'.TLBRTYVILJZ ID 1£110 I, TUJSDÀY, THURSDW sEPT. 5, 1D1R HE R B ERT'Aq SHEA OF WAUKEGAN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Was bomn on a farm in Lake county, and bas lived in this district al hie life. He is a lawyer, and lives with hie wife, two sons and two daugh.ý ters at 717 North County Street, Waukegan. He bas been a tracher, a farmer and a postmaster; taught ' îcliuo ..r ars. Completed the teacherW nor- mal course at Dixon. Illinois, in 1900, and was graduated from the scierttfic dep-irtmc-nt of the same institution in 1903; left the teaching profession in 1905 and began farming; in t-'ryars he bîîilt up a big milk-producing business which !i soid triat he might complete his law studies. He was lîcensed to practice Iaw in 1916. By natural sympathies and his intimate knowledge of farming (as well as by his general and legal education) he is qualified to represent the agricultural interests, and his present residence and business give him a clear view and understanding of the important and growing interests in the busintss centers and would make him accessible to themn when cmergQnmcîes arose. La J. YAGER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY -CLERK Subject to the Primaries of the Republican Party of September 11, 1918. Being alligned with no '«ring" or "faction" in County Court House politics; 1 arn out to win this nomination on the platform. "A Business Man for the County's Busi- ness." 1 pledge an administration f ree of all politics in this office, and my record of 20 years as a business man will make good this pledge. . 1 solicit the support of ail the people for thîs nomina.. tion. L. J. YAGER VOTE UOR YEOMAN FOR COLJNTY TREASURD ER Primaries, Wednesday, ýSept. Ilth TVhe earnings of the (Jounty Treasurer 's office during the past four years have been approximately ýf3,tJO. A large portion of these earnings have been fromn interest on public nioneys and Yeomian is pledged to place ail funds in banks paying interest, and to return the interest to the people. The treasurer will colleet ail taxes in the future, the township collector office liaving been aboIished? and the eanuiugs- will be larg#ar than in the pa8t. Yeornan's sixteen years experienctr as an d<countant makes him fit for the office. H1e wilI give yotn a good dlean administration of oiue of the most important offlices in the court house. "6A Business Man For a Business Officc" torsare ligi.e tt thlVolntet Mie u o n LIE "tigiiten his hait" and te moit: a gen? EVERY MEDIC MUST sh a",Icudd the v alnerions DIAMOfN) DICK th ofas b o.Unlems thet b. RE61TE F R ÀR GrupNo. i Maine. Newamp I REAL I4IFÉ U o.we ut buy additlonal food ln bie.Vrmont, Massachusetts, Rhode O A E S f neutr.l cOuties, tberel.y uslug ton- lad 'itct OR A E S IT nage that si ie kptviIfle for WORK, SAYS (iOVT. Iýop Nû 2-New York, PponAT DEqPAlI Peoplet ReansI 1t ,0000 EnonomitlzsI e2~er Those not Fitted for Service on No. 2 \l-Mihian, Ohloi Kern Boy Takes the One Avenuqý neCopl eueto En omi Hurts Uncle Sam ln Many Ways. Field of Action W iII Be ticXI..,.. finl iSI on, W ic ef as De t O I To retnrn ta finirstory o,,ith, soit, Group No: i Ioi'.anr, T no.n on C!oting.oftci loths: I uring at yeiîr t ti. dHeIp at Home Noth ..., , Souii Croto Meet lnlury stades hlad ta Import 421,.1w 10<utportis lina Florida .\t.ia M istsissippi. NAIN UTIN IIAny WAYS of wnt. rppresetiifg a va'tie if titriut LOCAL DOCTORS ARE TO GO CrotlNo .-ava. Mitnnesota.No.DOPD IT H IE On c Nmrcs aesInPin Vvd-fr>mrenln.()rrsit. loirsSafe to Say There WliI Not Be ~o~2î~~Oor,~~~- Rendered by Bloc ciêdfor a subs5tantiel p.îrtiî , I thconsoln, ous' ne Numerous Case wool nti tirerefore ta, (bat t , ru o -.thntn r of rInPoitmli. Three Doctors in City With- lnus k,.hotiB lyllustrates theVital Necessity b(]d (nle Sain ofte tuse rt li ..hIp, naYa' ; CopN -ahnco.O.1 K de nSimn 0f -Saving te Save the Moreover, onr factarles Itî~ usy in-1 -Croup No. f h NvdCali Rescue Him Country" in War Tlm& prodlring tlie tIingg recjrir. t far the Every doctor in theT' tn;t(ed S t fornia, Airl,on NeW MeXiCO. pro4pution of the war ftni iir ine Iwhlira-s ont jîready dint o w1llie _________le,_ 1riitu v 0years olti. waewom By PAUL M. WARBURG, ronsuimption AtIiproceedi.rî ani imost asked la appl> for nmeto)(lie p tni h il.,tjýre..t1., oer lte Deaplaineq rive, toi, ajeeth(le quafltity of c -1rvil- MNatal ReservI Fore o *-l, inýsrusth N a tpo hi.a Former Vice Governor cf the Federsi tti-fo lipet aAretî' py Mdca eer'HrA- 1VE 5 STARS IN "Poranraatia ang lde tipôn j Reserve tri, ent for tlie waol (or for fitlimatter NMedical Service Corps,.ngi(,urî-'rpst 1 amrn 0e of' one bundred andti fve ta Chule for nitrates, ta ',rtr for cop- Prelinilxrery to titi., sat, d a d -1IEL . f On Sîrind5!y, Jerry, a Chicago bolpil rarilandto0 of>. le iflsuilof-thetUnitAs . paign Intoenroll evcrv dortor in tho,, ERAVlIC~E ILÂAU, lu nLcinz lcornsbl te woods aoit milionuf nbibitntaai lieUtaedUnited ftatrs in une or ti esv hodraîroti ride. 9 States; my dulieseare the saine as <'<nequence (lie United balt, t, t~he cEU MORE ottw oucl r nhIt rtiin lanîiver si"on ao rto thome of every othert ro& Americaî, îlait for more gonds in itirt,îîerili National Dellense for a number of (i %, alodbig.H and titane of every othur (rue Ameni- Iban Southi America lbas I. t to îtiy (ieeaten itte mt 0 Vltngong ldleat(ltsw e can aret te Berne as mina. Wliatever for goortis batîglt In the Sîoîttates,. tant week for tire purpe-e of dlsircîreo ' , spi an <'nine and a ce- t contribute.to tha cause ofthte cour- therelry ceusing a decline nf dollIar ex. Ine the natter wlth representatlve.i or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kopp of limoge clanglng toward him. try, I mri, expect ta se. dou.-eatcl lu <change. lntitese neutral cnrtîîîtrlq. fThis (ho Council of N'tional Dofensetec deCacet<Ecp bis ou n way -bit 105,000.001) people. rhrlnicage in thie prire nf Il.e dollar talla of titi plan ta it. followe'd andî Highland Park Have Five Hebar! on tîme tri make the tartw Let us suppose fer. tha purpose of insane (bat It hlis-lnat a corropondhng ta rereive Instructions enosi evieNw<id of fle tre..tle. He could noitsw* Illustrrrtion that I décide (bat 1 sal part of Its purcbasing powor In neutral Anlent hils camptilgo the Councîl 0f Sos _iSevic__ o and It was ton muchi of, a leap,. efec asain o cotes 1mlhtse curtres Te iaciy r lI Ntinal I t*f se authorîzes t roIthouglit, 'yen if lie hati possel effcta evngonclaÎts.I lgitse-j outres Te sarit o gnd a ait. aoa t*hl'THREE MORE IN NEW DRAFT a a raîîc îîltv. Sa leieie 8:wý lect boota, automobiles. amibrella, or alile for onr export (rade flisthus b.. s thé, feO t tpi anto- id h latneapordng idr. an tliersarticle for whicb 1 reguiarly came s seriona obstacle la Iait rway ln cAs (i er ste b a nalo wli M.cn 1h. 'lim cp,43li ling.0 hrsne a prttrîrln iq, o spenri ry nioney,.as 1 ha"e no desire trYlng to securaet e-t pripîces thé Lnlted Stater ln thte Nledllal Re- Linicolîn iîi of Highland Park,. ing 1,10 .mal lrady Inta the least oo»W" ta s1urgIe out any ana camrnodlt-Y, but or tin adequate quantîlles strie oft(ha- serve Corps of ithe Amythe Navali lire theo parnlt.,of fliee'ons.ln ser pass anti holdInz himselt brestheu clotri-g lenti tlreniselves te my thrtugirt, tlilagaflint we bsolrstely reliure fram Regerve Farce, or tite Voirnteer IMcdli 1vice. C.torffl, C.,the îlde-;r.. ho ieagalns. the bIpac'tlie feared. go 1 name tbein. if 1 mara up mit brelan çountries. cal Service Corps membera of tire Franc. wltht lite 4-th i-tnhnerIs iv., Tlie engino passed. Jerry tlou-t.4 mii, thien, et tis juncture thrat ta MY -suit of r-lottes l lrt rncle commIttees of thie Medicat Sectiotr .10ln S Btatery C, lit:t'i Fitd bAr tire cabaase liatialsin gone by. 1111 w ai odeciothes la More resptectable Saitlierefore. la saver. lttsr1ICouncîl of Nîllonal Dofens, for dt1iller - o otlrechuvoon tfeic ea al liffti lits -eat? for a slirewd .olise than tai(te seen tn new oneri; If I de-lihave conimmeti mare wot-l tliitinonces- States of New York, Penn.yvvIti:r route Aîrgust il., is ai camtrin-liroitn andth.li low ha ~goitp i. t» î eide to loy onre new suit (rtfclollies gary alid lereity fore-il Il .-Unrited New Jerscy, tDclaware, Marylandl -,tir, ir Frrnk J. - a t i I... ttirpa i tîtiof tlie esa , -truck hl»,- Ic-s titan 1I a.ually lurclase eei hyear, lStates to îtnpnr t-rr - r l glygnia, West Virgînia andtilte District I a".thon Tank Cîtrir', Gettlyrburg. anîl tîrtililhm lnto (lie river. noIf1fg rfliet snflt t, cnàt onrmore ltrrzi, qrraatllvof (bIs ,- 1 have of Columitia mt at ~thIte l-îWa-soi Pt : \artin . t' S. %tarine.,.'u1t Btt an instant there wasac ac. tita $lî-tbe country as a ts,,lecontrn(-d fmore coilOn i,,-4 t'iirnnec- t.1 t W\asitngton 0-ntv -cî.o .NpC O, Ptrlizoén.s C n titi it ozf bi aketisera lyad -tould wre ail pull tugellier and act ou essary iaId to tha ir ,t iii lîîretI- lits r-d ith, t ho rprsenats f ,..iioc 1 h -tnetigliî~lvalr tlendsims tihe sanie lunc-s. would gave irrco cr prîveri Unele San of tIi- t I-,ýI.'.witl h ' oiacl' t *c i.m t i ~i aiyoiioiiii oe Abyo 4swteta une billion dollars. It la true fliat lu wil ap>-fr(r tîtîî fw als,.of tire plan , n] lat hi peiilhnr rtetetp lafyhdJri tieatlnig wtli ur î0O,O.oopoji)iralon wlilci we iney bave1'rt--t, relripinstructions. - ilait Koitr, tho fallier. wrsItttorn etrirck tle water when (ieswm5F wu itîciide ciJIdIren andi mens-pourr Clothing but One af Many. Ti meigedtie rý fant r I n i'lit tia rte. l, til)!,ounr. eire l trie bc-Jas ash liad 3Erry people Ibat could sat Bavie tai t rollars t bave usedth leIlilutrtiolîn (or a noieles. the VaîlIed States itaving hei l:r ar o,'ti in 11U.2, dîtrîng O t itler lte trncansclous ladi. asâci because tliey neyer spetrd (fore suit of cirtlies; titrwetl i e easy, dividedti mbcglit groupe Thte worki terîod whr it, hii.ionte îr.siit- .9 r Thte engine liatistappe-t. 4 for cltes titan îbey ïebsolutely nunt. thlttilgonei tttetlati-s, t, show t(bat wcll hosuttiided anionze it. III ~ . ig îîtproprtated anti ahoorlîrd 1" lor John Kllne carrIti erry tai tbe But an the allier lrand S$10s tia i-uh ne rave bit etriling e-ith o rne and rounD.' reprPenta(tJveoret tîto iFrnht.- trraflndte. lue t, ;tier chos. iinletlpnit o ~ sralerauouitttàwtIe veag ilalcase l n int. TIhe ct'-,irylà short h"itelîriSoctionkCauncll of Nationall o rni.at o y a tn..refbil erS. "ftTai al emaitr auî,uî.t(ian het s<ragelira t e fbles- ý-Ij n n earM stale, and vc5-rv dt- 1is.o t:unclilyloata 1SpiaTrnCled -'r us'.ia riî1.penrs fan a iiew suit tof e ii iteofbdsiii tosat etFIict:lioprîtplie W1'e Çr'l1 senti .da pecial fnr thte b07II; clules ' li asatptln bata iîlîtt las ta liîîttt large quititirs tram (or ln lite courntry clia itaseo f:îr 'not ii' tC i,a- ao sns tin tit, i cA ,% Oiver. "Finit thle hernie DI*ý clothes. l'lie ut.--nnptlon that a billiondont a clîlle e s'ietito appît foiii'- tniridwiwlle-ýeri,,1ýnw a rw i dllar., coitldII eaîly ised un clutires nerrrrlcont4'slicit--t ear i-nimti'-.Ipn h Mtta Ietri-ii-, it inirrttireo vtton ex-iitlvaw .anr»adi!'Y may, ilerefure, bhacircepter] as ristnscrr- trrsiciint ln ur lrdlijtl .1.c ba i Corn,, aIlpithMdelAnNvil npet".. , iti ai r ttrl.s l'htn er iewinid a r sîtîve. -u iis lrhrry Iiul I i- are the Forrt or lte Volunteer NMediral R,- t uI iar. ght sonts i-mur thre rck i n -tale A privrite ambu1sa Tii- tr- tiougt batuciur taus largest prrrrucers ofrîîc it-rwe a, r i,Corv s.-t EligtbIela i Ntorc in d ciglit stars in lit,.service Pr-onvos'eti llm (n lite basptal bi, ln titis cottuectlon la, liait by tits sait- fonced ta Itort 'cr)liiper firi (eru h- e tr tIrdiral ServieCorps areatl"ltot-sroyanbetahllî r .Cr atiili s~i lti, itclilenovr oe ilio dllrs cautseor cx ie;In ltrtiit as flott-ct nt o ould ble vlitzitie ta tti elntlicmakîng, anti It will go dticrtotuaiproliable akull fracture. lii ii citries verunebiliondularsas -t r chl .-aary 10, hpir ltosterii>-. w ts %stilt uconsciotis. bat lia Mayro wouiti ha frecri to lie Invested iIn Lib- itegun suMhtiltitiy t" i irtlil s use. NMu-ducat Rperve Corps cere il 001 for - ___________caver.- erty lituanbonds. Titat la (ha irfin î a-lu lit ea]îr] sie bIirrtil illureldîe a biic ommtirea oerf55.phst-tat is For ALL (ha famiiy, The Indapen. prtant anti mort obvionis resuli. But dot,ît ilent.abt-Thi-t , ths tme butty camunly r lsllnau.a (liera aree ther econotrîîc nesulttain- ce ftil rr:'îîîrfacture i. î hartictes as iect, or tiependents. Wt-nen to et h ianidn a.al silk *tt-l.iizs, mtie -n irreat af soivet ii hs saviug Ibal are uf fa u r tii-t (t- Ii %%htrii lle we couti grester itnportance (Ironthe îoere sait- oeOunr -tri-i -r- t-r-t-? Ing of îrorrey. 1 It leiî.s..atdl.- iiitn-cessuaTy te Economic Reauits Art Vaut. -eîîunerete ir-ire r'i-ra(at ara Let is crnsitl er lt rgt wlri, t tie iIlion in e slilrr j.,- te .r. Nillty billionsaERC ME HPL doltars' wortb af clothas mtIais. Sup-e of tltlars iiun : t-i-ttv raved sahen cniaefrteRpbi proce te>'wera balf-wool sauti lf-cat- Iont-e \%eearr - -pi,ptIf- 1realllng the£ tan andt (at thie aIue of tbe raw lue- cumîultitv- --tof lttlvidual "sav- eau nomination for erli teriu coristlluuird orly W )pen cent ut lng; flatré- t rd isîrtl i u l ints . sentative lun (Jongress for rtr priCe etid b>'tIre ultinrete cmna- langer rrt.tire: ta nrttlng nt nul ui' . er, titat coulti, aith(le pretÉetrt pice ai mone>'. but al~- gois anti servicest. te Tnh-ogein 60) cents ji.r pirtni fe o rtîrtandt10Ifi) Ilevery linitisual rt-utti le amadeala ithe Teth Cos xe in th cents per poilnti for cottonrespectivel>, sac cîith li- tii c)es tinit negleettc' itioohf ie i h nepresent 208.U4 tons ut woi atnd 416,. savlng tli.f it, -tireais deitreaoeti district for over fifteen 667 tans of cottun. Con yau Imagine a ce r ieî-.i prutongation of (haeer 1 ws biu l bac' urucli treght spaca coulti ha re- %esu-anant ,i i tiýr umber of rasat- yeJî. He wsb kl quireti on watar endi on lanti. ln mov- lies; If est-ry nItievho bas a son or LaSgiile county, Illinois, Ing Ibis mass oa i rw ,uaterlal? 1Do dean relative (i itîefitghting linas.eeh eeie i al yoti nealite (bat If these baies wara ocacnesthe ca r toîg liamate to tethr e eevdhi al put into freiglit cars. assunlng a tond- that millionre-,f rinîal avingI <IrectIy education in the publie ing capacit>' or 16 tons per car for affect is itrolitera would ha no wooi anti 13 tous par car for cotton. doulit (bat wec rtîîr secur. (ha ainut (bis would rapresent 13,021 box cam consciaallous ani enttuslastic co-oI ioaded with wool anti 320W6 box carst' eration of ait tii'he ople. Thun fer-1e is a descendant of icadet wi(b cton? Assuaiing 75 cars wa amuet Bay wilt regrt-ot 105.000,. sturdy New Engiand stock par train, (bena wouiti ha about 500 000people. 15 ,&.tOdo mot ese.ltae trains; (lie total Iengtlio etalis a connection bt-toetî tha sait of clotuies -of a family that contriba îvouid be appnaxinuatly 314 miles. and and the lite of rtue bit. ue oal n ain ibese traina, lauleti lit 60 angiuaes, G.nmany's £nfurced Econoemy. - oalyadvainl when standing ln lins woulti epproxi- Gernîany's rîîîîîîary succesa la large- inl the birth of our great- matel> caiver (lie distance fnomn Balti- lit predicated r lir er ablUty taoeau- Repubic, aud who since more ta Pittsburg? Cen you Imagine ter (ha entir.- natirotal effort upon th. tha amotînt of cou] cansumati ln tiret businesofs\vrr. llais ale f aIt (athaesr d t ev ely traucruting anti then c-eavrng (bis elleneyer wtttild hava haca able 10 that ho le 100% Amorican raws matertîtl Into clilth? Can you i- bean (lie Inr.ofuth(le figlît as weli agte ienunrIîer of bandes emplayatilai au assite las (ltir;,tthansafour Iotd goed Without question. these çruceases? Andt ten crînider yeans Itliai it orrîr for (lie enforcated ~JHsiriaelf isbe that mare coûl, mare ilibor anti mare bsvinghta in thr ugt thenan, ratishn C i ~ K trnpraiuare nequiret inb tilatnii- lrmgttirrttriîgi(aBill 1 1Eabove reproacli and ho alitîg tire lotl anti agaîn more lebor blo<katie If tilrti uot bean for (ha and mure nîrterlel lit conventIng It into stem ir'etsith' >--ute(-Iliby (at bltock- ÀBdi conimauds the respect and transportation ln retaillng tlie finialiet beau c-liling t' - subiîrit ta famine ra- prrrmuct tt fle tialtconituer. urons as la frarrr, clorîlis, hoas antiip Let us bclinrmdful (bat ailt(liaetie other simiilan articltes. Industries#e- H e a oeaduate of the rlase processea are belng carrieti 014 terlng taefie rrltttes and axtriae REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR e fi nela Sans 'ta shl ot(ha mnan ece.- gances attfirermtasses would have kept S Noithwestern University sary ta, dîspateir ls virr work, anti men andti rîrtirhat froin(ha Sovaruimilnt furthermore tiret îrortage ot coal and Inotend otfintrtl..ng averything avalîshi.NI ELa colaienbro thea cIogng of the wlieels of tranapor. for the war ir fth f le goverument, 1 14 Y yIru ygq r the Chicago Bar Associa- tatIoaniîve strîppeti bis progreas et aid financîalt> sliawouid hava ex- TH D I i1ioth llios arA0o mot riict omns ndlnth pre- haustati ie-s,-tf t y buylag thtngs ti , thKIllnoisBar.svo en mot nitiec mcornt net n hre s aharaaé!tiniIii t ,- c.tid go withou( t -citonrn thr1.rai connt nmrence countrean. for wbillr r-liaoit toastrain ber la- ito an ohe or n- ayCniuta (i ouontryill. getinity ii in riig or creatIng aubsti- ios Coat aur on'. ite. tites. My new suit of ciotiies mens, (here-' It Isatifficult ti ling about drasti ie libas an extensive private practice in both the State and Federai courts and -fore, dela>' for aur mililtary opupaeibns; acouiny wIthit ile Compulsion ex- is reptîted to be one o! the ablest lawyers at the Bar. - tela>' lu transpartig anti equipping ancisedîluhy brdilonr'esslty. For us (haei nertaiiy ad eîeiueemnnl uif iî o u fieo man, anInt bsendlng (o (ban, andte ta prolenu la %%lr-tltrr rrDot, af aur cou i ne ita lty nd xp inc em etyqu if hB or110o f oturtales,.(lie supplies (bey neet; frea wiîî, %%e -hal itiîe ae te stab- Representative in Cougress. - en masne nrerteed lolsses anti a longer iish our taî, trtttnrtary hiocata 'Tholie 'th Cotîgressionai Ditt-ict ueeds a Rupreentative of the' higist type to, durallon ofthIe war. lMy>'nec suit af agaînst cst rrliadtlraraaence. [t La ilte c lursin>'coat, (lierefor e, ir 1e a problenu isliroI solution reqiires (ha adeqiiateiy represent tie iîiterests o! thic District iu titis criticai period o! our ut niry son. greateat inlitne e udli ta ge reatest country's himtory. t Tire supply of gondis, of labar anti af degree of un,-I11l,11 atnbotlsm. It la ý Morrick Autos Whippie lias siîbmit.ted bis candidacy for the offce of Heprese t. 1 ern-utnttltnl Iltaiteti. I il a- pr__-n tt.., - rt(birt-f" ur ative ilu Congress tipoxi the followiîîg deciaration of princip1e-s: