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Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 9

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LI RT£ Y VILLE 'INDEPENDENT CounS y': Big Wel LAK CUNY IDEMNENT Lake u- ,eeh ' I;WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN jVOLUME XXVI-NO. 37. PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,THIIRSDAV', SEPT. 12, 1918 POUR PAGES $150 PER YEARfIN ADVÂNgE ENDEE, BRACHER, G-REEN,* SHURTLEFVIKER GRAHA ÀU4 AJA4I6ED PARTY CARRYJNG MU~S 0f BOOZE North Chicago Men Aften An Auto Ride for Day Have an Unexpected Ending FEDERAL MEN ARE ON JOBJ PRACTICALLY CON-lHOSPITAL (iARDEN PLETE VOTE' ON lIAS A WONDERFFU LEil StATURE RECORD tiS YEAR ilere l4 the oMeiiai vote ou tbe ieg-Rpr iSp.Bont h isiative Oiglît up ta noon totiay. Rot o u1ront h shows 28 out of the 29 precincta lui Superviers Shows Enor- ictienry couuty; it shows ai] 0f lIt. moujsYields for Seasoni .',0 preciuctis lu Lake couuty sud I Pr-cinct4sInlu lio<.e- Shur' 11 sSCr. "t %lcFI4eury ýv. 51.i 5126 11r840 3Dl&94%5 PUT DOWN 300 DOZEN EGGS VICTORS IN THIE PRIMAItF16HT U. . . Senat.or-Metlill Me- ('trmnick. .. 1 State Trearer-Fred 51er- Iing. F. Ilouulm1 Sîîpt. Publie Int4triîctiiiii--F. (r. Blair. Repreftentative a t Lrg- Lake . 21131,21 tti i2SRichasrd Yates and W. E. Ma- Stop Car on Highway and Con- Bonne .. .. 2443 lt,?3 249 421 Various Kinds of Vegetables fiscate Liquor-Violated 5 Total . 1816305 ;57 f;8 543 Grown for Winter's tUse- o"usîrea-Carl R. lii id- Mile Dry Zone Law T T L About 1500 Quarts Fruit Motn. A party of North Chicago men vent AcULlflI ---theSteprtCeallrat * autornobiing Tucsday atternoon aud iléAsuprisercth.« rTesbor our:.10-Ceorge W. Paullin. evening for a purpose. And now ON U IUIR IflAIN ty Physicisu Brown, rmbo la auperun- e - atre Edwai't r). tisey're lu thee <utody of the federai tendent of tht. tLakt (ounty haslpitai, SIIUItipff . H iî&s î *authorti.. faclu«the charge 0 (of IEJ'V he business aide out inig the Laite brinaing booze Jut tht. Ove mile dry c». UlICLa,:ounty boSîjîtai lat one orthte impur- Thîom. 4 irahani )tj, zone ab)out Great Laites, tant featurea8 of the. postils. Furth- . County O'erk-L. A. I1litlee. Tisereaon fr teirsarlus re-ermore. the. auprlteudents report îdicameut la that. ater tley vent rid- U. S. SENATOR. - hwîta ueta ltngt'e h. Seri-le .O r- ing tbey vent 80 an oasis lu the blg (Comipets) 1 'business end of lit but instead bas onyTeorr i(. dry terrIlory lu Laite cointy and tbey McCormlck ............ i....... 24'.31 gotit ah-ad wîth business maters of (onyT*aue-îî ia there did load up vlth vet goo& ; Tllomtxson.................... 11215*the lospitualinl a vay that shows h-_ cher. flot only did tht.y Joad theuliselva. roms........ ..................'30, sureiy ls a gond manger as wvOl as a t'nunty Judge--P. L. Irgaîns - internaliy viii, the tuf that befud- STATE TR:ASURER 1 ood physîcian. dies. but they aillo ioaded tht. auto. a w.t................. l: In luheariug tht. figures a-qle an- Snipt. Rehools-T. A. Sîîu small.eurIng car. vith galions snd i'îerliiuý,....... ............. M22 uounced theui te tht. board of vbst -ottlea. so rmuy of tiens tbat teoUcPULCINTUCIN th-v had growu lu tht. gardiens o' th(' 0fficers whos later grahlsed the, party - ' 1P.PULC NTRCIO boapital sud resuits lu ralsing chick- 4ntrl Coinnîittt-îîîl;îîi-- The autoîsts caume in itelsidere io. ....l ...... 17 cxisin i ttîig up eggs, truit, etc.,W BImih I dldnt bothr to cnfit ii-in. îlaîrit i., vonr-apparent that tht. locter~.B.S ih snud verethie hatîplest ('I lunch lni- CONGRESSMANAT-LARGE irapîiîly getting tht. hospitai teaa aglnabie. They tt.it tht.> lbad s-peut îa.qou . (T wo Selectedè lpoint of selIf-sul,, port ln tht. niter l'hie priluaries lu Lake ointy on a deil.hful dav anti that wliî-utlicy .. ......(ftepoueAihi I bet -nsa rwotabgt e got homet with thelr Joadi.tht-y cutuid tes...... ................... 2 81 o.u rtxc iiu i betoW-usa rwotahgtt e makê a potit tht wouldniakê teir Prie ....... ..e.... .ht....a41,1 t'al-etht.tc landywieh the otin-ytacttetheatainsu't bt-lbliped mae a profit tatërvoueld uî - aket t-r rc.......................f;t,'t.lias pros iîed ther.-. Wlieuilt Is noted di:înterest vouid uie sh"sn »-cause Joso ftofriud' boenzlr.eny iteri,. ;:ï.............. thbat about 1'0quarts of vëgetabies, of thetimte of year the fartuîtr-.would Ions ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fut lipraitof oo..eledy eriputd.................t6he bcdetraci. Howevt-r, ilut-tact tory whlcli evpn dazleti theniseives- REPs .. ........... UNCONRES,îiters ute.,ti Isseen that thes' tlaj il iued euabied tit, uriner.% fthey lasi ablt-ofmthé at-arcer i hludb .INous RShave bleun ers busy ont there dur-to leave theur work. sud t-oint.ont jaterer. isbcmngsariradCi ... C m-I -tt.... 1611ing t.h.-r leit tre tdînt.. Purthermore. un big nuuîbersansd a set' it-presen.- Ail e twl ui ti rs-edaWt-............. ... li wen Dr. tBrown gave lis rAport ou tatuse vote vas ont. itutil t-ocstie tpau reacixo .......sterTupsdai - t.e supervisers openied Tbrpee parties. the. lt.tublican, aloit Ws rosthetio. Pauhtruck,; n..............i teir t.yt.sluin .zemnt te thinit that . Dencratir' sud Sociclatl numnutesi eit Wrof marilli t o . They l ohnson.......................12.,5e ancmuhb hadlluttu lacconplilshed lu meu for office te lit.vot- ou ait the lt of aaIhcar winge rsas tIhe ipi............67the.vay of providlug for tht. wluter eection lu Nos eier. the- awth cr sin uros he ...............6f--menthe by ucing produce raist.d lun Whie a hard figlt was put tmp . ;a tOlln----------------281 the .11)at-rt.garden ot tht. hospital. agalusi Cou;y Cierk Ht-udee snd El- rad nt.af tbimn stinguadfo Il.- Pei Hi.......................... 142Tht. boart i uenbers vert. certaiuly mer Green. candidate for -heriff, they «A~t-bun artjtpRERSNATV ry mut-h deligliteti vith vbat Dr. swept tht. county un good shape and -'rit diver ogî&tod. STA TE '* «'liSETAIE 1rovu sboved tht-m sud bis report Heudet. vas reuomuna. -Owhite Green *G.-t oui, se vaut te spe yoî' SRaid (C1iee halif--------------l a atroug tendency te fîtrtber lu- vas given anoiher t-lant-e at the 0- the pokesman. 7,iet............29 trech hlmlain the. hearts of the sup. lice which lie hld ont-t >etore. Tht. party bomnva r bo n dte NIkr ........ .... .. essr as ont. of bts efficient ap- surprise of tht. dav cime of course PatyW mwre u burry." n^1iei ueSe7na-poinltee.t.lu tht. race for the- tr.ueureshlp nom- 'Geçt ont wv5e l teral agents . 1ck-t D .e mo cr a tic .... 1 Wiat Was Done. uuation. I iit 1usdli en kuov tisat eut.'~Crha t........o.undd ht a 2q4 1 l adr',ngtht. board Tnesday tlmoher îwaa gainiiiK streugth ali ers,. raisin.......... ............ -ý, IPr. Brovn showed.in î rteuewiug their -ln duriug t -------'---bt n And the)> gel out. _____lnthe_______ I sbodyt lptît. gartieus: aioug th.obu *"Wlats lu tht. car?"asokedt t %%'et. lait. raîsed 26)chit-kens sud fOcet te'ay bc did. Ont. thiug vas agent. T1thE H V AjIre- gel-seandi ted G0 Iayfng liens very apparent andi ha! us thtVol "N-o-t-h-b n-g" mutteretid pt IU LJ VAR for tht. past Ivonh.a a x as eudorseuîeut o ttusing did not tped tht. driver of tise llet-ar 1Panse of $13. Ilov bas tscbleu n-eau a great deal to itosung sud the *'Well. veil take a look,- explaindIonW aelu6 aighn3,fgisfrhrso hti oii p t lederai enldwh andtbs-ypok . I UL; TAKE due t'iiis se onhd 60 y he pro-liaite:Jurrseh o rs e f oldv faedral insu. isddg:AYnd hae ed RIII n w TIES dued .4dozn elgs. at 4) cents al hase been uouduated insiad 0f Bra- ed about tht. car vitl the resuit that - dozen, amountîs 10$145.60. UScher. Ou tht. other bandtif Voliva tbey touud et.unlbusoe te start aI IVI NEfTIR Clucienad feed lias t-ot us badl endore Bt-se-lir Brait-er vonld dIstiller>'. -Vnder arreat,. saidth ie I 15.S5. Aise turingibis lime vw hasedefeateti Morst- hi'500 or 600 telea aadng 'e aeoir l igave hait chieu nfor dinuer moitiy sud vonid bas-t.defetodl osing bet- tled the Isv pcrtalntng ta 1lgigl38 Casings and 25 Tubes, al' t.sery allier Sunda>' ter than 2 te 1. iDy' îbroîslng is aup- bonze iuta tht. fivee mile dry zone - , W, have ou banud now 300 dozen port te Rosiîg, tht. figure., nov show about Great lýakie" New, uaken from the Lake eggs lth vh ert. put dovn visen t tat Voiîv pratticalII lhrev Iben "Oh-" exclaimed the bnnch, tht. ilaGraetbey vert.chesp, ait of vbich vilii 5wly. su itkralfoth tbeyqubmtte. wee tkên e te Vila arag cot-ie in handy uext sînter. Shurtl n diet!r. nfr h eounty jail andi today vert. taken tal- The Garden legllature and Grahtamn sIns on tht. Chicago tuî fat-t a prt.iilary lear- ESAEi A TM BLE W oglt onlon aeed for go0 Democratic aIde. Shurileif hast Me- li;g befare Commissoner Nidàon, cAP N ýent. frli whuch swe have been u.- DonOugh inl tht. counit over 2100 Tbeyre faciug a stiftfluie as resuit 1-- lail clmmner, sud uow have 20 votes sud -Stearns got almost bai of l sttePd fa t e oaete aiswn. arAadnd;Svrlbushls of eotaot for wcinter use. We 5astnany votes ai MCDOIoolhlideapite It a sate trat heagets lli On Cr Aandned Seer lad Pckof uavy beau aeed don- the campagu put up betoMr. hlm. seizeti a coule et men who came up Tires Were Recovered by 1 atedl by s friend, tramt whlch te date McI)onouha' show ug vaint auy. U n te trai u fro Chicago asud vo Shrif t . a,. n W ve a.10 Isushe a of beas afor t iug Rilte vhat 'ws expected and carried lotties of bonze. In ai tht- ciru ttSU1Onn inter use. It la ver ' apparent that lie neyer a t r a i d s n e t t e d ev e n m e n . . h a v e a a b u n d a n c e o f p e la - a y t i m e ba d a c h a n c e t e d e tea t Tire sud Auto Service Station con-, sud other garden truck sufIlcieut teo f Shurtleff'a triends blcieveti lie duelei b>' AI Mavers of Lake Villa Isat us tillilext summer. We bave miîht do so.sliurtietf so hedi, OLD TIIE STAllEý soinetimtue Tneeday nlght 'and gai raiaed enongli corn to feeti our lay-. tnt-t b> tht. biggest vote hie eevr re- avay wîihsarît-b haut ot t ires. Iiig iens tht.touinug vînter, sud cx- cclved as la show n liefigures eise.1 Tit-ght casings andi 25 tuer pect taeiteep ivice as many t.ns as vherc. DR V R I E D tubes. ail uev, vert. taiten bv tht. lat wluter. Tht. first returus to corne into Uic DRV R S DE D trty.eig Entrant-e vas galueti hy "Wt. lasve caune,% ever 3700 quarts, Sun office vas front Grant No. 1, smaahing lu tht. front door. of va'getabies sud truits, for insaonce where the vote onU t. S. senator vas fau'u Hooper of Lakte Villa, age 6:; Early titis merilng Sherif Grîffin 70 quarts of tomatopa, 15 gallons ef given by Supervisor Siratton. Tht. q jleti ai the Laite count>' Geueral bis.fr as notifiedi that an abandoneti auto- t-lily £aut-t.asd catsup. feu gllons ouiv Wauitegan precinct te failto pitli eariy ti morning. Mr. Hoop- mobile hat beets diacovered on Mi]- krant, ten gallous pickles of ail ilds turu ln a complete report Weduesday or vas oneetf the oid-time resideuts yankee road lust Southtboe Beividere 282 quarts of striug beens, 24 quarts vas Wau't.gsn No. 2. of Laite couuty snd fev vwert. bettr Street. An luvestiîation shoved tht. corn, 14 quarts corn reliash, 50 quartsz 'Precluct 1 lu Graut and preclnct 10) -Poat on the. Parity hîster>' of tht. car cotalued 17 t-alas snd six lu- green peas, 222 quarta pie plant, 50 lu Waukegan vie for honora for belng icouuty than lie. Years ago b hed neuer tubes. Tliey vert. a part et tht.e quarts gooseberries, etc., sud -can- thse 0>st preciutts te seti ln returus tob drive a stage betveen varions leot taiten fromn the LaIte Villa ga- ulng sîilli gotng on. We bave re- ou Wednesdays prîmarles. Botb ire- points in tise ceunt>' before tht. rail- Mgp, ceivet enutgb cash frein patients lit tarasl camne ln bt.twëen 10 sud la roajevert. built. Mfr. Ifeoper isat Frens the condition efthtie road lit the Isat 90 days to psy ail our nurses minutes arter tht. polils closeti. beau sîcit for sonme t usparaly- vau dfiscovereti why tise, thievec lied anti hase $276 it.tt for otiser use. fiE8,ULT.ý IN M'HENRY COUNTV ais sud vas remevied te tbe lAkc abadouiet the maschiue. They>'hadlWieLk ant ii neet <.uty opital nmre ti e sige. lits endeavored t drv . up a rather ste ep n * **** Wl.t ite c eunIndh n xcit- ronisdior hati en orîtciat h va isîdo thatoint o h ivpery coin-ete Henlj~J r 0f ty haeronia to thiat t- met survive long. dîtion. due ta tht. nain. Tise car ('ADC TO El 4RDE H 5ageti. Accordlng ta vord fhem oen dfoben ay hth vut oi tth acpoint obuthwere sl e con-99 BE enNi pr o cenI>'vero e a tflcNbttît Mr Hooper liadt residet ln Laite couD- hadi sud ail tht. vay te thse bttent. PIh IU L Woodatock, tht. aId guard lest eut tlu yt about zixty y>ears. 1In their efforts te extricaté tise ma- tisa primary. C. J. Hendricits. Mayor Fer tvelve years-in tact ni, tel chine the. thieves had -dlleti the en- oEfAU di!etHarvard, vas nomnuated for cessny 5about thirty yesrs ago. Mr. Hoee <e Ise>y vert. -hnoble te get tht.e IJL A IYYUI3de inu n > bu 0 oa l.drove a stage coach frein Monavlet self-starter te vont sud as there vas oe tonyCsyo odtc Waukegan, bringlng the. mail hr.Ine ernuitlu tht. mat-hine .coul!net Washington i3. tc. Sept. i-A la oaed Attornuey Cae'of UWoodutc ~This vas before mail could be brouglit start the. englue. Thbe only tiine left carte luchas sud dinners on tiln'lg Thle oad organistion la rePortad te ',ile r fro mn the- a te region b >' m ai. 1te dee as Il abandon t se car. cars ii i e a ba doned atte ti Oct. 1, ave b .ei i sqpportIng Case '. t.. HooPer vas a policeman ai An-1 Thelilcense number on thse car vas Dimector General McAdoo announced Rtoy ftetart. t-ief depul>' uin4r liedh for ssny years sud aseso ervedti Aken out 'iy Dr. Darwin B. Pond, eft tedait sud table d'hôe meas o e e lt Riseriff Wsndcracit. .vas oulM a scepstsble at Lakte Villa for s nnm- 4356 Lincla street, Chicago. Tise more tian four courses aubstltnted, for, aiserif, deteatlug ex-Sbetiff Rien ber et years. siseriff laenedsavoriug te get tu to.is v itis the. charge llmired t0 $1 a*cept The deceaseti leavezas brother and vlth Dr. 'Pend to determine vhetiser en a fev tistougis trains, visera 81.25 danois of Crystai Laits. aster. bth et vhom reida at Aieor net thse car vas stelen fyes hij. wyul bisechaged. Breakfast 1v ie ha W S. Meniler vHas tleuifor Vista. Kaà. Aise a on and daugiter, lecflOseOf tbe number Of tires ,served a la carte. vt tis a coul tes rer. ie asre acme Bert'PHeolie, cfLakte Villa aud Mrs ato-ea Ibaeriff f 8 tisaItisa menu. Tise purpoae e &IL i Il t .p am la eftmero MoHefL001 - -..oy Smmer et i 1:0 aithleyeunst.have UMIvJ&tto Ment sali, la te ectîndmi u -pot'sI l xtmamaere oeaok tisi Metedia cisreisaI i nIa'A boys ant ef ciotise. fouadathe wlsn rate purmei cese, t sech ai, NeUS FVI -vllh>sbelmat ai Antiecis. j bndad,-ir May W u#oeto býet f luisgrs , mue S ' A gme i eusA, aalss the yole 85m p ty w a candidates lu Waukegan and ZMon City abowsansu lterestinÉ situation. In Waukegatn It ta noticed that Roy Uiracher recelved a uzajority lu ail of the 14 precîncta. In Zion City Ros- ing. received a ýmajority ln eacb of the' tive precincta. The vote ln Watikegau on the. couuty candidates foilova: lpdeFOR ..CO UNTV ..CL.ER K Yager............. ........... .) 2 FOR SHERIFF Ureen........................1167 Amee................. ...si FOR COUNTV TBEASU.RER Yeoman...................... j:4 Rosing....................... tiracher .. .. .. .. .3.. .. %torse ........................64 Hf udee received a majority over yager Or néarlY two to une. Green's maJority over Âme was about 35o. Iu the count> tressureship. light the. resuits are especilly lnteresting for ail Canîdidates liad waged an laten. Rive- cauvpaign in Waukegan. Deqpite the tact that lie lied suuounced bis wvthdrawai froin the campaigu Yeu. maxi recelvéd 1.14 voies lu Waukegau alone. Reaiing, vho had been aup- 'i 1te by State&s Attorney Weich sud hlsq organization, received Q293 votes 1lu the ttitre City. Thet. act that Niorse received but 604 votes ln the. City came s a surprise for Il vas I gured lie vouid rua mucli strougel here. Thse tact that Braclier p4ied -up a total of 1133 votes lu Wsuitegan alone, wluniug Iu every preclnct, camle as a surprise to even Brachrr hinseif. île had wae a consistent camPAlgu. but had flot looited for sncb gratltyiug resuits. Hil popu. iarity lu Wauicegau liovever, wa$ile- fiected thronglioît the cont-.' IN ZION CiTV Tlhe effet-t of Voliva's endorsement' la shovu pliliy lu the Zion City vote. Heudee, Green and Roslng viiQ received Voliva's tndorsement ail raut far ahead of their oppouents. Voliva delivered over50 votes to maeh of the candidates lie eudorsed. The total% lu Ziou City. Inter _t' lng becalse uhey sho volii'a's ab!i- tW to rlt r lie ePntire votînit strength of bis faction wheue ver lie desires. are as foliova: FOR COUNT YCLERK Hendee . .r.. . .. .. ... .5-- Yager .................. ...... IS4 FOR BNERIFF ....u........ ................. 19 Âmes .......................... M6 FOR COUNTY TREASURER Yeoman.......................2 Ilo-,ng............. ........... 5191 Brachpr.............. ..........171, %torse........ .... .............36 The solld vote whlch Voliva thre% to Rosiug enabied hlm to gain a good slzed majorlty lu eacli of the lOve precinets lu 7.ion but even the ima- jority which lie brouglit ont of Zion couid flot nialie up for umallnffs of the. votltiereceived iu other places where lic had expected to rxun strong. Voliva Threw Votes Away. .iudging by the. votes whicb Roslug, received lu the dîfferent ;ectlon-% of the county. the supsiort gîven lin lv Voliva was actuaily tbrowu away by the. overseer. Had Voies given that %ote/ to Morse. Morse wouid have been nomiuated. I-lad lie given bis vote to Bracher. Bracher wotîtd have lèd by 5it> or 600 luatead of 300. But by handlug the. entire vote to Ros. 1ng. teelue Ibat lie vas third man, the vote was çsracttcaly t-hrovu s way. Candidate Bracher carried bis.home tovnrthip4 AWarren. 241 aga$sst 11. bis flext opponent. Morse. Roaig got 9. And Morse turnet these ane sort ut 'a triek lu bis township, Llherty. ville. Ite got 344 Iu Libertyviiie tovnship agaluat Bracher's 35 and Roaing's 2;-. On the other baud Roc- ing dld aimost as wel luI bis town- ship, Antiocx which hle carrled by 150 to Bracher's 71 and Morse's 24. Hendee Swept County Tt Ilanau nterestlng thing to note that Hcudee carried ail precluctut lu L.a*ie conty vriti the exception of lOve. Yager licat Hendee Iu New- jport, 73 to 66; in Antiocb No. 2. 51 to 46; lu Laie Villa. -65 to -911 lu Avon 70 to, 76: in Warren, 138 to 132; In Libertyvilie ?, the vote vas very close. iienslee be-atlng Yager by 27 to 26. Green iu bis race agatuat Amres for Sheriff carried 3 7 out of the 50 or(- C Incts. He loat Beutofi 6, by 31 bi 1; Nevport, 95I to 14: Antiocli, 49 to 46; Aven 1, 86 to 47: Warren. 139 to 109; Waukegau 1, 88 to 87; Wauke- gafl 2, 74 to 59; Wàunkegan, 12, 72 to 67; Waukegaîî 14, 7o te 68-, Uberty- ville 1. 87 to 71: Lîlertyville No. 3. 3.5 to 20; Fremont. 52 to 50; Deer- field, No. 3, 33 to, 33. Thus ont of tise 50 Ames cnrried euiy 13 sud thosn rIere very close margina. SHURTLEFF AND VICKIRS Shurtleff aud Viciters have beau r.enornnted for thle iellature over eteerus and MeDonongh of Lake county. Thus, McHenry Cofflty wiii have isetvo xepreaiemativen at Sprlngield sud Lace cotinty WITT reai Lconiteuted vith the atate abuatoir and tise demociratlc represeistativa.' Accordlng to Democratic leaders, I <raisam vas reuominated, by thea IDeinocrats by a vote vbtch viilrUn 2 to 1 qver the district. IThe vote lu Gran4tfor Gî'absm, 19Wr-9 be livea, wvas alinost a Uusai. MU, d-in tact.,, Tt appeara 8« if itepayÈaublcm avoteti-the oo ,+.+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIERE'S THE- STORY VOTE ON ('OU1NTV OFFICES'IN LAKE CO)UNTY PIRI- MARY HEU) IN FIFTV PREC,1NCT SSEPT. il, 1918 (-0. cLIcK HERUF CO. TIÉEAS. R MP. REP. l.EP. w z Wa W Ir z < < w < 1 0w o S> o < > e :E Santoni............ 98 29 104 27 ô6 97 22 4 Canton 2....... ... 110 47 106 52 4 971 48 9 Ilenton 3......... 1211 41 116 48 5 111 39 8 Senton 4........... 141 33 134 41 8 130 32 1 Denton 5........... 86:34 79 38 5 4 3 8 'Senton ô.......... 16 29 17 31 8 6, 20j 12 Newport .............S5 73 48 95 62 8518 Antiochi1...........82 go 85 82 ,17 1101 53' Antioch 2...........46 51 4 9 4 4'61 Lake Villa ..........816 45 75.52!95 256 16 Granti1.,........... 27 i* ý 21 8 3 15 10 I5 Grant 2............ 49 6 49 .10 Il 6:36 1 14 Avoni1.............56 170 47 88' 12' 8 71 48 Avon 2.............49 1 ô 33 116 1 25 16 le Warren .............102 138 109 1139, 1 9241 Il Waukegan 1...119 58 8 88' 8 9 195s 71 Waukicgn2 ........70 57 Il9' 74'il5 e6190 88ý Waukegan 3...116 69 122 69. 18 128 1 4 Woukegan 4...106.90 110 83 16 14 102 68 Waukegan5....... 59 49. 64 31 6 10 67 28 Waukegan 6 ...103 41 92 46 5 22 72 50 Waukeganl7...112 56J,10659. 12 14 t85 si Waukegan 8 ...119 251 101 37 9 2869 1 48 Waukegan9........ 88 32 63 48,, 7 18 SB 42 Waukeganl10 59 27.69 33 7 1il 4 Wukegan 1 83 78 85;67 1:24 15199184 Waukegan2.. 84 59 47 72 24 15 85 48 Woukegan13 .....127 280i 4.42 l 21 es i1l si Waukegan 14..... 124 26 8 70 49 71 59 Shieldl............ 70 3 e 542p 22 18 31 49 Shield 2........... 57 19 '49 23 41 a 1 8 Shields 3...........59 24 143 41" 7 33î2 I 18 Shilds 4...........8 67 75 711'55 '20 28 151 LibertyviIel1...OZ 68 j171 87 1 8 15 1147 Libertyville 2...101 651189 78. 12 11 1801U Libertyvlle 3...27 26 1:20 35 2 ôO1 4 44 Frennont............61i 48 Il50'52 7 29110 84 lWauconda........... 87 26 1'79 32' 3 40 11 SI Cuba....... ........ 72 40 1 83'32 17 17 ô 172 Ela ................. 98 31 91 30 '10 4 2 !75 Vernon.............. 72 25 65'29 3 134 1 10 1 6 West Deerfliald ...53 33 53 35l 14 1 3 1141 Dserfid 1.......... 80 20 l' 70 32 Il 201 15 il111» Oaerfield 2 ......... 32J 14 19' 22 Il 20 3 11 il Iil Deerfleld 3.......... 38 23 31 33 Il 15 1 13 I1S I1 1 Deerfleld 4..........66'134 43 31 Il30'?16 21 36 Deerflid 5 ..........22 11 Il117 1! 5 1718 & D.arfleld 6......... 36 19' 32 '-19 1 12 14 12 la1 Deerfield 7.......... 80' 12 47 26 Il 14 1 18 12 I23 DeerfleId 8 ....... ...32 8 Il - 26' 114 1! 8 1 9 1 7 115 TOTALS ........ 3770 20481"348 !2373 15: M 1647 12187 lUS cratie ticket in ord.er ltngiveo their l ' home mani thelr vote for the legisaa qiOVERNORtLOWDE ture. Shurtieffas vote in the district at thle tine is't exatly known because TO BE Ai T WÔMI3N' sud Boone &et in their returns. 11 out of Boooes 17 prMnlcts, the to-AR , L X CO tais for ýShurtleff snd Vlckers are:--- Shurtleff-14,432. tiove rnor Losiien and bis vite bave Vicleri-7,613. %ired that they wIll attend a mal McDonough'a vote was arouzd 5,0M I" to be heid at the Womus Tral" in the district so It 19 sees that the tbg farrm tour miles northweat of Li- man hoc vent out tu beat, ShurtilIt bertyvIlle Tuesday nert. Sept. 1'tb hast hlm- about three to one in the land take part la a big program pin- dist rict and that the Liftke countY M" ued for the day. had no chance of defeating Vlckers The place la inown as thé Wu. at auy time, for, he lead hlm by over Ames farm and vomen have beau 2,000. ronduacting it for tihe stiuler. . A jackle baud vlI be present andti t ! iii also be an Bugliali armY Ofieer ~iAT FU ? I& IIR thse g:vernor. T. G. tiolden. rôon ent erme andfrieuti of Uie farmuhal Candidate Roy Braclier Says vii etaihes ie a talTkbrTere vi»Ol 0 Words Fail Hlm When Hego bea representative of the food ad- Tries ta Thank His Fnrends -'Th go aruer bas wireti Ube for their Confidence h ill accompany him; ail 84ole ot take, part lu thse daya erlMMofI.S TO MY FRIENOS satd %Ir. Watklns, countY faim.édie- There la littie that 1 can saa now er. to my mnany frinds for thse su lilOit they gava me during the pris nary Tt nov la Uleut. John Kennedy. tand campalfn-they ail must knew that i1flot Enttigfl John KenndeY. te aM keeniy appreciate what tisey did for who bas charge of l>ox1ing aht 03911 -me. L arn especislly gratetul to ti 1cm Lai Naval TIraining atation 1MN when 1 consider the tact that 1 vIefft bis extra hai t 1ripe ymteMay ia into the cartpalg a aQne. wthout FI vGrant Park. visere hat in euMmg" formai orgazizaUon. bacit of me and of 800 biueiaeroetA., wso tak. jpan la reiiedit vas> a one-nsan, contest tDy the-4ssaiii battle. me. Mga. W. X. Moffett. vife of the Wor.ie faul lue at this tlime, but 1 Great I."« iatâtion aomiSut.di shah, by the conduct of my office lu v-be undervent du 0 sratoa OtY exige1iaun Etecteti, show MY aPgre- rèadictis ?dondaY. M"y1 1111111111d elation of the isonor you bave aisown! m--à imroye.d today. VWbU. 'éup.II,àM me asd poveto you. 'tisaI I Vasi 00" refumedto say ube v-w«~ 01t y Cthe cofidence You bave h"ti MW"au ram it le 01np8ai -1r in me. tmth eaI B R OY w. BIg.&e NI.k. Abem thl»avas.W u INê -"

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