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Libertyville Independent, 5 Sep 1918, p. 10

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T ifETTLhlIwnàc rî~nAV tt nusA~ces. gÂfS-ËÀRI RALD Eftto Nomninate Two Drys iu Obtiot Handicaps and Endanuers eandidacy (Hiarvard fleraldi Edward D. Shurileff. inember of the leglaturemeceking renomlnallon in tlie Sept. Il primary. faces a haril figlt. bis friends beliceeand lits t,. aý li.irpd bv t' Marengo 1ý isiator, who realizes the position taken by adherents of the dry cau.e In bringl»g ito the field L,' e.c Dononsh of Lake county, whe wiil caréy a dry endorsement in the ex. peetation ot nomlnating two drys at *the torticoming prtnary Pied on~, creates a situation ilhar In'perils thte chances or lrlmself or Mr. MeDon- ougfi.1 Thst Shiurtlîcif and McDonough tan' mlot hth ne nominated ait dry- j., a fotegone conclusion unlese ceiults tif iiast: eleetions In (he district on the wet and dry Issue shoffld 1w entirelv overurned anîd the impossible hap. Pen. The renonilnatlon of ltcprpsentitive 3. H. Vlckers te coneed b>' reason of thse large surplus of!otsouli e wltl bave In rlunnling as a wet flepubli. can, his surplus reachlng flot less titan 15000 as shown by thp last pipe ,tien, whereae the dry vote ait Ilat time was la trifie in ex cerssof 14,000. Thse figures in detil are given In ail other part ü! The Sun and they are wortliy the vareful con, iderat loti 'of voters luterested In the dry caiuse beestea ha>' îînmista'iably prove that two dry Ilepublicans are out of thse question as legllative candidates et the prinar>' next montit. Steacnsr Witt Cut no Figure Thse candidacy of A. K. Stearna of IAke county, who may lie figrd as aopponent of NMX Viekürs, h. fnot talcen serlously, even In lakr'doua- fly. where hie la bét known, and Itlql mlot belleved liew illlbe anythlng of a factor ln the race. Atone and dih- out eltiser the 'wet or dry endorme. ment, lie la very mueihadicapped. bais friends admit. and hie la flot ga- lng te eut much figure In the race, Il li belleved by men pootedlu legislan tive district politie. Thé. stuationt then moves b Shut leff and «.IlDonouàgb. who wll have a minant>' vote te divide ,and ane af wbbm must be dpfeate-d. Wlich aol Il be? The man whoqp experlencp eount for mo inucli and of whum Govr- eraor Lowden spoke me hlghly lu hig speech at thie Woodseck falciro t<hmtn year axe: the legislator who bas kept the district on 1th nap dur- lng hi* long and Pventful career, or Mialt it b liete I.Alse couinty man. in- xiperlenced ln legilatîve procedure? One or thse other wilii urelY lbe de- reatait. .Tise legIlature that wlil assemble et Sprngfield nextt inter ilîl have nmorn f the mosi important legLla tion te consider of an>' assembi> tisai bas convened wthln a generation. The constitutionat convention resol- Ution. revision af court procedure, chane tn the code act and legisla- tien growing ouît of titis'existence of thse world war--ail of these afld man>' others-wlîl tormn part of whit the sext gonerai assembl>' cilI be ealled on te face. A man of Oburtleff's long ezperience and lis great abilities te »eeded la that legislative body. snd be abouuit be relurned virtually witth- out opposition. *Campalgn Stgrts on Laat Menth. Thé, test mont h In the primary campiaign has been reaohed and itl;is fligured the. remaining four weeke iilibe extremel>' hue>'oates for th,, eandidates and their active support- ers. 'Çthlle the candid'atfia do net admit it, ftic tact rernaîns (bat it le dimcult te amuse old time aunpaigu laterest beauge of the car chIti b, one subjert on whlch there is a unanimit>' of sentiment. Pledges of support are fteel> glv- en, but itl Isbard te create an Inter. est like allier aiimpalgns. It ma% ebange during the reoainlng weeiug betors' primarv date, but thus far thç voual keenne.sa of intercat ls lac'ilng and chat la neededIle elhcr iinger or pep In order te arorise the multi- tude wlîo seem indlfferent. But wlth tramt 1,200 t ot,400 ofthut young min troua Mclenry county lI thie car. Il s flot surprising bat the"e ta a lack of interest in lndld. val candid3cip., of aspirants for colin ty oMries. Fathers and motera are tblnklng uot thelr tboys over iliere" and In the armi> training campus ut the country. ARTIIUR K. STLAPkN LKepresentatlve hI the Legi-sl&ture- Who H1e Is-, Born July 20, 1873- Graduated at Harvard Uni- versity 1895- Traveled nearly a year i the var- jous European countries-Admitted ta the bar as a lawyer at Springfield, ElI., in 1896-Found- eti The Wàukegan Daily and Weekly Sun with the assistance of W. J. Smith in 1397-l:Founded Flour and Feed Journal with the llelp of John W. Barwell in 1900-The Womàn's Magazine of New York the next year-The ouly Republican elected from Lake County, in fifteens year (1909-11)-Secured the passage of six laws now on the statute books. Stands For- State aid to the disabled sol diers of the great war--The abolishment of the enemy language newspapers-- A new constitution for Illinois _ A-fish hatchery for Waukegan-Bills for muni- cipal improvement-To represent Lake County in -the highest and best sense. Vote For 1-x Arthr K. Stevins Give Me Three Votes and Re-Elect Me Where 1 Belong. - Thanks Cari R.* Chin-dblom Candidate for the Republican Nomination R FOR epresentative Congress Tenth District PLATFORM Win the War- and Pre- pare foi- Peace THREE KILLEO UV 90MB IN *B rn C ca o FED. BUILDING IN CHICAGO Bon inf hcao ChOiCago. UL.Sepit.4.-Tlit'te par of Tenth District foi Plde n he orhcorridor oflt, twenty years, well-1 fédnd WXttgJhaë tod$y. Théi bï w ure from acros th lawyer ef- general i tIkdseVerl Persani inio eiistody. able public speaker, p Thse explosion shook the attiri, bau district of Chicago. Great e-rowdaý. student of national qu gatherel around the building and toi lice reserven cere <iled out. Amn- good record in office: bulances and tire apparaiu., cerv rnsised tu thes"elle. ty Commïssioner, C.ou rTe ktîuwn duad are a 1 *.q. sailor. a puman and a coman. None of tre n atri the. hasve been 1 denlilt'd. Thf bol',b tel u jut Inmlde the door ery in Cook County, 1 ofthe nurti corridor. The damage il... cas net grati. More tiîan s aroi ctvfe o peore of persons were lnjured, the ma- JOrit>' lighltY. Windows cithin a ra- o h ai v r dut a btok ucre shatiered. Aife an esrigo horse belng driven past cas klled. i e n dsrigo Witidoca In s Pastng street car cere hasls fsxcni sfînshd and a flmber of passengers pria ry bal o t.i cn i cere lnjured. rm ybalt MR. MASON 0. K. Afnong the WAaukegzin Meîn clii bave omeies 1u the federsi tbuilding la' 2awl F.Mi.gii.a 17 . csis. o - r. JMeediateiy ater tht' accident, Maaoa 5musnt Word tlalitwfe in -Wtd oi e hone a the usual lime. Primary Elci res.ident ýr nearly k n own pract ice îrofound uestions, as Coun- inty At- iChane- leader in support vay qual- support, lates o n on to Be Held- Septemher il 911 Té the Voters --of the- Eighth Senatorial District eaa i a e:îîîîliîhîtt' fi le t lît ltî tîjtio it îtftt]. Ut'>- r-î" tt:tivî' rt-t,11ii tt'e Illîî Il S-iii;it ial l>isi ritt, Sutîljîei ft thvile\l tuof Ii- itî of ily partvas 01t)e~uî a(. tIt4,11111iof i iv St-îîIdeiitli l a 1pl (>1 a t-tildlt l lii tg ilt111Y ittlti ttiil utlttiiit' îtç tf ,f;îîîîî l 11.1\î, (- 111,1i 1i1,11114î il îi.jlî' ti i pli t', ivilli tlec utdîiinisutî'at ion at Nusliitîi. tlii s i l 1 ill ji t (et , I ll- St I i i lli-u itllIte heih ul ig t h is ge. 1( lae4fMili 1idte If vNî011 î.l itve i lilat- < jiî t1ithat I ave ,aiîî(dwill be of value in tht-se trnijidesoniiie tîimes, Illî f(.(.]fiait I1 liave-i. th i li i llîtîît lie tî hîîtesti v îi'prestlit lti is i ist îiît, 1 Ypeofil~-u uîilr sp poirt a it i înar Siwrîly \'îurs, Thomas E. Graham RESOLIJIION WIII1Ui' US. 'Iiihî at \,iît iî i ( îîtxx tgagî'd inî a il li lire'sa J'el v fi )1. aillt Ilitv 1 toui )e q> 1ve iiil l ti ile'.ss tut! rttgspeîîit.x-. aîîd W\'l 11EIASE.\S. le ~destin v Ili' lie it ,t v rests -ritti l' e 'j l t'i al l it e ijo ii, ;and< tibe Uiitlî'tISî 1) tf Amiia, lias, akei it.s îdae miliîîîgthtittlt nlclai tinsoftifle i wIiîd foi. righit nîtîl ~ist oig-aî ýV11ER l'LS. O111- I>îesidlît iii Ibis m'et ork -1-gli las corne to an honorable ei, lîis- bevil -upptîrtod hI- Seiiatiî .Jaîîît'1 I iiîîiiltîîîî L' , ( f 11Illii... huias leatier of tueiv i îî't ini lic L'ited ostatt's St'îate ])as u tîfet<e-d i Ililie latioîl aitrmil. State, ai ta tive frot th fli iglîth i )istî1ivt int tht' ( 4ueii-îal As- *~~~o Ienllvît ilnoisIlias giveîîlîs fîil e<îtîleratiol uint supporîtt t<î ail adtuîiîtis rat ittt neatj and lias sbotiwii lus Amerjî'auisiiu. l) valt v alîid 1)eioc- raî- at ail tinivs, aind witlî litnor ttt liiinself anîd * rîedit to Ilus part , :îs ai] able îepreseîîtative of the state, he if thcefttfre IIESOLVED, Tliat wev, the I)eîoeratie Cen- tral Coînmittt'e tif Lake couit.v regîîlariy assem- bled, do lrehy extend to oui' hcloved President, expressionis of gratituîde ani conidence, with the hiope tlîàt lie mav go forward iii the great task lie lias irndertaken to a glorious eoîîelusion, anîd he it further RESOLVED, That we coinmpind and iù"dôrse the sp]end3id reeord of e to J. Hiamilton Lewis * and Representative Thomnas E. (iralhami, and urge tliei'r renominationi and el ection, and be* it further RESOINED, That w-e recomnrend Mr. John lherty of Chieago, for Coinrnitteernan in the reiituiCongrerssiona1 District. DBA MOCRATTW (OUNTY (tENTlAL COM. 13y Alfred 0. Maether, Secretary. B:IIMZPZNDENT. TRURADA-V-

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