LIu mÈrImm dey evenlug 5îtirhe home ai John Pltasu. 1Iî ;,L.AKE VILL-A Mm"'-d "r; Robet Oak$ of chicgo' G. P. Mauser àsa la C1169au# ,,vsk Dr. C. Roisdeotacher. on busines counected viti tira Western miss Martira Rosadeutecirer speut Bun ' Dei companY's îactory bore- day at tira home oi Egumet Geary and ( Thre Leonard lfsill hadS a ueta lust family. r. L oldrad@n veek tirir nopiev. John tMrks aOflit. and lr. Jonlc ildrAndason, Michiganatutihie counlu.Otto MoHdur s@eut Tiraday viii Attor 1lin. R. A. Douglas & ttecut relatives St Wiscansin. afi smat au business Tuesday. Mr. and !ars. M Kropi vera caiers at Mr&. Rase and ebldron oi Chicago , "nfda hrd §pont lasS s'ek wtth tire 1). a.Manzer s a. rT hRay. ndfal lu@ CISicago st Frlay. e broite potSunday osening ulir Jacaob Wern- PROI ID Cicag len Friay.gare and tamily et Pistakea Bay. Mrs.@.Ga.BeRainad Clyde vere ln __ Forent Park a few days lest woek. SMrs. C. W. Taîbait and Mrs. John RUISSELL -A I PhillippI were gosete oi E91D relatIve navetr]lday lust eek. Tire socetv at Mmre. R. F. Si v, rw as Frsd Weber vas called ta Chircago lest flt largely attended. Tire nait meeting FrIday ta Identify hi@ car wilciras vîtire voitir Mrs. J. D. Miurray. Edv stolan la Waukegau laut Match. Tire tirrseblng machine laieard lu @rail We aunouneed lut vsek thet thers *VSi! direction. The grain ls turmba sFtates vouid ire no preacimu service boe.let ont very good. Illed1 Sonda marnlug, but Dr. Clark, aur R E. Levin la gettina alang ine @Ince hy th District Superintendent made arrange,-irIs oppratton. Juicti mente tu eonae, aud preaeired s splendid Mire. E. J. Kensellansd daugitran sd lemsse sermon. Mise Bayle returned ta tireur home Bion. Laite Thre .isryl baby iroa ben very 111, but day alternoon.- - quor., nov uuder tire came o a traned nurse Laursansd Aile Corrs araepeuding a eut r aud an tihe gain. veek vitir relatives lua Ok Park. reeci Earl Patter, ona ofi aur Navy bal@, lire. Cathatile Boomer and Roirert and !ssuar left Grea Lakse Station tVednasday to Mr. snd lMrs. C. 9. Bonner aud daugirter Fda attend the. Radio scirool at Nev Londan, *Peut Thuradayviti r elaives. wasd Conn., tu ireo furtirer nose taiis goveru- lire. Koeueesud sou eurued tautirir o! th, ment. Re and iis iamlly @pont gunday home Frtday. tionv boe. Mr*. E. P. Siver aud Aliespent several deefre Oscar Douglas vas irome gaturday on davwtir frieude lu Chicago. lI lesve fana irIs dutîe st (rsat Lake&. Clara Effinger oi Wankegan, Is speud. mado Misesdinle %. aid oi Burlugton, @peut log ber vacation witir ber dalter, lins. Issued lutt yack vitir ber brotirers famly hore. E. P. diver. le Johnu Lund sud friand ai Ciriago, Mrnud idre. 1H L . aille retunned aîve epeuet tire tiret ai tir eck et P. M. Bunday iran ,thier ti tt Taylorviile, court Lund@. 1I. nea1, lir. aud ira. .James Atwellentertained J. A. Hteevea, sou and motirr ere lp relatives rour Michirgan aud CbIrcagO Wankegan vîitore iouday. be wîuoLipi Suudy. lra S B' . Jawe l' eulsrtaing ber marde Gleorge Burett started let Friday ta Sont, lire Brase froxu linnesota, Tir 'ouniis fanil., virere tirey are vlat!ng lu John Patrrer tan vlsiied iris matira as tIl J'anseylvanls. Hehadinteuded tamabe Suuday. tires tirattip lualire Fard, but tire little girl Mri. aud lireE. J. Munrie entertainedhen vas taken vary III, su o ire vet as fait as eeurpauY ttireiaitir.t. week bein possible by train. ichou Mrs. Prit-e sud Marie tieKen)sle enter- IN OmINSA E tllau tained a ulece sud cousin visir ber bus-N O M TON À E jh band frein Southi akLota lest meek u nri1h ' C U T al hoir home main New Yona. IJ4IJus A rturned sldier, wiro la uaw a FIE NC .sO R ri speaker for tire Salvatian army, gavea v T EH TE E id verY rntereting îalk tl> a goad iaed V e.iTHE UUILL MENI tir,ý audietce lu tire village park Mouday theiIl eveuiug. Tire Aliondale baud furutibed l t mousle. Thîe epeaber vent tri Foi Lake Peter Johnson and Steve Pari- thire rqm ree esi. are Namned as Defen- NOTICL Notice in hereby gîveu tirat a spectal meeting of thre Stackiralders af thre Laies ViSa "ut and Savingaii ank, a cor-4 poration. vIA ire ield as tireoffirce of tire Lake Villa Trugé & Savînga Bank In the Vilgea Lake %'ills, County oi Lake and Stabe aoflMinote, on tire 25th day of soMeimirr191m,, t>M oclock P . M.ifo tire purpose ai cotlng Upon tire Qjueilon of chaxigtsg tire number oi Directors of mald Corporation fraxu tirie ( tu tafise" (., , an provtded iîy law, tire electIon of two 2> Ltrectore and for tire transac- tion of i" otirer busiuns va w!!! be Proper ta carne tefore thc meeting. Tbns Notice lo iseued purouànt toaa vrlttént application ta me tirereiar, slgned hy tire Stackiaders avuIng tva- Cids of tire stock afoiad (Corporation. i)ated thi>'2Uîi day ni August A. D. 19 18. Frank Md. Hamlu, Preident. Attet Charle H. ttrattan, Scretary. 34-3 I MILLBURN Miss Ganeslevlillg ire. Ollu for ai ïew dayd.t Mm. sud liraE. A. WbiIaof Urbana. Ill., are rejoîcînu aver a daugirtar, br. r August 5. Mr. sud M.lire erga 1R. Whirte (ueo Jarnîsan) bave a saxi. horu Aug. 13 iLenuatir White boumas celebratcd iris ilftir birtirday, Aug. 16. Mir. sud lira. E. A. Miartin vers Cbcs- go viitons Ibis veeb. Mmr. Dairynaplo raving epet a iev veeke vtir lMn. Janisan, returned ta ber haine at Lake Villa. lir. sud lir. Clarence Banner and daugirter. Jean, rturnod ta tior homo at'Park Rdge tire pat wsek. Robt. Bonuar irsviug @Pet a tva veek' vacation vitirhlé mothar, retouu ed ta Chicago. Mir. and lirs. E. E. Dumsn ai Liberty- ville, J. . Boums. sud family sudý Sciruylerardsud lm. icOuire surpniced thoir parents ou tirir thirty-lifth vad- ding aunuversoary Aug. 15. 1e emane cake vers senvedl. lise Mlîboru Rad Cross sociti VIII moet Vîti Mmr.,WIIm.!Rook tue vseek. Romace Towen iras a ev auto Oier. land. VOi.O 3iss LorIna Nchole af Waadslpsk, spent Thuraday vitir ber siter, 'Mme irrauk lRrouimus. Me aud Mmr. S. J. Wagner attsmded %*c Boîdîona' aud alors' reunioas t Waucouda Wadnesday. Oit Moiiuiar andi Clama ltoaing spent Wcdsal et Labo Geeva. nue. John Stadtêield aud son.,fHenry, @peîtuday ati LibertyvIlie. jk. aud Mm. John oalt!lng seat Son. dants in Action -W CHARGE FOUR VIOLATIONS "Keeping Open on Sunday" Is Charge Against Proprietors 0f Lippincott Hotel ('Una n rInformation rirurrgnr'.' th- Iliegal sale of lntnxlcalling liquiir on hWtay, ver.fled In lxinwt> ouxrt Aug. Ir. hbsStat s Atte rney James G Weh rag.rinst Pi-ber Johnsonyran> Ilure-i t'a-s-. ero! tire I. itin ci liahtel, onie of tire most hi-ta)ri. bostetlrie> lIntire Fox Lake region. Tire bnformations charge that Il gîror aaso'<ai îtegally (a nthi- 04ub low1ng Suxidavs du-ing tira year. l1191w June l*, andr 23, anid July Il and 21 ' Tiroe in îrrnat ion disclase th. t,.,ac tirat tire aIrnesses upon whom tir state'. attorney la, dppendîng forf conviction are tire cain m mcg hio aI tained evideni .e foc tire attorney ger ara! of tire -tate lIntire ragent peti ti lire filed Iin circuit courrt hr asktig tiraI an Injunctioxi be graxited reatratiling tire sale o! ltqîror at ti Llplncatt iratel. Tis injunction a-as argued irefor- Judge C. I l onxielty vbo itsi fit on tira ground that notice of tir proposeri action ihst- nia heen serve( on the defendants. H-e held tiraItirh tesuance o! tire injonction wltirout ni tica vas not justIfied >ry tire facts i tire case. Tire sates.- attorney thir look tIre malter up witir tirealtor ney gexierat and tire filing of tire n formattons taday was tire resýut Tire tact that tire attorney gexiera vas willing t avase is wltnesr useri shows ise deslce ta coopecat wîirtirah local prrraecutor lin eu-i way possible. Waukegan, Aug. 11 iesrs Johrnson anid Panesi, Pr prietors of ire Lippincat, bote! aI Fr Lake, vece arraigned lu county romi tirîs marnIig on Informations char Ing tire sae of laaxicatlug liquor Srriday. Tirey vere releasedl bonds o! $i'00 escir. William Jacksc acing as surey. MAÀTIIASSTOFFEL DIES IN WA"IUÀIA I- At 10 o'clock lrriday nigbt at, ahome. 1825 Lucia %venue, Waukaio occurred tira daatb ai Mattias tS, fetl. a vell Inova Lake cauaty re dent, agad 63. Ha vas bor aiatV( sud lad llved lu the caunty aIl1 Tie baliren allng for some lt ,vitI vhsbt vas helleved te bh a eto the stomsach. but thbbc domu v a" iom ure uilviat tirs trouble w W9r. tsoffel vas tire son ce je stoifeti, a weil knovn pliner -western Lake couDÉY. Bessdea iris vufe. Mr. Staffeil les, Id a fanally of aine childrers, soma tbora grovn. othrm beîag at hos Thre fanîily bad tived In Wauka@ tar eight yeara. iraving naavad 'A froin Waucoads. y, Tii. iadepcent'a du 101M c &lots of READERS3-flot of cou, n-tante. a r- j- e il e [IDU W BILL FILED MiAINST LIPPIN. Con lIOTEL OWNI3R orney General and States ttorney Say Jackies Are Debauched There OFIT BY EXPERIENCE n to Sérve Notice on Hotel Men ta Keep Writ tram Beillg DIsoIved Waukegan, Aug. 201. ward J. Brundage, alttorney gen- of Illinois, and James G. Welch, P. attorney of L.ake county. today in.circuit court a new bill wirere bhey endeavor toa *btailn an ln- lion restraining tCe owners and P. of the Lippincott.Hotel at Fox :from disporting of intoxicatlng i rThe bill ItaCM Y aligirtly duRer. froin that wirich was f.led here ,tly and wirich reultd lIn. th- .nce of an !njunction hy Judgc- Vrds, which lr>junctlofl., dlsolved by Judge P)onnelly, onre he reasons being that thre InJunc wa. s isupd without notice to thp tdan ta. itire bill nied today no effort ta Iot have the restralnlng ordi'r pd wlthout notice, but the court la Pd to nrake the injunction effr- 1unti tire furtirer ordAr of lire r.Peter Johnson and Steve Fa 1,lseas, .and Nlr, and Mrs. B.S. lincott, owners are 10 te serve,! inotice that application bat; been lefor thre InJunction. ef bill seta up the ame charges nh anc filp-d previousiy, înebudlng statement that tire hotAt as It la ig cnducted, déba.acheq tire pub norals and la a nuisance whiclr Ild ire ahated. Ntany spr'ctfic vin- as of the law are altegeri. .e ncw billdds thai the botel rca.ted approxîmatety 24 milea ntire naval stts.lon. about an houris tli an auto. and tirut many o il ,î eiij jack les at tho sta~tionr riit bote! audi ndutge n In cir-aset out th ahtdavit which accompantes bill. )N'T LETROB VIO- LENCE BESMIRCII NAME 0f LAIE CO. This is the Plea of States At- torney Welch in Addressing Meeting Thursday REFERS TO PRAEGEB CASE .Says aIl Cases Should Be Re- f erred ta the Department of Justice ta Settie À larâý number fcom Watikegan nI- tended t e ann ual plcnîc o! St. Ps. triaka ciurcir at Wadswortir. Tb.lrsr day. Pcacttcally atI politîclans vwece lI evtdexice. A naval station banid furxilaied m us ic. Setters! speechles wpre gîsexin anritirere vere ceveral entertaînîmenit nunmbers on tire pr> grm.C.mes axid races were helri tirrougiroit tire day. Chîciten dîiner andi supper w'as sered. A blg dare was hIed Itire evenlng. X5 AUGUST 2me 1918 Oum Mrs. Florence HilI of Near Fox Lake, Charged with Run- ning Disorderly House ARRESTED EARLY SUNDAY She and Woman Charged with e. Being Inmate Brought ta Lake County laul A. tire resît o t nfomîii.ii: n lIî-d witb Sirerif E. J. Oriffin andl States Attorney J. G. Welcir. a i -îîîîîi raid wîtirin tire period of Onie îiiiîth waa conducted on the Antrim Cotti age an Squaw Creek, near Fox l.rl<., atr 12:30 o'ciock Sunday m'-rting Tira charges vas tirat lire placýýi is i-inxg coxdacted .as a dlsorderty liw-e \tr Floren(-e Hill was bookeit a, keper anid \lra. 1oret-Salorri wa i hi-irrr vitir iring an tumate. .. liotir were takeita lie )iic ti,',-f Justice of tire Peace George Ko'th lmniedîalely and vere g>a tire- irminary ireaiug. Tire ca-i msas con-t tinued for 10 days, bonds l.eing fixed : at $150 cacir. Tire wiiiien weret brouglit ta Waukegaii and lîîcked up iii tire Lake counxty 'psUl Mrs. Hill,. proprletress of the An- trîxu Cottage, in a stati ni-mîlt maris- to the press oni Sunday morning, as- serted that irer arreat w s lie e- suit o! a "frame-up.' 5h' <"i ,lthat soume a! tire resart ireepî r ith'Vil!- lage o! Fox L.ake werep-aloi>-ir e- cause sire reciveri a iarr. ,ri riii. froxu resortu-rir aho taîi--i t ber place for ciricke-xiand h-h* i inera, 'Tire charge that 1 har, u-nrîîn ducting a disordprly brous-i l ahaol- ntly taIse. Mrs. Hill a- -ail nsdL t saal hgirt il ittecly. 1 riinna- eent and t base xothlng ti 'e r fram tire taw t w% ut eay hirais- .. rtîrat t canarder il an auirag' tir:>' t as fPot givexi an oppoctuxitv U)i îbîtin fla imidti' I i r my ar- r es t. -IIla s rabsolit- t1la rîdicutous ta charge that I1b,.i%. c-<oiniductimrg a disord> ly boîus.e Xi's lirrr 1-. tire aniy vomnan abouT P ['i, andxire irusadla tk.-re iiîl, lit-r att the trme. I1lired ir-r t o lg-inral work while lier tinsb. mil i iti tire cooking. li jia- 1'or ç<se 0f trame- up.- Mrs 1Hill w.> .-idabout .a moxitirago onîxi, a i..--' a! havtig salît treer. Sire wai- r .-idli caunt, court anid ;pli-c.i li y, being fi-il $10» Ian>! costa Oxie a! thir>- anoi'w ho makea tir> Charge tiraI Nîr4. 111J lias heexi k'-ip lI ga disordi cil Iî.i-e s sid Ii have asserted thiii.?b.%ia-. ertrtaînepl at tire Antriirn oni . <itva îiff'-r exil occasions lia Xt ro. trri. The fat ter wall ire rîîi o.ltisubrit t,> i medical eamanuxtiiîîas-.tiraresult o! tire charge thai t:- '-asirufferig of a social dtserse. 't have hi-en xiiich rialigxed. Mc>. Hi!! saii. 'loi 'iiîl tthat as hexi thîs affaîrlei-i-til iiiTlst! sow tri t rià A ple. a ixist permittirig tire fair I bave ireen .iî in ujustry. Vin- i le namne o!fLItqe county becaming ire- dicatlon and ju.îI!,(i s aI tirat 1 asi "! i 0. anrîrcheri Ihrougir moir violence, vas__________ ýn marie hy States Attorney James G.R U Dt .n Welch lI deliverlig a talk aithtie an RO NBAEI r- nuat picnlc givan by St. Patcîcýk% A E Nf n.- cirurcir at Wadswortir Tirsday after- t. noon. M. -Welcir pleaderi tlat thc aisetlmpt of aIl Pro-Germaxi acticî,- DASil OVER THE 'a ties lbe submited te Uic departmcent te ar Justice for settlement. ratirar tiran aTPI W .S -s-th lresoriug ta mob violence. T PI .S ei He paint-ad ta tire caga o! Praeger. I mafromsuthm tlîoi vra Despite Absence of the Sailor g va ianged iry amo for alled - Pro-Germaxi texidexicles iren tire Band, People Were "K1eyed ex vas littla or sot>hng ta utffy sude mti an assomption andi absolutely nio cal! . ps" an d Came Througt, -g- for tira mo take tire affaîr itot ou thelr wn s. Thisselaofaiet- Round LA'ýp sîiace ccrtalnly sent Jin lance lire Bala b -lot on tire naine over tire top i rire W. S. Stamp an ai tire stata hf. drive Saturday eQvnbng. avexi tborrgir M. Weîch sald tirat CGerman lpro- the big crowd wbic iirtlled tire hall pegandists are trIving ta cause dis- did net hase tir- saltar baud o! 18 sension hy claing tirat tire United Piftes ta abîr tirai up. States la insincare ln ts plea tliat Tire bandin x soie vay vas de- tire var la biang waged for damocra- layed aud dld not shbow op. N cyhiex i Is chiai ally. Great Britain "Shanl va-h oldutth ire ieting any- iras refused ta give theIrish nation vvai"' aaked Ctiairnran Munson ai bN orneule. M. Welcir eald tirat un. WaLukegan. <uestloxiably tlrîsmatter *111 ire set- "Sure.,irold it anyaay."eald tire bils tled satlstactorily after tira var.hiIs rowd. on 'bellefjbetnig tiat Irelansd vin. get And, wben tire epeakera. Mesairs. la!: hoxiPuetiex.Hatir-rne aud Miisaî. iraI!f fisied est- Fataer McCabe o! Chircago deicer- tirir pIeu ta get aissstanca fan vin- nIo cd a fiae addmass at tire picxilc.Sen&- ing tire Nar. RmîîndLaite irad cuir- bis tom Swift andi Fatirar Fotey of st. serihed $5,010 tt h>' fuxd.' Patritcir curcir. aise dlîvereri splen- «They didnt need tire mosîle te do Ime dd just bad tire mu4lc of patrie- e dl alc___________ ln lxiir i ,,rs"tirat'sa an sali ar aIE 9 1n a@ uan aira atinld. FI Vg(iNERATIO S And, now te roioters are gon>t of vli hear Vtue .i1:r orsvia ave beeipp LVMOnIy instance in Waukegan dain Bascir fine sor lxi tire drive. l oe where Five Generations are Tire caýpRe zwînst Chartes Lutz ,of >me. Represented in lbtograpb Fox a.'i tlii' mornlng e'oxtirl ign ,u,,rad y Jiii-i' t-ariir ,'ro-Waokeg-rn, lu recently lakenutil thie 7ii 'rhs laterecase _________ vrerit .it, awi-' cht.rrged v4tibei Onie f thre few case* virarsli Inad. eT)ipcas-.55e1% One vici cn tbece are five geratîons latakis a laaid l>a' uiaii-s amily rumpuis ,e.cauxiby Came ta 1ltgt today viren andi il>'- î-îîiîi'iri,(e-. are ir4ng madie teIs-,Ma Mary Millerg, 112 Seward sîreet, lni bol)(->of I aitiic nî.tters amicibt3 ,. Waukegatr, showe-d a pirotograpir in adjusteri BOY RUNS FOR liELP; FATIIER IS PINNEDUNDER AUTO. Li 1M cla Large Attendance at Fox Lake . and Lake Villa as Speak- ers Tell of Needs Enýtrirsia-.jc 'ne-t inga s ere irhî]l tonday nigrt ut 1Lake V'itla and Fox Lalto lintire Iterests o! tri' Salvlion Armry W'ac unri camçiagn. State's Attorney .Iam'-u'G.W'eteir, -irairmaxi o! tir enourny meotini, <ai îalgn: EIam t. Clarke, i ointy chaIr- mnx of tirefinaLnce comnitti'e 'and Capi. Ecrz o! tire Sîluatiurn Arrv. 'overeri both places. Calît. r;in»o irade sptexidtlks and great enthu.'- uîeram <a-. esidexir ýinuthn e i' anituign. A> le. pece irarat fri o tiiitte Fart furniaireritire mii-. At Iox I.akPe i- tic îizexis nsiteri upoxi makin, "rlin aller ir,, xiiietitrg an,! ivi-rywirere tiirieet vas airain. Meier-tings wl ir'huelil 41at Ati mci andî Gcîyslako tonlirht.Tire LIlIert:.' rife arîr Druni Corps, witt au-camlrair -ire coxinnilee. Chairmuin XVetet said tris marnîni tirat cars viii learse C'ourt Hause Square urt 6-30 sahrp Ibis evenlng and. tiraIt ter>vîwlI <m canveyaices for ail who desice ta at tend tire meetings froxir iree SerOi Buare recently ceturneritram tu'W front, wtll bc tire speaker. A large and emtbuslasîic mu-clint: o! tire Womexi'a oCmmiîtee oftie Na- tional Coiincit aif Defense vas hirer St tire Y. W. P. L. rooms Iast night. details elsevirere taday. ME BIO PLANS FOR IIARVUST IHOME FESTIVAL, 4IURNUE Tire Tentir Annîral Hars est Home pienle vîIire ir eld at Gurnee Waod- mani Hall iry Gurnee Waodmani .easnp and tire Royal Neigiriors camp, Sapt. 27ti andri251h. axid-preparat>tns are hoing marie ta have lit pne of thre iggest tIarvest home affata ta% a ecer ireenirhelri in Gurnee. The preniului lI, wvicir bus just heent issueri from tire Daily Sun pres-.%, shows tiraI 2f)lper cant oi tire pro- eepds vîiirbe donatad latiraheGurne Rted Cross cirapter. Tire ara spa- cial premiuma for tire hast dispiay lxi ail classes exhihlted hy ana par- .ion -andrial]entrlaa ara ta ho frae. They close on Sept. 2t7h witi tire ex- ception o! classas B and C. viie close trp on tire 29tir at iroon. Tire exiit vilI iselude various lirids of grain, culinary articles. caxined fruits and vegetairles, lice stock, etc. Tire commiblea ln charge o! the. grain ta W. H. MCCollaugh. L. W. WakefieldCihas. Craîzita. Nîrs. Elsle Blrownxitalxi charge o! tira culuary ex. iit, Wtr .W C. Lakte In charge r-n rtrru-:nxiid foodi and vegetablesm J. R. Marri>'. George McCullougir a chare o! tire segetables; NIt*. J. fidwnetl lIn charge o! tire neadlevork: and W. W. Appleyard, George D-al- whfch the five SeneratIOnl were rep- resented. Here are the anas constl<uting thp, five generatians, Mrs. Tirorne thus beinq a great-great-graldtii(-r: Mms Sarahi Thorne, 88 years old, Antioch. Mms Henrietta Rowlintg, 66, Grays. lake. Mrs. Mary Miller, 43, Waukegan. Ethel Sorensen, 24, Waukegan. Mazel May SorensCfl, il months. .trs. Thorne, despite ber n, rý la up and about the bouse miost of the tixue. abe ieads the pappesrfcigt- larly and 'eeps posted on cîr-nt and world topics. She le15 v. ul. ly well preserved. it laq truly a wonderfulif hng to thlnk that members of a fanîîty are spiarpd d ,o riat fiee gefleraioeflimcati be got together for a "alttirng' iii a photograph galery., It l9 a dJ;::Inc tion that iornes to a few fanitifi ANTRIMCOTIMiE RAIDED; "FRAMEZ UP" SUYS IS. HILL. ATTEND THE Mcllenry County Fair at Woodstock, Mi. TU!ISDAY, WEDNESDAY, T1URSDAY AND FRIDAY AUGUT21-_28X 29AD 30, 1118 Horse Races ard Bail Games Each Day Plenty of Entertainmeint for Both Old and Young Good Bands Every Day ...Jacki. Band from Lake Bluff on Friday HON. RICHARD YATES. Pomer Governor of Illinois, Speaker for Wednesdy Hon. George Edmnund Fo. WilI Speak at Fair Grounds on Friday Big Exhibits of Live Stock, Farm Po"ut CulBnary and NeedIe Work Ortattst Exhibit of Machiner>, Tractors, Milking Machines, and Farm Implements '[va Shown in Mclienry County. John Spiczak and Son of Fox Lake Encounter Accident When Car Turns Turtie RECALLS GIRL'S ROMANCE Spiczak's Daughter Went Through Sirrilar Accident Year Ago, thetiWeddinq John Splczait, a hardware man of Fox Lake. vitirhi5 lîlttle 10-year-old son. George were drving home-atout 8 o'clock Tircday evenixig lxi thpir amati tourlng car. Thev reac à -. O'Boyle's hi!! iniat outslde the -vil- lage wiren tire wheel atruck a slor.e and tire car was dltcired. Bath father and son wece plnntd under tire car aud for a lime tirey lay tirere lintire deep ditrir, heiplesoi. Tire fatirer was sa lmprlsoned tira! ire couldn't extricate bimell; tire -oy mnanaged ta wrlggle hlmself loos. .n sucir a way tirat ire got clear of the uptucned car and ire ran far dow,î t!:.-- raad ta get brelpi for iris father. Me got a nelgirbor and, wlth tire Is is- tance of a paesing autolat, tirey lift ed the car from tire eIder Spltzaa: 'md found bina almo.qt lmairIe ta stan-J It waa at first feai-ed ire had broker is shoulder. but ls estîgaîlon t,.cw- ed tahae muerely badiy hruised. 'rie boy was practlcatts unnscratciîd. Daughtsr's Auto Romance. It la lnterestlng to note tira tire daugirter of SelC7ak encounitered a simila.r accident trot fac fron tire, sanie spot, about a year arto. lier naine used ta ire <-"orence Splczak. now it la Mr-g.T.'m Pad-gett. Mlý liere'az ho w t al ,dald frox tireaar turning t rrtle. Tom and Fl'orence were out autr ridtnL, ln ToMs' car onie even'r,. LIta- tir- eIder .Si) "rak. they hut r atune an(- the -..r turxied ticiffe Froýnda r"ccîrd 'em. Th,el, "C'.ýr.r- hegap-iride!. tIre car. it %%as f. ticmonths :.< r jat lire.wedd(iin 'eiarang ,lit nn.! i'lus -a-, vri!:en tire Fox T ,)l.'r mince wil, oega.- rtir tire rît-'n- ENTIIUSIASM IS SEEN IN SALVATION ARMRY CAMPAI4IN ziel and Mrs. H. Howard lai charge cltcb near Iiuseey's landîig. - of îotted plans and cut flowerri. -The driver Pstaped betng hart lut Other committe heads are: Miss Mr. Maypole auatalned sat inJurWa 1)(111 tîldai, hairman of rAlîc.a; Nor- maxi tBrown anid Lewis Nllier, chair. whicir ill tay hlm up a sLort tin». mani 0f ivstock; R. B. Dîxon. Jlm Tirat ha waa not mors e rlusly hurt Marrie, Robert Strang, charge of ad seema qulte asrprtslng conIderiniC vert îaînz West Gray, William ' îîow tire car wPnt over tihe bur, MIS Lawrence Gîllixiga n charge or refrP.ehments. ment. Indicaitons are tirat tire affaîr wîill he on,- of tii,' mo t suceps.,ful tha.ti At a specIal electian lni JackBOS bas Pver teen h(id bY thte Guroej ville, Ili., it was voted te ratura 60 lodge. ir te aldermnic form f govrnment .Nlonday E AdernirW. T. sp je The vote waa ,5r for tire proposition of ('bicazo, wara nlilng on tire deliv. an 1024 against. Tire Commission erv w aýýoîîo! hîq sons zro,,er at Foý,. form or govertnmetit waa adapted la L.ake. xshen thre car went pijto t hel HERS ERT A. SHEA OF WAUKEGAN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GE14ERAL ASSEMBLY Waa born on a farmn in Lake county, and bas lived in this district al his life. He is a lawyer. and lives with bis wife, two sons and two daugh- ters at 717 North County ..... .....Street, Waukegan. He has been a teacher, a farmer and a postmastel; taught school four years. Completeci the teachers' nor- mal course at Dixon, Illinois, in 1900, and was graduated from the scientific department of the same institution in 1903; left thd teaching profession in 1905 and -,b.ega farming; in ten years he buit up a-big milk-producing business which he sold tbtat he might complete bisela.w studies. He was licensed te practice Iaw in 1916. By natural sympathies ai-d his intimate knowledge of farming (as well as by his general and legal education) he is qualified to represent the agricultural intereats, and bie present residence and business give him a clear view and understandirîg of the important and growing intereste in the business centers and would make him accessible to them when emergtncies arose.