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Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 8

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lra and VieinitqI MORE SILOS George Bao.li. bavlng a large block ilu burl in lnfetîinwith bis lew barn. If plarî> do n0 mlscarry thfs gala ul b curnllett.t in liane t b. fillied bfrthteyear*@erý.1.ePort-oumn ai 1h11 Morse are bi ,ra'g new slos this peson. 'ru tht. dai .fariner the 11sIo I 4_" ssenlal ut. the. g- iary. À: REA ENJOY S RARE TREAT Tii. State Couneili I Oclensemest ont ai VOquet laIeveny eounty i the.state bold a meeting lu tire evonag of the day ast guide for tie luet regitrat ion and as far ai possible mnle provisions for a 51Br1tie enertnaiaîînent. Area wai selsted as the. plet* fer the Lake county Musting. Senator IL. R. Swift.,luliau B. A»uold and a band if tweulv.five ileces trom the. Great buteil were "n eultob VW &@asthe communnly aigit arrange. 4&ple.nPauni Ray was aise present wltb "&Rmesrve Mlitia It wae tirough tîhe tiorte of Julin Barrelt tint this meeting Vas secured for A rea. Alter short parade, a drill by the siilta aud a baud concerltii, assemble. ans gatbered lutu e Comrnulty bouse wvo ereti baud lurnieied more very etiertslning musicealfer wblcb the meet- hmg wai plared I the bande of Jouai Hodge, wbo preilddlu bie charucterîsîle Mfd usual rntrt-tliîg mannt'n. t %hator Swif> t îe a bncIe but forceful addrsssin lu uu,ýlh e empbusired the aseflty of lbe 'nt regltratlon u@ a ss&ns of .iirg aiure accurate kîmw- tldge of îLe mt;wro! the naationi. Be ae aepol o 1 the flnai settlemeut ef lbheivar, a -etîlenrent I wbhlh erimauny 'i 'u : aveDo l'a rt but te accept tb.. t t:,. ctated by thetalli.eS pourpre *Julian B13 .L. l'au] Englishm&n, and, ý*»on of tir .-Ji known literary critie, Mgalbew A oiiý1J gave the. principal *ddrsssoù! 0-.iig .l Idr.Arnoldcornes dirsct from Lonidon, wbo becaun. be le mt acceptaiý f,,r active rnl'lary duty bus been sent tu aid lie American -Coaueili of Deltqre on accounit oi bis vide experitnek, gatiered frot extensive travels, and ie convlnlng personnllly. bols wlaniug battees wbere bullets fail. Mr. Arno î iàths course of ils address pletured very vividly the pence and LAECOUNTY RREAL ESTATE M'R SALE Iumproved Farms 10 to 1,000 Acres Pavorable Terma Of Payment Ihee Faimns Within 50 Miles Of Chicago Cratest Produce Market la The World PROPERTY IN TOWN 0F AREA .W <sgtof 0w.Sgoî #Oi SALE Modern Houses Vacant Lots- .Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision Sulalil Tracts For Truck Gardeners Poialtry and Sm all Fruit AIEA HAS Water Works Sewer System CGas, Electricity £iectric Railroad So Railroad 01et Line Connections eatflLake CorÀ»!itttting !oipular Summer Resort 'Area la [n Tii.e Market Ftw A Number of Industries. ýM. HARDING, REA, ILLINOIS. serenity o! the unnuppectlug pessult (.lasse@ lu ths warlng countnies. Hs spoke o! varions diplomatie relations between bis owul country' sud Germnany. He toIS o! tii. benoisrn o! lie Englisi ary lu the ffret tnylngr mouche ai tht. war. uqlng manay personnel Incidents ta illutrate. But the climax o! bis dramutie recital wai reached wbcuhe tîl lO! the entraueof Ampicu nlutip war agnaiest autocnacy. He saIS: 'Wt- Engll@b are tbanîhul for Ameri's entnane tub thîs great coufile, not becanse o! ber power or wealti, for we would nul su, belîttie .America, or be mean ounselve@, but we are tiankfni becanse dnnlng the. years t) 1914, 101 sund 1916, tie page of bet cwbere Americats deeds should i. necotrieS, are blank. But when tbe pages are turneS 10 1917. we finS tint Amenîca ba sipokeai anS ber peupjle have witteai glorions thinge Mr. Arnold 1a a man o! bigh lterarY attnaimenasuad Areula maire thau fotunato lu iavlng heen given an opportnnity lu isar im. It le ouiY lu ba regretteS liat tis arrangement@ by the. Stats Council were nul muSe couic wiat eailer @o that more peuple mîght bave been InformeS o! lie rare treut to b. hâd. AREA BREVITIES A nurnier frorn bore attended tht. bur. naielng allihe Anguel Wlrtz fati Suur- duy. R. F. Ronce vas a guret ut the dinuien gîven for Guv. Lowden l'y iieharmnencîles on lie Ames amm Tueaday. Lieut. Perry Blaklier, o! Kelly Aviation Field. Texas, vi.lîed lis aurîl, lrs. J. H. Aynsley unS uncle. John Weil@, Salur- day. Mis 'ruce.Baniun o! Round aiSut, le stuying wlîh ber graidrntnber, Mrns.1 John týelle ad aîteuding the Libety. ville igh scbouîl. Mr@. Cura Bull Bas etucaied froiuna Ivo weekso vacation epeut ut Dulabti Minai. While tien.e h. visiteS a girl. hood fricud, Ls. Lott. Fango, uow Mire. Weaver. William Viekeny, living une mW anud a bal! ai îrliwest o! Aen bas beon li North Dakota th. paqt week iouklng aler hie Inteneste lna 200 acre grain crop grown ou n farrn of 320 acres wbich be ovais lu tint state. On lie Oonne farmtht n]lies on the we@t @Ide o! Area bas 20 acre@ o! wlilter wheuî lookiaig groen an igvlng promise oh a good yleld. Tiie gowing of winler wbeatleIs s.uring cousideruble attent ion li this locllty. Irving Payai. lef t on lie eveailug of lhe 131h ion s visît towestern innesotu wht.rehe owns a fan o! 160 acres o! bighly productive wheaî land. Thie land i.lI th. fumons valley o! lie Red rive o! lie norti. Tii. meeting o! lbe Maturians held ut tie borne o!flins W. Ray, Mondfay even-i Inat wai atte.ndeS ty a goodlynun nben.1 The Marturians une planning 10 gir, a Hallowe'sn party, unnouncement o! vilci will be mads hâter. Bob. Lueibe, a carpenter who le wel known lu Ibis comrnulty met with n serions accident Tnesday momnIng. He sud bils noîher wsme repnrlngthe englue o! theIn automobile wheai tbe batteries sndidenly bcate changod, throwiaig th.. machins Inlo bigi. B-fore tie car could b. slopped, Il lirew lin. Luebbe againet a emaîl enalue wiici wa s tanding neur by. Il vus t first hougitt laI bebaS su.Stined a fractureS leg but the rmît proved tu i. oaly a very palauil bruine. Ir, yl lbborne ltie befure lin. Luefjbe ca, resume île work. Wm. Vclery was a business viln l North lDakota luet week. Miss Avis Payai.ejoyed a vacation lasI week und open& It ai home. lins. Nttie K!ig o! Lake Villa, visiteS relatives hem. lie firsI o! the wivee. Mine Olive Nelson o! Waulegaai, viee lb. WIrts girls Surday anS Suaisay. Bonace Grahe anS Wm. Wirtz arc ultendiug lb. Lîberlyville bigh sebool.) Ibis iear. Win, Kaiebker, Jr., and eidter, Buby, @peutl FnlSuy lu Chicago anSd autSe lie war expoition. M. sud Mm. Fred Wlrtz anS Sauglîlen o! Roger@ Park, sPeut lie week-enid at the. AuguetW'rtz borne. lin. uand% ns. Oscar 8 wan aud Mnr. and Mme. StelImtnet7 0f Chicago, were gaiesîs ait the.h aIl toie1edesSuy.; 1 hi e reliocvte taIMr. Stufford bas sIii Ilsfarte. 'kand agicultunal inuit tiiiiit,. ts l i J i ev uvaen vîlu J -i. iirrtLnit isti iMre. L. C. litta. tIr.ant in,îr.il . l'ayae, Mn. Jail li re D S. ii11 NIii Ois Avi. .tuuet %W rtc ld isi Î ltra. humr j~~~~ nes.tty.Aountiful smiller vus strved ateruards. Wm. Koebker, Jr., of Masa, Nowéf Dakota, tis.p.ndlng a grsek bens with big parente sud coltina on hie magy friend. Hes bas not b... back for thirteen years an4 0f couresseesM any Changes. Mr anid Mmn. Henry Grabbe and Miss Etouma Fsber attended thé. funerai of the. latter'@ oncle, BermaanFlaber St Fair- field, lionday. Mn. Flsber livod litih town of Fremont fer a great many years, but of late bas resided la Palatine were b. passed &gray Ssturday. PRAMR VZW Mmn. Eddy spent Snnday in the City. Mande Hauptfuebrereturned tu Plain. lait week. Mrn. and Mms. F. Stauclifi opait FrIday in the.el ty. Mmn. W. Stancliff bai been on tbe @tek let the pait week. Marvella Keller of DesPli.6nes, viited relatives tie ltof the.week. Lanra Spragneaccompanmied Mrm. Dr. lioody on ber trip to California. Mids Krarner ls spending a few weeks with ber @i@ter at the parsonage. A number froan boe attoded the war exposition at Grant Park the poin week. Tii. Vernoncemnetsiry association will meet wlth Mms. Wylie, Tbunsday after. soon, Sept. 26. D)r. anid Mms. 1irikelaaid of Chicago, spent Snnday with the. W. Hl. and F. W. Stanclifi familles. Miss GraS s@peut Satnrday anid Suuday witti ber anobhen, wbo bas nul recovered froru ber recent Iiness. Tb enon township convention will convent. ut Grce. churcb Sunday ailier- nooti ut 1:45. Ela la lnluded, botb being îi charge of one preeldent. Ela no> being an orgaufzed township lu the Sundtiy ochool work. LFREmoNT cENT 11iss Erna Pryer o! Lbertyvîlle, spent Sunday at the Adam Bebm borne. Mmr. George Hertel 19 ententainînat ber brother, Lawrnce fihaer froni Chicago. MIis« Gertrude Fredericit returned Sun. day huom a week'e viit wlch relatives lu the Cty. Miss Mat)el Behm of Waukegan, spent Saturday aaid Sunday with relatives and frIends bere. Mis@ label Hlorcher of Alilngtou Helgbîe, ls tie gueits of ber cousin, Mmr. Aadrew Amann. Mr. and Mmlr. Jo. Tekampe anid famlly and Miss Katbr«yn Hironimnus wene Lihertyville business callers Satunday aflernoon. Miess lkii Beint of Milwaukee, le spending sevenal weeks wltb ber mothen, Mis KatherIne Dlebold. We are glad lu report tbe condition of Mir. Dlebold as sorne. bat improved. ANOTHER NEW BARN FOR FREMONT i.ast Satunduy aiternoon an aisernbly compored of men, women and cbldren gatthened aithteihorne of August Wirtz, two milles nortbwest of Area, tbe occasion beiaig tie raiinir o! the f raiie- work of the. large stock farn wbic Id n. Wlrtx ià baving constructed on one of bis larme Not wl tbstanding the.tact that the farner@ are extrernsly busy, wltb their thne.blaig. silo filIg, and fail plowlng. exogi men wers pressaia 1:30 p. m. to begiai operations and at 4 ocluck thewonk wascompleted. White tbis wunk wns lu prugress the. women aforeosad wene engaged la preparing one of those good old-fasbioned dInners commonly seen on sncb an occasion. This harnIole32 by 80 test witb 18 foot poste. Thene le an 8 foot basement under tiie entîre structure. 1It le to bave a stonage capaeity for feediig lu addition to the stable roont for dalry cows anid borde@. 'Tie building le to be equipped witb every appnoved labon.ssving device noed Ila aaiodern bmarnofthlis characton. John L . 1rvig of Areu, dld tbe taeon work. Walton and San of Volo, bave charge of the carpenter work. It îs expeed that lie building grlllbefinlshed about Novembor lot. HALF DAY Haif Day Congregtilonai Church The Ladies Afd of Bal! Day Cbnrc willl ineet on Tbursday, 8eptember 26 at the Town lait. Nexi Sunduy nlgiit 1ev. Warren will tr èath on thiieret, '«Arn 1 My Bnob. ensi Keelier.?" Wbat tesseon does tige @tory of Cai and Abel bave for a modern world? It Is lu b. governed by seilflI.- t est or cilin teneet?. le the buann race tu be eonîrelled by doctrine or In. dlv ldullerui, rVery man fhblioelf, or by the spinît of ct>.operton, eacii for ail and mi" e. Dnnotof A1uin-.stheû.ek. end gueet of Miss Atne Bilirehi. lr.. andUMis. Reloe aud cbldrenare visting relatives lu milwankse, Wl s. lie. Vodilb of Forest Gien, was the anseS of Mis.BHnry segi, Sundoy. Mrs. Anisla Pyle 18 in n Chicago hus. pilai havlng had an operation for goiter. Aloi Wiman of Grsat Lakes, was tii. guset of his father, E H. Willrnan, Sun- day. darnuel A. Bols of Lexington, Ky., 1 visitlug i, motber, lire L. C Huie, this week. Miss Uyme Faust of Libertyvîlle, wai the week-end gusot of Miss Elda Huoe-i berger. 1ev. Kelly wili conduet n teachers' training claie lu tbe Preahyterlun churcb Saturday evening. Mr@. Wm. Kreh and daugbter-s, Lela and Doris are vlsiting relative. la Jack- @in, Michigan. Mir. and Mr@. J. C. Endor and daugLbtr Um Clara, returnnd Tuesday froin their trip through the west. idrs. Auna Goodman spent Tbursday and Friday at Crystal Lake attending the Rebeksb assembly. Capt. C. J. Davis returned to New York, Tuesday aller baving @pont bls fulough amng bis muny fnIends., Mr@. Abert EHeybeck bas eturaied to ber borne li Cadwick. Ill., after @penid- li, seierai weeks ut ber ft 0re , 1 I Roekenbacb. 0F COýUNIYPASSES AWAY AT MGE 0F 97 Mrs. Patrick Moran, Resident of Lake County 82 Years, Dies ai Libetyville lire Patrick '-loran, proiably tie ol1dest resident of Lake o>ufty. passued away lionday A,. M. at 1 oclock at tie, borne of ber daugiter, Mrs. Edward Hart of! Ubertyvîlle. Sie vas 97 years old. Mre. Mornai as borni ln Irtalanhl but came to Laite couinty when 13 years old, havlng resided ber. ever since.. Four days ugo lire. Moran suffered a aIrait. of pannylsîs iici caused bier t9..Os ber voice and to be con- flned .1 ber bed. Sbe vas In ful possession o! ber senses, howev.r, un. lt the end. Mrs. Moran came of turdy stock and neyer was 111 a day unitl bier last Illaiess. lI fact tint vas the firit tim, lai ber viole l!, tint se .ever botl s physician lai attendance. lI spite of ber advanced ag., lins. Ilorail vas aile to i. up anS aronnd untî'l sie suffered the stroke. lier eyes vere good and sie speait muci of ber tirne ln sewfug. The. deceased leaves tie followiaig hblîdreai: Mrs. James Bowdeai of Heighland Park; Mrs Joseph Stateeîy of Chicago; Mrs. F. R. Elliott 0f Colo- rado- \Jrs Edward Hart o! Liberty- ville: ~ tnk anid Michael of Lakte For- est. Funeral Wednesday at 10 o'clacit ai St. Jceepb's church.li,,brtyoiile., with aIntermeait at St. Mary's cenie- Barry Ki rwiaivai hoime oven Sunday i EunI Harrison h le leindina a feu' days A iD LADY DIED at bis home lier@. home aven Sunday. U D Y F ER O @Frnank Meyer o! Barringlon, speai l Sre Louisa Rutzen, le of Fredenack SunSay lai Waucoaida. flRutzen, dIeS ut 4 o'clock Sunay alter- Mies Nettie Murray spent Saturday noui, eptember 15, 1918, ut the faînly anS Suuday at ber home hlere. homre, lires milees nurl O!thie city. $She lin, and lire Jam. Klrwln o!f Volo, vasa auntive o! Genmany and vas birn @petit Sunday wi t aucoiida relatives. i tamii- S. 1830. Si. came vlh lber Mn. liaiman anS daughler, Miss Mue, humband ta Ibis place over tity yearr attendeS tic unr exposition lu Chicago ugo. Uer age ut te utiof Lt ien SmI FrIday. was 88 yeurs, () monthe and 13 duye. Mim ranis rinereof hic Hem fumeral vus cuaiducled !nîtm the. Mie Frnci lrlucreo! ilago,0'eIdence, Tuesday aflemnoon aIl 2 o'clack viiteS Wauconda risuds Sasurday lesrIe en aintd b i evetiaig.Rev. R. 0. Buergen, pastor of the Miss Grace Wells o! Chicago, spent Luliern cinch, afler whieh tic nemalus Salurda>' and Sunday viii Waucondu were InterneS lai' Lakeoide cernetery. relatives. Besides lie mimaiS, sbe i4 surviveS by' lin. and Uns. H. J. Scinfier anS son, o!ftour Saugitere, lir@. Mina MoaoeenaiS liceany, vsIee Waucondu relatives@lMns. Auna Gm!. o! Chicago, unSdlins. Saturday oveniDg Min& Trelle anSdlins. A. Ml Carey ah Mrn, anSdlMre. James lMurray anS a tile Place. party o!f iendé fnom Chicago, calleS ou relatives borte Saturday. CARD OF THANK8. Lew Buibard, Go.orge Bâtes, Albert I wisi tinough tie columais o! pour Baseley anS ES Daley ultended the war paper la lisait my more titan numerouns expositioinla Chcago met week. frineds aI belped t pli. up for me, lu ClauSe BafflWy lefI Sunday mornîng tb, RepublIcan pnumnanieso! lasI WeSais- for a weelsa vieî il i bis broîber. day, lie largest majunity I evrercelved. Arltur, ut hie@bhom. ln Wisconsein. 1 I sncerely appreclul. the trust andi Mirs. Rafler le! t Tuesday mornailg hum confidence reposeS lu me hI lie votera laihertyvîlle viens shee vili mule ber o! Ibis district as shahi endeavor ta future home, li. Rufter bas been a menlt lhe saine. Wauconda reeldent for the paIftour Tiankîug the llepublicaa votens, I arn 'peurs iuvingmade ber home viti ber Sincerely, brother, James Murray anS vus one oh EdwarS D. Shunîleif. oui hîghiy respecteS clîzena anS ber ___________ maîty fiiende veme sorny lu @se ber Miss Ruth finoncheon o! Waukegan,I spent Sunday ut beshorne boe. Miss Bronebeon liai beeu chie! operator ot lbe local exchauge boe for the past ton ysars but reoigned ber position about Sept. Lit lu go tu Waukega j wbere i@ho accepteS wark wltb ths sarne compnny lu the. commercial deparîrnent. Iss Broncheon will b. misseS by the tels. phione patrons as eh. W&@ always courteous anS obling 10 ail. Ber rny finade lu Waucoud& ani vlclnlly were sorry tu se. ber leur. and the. boat wli@es of ail go witihbem. A very petty double weSSing wai oolemnîzed ut the M. E. chunci lu LIbertyýville ut 10:30 oaclock Tuesday mrnriug, Sept. lOtb, wbsai tbe Misses> Emmîa and Clans D. Knlggs o! Aiea, became brides espectlrelY of Emil B. Dahms and Clyde F. Barris o! tuis village. Tii. brides une daughters of Fred KnIgge of Ares, and have a host o!f friends ln tint town. Mr. Dabms la one o! our prmnaeJit tbusiness men anid Mr. Barris le lie son o! Mr. and tIrs. Henry Barris of, Ibis place and bai lîved boes ail hlilue anid leaiow emploieS us condu, ton on lie P. L. Z & W. railroad. Both meni bave muny frîsaidi boeswbo wlsh theni a long ,anid prosperous kedded :1!.. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS IN DEMAND 1repare Now and Sectare one tM Tiese Oooâ Poiitions COURSES OFFERIED IN Gregg Shortlaand Ratinnal Typewriting Business Engieh and SPelling Office Trainint Commierciail lw Commercial and ConveruetiQaul Frenchi. Tutiin Pasyabae montbly un b>' the courbe. Steoisi tour imontbu' coIaMe fOr graduaI.. ut tttt.edited iluh erbuols. 'Srecis classes for ttute w,,.10bave crnpeted grafliflar sc11oni workt. PositIons guaranteed. MRS. GEORGE McDONALD Phtone 130 4REA. ILL. UILLIAN JOIINST'ON COMPANY SATURDAY, SEPT. 289 1918 T HIS compaaiy excela la trio singlag. Their Volces bl@nd wonderfully, and rnany have remarked tbat lew ladies' quar. toto equal theme thiseesingers lu queiity snd volume. The program of The Lillian Jobnstou Company la of great variety. It consiste of solos, duets, trios, readingg and irapersonations, anid folk songe accornpanied by tbe Irish barp. Their RawaiiaT, -,ne- trear trfeature tint bum been very pogular. They rlugaie ._ù uoi.,uul amunt of cos-ftume work, la. cluding Gypsy, Old Enwilsh anid others. Admissuio...................5.ts AdmisAin:t.............. Âge 25 Cent& ICI. MfiIR IH[ 3BOW,.JO C[118 9 COON (W. Tax lnclud.ta MPrdie«n.) These prices will interest you and save you money by trading at LAIES CASH GROCRI MDuARET FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY fBest cuts Round Steak, per lb................. 28C Best cuts Sirloin Steak, per' lb ................. 30C Fresh Spareribs, per lb....................... 22C Boiling Beef per lb..... ..................... 20C Pot Roast Beef, per lb .............. ......... 22c Sugar cured Hams per Ibr ................... 2 7c IBreakfast -Bacon, sugar cured, per lb..... ...... 47c Frankfurters, per lb ......................... 22C Pancake Flou r.................. .... ......1 5c Seeded Raisins, package................... .. Ilc Large package Gold Dust............ ........ 26C Campbellsa assorted Sou ps, per can ............I1Oc Baked Beans, per can.........................I1 6c 4 bars Amnerican Family, Fels Naphtha or Ivory Soap..........................25C Post Toasties .................................13C "Pillsbury's Best" Floutr, 24è-1b. sack ..........5$1.55 5 lbs. Oleomnargerine ........................$ 1.50 3 Ibe. Manor House Coffee................ 95c Chicago bread --ý........... 9 and 14c Package Macaroni or Sphaghc.tti ........I Oc Will Pay 42 Cents a Dozen for Eggs GEO. M. LA NE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS ' The brougli hlm hi Marly Plat. at the stylîsh iîtr. i formai agents. vus lit rested lutIl teleonu ».ad vi as n T['HERE are two (2) kinds of insurance. £Both are good tiil death takes place, or you want some cash -or a loan. Then there is a differenae. One kind keeps righ, on being just as good as ever, when,, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tubl you have to malce demand for money. One retires, the other goes' on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy. Your Lif e Insurance shou.ld not be neglected, and, when selecting saine, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURA,'NCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and bettèr than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS

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