Y, TrnYRSI)AY, ~Éî~r. 5,191.8 LAKE VILLA The Leonard eblidren were ail homne f tom Chicago for over Labor Day. M re. Tipes, wbo ha been occupylna the Pester cottage, bas moved ber bouser. hoid goode tb Chicago, where sheexpecte tO iv.. Stella Kerr made an auto trip to the city Friday anid was accompanied home by Mr. and tirs.' Mitchell, who woe gueste ofthtei Kerr famlly tilt MordaY Cribb chool upecerra utodtày aliih Miess t-ila Kerr as teaiher. Uand Moni. ville chool wtb Miefinir-v Ealch a teacher. Mies Mabel F'aillir witi teach at Prairie Vew. Ilrni. Lanra lieneiey, who bae made ber home wih Lre Henry Miler for more than a year, bas gone to Chicago. to accept a postion. Mir. and Lira. Anderson of Kenosha, @pent a tew dayé faut week wltb tiieir daugbter. Lire. Frank Nadr. Clarence Nadr oircompanied tbem home for a felo das beote ecool hegan. The Ladie' Aid society aale Saturday evaing leared the ladies $125 and tbey detae to thank ail who belped sor maie ia suesfl.. Scbool i nuopen tUonday,gept-einher 9, wltb lsi Bci o Plattaille. Wl.,s principal;:Umi.MNamareot BrlIngton. i.termsdiate; and Misa Mathens as prlrnary teacber, wth Auch a aplenaid woriing forc, splendid reat. shnuld bd obtained. Sand Laie district nl send lia papils herç and flot open their sebool. - Ir. and Mr@s. Chas. Keler are reclvlng congratulations on tbe bIrth 0t a soi), Baturday, Aug 31. Richard Lund ot Chicago, @pent Sun- day and Lfnday wlh bis grandparents bere. Arthur Lundi moved hie houreehold gouda t., Minuneapolis the tiret oftheb weesi anr'h wlii have a position there for the sol'ine. W. are erry tu lose them trrtr, our village. Mirs. Ohi Barnstable open% Sunday nitb ber siter, Mrs. Les Nelson, at a Chicago tospital nbere aihe ia recoverinu trou au .peration. Tour i urrett ban mt.ved bieslbarber &bop fIa àt u rej into the W.eridiand riulding adjuininàç the. drug attire, wbcre b.' witt continue the t' usliness. Mr. aw r Lire ck. Mr. and lire J.t dblmiww, Jr , and Mir. Shurnberg, Sr., ut Evanstî,îî. Lrire Chas. Patrn'.r of Port.1 i a t) egon, LMr.and lire. V.atter Palmrer - 1 îrbwere week-end guetm of Mr. ai-l Nire. E. Tirayer. Mir. ani lirm Janies Atweli spent !rom Saturda - y titi Monda>' witb RacIne frierde Ir. M. 11 aiti îr aslu Ciîcago un bui- noeslasi-ridarh:l. MLits .',.r-M Fltbott (of lisatur,Illt waa the ittiebo ber unit', tDr. C. %V Faàibotb ,rid tarriv i aë et ek Lre. J. .rîe«uiaarrd dauglterut Libenty'- ville, a .4t iet ot the li. alace taluiti> and othr r ieride laat week. lt. aîuMLire. Etuier tGree-n, Mre. Chrirtiti- Ctrs-en, Slts Addie Green aud Mrire. E. ruIifi oft Waukegan, Lr. aid M re , i. h Nt;ier and daugliter or (3uIrne.. tterded trý.. ijiters tuierai larit Frlday. I>çival uîeting sensiis wIII begii neit tuilda , sept S.,lt tire Lake Villa M. EFi h rît,. cEnglisir. î,t Ziou City' M. E. vhurnr, ail be tire evatîgiliet. He' leq a ipteridid lireacber and >ou wIlli b. repald flir cuîrng ta heur him. The. Lite work erei amtt11 uîeet earilà eveuitig ab 7:30 îîtîkpreavhIîtg ait 74.. ervic.. wttt clu..'prumpti>' t «,) 'lok. A spectalIntvitation le given ta alta atnd att oft Liv..' mee.ttnge. Le. Sierwoud bas tins wëeei purcblaeed the Henry Milter bouse and lu% andi wiii muse tuer.' as suon as ossibleý F. iR. She.rwutîd epeul Tu.-sday andi Wedne4day lu Chcago. OBITUARY Lre. Margaret Kug Miler was boru Iu Pennsylvania, Aug. 15. 1845, dled a& ber home ln Lake Villa. Aug. 28, 1918. ageti 73, years, 13 dayo, Bbc campeo1 lllnoo swth ler parents eit an early age and wae marrieti to Henry Mller more tiran tifty> years ago. fie prsceded ber to the btter land two years agu. Their marrled- lite nas spent on the farm at Sand Laie, now ocnpisd ty tihe ldeet son, Wit, up to, fourteen years ago wbsu tbey movedtc,1 Laie Villa. She bad barsn lutallng health for sometime anti deatll waa a blessed relief, even tboagb ae a) illse ber cbery @mle, even lu ber srrffering. Five cbldran, Will, of Lais Villa; Mary Murrie and Fred, of Wauksgan; Jay, of Racine and Carl. of Lake Villa, are lit tb mourir ber Ias, bsmies twslvs grandeblîdiren andi two grsat grand chidren. She wea. a main- ber of the Royal Nslghhor Camp No. 460, and nas always a fatltiu member. The fanerai nas beld at the chnrcb Frlday absrnoon, Rev. Bullier offilain, andi hurlai wae at Saud Laiscenet.ry hblde ber husband- NOTICI. Notice le hereby given Ibal a epecial meeting of tire Stockholtiers of the Lake Villa Trust and avînge Bank, a cor portIlon. nIlI ire bld ai lire office of tirs Lake Villa Trust & Bavinga Bank luntths VSIlageof Las Villa,. CocmeY oLake andi Biais of Illinois, on the Lith doy of SReptember 1918, at 8 o'clock p. m. for tIh. parpos. ot votiug upon thre question mi ebaugtug tire namber o! Diretons of saliCorporation tram ibmes (3) 1 five (6), as providet b>' Ian, tirs lectIon of two (2) Directors and for the transe. tion of sncb other basins.. ne nl b. proper to come belote the Meeting. This Notice ie. Issast pureuant to a writtsn application to me therefor, signed by the f3tockhir,iders onnlng tno- thîis igftbe stock otaald Corporation. Dated thie 20th day of Auguet A. D. 1918, j Frai k Md. Bamlu, Prenldent. A ttest: Charles B. iSîration, Sceretar>'. 34-8 Mab-, u V akeaî, 1ît everai iays la.t week ciiti re. t-bu Wallon %4r, andi M re. Ed 1011.4 and d.,iieltter are viitium ut tir,- l..îme otfLMr. and Mdrs. C. lt,,s.deutsllîer Mre.1a) Siulttr and famlly of Lberty- ville, @peut lasi eei nhtb relatives at Volo and IMcienry. Mir. and idre. John tJsffliîng and famlly and irand Roelng nere caliers at John. bnrg, Sunda>' evening. Mdisa Louis. Bloom @peut Londay la Chcagu. Mir. and Lre. Nci Molidor andi son nere callere at Lib.ty.iiie, Londay. John Effinger of Wauiegan,ý spent several day. nltb Lr. and Lre. P. Stadslielti. Otto Moldor of Gireat Lake@, spent gaturday, Sunda>' and Mdonday at bis bomehbere. IMILLB3URNI Jessie Ann Strang epeus severai neeke ntr ber borother at St. John, Ind. Lr. and MLr@, 1). M. Wnite transat-ted bu,,Iuemm In Libetville Frida>'.. Nelson Neilmouu let Fnîda>' for New Yok, aer. ihé wiii look for a farmý Alice Stewart îeturned la ber home ta Chicagot, basinc epeut ber vacation witb ber grantifatbler, . AB.Stewairt. Miue Margaret Giîlbert le terrching lu the Central mecool at North (hicago. 'A . ABoiner tiotk a trip b>' auto to Staried lto.k ni dother pointe tue past weei. The Bcd (r. ce societ>' %III met wtb Idre W. M. tire.Sept 11 ,%11.0e At, fia tiro u rt îtî,,aiiiteacli the. %%"ateriur3aitu Lirs Irerre Kidd wttt attend Attiocb igh i el thitie car. etaule>' anti limer Jaek ctertbtueti uneir fri'.rîds Saturda>' eveutng. Games were pied ani eteebene erved. RUSSELL Tih'e rlit14 leamoet compieteti, the gtraini VFre c uid. :loti lliltnr it W ,,.neat i rdürý tiufîdFy wa ci 5cry qîut tday uit irsuanti, ai.iut. 0 Nre. E. 1'. $tv,r irtrtat t,,.i41ttetr test Weeiî. ties Brute lm vimitlnîg ild rieude W. H Cr isîîntei.?Roriiecrer', N i., spent a coiuplte otitdealîWitt) heCorrne tantitice. ~lts.E A. Beivie and rrsînuavel rn,înd ti, Wauke&znsrr ArvîiaiI attend ligit ecitoi Ti1-he tttiaud wahiotol icucîtSept. 3,: wtt Ilins Sehitra as iecnier. Sire te iiurdin iv i re I urnes r' s'a rit ruiIucetilatti-uttd the, a r cxistý( tuîn t ,.î tîtne, Lîitur day. lire l'arry te - i tertatntig a britîher anrd bils.brieut (.ie.rge Il>ei,rrim. Id -M. S.fi. Hua cp.rta tisi diîs t ne. a itit reta'iîcc B nti. ititi J. H. Ke.-i aid a Ife. -rtr'aIued vom- pan;. Sunda>' IOlF.etàyrd. T'bretlm a uew barber lu tuwni IIOLY JUMPIERS AT ZION C0MPLAIN 0f VOLIVA'SACTIONS Complain to States Attorney that VoINva Is lnterfering WithMeetings SOME MEMBERS ARRÊSTED VoNva Is Said to Have Caused Arrest on Charge of Dis- turbing the Peace Tii. Holy' Jampers of Zion Ciy, have lucurredthie dspeasure o! tire ponere tiraiire anti tirereauli i., Oc- cordlag ta th e heada et hua seci, ta tirai Vlisata dolng iis esi ta dis- rupi their meetings. Thie hait- Jump- ers acnepy a tabernacle ou Tnenty- Ninnir steet. ht 1. clainedti tiVolva noitleti Ciief at Police Becker lasi Sanda>' lgir anti that tire latter veut ta the meeting of th lr 01'Jumnaprs, arresi- iug tivo or tirnee o tthem ou a charge of disturbing the peace. Tire oase ha.q ni yet been tri.d ,tfceano-iile leadersofthtie seci have token tir. matier up viih State'» At- tas-e>' Weteir. sakks thtiriVolva ho reBtraineti tram Iuterterng nitir ietr meetings os tire>'say' tuI- bt-le ual sincere lu claluning tiraIhiisont>'mo- tive is 'tiraiire tillikes to have uiiem tisturi tire peace. Volîva takes tire stand tiraitire 1-1013 Jumpers lu tire course of thirî meetings jumis up anti towu anti ie- came very ecstet. abauting ai tire top o tuhir valces. He gays tirai viren seevrat penpleabsonni ibIs wn- tiret i creatrs cunsiderairle dîsturtu aurce anti ie tioP. not think trot thi- shoulti ie toiaealeti on tire Sabhatir Tir e sifatiln 1lqau lneresttng orie anti proirabl>' wl nesultInlua bitter fihIgrt. MISSIBESLI3Y Pf a SENTS COURSE IN COLLÈQE FOR meV Complotes Instruction Course at Harvard; Now Assigned to University of Wash. NOW VISITING IN THE CieY Course She Is Presenting New One Under Direction of War Industries Board ise Mirla m feslev, former sur Prînendent or echools In Wtrukeg"dn ' but who hnas been crsgaged ln war1 ,.voYk for ie U. S. governiment fori a ntinrter of months, i.' lu Warnkezan for &. brîr f vîsit before leavlug for Sea ttle, W'ash.. where aire la to con. duet an, Eoploymcnt Managent-nf cnase ton the. government ln. tl ni vercit>' of Wa.shington. This le a new course tirt aiinn tauxht ln, varlous large coltegps throughout thre couintry untier tire di r,-ctlirn if the War Industries. board. MiIFSaBecley receile, complet-Ilt the work ofr een ttir*JLcourse ur thf.. nature ai Harvard' university. Sire now iras bei assîgneti to tihe ITui v ërsity ot Washington and front tire probably wilI ire assîgneti to Rormp other univeraity. Tii.' course ai lire University ut Washningtorr opens Septembêr 1W.'Misa .Bestey witi leave Wou'kegan for Seattle ni xt wpek.- Major F'rederlek Bpatey, ln charge o fa hospital unit in Francep, lt a brother of Miss Bestty. The latter wiro le regardeti as on.' of the fore- moqi educalors Waul<ezau e, c had. enleepliàrr ervinces montirs lgo wi th tire h ope that aire ,îight b.' as ;ilgueti to -work abroad. The govern- ment fel tirai Miss Bestey routti ir of more servite ln this rountry andi tire Wlî%iegan a-omana.senrted, her ont> rtesire be ini to "do irer bit. CORPORAL SILAS BROWN DIES IN SER* VICE IN WAR ZONE Brother of Mrs. Ed McGee Is Victim of Influenza Ac- cording to Message MRS. McGEE GElS $1 0,000 Is the Only Survivor and Was Namned by Brother When He Entered the Army (i.tht- rot lo '.ud i ne Ve a li tugtott ýIrppt 'iîti nari, Thur'dns tnfonrned ur 'Ilic eaI'if In I roti ' le n ft,- arifix cru ti. T!'- ni- " -'r' from tire wa rutefartmsent rend. Deepty regret to inform ynu that t le offrciatly reported that Corporal "ias Brown of the quartermitraer's departmoent, dieti of inftuenza nepirri. tis orn J uy 28th.*" l)o dt i,,n Wnîr\'eLao. i ird h-irN«1, r pi !e draft sai .. t o uîIl r. V 1 ,'li ' 1r 'led t ýhr, a-ne d :ît-,o itin Id Di.t- 11 r'-i n 1,s o ni ivu run . L Sîster Geta $10.000. 'ut B tt strowni'FonIr sur- .Ni rne re tti,. ii-t, ari rit- iliaim- ieu i-ar> aucu Nitrs. M (,(Il -w as ,t.îia. te i -i,. i, S ir- in Iii, otun i n 'it-anne or $fIo1., i ratnt iheiire. %% tn.-hu ed in -urr,îto ouen ltticîl. miii., i wttprofirtIo th,, calent of tli .3Iti) as a rn ýuIt of Incte Sittus ptîu of covering attall I- Ii(ri witlr car inurftic. 13ro( Iii.l, .nrth i rit -r e ritd-(]t air ig n-i 0"11 hi'ser. W.' fa i64 ii.'iniry Il, tire fur'ctgu tands. PROBE CASE 0f EiERMAN FOUND KT LOCAL WIRE ILL John Bender Who Admits Hav- i ng Served in German Armny HeId by Police Heme John Bender, aged 26, wiro admIte h. le a native German. and niro le allegedto iie a pervent, la beiug held b, tire Watrkegaur police whil.e hie record tIF examfned. Bendier wart ar- r"bsed thua mos'nIng b> C'. N. Nelson o! the ,knpemiqs Steel andi Wlre corn- peny and was turneti oven ta tire local pite..T'he.'case las boom rettrre4 te tooal goverriment repnesetatievB who air, checbtiug up on the yoang felîow. Bender, benuse utfiris phystcol conditton, appears te pesasse a 10w type of mentathty, and i teaitb dif- Il.culty tirai colrerent statemente eau be, abtoineti tram hua. H. admits havIrtg: ervet bn tire CAUD 0F THPdtM r W. nîsir to express our sincere %a oSave and Wbat to Use j Tht.. tUre. s«Chidey evary American ha& opportunity te be ofI direct. practical help to the. boy&aet the f ront. 1 N~ATIONAL FOOD PROGRAM1 BAVE SUGAR. Two iîeirn(ts per persn't pler monthi le ttAitnicaetn irunrt-ratloni. Eatl-s t rr idt f tire natiounal surplus f-u urtitug 5 thaitirhe flgiiing fonce.' tua>' tickept1 fuît>' supplieti. SAVE WIIEAT. î-îp ,ru.%'ivng, tlînugh tireirarves i i lttiruri- Wth. oui Amerecan oheat t i-lfronithtie lesit irrvest tire elîled t uiu.ettil have Ieen lest, Thet- tiitr-n next year. muet not ire -su nitrrous. USE FRUITS. Take ativautege ot tiie naturel suger ln fruits. Cau wo-llîut surr. Atitistiger Inter, wiren If -il. iii. nore ttcntltui. Use hiiney. maple linotifcts anti sirops isien evnllehle. USE VEGETABI:S. Use loc-al vegetoirles,. hua î-iiserviig nflt uîly ment anti stitf but trans, lxîrtatiln anti lr iiir. Durit useý caiîncîgtotis nuit %%ile the fitreeli lire ave Bilatrle. -,ty"cc':- - FOOD ADMINISTRATION EXHIBITS CONSERVATION ACTUVITV SHOWN Illinois Food Conservation Organi a- tiens Are Wall Represented et 1h.: State Fair New ln Progneas at prlngbeld. Tire Foodi Conservation ire.au anti demntttrat ion station, olti bi-ilquar- fers at 28 SopttirWabaeshravecrue, 'lt cega. aud îles conservatinn division rînt lirai>' pablicit>' i- ofruttire L'nlfel Siatem Food adinrltîîîtrtton. I1111 nais division, aIl have e\tlttîts ai tire Siais Fair sboving tire werk betrig doue b>' their deportmnts. A miniature conservntlin btreau, wth dlle garbe Inbutire fli-li Unieti Sftalls Foodi Administratioln uulform wurn b>' nomen conserv-ation workera. hens teen arranîgeti b>' Ire. Chantes A. bfunru, organizer anti ieafito! tire Con- servailun Bureau, ta eshow urfà la be- lng doucetaI ier bureau lta Chîcaga. Tih.' ln>' burea aclî.u îthirng con- tatrieu iu tire large ocandit I.rom- plete fruni office tu lifcluu-. If shows evenyuiing tram tIhe moiti-t kitchen ta tire lifenate bootr. uvirn.te laeta Foodi Adminlisfaiin rttlngs and con- servation receipta are glven away. Tie teint>' Mue anti ,.it-eteel raom le duplicatedtif0tire sutiieteefdefail, and tire foodi exlibits and i nZoel van gardeur are ait sirown. Tire latent govenuimeuf iconsuervation literajare le given ouDt hy e group of wumen workersuden ifie direction of Mn.. Afreti J. Bensîru, nairiman of tire Ceoservafion Diiionofuttire 2111- nota .naiAdînnisf.îvu lhirto- graphs anticxhibits iil thie workhnug et'i'mpitiei t htie vari- uns t;parinmnts of tire litAtminie- t rti-nt bav e aRiireen:i rurtgeti andi arc ltihirtrge et Misa.s M~ N. Wood- fortt, fitreitor ot Exits -ir- ontire nil- nîis Iivlshunnofuthtie-F-ý-utAdmilnistre- H1us iii crn withtirîi ugar lq anc of tire ft.t i.-sbiug fiatureti b>' tire Ftoutd tiîîîatîi ftire tain thts.y n,-atnt tire-- qiiittittes of Ut- Qrture uon tire suhjeri are bieng dis- tibiateti. 'Itend f ,iuto tuirur fi) toacf. anti atfto %%In" t' tire -logcn being tE*- tunrid. Vider the finat. "Re'ed f kuoy s hsuutiith ttîvoîrkut tire pub- lic lbraril,siiiiîilying educathouat iterature tu 'i.- ,i -tinvation lIes. Unden tinh e iuie-rt ofthtie slogan. IKn ~o fuiau-n.i- 1wwnvntire activît tes ufth ti.'('n-unrî t iireatu usiere prora- fîcat itiu -iri.inluConservation culiltar3 t-e-r:for tire entigirien- meut o u l.,0271. u -'.svee, antilesat- 1>', "Aut tu î> itire work ofthtie consern tio iiri stîti f tira Pood Adt- mtlnuttuu lu ri-,rnrng tihe pubic ufthirlrpatritu ileS lu footi con- acvilon IUes. A cunservînît tu hie- z20 feetIolng iras ireen loaineul tu Trt- C. Drake ofthtie Bbuekstone lHiel, ttt-tanti la fl>' ing uver th-iefiC--Irttei States food cûn-;Prnaiiîn . xHt tfianti boothre RÊSTRICTIONS ON BEEF RAISED Extrernp Drought Causes Rush of Leglt Weight Catie to Market, Causing Surplus. A cerefut eactste rf tire beet situ- ation ber.' anti abati bas resulteti lu tire lftIng ufthlie preseni restrictions eu ireet cousuutpttlnimanediately, rallier tiran lu Sepiember. asorlnally eontemplàte<t. Tire extrene drougirf bu the Southr- neql anti otier pots tfthescouary Io endangerinug thre ment herds anti pro- dacers are rusing llght neugiri beef t0 tirs market..tiras creating an un- expecied surplus Ln igÉt'euIts. For Ibis eason tire Uited ti tnesFoodl Ad- mlnhai-aflon iras saoimee th Ie prea- .aItPwngrm of eervIng bout ia put>ll sting places aif onte meal each dai may b. ti*corituîted. 13auseirolders need no longer limeu tefr purciiess o 1% ponuds of beef anti boue or 114 "poanda of clear bout for eaeh rnemmter et tire tamiiifach neek. XIt airimgit>'desirable. bonever, se- eWrdng ta feeti ofâlA. r tal iii Americau public consume msinm anti Ughtr grades af cttie, iha. oos.rving thre hboesanimais fan aur own uam- Oti force andt hose of tire alies. As &Il beavy b.etufortire pretieut- neeti- ed for waren eIirt. retatl markets are reqa«e tstithaitite cattle Wniicr tres. niove>' 475 îiuitidsud public eatlng pMIe« andt tir tublic lu general arm urgedto fi ,ntfîautderiraJd for ligit nehht cilii. Enlcst lWin t the cunservation arty nd tu . thetti-great foodi ofenu- nive. STILL NEED FOR SAVINO WHEAT DEPUTV FOOD ADMINISTRATOR, URGES' CONTINUANCE OF VOLUNTARV SAVINO. 91Ithn 001 reen madie marrlnlsty, l@Rarteth ie ptbic tiret tire neserit>' fon cOnIlerv-"Onfl11f1 w-eelttirîogi tire cnlintreti malIen use uf wiient flour le8itili une et tire principual ne- ressities ut tlire lreseuf stution." sasys Robert Stevenson, Je.. uewly appointeti lieputy Foodi Atiraluitrator tornoisîl. "Thie recent reienne uofirtele andi restaurante fruin tlie 4trely isheai- es 'tîetge.andîthmire gtat publltty given fa aur eetl'.facîtiry ehet crop hart lt-i a large part uttire pubitc ta take It fui granteil tirt reetrtfIons a"nno nulonger n1 aar' i "Thise le nut tir.- case. Hufels anti resteaurants une tlil itigeu tetaoh- serve a mintnrunnrtt seraire tif Vîc.toey> irreets aud ni intime o-hi-ci pniducts ma e>' ire evt. Tite Iaki-r fa tîli requtredttau.e 25 lier renr ..rttittutes lu qll of iis prourmts uf treetl aud mrlle. "«Wblle If le ver>' possible tiret a eligiril>' .arger per capif a allowauce than six poide per perruon per nmdh mY e air lloweeI. andi tirait theamaunt ut mairetitttes wl-Il ie soutewiat ite- tioed, neverfiielese tire.will .ti l ire a lrat lu tire Iegtttnrae use tof oheat fluor andthetre.' s-tIetlire requtreti tire part-hase of a certain aimîrît of suirsItutes wiren parciicelug wireat flour. "TheFood AîlmtnimtrRtion iras'higi rrPPrecliturnr uttiie greet eMurt snd' irOnuli-mrfrlresultst. ccuf)nlilushîd b>' voluntnr âsvltig andi b>'tire entoirio: thon ut wir.at prodrnsalfietiber. anti sinilt>'csires nis' fti rclcrse tirose Pftntii-ttil-pole troini ivit lu rnny casqes h.brnsiutrr -nslderalPleouta bard- alrlp, luit nt w itise sInurni dauns@iv sairi ite-t,'negleclett. 'l'it- ftttstty tithtirîntinnat eir ui> verenîl us iii edeujîrrte qtnaluiesliras tuencu eicted, andI if iv.'look lot tire furre ait i e tri.-ur '?,i.on, s, mrret kuoa tiret su, Iunîc as.tire wàn Iatth ie wîunî,ilsitateatîh, proets PUBLIC LEARNING TO DO WITHOUT SUGAR ALLOTMENTS FOR MANUFACTUR- ERS AND PUBLIC EATING PLACES CUT DOWN. Many Subatituteq ln use. %VI tirhi-heugair ct-iuttptioitulu tins -i ittftniry rI trîýeut frn tuscen pi unds, fît.' inrîtlY aritrlrrfte-ýr per-sn n rad irefîure tfio..wirr, toth ie preserrt iwo pOuat..p-r mu-thr ellîiar5'q*.- * Ancnran p.1,11î- h.. titrnilug te î't aluîng sithrufntnttgr. anti tou oietire ruant srrcrr qusittute.'q. hfi.ir i- a ve dîscoverudthtia iruney, caine.corn, cutandipie Crtipe, moitasei'snu it it rirups Utýa>'cifia «Red ftîr sweeientttig il e t4re qi.l sugan. Th nii.'sotî- weet utsa. tire>'have founi. carin ie ubaiteq byh>' ;ttl;fhn- lug fta neancupfui ut augar, eltirer one cuiptut tof ione>'. on une andti fo- thirrd8tist incuirfuls uf cornr slrup. Elouîtewives are leoî'tilng to a cu wtjuat engan, andte t preserve fruit ced tables b>' trylug. aalting. pickllng. anti fitoring. Restaurants Conservlng. Hotet anti restaurent jîrupristora whosesusar ration bas been neduceti ta tnn pountie for eier>' 90 mirais, have baulsireti augar irowls entîret> troim their tablesant i urny stems far cutiing down budividual caneamption of enoger iy restaurant potions are be. [antitiedout. B1ecause mach sugar la vastedtu t the bettom otf red.tea glandes, meny tiing cars art rsow retuatu<. le de" ied tea, anti ln Chicago and otnmr large ctes muay lunchr oo End restaurant pq*rietord are -M slrap vitir fred tes inatead i ofýaj L«e. for Soft Drieri. Maufatturera af eat drliksuCM canlee are non eeivinig ual rRitt tirai 50 per cent of amnouil cfrsau useti lasi year. No migar at ail la being aliarteil toi oher tf te- man consamption, eicept for etplo- svesad , ether 'w' ps~erals essentilIfooti Prôetnaire' dQwn tu nt leaui 50 Per cent of their former constumpflosr. Mieat lohut regalationushaveai aqt been changeti. It la sSilI uecepsary tô isunchase ane Pouit of an authorlzefi a-bout aubstltte itir evory Poundi of w.heaf fnour. Vuelucal vegetablas. tiras copserv- ingn uni>'id ment anti wheal but traiNs- portatinu anti lairor. Dont usteleuad goodeu ow, virile tire fresh art avail- abIs. CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN -NOP411NAIrON FOR STATE TREASURER. Primary Eectlon Wed., Sept. l The man Who' ae Chalrmaa s the Republican Stat. Commktt" managed th. succeastul Repssè can campalgn In Illliois n 1lus. H-e comtes from fSig Repubîles Wlnnebago Couaty, whlck Ng Nover had a Ncmlnee on a Rsfl l1can Statm Ticket. Ne la wldeiy known and ylfado strength te the Ticket ai lthe 111 vomber Election. To thé iFathers ad E sthers doflios: ~OU have givbn your boys to your Sty -way. Yuait interested in beeng to it g E a real American ia nominatedi United StatesSenator E September llth, who wIU protect their interst ad de* d thefr eUarewbile the war lamt and after it la la over. j George Edmund Foeus, who hm had twenty4wo nyears' experience in Congres%. where he la recog-. E.nized as a constructive leader, la a candidlate for the 'eý annomination. I Mmber of the Naval Affai £ommittee fSe I eigteenyeuu5 and ias Chairânanfe twelve yurL E udbê fSr l 0peatNavi Trslning Stall m S M Z G-ea Lake% wlium m aretin100.00Aumorce.boue ban E johura lM e lon Eflamma Memba0oftbe Coumttee on Foruga MulM Ris narr f;" ui l ea ul ien bs; be buas poeki *0 frovernmi& l vu Meure THIS 1S NO 11ME TO EXPERIMENT Nomnte Fm la Siphkmbe md wla la N««9«b VOTVM £91% tÇpg 90%»D F058 AT Primmiie% daâay eptemberllth CRUSIIES OT UN. W KILLED AS"~ DER TRAIN; CRAWLS AUTO RUNS ONTO0 IIALF MILE FOR AID No. SHIR TRACý Swan Dahlquist Sut fers Ser- 1 Twa men nere instantly kilied & lous Accident near Antioch 1.iW0 .y ne Janti atyter 8biy I Last Saturday Night re d.da evenhng nire a "1 --t ratn on tire Chicago, NoU lb LEF FOT AMPTAED audti iwa ukee ElectrIc eTIUhe M L E F T F O T A M U T A T E a n a u t o m o b i l e i t i rt e A s y b n m Accidnt Ocurre Whenthe crosslng ofthtie electric bine. The. Accidet Occrred hen te t.9lot-ateti abouttwn mllefl son1t1 Under Train to Save lime John P. lnameês. ageti 55 '! promineni Fl. Atitinsoir contai Swan Dairhlquist, .îged 3o'epiii if -I John Q. Meuzel, ageti 40, Fi.MM5 ai tir- loon LakeIr le hou. haid hi.' son. teÇt taot cru-uni intier a Soo t1.;ne Tire injureti: tram ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nfq rua ttoi aI Stirli' ' John P. Hommes, P.AW utghitIirs intjutie-s are goi c,-nou,t-. -ou.rigbtt eg fractureti anti terrilt puail irufoi atio.' tir a"'eit-rad branîseti. Pla teii.huifot a spent li .'enn Mrsi. Joirn Q. Menzeî. Pt. Atkh»nsoý Antioch irttnatlv ire sinrti ttuard iro;ir lgs iroken and mon>'pTEn home. A.,ire approccird tire rail-ibruitsi'. roai tra(k i- founti a train barringMla* i-nel, r gti If yare. sonM« iris progre. ~.iitirer tiran wattfriMt 'hoel iiiam nijwf5 lire traln Iomove on-h.'edeit - to ittrei ant injuret inhternally. crawl limiter il.Tire automobile waa coming litO s itrelto i u nfîî-crune froinitirea-est andtihl'e train mci'r t rt-ate 1. tiefore bc tue aha a rate <ut sreed declared to 1W could gerét ut lb.'h way irIs lefi foot ln (h e neigirbonroot of suxt>'mlles M, was crulied iner une o!flire wieeîs. burwa omngfrtr enrh r)ahîquit saiouird for ?ep but ho one hearti hlm Tiren desplle tire The Independent put. Liberlyvi. terrible pain h. sfarted tu crawl firt. - &long onfirIslirande andl Itepm. H.'e proceeded in thti mannpr foîr bal n mile or mrori- iefore ire camepbta a tari bou.' s lie assukeur-ltire occupants ofthtie VOTE FOR tion- ýantiltîttirerautofhisplieni Dr. Watniuer wa- -,unimtoncthanrd ad- mintsl.'red irsi aid tu tire orrtd.'d F E .S E L tin was remNa e ta tIre .irke enfin- 0F ROCKFORD fi G-neraI hiArtat at Waukegurn aire.'il was tournd tirai tire njtry was 9o sertaous riraitirefoot coult nioi ire sVeti. It wtt-der-metibest t't am Putat- ininnîîinatety. Th1 wa donc anrd tht.'yotng man apperutt la. gettirn akà g awl scoulti be exý.'-pd untier tIre circoimeancee. VOLIVA MES AN- OTIIER PAYMENT ON TUE ZDON ESATE Wntnegan Aoc -217 .May or Clentei'n of Zion Civta t- day for Volts-u. went fa Chicago car- '3 îng a check f r Slî. i3 iir- rt-seuls tire fli j senil-annrittl pay- nient mudeît.'tu ollv hto tire Chicaoa Tillenti Tmr.l Ca. tlu conuectînu, i 1ît iretn1tta.,eof tie Zion estale. Th irîirctnase prit.' oas 9tui, lunctaîni-td for ln 1911. Tire tiret pay- uwtniifthal a i-ir o-au,$100000 anti s'in- i. en. o ir rtoays, Volîva iras- v- ili $56:1,2711). l.'s tue a baulantce of Z:: 1r7 A Tire ucuenat manager susys !htIn liitfie, aani ftoirnl.'mng, espect- uîltts (ti-)rulvU liry, waiit-b uas ittltn-i -'l d>- lufis-e gai ernrutuul Ground SquirreIs. Mirtnfhan tlt5 r-0 eanti races of gr attri. t 'qîri rmls triît tire ITrlteil Suites rtrl Canaitlu.