident that resîilts Nvoid not have been ivlhat thev eîe Ani, whethier %-e lhave peace or war, 1 s)iail îîeed Iiiii mor titan ever in, the fture. 'Tleî-efei-e, 1 waut te sa 'v te 'll eîle eethat Ys-eu m1st not permit hiîn not tû be a candidate for i-e-ec- tion as J bave licard i glt he the case.' Now thon anybody who is trying to support Gov. ]Lowdei 's administration cannot overlook the appeal the governor made a year ago at Woodstock and because war has corne on and because the governor is more in need of strong men now than ever before, it lu clearly apparent to the think voter that Gov. Lowden must have the assist- ance of men like Mr. Shurtleff. A leader in Ilinois legis- lation for many ysars, Mr. Shurtieff is looked upon as the strongest mai in the state outside of the Governor 's chair, ho islooked upon as the oie mai who can assist the gov- ernor I important legisiation which is to corne bof ors thet next legieiature.1 Thi. effort to deceive Mr. Shurtief canixot b. inter- preted byr the thunking voter au anythiig else than a chai- 1qngo te Gev. Lowden andis admirers who bave been. so exacting and Insistent in having Mr. Sliurtleff returi te Springfield. Bd Bhurtleff must flot b. placed iJeopardy. Lake county, Boone county alid McHeiry county, aid ther state of Illinois, as well as United States, needs the valu-a able ausistance that ho haa been in a position to render at I Springfield. Voters of the. district must not lot anybodyt tiuow dust i their syesanad negloct te vote for Mr. ShUrt-b Ieff on the assumption that ho does not neod their vote. This lu the propaganda being sproad against himn aid that is the kind of a campaign that is serious and very dan- gerous at a tim ie .this. Look back ovor the record of E. D. Siiurtieff and ses the many things that ho bas dons for Mlinois. L8ook baok over the records of the men who are trylng te ,decoive them aid ses where they have dons aiyting for Lako county or Ilinois sxceptiig whore tiieyt the4ielvos coud derivo beuefits tiiorsfrom4 thon cast your vote accordingly.t -THE LEAST OF THEBE ARE DOUGHNUTS A Salvation Army dougbnut is largo aid filling. AUl of the boys who bave tried it along the ies say so. But it should not looen 80 large in, the public eyo as to ovor- shadow ail of the army's other, aid manifold, activitios in the soldier's bebaif. The fact is that the Salvation Army doughnut lu larger evon than it roally looks. Tiers is no hole in it. Tii. army's work for and witi the fighting mon leavos no vacancies. It oporatos nearly hall a hundred motor ambulances manod by its own-soldiers. It con- ducts nearly fourscoro hotels- for soldiers and saiors. Tue 200 army huis whero refreshmonts are servod are also used for social aid roligious gatherings. Inis 1'sstrooms are nswspapers, magaztines and perioclicals of many sorts for amnusement, entertalnmnt and enligitmet. Gsi. Per- shung's warm- comenodatjoi of Salvation Ariiy work at the front undoubtedly includes what thàt service iu cap- able of being made when the worst cornes. It is ostimated that the armny's ambulance ser-,uic, even as now organuzed, can tako care of 100,000 wounded soldiers te be removod from battie linos. hi ils visw, the handlig of 100,000 parcels of food and clothig, distributed amoig soldiors and sailors, in flot the least of Salvation Ariny service, or the fact that 300,000 of these soldiers and sallors attend Balvation ArMy services. -The Salvation Army fias ai- roady exponded $2,000,000 in its variod activities. It 18 practlcally at the end of is roscurces, aid is now appeal- ing te the Americai public for help in continuiig the. work, -the ending of 'which would be a sad misfortune te the men on the firing Uines. St. Louis lsu aked to contrib- ute. $75,000 te thé $5,000,00 fund the. army in now tryhng * to rais. for the. continuance of is work. The. Rîku, always broad betweeî the tips of the horns, aid underatanding yrver situation with a strong humai aide, are leadlng In t4 êffort te rais. tuis contribution, saal for a cty of the diu, wealth and geierosity of this. Give. LT. C0L-SIImm-~ CALLS 1ST wnNIVR. SARY Of. DEPARTUE Says He and His Command Made the Trip to France in Pros. Lincoln, Now Sunk SEES HUN PLANES DOWNED WaukeganOfficer Briefly Oiýt-' Jines Hislo f~o Local Reg- iment- for a Year The Sun lo ln receipt of a letter frout Ueut. Col.' A. V. Shilth, second In command of the fighting 149th field artillery which stopped the- crack TPrussian and Bavai-ian shock trooîm and ment (hpim repiog backward wîtlî tilluch highe.r regard for Yanker flghilng abity. The letier tiq one of tire most interesting -yel recî-ivt-d front the W.iukegan ottici r. -- The k-tier khich evideîîtiv va-t wrltten bture the- I49ti had lts sev- ci-est dclash wth tht- eaîemny.foilows- .iuly lot, 1918. Mr. W. J. Smîith, W'au*icgan. Daiiy Sun, ftýar Prit-ad: "I it-Çeivtd your -<md lettor soi& %t-eks cgo aind takle this opportuoty 0f ansuering sanie Tuie regiient lmin lu xceitet shape andi i belir-ve w iii give a good accunt -uf itsplf wlienever calit-d upon. Tieenmon are i fine so~rit and anxiou-, to perform eîîy duty. *it was just a y-tar ago ye.4t-rdai- ihat we vere cailldot]on. Friom i m 1 have speortiin ll- home papers I1ido itot think -itlml disclosing aoy military Yecret to say that wben tu e tot Canin huils we,crossed tire ocean In a latrg- conmoy on board the P1residérnt Inm coin (since sailli) ad landed in !]w- Loire aititht port of Si. pilist-. Wt- were in tiat nrighb)orhoo(t ai an ai- ltiey achool during the, ninteî and In the aprîng oui- regimîent was a(it! to the front vitere it lias store par:î t-ipatt-d la set-erai actions, sufferintr on one occasion rather heavy la.s,. 'lThe present conditions seenu(o in ficate that by lhe lime Itis letUer reai-hevour the -eglmenl wiillaga.n have bt-en heavily engaged. "We are camped today in' a beau' tiful pille grure ln neal wooden bor racks. The facilities for i- thing andi vîahing elothez are excellent and lh. me-n are taking every cdivantage of Ir The weather la cool and w, are gf,, ting rested Up altlîougi cas moon as -t gets dlark we wal probably have i4 slart our mai-ch agaîn. All mot'- ments on bhsfdea near the front are made afler dark. "Tiere are from live toefeght fight lng aeroplanes ln lhe air most of the limie and once ln a white we see a honîbing plane going toward the Ge- man front. 1 have seen-lwe Gernin Planes brought down by F'rench ftghil ing machines. One cames down in fues, boti ocupants being kilîrdi and the machine destroyed. The- otlier vas foi-ced ta descend, the or, cîîpantc and machine betng captured ivith lîttie injury to ailier. One o: our battries destruyed la machine that feli between lhe lUnes. "France As a deligitful country lit. te stimmer time. We have had nmo '-ery hot weather *ai present. The fieldsaraie aitliamali and Intenseiy cul- tIvîated and ai a reoult the country las a patchwork appeai-ance. Tiere are no fencetri apeak of. tiecocuntry I-ring absolîîlely open. Cattle. shei-p and avine ai-e herded. Tlîe peoleI as a nuie live ln billages. Tire houses and bai-ns belng connected. The- building.,;ai-t as a rule very suhalami flaI. The villages wihi tiroir gi-av «ails and i-ed tile motfs si-e vcry pi- ty. There As alili an occaslonal cIa teau to be found. We have not haîl the gnod fortune ta see any very large cittes. Most of the cilles we 1îIîvc spen have suffered fi-cm boîob- Ing. 1 maw a large cathedi-al ses-er- aI days ago which hall bt-rn ombcd. i is no uncomumon silb trlaseethie churches absoiuteiy destroyed. "Weil 1 muat close, thi short note. Trustlng yau and Firank are weli and that yon will remember nie ta my frlends An the Office and to Mi-. Al- len, I1cam, "Slncerely, "A. V. SNIITII." Tlient. cal. A. V. Sutt. 1101h P. A. ' INFANTRY OFFICERS CAMP TO SE ESTABLISHED NOW Rockford HII. Aug. 21.-Ollricers of lthe Biackhaw< division brelieve that One' ef the most Important cf ticenew funCtions planned for the Illiniei ariuiy city vill include the establiisi ment of a big centi-al lnfanlry offi-1 ;cr- training camp to taike care tuf Jmoi-r lthu 5.000 candidatefi-cn IMTAIAiBU OAMi UAGED TO OCBUSTOM. Iroilowing are faîr pites for foc do la L.ale eounty for the. cuiront voiai deterattned by the, food ai Bd ihmtatlof. Nanie' of ail dlealers ueflng at'prices outalde of ti rang e Phould b. report.d teo0. C. Orley faderai, food administrator for La.e£ oufty, or to township administrators Whe wiii take the proper action: <Prepared by the. Wauker&n. ood ad inlnlstratn. NEMwttiv ve* bulit. Il ng Atîgust 2.1, 1918. Retili pite custonier ;outi pay for the. staples nanted shoqld not «nce e i oUowlng. The u.ot tu tiie retatiser of oach article almo La.givent Cost $o Retaller Price t. consumqn Granulat.d Suqàr (In bulk) ......... Per 100 ub.-$8.27 il-2 Oranulat.d Sugur (in2.ib. cartons).. Per carton-18c 2Qc SaiSi-y Wrapr.d Si-ead ............ Per lb. la-8% loi Whte.,Flour...................... Per 1-8 barrei 1.50-1.55 1.55-1.70 White Flour (;n buik) .. ......,..... 5 Iba.-3.,c 3sc Ryo Flour fin up............ .-is--acn ftYO Fleur . ............Per 1.8 barrei-81.40-1.îo sîs-îa WIIol. Wheat Flour ............... 6 lb. bag-2-12 1-2o 37« Gmam Flou r.....................l .b. tag-32e 37e Sai-I.y Flour...... ............... P-r Sibag 32c 38c Ryeo w-U ...................... rlb. bag 32c .3-9e Ric, Flour........ ...........-r lei.--11-12e l9.lic <Under l.P-udn' proclamation retallera must meut and con- umers muaI buy wlth eaînb poubd cf white Cour a pound of smre mub- ituto. Conseuers have liîo!ce of cornmf-al corn starci, corn Cour, bomioy gria, barley Ouur, rie, rice Cour, ogltieal, i-oed auto. bai- wheat four, potatos ICour, sweet Potato Cour, moy bean Cour and fe- tois our# and menti. l3-9 four liq not co.astdéred a absitute for whte Cour.) Coi-n Meut (white huik) ..............tr 110 118-11.71%7 Corn Meal (yellow bulk) ...........'ýer l00I) li- -tbi76 Mania <Wholu)..... ... ........ ...Pt-r lb..-33e Bacoin (best grades) ... .. .......... Pr lb.- 48e Bacon (medivm grades) ........... Per b.-qft Bacon 1quaýe* (whols)------------..ter IlIt 30e Lard (bast grades, c arton)------------l...t - &rd -(buik> ....... ................- Zheete (full cream culte order) old Pt-r lb -133 Choose (full cream, cult10 ci-de.'. new> Per Lb.--26t Cheis. (lui ereamn, brick).......... Per lb. 31c Prunes 50t >6)....... .......... ..t-ler .-4 Pi-une@ (60 to 70) ..............i- Ilb. 1 Pr-unesa(90 to MI 01................ t-r lb.-Ilc Me5mn...........................tPer 06 is- 5 flice (fane>.)...... ............. ý......l0ialb- $11 5') Rtice (bta. rose) ... ...............Ver IN ils.-II4.04) Beana (na., .hand picited)---------- P-r 10Itlbs..-$13 '41k (highest grasdes).............. lgc <fliii (medium grades)............ 17e Uflk. (evaporated. flot sweetenta) . . 111I-2e. Butter (creamer>.. extra, buiS> -....lIc 4On. cent higher In cestIons thon un tube) *Utteuine (standard grade@, cartons). Per lb.- SIc SlutteriBe (standard grBdoa, relis) ...- Per lb.-29c Sutterin. (medium) relie and buik.- .Per Il.-211c. 10 (eti-icti>. fresh, candied) ... ozen-45c Potatas. (new).......... ......... Per 100 lha.-- .7e Rte 36el 30e 16e 150 1lac lb. 15 C 36C 311e 4qc pk o . bc5 plc. cf 15 Ibm. 55e The eye las a verY important part of (le potato anr If you Want Io knov JmIt how Important write for the f ree garden primer ment out by th(, Na tional War Garden Commission of Washington. D. C. A two 'cent stamp bringe lit and it is the beat known first aid to tht- clty farmer. Il TO THE VOTERS 0F LAKE COUNTY: I hereby ansuotince that I amn a candidate for re-ectiehite the offie cf County Cierk, ,subjert te ftic deeisioîî cf the Repsublican Pri- mary te be lueldl Wcdncsday, September 11, 1918. I have scrved vye nii this eapacity fer near- ly eighit years-w-ith this experience eoupled with a legal edîiieation, I feel that I amnas capable of conducting this office for you as any one yen eoîîld select. The manner in which I have conduietcd îny office yoml al know -if I have been efficient you know it, - if otherwise, youî know it, therefore I need waste ne words iSpof that subjeet. Tt is my wish, however, te assure yen that if re-elect 'ed I shall render yen the same ser- vice 1 have given yen in the past, with sîîeh improvement upon the same as my inereased experience empowers me te add. i desire no- thing o'ther or further tian the treatment aè- eorded a tried servant, te be disiharged or re- tained in accordance with the fldelity or lack of it with whieh I bave pèrformed my duties. I therefere respeetfiîhly -soleict-your vote and support. LEW A. ITENP)EE, Count.y Cierk. p. "To the Republicaê 'Voters iEighth Senatorial Distric Iîùi distr-î-t.aitl i1 lia\ t- litîlsîti t- 1liaiî .îîî;tiiil-tt w-il imporiitanit is the - fat-t lita11Ilia\i e ýîî 4lîui t)aillfiiî- Lo wîi- in lus ttîta e)tt lIhlj ii: -îîusa ir itîl plaft ti) liv- l)t :ft-î l î' l ivYs - 11t(gl1t11(t.fî i lii- i al' Ii tili(.ttîlw il lî i l-tttil it-111 oe r hfuSi ý ils. lIadt lf lit b l fit- a . tî lis ei-fi )1ii i sili i i -Iv l. t lie, w, hoad gd' a iiîs ia nt-tiil- uI -îeliiliît - co ilîittet- aîîtt gave 114tli t ' ius film.ti-le, tiIit-(Iii ui 1wtISt- .îIs5a oif admîinîistr-atiotnIîtaî ls 1917s "'L w-aiît tii si- a«i-tlabottuli it'ti- tifiît-il îs-18. îvait tel takîtadaîl: ( if ilîlsî-îte illa \-. 1i i-î-1î- l-t1txai-il I). Shîîiî-tlî-fï. I walit vtii 1)1» - i ls 1litîte toit tv te îefflize tîlaf, îlii-iîIgfi- th Ia-liItatliui aiilM lîît-f was tut- ri-jt arni ail ulîîi-iig i Itle- 1 lgîîii<< tir a d mt i n is t r a t i n i t i l i e 1- t h l I u t v t - i i î î i mieîl [-Yîiîîl- efiîtî't kIiîtvw ba]t 1J \t utîlullia \-e dot tvfî,thim; 1; i ahi -ttiiiîlî-îf hfiti--siills wutîild ntuit ai heen îî-iat thev tii-ie. Atîî. vîîdîîî îuw av i uag-e eîi îvù J shah ueîd iiiiittli tlialit t iii ft lit liut. 'I'iiî-îfoî 1 att)Saie-evîil r 1 - lp11liiii-4 lî(tt eri Iiili n îtef)tbe aîathua -tt - -i- ta :s i liv uai iuighli e lite es-' denî silice thiat tîne as 1(li i1 lglale )* Ï i;t- ois t1î-i\, i w' ou-i ie I AuIvI- lV lîiir2 nuattiýeso, ",in'tt' e.-eî-u i ae " ;uui iiit 1etYoj tIi gi-t a ""' V SrAlTE NSIVIO e:iitl tii iiiake-Iliiîus a iiettei-pleft 1e ii fi il- l 1if., peopile. I f-el flat tt-!etuia sJfiiisi kI-i îîw it hcî- stand on plublic nîlaft-î-i, .111liii l-vw -- I1a epei-fosr cd, 8e thiat Iuîeed ilt e -siate tiîiîî. T cxi uî--t Iii i-etc fi tlue Natieonal Anu-ndmc-ut. A.eanipaign is hein-g îmall- ag;inst lite. î te-u<ii lic fîindl.v, cong-eding uîni uîuiitiii taid ch-etien, a iîîsistiîîg that 1 shaillave nianY voîte-s fSte ple. If titis ai vice shîuuld bho caî-i-ed teî ifs lîtiriî«l cînl-lsioiî, .1 Wou] have no votes lit ailTtl'Plitsistpeîaleh v ci-s that thîcy ar'e frieîudly toi te, tîtat J1t-au lie Iiulazti andèieceted withot-it votes, andîl fîat l'an issue" eaIls fle anotiier man. I earnestly solicit the votes of ctcv e iuîllia in th ilistu-let wli"beliicves 1 sluld lie -tiu--îd even a that it is more than probable I will have none te spare. 'Ihankiig yen siîucci-tly foîr oui- mîppîî-11 aîd e-cl <leiucc infte past, I arn Very resjicetfully, EDWARD D 1. SIITPiTLEFFP - Makengo, IlliO4 lit -4. * .'a -- p-t. - - - . - t 't ~ . a- -" .. "8 a. m - 1 tt IL t IL IL

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