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Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 8

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sueommted aMd cOnktie"t.4 oui aood work l"ad forllbsrmore, bo jpralSed tb. firsl Battalian t*9. mail £1..... .,.- U.UUD j W. are gellinitgou est.eand pent>' .7Eh'&~L '>.~1 iIt~IttIIIof it ton. iWe are gonngta gel now laîbea and fitted out wlbh a lot of jtblugs ve ost ansd badtla Isave hehlnd Zus vhen tireveut aflor tb. Boches. W - ------- 100000000"" We are hevingf finie eathur nov ad - - - ri .ýylâke and tirs. Davis af Lake o hpe il wj>keP p for a vbile. 1 am il l'1IfE srett iî.e'?jintz i it. -JOB. Richards feeling ins.ihbetmzrd ual araM . WKuebker and i,,i 'iihailriii. lbbu ead aal âme&. trip tuGreet L iti VFdnrdîj irei t tîr .r wr.r.t rleu ta the Jane Yaurîend ver"w the drill M t .r hrslrttnliia-I Wededayvwhore Corporal John A. Melysit, v1 i I* Wirtz, Jr. e vlu beuîr large lai n b-- il, .r r, n inroiiip,'rtiau for appendi. Co. C. 127th Ilautry, lehad J. Irving ofArea sa, i,&isrzl.-ie "'r, . - ., I.; altbough beiugA E. F. " tblrcko for ti'tr.rrît ieefi'(, 5 til: tiret . le adoiitg D P Owé.ntvriv 1-. r ksFrank Sm 1-il, e, tertrîueil là iivrco1--- -ire. Romayns Stryker and son Alvin, 'W bepbev from Wscr..i, Wr-ir..riv 1tYL.t DAY -A are vloeing'>eîlber father'@, Dr. Kuaak. WAIThur@day. t r 1s r r- people miet at tbe tIdre. Abert Clapper audtsou vers the jry Veiw bas ir..eanou tihe %Ir. r rn.r iu %I r. J. G. Cookleist veek sud guesta ai Heur>' Segert. 16% a! ~fri r . tbhe i'aial gatbsring Mlon Frantzila oaufiusd et bis home 1T. S. Dolpb vas a Wausopgan ilt-r'b r ri1rt -ii rps rty holà lu honnrof aI ilh a severe attack oaIinflunza. isad>'.R_ % r l - arren, who bave besu Misses Clraud Phehe Bockman are Re,. Wangsbsiu front tbe GÇir tL.airext d, homeiruslunHalitLay during viqiting relativese lnChcago. iitul Louis itadke., SatîrdiîyEand scuirt, vacation. ThIty returned ta tire: 'AunaSherman relurned home Ipdoy. iChi(nrgri fi«.week vhers tMr. Warren Tueuda>'framClrandou, Wis., vhers sho % isu Agne. Payne spvent a coutple.01o vt nrniîe tis studies at the Chicago ibas @prent several week eit ber sousa liltvlthhAres relative% rpecnti>'. T1 r l iganinar>'. ihome. lire. Berthe Witz ies peurlîti a fow The..%V. rrran'a coxnmittee of Vernon Miss Beitrice Cerr @pont the week-end Iffl tuChicago vith uer brother, vratrwsinr.r.hrgohIe Fourth Liberty vitb friendo la bIbertyvilîs. 1ii La an. csrrnvrrsrcn bave secured Julien B. The ladies ai St. Peui'scburcb viii Idra. Ruthb Wrd and Mis@ Helen A rui irpeet eat the Hail Day Congre- 9iVO e ensd lire. Lueder a fareveli %Wdlag o! Are&, vW~ted et the 0Grrre gto ti ciîurcb, Fnde' .nigbtep. -27,.'Part>' Wedneuda>' aleruaou. Peti. braiserd home Seturda>'. *I uijeci 119a Amenica sud the tlrsat -Lueder viii preacb bis lerewel sermon Nb.le Ruby Kuebker @peut lbhe latter Wr" Suuda>' urnrung. The>' viii leave for out of lbe *sek la Chcagci 'ilr. A rujoli laenated Eugiiub lechurer, the eoutb sarI>' lu Utober. tic boao flattbew Arnold, the lamons tMr. sud Airs. J. E. Woodman @pent the 1'~A!J~VIE ' jIfterary ctitie snd grendeon of Dr.pstveek vii'h relatives at Bloomingîon. ' -. W. Richards of Gtenview, client Thuar. Arnold of Rugby, autbor ai tirs. J. A. Rlebeli. «Jr., and daugbters, Wneral de>'. vlth his parents, Jas. " oin llrovn'a Scbool ie>'.." Elizabeth sud Dorothy, atteuded a abaeïrds and vile. Heil.te@ direct fran Londau 10 epeak lunchean et Oak Park, Saturda>'. Est.v. Bauptînebier i.ntertreiur.d is'ta .Ilietricau audiences@aunîthe wsr aethIe Mis@ tiahel Horeuberger was &ibe buron IrontPaiielIrnda. IuVtk.truuofIthe American Council ai guest aiftirs. Christ lient of Chicago, -trls. A. G. tisother ernîeniairre I ior I l rB- isaddress at Arearru registra- Mouda>'. go", tra. Wagnerr arndtildrerr r! trrrrr ris>' vas a rare treat. liai!f Day le tirs. Henry Segart celetrraied ber birth. lieyolake?, oa er Sunda>'. I lrtu!leto @scure Ibis noted iecturerr day Sonda>' by bavitig ail bier ciidreu Li.L W. Rutchinjjý of Glerview, Ita iro the Fourth Liberty' Loan Icer- and their lfamilles et home. "iut a lew <laye nt thé. Jos. lihtardi.p ir for Verunnhownship. Aiiciltizens tMr. sud tirs. J. A. Stryker and fenil>' image lest veol are urged la avai Ibenseives or the 'visited isniother, tirs. C. Stryker, Mâl W. Vtancifflin.ra, ad ied nck r ,yortunity ta heer film. tSunde>'. rippe. A~-- i re. Aiex Wilnau spent Sunday at W hbave unr si-eu tire lIà,t ai thr- r - the (irent Lakes witb ber buebaud, wbo »Mies, ue enëredthe ome f Ele under quarantine au auoouti t fth gIdrsaie erteedibebrme t Ei.es, Ai..end Mrs. A Kircbbsum of (;hicaga, Influenza epedîtoir. hët. 14, frorn t st repart front boepltai @Pet ithe ek.eud vitb tMrsud d trs. J. tir, sud lre. H. Weeiing atteuded the iB Vankebstr. nîrrtrer and cou are d<bligrSchneider. fauerai ai MisWesslirrg af lgbiaud Omll and viii b. ailite tii retur.. 1to rrir H. G. Hilînan spent tbroe deys in the bulm Ina fis, ayo l toc yars byln upa lod o stck. Park, Tuesday; wbo died last Saborda>'. 1Mr. snd tir@. (jeu. Lrong ai Chicaigro, t Mr. sud tirs. F. Seipspeutt Qi.'vk.iShe steusiiugs dbas hen uofr 1111110 eu tirs.L. Maether, Suurlay. sud viltiug relatives tiers. Iaabeasi andvai e ers. n ou MIse. Coaeasd Matt.' Iodiits caiied tir, sud tirs. R. Bustier sud eilidren elhfrdva yrs le thir aunt. Mises Aderman, Sutida>'. visled vith tirs. H. seip, Sundsy. !h li arbcgohopla.Wm. HElrtmsn spent Wedueedsy lu MILLION ALLIED mm So. E. Kuedier vas a city tvîitur Chicago. FMd . Tve u agtrvatd Ang. Froeîîcb sbippsd ont a carîoad of S BE T NU n re u o wnraddu.e iie stock fron thIe yard@ lu Chicaga. S B C SI sS PrO Tovuer et the boupitai Sunde>'. MIes Adelia Norton started Manda>'AUy * u.Smith bas returned ta ber boume ta attend tbe Barriugtou igb scbool. FACE AIqY!LIFE __________________________ MIss Eiui Kohl @peit a veek ln COUNTY Chicaga. MIse Auna Frauk bas returued tu Treaties with France and L. ESTATE Chicago ta ber former position. Greece on Alien Draft Sent S UEd Branding @pent Sunda>' vlîb hi@ ta the Sonate avdi Far-ma A number af people attended the Lake Washington, D. C.. Sept. 14.-Al caunt>' faireat Lihertyville leist veek. alîcus o! militer>' age lu thîs country 96-t.14000 Acres lira. F. Bleu sud Jeanette lef t Thrur@. holding allegiance ho nation. allied dayovein fo Wscosinfo auexend vthth ie United States are ta b. ao" e e s d ay eigfrWicul a a ed tade subiect ta draft balltothe Amer. 1 'rb Tr ni dtte' cn armY ,b>'agreement vttbtheir Df pamtmtMisselisyme Hokentoyer vha bas given -respective gaverrament.. Bubrsoitosent kai in' @oe I la esatimated that suCb allon. lie- up er ostio a clrk t iuks tar Ieenthe ages a! 18 and 45 yeara ,lm Fan extpecte ta go taLasing, Iich., tI il er 2,000,000 sud that 1,000,0 %hlmt 50 Miles FChicago !atest IProduce Market lUh World tomErTY IN TOWN pit SALE d'm Housèa sanat Lots ct.ry Sites cm~ Tracta or Subdivision ua Tracts iW Truck Gardeners .qltry and Sniall Fruit fît«r Works ew«r Systen 1 00 Electricity m Railroàd mit Line Connections autiful Lake astituting pular Summer Resort rea la In' We Market For Number of Industries. IHMtDNG4 MA, ILLINOIS. The foloviag 1011., frointCorporal John A. maîysik, nov srving vith the AmerIcnuExpodItioner>' Force. la Francs., iiiprove ai lateree ho bis man>' fronds lu Ibis viiait>': Augushl12, 1918 Dear Fiends: Your lettons ver. received sud 1 cor- talai>' va. glad tuher front everycus that vrote ume. I bavent met au>' af the boy@ s eyu, sud I illiibu lnck or byea miraclu if i do meet sayone 1 knov. Weil, the Y. M. truck vas aroued ta day sud i gaitva francs vortb ai cigarette@. W. isere lu the tronches aveir thse 4th ai Jul>'. We carne back ran the front least Thurada>' morning et s ver>' sari>' baur. We vere trisd sud leep>' sud vu vers covered vith mu nsd dirt, but vs vers happy jute b'saetebeense voe vers reiieved. Weil, lt u lbp trutb vs bave been ou the go aln.lteo9th ai Junue. We've Wissaet Ivo differeal fronts. The front vs justal ae back front, la une ai the big front. vbere* the Americaus arc figbting, sud believe me vs did conte figtlng. We 10k over s lot af gruund and captured a number aiflîrluoners sonne guneansd taok over sans snmail havas. Sonte great fightlng wernIu bers sud the hoches ver. drIven bock 85 or40 k1llsntrsrabout 20 A nerirsu miles. About ten or tvelve days ago lbe Gormau vere Ilafuil retreat sud vs had an avini t1ins 10 keep up vith thent tu catch Iben. 1 Wë-e e.-tu ail ktndc ai lire sud bellevo me~ tb. gutiu sure dld ruer wuebn vu ver. ln ue n.We ctiinnar tir big anse roar nnw thbgh anrsone dishance back of thsefiues. MW h r rite .helle are buret» iug arouuid vnu itri-n-u ,.nols% housee me.yuu ra-u hrdi>i erar yn rseif tbiguk, & feioar gues trrougi -metn,-t i hen heus In lin.' 1I erraitslv ', M' Mit when v. wenre r.li@ve d u< %%55as' cci nou@ else. %ly nrvevuwee Preti'ririt lnn.lered. W.' are metiugnpi it rv% and dalg arille drilliîngý Lass Saturdsas ierad laspection sud the. najrîr un-rtl aI aur division enrely did praise us for vbst vo lied doun; e.i - s,,. fr untr service. Alienaof neutrel nationality yUll trot b. drefted foerrnesanam involvlng twhleneattons o! hLIMte llsdStatesand those cauntrles ual engagod la th. van. Sonate Gel. Two Treaies. Thse shahse departanent sent telthe sonate, tar ratification Iode>' &lien draft treaties negatlated wltb Franco aud Greeco. A almîlan trust>' vill Italis laneanl>' ready for iuhmlasion tthos ouate. Ratification t. oxpoct- ed ta toluov lu lime te register these alens for mllitar>' service before the end ô! the year. TIse Irsaties vith France sud Greece are Pqtterned after the reci- Procal drafttIront>' hetveen the Unit.ý ed Statsesuad Great Brihain vhicb la sîready in hifect. Eacb country agrees tIsat the Unî'It. ed States me>' draft ils citizen. o mIliter>' e arepldeat lu this coumntr>',i snd the UnitedStales grants tbe r.. clprocau niglil ta draft Anserlcen ci- r tsonso! military age resîdent la th. aflled country'. Befare beîng draft. ed the allen le glven the opportunIl>' o! enlisting ln bis couulry's arm>'. Soon to Draft British. Withln the next nants th. 60 de>' perlod for onllatutent provided lu thse -Britishi treat>' vili bave exPined sud Britishi aubjecîs yUl b.come liabue ta conscription. Under the first draft suions regis- tered iucluded 3,510 Frenchi, 68,000 Greoks sud 245,000 Ilallans. Acordingt a the state deparlzueut, reciprocal draft treaties wîll b. ne. gotiahod vith aillthe other euuied ne. tions. Wbether this Includes Japen sud China ls alcuceer. Ne attempt vîlulibe miade ho obteIn sncb agr. r mente w1hh Russie sud Roumanie, wbtch, bau iug signéd a Vesce wltb asmian>', are techaical>' restaned ta the css af neutrals. Scaudînavians, Duthl. Straulards. Mexîcens and other noutral nationale VIII continue ho ho Immune tram te .American draft -u long a. the vIess o! thse chats departutent prevail lu congrose. A n)ePrgn'r o!fltse lepbone sud tAeorap sny stemq lu Harvard t. tIse neat stop t te chaken b>'tise federal gou'ermeut. wbich bau laken over the tva public service corporations. Thse metter wiii go fanther lu man>' Instances ltse postoffice helng added ishere the samislapassible. TIsat ln, the three sl be lunlte raine huiid lng aund dtrechod uider federal con- traI. -Hasard Iierald. uttter devotian tea e vfe titan vasc ebonb>' Mr. Wsde. 1h lis unusual for a persan, especial- ]y e voman, ta have the tortihudo aud nerve ta make ail plans for the tu- neral lu vbich she L% e t h e prin. cipaI. Yet lu Ibis case, MmeIr. Wade dld 1h vîthout au>' componiction or besitaucy vhatever sud seemed ta feel al lbh timo as thougb she vas Just makias Utie special arrange- mentis vblch did ual emount ta mucb. WILL MI 3,000 MILE TRIP TO WED NORTHI CIICAGOAN Miss Shoup afi North Chicago ta Leavo Wednesday Night for Bremoerton, Wash. IS TO WED KENT McKINNEY Mr. MeKinney, Well Known N. Chicagoan, 1s8ina Large U. S. Shipbullding Yard Miss RitodaSboup, a prominent North i bcago Young voman viii beave ou Woduettday nigbt o! Ibis week for Bremerhaa, Wasb., uer Se. attle. vbore abhevii loin ber finance, Kent MKlnney, sou o! T. HI. McRin. us>', e veilu kuovaNorth Chicago merchant Miss Sboup la not deîerred b>' the fartthIal the trip la nearly .1,. 000 miles long, for uhortly after ber arrIvai et Bremertan she sud Mr. 'Mc- IKinue>' are taehouiled lu marnlage. Kent McKinuey ban been et Bretu- orlon for some time. helng smplayed ln the United States ne>'>'départ- Ment sbip bididng yard. Bocause ho Inteuds taeusake bis home et, Bremer. ton h eaud Miss Slioup decided thal it vould ho botter for ber te meke the trip ta Bremerton vbere the mer. niage le te talcs place, thon ¶t vould ho fon hlm ho nturu ta Northi Chicago for te coremon>' as tIse>' vuld thon bave ta retura te Washington Imine- Bath Mir. MeKiny .sud 'Miss Shaup are wesU kuavu and oxtremel>' Popuier la North Chicago sud their nu> frienris are extendlng feicîta. tions. MisP Sitaup le looking farvard te ber bang trip with mucli anticipa. tion. She eays oahée iliinet ho louse. 6ome1a..m Dan Cupid yl eracampan>' ber. Iluridentaîlly, Mlua.!§lad>'5 -'d- isards aiea vili eccompen>' Miss Rbaup as phe lis golng on te Seatle, ishere site bas acrepted e position. lier sîsqter, .%Irâ. Vernue Stiieri, reides et Seattie, ber huisband boîug a poist Office employe tbons. Want, ,,Sal.010 a ieln lMWe896 DEPENDENT isimh 111,Mpeons Undocided What WiII Be Doneu about Providing More Ac- commodations at H. S. The freeliman ls more numerans than ever ho vas hefore. Univerml- tiem and col]loges lu thîs neglon are la bouse more o! this type o! humauity, than tse>' evon droansed af. TIlml the' college traliig camp thal dreve thein. Tlhe limI ilviii h Ie Institu- Iion's capeit>'. At tIe iefroet coluege, for ox- ampie, aIeedy 130 men bave on- roîied aud 150 are ln viov. Thero wer. 71 mon there lest yesr. This colie"e vIii operato a sehool tor on- sîgnsas m~ail edjuuct ta the navy> de- partinent. The same condition provalsla u the Waulîegan Townshipe blgl scbooi. The ennollmont la the largest la histor>' SE~tDPALL. 5kW l BEARItSANI DER ICH SJRRENERa (IOWN FOR. BURIAL El>, CREW -STARMVUDr Mrs. Carde Jackson Wade, Donald Crump Writes Hoie of, Buried .Monday, Showed Exclting Incident Ho Wlt- an Unuiual Fortitude né8sed-Abroad-Lately SUNS BRING__"SUNMHNE"1ï PALLBEARERS, FRIENDS Tells of Receiving Bundies of e Eve Seectd lotingLifIe Daily Suns and Reading t Son Was to Wear'fy of te lhGetGe Mothr's uneri .Waukegan, Sept. 17.,i Mothr's unerl . Mrs. William Crump todaey recelved four letters from ber son, Donald Not OnlY did Mrs. Carrié Jackson Crumb, former employe at the Sun Wade, vîfe of Joe Wade, voîl known office vho le nov on the Machine 8h11> Promachus and le ln forelga waters. former Waukegan barber, select ber According tu Donald, Tony David- avn pal.bearero but she alo mde son, wbo formerl>' drove the Shulp ail arageenta In ever>' detali for Baker>' wagon la Waukegan, le on the' tho hic somtim egashosaine boat vttb hlm and they bave the lotalm.ihsmtm g, a great lIme esch voek vhen the>' knov vould be an evfnt In ber !sam. recelve a buncli of couples of thei Ily of the not distant future. Dally Sunw.hlch Mrs. Crum.p mails tu Mrs. Wade vent so fer a. tu se. ber son regularly. 1-t he own n wich itedes red As Donald says: 11t's a great time led he avnlu bichshedeurodfor ns vhen vo get the package of used as ber gbroud an dulie asu Sun$. De read them from boginning chose the clatbîng which she vished ta end antd red thein back again. it ber little go uto wear et ber tuner. seems like a mîghty Ofne messagel ai. f ram n me." ' Andtheiateestng ting~ le explalued that ho aIea bad met And th lùeretin thng bou itrece'atly, Jack- O'Brien vhose father aIt ls that Mr. Wade, vho lied shovn used tu rua a saloon on Washington unusual devotian to bis wife during street, Wstikegen, and lie gave ta her long ilîness, one which has been hlm tour. veeka' snpply of back co- les af the Dail>' Sun. O'Brien said the comment o! their many friends. ho vonld read the mail tbrougbho.a endeavored lu every <etail ta carry fore ho pased theid on ta somepbodY out the requsts that his wife bai else. made. Donald sayts that everytblng over there npoomsta ho babout Il) years be- Aecordingl>', Mr. Wadp sécured, the hlnd thIngi. In theJnited Sta tes and1 services o! the followlng Waukegan ane exciting thingsvth-...e tells mnen, al 4! wbom wcrP, former frlenaý about was the Incident vheor ho saw, a! Ms. adoandwhomshehad~ aGerman sulimarine surrendered to'1 aF'rpncb vessel.1hsmettte lected for her pali-hearers: Fred captain of the German U-boat had 1 Biuck, Carl Martin, XViI Wright, Dick been killed and the crew vas vithout Shea (Chicago), Aubrcy nroadhear, food snd they finally surrendered Jin Chambers. rather than starve to doath. He said Mrs ade ad Ie,,i vey 11 fo that lu the nine months ho had be MrsWad ba he~n eryil!forahroad he bas seen man>' things of a long time vltb cancer 0f the breast. Interest but nothlng that camnes UP Site was operated on at Rochester by ta those In the United States.j the Maya brothers, but sînce Aprilj ha enl eybdshape. Her e bushand gave up bts work ln Michi- N O L1E TI gan and stayed vltb ber ever>' since April. Friends of the famil>' wba S HW SL Ri S lcnow the circumstances delare they SC-OLSLROPESTy have nover knaw nof sucit a case o!f I 1Clfla 'T ---T----------dent-leed--a-l. These Prices Will Interest You and Save You Money by Trading at LAN'SVAH ROER AIDUARKT FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY' Calla Hams, sugar cuxed, per lb ........27C Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, per lb ..... ...... 45C Salt Pork, lean, per lb............35c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb................. 28C Pot Roast Beef, per lb ....................... 24C Veal Steak, per lb .... .... *.*1*' ..........30c Veal Chops. per' lb,......................... 30c 1Veal Stew, per lb... . ...........22c ICorn Beef, per lb................... ........ 22c Ma.-I Good Luck Oleomargerine ............. $1.70 Corn Flakes, 2 package...................... 25c Mfacaroni or Sphaghetti, package.............. 9c Qat Meal, large package................... ..2 8C Campbells assorted Soupa, per can...............I10c Baked Beans, per can........................I16C 4 bars American Family, Fels Naphtha or lvory Sop......................... 25C Seedeýl Raisins, package ..................... lic Large package Gold Dust ................. .. 25C K. Cleanser, 4 cans for ... '........25C Will Pay 43 Cents a Dozen for Egge Phone your Libertyvifle order in the moming and it >wil be delivered in the afternoon. GEO. M. LA NE, Prop. PHONE, 89 - 'AEA, ILLINOLS I THR are two (2)4kinds of insurance. ABoth are good tiil death takes place, or you want some cash or .a lan. Then there is a difference. 0O'ne kind keeps right on being just as good as 0ver, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. till you have to make demand for money. One. retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but. the one good krind is the kind to buy. Your Life Insurance should flot be negleoted, and, when selecting same, do flot get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many> JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS &Ud tiie la qà Indication tbat i viii be evon lhuer. The, frecbman Claosu la tbe local blah echool la se-largo tbat'the senior. îlasa han beau crowdod out of the mman aaaombly room and la requirod to olapy a large rocitati on or study room. Wbether tbls condition vili prevail tbroughout the year or wheth. or additional satisiilib. placed lu lhe main aseinbly roam remains te be seon Principal Rogers ln waling ta ses what the yearly enruilment ta gaing to b. before b. takes any "e. finite, stops aiong thîs lUne. Ir tbe enrohhanent continues; te increae tt wl bc, neceesary to Instali a large nuniber of nvsai. The heavy enrollment la the hlgh schoi this year la attributed largeiy to the appeal of the goverumnent for boys and girls ta conltinue witb ad-! vanced studios. FIWO NURS.ES EiET APPOINTMENT TO 60O INTO R. C. WORK Miles Colla, Wall, the Birut Wauk. tan girl to enlt ln tho recent camn- paigu for Red Cross nurses, bas re. celved ber appolntmont to the ariny ochool of nurses. tbe appolntment coanlng froni General Gorges' offce at Washington. Misa Marcellus Churebii. another gIrl whto elsted à" srecelygj ber appelalmont and hbbs sulgne4 t. a bomiital st Gr.envich oM £o».hi esPecta orderà to 1a4 aany de>'. MI»s WaWts asigmnmont haan't rot been made but ah. viii b. lu train- lng aiter Dec. Jet. flOUS BOXE TO FINID WFI3 WEAR. INO MOURNINEi ..Report of My deatb greatly ex. aggeratel.11 G. Quinn o! Si. Louis, firenan, 2c folnd rocourso in the famous lino. a! the late Mark Twain, noted hum. orIkt, nrwen ho vlaited bie homo re- crdtly and found his vite and molli. cir mournlng bie death. Quinn, vho receutlY vas transfor. red ta Great Lakes and nov la at Camp Boone, sav serv.ce at ses aboard a U. S war vossol. The re. Dort .somlehcw reaàched St. Louis thât ho bad met doath b>' accident and It va. publiaiiod In the St Louis nova. Papera. lHe tound Mb i ie and math. ex oach vearing a mourning band witb a gold star. Quinn vas stationed at CampD Paul Jones for a short time before sbovlng off to sea.

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