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Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 7

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LtBIMTYVTLLE INDEPENDENT, TRUlJSD.AY, ,SEPT. 19, 1918 LAK VLL DON SCIIOOLS ANY MELO4NS ÀRE EXPECT WAUKEGAN (IUARD SAILORS fi] idri ieceo Ciff, pntlin wkOPEN WITII A Bif STOLEN; TIllEVES QUOTA IN LMAN TO AT iREAT LAKES l famillest5afe4 PARADE TIIRU STS. NABBED AT WORK BE ABOUT $7509000 FROM INFLUENZA Mra. Burnetta parprnts la PenniiYlauiB. ZMon City, Sept. 13.-Nearly hl:,,oZion Man After Many Nights of H. C. Burnet, Chairman for Co. Almost Every Other Sailor is i Fii lia.Cloî (onad ir. htiis mornirny Today was recîstra- Watchtul Waiting, Lands Makes Prediction-Official Affected by the New Thr-at-jv Weber baveuoare ta Fiorida for a tw01 tion day fn- Zion edurailo"ý uepart- the Young Thieves Quota Soon Nose Trouble monthe stay wti, thir parent@ libers. ment spnd; und,îdr of boys and girls.,____ B. A.),Ilirlnt'usl s'îrfflî îIlihinto frounli'-tots up to youths and withhelul atl)iiqtrtigu:c nsg 14y-tvý and more. Scolial CRUSADE VS PETTY THEFTS THREE MILLION FOR THE CO. EVERY JACKIE IS SPRAYED TAI wît th fel diihu.iiatii arng >'regstration day . always ceebrateil lit dilrl,îtiîn if 111 lii. Tx~,b ZonCit ti a-iteetpae t Wjolegale thefts of fruiit4 aud miî Mr. Burnett Thinks that Wiil Be Orders Issued tu Give them ail 'h Mis ë,îçN.-isule i pailai, T 50 îsuariy this mort! ng ' <001 chli. ons have bei n going on ln ZMon City- spn astitis vwe.k witlt lier dren gatbered at S2ilnh Park ind for ;ornie int-,;tnil Ïa.t m' poiats Arnont-Get Oût Door Work in Order to @jeter-. Mgr@s ha Barnitte. iîî-iîre return- marcbed belind to banîde a,,iig thù culprîts at ieast., have bei-n _____Cmbtnem Shiloh Boulevard, d,',vn l-Âjah av-,t'-, tattght Tiiomai, J. Mitchell, etiectr!- Ready for the Drive Cma em Ing ta ber boaus. Her ileaigl i muet, t1h n w siutgou27 Lh lrtIet to Ilb'i - clcan, 2414 t;lboa avenue, bas lieen a l Improved iiwr h br reci t inat eil.t- tîultdItîîa. r- parade wt%,.,..J bauy loser through these tbefts. A Vsaukegat's quota for tii. tVo ' rt Rub Leuad bs onetaEcaet;, d ~ adetcln lt f Zonguaduwei-k ago tic loil about $20 worth $7.50rt .000, will theapp .ir tietas oti'i e firi undeuiàr a ogt ,vlii i r i dte dîre itnof Coonel as a skmln rdgtttse bee 7000 wie tea n tage The naval station h.fltben tr ,abere site bas a position ui le h ieGnofClnlJs ui eosîhog h8 heeiuota for Lake couflty tuil , <bomir placed under full quarantine as vwlas lot Edward Leunard bas gone to Jackson- er H lieithe ald fur s trd er t s o io men a,îcl ous oenly ~tO0 rTe officiai quota ta-t ont 1reportCd about town today. Execu-.ýk eVIcrrediie ljedattendlitu t theoîngmet re teyno olyvct lbeeu made isnown so far a i- ti~ve Offic r Robertsa a 3 otock. saia: Lake vie, Ili,..whure be wl tedIeahu Amerîcan fag in tbe tead and the stole the malon4 but tliey sIash il lk-ztit and Lake county tgu, ,tint-lrn. "Prie of' two regimenta. hît harder a for tbe blind.Ziion filsg in tbe rear. j..them and broke ltbella n peci ond, utthe prxmate fg is ipet nthe ofhers, ha ve ieen uaran mIi l.j. W. Poulton and cbilidref @peut Varons aigas of mottas wpre. cal,- the idewal( goiliat titere wisre brok- gu-en out today by H. C. Ittrni-t. tined. Considering there are 45000 ni day@ reeentiy witb Lier parents at rled Iu the parade, ail of whlcb bad e% melons ail tbe way from GaIllee tii chairman for 1,ake coirty o! l!-. n,, men at the station, the slîfineas la flotth b Prairie, a bearlttg on edueatlonal mattprs. One Gîdeon avenue. Sucb waulou des iet .ondv.MrBut se. esv vnthg hr aee.4cl ilarie sigaread, "Train a cbildln bthe way iruction of food matehial ln t tise wiîr ct.llty plou dive Mr Bu' 1i. sceterl hmed ave tofhthe-eiareuenza. hi ira. F. B. Nixon, wiie of la former ite should go and wben lie la old he limes sboîîld bc severely punish.-il paruwhbWukguiî ~t t alkl u o h e htte t Vato;, now of1310U.City, las, settt tlntdp.ttm t'aohradteeiin oltta ina-coîîntv wet!t oser the top atfl-mon are fot used to tht. da>np cil- food lrtof the week witb the Wald Iauiiy read, "Knowledge is powr;" another, iliorties will make an example of t jclos mate. When the. sun cornes out der and otiter Irlenda. 'Teacit us toi pray," "Divine- knriN-- these b h9vs ttfr i; n iegan'lorls. l Tir lagain It will ail clear.Y edge ls power." etc.,. and a motta ln-n Mitchell deserves cri 1t orebiaiun-'auandait' quotampnY'i haiirded Jams eonrdbas enlored Lake aide tite college building read. "Re- tlriug vigian-e. Hour aler bour hl, - loan was about $38.,00flIn fixin coumr ' u otsCmpYbv frorotàAcadtmy for te U 8. miltary member thton tby Creator ln the days watcbed bis garden. and at fast hi- lirth pquabeqota mrlit iolarn bene nuio eringcaedbr. the sItso trmaten elong wtbbs scitool work. o Uuy youtb." met witit auccesfor ite caugitî the a h rbbeqoafr îtîgnmnaenwbeo ae o hs l Scbool le et ia.t lu fuil swing. 0ur In an a4dress 10 the teachers andl thiever rpd banded Saturday night. Mr. fiurntt le basing Itilgi IK'.Y 0" buildings are quarantlned mad even th" Urpipils. Ovèseeir Vîlîva, as prîsident le bad heiýn watcbIng up tilmrad the fact that te proptosî,' tn iiu ll qhsir principal, Misa Oitedal Of Chlcaguo f the ion aithols, salit: nlgbt. but ailvwas quiet. and fi look- hefrsxblindlas i ial h od1 asdl ytmte liLke begau work Mdooday. 'l'm a utltarlan lu educational Pd as If is garden stuf would be a, caoi lie learned t!ow. C . utc lias Other 'Y buildings are tteing used, go It lr.ried lece, Marie àMcKeitrl@ mattèes1 belleve lu a practical oidu- left undlsturbed. le determiueîilutc recet'îd lils quota of f .o.0,gre ati s thte demand for mediral atten- mua lire Prie an Ilcation. - e dont viant ta deveiop stay on; the job, bowever, aud when practleallv double wlat Iltd lsittton 'This building is note a mick h baemvd ierloggoboid gaods u< youug men ailli numher ine bats; the moon weau, hldden Lunder the Ltime, ,"l h - vrto til' ul-ticn Cbicago and wilhimaie their home their adînohingîunthe bat exi-ept the lotîdi and the ttreet ligbîs were. dut, OflbforaI ntie o a t --ioayndlu th signcourt.lte w 'Y b Ilte la te future, hc-ad. I ro.mcmiser a siory ofssonie be îay concîaîed lunte gardpn and wlll iqecor Wukcganthe ii- pctof-In Mirs. t 4. herwood *peut at week nativsl n te aoutb sea Islands wbe wated. ly t m . Mr.cted nethe -,, tarI h In aIl IL waus aalaithe main hou- mad with ber daugiter, Mira Hedrlcks at caPtîîred a white man aud the irtl Hîstl Voicca Approach! iS ek r lreii îe ii tbing they, proeeded tu do vieslis Sbortly afiter one o'cbock ba bearîl County fLberty Mcan ghbîvilquartier Pitai there have out been five di-atiu Inglesidé examine bis bat. 'ni, ait cau--id voices aloog (lilboa avenue. î'resent_ aI thtit time on tbe second floor of gince the epidemir teldThIti flu- Mir. sallit re. Wald acc-uuî1aî-ed lbs sdîe commient -iooig eye-wîtnm-sîý---.ly Ibey- întered is corn pat<-ti.andtihie Waukegau National l'-ink build- enza if neglected, runs inoa pneumno Iras. Barî,etamie, lire Nibon aud ise and wben the natives were amked wadlng titroug Ith by made for the Ing bnd.h tenia.ta wl Nelson client Modav aflernoon at Lai iyttypl omctatnlnw mlnpib bpsopddwu bear nerest at ite raIe of fouîr and tite bat tbeu rî-plied Iliat they wanlemi and îwere hephng theinseivet 10the h rtteipeatoar i' oeneva. ~~~~~to sec wbettîîr or not ' lie head flledl meons, seordin gta Mitchell, a hi-n one-quarter percent, the urne as thp hera" rcatonr oaý lira V'aiiMillher. lin. LesTweed aud tite bat. Tlîey round IL didul oentey be surîîrîslrIgthem by llrlng a sbottesat one. Tite i nitial puy riýn s. ow- uire bave been ttaken 10 stol)thi- Ure.8. Srenon mensTueeay t je th mango. or wo nto heyair. Tbe boys rail (ever, wilbcelten percent (,(thtle face 1Ispreading of Influenza or qpansb L.Ibertyvile ab the Ihlmlos traiuing Overseer Voiva laid par:.icular and MtrhîI gave clisse. H-e caught asoflte odaathissue. Tfi-%,nerestl grPatLakesmNavaltsaaati n e au octo o oe.stresa on the practical sidle ef eduiia. oni- boy anîdthie otherg ca me back toas n telete wbnde. h-I le Aril - Grago Lae wbav lu cteoua b au e oebool for women.tion. -\Verl- goln u gliîîtifoîr do- seewhat was the trouble. They were datesudoteo i od 1bcer 15. hee nyaffee andueýr'ods hl%( no--lice-i i-ec. and it.going tu i- also sehzed liy itchell and AIL tour 1 taditof erIv . becon-.'eedna tb Qmedan ndér lt ie14 R USSELL no :idi l's tî-.Tit ei î - i'~any were taken to tite Salemn Electrlc Dttso h rv i ýk oa udSnayte5,Q e ilb girls a' luii <iudit bake a ýiici ut! tiiaton whi-re a télt,lione Calusa, ly wll lie made public lu -t s soon tien dally nose and tbroal sptrays. Fat)- thi-r -iiuhl'i li stuor tufilui;ïg put lu for tbe police, as thte officiaI quota lg mai- lunown. sleeping qrtersha n plnerltlin" Thte faruiiers are hup> illinrg ieiir ilosé; L.in. algelîi a. i uc-iîdarit'hntitiitnd jThe four were: bleeIg at ere ndassemb e lae aore are llunitîg thiir iotitoeil. 1hîere sieraI oliier bhmii-e aofeîuî-ation, Rut Phlyaw, 17 ytdars AU EC ERhC rnste r ss ebe nabu slgeqesto lie a b;t.iu lbar set of elcsry- buRIfII-Iia1tiStEDi toos i,-lsîi-i.n l.a JNi a i,7<>t-hae. IaI'j 1L.I da" liniud h-a t-'Imclins up te Lýai Fred Stockstitl.lit t have been sneeziug sud cougblugan Iblue l~in eeîr> tLii.1 atl ceis giri in (oi-fi- iht d au ulfyjjbuy g"on"for their noseu iiid Several trîu ni lier, ai teli -d ithle lii- hîe s-- * iti rl * 1 ,..-..,. andving dou waui@ee tir tat wésk Ti.re uil l ie yoîî gel coing. \P sale. Pckbam aîîd Oier Striéd re'nîcnded tue ralAs p D C A ES trat rmit evprcamtinnad -tias aooeral at.-UgIlthe .ltierty ville fair thi, niysii>-'it- miiinie ui) and -amnple- itsud tîokalilfour to tlie staltin.liAhi Iloui0ftenw lmet week I~ niu iti r.-t i h. gmod t(tiokiniit lia rounud Noeav au tlightly utîder i A UEI AL s apatnof the preati onay inas-en tek ake souit fir Ins'tanei- tanian>influence cf ittior au dfal cf tbem C orSuSFÀ SE tr gon st h en ioflunzt atui Alice au-IMilldred î4Sierclpet te week - 1, ilikit lo a ma odhadl li n to Kmnti-ba for a 'trocd garnd ie mn ..not 1 uvea im eu.l abi liiesp?' -ln o o ma' odtime'"s.re h e o owa lm Mis uîmyi. lasr1iiîid otlir ?m- Aidbyib- ua -Itmilî 'e . s-il Wlei te lii r pîen teeratPraoyT-IlSas ha H Po-clths mie@ ('oilyle ll» retirlitdtg, lvr Andby th wav, L migit ')eaablyllis'pWantedo at Harvardd teaprot Mop. M it deciaretld hat a;tla n lnOaul k ostatt. riglît hire that OBre-r door ofthelt station to te îtthe touutin yi W neda arad as thp discas-cogmtoleavoldi-il lu liai l'art 'mul~i >.-d u> ii it e b'cii 5! .i' imen tbroiigli, iihî-vaIl Illed ln blit o bnomn el xemini udh aet h- Bushli lt.-iig01l Naukegatî. mitent sisled i)v lits tutti-- .<rtgi-i c i tiiilCoopwriter. He î,ipped ,iay u in0imeor md oct tu thIsex" sugy ldintearonîiltnt aevi-a dis ihi îs liîtier lr J~bcli- -oui '-d undIrnarrtidl i,. r Tî te dansand madl r-bs esratw aihctemnwti ii ir ulj- Reddlng iu-i- -t1km.iiif'i or i thouR ijeili-arreuFt I1' xpiot'ii 1la.%i LF WF ACHILDREN int'unionia as a ri-siltý Mr. al l r. 1,I. S0dm" sc i1ta a îl01iiV î -til ut me. lu IP'îi-Ili The tlîrec lad. sri ki in jl l uodrt îualIi tlîlmt cure whmn tIlm-aîîîî-s to gttid tooklng. until seme tinge Stîntay sulî rias ' ~Inodrt laithme couple oh -lasnetihia--- erirlua1d bnl t ' gg W s mployeu at Naval Sta- 1an itoippmrtîntv îc gît ontito t rî Mit@si-r. iiruîrbs'iturtîttu lerl - -îm .) nli - rllladon bonds i Local Ar- r today. Catît. Moffeta iii ordir tii' oisS lia isrîre irr of t.c rimi-ottal fariiîing. it,'- as day nîgitt next. tion W eeLclPlc r ,'n boute laiug msent la cuple of ss-e i îsmîr of pittingItg 'e im on s un ii tfitcbll taltes that- ie taugit a rstdHl uspensin wr a with riel-de t land and leach lhem tla liitîte ..il. -an-oiimed .John Prestan n bis pieutu of fret-b ir su-filstrossintlî, The tchool staff consi-l ts i ut melon pachi i-arlur lu the e ning îtti'p 1,lnn illua ., n - iit - Att't , ;-. - t Il cuiprit- patd for tbe fruit be hall giharr), l'rs'-ti. f I' larvard l,î m es . I MILLBUJRN gItic- ,' sîlit.Nliss Tiiompson. prii tefs mu ti-n cin.o Mas arrt -teti ut ,ii l statioinFrt- _______________________________ ipi Gml i i,t1 i-u ialiîiil-traitn (lier tof hl epizigoiday night, -bittî utlur 5oclocit liv Cahein i-ant n M@sBud Ne I.--ore-:' Carmir. dom'uti hla Zimun for nîotniu.anti un actîs i PoLiieniaiqltn,îtî ,ot;i. on tLu. 12 YEAR OLD BOY Calitrifl li-anu nîl2iss lturdatl ' t mhna--mcrsdc tui liebbegmîn t)lui-tla stotu itruction froiî.! .,i- e mot ilaruard. of Chicago, lienbthti~e k-eîîd wiith ie i,__________t. C. A, Martin. 2rn07titdeon ;use TuiellIis blitng 1 t i ut tue aukeginFO frreParents. mn ï litattiii.i ait e st iff stel Police station n i-ilt t lructio'nu IUÂVELJ FO R AVC JoflDrra. l ýtl, 'ms n ow e Smith l t iiiEz kiel ave- fromtaHarvard.1I~LiJVla - esl.tiglsci, I- R 'SAÀRECORD n L, a ost fui UT Il.ANrerY cl %-s n i dFOODthýFl C. E. liennian M. alest fruýit frs oîî hiugarden - A atdpoi tva.-ui i - tlrnom ' ti iha TbeMIseo Hain and f,@mieCautio turf. and a nîtînh'r ef mîsmr thefits Iat Twctl uas itatiti d tiiere as a de-uT O TA YF O are clrkitnscet the tiluh ilue riauk.-gau WVI LII, hHA 7 ave been made. serter aîd tskiii-' tih- local police 10______ lire Mat-b.rie tîo,u Weste uof Ihila- pc lini itittdti~ Twcll veau 14 C AUF EUR AU employed 1,nli ! tii t-t ehers,in t'inr go. vsit-di te frime ltlks hil e uset SONS IN DRAFT Ai 11HA FEU AE constructionoîuti btuitdings a' tý, Locked Inside Boxcar at Jack- lire. E . A.iartin ient i-dav lu station. ! sn ih, nW dedy Chiticago.Asnn4 I A VN~ N He denle - tIi' - -- antectli-a sn ih,-nW dedy The Waterbury ocitool ipeded liuîday Zion Cit Wmn Accrd a deserter and tw,-tuait unquestîtîn- lands in Highland Par k UZT 54IRN INRAID ON ahiy the swtrranm tt-r-i, arrest lwaii wltb Miss Auina Drmîm (ii Antiocit. as Unique Distinction Unpar- sge ýIiý%i-rl, rte lpacher. alled in County 'DJI(R' C('DAD GAME 1 wcîî ta-,,ut lfwut'ir uto me.ticetroi PICKED . UP BY POLICE Mir. and lire. DliId Younlg are rejo!clnjg j IfLl~lt lI Il le about tIre' i-titît go bh fi ovrthe arrivai oimo ut, bienruFrlday, tbis -ite undi t i tu lie tcsays AND AUL SONS LOOK ALIKE lie bus writî-îî i,tii n seteral tîmne- Alter ha littut (mine,'aithoîtt foiîtl se!,t sept. 114._____ LaeFrs oie-prmn feigt ednoe u aste erat days. footsore and tihUic oî 1ev.A. W. >aftird aud D. M. LkeFrstPlieDpaten fernit n'loufe u aate havto xhaustlon, Latîis Kent. age-d 1,2. have rcfusf ,IdSt ishr vinueitaeeanyscstionpert-> v ho sdleudvit i îei- abteuded the Waukegau Cougregational ';cNeIo tS îb 'iîm M ks ecn 1 ae~l rmhm i-tii tîtterytsp tod a iuîues Austh in.o u s-ace tato Zion City, ladtomeuin sons wtlhlntheIimhm.1- thiry dysJae Asin n n98arofrt i cburcit Sunday, It beIîg te sevety-fiftiî draft age tlîatregisiered 'rluruday. carly ivorning nours. >-dicu e theîAduliona. 1jinRives lunction. 12 miles fromntarit auntversary. She bas eigbt sons livinz. the otdest theays btît il c la ben rjecoýn .lc.aspcdupytielii HorasesFilson returued home from one. William. bai lueresebei lis for-te r bthalihsbenejt o.Nlc w Pkdupyte lg- Ctco audyacmaediy bis t-it ya nWdnesqday. h HAVE' HEARINO TODAY cd becausti of his phusical condituin. land Pac'î potie>'Monday artetiiin Chicng nthudyeareoonaled band le helng mred for ioutil bis relt- others ail live lu Zion Clly .aod their ________tlves caoi buco.mrunl<ated wltht. Th., Unuce and au'b. ages range from '1l to 44. liler G'uy AT aI"C A Esiorv bld lii the ittle fetinve lu a < H. Neal bas jus! heen rpealti fro i Al the Money inl Sigit was L$3 U LICS AREI-I harrowln ganie. < SAUGATU OC i Mnneapoli'î. wbere ite was lu charge -this was Taken as Evi- He totd the klndbeiirted pollî'- 0fte iunaotsbrandli of thç U E E T RT U e that bis tîncte ladt tîken hlm t t Misa Nieilie lieemsteboegrof Chîcago, la Christian Catholc Aposialic cburcb dence by Policemen IiNILRESTîE> I IN UE the nstate fair'af Jackson lasi Xed- vlolu ingM. and lire Portegys and ln Zinit. Ili- was et one timre pastor ______nes 15v Somehow lebe c1me sepler- ual.gndier Vous-a of the Zion Tabernacle, EU Ca IET MA t ad trom hls.,etative lu tite crcwd famiiy.353U Southt Micuigîn avesotie.Chics -li IY U II VV L alato rl adrd bu o Le Food le nous busy lliiîg ise sloo. The uarniîîg 5utind came from lthr f E O IT O E -n ho ould ot loaldee itfut fo Win. Scireet motored to Joliet fint The men are ail about the Mame sbadowy figures which sllppcd quiet- Hlu sandlerings Irougîl Ilm near Irrida>-. bultd and thelr ages run Fio close that lv Ibrotili ibme darkness. ILliwas the Naval Station Band to Furnish th. Miebizasu Cent-rat railroad tracts. Mr@. . Thomasaand daugitter, Shirley, Its diflcult to judge s.hiclîii igte weesorna' bours o' tte morning. Save Music a4 ig * Iv5*ti W u B e knew -Iis road ran tbrougit Rives eldet and wblcb la the youngest of for thee.-thre figures tic streets of ~ a l vnî vu ucio 0b rwe oOa mp WilieTbouiat, lire Scircandeithldren, thte group.Thte nables of the Neat Lakte Ft -st usere quite deserted. The kgaJNxuSndyt o a n do -ecwent anlee. nie) Matha Auaun, Nelle, Mary, Gertrude famlly are as follows: fiure Puitsd udet 5 tret 1.lfP. __box 0ecaeang aenî r l ied e onr aud Catberine Portegy atteuded tite war Guy K. Neat, Jay ';eat, John NemI, Tha tn i dentity became knnwn Biuejacketeu front tbe CGreat IlaIes of te rar Aud wveb hi'aole b> ezpostlou t CiîcagoSatnray. ansonNI. eal, seNaDalce'rbey vere Jam.-s Gordon.,<'ief of Naval 'matoisng-ttulon will umish uasa nsoner. Tbe train wal exoiinai hcg Btra. and Mark M. Nf-i, police o! l*tke Forest and tuso oh bis tue major part or thei entertainnuent motion sudl try as be would he rould Mir. aud Mr@. LIanel Bail left Tinraday men, Pitrolmen William Hensel and ai the mepeting of Catholic men ofnt makeanoee ear. aîgt for Detrot, Mcitgan, usiere titsy AlI Hoffman. LaIte cournly, ohtobr lt h, at ilium- le lost att knowîedge 0of time but lutend ta maire ther home,. BILU[ RJft 13 111> hit course led to a garage. One berg-WetzeI hall, Washington strept il reemed that he rode on and on SCIlOOL NEaSsof the employes vitas engaged.la wasb- near Genesee trmet, Waltkegafl. The for an eterýitv. There was no fond FmilDeVyervirge erfct n aitAet] ing automobiles. Tite three officers "gobe" are keiepiflttsîcert the nature and ualer amnI the Ilttîe felow wa.î for the eek. TO ÀVÀL STA IN aipe past hlm wtbout bising dis- oh the amusement tbey wlll purs-ey, famlsbed. Titose ttat lwer@ perfect lu speing fur ---- llgt of eleps. a considerabte portion of thelr justîy was rtleaed. Then lie crawied lnto the weei are; Fornce Kneaelay aud Aslni eonto htt ffi rom under s door on the second celebrateml lia ilhIbu among thoseg a box car on the St. Paul railrosd, Marta Dei-11n.,dnt w ruedndne At reagt Lskae fl.or-a_ -a---a-rayohf.lgb. 1ctpresent. tbtnking that tis woutd taime hlm Page 8e,.U parentiy la flttishing np Ita wark. 1 . z-za e- The Easy Way is Best GET tiît pile f manure out on yotr fields Grîglit after harvcst where it will do some gocd. No, flot with a wagon. You waste a full third cf il if Noudo il that way, and you have a bard. d*rt3r. disagreceabie job besides. 1 ie easy w-ay is the p.îying way. Gel a tous Carit Kîîîg apreder tuaI usii tear the maoure iuta rntali îmeces, dishrliig ta Joad iu four to ses-en minutes, sud so-d t in ait eveii cuat over thme eîîiîre surfate aiflte ground-. 71litis tue veav. to use stable ntanure. Thîrot~iî Cao depend upmun au iiicreîse ut crup yieluIa wiiiîout haviog ta plant more anc age than tvviu cari cure tor. ILook at preacut prices of tarm praduce. Raiitua ail ou can. Buy aud use a Low Corn King Manure Spreader Tlirec sizes -smaîl, medium and large. Ail narrous boxes. AUl steel fi hîîmîms uihwoutkinîg parts oftlthesiiremder secureiy attached ta the liartie. Putis ishrt. Dritse t rom bail rear whieels. RIe- tuîî iOit drit-cu l'y scortn gear ushitr in rsures even aproadîngc up fi ill antidot t Pull cones straigltt on steel tramne. Soliti tus iiui rarau'. s-akig ii olerbeariuga carnies seventy-five pr ccitt ofttue iîuaîh. Ail-steel beater cannot usarp, shnuk, or rot. ,I ht op)te InternaitionalJ ilarvester standards ai qualUty in esery respect. Bouy a Corn King spreader and use it, The iucreased y1.14 frotîta feusacres yul 1av for your spreai.er tit year. Comoig and place your aider uow. BROWN & SMITH ROUND LAKE - - ILLNOÎS Bell System Progress of the Telephone Art N 0 industry in the country exhibts in larger mieauu-e the remarkable electnical progress cf thia age than the Bell Telephono Systeun. Impi'ovements in the telephone art ire being made constantly by Bell engùneers, both tkrough scientific discovery and experience -ained iii solvîng every-elay operating problens. Ever since audible speacli vis conveyed over the wire in the Bost~on machine shop forty-thmo fears aeo, it has been tbeoretiýally possible ta talk from.thei Atlantic ta lte Pakifie. Until a few yeus a o, however, ne candid telepkone engi-ý neel-would hav.e predicted the accomnplishinent of sncb a lhing. But il is being donc every day.ý .4 The Bell Systemn gives te, anme painstaking atteiflion ta lte smaller problema cf lb. tele- phone business, assuring ils patrons that the moat approved operating diethods- will alWays be employed. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY ÎLLESPE GETS A YEAR IN PRISON IN FOOD SCANDAL rst Conviction in Connection with Great Lakes Sensa- tion Made Known Now AKEN TO NEW HAMPSHIRE lief Yeoman Was in the Pay- master's Office at Time of the Food Thefts t hi-came ituown todqy il. t th,- et man to be canvîcted In cornec- in suilb the foaui scandai at ir-ýat ke s station a vear agoausas Iodav ken awav lus prison aftur a roui - rt tai lia(, fauil hlm guillîr lie mtan In qitf--tien wa.9 Cihet Yeo- n (hmc i.-. c b. t the lime of efocal scandai vea.,,employed as eh irYeoman in the payoaster's de- rt n)cnt ut lthe station. Fottowlng e.esîl ain inconnecti on wtlîlthar il ucar(iilt Gillespie M'as tiac.'d un- , fcrmal arre'-itîand ha.ibu-eu waich- sîý" nce'rliat time i-le fam'ed tho îrt martIal ushîcli stil 19Is se- Dn and the court martial announced ;deoiJslon of a year'sq sentence to eprison aI Portsmouth, New flamp- Ire, and aecordingly (Gillespie usas ken iber- today, t deevimîpu there la a special court rtial for eaob of the deteudauts. ho have been detalned in conne- in a 11h thte food scandai. Thîis us ie first convictlion annoutnced but le expected ltaI no others eili bie ade known as the court martial ap- The food scandai wuate big .i sation in conn-ection with the naval station, IL being reveaIed &bMtab year ago that a concerted pian Ma4 been carried out wbereby men at the utaUio nhad been osmugling fol. staffs out ot the grounds andi mdliii theni whofesale and retail about th. commîîinity even taking satie eofiX to C'hicago. LIEUT. MAURICE SHURTLEFF lB BACK IN tUNITED STATER* Lieut. Maurice Sburtieff, who h" en oser--as for1, several motths,f> turned to the United States with twt othir on a tiîieitcss' mîsRina conact ed with the new draft. and bas bees grai. (l a t-w% days' Il"ave of abeoeO. whivh he a ilspend ,wiit bis para. Mr. and Mis . F-). Shutrtef In ~U rengo. 1le will r) port In WaghtUl the las! of the) w e.i and ezpectaij rna in ,t n tt.country for an indnOV ý ýtime. INFLUENZA GERM IS DISCOVERED AT-STATION .Nipdoaýl atthorities have discv- ère(! that the influîenza germ bas ». rived at tireat laies. Whether It ID the dreaded Spanish variety has uot 5)et bei nulni-ii. Elahorate par cnutions aie leing faken to prev«t the spread of tlie dîsease- Thors are only ten known cases at pflom& and these are sa.ely segregateti la main hospital. Il is not feareti tb.t' the nîalady wiii become prevulest Af! sanîtary reguliatlons pire bdng enfoueed more strictlyth an ever, ee. pecialiy te nt-apitting rk.. RAY N. SMITH ubetyviiie, ni.

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