e e tville Independent Counry Independnt - Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Tolophens Number 1, Libertyvili e Exchange. ats s itii PontoMeie et LIbertyvllle, iI, as Mecond Clies Mail Matter Officiai Publication for The Village of Libert"ville. Offlia Pubileicton for Lake County Board of Supbervisors' Prooasdlnge 48m.d Every Tbuiaday. Advertilng Rates Made Known on Application. *UUSCRIPTION PRICE, 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE %V.J. SMITH ...................................................................Editor ýj. 0. SMITH ............................................ ......................... Manager WM. M. ECKHARDT ................ ................................... Local Managar senatorial district andl requuat 111 votra mot to fanX to re. turn Mr. Shurtieff to the leglslatur. The Elghth Benatorlal district of whlch Lake county is a part cannet afford to sho'w 11. lack of appreclation of the valuable services Mr. Shurtleff bau rendered hlm by neglecting to gîve hum a big vote at th. coming primary. Using wheat subatitutes la a duty for every woman who *wants to call herseif a loyal American. Letting wheat substitutea He on 1he pantry sheif, or throwfng them té the cbickens 18 as effective as enemy submarines in starvlng our alles; evelytime a bag or package of wheat substi- tute la not used, that mucli wheat la used and in taken from the uhipment ovenurs. In addltion, the great demand for th1e substltutsala reducing the aUPply, and any vaste te even th1e mbttute s l a formof kitchen treasoxt. "'AEUMEWTS ' AGAINST HENDEB HIS STRONG- Jftff Ifl'n Atat Ieifa 3oyi h EST ASSET Names of Two mon rlafl It is of note that the candidate ho le seeking te CI- WIie-n lite ends in deatb, ils r aii- yours.- XYceOonty'Clerk Lew Hendee has only one argument hig Io ife-what ifts.ta de1n- m i AND-1 bodyknos.rire salor. Mîr. Lit.ewalked ave-rt for being nominated for th1e office. He ays HE doesn't But enLite feels Dicatb in a,-rfew windovs downf lie- line. faf- oes'ta ualy ta it, and he <ri 1nquI p a îbing aý; you ag lu fh pal lr k -~f, î-îpo y .IL n,.eed 1the office, Iliat lie uenaaI ~ lîaute119 orne- ei- otffc, ratuoe vouldn't give a snap of his finger for il. ëceptinfg for the Now thats exactly wla iabp'e-îi,,d snie-e- Coli eda rs.1"atyo o treat L e t ew a ao And, Postal empployé- number IWO fact that the lime bas corne when th1e court house " gang' Life- ln person, meth-alin Per s'.ilke. over. Empiloyé- nunier anc ".ukold be ieradicated. Up t10 date he hasn't questioned 1the sn Fia'.fe- unto. f l, pis oni th. On F M h untl fte isi..%r. Iie- hit nie infroduce you Ita i .mciency of County Clerk Hendee and nov 1the question e-I-e iGre-at Lakes station ofCi tiMr. Deaf h. and Mr. Dea, Ibis r,,1 arises in the mind of th1e average voter "Isn't it about eafrao.i ecîp.aok.intr-ar t. eoetoffie departme-nt 1Ibere- lie "OIe.] fa neet Yuu. Mm. Lite-." sal.] t ime that efficiency and proper conduct of an office in lites an North County efreef, \Vau 'In i3cath, but Lite. looking ai De-'att. county affaira be the principal asset in a candidate seek hegan i abp'n- laady ratier pitlfully, said: a nc u bz r]a& ung ma.as -iorà v-awYs ha.] a horror of deat', In th1e case of Mr. Hendee, there in t a person in Lake thIe station. went int the- -tation an.]l'tn not prepared.- Pustoftice an.] asti.-. for a re-gisteri.] Buit. the>'soolr han.].. bearll. ail $£ounty that questions bis ability toi handle the important letter for bltmsehf lid. a -i)d laugli an.] îuow LITe- and4 0ffce'of County Clerk. In fact, it is geneialy conceded "Whate yaeur flanc?'* askild ti.Deaflh, a leieevcr i bey meet at the clerk i station, esile- an.] (heur ftiends wfuat U~à1he 8 maingkîaw tfi-r respective- rame., fake- aa t thil aigone of th1e very best county clerks IoakO P.N.L.ife," î,ld the- sailor grnn;i% the-> recagnîze- the Intere-sting .cunty bas ever had.li- Therefore, th1e argument that he 'For »Gawds ,ake---cameon 01r' silual'ion that tro uc îh nains bring uliàould be displaced merely bicause some persons clasaify e-e , I ant you ta meet a friend of about. '. 1m as a member of "1'the gang" 18 no argument whatever.tr n ePout ftesho Uie principal question is, "Who 18 going to constilute teTIWENTIETII ÏtaeAKwnb hervrr l h S g Trinstance, if every office holder in th1e courtwîrl aler hie-y ie-le-ft tire that bo oa eedslcdadanew man put in his place OFA L N A EA heir training lias heen uîosf i-arefuI. *«wfuldt the office holders in th1e court house then be a N usd ep nev gang? It's an easy term 10 apply, it can b. 4ppliedi L K O NT O E~ I nteresli to know tbatte place.Whenevr anymen ar electd 10 fficeOMEa ii>,...doaaIl tise wore on the ;place, and] âny lac. W enevr ay mn aneletedto ofic ina ut only have tAken car.- of 160 acres efyor ina o ty or ina te or ina ntote aua f farm lend durnnuthe- past season s~ 7 ii county, n st te n a tong. 11 at ra Just 20 Y ears Ago Capt. Brad- b ut iii', aho tok care- f 2oi) aci,- îs The principal.asset vhich Mr. Hendee bas in 11ie cau- le tre Wh iNo ,altl dsncfomheamTti Ediy for county clerk 18 bis record as a county officiai Real Boys Home ti s wîîo bave- been raise-d at Ailii 1 li- ia', artake ware of the- fîrnmces and ln bie case that 18 quite sufflient. and Ilis- le-ahigpat olo le Mi. ende ba coductd te oficein maner hatHUNDRED BOYS NOW THERE att r.,i is . wblokat- Mr. ende hle ondcte theoffce n amaner ha(apt . Bradlev saluîd elonur this liue .~brought credit toihim and everybody connected with Receve Vocational Training îtn-'ser ta-a y-e-rsin-le- a.] the lu ô1 ffice. At no Uime bas anybody questioned 11hi ndAreauhal ane "wi ro urtlaeofnkhdha, Ul-,* ty or his general efficiency as a county clerk. There- jOf Work Z.o. man.] the arlous atiie n km.,ntc w hy'quake any change? It vould be a costly thing woniu necded in a place of lb:,i-brinr 'be dispiace Mr. Hendee at Ibis lime and of course whilel Wauke-gan pe-ople- abo havépie- fa cia-e-r a chnce u 11e wold, t 11e sme tme 11e pe. he- AIIendale- Farrn At t.ake- Villa dur- Tir faim now bias a beauiful ciua iiii' i t acac ntewrd tlb aetm h re ng thbe paet 20 ai-s bave not reat pef ru'iph us è erecte.] ln me-mory of1 ~an~of aothr cadidae aekin te ispace ini ii e -c]jusi liow thlat -ctool b ippe-ne.] '%fiss Fanwelf, a yauug waman whi sibce o anthercanidae sekin to diplae hi wil n- ,ta ho loczite-d lnLahke-counf>-. A sisit &ans kilied mre-ime- ago et Lake Par- altate M1i. Hendee's frlends rnalng -it a point tb gel out ifl at 3aI- lo a eeni * ~buigiMs awl a for bis r1etïiigar e fic homPe- cse-inte- tis w, re--bytçi can an.] isîfiougli Mr. B-ai-ý Mdbostfo he eomination. Teecnben o i stablis-lie-d brings Trt, détails ne- le-y ruas in pisi-opalian. tbe hIapi, Î&Mt Il, it is no lime to experiment willi inexperiencedj gai ding the,-loailon of (hi. ver-y -Ir bas be-ne--recte.] ahang line-shI lIiiuî l 1h. counity offices of LYake county. Just nov aI t from Chiorgo and itué Nonthr Siore- jar. f'aiit. radley Pxplaifled hathr-y %ne vhen th1e var ia on is a time when th1e beat efficiency 't ieen glve-nborne-s au.] meare-. a isae -n a pfan eof a mode-I dlipe-l1 bat is obtainable should pemi.vithi cane- whir-h 'oPwould like-(o e-ne-it on Iiii-j Ttfseeme thet ln 1897, CattBnad- PlCe ard Ib wau feuowing ticdeatt Bentunentality 'and arguments of displacing any ai- 1 le-v was choimmaster a! the- Epuscapal f VIMl.. Farwe-hl that lier releitte ~ n otraof 1aeCbuncb at Rîverd<ale. lie tîcxk liltscarne- fransan.an.] alul tli ei- 9 laed"an"wilhaelite111honte oesfLa , choir out Lu lie- banti of Cedai- lake- wllIiin.tu protide- ibi, for hlm in1 T(O t.fran acamping an.] afte-rthe-y hli. u-o.c ir t.uise-.]tbe-fr two wee-ks' outtng, there The-k4laldnge are aIl ver>' suîbstanuit By t11e lcourt house gang," th1e men who would dis- wscnserliemn>'If bIetaily- ecucte,, nat of tbem be-rut cf1 piac elede. on that dlaimt, include: Judge Persoin, 0r- fund ite- astie-. the boys wliat wouieieuC il-l qie en ea atlith- e-t !oli- .anyfui (in Ilir-e-dz'e-of Cedan lake- and c Mît Clerk Brockway, Supt. Bchools Simpson and Sherifand saie-oruTfhem îaid ln suflistance: thc lake- inn.aiairoun.] li- dîfferPn' Ckim . Tat'athe"gan"-pettygoo gan totie oi Wi, hase lia.]a gond urnmeaoit lien.,,,hulldirLtý e., i ti lavinz be-en lyseS ~1ffn. hata 11e gan"-pett god gng li bwhy not Iooke up samne- other bOYS 1vhîr su bliat Ithebuildings r-un (o a point iun't ilwûuliP hike- an ouing an.] bring bliemo wbichiruns outint thb. laie-. 1m~on 1r.Brok-a deorutfu-a tîrne?-?"Outdoon" Cia Pol.U Ths M. ripo'M.Br wy's, JdePer- nAetingan(m hein suggestion, Capt. Pfore r'rev ha.]permanent buill.1 mm'5 and 1fr. Griffiin'a friends will naturally think of Mr Ifradie> sent word ta Chicago an;]I tur on te-, proie-ru>'. Cattfln,itlî yt .Emndee as a part of THEIR crowd vhen the 1"antis" arý a e Vot1.tie nd bt>. w rteicut rt la lietlaci-aIe-]ont uboni-isy fying 10 eradicate ANy ONE of 1the efficient office hold- i'- laa u.] ai-up'te- b 'for wfi ar ufîmbievenls "s. ahpid.l hoîn fatI nhe fri,îd tn an Epis,-opai -i is __________tilayilut- ne-sthng onote- hafai1 E N TIO ~ -'rho plan conke- i s eo 1te-nd]il ýt' h,,- (ir in ru-lie bave- diplte -, t TE EE S lENLIE SUWT.iE'u ti %arv'h1ima nd w 1ita rs ns h o wsi riar al liaese- lice-n ii rpdne-lv (i;, TRI N TIN EED M N IX -S UR LE Fin ttîe %aetf.inc of ttavý an n-eu t is Iltle- concre-te altar Cvt- This, 1the Eighth Senalorial District, has had a iman ~iitcsa cf bavîng a -rrma"et r ii ýtfandl ,ii'îitiPlte . n -ido-r ret,., ( nian yeas asoe f il tir-rThe ni suIt is Allu-iti île, aS tilThe tilan îof pi-ention i.PflIP. i ro 8 p ijid f r m a y y a s a n e o t rsnt ati s iud s toulay .tinel>- an d] thes- fore- ail fh Ptr shi-- Wh lasaways to loet heGv o, noinater At 100 Nniw There. oaiirnip. ,n.)the soiflItn ibis c VHO 1the governor might be Tn a rbb Athft.eprose-utlimie 100 boys are- sacre-.]pot Tt stands (fiic-It., Thi mn s roaby oser beinzcare for the-re-an.] Ile>' in- rr iéc cîntor nf a big ope-n sparpi-e- 1 ill touch with 1the affairs of Illinois than any other man in inl1,l'-t ldoftaii-.atrifront it 'ifte-building.r itru i lInludes vocaîflonal wontu CapIt. radley 'leq ver>' prori.]ofTthe *e stale and at Ibis lime 11e has placed bis name before in sciuooî ani al lie- variaus klnds cfftant tint tîmene are- nuw 600 mPmhors *è< voters of th1e district witb 1the request that 11e be sent ",,i",]iî hat a yoî,ng rnan would oh o! tlie- Allendale- Alumn assoaion, ~~ck 10.~prinfield.tain tirgli the grades and up f0 the In manv i-tse-s the>' are dfaplevtn-r tuC toSprn£tld.second grade un bigli scbool. i li keen lt' ti-oitl tht we-Itarc of the- i We efe to 19 D Shrtiff f arego.;nIrat -îng tri note Juist hthe flcho> sncuistîmuan.]me- of tien have at- ' W '. r e fl i e 1 0 E . D . S h le i o f M a r e n g o . a m i r k n ( r e - o f. (a t. fB r a d le y e -x ta ln e .] n n in I .4 sh e rp f ley ire - a b le - I nt a A lme11. tiswhn te outry is aI var is inoppor- pli rn, tfet lions are- six home-iandî gis-e fi mu-l aad . ust now Cap-t.1 ïý e 1toiretire men of 1Mr. Shurtlef'.Yscapabiities, men wvo 1 r iteahare le boy's- Ticy are pre- Tlrrif'v 14parficularly happy- ta thlnkf r 80 to ~id( iiP r anu look-lid afie-m b>'a wom- (bat hi as one- Aile-nuble fav whri gu dsd close 111te governor and who are consldered ad- mn 'shohtal-]'ti'b>temtsaiirnIni-arn-n.antr Vb»ors 10 th.e tate executive. There is no man in lîini ' imlle-soman luoki; aftpren ai-bhild l~ e mrtuant r1 o 'tw71) iun' i zmclihconce-rn an.] Inter- "Thry are- iomhng hbe ie a .m 1 srte 0-overnor Lowden than Ed. Shin'tleff. There is 1 e1t i 'liinmh tIru-re lie- own chiut, nIe-. an.] fiey are hr-lnglng the-ir chli2 Onie Central Ktchen. di-en ehi-n tab.. aptîze.] lI our lIttho wj ma in Illinois needed for 1t1e executive affairs of the; Th, 'i. o les-dfe-ethmscipl"si.1af ialeya i Mate more Ihan Ed. Shurtleff with t11e exception of t1eI ..ai" i-tok- i a aCentral kitchen an-I -.fokP euiu of tic young men that an ffese gai~stthepa- licil ak.ii Icthe- veioih orne-s hle huas urne-.]out tram thlis'en>' lm- ý,.,.evrnor hiniseif. Il would b. nofnewgis hep% ihe-rcIti-t servi..df-m the pantry portant sehoof. 'Éotiaxn of Muinois to bring about such a condition where'-lin 'hf1ie ar-asi, f t ha.] be-in eoukeiI ___ l ha firtttii-uear building.5fr. latin P-agan orfRouerans, paSs- 1e services of such a mnan would mlot b. available and such 1 î"If ould i ur- cheaper tonrlus cu aw-ay iftiili, home. A'îgu9tf 1. ,01db. he asein te eenttha lb votra f 1e is-te- Cooku Ihîs food in une- building an. De-euh frlnifiwed a hiJet hune-,. 1Ttc be te cse n te eentthatthevotrs f -he is. if affocethrr l hebbcqame hi Ili- laslimvised b>' ils whdow, Mna. Flza- Ït cfail to return him to Springfield. Many big problema hii' eseri Catut. Tfradie->, '"but If w'cîl iraadIaa n hee i ~e 10 e soled byIllinis Iamaker durigd1.] ne t l at il we-ul.] rimove tic home-te-ns: S n. Thama Dicw of Waukc-f we o b sovedby llioi lamakrs urig te RXtsiîronoidinc-u an.] home- feelingi tiaf t'gan, Sf mi. A. Redmon.] of Chicagor immple of years and the measure that vil becomne before Ilie boysî 0w gel ln (lice- differe-nt an.] MIss Jennte- Pagan et Rose-crans. leiiture 111ir te abilitv, 1the exuerience. of men lufdlng, Tirat la why, aithoughI t Puneral wes bel.] Wedueeday at RIt f me cres areat deal more. we icontnuîe Patricki- churcli. Wadsworti, withl n- -l.Ed Shurlleif. So badly is -a man like Mr. Shurtleif thus Plan o! cooklng In anc place and termont hn Knli c<emeter>', uÀ94W~ for execulive affaira in th1e atate that we are confi- 'ervIng ln the dîffercat place-s.- _______ 4«dt that if 1fr. Shurtleff asked it, Governor ovwden hm- rRU ds ru-o are 2.t autic eona- Tic Independenta circuilationi con- ---s-thon antI training of tbese young boys. &lots of READERS-not of contes- «usrvould make a personal canipaigu tbrough this EighbhTths 5stff Includea le-ny able instictnis et. 1k la hardly neeffsary to stat. agaîn the reason for Mhemsae of War fiavingo stampe. The purposes ta b. accoln- pllsbed are already en weil.underetood Life Shakes Hands WIth Death ,l Tvo Saffra at Great Lakes Intr9duced to each Other a d theygFnd hat Lite Keets Death and Death RATES--Orne Cent1 g No Miel,- Chai1. T ADS- ta Word, £e LacI Irtion. ljý 00. 1 tha PryIan wWn adh_ _knw tsa their sale wîi proMsote tihe savings FOR BALU FOR SALE-5-room 1-înga'ow- et habit among people and make Itteaster ~uoîaLkII ta.,be rt for tbe government to steeure the monoy FOR SALE-Six henry draft colts, two oia.n , 1. Eam2r le Wt , lsecpesarY telacet the stupendous ei. to four Years old. ArcadyPlarm, Lake 0Rsn,120E61js pense@ o1 the war. IFaritsii, 111 324 :Lt 4t. The remourcesaifAnserca are pledgedFO AEHggrceogttéefA1 by entama act ar ( ougrees to the. pay- wltb calvem and militera; Dune bu"lland 1 LOST-Twt, Rouk wire wheelm, Kelly ment of aIl securt.. s @oud ln aid of the few good heifers. Frank Holub, P'rairfe1 Sprlnuelll tir.- 35'4½4 Tueoidasy nîgtb war. The Poutmaer te eral and the View, Ili. 34t11 îwweu wbe.4lig fi'i Petite LaIrp. Asitn ot,.îr 4nrl ave FOR SALE->ne pure bird Holstein Iead idrnoiyM.Fy appealed ta puotluas@ters and postal Bl aiagadéo lewHkn@ 11 alm iner Suarte, Ciatif ,r.ry employees generally ta secure the. active Bl af rnene aH~ns32 aîe qae hcgo co-operation oftbecburches,scluoolu, boy lainons 820 bull Alsa one/ pure bred Indepeiideilt office, 1.iie'rtvvllle. 34-2 andgil cousfrterelan prfesin-cqw. E. Wilcox, Area ' 34-2 WANTED-Hogs weigbing front 60 to aI soeletles, elvlc argenlzations, fammers', FOR SALE-Single barnems, alsa sur-! 120 Ibo. Caîl Aread.- Farta, Lake organisations, labur grganlzatlous, and rY. Blrchvale Parmi. North Suerfn- Forest, 111. V1'uu 154 :12.4 every other orgaization of men and dain Road. Phone 1782. Wkly 2t - ___ womn oya t th fag ubeli n he ORSAL-Snge hrnnfisio srry.WANTEO-A subetantial joan tu re- wome loal a te flg t bn lutic OR ALESlnlehanesaîoeurey proe us lu sbis camruunlty;fonet be sale ai the War Saviioe[Dan. Bîrebvale Farin. No. Sheridan Road.I favoribly knawn and have followlnu. The. value and grouel edi-autage 0f Phone 1782. 35.2 This le an lnvestmenî propVaItlon ai utilizing the postal eervds as a dis.- _____ tribuning gency for the War fiavînge 'FOR SALE- A second lîand gati range unquestionable meuit. e furileh every statufiawes fully recognlsed by comgrepo ln goed condition. liiqulre Mrît. W.cf-operatlon and close staes for local lu the. enactinent of the lew antlsarlzlug W. irunmmtt.inan. Address. àSeurties Trust Cot 'n. the isuance of War Savings etamps. pany, 10 S. Lae1alie street, Chicago, 1f 1II Tii. eecltary ai the treaonry bas FOR SALE-Sti percent Fîret Llortgage ~t urged the postoffle urpartinent to oeil Bonds un Lake Forest real estete. WANTEO)-Two marrled men furSiwîft's on. billion dollars' worîli ai tiss..Interetet payable July and J»nuary. Farni.Lalke Forest . Apply tu (Jeu. stamps. The .reparts naw evalable l)enoiinatlone $500, lMaturlty, 2 to Kfflîe.-.:14.2 lndicabe th i tu oue 30, 198 over 10 Yeare. (George Anderso,în Phone 89.j 807 million dollar@' worhi aitbeen sold Lait@ Forest, Ill- WANTED-Au csperi.'î.îcdlfariner, ta ai wicb more than 75 lier cent boit teksetere ai Matail taro, 1, mile@ nürth> been tald and disîrîbuied [y the posai FOR SALE-Tw<îb.irsee. Wilimpie.verYioaf leluiu.e, on rier ruttrl.i. Gol serice Tis a agod aowig nd il cieap If bongb t at One. Apply wage@. (ail aor Write, J E Merrlon, seriuie. js laod lsawng ndail cants »llvcry Co. Phoane.49). 35-1I17:14 Kulerîun 'iii- ['vii 1601), are nrged ta continue tudr efforts ountil .. REA.IEBTATE the mont les eai-b.d. LOST l1u%' '., el.irti,f 1000 14. Our oualdiers are now figbting In FOR SALE OR RENT-Il> mfi .irif 142 t ail A. T. . jîiîiî.aî I Id lIi, 111. Beigluns, Frane and ltay. The dally a # .mlseë fWelnr nPlione.11Il0-M ti..dar i-ck laIi itJ. K. C"aiaty liébt te-ls the elory oi theîr een Mt ruad G l iî,dlîoîern I iàplal 1- i Iîk ile ewardl sacrifice and that the.§@ boy@ are atlo-itent'. Wiil ai(,, "el)bouge wltm two: WANTED-F-arisi, 4)>î1 1 ilake tise full measpre of devotian ta freedain lot@sni frafrle View. Addrce Vi-torl ioantr, vicinit ty fl.ilmrt3vi.lil re- and white hbey are llghtlng thc bettîrjl lrîreVew i ::. er- le.i,-tl n l îo -le . for us we wbo are bebind the batllu.- SerPaie ew4fred'Gi lison f1.11 descriptinand it -,. iv e .Addrese muet not fait in the performance af aur FOR SL-ijiereIde.-nem-lots un' Je. a l.i.rtl .îilI lgîdej.ndicît. 3., 4 duties lbtesMcKinley v Ai Mrs (1, lues. .4 J. C. Kuons, Firmt Assistant. - WNE-ih trarlar îîo]4wîîîw out. FOR SALE OR RENT-lîîusre a-n.] ftCOJ.dî...Xicidpnl-t MU IO fSC a rins. Insurence agent ana e.îller. --2 ('V Edwlu Austin. Phone 20. (i WA^NTED-Fr.,lî -gg 43-as. tddfrpe: OUEM , FR SALE-An improveid 40 acre fan; ca ilîepenîdent. 'C'EST LA GUERRE'e wihOr without stock. r)ljmEanlin WANTEO-l'ui,ilm iil.taîm.etudy. Eli, T OU SO leerte Iniediate liSs,'eso lan M. *Wmika;i. Arta, . Po Lbety A desired. K M. Harding, Arra, 111 28tl ville 9W. ARMOUR ON W. S. S. North Shore Suburbs Hit by T. .i.JE liii lVT O Pln orEsetilJobs- Tevoait Imîportance ofi War Savinge E Coal Ruling Bother deoîacracy is only now becomlugop R D L S E IN parent. The quartera and dollars oi aur 0F ROCKFORD MANY GO TO CAUFORNIA iriilllons uf peuple wll make passîltile-the. 1w.ldlngofaiattucai ring thai wîll for,-',r Three Hundred ami Fifty Serv- Mhactl.- keiserlein 1hI tgm-senglal tt ants at Lake Forest May wgoerne serealthe. tiiîe and tbaI w. icli Make Ammunition 1r Ia a I s h is iu.u It looks as If Lik, Forcst weîîlI PLS N4ATtO EK- become- a deserted village licfort- th-mete c ala.nef -y loyal Aincrivan Ipfiow fIIlai. I 14gblanîl Park sie-cr.it îiild.i i iarlaIIali1e dei îledIo becorne a desolat-- r'p;li tu curry i.. lic icîder Of ur iaî, lu of L#ifli-iomeville. a1vtqubw Weil. ail one ean do Im shrug on.', shoulde-rg as the, Frenrh do aîmu r aI, .r M~6, - g-iîîîp mur, 'ctla gueir-..abs 11, areoi c..-iI.i i.c-.iiillcita the-yre doinc front one i-en( fb] lo li gt af tr ui.the[liil.ricaii north shore- b (the-otheýr iLiatai ndf citizen îe tonv,,itlc. Tii.- auI> hllîi lqok up rates and] tiln- table,, for ('a'l n po r t anat im leta t tlicy aN 111 bea là 1 i t yt Ifornia.Ieam îlt*U If lle-rve-y 'oîulson. WaukeLcan (Il tarrpie aiiin uttuto.ra.y. re-tor, Federal Enrployhfnt e-nf % iBu ingthecîalm wiat p( hae iicon theli goeF tbi-ough withh ils plan f ýr ni,k irîgbiî,g limîc. CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN lng munitiîons maker.. out of'if u, _________ NOMINATION FOR servantis. Ifs going ta he a bfe W.S A E T U U E thate aail, a blow A walklng card, CODE 0F MORALSST T TR S RE Indext of the servant prolliin e-sti (otne!FfrLu ek mate% 1iî'te Fore-st alone- wifl h iv, ît,î,e ronIe e rortriîute- marc than S.7A huflers, 1. lu whatever wiirk 1 do wlth otheifiî Primary Eluction Wed., Sept. 11. valets, housicmen. grooms andl v i -îtf 1wiIll o îîmy part and idail clp otlicr- hi, feurs. ,do their part. The min who, as Chairman of 150 From Hghmd Park. 11theRpbia caeCmite Hilghland Park wlll have f0 mafIe -2. 1 wîlI kcep lu order th.- tiiîîgs1 mnge h ceo Republica tt Cmite np ifs mind f0 do wlfhouu ai le-a r uihItse in my work. % licuîi IDIug can campalgn In Ilîinols In 1916. 150 slaves of the loamt, secordiîîg fo re ut oi place. tii.->aae olten la ite the saine- aîthority. ,RavIia ai-,fH are aon i Rpuli Lake Bluff wUil suffer in thie cane way and soiaettmes tbey arc biarid Htcreoro l epbia perrentage. fin. DIitorder lme-ns coul u.iali au.d the Wlnncbago County, whçh lias Ncvcr haut a Nominee on a Repub- But that',, îiot ail.Fr fr,,mrn WaHte Oai se and] patience. lican State Ticket. Fu( f Adrnfiilsbrrbor 1,. P. Eîepklneý 4. lu ail my work wit ltbers 1 I aI N ewleykon dw d Lake vounfi-, arnr>mni-ssthaf flot inier' bevîeerful. Ct.eerfulneeé de1,rel-svail el e engthto(o TIketad wle No. thbn four tons or coal wil lh it. e teght h ikta h miited le a housebotd.. Il 1 ,,tbe worker, and] injuries ail the.- ork vemb rElectlon. caunty hlaiready aemnethiriv like- "1) 4 WlicîIla. ecv. oe i 000 tons short. Withalit -ail .an:1Myaik.fai ll e niitiier a iiterm nor a' no On-t, t. lovel fitif you di.] lvýIr, h wv o peda ot;t'on'ifi'Ifr- wli,îf's a piour milii oni r coi n g I.iispcndtlirit. f. a iii eavc or dieu il a, uni-v I do wtth a liard a hiner comtig? ai tii.. icudly a orkers ut .Amerlca. l1. I W1lli ii ii- >~adi t. ip taîiil lu A glance îhrougb tle-liii. Of <Ill' The. nu tiilaw ltbe Law f KIn] lO ait> I .ho ein giili îul- np pareutsdo tîalnfully affecte.] 1), bhis, dautrleý' ii,1Itihe ai,, arci., lî.-r fîliccm us l d reli-.]offensive- reveilm the followlntIl Te gu MYAnericn htuî.elaliip chît îiemubem iof iv 'yrî I L vf,mntic-k, .1 Ogfen Ai lnu Aierica thoiie wliptare a ftec ~1~srnthîan.] usetuluses. mourrL. Fi Swift, Arthur 'Stocke-r, races, colore, and' coniuitions mst Ilve 2 i elylt) a ibl l Myron L. Smnith, Jffle:h T. Bwp, r-togeer. 'Wr aieoiniant differeîmterIs, la', 1y i cli aicand.] lcîi itler puplil Others Whso Suffer J tg Martyrdom alu awalttaGe-orge-Me but a-e are ane great peuple. Every la oIiy f(eraine a ili urhtrbcr tise Klîîlo.-k, Edwa'-d P. luore. Mn,,. Niark I nkiiidnemo burte tb8coîîmoîî lire;: every gua.]iiofail. Morton, laonT. P!In,. ultus 11S o-utukindunesebelps thc commun lire. Tlere- 3.I ahI lic eloval t i iy tî,wn, MY Wald. But why continue? The list fore: Il-nicilur Iilait-IwI fa endîs. ýttM tinry Iiry ly 1 W I And the -golf clubhs will suIfer, 1. I will [e Mild tu ail My tbugbts iresp)ect ssi iiep atiers te rpi-.eeclt teti- Eighf.cîî servant-, ai the- Onwentsirî 1 wlll bear nu spises or grudges. 1 willi i lac' an.] thoir courts of justice. vluh art, saI.] tu b.i affecte.]. Old Elm. not blîflnk myseli abave any allier girl or 4 I 1-iilihe loyalilta IumanitY. lu Lake Shiore, lfob-o-Lln)t an.] Exmoor1 are- equally liî danger. The- no-coal boy juvb beeanse 1 ams oiea dîfireut race 1luyrltY f1 will do mY he-et tu [riP the. ord] ir would put tliem ant o!flie wîn- Or color or condition. 1 will nevm-r I rlcndly relationîs af aur countrs wlth fer runnlng, anyway, It fi9 pointe.] aut. deepise anybody. every other coiuntry, an.] to sive la 12. 1 wil be klnd lu ail ns> speech. f everyoue lu evrry land f I.- [ccl p-i.sifile Why thce We..irgur.au? wilI Dot gosslIp nom willI 1speek unkîndi>' chance. Wby the WàkWi~i,ieu?.This af auyone. Word mey wound or beal. II r> stmnply ta be la.ý ai ta îny famnlly, qUýstIan le llkely tg lic nked, In noie 3. I will be k]lu dinal uîy acte, t will I may b.. disloyel ta l> m ul.If 1 try or les qucrulaîfs tanits, kenever the notoecitiehî>' luelst on baving mY awn Ismmpl>' ta tie loyal taunD'siulO, 1 maY localfen der eays>si.pevals; à@ce way. I will alwaym b. polit.Itude bo disloyai tii mv town, nys>etute and oMe it.Ti nqurroe.lik i tepeaelo u. mricane. I will Muy -ountry. Ifii try slmply to lb. loyal tiilttsâ'± ~.a ~ mi not troulle unuscessarîl>' tisote wbo do to luy town, otate a. cutrlI a more*lInportant t*tàagbofaretell t1an wark for ine. I wiil do ns> best tiib.. diloael ohilmîînity. I wlll tr, ordlnan>' chantes of*ieati.er. lit pue- preveut trult>'. and.]wlll give mu> beettaboce a1 h tbngselcisctiu Lie loyal bca dicta Wluthcitanty gi-et wiudetorm help to tisoje who nsed It Muet. isumanir.; tuc1ifhaih surel>' be loyal in