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Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 5

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AFTE'R-miARVEST TOOLS "JANESVILLE" and "DEEIR RIDING and ENGINE PLOWS "EMERSN" and "NEW IDEA"p MANURE SPREADERS "CASE" AND "TITAN"P TRACTORS GOOD STOCK. PRICED IGHT. Schanck Hardware Co* -------------------- THEATRE LIBERTY Newly decorated and under new management, wilI offer to the public entirely new and high-class attractions, such as will please, amuse. instruct and entertain. Friday, SeptenIb4 -27 ENID BENNET in "KEYS 0F 1THE RIQDTEOUS" and "Officiai Wsr Revîew." Saturday, Septemnber 28 9010111V DALTON in "LOVE LETTERS" and a Comedy_ Sunday, Septemlýer 29 WALLACE REID lu '*NAM 0F MUSIC MOUNTIN." .Wednesday, October 2 MARY PICKFORD in "STELLA MARIS." Change of program nightly. AIl new, animated films. The Ieading actors and actressei of the world may be seen in Libertyville. Hearst-Pathe News films each week S. D. NELSON, Lessee and Mg'r. a :USZ ------------ - FALL MILLINERY We arenow showing the ver>' latest styles in LADIES' FALL HATS We have a large assortment to select from. Our prices are ver>'mocerate. We also have a nice selection of Ladies' Gloves, Hosier>'. Waists, Underwear, Night- gowns, Corsets, Brassieres, Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs and Notions at Low Prices. A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTY VILLE . . LLOS S1tEN0GRAPIIERS AND TYPISTS IN DEMAND Prercare Now sud 1Secure une of These Oood Positon, COURSES OFFE RED IN Gregg Shorthand RatioaaI Typeviting Buinesas Eu4iEls and Speinig Office Trarniag reserve ar, Incentives ta caution, even ln the face ut a gond crop. As the availabie coppi>' of vieat dimînishes or locreases su dues tire U. S. Fond Ad minisi ration acardingl>' change lts rullngs as t&0tthe use 0f vheat Saour. 8o as tu cover ever>' paseible ruiing that might b. ruade b>'the. Fond Ad- minîstration. a liltle baukiet ut Selected Recipes fur War TImes bas been espect. Commercial Lav al>' prepared for tire patritie house-à' Comamercial and vIves ot America. Coaerstioal reah. Ever>' recipe ha. been caroe nl>'seîected,& Tlton payable monhhry or by ths corbe. prepared and testsd tn a modern sîperi. Ceai"tour floathicourse for gsaduab ofnà ssereditd iig stimuhole. apecîi clasme for ental baker>' and lahoratar>' b>'a l abdeirta Who bave coinpleted eramnmar sciocu houaset, domsstic sence expert andq w*. Postion gaaranteed. food analyst. Tire racipese range troru tira.. caillng for aIl virsl lae ho.. MRS. GEORGE McDONALD cainai for no vieaî tour. 'No malter Phens 130 AiIfA. ILL viralt iad ut a var recipe you are look- Ing for you can finditilu "Selectsdl HrOUBEWIVE RELEASED PROM Recipes tor War Time." Tie splenid1 WMEATLESS PLEDGE little booklet eanuire had for t6 «kasing.0 SimpI>' vrlte Calumet Baki.g Povder1 Rousevives throuroat tire country' Company', 4100 FilîmoreStrset, Chicasgo, vie pstrlo1Illy put ter iboules, on a II. and It vIli b. sent Yom pnsWcad. viretises base fat sprinig have teen Bave the ueeded viret fiuur.uce >jour reieaeeed trontirir pledges 10 the Fo' - ubstitute fSaurs and hep vie tire var. Admnitration logo absolatel>' vît.-i vreat. This releas. vas merel> 'r.,,NTC #ire volantar>' pleda. 10 go NOTICEi vithoutwviet until tire nev irarvest.! HauteviVes vili continue 10 purchis,. Oving t hom rall attendants nt tire tits rsqutrsdamount ot vbeat suistitate tir Ibis Yea, and tire 0s0oequent de. itirtheir viret lour. pietion oftheiitreasur>'. il hm eien Coming la of tirsflevrett rop decided to pastpans lire paginent of iras made. il possible for lie Nation to preiiuins until Saturda>', Ocober 26. go haek partiali>' ta ils old habits of Tire preminuse vili al b. pad l al eatlng. But tire uncenlatnies of van UPon tirat date. and tire netessit>' for building up a ,tood THE PAIR MdANAGEMENT. LIbertyvileNews If yen knowr of an item of locailintorest, kindly telephone No. l -- z------- 0000000 ---------- 0901- -------uusu ss:sbssss:: Eile Morris vas serinusi>' Ill vitir 00r spanlcii Influenza tins $reek.7 Mits. Stella Langwortby va. ithe gui-st ut friends Iu Ciaga, Satarda>' and Suu- day. Born, Tirareda>'. Septemirer 26, tu Rev. T. E. Rearu and vite, a ten pound buoy. m ré. E. 1), aubbard and daugirter, Eleanor are vistIo relatives In ticflear>' coant>' tus veet. gorgeant HovelI, of Camp Custer, Mdich., visited vlth frende In tios ity, Saturda>' and Suada>'. Cal] for Beiglan relief has been made, s0 give ail of the good, varin serviceabi, elouiing thal you cau spare. Uso. John W. Cols jnd ber frlend. Mise Heath of Indiana, vere visitors lu Waukegan Manda>' aternoon. QThe Lake coant>' chapter of %hé Re{d Crosse vas beneited $50 b>'tire boy$ Who were caugiri la. Newton DlII' melon pateh. The Ladies' of Latsside ceineter>' ssociation vWitmeet vitir kissClara tiller on Milîvaatee avenue neit Frida>', Sept 27. . Lake Caunt>' Local Board No. 1 sent tva colored men tu Camprant Wedues- day, Pepteruber 25. Thelr names are as1 mi@@ Grace Wbefr, vira bas been #pouding the eurmer vith relatives, In thîs viciait>', ltet Sonda>' for ber hiomue . Lankeieiiim, Cal. lien a. tiller, precîdent ut the. Fîret lean hanters association annual conven- tion ln t.ircagu Weunesday. The Lake touai>' chapter ut the Ried Cross iiad tireir vindoil sliras painted Ibt Ibseet, tiie vork belag don, b>'1). A. Young, vira danated bis services. The Earnest Workero Sonda>' sc-0o1 aoh hoe f tre. Seulle Doetier on Frida>' afterno on, September 27. The Misses Ilaige and Garnet Protor and Emmeu Wagner are Ilii vith the tes ver>' muci at tue 0ev restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Strom, tormeri>' Miss iîounie Waliey, .)f 1112 Mansfield Ave , Cricago, auuoubre the arrivai ut uwin boys, Johin A, Jr,. and Gartun Pitrce.Strom Mrs. Cari Gauinîn, oCicagRo, and hies dames James Gannon ancd Rager Kiiby, ut Evanwtun, have returued to their r.- s-tiehumef, aler a visit of a week at ilice homre of 8 P. Evilsizor. Lieutenant Hugo Gotti. receriti> coru- miselotred at F-ort Sheridan, after a briei viit aut home, departed yeterday morD. » iag for the statiGn to whIicbLe bas been amstgned. at Carrîjp Grant, Ituettord. Th Ti.Ladies' Aid eoîiet>' ut the I'resby- teriati churîLi vl:Iriseeb watîliMrs. William Ci. % eils, Tiiursday aftttroon, Octuber 3. Nits. J. A. Treîtov and tirs. Ed Wells vii iii aselelIn entertainiiig. A large Zatteniancýe Io deeired. T o thioe wvho bave vitnessed tic per- frmaàne ut 'Seven Days Leave aut he Garrick theatre in Chîcago sav a tiirili- Ing war play', acted b>' actors vbo bave servd ubeir redpective countries. Tii. diffirent cbaracteru vere good, the battis scenes ver, urliing. Boîrn, Wednesda>', Septerober 2.5, tu Sergeant and Mire.Dockval, au 1High. land lPark baspitai, a son. Mms.Dock- vali va. ftomeri>' Miss Bertha Schnei- der, uft Iis cit>'. T'he tather, Sergeant Ductvali, le vitb tiie American Expe- ditionar>' Forces tu France. Mrs. Chas. Ling, viio ha. hen sick the, past weet le ImprovIag. Thomuas L. Bovser, Highlanrd Park. Gieorge Jils, Lake Forest. Fort>' mon bave been cailed and are to b. sent ta Camp Grant b>' ti, Late Count>' Local Board No. 1 an Oct. 8. .Carl Carlsonviro bha beau statiuned at the. Great Lakes Naval Training sta- tion, vas aung the nuruber to hecome affilcted vith the. prevaIllag epîdemit of grippe or Influenza. He has bean allow. ad ta, corne 10 th, home 0f hie parente, Mir. and Mms.J. 0. Carlson, in ti ci, for treatinent. Bis case ie prononnced quit. sente. Tire epidemle of Influenza irasno# missed The. Independent office. Mise Dorotir>'Harding, office acconniant, homen afflicted and vas obîigod 10 go tu ber irome lia Are&, Salarda>', vire ste iras since bean under treatinent. Ber condition vas not inaterial>' Iiproyed th15 morning. Jndge Persons toda ' admlttsd tW proirite tire vl 0of Frank lHoren of Rondoat, an astate involving $SM00in property. A contest of tire viii as muade on thre aim tiat on. of tire wîtresses CahUte Hoey dld flot pro»- erly vîbress thre vIlI.Tire conteat vas irased on tire aim tiraI an adopted chid wu nfot entîtled.tc ber $300 ha. quest of thre property, otir emei of tire famil>ly listing that ah. bad ireen glven ber shars befor. tire old man's deatir. Tire court ireld tire vili valid. The tamlly of tir. and tMrs Breunnan £l1 are ail et and would velcum iiore. iLIK E UU DOG TREY Misses ?*Ida Bock and ertrude c1luen- Uin ver. gueste cf triende lu Chicago,TIE W RECU iT Saturda>' and Sanda>'. ýT E 'E EC U o IL o di lU O MM o 'i e 3ms* Il FenZe - t i I 1* tl pr Chlurc/z Jervices Methodcist-Fpiscopal. Sefrvice@ nextu nuca>' viii b. ield a@ t01oilove:Sonda>' ci OUI at 10 o'ciockL. Moaing preachlrcgservicen s Iil 'ciact, In the, eveniicg at mti ucct tiere vii Le a Sacred Song St-r, ivegîten b>'tire chair, assisted b>' Larlilerocker, hailtons soluist. ut Chicago, and IMiseMarlon Taylor, barpirat. A eordial Invitation la sxlended lu ail. "Tire Uvrtbruss o tbe Saloon Paver" vili b. tiie subjteuft tue Epvarth Leagus mreeting next Sunda>- evening ai 7 p. mn. tirs. Jennie Juet .1111 iead the. meeting. A cordial invitation Id extended t aIL Tire choir viii met for an important rohearsai on Tbursday everng of tis veek ab S o'cinet. Ail menibers are urged to atnrcd. Tii. Sunda>' echuol teacherm are pro- parlng a splendid prograru for Rail>' Day on Sanda>', Oct. El. Tii. ezercinen vili ire beld la ire torenuon at il o'gîock. Presiryterian. Sanda>' sciool 10 a. ru. Morning vorsbip asil1a. im. Topit, 'Panîs PrIde ituthe Gospel." Evsung service at 8 o'cîock. Topit, "Lving vs. Rziting." Prayer Meeting, Wedneeday at 8 p. mn. Topit, 'What I. in>' sPetIfit dut>' la fortirsrlng the, cause ut Crit?" Camp Pire Gitrls moet st parcouage Frida>', Oct. 4. Boy Scoute at CabIriý deati tif a ]oving it ie and ruoticer. Full arrangements for tbetuerai have Dot jet been arrariged, but ib viii b. heid Saturda>' atterucion, tire services ttc be conducte-d by %li. lItv. Earl Morgan, pasitor outhle Prestîyttîrirsu ciurcb. 'Tie intermient ai i olloinluLakestîle ct-me- àe>'. - Tire second mitiiary vedding ur the week at Fart Shieridan was cele- brated Frida>' nIght vien Miss Hielen Maffett, daugiter oftLieutenant Cal. William P. Moffett, Sîxteenth Utnited States CaVair3', Secam. thre bride of Lient. John HulIng, Jr., or thre Nine- The 1 2dependent- Libertyvile and Lake Couaty's musa widely-read newspaper. Judicious advertisers obtain pW'f- itable resuits through liberal use of its cohamni. tecutir Infautry., tatloned at Camp Travis. Tex. Tiie Rev. Frank Fltt, pasiar of the, Highland Park Presby>- terian ciruroir, erformed thre cere- mon>'. Lieut. Huiing expects ta be irausferred anon to San Antonlo, Tex. viiere ire vill tsire hie bride. RAY N. SMTH tÂbmstyvlU., IL ----------------------- ----------------------b-- 0:ru ::s:: .:s, ICURTAIN MATERIAL'S A probable readjastient or gasa- lin. prcos vas foreasat b>'tirs fuel admiinistration ycsterday as a resait of tire popular compiance witi tire tutoie@& Sunda>' reqaest. Ra>'mpnd BIJY Wi E. Duram( Illinois admnistrator, an- nounceiltirat 1111nols &gain led ail sttueslest Sanda>' in lse obeervano. WT yy I of tiregovernment'e requset.WTire. roetctlon In auto operation for. the de>' vas estimat ed at 99 Dier cent.--------e:m~ s The Fa season, with ita house-cleaning and rearrangements. wilI mean new curtainingo for many households. Mmny, too. will find true econ- omy in filling their curtain needs this FaU5 rather titan next Spring, for prices wilI assuredly be much higher then. We are, at titis time. well- stoclced with realiy desirabie curtain and drapery fabrics at prices ne higiter than six menthe ago. and you wiII agree that titis is remarkable, considering thte advamces in other lines. We cari show youî rare values in Swisses, Madras, Marquigettes, Nets and Overdrape Clotlîs. See us, also, for Comforter and Drapery Cretonnes and Art Ticking. 'R SAVINGS STAMPS. WE SELL TII!M "RROLL & SONS COMPANY Phone 29 q - - - - - - - - - - - - -u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------ ---- ------------- ------ ---------------------------- ------------ ý-M 00ý* 1 Il p b c a tl The. State Councl of Defens bouut ti IMUAst e ti ce [y1n the. fair waeWeil represented.Nlrm. L IN BA COMPANY n 3a k le he u d ry iI% tihack. counot>' chairmanutofthe food picpeote ainI5nd~~te ltulisof which there Were thirre,dtffe,r Anumber ot youths uofs, huel1 ie, ail ofP .1 I i ýnt klildeotfcakes and j..iiy put upb>'f h omsoudh a ai i g a llp i uaav ka1~ thelie utcor srup. Borne oft t livng were rounded up. Tueiday, b>' Marchai l( e l " HO per cent corn syrUIS and outie 0 per Dennîs S. Lltuberry and arraigned belote Nmes 0f fîfi )c-6 cent. Thie flowere Were giveu tu thePii. ý Magistrats E. 1). Hubbard, 0, la-e r. evtion buuth by Mir chargd w ith pet>' larcen>'. Action was Roe of th. l.neull tarin. The to unclipaigu lnétituted te recover daruagssii a In e walJiul eeofy»mr êovermn chairmen were rsprésented by Mn,. Sup. the. sum orNo iee ohv .a :/ s rm n ynor4 inlIk pie, oft Deertield; tMr@. Flood, uof(iuredeaieprop#5, eet ewtbavelis, represented the chairman fur Gurnee and Who resides on Mlwaukee avenue, a the Waukegau chair vai reiiremeeted i'>'tmls or so sauth ofthhbis ct>'. MIi8eJohnson. It appars that tir. Elilebas b...' u Friende ot tii.fami>' bthity > were miseing melons and grapea, foionioui pas 1m Iim aiw w ~ > ïdvIsed yenterda>' morning ut the death taken b>' night marauders,, seîî s"il ILW m VÂ ELU Uy et airs. Loreta J. Donahue- Ives, former. sufferng otiier damage te prop:rty b>' l>' of Druce Lake. Wiio dled Tueda>' carelese and reckiesa handiing afid mI 1~î E iLi I lght in the. tamnly horne In Chicago, trampllng of fruit and vins. Monda>' alter a biet Iiumes. Deceae.ed was»iho night, tir. Ellis' two daughters wer. wlfe of George E lyse, saiesmnan for Iiie awaltlng the. appearance uoftthe mis- favorabl> known In businese ircles uft ih boys enber te melon patch. Sur. Bte C co mpas>', whuDer i w vil e s dpl c ren t dea i , rewakrd e r t ai t îF a9:30o o' eock tomlorruw (Fridt.>'i uccoedlng In eetting awa>', but oDe OR S -AL E morntng from, ti.he ome, 2J51 (irace who was "surroundé>ci" 0v the girls and A lm t 1£Y! i f street, 'Chicago, te St. Andrve church. iield unnll the arrtival i ,lMarohal i L r- A l a eral- rom LiLetyvile fRace luterment wyul b. IDCaivary vlnetery. berry, viio wau@ehr.îurnned b>' teletihone. Pr c ,B r s h d ,F n e n NOTES Ater btilng incarcerated roîiurtable in r c ,B riSh d ,F n e n HIHSCO5LN rS the City bstlle ovpr rcght ani t.l with Gr=,d Stand a eumptuouc ibreakfast ths ext uîning, The. Sçanisii Influnza has taken hoid the on. held as lihe goal" re pented 1,000 6-t, 6-in. Cedar Posta upon Our iiigii shool. Man absences under tiie lifluonee cf justice mIngled hav. been the. recuIt. A certain rumor vltii kîndaee and lnforrued the marchai 20 34-ft. Cedar Polos says that if ttires, absences in rt-as. the aî to thre Identity ut his ciymtanion@ In 300 feet G-in. and 4-in cast ion Water Pipe ochool Meay'have tu close teinporarlly. the nocturnal raid. Accordingl>' Marsirai 1 80-ft Steel Tower. with 1Ozig Water Tank Tii. hlgii chool orchest~ra ba. added Lt miery rounded up even more boys, A lat of Siate Blabe new members te ils organlzation, Miss Wiio vith tir, une caught in the patch. 5a Stall Doors, wîth hangers and looke Sandiierg ilaiii.instractur tht, year aleon. tac.d thelinquislulon, Tii. Dames ufthtie Tii. orchestra dId aueb gRoud work laet elgirI boys are wltheld froin publication, 150,000 foot of Luxnbor, frofru 1X6 Boards t* year under ber charge thas viii a but are on f1ietin th file. and vii b. 8xl4 Lunibr larger number tis .year the ' va il i e able muade public iflie>' are caught ln a One Road Scraper One Road Harrow te iruprove even more rapidi>'. The, similar &et in the future. tollowing are the, playerm. llnlet, After hearlng tiie evidence, the, magie. RU L 17 r ulfT' 'C W D ? V Hlda Hapke, Aban Ludruth, Helen trate gave the. boys a sound 1lecture, 1 VVAl.IR CING COM P MYJVIK A~ Mille and Edward Casey: larinetist, ad munlching them as tu the. gravit>' ut'USERTYVILLE, ILLNOLS Charles Jedllcka, dramm4tî-,,William their offense and warninu thein am tu ithé McCormiet and Libby M111. îpianlât, conaequences wers tic>' caught tIn a_____________________________________ Frauce@ Kiepper. repetition ut this miederneanor. [:lPonu ____________________ Tii. senior Part>' is 9tii n-'ittsway. agreemlent rf tiieparents and aouur Don't Le Impatient, te pa>' the amount otdamagts and coste Ounr tennis courts are Il,,î, cîornpieted ID the case, araountiug to $>' eac he ti no that wv. expect sauce î,r.c'cig gaines case, ut set-en ut the- ciefedante, and $ tini epring. for th. one caught, vin turned states a io n a it dPNe We eau Lardl>' waltt ubil the caoking evidence, the case wam diinimsed. e a io n a P t e r n s ciase begin ta setrv-e lunttces tii. wintsr. W. hope the food tat,. cas gond 8as h MRS. ROBERTVICKERMAN cruelle. UCM ST INLEZ A card was revî,i, '*i ru out former 5 er Pu d Mr. Wliie is he seool orne t amully loule In tus clt>' Wednemday a very preutY '9gi shi tî the- glee club atterrciîuu. tieptember 25, atter a bifa wili Ming later Iwnurae ut theru are limeps, ut the cîlîdemie 110w prevalent lIn 6*Tii, LasuthciI. -llrrcaruie,' froin this i, init'. lier ucalderinDame wua, Tale@ uHof .iran tiitic. Marseillaise IL Boue. and eh4 va iouelucthe IlHialclaitZmq French. Thins last 1ucmade a bit wîthI, lsandm,[Jarcuary 1"', 188r4, litnie at the w the tuileut lit. %%ie hope lu a iîî ti,,.oftber deati sic. waA agd î34 years 5 E . iri *s C O R L EIs.. TI imupreuâ our futur. audience inu a imlar fs mouthe and (; daye Sic vas ith.eJMEAT$ AND OROCERIES va>.muticer ut iglicu cIiîldrerc. ail of vioru, Two Pi.enes-339 and 340 .Lbertyvlli, lUise -wlth the tather. surviv e tâ molirrîtie11--------------

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