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Libertyville Independent, 22 Aug 1918, p. 9

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L *Y-VL LINEENDEN ACUnT MNEENMDENTLake Cont's Big Weekly WAUKEGA WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXVI.-NO. 34 PARàT TWO LIBERTYVILIE INDEPENDENýT, AUIGIJST 22, 1918 SIX PAGES. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDV. L. fOREST FLYI3R E L I IS IN WAIS1INOTONI DOSDAbI IL Felix Beauohamp, CoNl Stu-4 Peter Mitchell. aged about à0, r dent, ReortWdas Missing sliengon the baak ichellng farta on by the Canadians hie w-s born and bad lii'ed ailtbis lite, draPPed dead Wednesday atteï- BROTHER HAS ENLISTED U00n whîîe working ln the' harveet field. Ilearit aiiuyre, auperinduced by the beat, la beiieved ta bave been tii.' Young Stdent Was Enigaged faue b is udden death. ta Wed Isobel King, Daugh- Nir. Mitchell, with tb en a, ter of City Cjerk engaged ln harvesting a fleld ofail - taifa. He waz beiPing to ptch lit A tallt of gîon hangs aver laite uPon alwagon1 WWhen the laad was Pc:ekit today, for, one of -À favored compiete the other men drove away,1 sons, Felux Beaucanap, 'a coiiee tu- invitinglm ta ride whitb tiem. He' dent,- a member of the Royal Cana. decilied, paying hie owouid ?ema1pi das Jlytng Corps, is reported as there' until thpir return. 'miseing ln baie." - Wben the men retîîrned, aft'r bav- Beauchamnp was one of the' firit ing unloaded tht' wagon they did îlot youths of thp. iocality ta take up arms 1 at first tee M r. Mitchell. They for'demacracy. When the war cloudg iooked a litile cloner and saw hlmi f5rst gatbered and England took ait bing face downward on the ground. *rins with France and Beigluin PBait Their firat Impression was titat the champ lert for Canada where bie joli) heit hadI cau8ed hlm ta faint. They ed the aviation corps. hurried Up and Raught ta revive hi- lie was amntnthe first ta fly over Then they discevered that be waas the Germant unes. dead. Lt .% Ionday a teiegj-am rtrmilite % far as kx;own tht' tirtim had flot Canadian War Ilepartiment. Ottawa, made any compiaint about nat feel- tlid that the young man was ilisted ing weli and no ont' kof w of hls b, among the miisaing. Noa furtber de- ing traublied with bis lïeart. hklie c taill wese given. ll.'.ed tîow. however. bhat the- reason ReautIiimp was engaged ta marr> ite refused ta ride bacit on the' laid Miss Isobel King, talented daughtFrl was hecause bie waa flot f.'. iîng we't of James King, city cient of 1Lakte The croners office wiLs notiiî'd Forest, and a meinher et the Laite immediateiy. (Coroner Tayloîr of Li County board af reviets immedlit,' hêrtyvillëIs t..b innf-sota on businesq ly unon receInt <of the' Ipleoram front 1I the lnin. a s con-drtt 'p. t 't Ottawa, CanIdu James King let for Washington, D. C., wht'rp Miss Isobel la dolng ber bit for demncrary by woriina ln the' fuel admini4t raton's office. *"ve gaita break the' YI.ws triIso. bel hefre pnewmspapieri. toitof Feuix' death." said %Ir. King a..bce hoard- I a trâlin for the' eat. Iltle tact that Bealiihamnp as ml. Ing was kept a secret until afrtMn.jr Kinu' !arrkvai at the easterna city.* Calin Beaucha.vp a brothér of te inissing aviator, tt'ft lAite Foremt twa' deys lbefore the' casuaity liat carripd t lis brother' rnane. le aent ta To I ranlo. Canada, toeniist blnte flying corps. Bath yaung mon are wel lnawn itiý IIkeForest where thI 't'idedte callege. During theamnr nts these yaurte men acepted workil s boatteepers In stores or thîe 1r ilt suburb. The' young men were bain nt St. Anne. lîlinois. Their parents now live ln westerfl Canadla. RIClI ST. PAUL BÂNKEmR SOON TO BE AT STATION i3t. Paul, Ninn.. Aue, 21. -Rager Bi. Shepard. weal thy banit directorar so merehant, has enistpd ln tht' navy as a3 comînnq(aman. lits wife is the daughter of Il. Il. Khlisat and te titiler aof\irq. Ptter Palmser. Jr. of C'hicago. Shp and ber two sonII. Rager Shepard. Jr. and Bake ;hep ard, accompanied %Ir. Shepard to Chi-i cago, where lie enlisted al the' Great Laites nava training station. %Ir. Sliepard is a dirpetar of the M.erhants' National hanit and the' Mendiants 'Trust and Savi ngs binit and Ireasuier of Fincit. Van Sly.ck pnd MAcConvilie wholenale dry gondsa. Hetgi a grandson of Dl. C. Shepard retired St. lPaul rapitalist and philant thropist. INDIVIDUAL CUPS FOR FARMERETTES' COWS Indtviduai drtnking cips for caws, That la the fasbln,at the' Land Army farm at Libertyville-or mayble il tgs palls. Every cow In the' farmer- ettes' charge bas ber owpa indivldttai praperty-lhe latest wordbln t- Itan and efficiency. These are sonte of the Innovations oft Iterdswoman * Leila Minant. Mr. Tiffany Bake, head of the' of caws dorlng the' fait and winter for dalry use. Prospective dortors are asatîreti tht'.,be3t csre aaid attention far their bovine pets. Ii S ODSUPPLY .L. CAP EUBNS'-SEJÇYe 0F NA VY BOTSFORD, CIVIL1 WARIIIRODIES GETS MORE LANDI War-Hero, Statesmal! nd Ex-- Capt. W. A. Moffett Hltd Con- Capt. .MOffett matie a repart on Couny Oficii Dis Ater erene wth Jsepus Dn- itat bas been dont' already in tie Couny Ofical iesAftr 1fereoe ithJosphu Da. vay of lmproviîîig tht' Great lAites Faur Montha' Illness lels Yesterday station, andl briefl>'outlined saine or bis Ideae for extending tht' tacilities9 HAD SERVED AS SHERIFF SEND 69,000 TO FLEET thu'ie. Thtenavy pêrscnne! j,. ta le1 grealy ncresedt'o an liesbips US- 00W îii,(Irconstrurtion and tue Greatl Pramated ta Captaincy for His Commandant eueLaestowi pyaulprat M4eritorlous Service and Ft. Sheridan; ta Erect New part Inlterainiug oi tht' gîiars. Gallantry in Action Drifl Tails Now t'apt. Mofett was acvompanied ht bis brothpr eorgeofp. ita- Capiain Rettben 9. Botsford. usho (Speelai) bosilethal on their soutbrrn tripi von tamle durlng the' civil wair for Washington ,tD. C, .. --t(api. they 'wili vtsit their hohe ai Charles ioer"itosýii servIce and gallaniry, Wiliiam Nloffett, command;ant afflb. ton, S. C. dle.i al bis Waukegan honte ai 7:30 <iGreat Laites naval trainitg stition- Hert's Work lJtder Way. 1 O'cOc' ibs mrulsa .tte . u Iln securpd tram Secretary oaf theiNavy Amangthe tuomben tifprojeects un o'coc. Ibs mrnlgaflr a ilnes faniels toalay the' slgnibgof triasesF der way at Great Laite:;, titi Public of nearly tour monthe. tiy wbucb tht' facilities offitle station Work.,,deparîment bas charge of tue1 CaPlain Botstorti was one of Wau wi li e very largeiylo- s- anti construction Of tiýti'tiret' tîew out itegatta beat ioved resîdenti" andti tht enhanced.' goitie detenltion units. the netnodlîn'. t funeral service. elîl be iteitifi-uni Sînce tht' war starte.d C,. traini 0 f Camp Rasa and Canmp Paul Jonoa. the' clapel ot-Episcopai cbiîch aIiinmen have sont' ta tbe fu i iiite the' construction of tht' three negi1 Io-locit Friday morning. Tht' Bec rstation. mental unftz.an.ltep Neal anti Duddies tracts9 west of the E. J. & E. railroai, Howard E. Gasster. pastor, oftlciating. c apt. Moftt bas been 11îi:biet' tathe new OMtier-" Mateniai Scboot. the' 1teubea Fi. 3tatsford was. boro in get tbé Fort Sheridan erurn for, Nàval Auaitary Tralnlng Scboot reg Altiany, New Yorkt, July il.18 13, ne- the purpose af the faia s rat011a aImputlai unit. the' oew coal siorage ùeivc'd bis education mocîiy ln pnu he hati planned. Tht' sar 13 .,uinimeot .lard. the' Reclamatton Yard, tht' oea %ate sciiools. At tht' âge ai 10 yean, t oulti fot consent ta tii,. riire. si-ycnein îlyî ap tte starteti out iilte worid as-tow Secrpt.ary- Daniels sqiul r'qiP wîth tht' Main Station. the' coai tor boy on t]te Delewani and iiudhott 00w aI i t'e<Great Laites ttat about lige building, the' Athietie field bls canal. Afttenwards hecante s s"antstt 45,40s, mèn. thte new Seaman Giuard unitt it- ant mti ot' r watn.; n ht o Iin addition ta geltinr -henetanu' Ma In Gale Inspection builing, tht' fa-ihiotî d "Iling '"s'is on the' Al t nteis ta igu tht' leaSvî-ý, il. itiMOf 1eneaiNeia eaqatr u lateocpan, later completeti bis ap- fett gat permission tu i sldtt ttw tir, te Sbip Stores building, tht' in- t îretiticcshi as a earpenter andt wonlu- swImming tanks andi irrHis. tf tsting Ip aifthe nt'w Aviation Cimp. (d al the' trade In Néw Yorit Clty al sthicb there wilI be about cté,n a t..of ,.,',i.. . .'------'~~~~ t7hecnsprdy lt aet iitontersrain Install,,,~atio n f A r Aaliuls- necdaCyonlgh t by lieuaiCoonr Laike caun;y b>' wiy of tite [Aite ollawing today's conf a., Captý ward('atns af 'auc'gî..route andi lundeul at the MËtiItDIcien- Motfett loft for a tn'rli.'trip son pipr an Aug. 6, 45. ettlpd ont ,oth, during wbk-b tim. b). wtlt In liOD CARRIERS TO tin tbFot Hl a s h ort tfi Bpect the naval training s: uton ai FreontwhPe l, sýn a hor tIý famponRoads. lHt' a I 'eturn ta lnLrig ut soon re-iumed hb.,;car MWasbing-ton Frida>' an i tuiiile bis 6ET 6 1-2 Elff S i 'eten'5ý trade and bruîlt maryoft hte conierence-R ai tht' Nais i' rtinent. tarot bud igsln Freinant andi ad- _________________ PER R SEIfI. i joînîng tuwn. mary of wbicb are stili ; ln u pset-. e mhaedth'M arin Frem Wou. Waukenan Contractors Served A Whiglg bamumulimIbrce te principles of tht' Rt'pubitan part>' at u l h d A with Notice af the Increase I.bt n d.thsOrtvt fru In Wages Ittc firv presisintiai candidate, Jolhn P I C. Frentont. Ile ntannted Januir> t HIGH COST LIVING _BLAMED 1 15, iNis Elizabeth E. MarblP, wlbore Eeee lrgt akf slirinthe town of At-en, wagtWeil France Four Weeks Ago, Laborers Say They Can Get anti fradvoribly itaown. Ta titis nuar Succumbs ta Illness Higher Wages by Warking niage seven ciilîtren acre barn, re in Munition Plants of wbont survive, Otis 14. Botsford, IN THE TRENCHES 29 DAYS preatient of tht' Botqforti i'mher CO. W.aukegan cantrartars bave receis 0of Winona, Minn.. NeIllie E. Persans, t-i notice ai an lncrease ln tht' scate sIte or Jutige Perny L. Punsons anti Contracted Cancerous Growth nit wassta be palti abanera, e p- Anna D. Batstorti, d«puty circtit clerk an Jaw Which Finally Re- tlýSepietober 1, 1918, andi remain- o Lk count>' antipengad hl ing In farce until Aprit 30, 191l9, wber i rer, viz: Mortimer anti Reuben S. ______in___th a new scate wtll ise madie. Botsford, %jarian, Blanche and Anna Word wis net-ir ul iis atternoon Tht' new oraie of wages ýqla as fol. 'ensans ai Wauîittgan anti NIarthi andi lots: Elizabeth Botatard ar Winona, Niin. front Portsmouth. v., - eiling of the. Builduig labarers7 1-2e per heur. He aise ofhe surviving it, a ister, death i na tuspitali tiret'of Ehenezer Plasturrr1 aborers-62 12e pier !drs. S-arahI 'rown of Waukt'gan, wito Albrigbl, ageti-?2, -tPson, Of Roîy heur. bati be ts habouaciteeper, ainîe thel tracher of Waukegauu -. Tue presetît seule for abanera la 51, death oa is..wife. 1Tht' message wtts -onvt'eYe In tht' ce nt; pier heour. The bigb casi of lit- In 186.1, Mr. Blotsford enlisteti ln tht' foliowing telegran f rot the yauttg ing la tht' principal reasan given b>' 17th Illinoois Cavalry iront wblch hoa' sittt Ier, Miss Atielia Aibrîglit, te laborers for tht' lucerase ln tht' tas transienreti ta Ca. F. 39th fl. wbO was calieti' ta Potsmouîth b>' bis scale. Vol. lot., as second lieutenant; In serions ilîness. -Tht' inpas4e tallows- Local coniraciars ausert there la fia Jul'..'1864, pramoteti ta first liitutem- "Ebeneze-r diedti its morning. alternative but ta agret' ta teln- ant anti in Jin., 1865, whieln pur- Leuve laniguisit '1itht' body." crosse as tise>"sas' It la ti9ulttî ta suit of Le's art>'lhe vas pronsateti Il la expecte t hat ois 'rentma iwl! get tabarensaia an>' price fan tht' ta captaîn fon mýtinous service anti arrive bore aboaut Fritta>', Puneral plants manufacîtring v-ar materials gallanîr'. In aitlitu was engageti ln arrangemtos buste rot yet been but-e matie great inroati anti tht'2., battliesaif grcater or leca mimpar- matit. Mrs. W'iiii.îiiî Airight, wite, diraft bus taiten a large nîîmber of tht',tance, disabied tice anti mustereti of Ebeîîezer's unît ber. who la In youtuger men. .aut of thetsevinîce in Deceqnber, 1865 France, aiso vas wifth teYoung man The lahoraa's say that tht'> are of- at Narfolk, 'Va. le vas eleclurd aber- 'ben he passe(]l ay. Ray Bracher fereti higiier wages ta laite empial it of Lakte couniy, in 1866 anti served visîteti bits stepstwî uu weekc aga. mntt lu munition plants anti tht'>' t e e len. Lat'r was agent for the' Ebenezer Aibrigtut bai lived in that tht'> are entitleti ta higher wag Atocnican Express Ca., at Waui'egan Waukegan ant i tîinity about live t'a i fthey continue wltb their regu for ntany 'cears.. Aftt'rwaruis removeti Yeareandot hati matie frientis bire, O)n lar worit. ta South Daktota, where ho was en- Apnil 23, 1917, bue eristetiln tht' ma Tht' notice ai tht' increaseti scate gaget iun furntlng anti carpettpr van Itnues. Twa wrrelus later bis mather came ta Waukt'gan contractons froin tli 18.12 wben bie retutritet ta Wauke- dieti. te Chicago Masans anti' uilder' as- gaViabwene helias since resitied ant In 0dte course af imne Ebenezer ar sociation witb wboin tht' local labor duning which lime biebas served 5t"J' riveti ln France anti saw 29 days af ers are afrîitted. ora tintesas justice of the peace and aclual service bn the' tronches. Then The' order reads as fliaws: bas acteti as pension attorney'. a cancerana grovh on bis jaw caus- To WlîorntIt May' Concerta: Wag a Iloti degret' Mason, teinher ed i hm ta lie sent lti a bosiital wbere "'This ba ta ce'tifv that tht' follow- of Waukegan Lotige No. 78, A. P. A he rentaîneti two nionîhs. An Opera. bng rate ai wages per heur s ta lie A. M. anti G. A. R. ot Waukt'gan andtielin wag perfarmedti îîbnought no re. puiti "Laborers" in tht' various Loyal Legion of Chicago. Ilef. A litile legs than four wéei branchles train Septernaer 1, 1918, ta â________ ges ho was Irotîttut ta tht' «Unitedi AptIl 30,. 1919. BLUes Lta a osiitahl sliip anti vas Tiieti ollowa tht' scate far tht'van.-' Placeti in a governtnnti ospîtal at tous casases of taharers. Tht'artien r Portsmouth, Va. la atte4ted b>' Fred KItppel, secnetary -1 ai tht' ('tirago Masans suid Btildera' GRET LBES TTO association antib>' N. C. Niesen, sec.' PC -I rotary' Hoti Carriers anti Building 1La- TO BE Ui.... EQUIPPED horers' Executive Cauncili ZiON MA NOIES 0F WOUNDS Washington D. C. Arug. 21-Plans tom the construction of several new OLDET JCKI AT REA Th c taty ist toa 'canlainet illm11halla ntthIe Grertt Laites Naval S LAKES TAKES A BRIDE tht' tanteof Corparal Lawrence R1.'Training Station wet-e approvet b>' Elig'e R. lise',a ltieJat<k,-ttaiWrNoitt aiZianityi>, bt'dieti 01 Secretar>' Of tb, N'îv>-Danlels totia> Great Laites, th besd't enhisteul mati wounti ln France, Carparal Wofe' at a conterence wit'î Captain W. A. ln the t' riteti States sas>'.y, ystertiay vent traîi ishoat ZntZooaCamp M.%offett cammantiant of titat statian. got a niarriage license at Waukegan. Glrant lit Marcb. Ht' leaves a. broth. "WL- intenti ta equip lte Great Ht' la 57 yeara olti. The' hideto-he or, aise in tht' draft. Tîhe tva are 1laies Scheel ta turnoaut sallors for la ChIot' L. Sherman ot Chicago, sali ta bave tiectieti Wtch shaulti goj tht' nas>' in winter as weil as in sunt- vitose age la given as 45. first b>' trawing lots, mer" Secretan>' Diela, saWd, tein throughout ail tht' camps, tiie conistruction ai tour swimnîing pouls,. the' eri'ction oi a Publie Warî(s bar rackssin Camp Perry, the bttildiing of ttht' new Ra.vlne ibeater. tht' rompt', ttan of the Aviation headqirrr' on lthe beach andt of tht' new Nitrses.' quarters. Street car Mits *avy Thèk; Men Falli, Wendei 1W. D. lur,,e, a Jacie a, Naval Station, Suf fers Severe Fracture of the SkulI TRUCK HURLED 75 FEET Was Hit by South Bound Ev- anston Express Train at the Cyclone.Station '. 1D. B'-,rie, a jacitie ai the Great Lakes station, was probab>' fittally r inJuret iIbis atternon uat I1::0ûo'cloèi< wtîen tht' smaii motor truîck Île was tiîvung was atrîtik by a aauth-bounl titret' car i'canstan express train on the' Nulh Shore uine at tht' Cyclone station on Stanley' aventue, North Chii. caga. Burke was tivtng thp, truckt est loauîd thte rifle ringe when the crasht foi place. 'The lance of (lie caitison was surit Itliai the lilittruck waa hlîict trai Ci) ta 75 fuet, landing on the stationt 1piaitonm. SPectators bound Bîtrke utu 1 onscious, suffering trons a severel riracture, of the situli. Thie vi-,,ln waa rt'moved ta the home af a nival station mtan nearby. Hiurt-y-up calta acre.aoît f or Dr. [. B. Jolie>' oi North C'hicagot unit tii.. attalon ambulatice. Surgeouns front the naval vttavt11 uccouipatuiedtihec ambuince. Th.'i- iy.sicitîn'. give thte patient lirst aid attd lie itieti wa8 r uabeal ta tte itavl statiot i ispitai 1wbere ai 2:13 ieork Il waa said liep titill w'ss aie, Dr. Joiicy asaets fthat itte victiol was injuned va seriausly ftlat nccovery is next ta Impassible. Bul-ie bad a cietîr vicw of the' street C'àr truck for a long distance ant ili la nal knawn awty be falledti lanote the. appt osch af the train. UNIFORMED SOLDIER 1S TAKEN TO FT. SHERIDAN lisrry A. Schit, soldier, claiming la titi1 ve ,vlen active service ln France. arnestiitai Elgin, was turneti aven tii ntilitar v authiiolies t oPrt Slîertdanl last tiiidt. Tht' saidier, P. bniglît >auitg chap toidth ie police lie It*" tbeen untiergolng tratinent in th.' rPiattsbtirg mîlitar>' baspîtai when lie left .Iuly 31. No reagan foîr bis de.1 aortian la given, b>' Schnmidt. LOST IN AIRBOAT, TWMbEN BAURE WAVES ON LAKE Aviator and Cartoonis! Safe an Other Shore Aiter Hours ai Search FLY ACROSS THE LAKE Two Machines Cross; Two Pa- tral Boats Act as Guide and Guards ta Aviators Lieut. Lpê Hamond. creal lIakes aviator. and John T. McC7txciteon, of ike Foresit, exîîelneed a tbrliiin,- four bours over Lakte Nichigan Tues- day, ýëIng lbMat nong the bîgit waves for an hour and a hait. Thet tound Ibeir own way to safety thraugb the' air alter wireieaa mfessages trait. '.vei t vesael f.iled ta locale then,. flimmond and McCulcheon set out ai 8:40 a. m, front Great lAites Naval 1t.111on, for a fligitt across the lake. ieu't. Hammond wished to test a new i.ibt.nty motor juqt instailed ln tus naiy itydroairpiane. liait ant heur earlier Peut. Duncan l'orbes in ano)ther plane and wtth a mechanician stgrted over the'ganse roitte. Two paîrai itoats, equlpped wIVth wireiess. had been senlt out loto tht' laiteearlier tn the mornlng la tbo %vitbin caltin c<55ameoftrouble. Lieut. l'orbes crossed the' laite it about 70 minutes. .He liigtîted at Grand Hbaven and awaited the altpr plane, carrying Mr. McCutcheon ail Mient .lammond. Wh'ien, aler an batîr. lbey bad unot ippeared. a quIet. canrPrence wa' field a 1h Great .A'(esit Iy wireie.î.s ard the' search wa% started. The pi- trot hoats got UP aIl possible speed and da.shed around for toiles. Lieut. Parbes boikte tohe air again and start- 1 ed seurcit tram the sky. N'arionîs alh- er ,;hIp. carrying wireles;s were noti- fed and tht' losa of the lwa was flash- Pd uit and down bath shores. Thii, ai 12:75 p. m., Lieut. Hat- tond and %Ir. McCutcheon came sait- tng Jiet Grand Hiaven froin tht' nortb. Word was tiashedot that ail was utsii and aittcers aI CGreat Laites and -,on lite patrot oasts were reiieved. Titen te star>' of the two menas ad vk.ntire tea told. Mir.Mec'utcbenn repeateti tht' de- tells via long distance phone. ".You set',Lenît. Hanîmonti anti I got salleti out ln mttiktài'as>'."he sai. "We tievelapeti engine trouble net long atter Wr ieft GIreat it. anti hadtet conte down. Tht' laite vas ver>' rough. Tht' waves strucit us with great farce and final>' anasheti ont' pontoon. Ouîr linat troauble' was t'ith a detective gasalîne feet i ppe. "Wu' vert' an'tht' surface af tht' lake ion an boum anti a baht sud the' wves were terrifie. Anti ve diint knaw where we vert'. Our colnpads scoulduit vont anti ioggy clauds eoh Bcunret te son. "Plitiait>' e gat ottr engine ta wonk anti resutneti aur ligbt. We just kept going anti golng, vithout an Idea ai aur direction. *"At lasI. through tht' haze, w. saw landt. At length vt' recognii lta', at' werc at Cranti Truvese ha>', tan up the' laite. "'We soon reacheti it'anktant, MIdtei., %outb ai tht' boi, &anthen conlînuet aur flilgis anti halt au heur atter noon reacluctiGrand Haves." Mr. M.%cCutcean Raid tht'> would bel bac'< at Great Laites in tintefotaIb r~View at 2 p. .t. las>. INSTA, NTLY KILLED BY STREET CAR,ÀAT ARDEN SHORE TODAY Miss Fatînit' Cross, ageti about 38 years, a former vanter et Ardetu Short'. Lite Bluff. was Instanti>' iili- cd Wt'dtîtstay at 2 o'cloc", et tht' Artgýi.t îone station laen abaisu atruckt b>'a atreet car,.rMise Ctreest, whose heiuael on Oakt Park avenue. «0a'; Park, hati spent the' day vtaitiutg trientia aI tht' encampinenî. She uiti gens to tht' statiou te taite a car buacitetaki Park anti walkccti ara. tht' tracts, tailîn gto nat'. tht' ap- proacb orthlii'car- front tht' opposite direction. Misertess lattgbl achoal ai Highlandi Park lust vînter. 1 .arl Hall caught a tour anti thrte quarter pounti piciterel at Thîrd Laite Tuestia> night. FOUR MORE WAU* KECMAKPIYSICIAS OFFER SERKJ Take Government Examinitiew, and Are Ready ta Respondl ta Caîl ta Colors ALL ýiEK ACTIVE SERViCF. With These Men in ServWo Waukegan WiII HayeWa SplendidRepresentation Po.ur. mare Waukegan phyalilnn lhsve. offered th oir services I'the~li t'nlted States and are ready ta ljois the culot's as tonr as tbey receive the official ia. Nauegan aiready bus a fair representation af physicians ln the' service. Tht' lalealta tender their services are- tDr. F. L. Gouriey. Dr. MI. J. Kalowsity. Dr. C. S Ambrose. Dr. A. il. Claqboe. These physicians bave taken the medicai and physicai examinallons prescrlbed by lte governiment andi now are awailing turtiter word. B& cause tht' gavernment bas made am appeai for phyqicians for active scr-. vice il is feit Ibat the' local mnswil rpeceve orders ta report wilhls tht' ver>' ucar future. John C. Foiey ot Waukegaat, have hcen In the' service saine tinte Lileut. J., A. Turner, W. Il. Watterson, bath tormeriy ot Watîlegan, are la tli service, as are a tiamber of other p»-.' sicians rm North Chicago, Laie Fr The' rinks of physiciensaln Wapigt ggn wgfl bé dteileted eonsWelrably[ when tiht four men wha bave ltaM taken tht' examinallan are muatereti toto the service. In tact it la douâbt- fut if many communities of the Rame. gîze are so, wpii represented. HIEARS IWAILS 'IL IBABE;FIIlI WHFEDEDIN M Henry Cote, Newspaper'Aget" for Chicago, Paper, Makes' 'GhastIy Discovery. BLAME HEART TROUBLE. Physician Thinks Mdrs. Cot 'Had Been Dead 3 Homr When She Was Founê, Waukegan, Ati4. 2b..-' Henry' Cote, newapaper Agee,ý found bis wtfe deil ln bhedti tthe tantl>' haone, 404 North BUtrick traet a1 6 a'clocit thia ntarning vb.n he sou' tereti tht' bcdonntotaasertain 111e reasan for lte veeplng af their I., ntontbs-alti chilit. Whcn (Cote'enhereti tht',ton'et"s lby>'as clutching at tht' arn cftIa- moaier. ('att' matie an attempt ti aivaken bis wife, tbinking ah.teawu esleep. uHt' foîtotber caiti In death, 1Ho ummaned hlus matht'r-in-Iaw, Irs. Rtiotia Yager, wbaa bntîru calfed DoO ton Raenter. Dr. Raenaer tnnotemd tbat Sîrs. Cote hatidicti two or ibres bours hefane tht' tact vas dlscovet'ed. Tht' deceameti la tht'tother of ne v. en chiltren. tht' eltiesI belng 16 yeffl and' tht' youngest but 1l manths. Sb# . vas haoant irlseti ln Wat*ega1 anti duripg ber entime lits bas rest4k e t St404 Nortb Buttricit atreet, According 10 relatives Mr$. Ct bas been in tht' test af bce.tb fur mati>'wpees. As vas ber ctatom s» - vent ta beti abortl>' aiter 9oo.' at nigitt. She appeaa'ed unuul cheertul ai tht' diner table, andO sos tht' cari>'bourg ot tht' evening phi$s iog with hem chiltiren, Mr. Cale la an empîcye of the Ck1' cago Daul>'News. lie vont. liua lê mailing roo moi the big parer én- lias tht' agency for the.raliroSdt&**.e on lte North Shore. Tht' lunai service viib. 11010 eS Fnitia>. The inqufst whlch viii M tielt at tht' Canrai anti Wet tel parlors this aiternon vi prove that det was aiused, b>' eart fallore.r Mrs. Cote va» ose of the e' papular young vomes of the eity md ber deatb contes as a great b«t ber ln=sediate relatives sud t.i~'

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