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Libertyville Independent, 5 Sep 1918, p. 12

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LDIR'!YVII NEEMENT, TrHIDY<TJSDÀY,28p,%. 5, 19 a ______ _ ~*J~,w#4~m J11i'> 1t~>tmon de terofcounty anid district offce-togeter wlth the adCT LSSM CI dertyville Independent fight being made for U. 8. Senater has had a tendency t OE UH 1 taeCo$gny independent - Waukegan Weekly Sun becloud the importance ot electing a congreasman this REEU IN NCL year te succeed Mr. Fous who resigned sometime ago. In * ~ 1AL VOiVAI)i'TAEfact, many votera in -the Tenth district, of which I1ke LECIFU PER. TAX Oermeper eoliva ()f zîtba ('ity is trying to conitrai lte râ county in a part, have practically forMtten that there is a cnllum"n, ,qrp. ., Urrhp(f Laki- eounty. Ilie is etdorited Wni. Baýtig foai' tiat cngisnan covered hv the Týaise Count v Boardf urrhp aign nisthenoination for Indligntthreosfl 1 WeHe afteebeing -atis mtrict.onanit is being wgd fin<l why certain taxes had not been Now he qestnîî lîi otfronts ILke, ctuitX v otersi' ttr apîi~pald. The fiding proved ta he a Shf 'Noiiitaé,n<I emieonmu.otli'tevoet hos'iIrather diligently by a iiumber of candidates. .jrevelation ta tbe board. tePr v:iv ndNvis oniueiotllTh otr to hil1lhiipottc f oft na ametrs. ant te Tht iter 9le. enid h Pr 10ld office? Are the IREAL I1ESIDENT$ of Lake a'aaîntv ý,-l119 i c~tnga ol trn mn olu otai Properi>' Abatement t r- to let the Ziao nmati hotd tte balance of po)wer anti lhev t heml- position yacated by Mr. Pos"s apparent when one real-1 turned b>' the votnty Treasurer as izes the importance of 'the Tenth district. The Tenth dis- uncollectable. woluld cause consider- s elves mit iilly lu anad let hlm o>et away with it? How 1)n," will able furore If il were ta he prlntAd. for they endure i?~ trict includes a part. of thc north part of Chicago as well Tt incîtîdes ntan>' uf the hest tnown forMn.~ iîî~î~îas ail of the north shere and 1.8ke county. It is thus seen rex-îdents of the cite. TttiW considered * ueanonemntoflititPtOithe district is one of the làoit important tramn a geographi- tr.grr lcl have been unable to i caame friendit of .Tay Morse ta join tagetlier niore firinlY tifii al itatinadrmtestupitofUcprsne fcolcet taxes bInte big maltn of[ ever before anadprit 'Morse in jusi. ta show voliva that titere ARlE1 1 as hdmdetlslgete- 'the votera of any of the entire state. It therefere 'la no ae fr a oe<i lgts t othoýr votent in the eounitv bemides iS followers. 'Morse V aAtakNdnasalrepniiiyt epeeta i- îiat he did not mnale an effort tu! anmd WILL win WITHOUT Oliva. No other candidate clint [tit of thislnd inuahi*gtn. t te chargw ereof the ho ae na po fo teaurr-rre-a'nîition of Voliva's power. Wlîich cilannw reo th l re>'ek. Morse frtesrro IIn té Yao a riR.Çfflfm f hiagi trMcInah.i tlbreU -do YOIF want? Answer it liv vour vote Wednesday. 1.1; ~Cr R ACM~e ~ ~ I a candidatc for the ,tate lperislaturo *séema as theugh there in a caididate who will finl this pao-t ralni liti. district. s ti posaible. Man. -TT ED HRLt sitien wlth credit te himselt and to the district. 'Mr. aolc ikn ofhathe olected tafrrCêal STÂE EES SURLX'FChinidblomn is a Iawyer by profession but for a-year past taxes o as flot , offend those whnl Hlghly important legilation requlring men ef bramna has given a great deal et his time te the work of chairman partî ' ai-tWgvehm 1f mnd judgment te meet and dispese ofthUickuotty prablems ot thc dratt board in his district lu Chicago. He la a man There are, man>' whaa do rnot hesitata' -la alated- for consideration by the neit Ilinois legislature. et cejisiderable influence lu uis ward in Chicage, in fat t '0 charge that McDonntaglî willfollY flaved fvrts nitig uî<liO te A ngthe great questions expected te be controuted is receguizcd as oncet the leaders there. He eutered the collection of nersonal taes f roi hose one of tJe most vital in a century-the preliminaries for race for Cougres only after cousidering and welghing ihn, cattitialgn. ani! npglerting tol li. contitutional cenvention if that body be authorized caretully the responsibility that would devolve upou hl'm -k n Ifr oCIuIlc taxes lin sone i 1> t1>e votera next November. In addition, Oovernor if noinlnated and clected te this important place. Hla 2.1; . - W-miou i,îîli nning four of- Lovdeu plans te carry eut the lialance ot his cemprehen- trienda declare hie has the ability lu every respeut te make re Pon 'ls reîiîl s cuiiît treas- il n f m ie a i ti. Il.' npglpced uive prM ogfe ecouomic reforma. Men of wide legisia- a werthy successor of Mr. Fois and whlle noue o the 1 howeve-r. tr , mîiîiîîtîthii it-m about live experience, real statesmen, will be neecèd te stand at candidates are wellknown lu Lake cotinty, this paper has! tu-e inci)tlert(-tel tax. tutuaisa the Mem of the ship et state. leoked into Uic record etf1fr. Chindbl.om iuftiently te in- ;- lo iti' abli ti01, iii îîretenet Snch a man has represeuted thce ighth district cern- fermin ts uiauy readers that they will be making ne mistake than ut nii Io-lt tat prised ef Uic ceunlties et Boone, Lake aud 1McHenry for by casting their ballets for hlm in the prirnar'v on the llth. CLOCKS TO BE SET név. e-rm ma- xhn h been-growing bigger aud- We are confideit Mr. Ohiudblom when'h le gets te Congresa BACK AN HOiJR nCT. 27 'wnning more and more recoguition as oeeoe the great will represent hiscenstituents lu a meat able and efficient On Octuber 27- thu' lat Suîîîlay in leadr, lu Illinois. This man la Hon. Edward D. Shurtle inanner, always thiuking carefully et the effect ou his dis- Hie k ianthu it rli clock .iIlinthet of Marengo. The district needa M.r Shurtîcif, the state trlct eud bis people et me4sures that may corne befere the inorning ini0rrit eire<Iormal~ -meehlm, Gevernor Lewden needs hlm and the ýpeeple house. He eught te make a mighty good Man dowu lu tIni.leIwithvwa altt'red wide the generafly ueed hlm at Springfield. The district hias a duty Cengress. w-e set att hoait uteui * to perform lu seeing that this important ceg lu the ma- ' cblnery set lu motion for progressive reform il retalued ______________________________________ la the lejilature-Belvidere Republican. CHDINDBLOM FOR CONGRESS The keen contests which are being waged in the mat- Bracher for County Treasurer Roy~ W. Bracher annoitnces to the Republican votes of Lake ('ounty that lie is a candidate for County Treasurer, subjeet. to the decision ot the prirnary to be held September Ilth. Mr. Bracher wvas boni in the Town of, Warrer in "879 and lived there con- tntotisly :tlMarcli 1, *.1916, %vien xith lbis family he moved te Waukegan, wbere be has since resided. lie ùas run a general store at G urnee practical- ]y ail his life and stili contininos in titat business at Guirnee. For rnny years he bas heen an ac- tive workcr in the Republican party, but lias neyer held ait elective office. Ile is not a candidateof any political faction, ring or organi-zationi, but is ruîîniing strictly on his.own merits as a lifelo:'g r.ýpblican, wb'o feels hc de- serves weil of his partý, and as an up- right, straight forward and capable bus- hness man.. Hie pledges hiniself to turn over to the county ail inte-est- on publie tuinda and to run-the offiee of treasirer strietly according to law, and for the saiary fixed by the County Board. Mr. Bracen invites the Republican voters of Lake eoîtnty ta> look up13lus record as a itizen and business man and solieits their support and votes.. The Wooltex Store- 3 Entrances-6lWi(ndows Lake County's Greatest Store for Women ~ Children Announcement Extraordinary-- Authentie New Fali Style In Waukegan's Frirst and Greatest Sale U NUSUAIL trade 'conditions and OUR own individual merchandising meth- ods enables us to present a sale of suits whose unequaled savings are positively sensational. Suits up to $27.50 at 19.7 Heeis a collection o FaIl suits fashioned frim stylit serge-, gabardines and durable poplitng In ox- ford grey, navy etc.,In the latest models at $19.76. Suits up to $37.50, in 27O Fiewool velourg, French i*rgesnovties, Poiret twills and poplins In a varlsty of the niewly created" Fait styles o pleostifully dlsplayed nt $27.50. SUitS up to $50.00 In a Most Elaborate and Very Unusual Display t3ý950 The cieverest 'style-touches" of thé warid'si fastlon exPerts give ta tlîese suits of stiverlunes, se1vets, velours. scotch mixtures, tri- coti nes and tweeds an individui 'tl beauty and distinction appreciat- everndpossirediy oamywne frrnnet eio4 fpaten ecdr and adirlýe >'ai om inu ',eîeîderu. fp tcn -See Our Windows Tothe Repubýlican Voters Eighth Senatorial District I Iîieeby tllolll,( 11%. e vlf as .a Ueîuilaltî :1 I lautt lii tii' ~aav< e ialS ' t he (iîuîl .sal tîIî l o îîi liea ta'i'il iu xviIIt'aîiplotetweitt 'v Neais oatt' ititiîtial -servite 'q'ii thlis distrnet, .111uiul ave luaikeal tgitliat a tta iillini \i th~i Saune, 1 trutst, partdoall<, plia'tt!l uidi Iii. i-i-I, umore îimpoirtanIt is the fae-t tliiat Ihavwishli'l téi ail d tl-lî La Wlelt iihis eidaiva ai'to itutke IliIput a i iiiut i - ji t 1. tga live ini after tha' los cona' litu oiîu Iitli,- \'. Inlit eactionit -îlî v re<aîîd thaé, 'i-:tiî Viui, League sait! îeeenîtiv : Edwaî'ul I). Stutl i .~t- lu ti e (Ile.) wuts<I t~FuOt'La ~vd'us li lI' u-in t u hotuse. I lad it nttt heeît for lis e'ffuts it i:, i1iîîî Yl la ut the Çfu a'uanudiinisti'uti xc caîdu'lbil îld luax c lt-tii palssel. Ilie e t ised uaîtpaiuttiii.ltit as lu-atd utIl ',I l 1ti- Imîittee and gave rost of his tiîîî' fie i-t Iaijig I li - o af adiniîsttatio itnwaurs Governor Lowden said at Wautulsut tek, uGl i I lt. 1917: "1I want to say a u-ot'a abatîtanle of viitiiis. 1 wvant to taike advantage of his absencî<e luîaay. l- té)i ty tua reahize that, dutuiîtg the prest Mrt iduîustuîji. l Èhurtleff vas ni rght auin:.uil thuîuiîug lie a iuuîiîii oftlue aduministration codle bhe xas NNith tuie anid ~itk'zealouîsi and effieiently. 1<la-n 't kîîowx'-bat 1- w ouldli lî cdonc withotit hiîuî; .i arn onfident tliat restits m-ofil lliit have hecut wvat they xvere. And, whetber w-t have licail ior war, 1 shall need him more than evei& in the fitutua.'. 'lii tt'tfaiie, I w'ant ta) say to i-ou peopile here that vauit itst la t permt hlmn not to be a candidate for î'e-elea'iiasuu f leareud rnight bce the case." 1 have had nurnero3ts eofexenes Ilt hG h.-11 îl' f[faiw- den sinee that tirne as ta the proguaitbulie tux ittu',() wol-k out in "correcting, revising and advauteiîui.rIlie Adiins- trative Code," in "Revenue M.\atter-s"ini'tttI1uttta matters,"-in a '"Newv Election Lw,'aîliin ui >effort to get a 'ONEW STATE CONSTITUTION," and ta> lielp make Illinois a better place ta live in for' ail ifs Ipeople, I feel that the eletorate of titis distric't kîitw N v-çe I stand on public niatters, anal tbe ser'vices'sIhau'tve rieî'u' ed, so that I need not restate theui. Ixpetéft auefor the National Amexndrent. Acampaigu is bjing made uigainst ,nio, ututuu-ntIuig to be friendly, coîteeding my nomination and elee'lti, and, insisting that I shall have many votes to spare. I t' itis ad- vice should be carTied to i ts logicuca eelîîsiuu>. f -w-uld h4ie no votes at ail.Thi upoestupeîaetlu'o- crs that they are friendly to me, that 1 ean bu' utuitîiaIed and clected without votes,.an(l tiat "an issue" eils for another nman. I earnestly solicit the votes of every Repulie.it in the district who believes I should 1w retiut'ned,-.inul evem- at thab.it is more than probable I wili have noue to spare. ~ Thanking you sineerely for youi. suihuort , altu l if- douce in the past, I arn Very rcspectfttlly, EDWARD D. S11ITRTIEFF, '~- ~ ----Marengo,Jhllinois. -i - *- - -I - - -

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