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Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 14

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KE Ta -14. C. Flnkelstein and Assooi-1 aies kow Dsmantling the 819 Besley Property ReADY IN NINETY, DAY9 CWi Storage Plant Also to Be Operated in Conjunction With the lce Plant M. V. Finkelstei.of the Manufac.- taer Terminal toilay announced 'Uht tbe Terminal company badl pur- *basrd the -Besley lirewing Co., on Laie Street. it was knowu corne lrne ago tbat 'the deal was pouding wherebY this wac a ss ho be maile, but It uow devop hat everything bas been clogiedadthe T&rrnnal cornpany ac- s!ràllag blMr. P'nkltein ls now tak- ing ot ai] the rnaclnery. r etion wlth the purchase of gwbicry hi stands on the. bluff et thefotfLaetrt Mr. P'inkclsteln anoibdtâtte compaay lo goiug ta establisb an ar- tioslicei plant lu the old brewery building sçirh willihnýe a canacltyl ot 100 tons a dsy. .The coMpany wilhl h known as the Paority Ice cofiP&fY and -the tee will b. made oui oi' spring 'water whlcb yUl>be taken from te Sprngs wlich Unime bill along that Point.. -Besides Vti. artilili tee leature, theoffcony pla-ýL- na'lng a cold star- MM pant adM,,. Finkelstciu Sttes uley wll bave a capacity of ai least 150 carloads iu t&el; etorage piaut. Work ih being rusheil on the re- moala of the &ld brewing maecce'-y sud plans bave already been"rnade! for' the.installation of thie uew srtiff- ciii Ire maclncqy. Mr. Finkelut iun predîca thai. tht plant for niakins Ie wOl b. in operation -wîthin 90 day.. k aslong t'een fit that the'rc h impIe r.on fur an srUilcaiI-te plat l Wau.cgAn. In view of the bUtgeliey thi s umi- er.0f the Iceemai, cUstin bers and el3twbere and' the tc« that there lias beaun anly oae eMotpny iluo.,ira"cQn, t bal beon toit tii4. an grtiflça"~ plant wô" t' do a big huînesi lierp anS accu dingiý tilt ;a âa,1 ta la;e idapelled %i.. Fn. itoitela u1otb.rs to look tnwar'l te e'7brwaery as the log;Ical '~ ~~~s c dt.qtl ch a Pla"'. MOKIE 'GETS RIS INTERVAI. K Liaob ftsen UMit«assend ls raies up NmsSWitI conversa- tion. Csmsp Wsduwortli, Spsrtanburg, 8 C-A bsncb of gae draft menu ote Smwenba seraisa camp la chargle of' 0 UWserét Wo oeasooally sang o-i I*esly: d'Xeep your intmrals-thi* SMag a miiItaX7 term useS ln kooplus Se staidaetahe .prope distane ftrou) tub ethor. 0»n et the rookies comPîsîned tc tho eapain: "Say, Csp, the. guy illsi bruns us over here tolS as bo kesg Sur idtorvals.They baitglmmeque "b- -that sol" museS thée oUlest, tbougbttally. "Well, when you set tliro.gb medical exemnation tell the peronnel officers aboët t f.Tou mas! bave an interval, by ail means. TrYi taD maie them give 7ou0oone befors -Wbeu the. rooke demsndsd savais Iy liter. that Capiîn Coffi, prion Sel'#ffcer, Issue hlm an aInerval the taptaîn gavs hlm on. of ttedesmil>i *te&, takeou#u, wtb very ermest cou TM8$ AIS INTO 114E WATEIi UMmiSiatés marines Have Bupéeot tien TIt STti.. IaLueit Port Royal, S. C.-Insiesd o! "toss saus dr lis la the ring." the U. e maslfe now tous 'em ln the water. Tanins ihelr hais ln ithe ocoafoi luck was adopteil as one et the marine cuatomu when a gut of wlnd snsicheil ithe chapeau of a recruit whIle ha asa creeslng tbe bu, off Paris Islandl. S 0. the. marines' training camp. The "liS salle.! gracetuliy oui into spaci 'and vas soon bobbing merriiy on the damciais aves, T*Ung the accident as s que *"JuSI Car tqek," .the ftmalndsr gi the ne a«' ummedately sailed ihely hale M Jta tise deep, aud thse bey vai »mdotteil wiih bundreda of straSa the boys "pssedthe word" âne »Ow nu recruit ean expectto 0hovi Sood lmciiunlesa h hiecent is i epS the reeuding Uide. Lay of thei Lest Han. "The lMy O tihe Lue t lustrei" May bave caused smre.apprehension la Its dey. but were the lny o! thse lnt bon to Lecannouneidlu nours thons wouL.d eilaly be a pani.-Seattle Pos-lu' teligemicer. lneri ing DIevuy. The. Roman occpation o Engcua wis"remaled by s dlscovery mailp a tur dey ego ai Sialhrldge, l3orset. 'W*b Sul bis gardon, a man dug ap a dbelsum zaning Ih h. touadIt to be la a perfect claie o preserft- -t~t4hbains qut$e souud. Iu -hbisu vu a oin bssrlmths - UtpM et .nrAugustas Gym. Bloomers ASl, f z < WoSetge Middies -ata1.6989 H e epat EutbewltSadke odIxcellent q4aity regulatlon navy wool middY fuit aises. LUhe cou niy's Greatest Store for -Women and Chltdren: lose GRAND FALL<IOLMiN§ SAL Starts Neièt Week, Thursday, -Setember 26th~ 6 - ëL,.' Mm. %, 22.50 Mercerlzed- Jersey Dresses Special at- _ _ u7 Pîetty Styles se(.l(i a spee.dpurd in wanted ceoloring , ive elnbroidered a ndi not ail sizem, it'irY s t . $12.75. 1 J s'ucîîiu itili'ci, are ai 44< .i offvî!à-iîîlàrî'd vi ,les ,iPfsu' -h ii lra' ce S irrlKiîîîltiu 'gl îîi'g'ttt» ail cri'ràus iii .1 vipîie4y. of ci Alil ,ize. SURh, Serge, #Jksy Dress Reductions of One-fourth to One-third ~IjILHere are preft'.silks and matin dresses as welI as dresses of jersey, serge andl iool panamla and fine voiles in dozenf; of styles. T'he dresses are becominglY embellished with fathiailable chenils fringe, beading. smbroiderY Of ývOOl or siik, braid and button& in "'uneven" and pleeted tunlcs, pane! effects«and draped stylos& Special Values in Womens- %smart Suits Special for Saturday- A Great, Waist Sale $~1.155 -m3&98 -Waists ta 110 clever styles, ail sibes $1.00. -Waltsteho $2.60 white and coloreS effects. $1.66. -Sit crepe de chine andl ge.trgette waîste ho $5 lu pretty uew styles at $398. Stylish.Fail Shirts At Three Sale -Prices 7.50 Sirts- 3S10 Sirts- 14.50 Sirs- $5 -7.98-m 12.50 Her. yois will find a rnost generous display of skirts la wool serges, gtriped andi plain ilIka, satinettes, wool or ollk plaids, checks, fancy Scotch woolene, heavy slk tailles, serges and barouette satins according to price. Ithe hIfa4nt" Sectfion -Infants crocheted. wool booties in white anîd colora a e,50e, 75C. %-Infants' wool Sweaters in white and colora $2.48, $2.98 and t3.98. IChIIas 50c Hosne AA exceret quallty of chlld-1 wf'o Hal, houe lublan ad white. ouly, ailtsies. 23.,50 » 29.050 %39050 STheme suitaq animer the moat discriininating deînanil for an Autuînn orWinter suit in ilvertones, broadclotba, meoîîri, Se'ofh nîixtuiîes and îîovelties, maîîy fur trimrned. Advance Sale of- Clever FaI1 Coats, $15 - 2 5 m-37.0 Hiandsomer coats one coulil not hope ho )nd--ehowa lu our North Room In aIl tus mseaaion'm wonderful clreatîbns wlth iheir new hacke. collars, belta and elaborate trimmings of fur and il ali lininga. Au sizes., aceordiug t.o price. CharingStyles in- ÂAtun rnlinery For Women and Hisses Showa in a Wîde Varilty at $5 m7.50 -M10e98 The charrn ofthie entîre wardrobe IiJends very nearly upon the l{atUità becornlngtiess, its modisbness, Its harrnoniousnSs - therefore Hats are extremfely Important when Auturn clothes are being discussed. Every phase of the favored modes developed in.velvets, patin soleil and plushes ln combination with iridescent wings, feathered breasts, 50ow- ersl and chenule embroidery ls here. -SeIllustrations Above A Great Special Purchase of- Dresses for flouse and wiPorch" Wear 1.98 2.509,22198;9 3.98 4.50 Drqses oe!n~e gingliarn, percales and novelty wovea glnghas l n light. rnediumn pd darlc coloring_ la a gigantic sale. They have nLew colleas belts and pockets rnany of which are prettily ernbroidered. AUl sises 86 to 54. 1.75 Chquuse fins qualtyty f lla lu wauted Styles utoely triulàm.d. VausSale Children's Dre Wercie ut18 dozen o!fthisse fine drei'., r' 1.4 unusual pwuihaonstiug us a neai eavlng over the r prie. This saving we are paesing on to you. Many pret ___ ty styles lanil colora ....... ..... ........... $3 Dresses a- Middy Dresses ai 2.48 Children's handsonm new glugharn dresses n one anil two plece style., al colora, aises ho 2-98 Girls.' îniddy dregqps, vii oniy, sizes six le fourteen, a jleataîl îierachablo akiris. Cbildreui's Coats Priced Remarkably Lo w at 59& M,895 -10,098.' Children'a warm coata.for FaI nNl . i- wr~ear in a, varieyt of styles and colore. vValues to $2 Thursi Gowns lfl Blbomero -Camisols 1,049-Petkicoati powns and betticoats lu white mualin-bloomnerps In fiegh. creve kW sliloline snd-the camisl la seUh crepe. de chine and natins ail elaborah 1 ly srnbroidered. ste abaolutely Pure sik' haeiiail Coaore at $1.87. $6 Peuticoass 4,é98 W.ýomeen' sui petticcets v ;ese Uop r changeable OU and fiowere ects, I oo LWomen's ad- ilas. llk boot hose lu ail colora sud aises but llghtly Imperfoct. 75c Brassiones 49c Wor n'a reguasi' ebras- sieres ln good stylos, substan- tially. amMe and lu aIl siaeo. ýF: 1 ý,9RL AM W%

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