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Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 3

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SEP.T. 26, 1918, fl1u ~ outoele, the disâtribution depots, the rnarvelons vill and oplendid morale, ia Vil twelftre of the. men, etc. To date Col. 19 the tact that the men, becaijie ofTHE R oys'XT THE FRONT Simil iB.th hasnflot act.Ualy dlrected the Dot bearlng front the homne foîka, are WATCH1fIG LISERTY LOAN flrlng. That ta up tg the commrand- qulte otten afflicted wlîh unmeetck. tn fice.ne». . The best lime to order the BElaCL N L Sceie.Judge Advoeute. tr ~ Yfifk to a attaok" ho sald, "1s aftrlyL!tGog avgFgtn STE3VENS' BE F portant poition of belng Judge advo- a few lUnes froi tire folksý,at borne'" UMA teTece side ataitthecouts.andhanpro- culdJudge tire beginnrng oftireenThn hr Ya Chicago ~ Secretary With a very eficent and fair Judge. Of the grsat war was ln progressa. ~ î' l ltwr Chicago"Y" Secetary ith Themen aitregardhlm as qliha;Fane l mt rrnda.Sh ( the 149th Gives VieWS Re. ti a buard poAin for m iai t .d Answer Made to Much Specu- 1 veryîihng tirt ahe couill i r do garding Waukegan's Lead-tilt iand silîl be llked. lation as ta How it Happens ta pîee;tt sur, but unar iii', 'r' id up- ing Army Officer; Predicts« o "te reI petl o on, lgi aually Few Casualties Have Oc- OlIc y(erey Promotion Soon bliment, aror, fh aîf Itt ieed tIr curred Among Waukegan ithigwerrwith herur sir': l i,l lor.w elght parts, ln ibis portion le haitir e 4thenr i us an il iiicî'ui BO S L FNE MIH wbole lot. - . ofhrail lier power lu iiihaud ile BOS L FNE MIHColonel Gains *clght. 1mlw doerr Il irap-'en, that, despite ria resourees. I S JUDGE ADVOCATE otinuing Mr. Stevenrs .aid:"CoI. tire teýrrifie fighting whilirtire Ilýilh W( are il,)%%-.urr rirat \i.. "arr in Smith tanks finec;lie, bas grinc-d te" bias ber n engagvd in, litière harve hbe l nthib rir. W. lrhave for '*Il- ýa few Perona M ssae I Bougt or 16 poundo, Is brown and happy, ho sr, few cu uilsaked ia r.ortrc non siîneemsorir']- uIrL ,11'if tlire PesnlMesg-s ruh 1t ulof pep, ie checks arer .îe oa fIbflert C. Stevenîs, <Chicago Ittde ln fil ofuthte si. liti we ISL looke fine î'ven though, for rs iii"."1j scr îryf hoirsuslitsrr Back by urucagoan Whîo s. !I 1 serhl hobsjuk rtrn.lsiouid ual. bowever, bu 1 l aîy * oters siçîtIn ie lolresailb ,Cicago atter a YPar wIr Col, ExplinsHow mit DiécS he tme;we lept on tbe grourrd Smiîîr's bossln France. And ilh,, ur receut sceesses. Work Back of LUnes but Is'jmany t'mes when we otrurk towns'fs(rf.rtar>, than anrrwered a questra'. Let the peuple atilroule u,rlr.înd a t' mldnight anrd iad no other place wlicir has uterested Waukegan peo0 'tiraI riey, as weilles thi;. nri ouni N ot Directing Firing to sieep. pie, 'rer mince thre boys began ight- figlitrh n e, bave to tâkk. 1r î 1rshbe Afrr ayea'rrseri wth ir. '~think Col. fSmith 1.4 iearirrg Oh nir against the Cermans, for, every. Inrihe sîruggle. This war Î,i. rît a '.ar Ailer yarl sr wth Thi wunderfully wclltaunler hord ( bodyii bt.i ra b. crifeeling mot encoui -iaf baiditrs alune, I IL ar.î. inia- 1491ir field artilery< Ilhhé filliw-tions. ToeiadirprdnIse-1 iaged as the, reports from Europe îîî1îrîir 'rirhrdhi. dn ' -Te front l la t'i;here" cd tram aone camp in America tu an- 10 bother hlm a bit. Theeimcen lir(e sirowe d ibat W..akeganr boys harve es other, and finally accomPanied ta hlm anld bave gresât confidencepln l1im. capd E, date In a aiost remarkallr'!<rril3, it l everywhere. France, remaining tiiere tirrougi thieH1ila greatest dut>' o! coursp is tirat and really urrexplainable manner Judg- Th ire n o ver tirere tir-- tuentir'l lent drive whicb beinan ahl<'hateali1 wilch coames ta a judge advocate. Bt i ng iîy the trghrirrg tirey bave been sirrre Tlrey are givlziîg ?î w. Thierry. Elirert C . Stevens, Y. NI. C. ire gels on. wilir Il fine." doing. lere lm tire explanatlon: Let nu' people uit heiriwu. n, il Tîit A. secretar>'. roturned t0 Chiîcagro l Mr. Stevens wau askerl If hlinmPt "Col. Reilly ha$ SirOwn unusuai the rniv business today s .. u, .otire Frlday entiruslastic over "Reilly'ie tirer Waukegan men, and ire reeaiied ability ln takîng cr.e o hie men. He wuar. Ewcko./tirat Jesse Brown- le Col, Smitir'sa or- unes utmost caré ln placlng them fer Lt ooyhdeip st teur And ihe brougirt bacît I0 friends of derly and la gettin gona fine. thift ai- 1 batis and utilize ln a wonderful man Itn obod th eel rcvda, lu roie dur Ucut., A. V. Smithr andl orier Waulce colini Wodmansee, tir, rolor b)eai, . n er the art of camouffaglng; ire r no ree wr.orcai.lu, r 1i u gan meunhers of tire 142fr lire cireer- IleIn fine shape. and h. ,rdded: sorte to unusuai means to prevent'cren succesees tiret tire enuls near. ing information lThrey are aitlnii fine "I belleve ever>' man in tire regi- hii men being seen and that la wiy! Wc simihi %vn. WVe are hi a lrilg shape, the>' look watt, they are hrappy, ment ias gailret] from I0llu 15 thre Germans do not know where te' point. But tire enrd le - p'nîîr lrRwY. the>' have gained in weightt n every poundý' sute heung oser lhier. direct their tire to hit thom. In aur r lit ru>'ycovlcllon-arr il 'l roeriders cas.,," w wllitirte 14111h 1id artliierY advance on tire Mune our artilery irLi., have bven two or r.'yrrs at Ibis was ire mesrsage whirle o n hlirre 1nined Sltir'-, thym n oer.eaý drave tirem no fast tiraIour nfantry Ilirefrornt. uili tell yoU t1h iiinng. gave te Laike Count>' people wiren ie inlto Lrltanv, agaîrr oser bln 1r1raine, fud' epu ii hm ll îrîln srmylrTn rrru tallted over tire long distantee ire near Switz-rrIand and] finarlI wen t tatii practicaîlly ailtcibler unita er oe o oi, r % as thie morîrrng ta lire Laliy Sun. -alorng wltir nirmwhen rit un>'4. of artiller>' have auttered morle casie- )itnsinmor.wei -bh, iiT. lei- s And tii-n i(r'rslirts orirer latsi.Ttirey wcre made shock -r,;S an'd lti ti. irm4thadi! aii lrrisno ernîs .O l-irl word. a-i deducr-d afler being wiii rcoer(îrI Th-i,.ele, wilh glorv in the nte t ta tire wice judgment d1splayed ""uiluon, ire 5r<si oui . Iii 'n thé Illuti for a yeai': trem,.nilias udr-ewliuîh rni1- l' i Try by Col. eRili>'. rrrefrs.(oiiîrI' -ih "itin't goung to be long before at ('hateau Thierry," oai Nir S'eii ih.! corrected wi Thirni , hii f "un Col. Rerlli',in charge cf tire 14910i, sens, woIro lacinrer Cihilcago onir aOF will be pron'oted ta a brigadier- leave uf absence, COAL SUPPLY CUT OFF 1 isalrefrT riiTcrn end, when heire, tiren Lieut. Cal. A. Cited Tiree Tuomes tIrrl erlyutliema. '1 i!, -r . icidge V Smith cf Wauhegan rIiI be pro- 'Tire t4:;nli freil nri1 r> h r' ýe. eisDnk GtOres rm is ihe'oîiity luini. -hrilir. moted to colonel and be placed i cited Tirpe -tîri, .. t h- F'r' oilrirrrnyRisDcsGtOdr o ',1 charge ofthtie ighitng artrîlerymen. for ëeiflenry and lcmuîrage in ii Sheboygan, Wis., ta Seil no est lire n-itet-Iir- 1, i. .. îr And, ire deserve& it-for, ire la wel l espîite tire factthIat ir lias. oe'*)cud IÀ ~I n ltrect-rrny, or tosirir, 'ii liked b> tire meni, ire lgefficient, hie thre frnttrtencire'. tri Tu h>mirtiri.1 More Coa5/vun saukenÇf has More tian Macle gsad." l.i ha.. but uiffic.Tiverin ir dir(w' I riiuir ei.rs and In li. r iite. i ~Tire'. knrîw ital Wlrn ili,,- .Ir (unieS "Dld yîîu know IroI. Sinîlti ler, on shil lire by tier.' m ins. £RSKINE IN A QUANDRY tu la r 1k Itlâ llrir l)ih 1', and 10 slly"'- kî lli~r.i'ii l hthe"Iwen aîong sur <'ol. lehI) rrnd ig1 i.r ie I e' iiitr'y ..Know hlm? Wry I camnp.-I A irîr is trios alntnaît 'arndl.rfirl drisegvetlirlvs ft hlm drriîrg ' irllg drrîsi 'hllai. rwhlclbnni wr%% pape'r cirld iailquateiy Teîegraphs ta State Fuel Ad arcs'. itliiig Tir liiIt. n .rii,10I Tierri 1 I air iliroandîl allirdescrI!l.'Tire dus brdupop of Our .ifsa. AC[ I or tir 'NNrelirte cu i . , i.1r tire offlrci-sarnd lîrui as Ii rclose' coun mcn a ss Iiuply atourndrniz.Tir.-, mi. . . . .'diii I.. Hi fortirhe îlir. ,' Trgise: tacts mitl ri hiiirailtrire ttîrnf'" -van ýne r isting îIhue rri,ii,e.and Meaning of the Action lth--iiýiîey nrrce-ary f.r r . liriecu- Not ln Firing Lmes. IIl ý thei r ne cai l aorg rire A ri- ______tl'îîri ii th.'-'.ar, I i l î , ': 'f iver>'- Mr. Stevens %ais asked JO-il wir.t cao litre. 1iarnsurrçrJsIr'thaT lt.-nen -gv l htli ni, hi h Col, Smih a uiig aliurtenrant iras b-en any riorîiIn Iri Uncr CnrrTrryws lzoninotlý cmadrIh ,pand:regard.ng lire splendid s.lîîr andl lie ranis o! W .ukean (ual dr',rl's lI' i- l l1.rrl i. i u ln licharge of tire reglrrrcntal eageroess lu mnix ln, whirciarr Tir.'morning -hen silirout a mioment _- erli shen coinnlrreî i ii r ln.of tireI ecirulon, r. hurur- Une. 'T'iis Toant autstanding qritii a of tire Yarks. warnîn gtire .ruriîlyut hard coal 'as ii' lig i-lu rire du, tirat h.. iras charrge o! ail tire semir- Hcnresickness Worst Pei. s liag preparalor> To tire daa.b wbîch Mn. -Stevens sait]litat tire one lilng biut off aitIre iteis. Coal dock.('us! LeîtIrhermen ut lire fr- r.r knoiw and 'would bfIln charge ot Col,.Iteiliy. In tiraI Impressed hlm Most regardbng wagtorns 'aiîrir sn ta tire duck far fee' lIrat lhe people aut" iare hirat Col. Sîitirs chiarge' wuuld ire tiretire Aerîcan ansi>'.outside, of! tacoal 'acre uirligcd tir reflîrn elrply. insîrîl %Iitrilleml ln il s \i irn tiat Tire drastire uîep 'aa. tairen ai lire tire îî..îîîe et home arer rn ly tiu maire dock following Tire reccipt o! word eve rv 'lr înleryinrriasog earlY thua nsorring fromt tire irad punrr' 1r1îleili vit> i hcoin-a trIr. ad ofirces oft lîr coorpafly ai SIire asccre forr(rati ron.- fr^ -ilor. and t JboYzan, \rs. No rcrrvui was asrlb- lastlrg pae f - cd for lIre action ansd uilcials aetirhe local doei< areccOenîr)ltely in tire SET PACE FOR VOUR NEIGIibOR. I cark on tire Marier. ('ual dealers 1aýtPned le take the Dont wattl tu 're. iiw mucb your matier nP 'aur L. P. Eraýkine, fuel nelgirîrr lag ,iirii,', 'rrlIscrlbe te tireI adminnirator o! Loir-'.cuunty and ho Figiitlrîg Loun, frîtiIiniv .-ids ta tire ut-. - conferised tiraI ire sas isaffled. He mostliîrit oif "irr lilllty and set irastly sent tire folowing tclegram t the puce for Iirri. A louan qulckly over- tire slete fuel adîinistrator' subiscrlIhed%%Ill hiave a wnderful et. i ted tin stimuaiieire morale of tire September 21, 1918 allier] counîrle.s and aller armiles, I Raymond E. Durham, witle tire reserse - mii be tire effeet in ïï ~~~~~~306 S. Wabash ave., emn,%ioe1ýleetesarb-f Chricago,Ilîlinois. lng taldireht 'Urîil tataes la flghitle 3 - . Wîre meanung of instructions thema to thre ezleut cof ls trerndoua à ~ . btirte Reins Ceaui Company, at resouTrea. Sireboygan, Wl.., to deliver no more anthracite coal to Wauke.v gan dealers, If ordera O. K'd b>'e tin cticeforcoa wîî nt ~ WHOLE NATION AT W1AR; tis offr i tire cck. l mt aNOT ONLY SOLDIERS Q .P. ERSKINE.c Lake Count>' Fuel Admr. Dy C. H. Martin, Major Gen. U. S. Army>, Commanding Camp Tire sle fuel adminîstraton Issued Grant. Ilinois.9 an order in Chicago Frîday in whlcirb ire urdered coal dealers ta soli ao Tie Funr Lety Ln Amore anthrracite coal ssntil after Oc. Theuld aurr iertiy rruuiir t,' ober 20, brs instructions bcbg t.iat ever>'body than TlIrS irole nation S e-everyone muet haro bituminoua coal lae10lirte ssrr. ;ltnul merely a until Christmas. ',%Ir. Erokine says tIre mseu n rfn îu ire fils t l eeiow enreiran order W. are tiii' rîrlates l0aa would have caused qîrr'irdraixtîce ac. rnlgity grli,ileuru@amewiicir tion at lire local dlocks. lias boulda ,t"~n for cen- Il l knwo ira Wakegn'r alot~ turiea. Theire' iiruing teanis it I knwn tat aukgan' aJot. are Autocric> id eiocracy, ment o!fibard coal i... a arl> exirauated and lfe latireh,-Ilite for whilc buot neltr e ircrual admIistrajor or lire> are liu g, Ve are now dealers eraissoee 'ar>'tire onder shut- at tire ver>' liririr of thal age- ting off lire sale of mora'coal here long atruggle.P eirorrd- go mbt effect now.-. Mr. Er, Tour prrrt "Tu rire teain re- 1 skn tinks pîriraps tire may have quires a lc anIr d disiister- heen nome iajtake. ested forgor'rfrri--i of self as Coal dealers sry liere w'ah oire ea '-rnplete andil iirritigglng as you P ezpect frorTi iw mno in uni- iurtsufferlng If lhey are illowed ta dellv-' forni. No one lcin~ ili lls dut>' on k .. '," /~ Y/~'~~I jor nu morre coal as lirey. say tirere n>' teatn ssi neaursi T ai/ifar ir msyPeople s-ho are not lirovir]-. duty blugoy aIri- hirstandard tbuîrl ed for. Tirese, people, ln Manry Instila. hi irrlre ruIiîirlî- il canant b. ce, tl.y sas'. 're tirose who dilfl r'Thrdhtaini jirrsrns 'aiti -r 1î Iuse tire trley a vailabrle caler in rire lîrrfuriri ii'i )f librsn. Do noî r iii i ' . liii T Ite front, IIy. pa tir te ia 1r.Ilie, otu ink f th ti . l o 3 h ulfilent lm- 'i . i rn ya'cTh pnnveri o,'0.-Althoulis'tf.,T. ir i lir-pe oun An- F- Tire ooly n-ny fîopustr tie s'nit n I- t he sali. uerow.qs Ie:ng IniWaukegan rîreOUt t'aumonîhs g Aririake Berlia n îs %n, I,lr'ifd, lîcwta.rn ssîir-rh ti, i l ghhst fîr i le nuIS: r fierli..>.- i,' mt 10irk '-"ironT'. juirnors. anrdl urr'rs eri' : tr asing 1i'.,-d ln tire goir cou». But BUY TIIE -".-'IiIITIN4; tIN"I rs-'~ r>' o! Alska, and alco un Seattle. __________________And fIi-n lise irrrnrhaii t r,'ahii' Wasrb.. for tire last si'cteen oreva s- critelTi t ey ssoulni lias e iTu 'isni steen>-earu. FARMERS -AT START OF inr ep obedir-ore as. lie iir-un oh r osycrrt eeAga lurdhrouz Il sTiif tircy trus.t ell -1 h f1D i otlBeAga TWO VITAL CAMPAIGNS îîîrrî kc-p v"dIng ailltire lime Cuiuon - ho efore i die," ni.s Kirchrner, O ____-Il'ni a Pro-h," "Cou ('00, l'Tu al "Crandma Kircrner"' ns aire 'waa ai-, Tiiiers ot tire Sal Must Prepare tfer r',"-hi" ce-T; goocl uni luhrdal] if s'o.r %,t,' l od n od I o irer oflen 484tl remar'ied during tb*e Next Yearls Marvest Anti New - th~ iaI n-,ms prnislroreutrlaItur." 1 '.gtigLon"aili u'-liojl,,,wonan.ilas t> 'ar of mer lîfe. Witrlher tisa»6 "Flgrtin Loa." cctsionally' lireFreushieri 'aouldest wI'.b graîtile]lIMra. Kirchner vus --'nrîr o u),T if breari"andsnup >-eibnrr otetanror.p mligy ni i i;rîriers o! tire United Stances, siose %icrrîrpon un, outhtie seniors 'vouri rrpiflseeo ikes nga sud, fli st i.el.e irruntîrs ln for- Jbi er In ltse rirýand sarn hi-r. brpiflseeo ikes uW tif> inrg tue fîond limes o! t lre iuibcsias "VYeIl." Anîd sbe'd >'cli ageiTi. i Kirchiner returnedte l biis home lis treen of! sucs suîrene inuiortnîrce. are Anrd su tire Fresirssmen wcre gis. Seattle ahut len tia>' ago. now'. rit liie' iurtrîo! tso vital rani- n th Isi' t .tage oft Teir initiaition Durlng tire lasit 'ui or threedm. ni adnus' traT trIt'ail river tires' " paiglis'-ir'iiarisg for<lie 111) %r'.lient Im-raI tire i lîied uIL o! ier IlI.neae lireageti voman 14t irarsest auI fur tire "Figing Isun"__________ een In a condition of co;ma W Tire su-at haîrvest of 1911) sîi be tire o~ f th ire rn birt aroused sutftceatU,ý L'2ert %Vlwat aret a'.~ nd the A1L goW V on MoniaY tu rucognize relatives. operallon and supporrt of tire w'aiet uawevu e,,'. six sons-anti one danu&W, producers tu 50w 47.ZrOflJ,iJW or more iIU I lAII j en, ae fobio'a': tite. William Doaw- acrs o witer%%ien ths fit e IND IT À sDTO per. Fre] C.. Edward, Peter aad Tis- griaranie e guinst puossible partial crop fD A N Mas Kirchner, aIllut Waukegan, Chai fallrrre next yetir. CUcle Sam kno'as UlUlAIN RW I les o! Chricago and Auguet o et 11 from past perforarîirce tlst lire Anier- Walsh. ican fermer agaîn '.sll "cane acrots" a1 the rai. Tire Unitedi States grain Assert that Many Are lnclined p g 00'a owrealizes tfol>'tirethirni omwt u T l tire malin Une of defense ln tii. allIid toRegard thn thSs- T E 2 MI WHO foodarm, ian ehole prend ot bis p- picion--Hard Problemn elinanti ut bis aciîievements. Wit ME HERlAI U I<qMAIF- out lire essenti al foodt reservea tire. N HV HER C OC 'vîli neyer be a grand smashn tirat wîî HV HOC over'aheîm tire destroyers of tire 'aorlt's peace , but s 11h tire AmericanOn SaorW oAvtie ,-- furmer holding tire line, tire faod re-On alrW oAvd e i seres vO ir unca!, ntiti. gand Su fo a oo' Rceled OUT ON HABEAP COePU» serv@ wll o o cut. nd he gand Sunfora RornRSefed Cari Dagis and John Wilkes WOI*. smasa ilCoôme as aurai>' as thl. Fifteen Replies reloased trom cutody titis swru.tï AmerIran nation ia le tire var. e resc ueIwr1,fI~ colîrg rie trLire rty nlngeat Hthre Tirehirsi ltuation un Waukefan bnp the fiiinu in circuit souk by Ms, camaie or ir Lber>'Wh a Hm tgisberumia ga more complîrated prob- tome> W A. Doneano f ababa&@ Ou- vreut 'ahi b thirenauguration <of the lem constantl>' for 'aitle tirea ppear campalga for tire Fourtr Liberty' Laete ire plent> of jpeople 'aie ae '&Spus Petition ln which iresait feeiM -tre "l'ghtieg Loan." Botir of tireqs lng te rent Out a room te single men, taItirhe men wer. haine hold wsIUi. campalffa are vitali, Important. Bath tire>' are notl 'aling te rent te Mar- eut warrant of comeesttment, almupir; 'aI b. backeter]tthe îimait b>irethe led couples. Especally do tirey iob- bcaus. tire.won a "ousol«eu ilà farmer. Batr 'ili bear posiIve 'ailesajerI tu rentlag te 'vomex. to heeney f he oldaityan sn- A young man frocstlire naval st-tire>' migirî have been quit>'orfla glnsso uro ftis coit tr; ion w'a ireagieti iimeelf "A. J." ln. crime. botir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri gvi egtntr oaeo i,'erled an ai]vertIeement ln tire Bail> T'ao feterai ciserativea. accempa.. bot wll bigtenthemoaleof heSun. asking for a furnisret room. l.d ir> twe Waukegan mmea, on sef alieti peuples and give a conquanlg ng li wo days ire receive] 16 reples. spirit ot confidence ta tire alili eacir from a Waukegaa famîl>' 'ail. coinagirt near midnlgirt on T"tý armies; anti bolir yll enairle Ucie ln glu cent a roootelui hm. Out of tire aireet etoppedti tre. reeldeilta oft t Sam le tirro'a lie '.tiole aelgirt aofiris nonierire 'a abale te select a de- leca#t> flearcrel therm and, tié mlghty resourcea againet tire cracking sîraisie roufs. German UIne, urn tirrt tire barvesllug of Blliit appeara toeire diffeernt îtaplaced twl'a n anrest'and teokl hnm b. tire Li.berty Whr'ar ('rrrp mn>' indéell ss-un.so seks te refit a roum. A Chirage. be a barveel rof tr.edrrm, tlb, nelion ung'oman, th ire'ateo! a aleor Tire tirn man, as lire> wçre ser* ovethrwn.jusiceiid rghttrimph ut tir, naval station, cuteredth ie 5Sun îng tire utier t'ae, threw a bot!. 0fr- onetrran.ejrrlr"linpnce.ttromi ffice Wenlneeday aflernoon and la-bnzonlr'ak mdboeb.Ae no.at iesrlirtlec.qîrIretiIf there ,'aene an>' tirnisred oz nth akadbrk i rouma rue'ahlch sire might ie rirectl. coiding ho Mey'er Ku,ýelky, 'aire h.' WMAT LIBERTY BONDS CAR DO Pd-~ Wiîm diffirultysh ie irelli back Pener] taire paaehng aitlire 'lime. bWs rie tears as sire sait sire matilireen nrt resuilet inlathe federal men but* Oe ffty-doihan L.iberty Bond 'viii tramping about ai tire aftennoon, hmserl'ani pa heUitdgoing from. oneironise t oanoîm Pr ng hmsvtey ndillringtire pire ps te 'nteiSiuites 'ver billfor suer, fornîsieirooms 'ver, ativer. Ceais, ire saifi the villit yelbed: "Donlt 1-10 ut a secondTuri.rrbu>' 1.000 tisecl, onsuiv re lrnd d r-kl e ip>.m a" rartidges, or 1re' lirnrlgrenardes, o aisr saorrîatun.ddw o kl e o arepyl 104 rifle gnrndr'. rî r 37 firsI aId "It'shirnt enougir for Cas'fe te The ferlerai men teoikthtur am panktlaantidni"- ir 10 bayunrels andti gve ber. iruabandtier. tire service of 'alirtratm, accortIbng lu Kubelaky bU acahbards. or kils,îra'e hlaun.orbirrcourntry, soi] lien tu lenve bir ntire irird 'aas irlecding go badîy the kai'.eq, forts inîul îîîrm for e comn- home anti come teluiWîkegnnan gotiat usiner of tir" car wiih aber] Yqarb pan>', or four gu nr riruks. It wahi feed $ciecouh.' near hlm 'alirhut 1ecelt- onesodir fr inr iioitgor Ing lire kbnuti o!trearmeot aire gets urld inot permit hMoite ire ilaceti la anc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl sniie o .rnriosie r'îiiere," sire snubd sitî sorte bltterneas. IL Oneofuthe Watikegan mea vin feer] 100 sallons f,.r rr day, or srus'ide "Ç 10pesen ulo alrsu-akdiuî tecn'mtae, mli ilfe preservers for 10imen orirem- picion -ri.a girl 'alun seeka te rent a clbned ti -1,iiftrnr"' iro'aever, that tocks for 10 s orrr'.,ons-ndçsrout rîsorri T11 donr't toup tlui ~nk tiraI soir'. for 1() nmmml Iuiruknuts, on gae nrany o ut rinie ynsung svuiren irave'5'lirefelus's' lwho r'. haen, soght le 1,00l ntuer, frsîn -iii,Ipsox b>'paying l'oint.roui ufthlr ineut iromes ln tire resist arreint andti iaI 'vas 'air>'tU forva-ii. or crise 't141 urmenfriom r>'. couorry." operatives uilu te tienhlm.KRube?. Irrlil fî»vîn librrr ing for tlri mc- .b " k <rIuatir' fcllow as -aa octei culrlbîun. or enuse b:39I'untled men NInrs. E, 'hesTTian. nesîdiorng in'-,doisi sd t'he' t.rnrp' tipon UA n i - frorni~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~tý li~kavh'irsulrgatlxn o if NIn, Pberrsnt. Wis., liasdon- on îruy 1.000 >'rir'uI- f.iun'arîesive tape. uSirri 151) oirng iogpgeons 10 th,' gos'- orh idg fo 1< 14 'uîds ej rîrîni ltund 1h.'>'arr' tn iretrnsinedi If l.,statedti iat hecause ef CertaMi or rrrnrrruge 'iin il. itg tonriose' I ntires'.ar servicenul ruii tlael> blirtese rases «here A one !rundfredI 'ilrbond 'aillho>uy rr.I.ru'. Yesti.rdai' -tlernouonnhv neBtknon h,,c eigit 7lrrr. bild gtin -bells, or lirree rs' eruri t <'amp .FnsrmngiT. nihv entkno c os rifles amdi] lîcînlnnn' r n5 loren- iTLa ,came ute inueanrîr urîlnii.u veaie reete ciar> suriane iriio.rrT., N. T. fo'r unls- .Iter hie gitt. l:rIing bir ne mmm' îiiteby lake theIn priiioa4 liehrrtIng eurg-r 4ursîrici',nî Iul1' bh l.aws i>'front Waukegaz, tirat tii.>' 'a Iî wili clorhu'is -rrli]lir for oversea. 1ah'."t fake tire evidenre awav sand tii Beihfre. onrir',thil qu ablor. fi tvl feerl t.iko Forest reeiieni' , fiileti1 a croirlnr>o f 'ir itr for a day. For i1Tir Zt tîrir crîni rnîarnre hnrînlig inn information 'ahi ire given out wbel- the onibrial der';ruentolIt 'viiiprovie:- sa.tp e prr lu kuii snm (al deul 50 (ve.r 25 prorle# of chtieor for nneliesia.' rs nfi hie nirsir.esnare ppfl - fl înr,!(i nlv lu ofa.steî s-ho bacvao o ae ecsa1 1Is an r-17 lirut-srten biigs, or 2,000 su1~c îirge iru o . inl ie, or porsoii Il il DEENNT rae e16,08% Ine* e neetiles.m. iTror 'fni'iruTus-fui I adnrilura-i.EEDEbréc & lion se ' rdered. moiti>'.A DY'ioulr~ ALaiftT LAMB. SEL VES IN MiREN [ My> gninnulale paînter] red iis hide JE N LL 8 É é 1 In ancient Mohrawk style,- And crept dowsn to tire bystlc aide Lake Forest Col1lege Is Scene Aged Resident of' the W 4* To watît a Ilîtîe whille. . of the Annual Initiation of Side Had Been Famling Tiren otîrer Taünks le redsqkln guise New Girl ArrivaIs Since Fracture or Hip And lrrk lrte rhp îy surprise HUMILIATED? NO, IK T! ELI Andrrî eirw tire tua aseir. EA ST WiSif, 01.1 Gaurgp thre Tirird was mocirA Upper Classo e ac aveseta Chapel, Freshies Form Sni on ear a WitsH d, To frer-rlirrfor lire Yirrrkq;Line and Salaam Deeply in 17 Years WT *au IDis luxe, scere a deirnlly errsu- _______ Vuii of the ime mateiy H. taxcel andl gave nro tinnke, The frsluscunren uT Tsrk.Forer! COUlee : cr.- ci'.,nthir 'iniîiin, MSacria Kirchner, 'Who Bol vhr'n lhe M Iirr'kIlirarn men Tit iuv a nitî t ina.;uo. -- niîlatiro 'aoulilhave heen 5R5 years nid hmd da Dumpreîlail]lnTb- a luport on". th; a!]l%'r I <mcmlrcr. li'.'d unTilInext Depember. passa King George Iregtini t<rthlnk agRl i ' T'h.' 'r w aie.r rI 'as eivsoîsbfr eocose And mifor wirrllke 'sport." Tiere (hO -Tint ,,r- Ithonda lr-.s-andoif ttire home utfirer daugirteMmv He sent irIs iessitins over bere It w.ij 'i'iri sfic mr'rnTirrgaftTrr is William Draper. 147 Northr st. Jams To ktl1 Cap. Itarkers îurys. girls isd 'i r :r. dthat lire Iiuj'.irS- treet, 'ablîrwhonr slirerad residedfr 1f T'o burna ic eschoil anrd rr-'inghouse senorstd thi rhrat liey 'are te -mano, cears . rre.ircner came te Andothr srtiaitý-,;'*gel fhIreirs." AnIbrin we"s.aIli.' he Warrl..gan b-unr ' C'îican.'uIn 1870a* And uhlrr scir rrnr>s;'a.re tbld te tîle ani lrey dcl 1: Butwhe thy cme e Bnke 1111 The>' marnired nnfo tire gris' hall irad îrscd irere i-rýer sînre. But ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n lorntry aiet bukr ~ tok dira n h. r bain: tiren tire>' Ip toîrbOît tvo menthe àgo Mr.q, Tirai jolly day Inlii limelied a green rirtruT about tire bain- Kirchrner irad en')yed splendid irealth And Warren met 'em .hTih à 'alîl it ra f0ire p.rfeerly gree'n, ar-green and 'as'.ahle tes ge arouirt witb a They DxiPcd anOthler tlrie. as grass in Jrroý. BultirhaI tsasflil ail Ilst much irsity a3a a mrcbytrueger pet- The Tanks bave got a job Ioda>' "i-a r rr iroahemit youunleft son1. Elht'eclis ago, irewever. Thot@ sortiy of tiere fae; 5u1<I, tand prut a doruble how'.-'rnot In sire aliPper] and feli. !racturing b Tire kaiser trnids.a riick'.-'.ny Il," commander tire spçkeqwoman o! uip stOme, tim, 11v-sire hmd heem And sarsiniru-lts a.r. rrbenors---andthe rssdi"Nw ea lgf rirl.'saitd confinpe hr BdUecause Cd Bot ailtirhe Yanks ihave gîTie lu France said dont carfe Take t ninroff; turtier- lirragi',lire frac; rrr. di]nuitireal àmi Eni route for inn ilerîhîr: msore, donT eilan> hud- tir'i e iber condition cuntnnredtu t grow If we hm oniîds rt evr'rv chaence madle oir do Il. Tell and >iiu siih ire 'eaker. You tret tire Yrrnbrs '.5li i StflIIn Deep Obeiqtance. One ui tlie most consoliog factorw Our~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~n gnrsrsiîielKn Gires 5rdthen il saqs -iorllc aft,,rvrds hin 1he illnes.q o!tire ager] 'oman vea Ou gnustrs îîî KIg eràthi'Y ail mad le go tu ch.irel.Thelire tact tîlat ber son AuguTrt, Wli«%o Anierîe il h'et ri chie', 5cr, toîri To ' li trand £ ee d floteen In sevenien years, Our irýys wilil do lire snme for Bill, Arc rahri1lue sslk 1- ad i ng a ii re rc i lm. Ag Kaiser co! OermanrylI T,1) îi IîN(I'l Lîne treshisrc v re r iîrchrner, gold-digger, trappen ai, sion to Greece,

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