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Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 3

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"TE LIE WliEN TflEY SAY OUR LADS RA VE LOW MORALE" Major Atkins of the Salvation Armny Says Amnerican Sol- diers Have Best Morale to Se Found Among any of the * Allies DOUGHNUTS FOR THE BOYS BEGS FOR DOLLARS FOR *Monster Meeting in the Armory Sunday Evening - Major Who Was Right in the Front LUnes, Gives Vivid Pictures Xtof War Scenez sWaukegan. Aig. Ir. lnaudJncp- witicti teiitFd the- ca- pgeîty or tht. Waoîkegain arsnory ant! thut- nade ulY what watu decl ared te La the- btggaat crowd that ever Jammed the- pl,,, trnpd out Sun-, day svennx < h...r Nfa2or J Atkîpa, Sgalation arrny offe-rIll of lits experiences In the- iront* i res In Franc-e. JIII' talk waa mo.t nt lensely 1In- tu-resu inga TInd as hù only lanideti 'D tl.- utîs a wpekit colatut Fsridai. h1- b at! tiid i0dursu b opaint, bcha lat pesotnail ourh wiflit bth t- uat:on a broat! ami gnabied hbit ehoit! bis irearnýi-' mo-t rmptly for over arrn er as ha- r. t-,t! deeds of talor of t,- bo , 8of tir. Ii. S.army and! incltiun- laiy itow'oJ iow th(- Saixation Arnn; la trying tlu b its bit Ini the great c-aus-. lliit tîca 0amitht- Savation Armv Po litti lItv rouît! lurnish more cof O tîtand do'ighrutP te te figlticgt qanniin-s wa.,;punctualt! lis tlu.3tra-f ion- whilch hp pcrsonally saw witere. ln the-nods-awnr, givpn great re-Q l i',-f iftn-r tbourg of ightlng tO set, liIP t I atlon army wor'iersaai their et t bawitlh cdffeiand dougnuLtot1 revi ts lîtur ax eil energies. Il maus a grî-at 1talk. Tt wawnt tait ent I an orator, for tht- major innîd <In-Itît li, h. ralis rlh fromnts- hoîln, rls-, h.-laIs juqt as a plain1 arrny w orker %who tu-Il'. what itstawc .^nl i-ip',rien t-d and talla t lta isa awvn ît.y. That's wbv hi- addre;ist la r'ýnîart:st-ly lnierestlng. S Sota On 21 Day.. t s itu-ltn ' of ts' first asstgnmenta of t,-Airse . ran troops a0 a tCor fort tuItu 1--rvlce. he explalnédt! 1w.g a 'tin lfe' reti-hed tht- trenches. 1h. ' ai-r. fhinul wilh water. 'We wer.-in w a t#r îîp 1 our sitoulders part of tht- timi-." ald he, "and! al lte tlms-ý " . "a boya oiar knes Why, wen ltaIl ' înr ioots on for 21 t!ayý. I ne%- , r waniad rny face ail that time -and reiths-r ddt]ariy ottht-boyu- Oh ',.r 1 1501 lwo trench sliav'-s.Tlney are nt,, i-wtitout soap and watt-r, ant!. biee, ns ite, 1neyer want anothc-r- lit,.; (JonI uhavp them off-tbey pullp t-m nt.t'" t Th s major picturet! most t vidlîrf te imte w tn the- Germnans droppet! 7,1(1( sh<'Hs on the Amerii'an sector0 In-ide of a nliour'li fighting and toit! itow valant tae men lnjured aere.p Rpfprrlung tîo Capt, Arclile Rootsvet,9 boni of TtII'.lie toit! how thea cap-b tain %a iitret!but u-ouid net]ltIt the doctors ireat hlm until ail the Speciat Assesament Notice. P DodCkt No 132 f Notice la hereby gîven lu ail per- f sous Interested, lhab tht .City Counclcil of the Cty of North Chicago havlng I ordered that a supplamental assasa-w ment lba madeate cover the teficlencyh In Special Amsssment No. 113, fort1 the construction of a Icaat Iron water supply pipe, togethar wilh tire hy- drante, sirut off vakivea and! apecial tt castngs couipiate. n prton Sa-mour ave-nue front and connecting 0 wlh te watt-r auppl pite now laid In Sixt'inlt street at a point îuu-cnlv-w two feu-I Westerly of tita Easterly c fine of ..aid Seymour avenue: runnlug I thencn' Soulherly paraliel wlth and! twûntyîlwo (22) feel Distant frornt i the. sait! Easterly lino of Seymourw Avenue te and connecting vilh aIl ,Rater aupply pipe now laid Inlu T- bI tie1h street. al iIn thea City o! North i Chicago, County of L*ke and! State y et Illinois. a Th@e ort!lnance for tht- same being th on file ln the cilic, ofti he Cily Clark b( o! sasit!City asothlb.sait! City bavnnew atiplied t0elite Counly Court of Lake hi County, Stat. of Illinoia, for an as. In miesment of tha coit te civer sait!i de- I glncy accurding t'10hlb enefts., o and! an asseas,;ment, Ibarefora, bai.- Ing bt-en made and returuadte saidt! Court; tha final haaring thereon willIP bc a ba!nt Tan oc'loclt A. vM. on teM 2nd day of September, A. D., 1918. i or as snon ltaereaster as the business tn of tht- Court wJIl permit. d Sad ordinance providas that té aggrearte amount oif @*Id assesament k dividet! lto six Instalîments Laring intaresl at tht- rate of flve ýpar centum IN var annumr froin thte date oif tht- Orsi on %.nidonRad other Mon bat! been caret!1 Morale lae te Beut. "Soute Lime back you I, goure'hotter titan titon'fl Went acro-.s, Whto neyer 1 fartiter titan Partis and! i. back 1tulira stales and! sait! ware a drunkan lot. Thi coma to wtera wa wareai titay stayet! ln P4rfis andth back and! mlsreprescnted tl "Yeu c'rn't Irodue a oi lt,- Atniericasin the liii- lii - or ,aîr.rsian aî-nrt-,. t üce better.' The caplain ciltd how, boys ihat001bat-n pald f months.ire 37asisted tierenti credît for ,purchames, 10 La laIe.'. yet aller aIl tirait th gays ltera wasn't a imat ia viven lt-ave, came back drL olily t-wo or titre. over-stay tinte off sy- a hall hour or toit! tow witen they wa: tbroughi privations ant! dant tiILtîtwltl a antile. "I hope tirait ake county a final k-nol mb ta hedougi will knock ts- kaiser off t for good,- 8nouled the- mai plea!u-t!for assiatâna for tI lion Armny wii ab ringrng chi-er arnd, cortrort 1o thir, iliera. lie citet! instances whera bat! bfeu lgittina liardtint!, ad came bac'k from ltae line met by te Saivalion Arr ers wlth bot coffet- ant! dougl tint- case a comtnyies-t! thei effort to pay f6lïtt its- "ser the. Salvation Army reuus-c It aller ttan bhat!passet!1 about antd colis-t,-il ilis mon4 soidier boys Insistet! sItar th lion Arm v it- e hctedI -1t fintily lts Lredth t tdon AtrWv btatalthe mon Luy s5offle are dougitouts an for the- future.- Those Oai Attacka. Major Alkîns toIt of lthe ex wlith cas ttrs-d iîy tîleerinai day t. y tnit-ni irPe out th Icart .'c-or iny tise of tgag. -t danmnable lhrng lira- wofldh st-,-n," sald !the- nn.jor. 1l-ied lthe effecîs of lthe gagsTh finit lira < a gan which Itu vp eniting and. aller lthe ulctmn aifs-eltedt! lthe v-riýt lthat obligedt! luramove bis gag r tht- inmtant ln order to diapos *revrous ut-àl, îthey tire th( gas whlcb <allamnen rigit a in carse Il ge-tsm int tir sySi displayedt! is-gag mantaaka Oa fluas, li- French anrd lth- Ani The latter last 48 itours ai oliners are vs-ry lemporaryi abilitY t fIglit off ltae gas aIf ltoligit l4LsAmic-ans werf- th- first Kgas allark t-v anco tht-y at-t over lthe top lthe t sat! carrred Xlttio lIant' W'itn lthe Germnrs lnîrot!t gag altack IidsaltheFrenchiw raady wlh tiaIr defensge But, ln a sRnglf night tlie lrene s-n in ParIU madIe a million ant! Irittht-m ready for theb ns-Il day. Tis iras done af Canadians a bat! t 8,000 int gag attacks Titus. lte Fn-nc ready for lthe Huns witsn lth ad on thant Nlajor Atkîns siowed a Gern whicit ha hîmas-If 10k off a4 prisoner aller lteý artny raptr blId hlitha couit! have a front lthe bunct or 50 tlat ha capture! ity ltaeAmericansr cimes ltaI bat! been caplurad. Major Atkins -aid il wa Plîlful sight 1e se lte Iltec going to achool wearing masio ba lt-lt wa lte most ihorribla lte gas allacks made by the H4e toit!of lte altacks made G-enmans on itospitalis whlch plainly markat! with ituga cru indicate whal lhay ware-3y tact dit! not prevant ltae front carrying ouItlitair vn "Witea ou ara deafodîng County wlith your soldiers, w, trown lte Salvallon Army I work as Wt-ilsat! are givlng havet, bhelli out yuur boy ihere-tha's uwity we rit-et!f brtutg threrm coffea and! dong saite liamajor. Thea major sitowet! aas-l. tha final brea lit a batetenf lie Lunville t-eclor. Ha priae shahl very much because it ona of lthe first ast-t! Tht- Salvatton Army basý7 woith 12051) tirkera ln tht- camaps; ln France lthera are2 a-ith lthe Americans asdt!hli if in Ibis country. "AIl we (IohIs fret-. Witen t to tIre front it la the- SaI;atlcr s'orkars t10 cinonitît-e boys aiv rînktu-ifor mafete eplIng andti them .noni,ln osetlievnevi tact. Our hbis are in the iones. Tl laites nerve to he Yet our-foIks neyer faller. In to keep înp our worit we mu. ausistance tand we want 10 he work and! reacit ener-An boy tirer tht-rt-, I iMow Iakt wlîl do lits share. Inte 383 hava bat- n bthea Saîvallon A hase ane; trt-et-n sucit ferrs n lte work we are t!oing-anr Becaune se are t!oing tht- rea mver theer ln a quiet but el matnnur." A saitor bandt furnishet!mu he fui'nIng and! Judge Pt-rat presIdtng officar. Stata's tA IVels-itand! Elani Clarke mati emtnrt-n. Tht- affaîr provat!e ntertling ont- and! oP.panth n fine t-trapu'for ltae 'dolia ioughnuts" eampaigîr bieng wa Lake countytitis waek, Lait Iv'n _luotal is $10,000, of whivh Il. 0MUS T USE LESS YASTASIORRI got any u, ~~DARNSWA S Who tante 41. lJIL UJ UtY 1Our ladsNS!R W leydin'tDO MUCII MAGE il Il for ht-n aeu "-î iericans Asked to Use No More Than Sloop Wizard of Lincoln Parki - Tw Ponds er 4~F8fl Yacht Club Mistakes the fors-fou" Pe Month. CREW WADED TO SHORE ipaît! for ____ fimie, lio Shwp hortage May Last Until Beginnig of 1919,!'Sloop Lariken Won Annual! util: an i'I, ... ~ .. ... Race to Waukenan, Best tyd titeir vs **sNew Sugaý Cop Arrives.1 50. îît- Conducted Here ialslu, Afler makIng a careful sunvaY of tae ýThei ugar supplieasilirougitout tite Vautagan, Aug. 1- worlt! anger situation the U. S. Foot! country, ln homes, stores, factorise aand The s' nmatiiia1 fisature of teé an y ail put Administratioin bas aakad te Anîcrl- bakerie., are at love ebt; lte produc. ouril Lîntoin l'art Ytinitî Club i,,(t litthat itrsîa as atrycmea te sarît eau publiece10 !IU NO MORE THAN tien from îh. Amertean beet and 1 atgataealra ars or a. h- TWO POÙNDS 0V SUGAR PER PERI- Loulalana cane crope have been dtaap. 9;31t)clkiithti, euening, wheîtIl. it S l,,.a SON A MONTH until lancary 1. 1919. pbinting; Ith. ylold ln Porto Rico ha@ . l1lt-nrakîvlr l) Izard., r itakior Cf 50 mnucit Inereaad »u demande fro tte likowîs. been esoaller titan anticipaI t-tit nuetore oitte sectnd! sanid!)ar S a,1O.càI !rtion alrertd he prisent st 1ran h. InablUlty eofkiteUnited jult-norti Of tlt,- no ri h ptier. -fftrt- I rtin aIed. W à Lc thhje.- 0 ecure sugar te free.-hlin' ile trrnaCwre uit.a.l_ a tht- boys lownt possibe 1.ver e nee o from Java Înd ter istant sources ing and iLn lias sine, bat-a poundd tu PL cxliatt. keià u; lû ant! naYy auppîIed ah5 accouif if the .r- ifrive c ail for places by te wauu-s-.ea it-l, 1tnt-o are two of the leedIng.causais of ta he ofolte movement of troops and The captain anrd rt-w of flue isir te ny work- curtialîment of AmmrneWcasuta.r ration. thelr supplice ha. materiafiy rqsiuced worked dirg,înîl> lu f r-e iteir Horst litnut.- It Autericans are requestet! la. mateaite esupply'from sucit quartera. Added but withotrî tutcess, Tîso rot Huai r$1<r,ut4rin twci pounde of sugar per person hall to titis slreadY dlfficuit situation, lté put out fronathles harHor bat turi- un- vic lt-& pouitd a week) serve for ail angoranttyneded b> te Army and abla lu rentier ait> assistance. Ab ýtir- il e Lke nesln he ousbod-ictuingcoo- Nvy rcalyexceede earlier e.ti. doning hope tins-Crs uw of lt- Wrzart! nt->. Th"-ng anufaflsu1uar sarvet! at thre table. mates; we mut *end a large ameunt tht-n wadet! a'Iîo. th ie urater a iltiraI ha Saîvâ. *alj ti paces, a@ set! ïauleFrance and ltaly to taitstite place point heing liaîit- orv uatitn uti-ý Je m bd!wjwfi brequine te 10limit of tite great volume lst troug thlie dteip. hac Salua their une cil sugar te tifo pounds for Germati and Austnian Invasion@, dur. Efforts -ers- mode Suîndaytny l- iney 'and! every nlnety menin servet!. In the Ing witicit muait beetl and wal pve.riimOye an auxitr> etrit. a Hwic-I. ir.' rit! s-ONe U. 8& Food À&tpmtia.op's cafetpria run.and mn acloprien destrÏyed;-%e Wizarti carnet!, but vrîhout soccess. at Waaitngtoo.w.. of yeaaItirahave to aupPW zè;âTlm EanMti le Calîtain Green la aaid te have alket 3'ciod Adminiesmetioa taka lhei? Mion neutral natlin$under agreosîlnts; ant!i his 10*.cooly, sitîng Suatay tat ;L0 xperis-ns-' feal, cina Pound! of augar la uaed for finjjily evep fqfi>' million pouný&ýds jwirs te las-c rata ha hat! tnteodc'd o ns Diii -e, 120 melahs sarvet!. ltr.cefitiy ltreugit submnartne slnk. participaIt- in-ltat ha bat!inl nni, hé Aura-t r7.IeZ. 0.Foot! Admini'sta-tio-n Io inge off our Atlantic 1 detals-trabatate rn i confident flnt the p rtrn"ublc wilî Thte 1FoodAdmiqîratîtla t-oe n b Lain Cruhticag-o.o The Wizart! Haý lerias beartilp agrea to reduca itoust-ioit use dent taIlire Ameianu it -In- il' st-an -utvsirai yars' service an-i . reci Ill'w taidteluha ibtnnunst-swortby, F ,hl1, îiis of sugar 'bers.te a laid more neani-l taerecord cil wieal Sa; inïs belifndi, ~Laiken WisaRace. ry naos- equl to tàe prement tleatvlcllons havirig by i.oluritary- 55t>itgl se-nt 140,- Tht- famou.u sloop Larikitn, Captain his blsn 5amont the Â11-aatioa.000,000 blbiahesof whet-uin10the -Aflies L). W,.Sacbonaît!, Won lts race 1%i heis- Tiisituation wbis- he iatoled!ailler praclcallY every bci'nheIbritet-ti iaiiing riglit itrogi thlie fis- Iatirti rt nask for Etatee face, ln Ifs eùCprts Wo maîritain exiraustet! froM lotr normtal surpltus, lt-ing a mille otný 51usd 0flils clo-e-t s.- of lu B ilau t!distibution of sugar 10 tira A]- will witir lhé lsa e i Itsas-a the rivalI Innadalr, te dcath ied Vorît! la as lollows: sugrir situation cilflte strldi, Dr;s-r for ail il Sais worth hy ant! -fl t-r Mac"ltaesleep, s-bld originàIlh tLm Ila btîit Ly tite Herra-iri for Ain t!it ltebassador Robert B3acotnle; years .tt'n; lasria lihJFILUL ,!ltu lisopph aualtw-h i spit ons - n the-ir '. ts-boots cosiitrablv, The ctOitI' lects. AI] . ~.,. watt the' climax of a seoson oif su t 7ount,-reti It has beeil doue before. A hundred years ago ËL'- "a--.frlieMcDnl u.î ai - at-st day fiiid suirar was uilknown. Our tinceatoru used honey and w&@ *tie gr. alast long ditalaîte rau' e YOU as u. hoey £80. esida f~~e re srus ') il ha,5. l l nilsdozeu 2cas- iri l"t-t tIn sau a" su ars o Bso! fruitar rus.w" The, I lt-".h watt-r Linder litsprvs-.'I townar. e-t trot -ugrsoffr its . llserve ot.as 8 trey did cen- leurikin îmade tht- 13odd trilles irol mëeoa tie a¶. You will get ail the suigar yçsu need in this Chiest'o itsra n 46:15 whitcituaïten ch w 1 way. The Allijes do it now. England5 i4'hih before the atia iiluoiesbtrttnth i maslit war uaed more sugar than we did, has bdt two pounds itlte,4'lti- tambtin boat Invatlerai boys the- per head a tnonth now; France one and a ha*lf pounds, È it- ainti wa" norliiesslt, iir,g S ft-r thé- and Italy 0513< eua. Show yourself a patriotic Amnerican lire coutru- a ellas- r.each italltae way. o t fret and use leas thà* your ration. This is but a sJigfik sacri- itli fairly steady et about lb nmit- le tara- fice as compired with ail that the Allies are dorng. Do àt frt--ir-ning in places taa sver 20. Mont ; yourself. tof tmyachitiqcarrret!à la tf slnd aitl -man cip of ts-m sera pratîs' sell 5WApt by Garman ~h- ii.pra.y-from te heavy soata s-erail. tain liad iii.-._______________________________ antigTht he as Wnernwenas. Nu'- ia heenti SLJGAR EXPORTS SMALL FRANCE AND BELGIUM Thunui's- b innt! Lantit GutNin' . a t- Orst ud' i - itm)ln.s In a p - TO NEUTRAL NATIONSG ET AMERICAN SUGAR 91. Grenas WiZard and! the- Ln fi, aMost-t i- nylunt! hat! no opposition iu theri ciildrAn Only 797 tons of reffinet!nauger s-cri Nnety-five per cent,.cil ai refined is-st squadroti non tat! Green nluthre ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f t1, h pt rtAarcu1 eta a rumlt ttat .but tha Inn.s4er badt! 10beat laný ,saide aI ions dunin tira tO nra Ov ne-il fiftr sent fo teUnitdates! oSari, Rivai and! Cook tRobin l inteI t- aitefliionsar. in th ounrt Oe! 10 <5017of the Aliet!nations went te Franceatand s-onj -division ant! MacDsonald %w-nshI y the pr cent.of the-Ttal export te ailBelgiim during the brai fi,. monthn UP atI~ lutt.Glaer' .S; antwa LInd i os te couitrias. Mxcoibavd oe hn Ofbis Y r«'nous, inothe big fleet.11e > bailtirhe aunount we expontedt! 10non- Frances sut 72 per mont, or uaariy Nylund's Diamont! cfnaad the.W lermnana I rais.83,0oo,oO pountla. and Belgium uecelv- ýt-arling Imne ai tira foot of Delmont b ageanca et! neaxil U1000000 pousida, or 23 par at-e- ai 2:30 sharp, ll'ja tmintea h C Youm. * * ** * * * * cent lait-rlte ss-citnu division got a wsynh réae n- ** l a«Chrcolestr a i sgar Won dois,! wiîh bader, Sari, Rival and Cck tIl m ita heBAVE BUGAR. * ont by a striet nationîn- rignluzao.iti obin goitg asrois ln the order nain.-bc Kail we * us-ar meens Ship*-. * The eullre asaouat Ici 1h. Allies Inet!. fas oner * Shîps mean Boldier- * lte,. Ove monthga-23IM ptosiroet Tht- thint! division fftart!d at 2:40 pli rnds 10e Soldiera man Victory-. * bailtcil wbici wass hIitPed faMay-là5 witb thte Wzardthelt.only entrant t igntl,' * eoly about oehitos prmt oadt!hlitoîtti quad'on wlth Naniwa h * our total an eitîmilup r en. ln tesan croasedat! at2e45Redskbn o ona o!f * * * ** * * * *arna eanpin -as ltae second acrosbut lt ar oni- ___________ln____hi',____ %tvatt l0miuutas bahînd t! a heL.or Ondttn__________________ sîarling lina. The big sloop. iîow- etith titl <uc-ruîant long In teeart-ar oi n FA EOIIRi F TWO.DAMAGE ACTlIOMS, flpt- BI bh im ntn wao i( inis AC SCd fONE-$5,OOO, otherff ,00 reachet! It bat! pierat! uti on Iba leait! il , rutandoneritaulat! iboat aller boatni 28 huIs STEALING T1IRIT --unlui ia111ebae -soiS keeaeWaukegsn, Aira. l, in front. ti Sut a. saidthia moroing :n Lanîkin Gain. Steadily. .1 au- S ÀM S NDBO DS c ourt nc'%X ciAgnea R. TitraI Wiîh the starItiof a couplt- of miîee cou tn army sest rcN * damages f f.sîttiibin hllt!onfim lc)n( ia u uvet-e îîtrIda Miller anIdtut rotity Miller . A1It;along sl.-rn s-hase 10 oiertatt th-,'n'l to st-tnt! George P. Dallas of Lake For. are frointHitghlandt Park. Tieeatitla cnmln n ie lari Hon e o e st ne Ars i la ltat tae coutlaittnttas ittir' oit wotttt! nol bcdenat!. bt s-as on esen P- oel esPlaced Ud ret t S. Jonsaveue- ft ail wh iti-utut erms withthpteInvadar triien lira bac the e thtne SlemNew Jrsey w'h8 run downIty anato aOdriien b\ a-ts-tlueare abear lte Fort Siteridan log oîJtr _____the young wouîe.:î A juatice cout'rt* srdle t haisv IL o ,iî,suit gave ht-r aàîtdgmntutbut tht- lB te time ptht-t-' batroagitî Grennt 7 Pniarge Dalls'BE BOnUuunî BACK w bt asfic no tae damage r.- Iae ibs-.i tht- Ltriin bat! oriene ul l ýmrc inla enstariet!, out a big' sîr-ts-h ofwaster lutlwos n il h s-o la tntWrote Back for Refer- Tht- Northt Shol, rElectie wast) a> nd t!ilsret-e-tris-alsut! froin t titn' seo-. encs nd n hatWa wS day mnade d,,etnd tnt i a $10,000 dit.- ounttt mo -mt it lt-at! untîl fi, tb Arm, 1 encs ad n tat ay a ae uitstatedby hepubîsnl-e a -i-an motretloin a nmilsie at! da i te intc-et-c Located by Police ministrator in hlilîiaf tif relativ-es or! finilir. ousastia -Itsln! ýai vtoriz George P. Dallas, a Laite Forestl skat! on île ro itIli taI nait y-a Lest o orrjy of tise ras-es ltaeLinicoln Of effectual man, ha battît placet! under arrcst killet! by an tluis- s-car Sept',n la-ni Par-k YachItci',ltiras soiladt!e1 Wau- w& at Salent, N. J., on a chafge o! Ian- yean just seuttîtr blas Fort-st. Tii -- u-s-it asic fon ct-ny as taert-suit of charges pro.- daimnla that the, gatoman mode ttroi Surîtmari, - na ferrelt-mt! h Ancitibaît! G.Anis nofIa ignriti w-arnitint .u train sa on-1 Flrat Ovison-4Start 2:30 h [Alornît-y Foras-t. Dalas vilIlieo brouglit bacit lg. The aril;. j sifa antdchiltîru-ri Elairse!dc le lanIas- b Laitesoty t stand trial. It la lire ln Ras-itre- Ylu.tut;Vil, r Fitnish T i m.-Wl a j1otut raporledt! btIha may attlempl 10o fgbî atti, V! iii .7:15:30 4:45:3it ]y ha ay extradition. Second 'Divlsuon-Start 2:35 Rue [ana for Dallasa waa employat! by Anis up la 51sf ans o! offlis -ant! eliaI-tit-dran lit id, s, tLati-'tit...6: 3S:b4 4:01i - vacti in Iasî May- aht-n ha disappearat!sut- ili ba parmîltuttî o iFr n S r t i. tatI t> s-47: 034 - il,hm il colin- t!enlv. Coiridtntly $5Worth of RRedCoss-nse acnigban-faI ai ..-...: 4ffSil4: 14: 5ait h Wtiu- Tirift Stamps, $200 Worth offLUber- edri lia^ný oi 2 ,ttso. ly Bondsansot!$150 Worth of jewlri cent rulîia b>' lts Wn DMao i Nt.(t- u -nIii ... 7:u- :5- 0'3 Î) disappeanet!. Investigation ira. shownr Tht- ruling provinla-' bit aay voman Titird Divialt-Start 2 :45 1 le llth.te . at>' ons wrapasne! lntto race iut-are .no.1.tr..tir- ..'t:uuotid_:31123 ,4- h.l Idea, .n Use Here Long 1 Closed by Inspector FIFTY NOW WORKING HERE -REGARDLESS OF STOI They Are Now to Be Uniformed Pastry and Other Things by Company and More Are Hand but Guards throwi to Be Put on List About the Place - ht Innýv, cl:,,tnal ait- ,a gr aI d'ai Ans incident wbichItlîluslratea bas Lt-tn sait! about lthe tacîtiraIt a rare titat Isla beng laiten by Oi iamb-n of fas-torries lataly hoahi-t-n Lakes Officiais te hava dia boyg ptîîng in wutîrcu smPloyt-s ti do lthe station st-mat! slth proper4 'seulan utiil worit, ltae Wu'tgîn sofa footistuffsandrt!luxurlea. la Bq s-Ire mili has bat-o usina wotiten lin ite tfact lthaIltae ice cream9 thé' f:tcu't-s- bon a ga-aimny ysars. cant!y stand aI Camp Perry ba% b ra! ttc-refont- tht- use of mrirnt wom- s-bat-t! for some tinte andth ie cha, tn In lthe plant will ntenely Le a cor- 1 are fit wlll not be ailos-ad to.-q ryiug out of lthe idea btaI las pro- again.1 taîlat! for a long lime ou a more i-t-- Il s-as ypcently titat an Inspet teriint scale. for thte-nna1b departent reached1 Accsonding te Inauiry St the Antan- sanoif q nun tenoon. lm s-an Steel k- WIne plant, lthere ans- a buit! asintion and!11*1 al preserit lima parbaps 50 woman diael>' ordaredth ie place close!.. worktlig un lthe mîlI. and! accondingt1 callat! a guard of jackies, pIs lirpt. As-omit, a lange tulmb-n o! so-Ontient aboutlthis stand. and! de«~ en laie Lt-en employedt! iera for lta btaetact thal litera s-ara huuit!d usI 10 on 12 yt-ors. lie expIains pies, cakes, etc.. On hand tire bhat lte reasôn ah>' tht-y haie Louen sptcor wouIt! net let anY MOre -mplo> et! 15 bt-cause tht-y do as gout! soIt!, tort anti baller in soute reapecis 1Thte guafrdè bave bt-en about1 than lthe amtn. Mn. Araimi sdmîaitsetand ver ailiceandiltlaq sallI tlà that lthe fonce of vomen a*fil inereset- W,,,kae ttmithero DerM&Mle apidlr nos- as a resuttof the t-hors nî esat !is ramos-ad Ot 0 ga of menandut! e lit e -IractsuartY lons ara improstd s lthe bfIpDS fi accorntrgiy making arrangemncnls demanda long btis bine. It le urideratoit the principali Ail To Ile tUniforotet. jection to dia condition thee atm A tact of intanaat t!eu.'opat!In con- as foun! In vas there s-as Dnabri eclion witb ltae Inquînv nmadet-b> nlng s-aber In usa ant! that tbereb te Sun, amel>', lthatinlusaeri shbrIttecontention s-as litIth1e it me ail] of thasa 50 wooreu now ant- couit nte t e knt cleaii as it 8110111 loyafi et tht- sire milI vii le plac- ha for a stand -hich s-as se"-à ed la uttifonni Tire unlform, some- cant!y. ic, cream. pop, etc., t10- -bat aftar ltae onder of bloomers anot! alions. bn lact. it iS admuitted t]I alate litae automoble outlil worn the absence of vater s-as the. 1 by repain men, itas bat-n ordare!1bv thîng andth iat s-ban stePa Wet *1t aae s-inacomrpauy and! -tilha funr- n te have mrna s-aber piacil ilabedthe liaomen free of charge for tbe stand lthe chances areit CM 1 tae final lot. Aflar lthaI tht-y s-IllaIl openet! agaîn. se expecte! te kaep Ibemacîs-es aup- lied vitt ltae nas ragulation sbila so be ust-t!In thea mill. L B D fi fil. Vp t0 the preseul tinte a omenIFÀTUIRKI. VA rU5 ive net usat! an>' particular maîho! )fdes bhava vorn lthe ordinary I rrmets thaworneQ usual> werr BROUGRIIIN H ON AN f course titis bas made a, certain touaI of danger tattht- nêwui orm willovseouATTACIMNT W« td hava hean doîn n rilthe plant. apt. Acomb saidt! tby bave been run- Andrew Kedrowski Paria ng mtachines and! doina s-unigent-r- îtl sucb as men vouIt! do, or Consente 10 Medioal Treat- turse, ite explainadt! ia> do mot caîl ton tIant 10 do dise heavier s-ontment for Daughter Ucl as ss-iealing lthe trucks and! ItfkH R AE I OTN E g 2uO-luound haies of s-bras -e.tHR CS 5 ONIU foerer, lb 19 aise admittadthalt t-ne are a aumber of WMmen-'sort- ng in lthe plant s-ho, ceult! lite bun- Plan was to Have Her Dodu il f s-ira If tht-y sas- fil. Tht- s-ira ull is not rtnnîng te ed Dependent So She Could ulb capacit>' 51 the present' lime o-GtTeàm n ae force tif vomen COiploytet! 0 intae ram n alIl wouIt! be tirer 50, As soon as ae situation changes and! It la noces- Waukegan, Au-. il r>' to Increasa lthe for-t-agaim. Iti Wben Andras- Kedroski o I o rIII aise ha nt-dessar>' te put on t511 Vis-tort street, Northt Chicago, bM0 dditional s-oman 10ttaltae place appear bu Coan>- court titis mmo lthe tan wbo bavaes-ont- asay te ina as a wilnass In thea tependem, Asar.uMn. lfrn rbi 6ya-l duh. 55.-a, h the55court ordered an atueugnur .rAsoni, us AskeMon. x la onla.t frhcmînrt orere an tlach- Mhtn. o As-nu s-s stt! explarnent for t hlm.r-tmnablentIot -tb hogat d bit-o rk lb, stuame areallnt hi depaîrwsitni as sent ob. îy: WIn, île>'are doms- pracîl btecoui-L yens-rythintg 'al the men eao do. oteIctrwtisa mlyla ch as runinlg machinas sndotiter Ihe EnuelKope wsitntat!' hurt bat mrk htotlaits th-m Il over the tien hant!s abit il 1 s.ek or 10 ""y AII W,' lavaernet tbougit anythinic ueottc-r parents nefuset! to 5110v' bouI a uiPloyýug atimen litcause it-lus- r 1 tai edcllttcaa* ne itt'tn ltere sei loua. For V) on acmdclatno d 2yars. Iunderslait, thare ha vi, ,sre ti 10 te oiî usat hen beeam eenwomn eploes n t mil ad1sie w-tnet ulaletego Ici Wor. an wom.'n temploats u ve l not Tht- mallt-r as raportedto Ii taWe rt-fttrablit s-ar tinteshavge hno 1Attorney Wt-ls-h andi a patîtion ibi- clPintatmushetif a er i iaugita edl onycutasightte ct'plf taniltthlie nuie wrktt 1 ui f iea d nclurty ouet.askn-t no * l'trseu a l ime goas ou.'iViat l,-0waithonillesahI La beable 10orPm nlfTc( înt-ronn iase i-oye n t t- it!- nilîcal attention for lté i- rilb it-t-t -Pn mwomt a tlo>'e lu u, iTiio-fatht-r aud mothen of the re in tI iIt' -t-t mot sals!ctor' aîttaii'adte boloo' saithlie matter ln a ttiffereut lis-ht today s-ban tbey ftw- ltc-r,a tir eort--ot hat tas n-t- btItire authQrttiaa meant business, id fora tylIotf 4«00 .ooosk tt!ollset! and!botit assentedt! bti hey s-oM 1wolO ut-tbntuildingsclo' oatler. c-at lnDr.' Jolley oI Northt Cim trin-. t' eeon nionîls frclît Jan. 1 ant! have th-m t!augityer's injarie. ab 1 A119 . .trbta,1. s a i 21 res, lt-nde te 1. t tii, totla !mage-dont- iv ail tof Dr. JolIe>' saidt! dtay bisatIt Ige t-les10- i- îc wa' les'.thonil$101. bal>' yullie necasgar>' 10 amputb, Iot; dor 'Iii- dnuIf? 5v urslnz cerv Ypart ot ont- linger, Tht- case s-na w,. -,sîb.-nu-an- of rye rîî ion ind jlnuat! te rittTut-ay temate a t-îotitrsilc'uig- ro iniait a! jtîatalheaparents carry-out tirets ý of-' lthe agreement *0 n he Umm tKr Autt)i.' t asirîg fil- %i.z lte Noîr toIlr>e Tr tril Roat! luîprovemeÉtA»ý wh IoIl a .- iad t., nia 6F ed.- us dh-, l 'un ialion s flot stietted yet. Sh.sN So atýoll t'ai sîr.-î.ir-s ,rin titidarr ota!ia i l te pars- t thie etatelf Ire nit r.stkrrg . ti-artjal saving otf Ev.ry uiii hit mallem taheeD or fii ga@oline and lires Il iit thre dediiatiîîtîth-r iniies au apparen% that axaênuio 01 twu mi1e fhet u ('tirtte iWirnretlra on wIII he rpid. tatiiaý, lu&cUt lu. and thre freiing of Layniz ut oncreta itas started Ag amotn-rnmi le, t l.-re is-ho w a i-li tun oits 17-4un à ýi \ ui- aretu-h of Sýheridno ta -s-ntioi iie-ncn- o t dfi, .Thtis s-tel.iig frum lte %%lcuonan ese.lI eut@ tLe runnuing luit.- troun Cit-at Lakes s ouuh tbWaukun~. Titis will b. Cà% to Evanatun at 1.amt tif t-nu minutea;. plet! tini year. WOMEN ARE NOT CLOSE UP STAND STRANGERS IN , INSTANTER 'CAUSI WJRE MILL FORCE, TIIERE'.S NO WATB Other Plants of A. S. & W. Co. ]Instance Where Camp Ped TJIU qgD«&Y, AUGUST 22,1918

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