i. L1~EflTVV2LLB INDEPER1>ENT~W~~4Y, OCT. 8,1918 D. PItOTO wu" en Modeiset INSUR A CE m.,e LI. Lmet Ma' Upettb plate Gla0s. t-' tomobila sud Working., IWEL1 DRILLING -AâusM,ÇRMAN- & DOLAN ZMON ClITY 1F. BAI RSTOW Mo)àreeand.Granite Monuments Comnetry Work of Ever D)epcription ,-coer.pond.flGe woIcItee 116 Geiesee st l». 1. L TAYLR »§"o IBe o rosiws. pm --ý' DRYGOLDINO DUNTWS nomuuSo 12 .m.41 o-S P.m. Ore irt National B..k 0" Phom e1..aue. Phone 157-J. ".1 DL E ILSMITIL DENTIST. OtU L IE oouvv ATIORAL »A«K. U -8tc 12 a. m. and 1 ta 5 p.m. BAIL!. CHAS. N. STEPtIENS, M. D. PBM8lCIA>l sd SURGEON SweW a seltice lise.o the ieu of Me. Ey. Es,, Ns%. Throat Ens frxsmined for las.. ea u ti sa Ce. Tel. . Ubermine.h DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIEL. YEMATIUÂT SCtBOlXAUA. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL yeterlhay Dentit Ladd Uvery Stable Uibrtyvill, 111. Wsekcesa, Lake Fort-t ArtleeL KentlSa Gruee. Wàdswor?...usseil sd elLe! adiacent te.* ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law 9" .ai Borne, Cook Ave. Phione 168-J USERTYVILI.E, ILLINOIS LYELL FL MORRIS ATTORET-AT-LAW Grae Crlltey, 18.A LIbertyville . Illinoiîs Mack Gramza, 21, Anna Hegan. 19. $233,500 IN WAUKEGAN Luce Bulit Edvarnl Lewis, Winoaa Mien., 22, Waulcegan, Sept. 27 au.. Phione 1t15-M. oince. Plouce Agises Yelk, 21.. At 2 o'ciocic this atensoon Chair-. John Tonnino, city, 31. Rosa Violet-«fManflBu'.ttt expreasedi the opinion( PAUL MAC GUFFIN ta. cty, 28. ;à the total saeof bonde mn Lake, AVT0RNEY A LAW. Francia A. Richards, Chicago, 30, cotjnty armouiited to about twenty-flve1 TbetyileIlinisMarte b Ksi, Maitavac. 19. por cent of the counity -qutb. George1 Llberj'-vlle. îl"]ya S i . Cohn. Great Lakes, 26, R Roberts, chairman of Eant..Der.i PaOup et Helen E. Wieiel, Rochiester, N. Y.,fild, whlch Includes Hghland Park, ~ , ~20 repo'.ted that hi@ district already ha. MARTIN , DECKULouis Jaceutat. Great Lakes, 23, subeorlbed $M5,010t of ne $594,000g 80 AmhiREg<oe Sree Edea E. Graham, Kokomu, led., 22. quota. qràKCAN. - ILINIS Anton J.' Weet, 36, Jeunie b TIsat Laie cotety Is goleg ver WAUKEGA. Phone LLI848 Chapman, 38. -tise top le the Fourtis I,bertv luan Ras. Phone 1360-R B.EY J. liBan. Chicago, 22. Marie drive ln iedlcated by the splendid _________________________MtIirat, Cliicaro, 22. results that ha, mariedthtie prog- Fred A Zimmerman, 21, Constance restftise drive ffar thé tirst two Sourit, bth et Chicago, 18. dsys. H. . DBnett, chaîresan erthtie UMRobt. Smart, Ântiocb, 23, Louis camDalgn fon lWee couety naserted HIflebrand, samp, 22 today tisat Incomplets retures front Peter H-aller, Celise, Win., 22. Il aven tise cauety ledcatethat raîf Blanche Mahler, saine, 17. il million dalans. an one-sîxtisofuthte l eu De Wtt Gumaer, CILIcago, 84, Ed- entire quota iwas subacnib)ed dunlng na J. Mfaque, saine, 24. - tise first two'tayi;. LA" COUfTY FEED & FUEL CO. Arthsur E. Kreseger, Chicago, 3 4. Of thit amouet tise total subAciet GUimor.nisamis Atele Mlac Natta, sanie, 32. lni Waukpgan up te Tueaday hight leur ---____ Chas. . Ethridge, GreatLaies, 2% was $231,700. Tise ainount subscribet ~. Mattis O 0M acCose, Kansas Cty, 2F. TuîA-da7 vaç $74.100. This vas dane EJL Audrew Lilser-eck, Galeahong, Ill., hy 209 subscribers. ella, V Win.Baker, 69, Pasline Wierasum, thé -vî:ig epidsilcof tnflueeza,"' RAY N. SMITH us W. T. Hardie, Liberty Loan chairman Liberyvlll, Di.Antan Wentzel, 40, Cara Lemltce for Waiegae asserted. "*We con- Lu..yvlt, i.22. Dot have mags meetings or %treet - - Ioscoe 0. Bovers, lte Pari, 20. parads tu stir up eethsaand Thunder Not ileard Far. Phoebe Lamson, North Chicaga, 18. must be content tctvoit for' POople MM niait of tise crrving power of UebL. MeDanald, 42, Saie Boyle, btrme le volantarfly and aubactibe. ~de lakbot Oteen miles, ville 29. Tiis far tise people of Wauiegan .=etia nehr of miles la not <an- Frank J. Miller, Madison, 29, Lit- have ilune fino, and vo bave no "Y egréaI diatnce for théeaUs R. Bebreus. à 28. cause ta complaie. f people Continua oud f battie ta travel. Christian F. Kraft, city, 64, Grece 1ta show tils same loyal spirit of Real EsSais Transi rs M. ]JAsMOIR City. et. et Aau Ilerman Garrlaon îsed vif. ta Ade. 21. Beflen M. Deprling, Chicago, 26. laide H. Wyeth lot 16 ln Long Lake. Hierbent W. Limbe. Shelby. Micb.. a $60. il1, àgnea H. Gertenberg. Hart th W. B. Walrath and vife ta, Reuben MicbL.. 1. ve Forsman, lot 61 ln Fox Laie, 1450. Conrad M. Biede-tatit, Great sb W. B. Warath and vif, to Oven Lae. 23, Viola ettie, 18. be Porsman lot 78 ln Fox ies$450 Hnry Koitilan. Jetffertea.Wtt.. Robet Schosl, ta 'Anna Scbolâ. lot 33, Hlen Hausan., Raole. . 1' 323 ln Laie Forest $1.0d. Belley T1. Turner. Great Laies, U, f Della A. Mesici and husbaed to Leota Z. Tersn, Stevens Point, Wis... Anna e. Wiman, et al lot *4 ln Deep »-I Laike, $600. a Dela W. Hoyt to Jobn Griffith pt.fi.e lot 22 le Lake Fonest, $10. 1 4ua-i G. A. Pugh and ;Wif. tu Josephs Gra- oser lot 20 te Grays Lake, $1075. .SLK D M D lIYi MarY Diecimafle ta R. F. flouse, I land lis lisvillage of Arisa, $1300. 01ld dIN IIlI Josephs Karas and vite, te Trani 011r, M I4AF1N m m diV5 and Abellna 0. Rose, Ot lot 8 le -1*0 Bluff Lake, $300. This Does not Inelude Factorv Carline Fiene.ta James OConnor SlaptosW tà on lot 20 ln Vernon tp., f800. usrpinWhhCo e E. A. Cummsinga and vifetOtto < in Durlng Todgy lAtz lot 5 le North Chicago 1250. HI Mary G. Morrill and hushand w tA I EN ARE., PLESED Charles Bures and vtfe, lot !4 'Fox DIl~~bIo"an Laie, $250. Asserf that th ule"a ei Andro ZaraJpek La Frank Furlan & throtLGb" Iln Fine. Shmpe- 1 vite lot 18 Nati Chicago, $3900. Optomfistil on Quota Mania R.L ekna ta F. R. King, - - .40 acres ln Antiocb tp. $50. Waukegan pored forth-a barnage ofr John lbacb Jr anà wlfe te W. yU g01d Sâturdiy. the ceenlng day of tie Ditlon and vf lot 12 le Highland fOuth UtiertY Loan drive. Figures Park, $3300. ,oSmPlled by Couety Chairman H. C. E. A. Xfoyera ta F. W. Cornileh lot Burntt and bis corps ot% efficient 28 In Waukegan ilio0. vorker4. shoew that the sates, for the. P. H. Éartlett etdwifo 10o Margarpt day neacbed a ttaliof $159.400. Mr. H. lasieo et al, lot 31 ln iHighland Burnett and W. T. Hardie, the Watt- Pari, $999. kegan chairmjen of tise drIve, bath W. B. Walràth and wife to Georgi- akre uPtlristic and betieve that Wau- _ lana GItsky, lots 469 and 470 le Fox kegae vîll aubacribe its quota, of f Lake, $800. $768,150 Lbheftiret week Of Lbe ramn-b J. D. McGregor sud vifs to John E PaIga Figures shov there ver. 468à Quinn 120 scres in 1LibertyvMle $3000. littivituat subscriptlonasStu rday. Aie Couaty State Bank to Fran Messrs. Burnett anti Hardie ad- Wancio and vife lot 13 Nortis oa- mit that they lied antiipated a morne-a go. $2000.visat laffer total for the tiret day as t Demie . Lund sut huabant to they bat beeu flguribg on large reb R. 6. Botatord and vite lant le Par turna from the local factories. Ie-a addition, Wauieksn. $1000. . itead of îthat fact It developed thatb t Hilda Johnson ta blatte Grenter, the factorises uAe fot able ta ture lot 1 le FoxiLaie*$700. le their rtures on Saturday but t1 Frank Aedarberg and vite te Ada vas expected that mnay would report F. Tomlinson lot 12 Foxr Lake $10. todaY and tili more vouit be abler Jozef Kula sot vite ta vrt ori t U) rthéir returnsa y tomrora Stasiký lots 51* 10 57 Cammîngsadat. I"W. are more than Pleasded t tihe N. Chigago, $10. total of the.fhit day's sales se, far l« Prani Adireiesand vite ta Bannie as the publicelancancereed,," Chair- .Briar Rot and Gun Clwu lot 10 Watt- mais Bnrnett sait. "Thoy dit even conta Laie Pari, Il. more than ve expectedt tley *ould G. A. Eato nand vite <o Intestate do the ftrst day. Our oly disappoint- Eant set Gravel Co. lond adjacent to ment vas le th. tact that the. factor- lberty-sille, $6000.les wich ve bat éwpected to report J. R. Fultons and vite to, Walter large aubscrtptioes vere not, quitee Malen and vite ot 12 Wauteagan. ready. Wbee these concerna do re- - $500. Port t vill help ta aveli the total In fine sbape."' MÂIRRIGE LICffNSE. «'I arn coevlnced that Wauiegan la jgoieg over the top le fine Bhape.- Fran Pieper, Chicago, 32; Clans Chairman Hardie asserted. "Tbof Blanc, 32. sarne. large number of people vho pur- Wm. G. Borrow, 36. Jo9ephlnp ciaset bonds Saturtay shoved tisat - Schlssa, 36. ve vili bave no cau"t e 0 s baned Earl W. Lampertina, 35, Elvina of oun comrnity. bers la ne reasort Lau 2. hy tise people sisould not corne for- W alr P.Hae;eFt.Des moines, ward advolsnertheir sbscrip- Chas. A. Berger, Tva Rver», Wls., soie. one else to do their duty vben - 1-6, Margaret Lousier, same, 36. they undentand se clearly tisem- Wm. Kennedy, Wattersoe. 21, Esth. elves vbat they shoultde." er Krnmrey, 20. The number et "voltieteer suis- Vena C' 'Brove, Wbeatae. Ils,,22, sciber" buttons visicis er. seen on Nlen Robinson, Gresat Laites, 21. Lb. treet today vas a clear indi- Jas, W. Dean, Ilear Lake, Mich.. Il35, caioe 0f thse enthustassiswith visici Esther E. Boras. Ixona, Wis., 29 the drive 1,; being receivet. Tiss - Paul W. Kutav, 22, Elale Stebeiz, vwbe do uot subscribe this veek yl 19. eut b. privitegedtote ear une cf thetie Hlarry F. :Wacker, Wooster. 0.,131î, honar buttons. Marie Mies, same, St Tise Voluteer Fife and drum corpsl Ala J. Whereatt, Great l.akes, 22, playet le front ofthtie LiberyViti ~. lasie . IammntCare> ou headquarters for sanie LUme Satur- - ~ ~ ~ l laWs,2.day night and attractet a geet sized Geo. Scisueltz. Great bAies., ciievd.1 CITY TO RESUME OLD fiAS FIOilT ON JANIJARY FIRST Corporation Counsel Bulkley Says Raise in Rates is Ef- fective only Until Then Tisat tise latest eider of tiesetti Ing tise Norths Shore Gaag(Co. an in crease le rates ot 5 cents per 1000 feet, starting vitis Septeniber 1, 1918 changes tise enter issuet by tise coni nilssion nearby a year ago ont>' vils regard ta tise sliîgit incnes.se le rates Is tiesetIntement cf Corporation Coun- sel Athur BulklOY. Wiitiste exception cf this change tise orter stands tise same as dratet origlnally, according te Mn. Bulktey. Tiis means tisat tisé rates, as le- creaset, yl neyet tu tise former ratesreJaeuary 1, 1919, tinless tise ga.g company shall have mate an af- fInmative sboving. Tise revertIng bnci te Lise ot achetule et rates ln automatc, itii. corporation cOuilsel says. To be more exact, thisecrease grantedthtie gag comPaniY 18 merely ef a temporany natbre unless IL can hé shave by tise finaL cf tise yeàn tisot tise ecrease sboutd be permittodteL stand. 4ciiorting to Mr. Buikldy tise pres- eut situation means tisat Waukegae wiii face the same oIt gag flgist on January 1. It then viii bis eesssnry tu go al aoven Lise aIt points agFiln and It vilI be rLoeesary Itirtiser f, tise clty laprovo ta tihe commIssi - t'bat tisé gag compaiiY is not entItieri to tise increase in rates demantet. I.t means that If tbe clty iôpos to vage, a vieniag tlgbt fit ylbis noces- saIry to Axpenît a large Oum 0f moneY to employ c.mpetet texpertsevisa vill ise able to go Into tise situation tisor- oUgily alIt lay tise tactg beore thse Uatilities cammlàlan 'le a coecrete manner. suport Iteina onfIdent that vs viii regc* our quota." oeatazun Mlett maya tlmat the. Mme mort of condition eziate througbout the. ounty. Hoemaya the# people are comlng torvard la fln~ shdpe to subacrihe for bonid. vithôâi belut ltrged o do their duei. TMelun ttal aiready remhed iq Vékegau vas without the support et thse large manufacturinz concerna whlch have pot yet reptirted although tI was fait they woud turu lu thetr subscriptlons by Monday. Wben these subscriptioni 'belin te corne ln tire Irnouât vili b. baosted conslderably. Strgt. James Stanley wtio aýw lir years of active service lIntthe var, led vIs e l one of the tev survivais of theé famous Princesa t régiment. Ielivered a atirring tali tb employés of thse tannery toda! at 12:30 oclock. The lea. originally vas t ohave airni- .ar meetings at alithe factorlea but engagementa have been called Off ln smme of the. plants because of the Spaflish Influenza épidémie. The Liberty IFit.and Ilium corps pltayed ai Liberty L.on oqeter meet- Ings at Grayalake and Antioch Mon- day. There vos a rouaing big meet- ïg at ABUioIs. LIII3RY LOAN JOB Tire wvomeni'a share of the work ta be don. ln thse three weeks drive for the Fo"i Liberty Loan viii net be néglibte according to the plana of Mrs. Jaanà H. Broad and her aide. Mra. Broat la chairman for the lAke county vomanla organlMatioe, an& s ah. aes'ved ln tht. eme office for thse three previoua boans, ber expeience haa enabled birite perfect plans for a maxmmfr iti ~ st minimum la ber. Prom tour to, aixteen leaders have been appointed ln the 17 townships. Zach leader han ber committee of workers atdrevorts mverytbint le readinesa for the manter drive nezt veei. Mns. Lewis F. Masan wifl b. the inatracter for the Waukegan uit. Bath Mm. Maman and Mrq. Broild have been rnaklng an intensive study ut thse bond issue and are ready even to thé minuetest detail for the active sale. Mrs. Broead waa one of the speak- ers at tIhe conference of county chair- men held recently le Rocktord and ber talk outliiing what had been ïc- coTUil,' ht-1 jy cIL close organizatiGn of the vomen of Lake county was a tenture of the TneetiTig. A nlimber of ber suggestions ver, tneorporated ln the plans sent out for ail chair- mpn to follow. The women are te deal with wom- en and womae's organizatiofla only In thia drive. and ail womer a Fre In- -xited to subscribe, through thi. roMJ mittee. ihe lomaion of booths wili ho ikenounced later as weii as the per- sonnel ofthtie aides. MR. FARMER It Will >a You To Use he NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH Time and again you bave Iost money because of slow freight delivery from Milwaukee. But you didn't see any way of overcoming the difficulty. Think now of what the North Shore Parcel Dispatch means to you: "Express service at less than express rates." FAST MERCHANDISE CARRYING SERVICE By phoning to Milwaukee for your merchandise and requesting de- livery by the North Shore Parcel Dispatch, you are sure of delivery within 24 hours-often in considerably lesa turne if gooda are prompt- Iy delivered to the station. You are los ng money evety ime you put off tlsing the North Shore Parcel Dispatch. Investigate-today. For fitrller t4fesseiOn $PP IV90thie stearest Paric& Dtopaieh office of the NORTHJ SHfORE UNE' Chicago 137 Seami trkStr*et Pioe..ces*,s1525O Libertyville Phase. Libert7yllie 74 Mlwaukee Silti Md5 Citheas Phoe. Grand %45 Dow. Your tafe Work Mean Anytbing to You? You farmeru who have worked hard - and no anewrks harder-to get toger.her your property, what docs it. mean ta you ? Your property - pour farm and buildings, your crops your stock, your farm implemnents and, too, your home -al o these represent ycars and years of work that you have donc. Everythlng that you enjoy as the resuit of your work cornes to you and stays with you because the heroic soldiers and sailors of 'Uncle Sam ame standing bctwcen you and the bloodthirsty, murderous Hun. To kccp the Hun away from you, Uncle Sam docs flot ask y au ta GIVE even a single penny. Hc simply asic, yau ta LEND him your moncy at Lood intèest and he guarantees an lis word of honor- a word 5t la ee e rkn-ta pay back cvery penny you lend. What is your answcr? Have you boug&ht ail the LiEERTY BoNM uYOU posuibly can? Buy Lfibety Bo" aToday; Any Bank WiII Hep Y.. TM711#Spm'e Çofsibuf.dte WiMdg da .Wu fr EARL G. ALDEN, PIANOS at TDREPTOW & MASON9S ý»i lo l hil wl i, J.e d. ,le t ic- t, bals L., se the, t, t and si (r cal Mai les ie at -ori thes ase loe ter, the wor Ini hil I t.00 cno cti fri the ae se na les, sec cet -o in ia tee