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Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 4

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'~ IWTY IN 1NEEIe "lm ?U DAT, OCT. M98 ,erýtyviIle Independent, ouuyIndqendnt -Wauhegan Weely Smn * Office Telpoi gumber 1. Llbertylik Exchange. - &t ethe I'ostoffioetbLbertllO. Ill., aes econd <jl1eaMOIl Katter Officiai Publication for Tihé Village of Lîbertwville. Newa Pulciof'for Lake Ceunty Board 01 SuPeow VPrees.iflo UvBer3r Tbaraday. Adverttaifll Rate MadaKuowndu nAppUmctIon. OIt11IPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STR.iOTLY IN ADVAINV£ IIMITH . .........-................. ....................... . .$1............ Editor BMITi4................................................................... Manager 14. ECIARPOT........................-....................... Local Manager 11AD 'EUi OING AND COMING C Another illuttatiofl of how Just and hie gang tried to have ~oe Uaenmjlg or going"- -Jugt, ia hie Libertyville sheet WAS FOR ihe proposed rua- zdA5 races. AD .-His brother-in-law, Jim Woodma.n, in Juet'e amsoiate paper 4làeWaukegan Gazette, was AGAINSt the races and prlntedlf uoilre against them by far than the Independeunt IN Thuit. Juet'e right hRnd vas FOR the races, is left band h, %4INST-hp thuls had tliem going and coming. Ha'. tried r£ mkea big fusa because TITIS PAPER was sot hnllering FOR' gab ingueet as lie wag, but, bow about brotber-in-law Talk about Just having lemn going and comlug? t'e a hame ti ,te'Way they work the combination- t ý'Looks te the canna] observer as thongb Just has etood hie **mdlife about as long ai; lit- can and was anxiins to get bock 4* play tr poules again. t ______________________________I NOT MUC1 TO. KTOK ABOUT ConntY hsicianl Brown muet ffei very rnuch pleased ovet 11evewy gratifying report made by Mises Elizabeth Jack, Inapea. Smb fOr the Weffare Clommiggion of Illinois, eovering in detanil sb Lke eounty boopital. The ouly censure whichl the would-be f 'wreckers of the county hospital have agningt thé vePorb iý what. ,M. »Vwn retuued te tel] tiie indfividluali q>( iltue14 et '0107P O the ceunty hospital. The inspecter pointed out thisa ,bd mnd according te Dr. Brown hie mpde ne déniai of it. Re A"mtted hie did not give a detailetd account of wa"esof emplo)yas ýW the hoofpital and the committe.e the county hospItal supervri- 'uIM bêcked hlm up ln hie Position. The point la that there are eotftln thinge which are beet flot advertised and this je one Of 'Bees.And that ie the only cemplaint that could be !ound about 1)r Bro5 n ma nagement Of the hospital. It len't grounds for at oemPlaInt at aill- nstead t le a eommendation becauze it showst " .b le discrtlonarv lu the tacts he.gives ont about the county ' ixatitntion.c FrmteA MESSAGE 0F SYMPATHT Frmth'eart of everv man at Great Lakes there g91" ont iunspoken message of syrnpathy to the fathers, mothere, o1 Meinds of those who have died as a conscquence of the visitatiol. , f SPaniah influenza to Great Lakes. -Theereu~ ti f~ ~ vIi~ ave oveed up their sec-ret hart bangsn behind a -che'erful, countenance wheu gh-ing thleit eqas for their conntry's eaue would rather have sean their loveti cf fu On the I+eld cof hatie oîr silnk, fighting, to the last, into'the1 *gdepths of the orean. This glory of death lini-allant figlit, JIowever, lia-, beeù ie the vietiîns of thfI pregent îaav Tg the bereaved parents and brothers and siste r a c ad ouytha our sons bave died juet as uohly in America's cause : if they hia(' Pershed la the thick of battle. Take consolation ; l the thouglt thact ou have given yournmost precioue Possession lthe Dame of Liberty.-Great Lake.Bulletiu 11e'e ELPING A NEEDY INSTITUTION > eeglad te aee the eup&rvisors give t4i~ Lake Bluff or- phanage a thoueand dollars more this yea ~ at h i ýRe u tmantaining that worthy intitti rave increased the 1 mRe a" fi other lunes and a place like an orphanage has a harder î' Oe getting along than the average home--people se eaeily for. ~ tha tose ittlermeanth muet est the same as ever; that they uts te f he apt iTarta and that lu etringent times the iaverage pbr. ec cuts off h§ dol totecharnt7 amoug-the tiret movas for .I-2lrenehment Sn, the 19UPervisors have rallled. ~&ttr~iiva bliee tle Superviorm useddiscretion in de- .4UMg to dater indefinitaly the matter of Povidlng nhurrl l'the countye hrOe M uring in the ga. T nta may prollc 10e md plan' moreiapprpriate to a Permanent menOial than 'Irhich, lu the huetle and turnil, are beng preented. It bbly beftter t) let a step nt thls kind "«ride" forati. fthge*"rarlevone and, lu the enthussem ce the v a tetli 1 be ours, People viii ha more anîrlons t hae a ry ftt . -WPErhapg elaborate memoril e areted, haluvhieva erv ras.ti tIgnt et the eouintv eau contribute rather than havinK the romnty i*M'rd' for t lie. onnty, sqhoulde the expenge. FUEL SITUATION. antUsce.'i dlr hv M e___ bt. a, driitr.hen dependeni roei day ta day up. 11101Of ake C0Ujty furl 'dinill. n theP "sg ' o. for thoir sup. Iffi'tte . -head, held a mpeitng on 1>IY o% tard coan They have flot been yeeay fltbt a. n rpeax If twll, M'r TPrmntttpd to obito-areserve eup. î l eannOunced tlut Waukegan's lly. Therefore when the ordors Camp l wdceai situation la to bo aced to alnit Off the aupplyt teca 1WW R&ymond Durham, state tuai dock there wam bot a dealer in the C, atator ty -who had any bard (Mal 'ln band. si -bîgtuation In Wankegan i. di!- 1 4on't thlnk thal Mr. Durham fully fiet titan It le ilnywhere Pse," ho eprclatp.s the situation bierp and @M& ElvOnln Highland Park, lAke we intend tc'lav Il the letailis before ' Fbrest a- d Oth i tie i cl .in Lake coun- hm." ~,'t ttifiid.bv Sale br Mr. Gordon, a fed-ralInveatigater .»-p n& bat la 'W&ukeg=i t a bo la worklng in cenjunttn wt te tate fuel admwsitmatQf, heacou- elladefi a lrobe lho bas be omOdUot- à Ing in Waukegflanad hbu le! t the city. Hoesmadesu lnvestlSation to determine whether or flot local deal- ers vere viclatt-i UtCe';aile w!lure.! gard te the groas margin of profit- that la, the arnnt ot profit they are permitted to make on eauh ton or coal. Intimation la xlven that there have been violations hère as the atate- ment Ir' given out that there uil ho no posecution f !vto1atora untîl the situation has b4,en straightened out. ",BUY SOFT GOAL,"1 SI3ES LI'TLE DOPE -.ÈmSà A STRETCII Every Supervrnor Trhrows Bit of Concrete Into the U..st Batch at Zion City KENOStOIA ROAD IN SIGHT If Weather, Is Good Stretch, Betwien" Here and Zion WIII-be Done Dec. 1 At 6 o'locSk WodnesdaY a! ternoofi neaýrly evory momber of thie board 0f 1WG0 LETnERS FIOU FRANCE[ tho two toiiowlsglottare w. recevel hinnIwo ofout boi a ia France. Thel and ba the hal ing me tel bl superviorg, itoad ommusszuur Sees No Reason to Believe the Rtussell. Mr. grainmi, the contracter i City May Obtain Addition- onte JbiMdma leSun roProeeltatvOet ai Hârd Coalithis Year each dld iea part in mixiez thlu~et bateliet of lceto and pouiii5lit loto al 1lTY COUNCIL MAY ACT utheilut gep, thsa compîetlng te co- @j creto read froin the north limilti of si ire Inclined to Favor the Sug- Vion City te theiallaite lino, a distac gestion of Taking the Mat- of jusituewo and ene-baîf mile. hO i ter up with Dr. Garfield jsupervlsora' party ieft Wattk:.g..l G shortly' atter à e'clock and Inspecteil h Buy sonfat altho relaisfer lis entire longth. 1a That la tthe advice af L. P. Prokine, ' WhlO tat atrotch o! road uarth et ful adminlstrator at Laike ,,ounty. Ziloa 1. ishod, it wyul not bc opened ~ Mr. Erokine pereonally entertatns no te the use of the publie for' >thmro toes that Wankegan 'ViIIgtanlek In erder ta allow the concrete ti more bard ceai titis Yser. The clity'sy to,7haden and set. t neager allotinent of 17,00(l tons, 1 Sout of ZMon uork ta progressing I stilI 2,000.or 3,000 tans short of_ he051 as fst as possible wilth the limite l fiiéed, but the. staiement o! Plate help tb. contracter <s able te get. F'uel Adrninltrator Raymon& Durham Nearly ail culverts are la and the t that ho could jiot permit Waukegan rwd there bai been partly gr aded t1< o hava any mere bard ceai the nIits ï,% spected the pouring of Concret e P prpportlen, baued on lte amouit te on fIl section wil tO rbnnemxi ye3k b be shtwed ta otitir cSmmpliltescon- andi If gond veather continues for 30 v rInces the local fuel admlnletretor days the gang ull reach a point about t, bhat ne bard *W wM II holoft; hen epposite the Barwell place. If weatb. g bhat lo accompliabod. er conditions or-' favorable for slxlY o "'Thora dooas eem te bo anyttng laysthe nort"i'qtg etWaukegan ln eft te 'do but te MI 1uP the bInaswlt.b Plll be reachad, t rd lthe ntire st-ét cbh I sott ceai," Mr. Ers'rlne aId. "That betweeu Waukegan and the state line a la my advlce te consumcrs. Titen WIIi ho dene. Rgouever titis ls a mat.-jb thy will et leasi bave sorne klInd of z,: enirey depar itii inthe weatb. a 'olY or. Titere are bundreds o! homes In osdrn th sotaeflbrà v-4O"- h llh uni lfeelithe celais osdrn b hraoo ao thyrartid Progrwe as .been made and Il ban worse than others because te shows ne mistake vas made vben1 ara net equipped wltb lurnaces 0ont wltii~~~~ ~ aee hc ehu sftea.the contnact, vas awarded te thee In their ecas'It; mea l tepurcitaseIcioeCmpn of a new steve and the suppîY le In l<.éooba countv the builders are rery liie. Ithln ont.and anc lisîf mlles trom Membare ofthe ttY commission'<the aIaie t"ne vltb everey Indication *re Incllned te favo- the auggestionl thtt;1 * to i. ,b oipe oftakiaz the. matter up vltb 1eastiirbefore odwahr Garfeld, thé federaji fuel adminIstra-1 ter et Washington. Tjsey point tOILACEMAKER COMPLAINANT te fact thatt he state fuel adinln.l tratore went ever te head of the 1 S. H. Depew and E. W. Casp- rnunty fuel adminiatrator and they: erson Are Defendants in thlnk ft ne more than flair tat tey' Sts iednCrctC. s)Louid go ever the bead oe!tte . atae SisFldi ici fuel administrt«o and lay lte local Slee .Dpe n nI W ituatim itforo tha federal fuel ad-Ir edr f oiascuc minlotrator. No plan of action bsCaIlon Ier !Voieycuc beenwokd ot os yt bt te st ZMon C'x.ywere made defendants uation undoubtedly yuli blsgone lot t wo dam<ee PSulla aggrcora,,ting 340, 0,fle(]incircuit court at %V'aitkc within te aext feu daYeC0. gala tels> by Benjamin Peareon 'aid John Lui1ers, emaployee of the Nlar- "LA E O.OVER shal F111d lare plant at Zion. Pear- TIIR TOP,* son and Licvers charge ltu their bills Tut T P9 OC . 59 InJuries a,ý a resuit o! severe beating4 N dmintstere-d by Depew and (taspe- 15 LO N SL GA ton on Jun,' 2, 1117. Each suit lo for e $20.000 and Pearson and Lelvers In- Libety oan ommttee15-4iilde both the defendints. Libety Lan ommitee s - The startlng o!f b.eia le i the se- sues an 'Earnest Appeal for Quel te cu-fmtunal action taken qeveral Ali te Subscribe EarlY upeksa asti hen both Depew and Cas- EXPLAIN VOLUNTEER IDEA1 wre inede:and ardered cornited t& theo county jli util the fines wep Those Who Subsoribe EaIIY pald. Casperson vas flned $75an Recoive Tag, Showing they conta, a totai of $104.25, while Depew Have Done Full Duty va, flned $50 and Costa, a total of $84.55. lTe Lako CouniyI Uhorty ban rom- The court records show that neIth- mitteo ioday l.sued tbe fnllovlflg fer- er of these fines baye been pald and mal statemetnt lu vhlcb an appelal la the, cases bave net been appeeied. mtade 10 ail te help put the eottflt DesDîte thia fart States Attorney Jas. "Over the Top" by October S6: G. Welcb bas net foilovsd out the T'h. Ljaie ceuy UbLthty lean recu- court order uhlch etated titat the sottise bals eoptod tii. volunteer pîjit mon ehouid ha conflned In joli uintil et subsrription ftes -titeVuth Liber. the fines uere paid. Botb of the ZMon ty boan. eldere vere te bave heon trled en 1Organization lia beau, perfected for twe ceunis, but a! tor a conviction ratang sach'tovshle quota dunij iliad 'eo btained en ene count thé the tnit veét and lit la tthe marneet de.- atése attorney noise proeaed te otb. aire or the rulstto that lake coun* Ci'. Just uhat the statioe attorney In- ty wlilge o Ver te@ ToO eer a. tends te de about s eoing titat the. The buteIcein uderlYfuz the vol- fines are pahid lo t kueui. unteer plan la thast the time and Ï. itn the declaratoe fl ted hy Lliv- fort of ono patriotipCictizen abould ors anal Pearson today kt set forth nethaa1 ho eaýpleye4 te aeltclit taitbtey were attacked, boston, subAcriptions fnem, another etmallY Va- Punrhed and klc'ed tn a inoat brutal rtriotic citizen. In otiter vomie, ery manner by the defendi.nti. thon àPe- patrlotirj citizen la expecteal te de hie <ual policemnen fer VOIlva. Thelne duty voluntatliy, one 10 boy bis lUl charge that tbhe ffîcors grabitef ont. il o bods wthot wltin fo ahandeful o! thisîr hair' 'tore their ehare o! ondse vaituoheu wm. oraclothlng te rlbbena and used sand- salésan t raIlupeahlm.bags ln beatlng tiem ltoe ubibsioi. «"Everyone leasa well able te buy Tbey Charge 'that tboy bave spent bonds the firot day of t'hé drive an the loveras hundred dollars lu endeavor n lant, andiltbers l4 no reaionwliy ho îng te beomo baaied but titat thé > abeuld vait three weeks te make lita urieoC.lv.d wv;;e of aSmrl IdécisIon," maid Hemnan Oifford dîrce. eut nature. ter, of Illinols salés. 'lh.e llegéd attack on Leivers anti Ae s an lncentlye for subscrlbing vol- Pearson took place et a tîma viien 1.untarlly. each bond buyer VIIIhb. gl- Vollva'î spécial poicemn eit w sai- oy n a volunteer tai sa ae bdge et bion- îng a speciai effort te prevant the id 'or te dlstIngulsh thon trom the bu, use of tob&.oc. The effscérs. Contents- -P~ èr ho have, te b. selletteal. - ed that lAïern and peeleon were Dou't farget thé day and 'tut Late ssoffing on. te streesa of Zton and )conntty -Ovor thre Top" on gaturady thjgt Ilv*as neeray t usé force Int là Octohen 5. order te place them nder esti . 1 The- Boy From Next Door YJOu used fo see hirn àw.0 9 gaily down the strcet, radiant with the vigoe of bis sturdy younglmanhooci. One day he came homne ini khaki; then bis father told youl, with rningIed pride andi foreboding, that bw b.d 44gone- acrosi' witb his regiment. Y;mhrday hie mane was on the casualty list-"sflghtly wounded" .-and your face gr.w grave as you thought of the. sorrow and suspense of hie father, and Moçthere .Fromu every clty street, .very village, every communlty, tise boy ziext. door »aSgono to war. Thiàk ai tiiese thoutands of splendid young Amorieans, reared ia eonfort i,ôa ad securlty, now suddenlÏ plunged lnto thia roarlngi Lm'lerao f batule wlth the hadened hordes mif a desperateli detewmlaisd fée. Whçxt are -you doing- to help them ? What are you doWS g to. arm -and protect. thern, and bring thora h6mm. -in udetY? Have pou b.ught Ubeéti '.Bond&?, Have you bout a& yeu posAbly can? Huis ft eomed ta you tisat ane more Bond, bough iseisth a litd. addltlonil1 effort, may *av* -the life of the boy f rom the next door? Buy Another Bond! 1WMIS SPACZ SUBSCRIBED TO ,WtNNIRIC THE WAR IY FIR-S-TNATIONAL BANK O F . LIUERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS r ------------- - ------- - ------------ - --- --------- -A ýN T ADS im 'l te oye wuho the loalnxaeer hnoa 0 *Comi té «LIse, Each hiertce. ndlagiadtoe euiatehbu.20 oc Mmisées charge, th" rend ihe. wish interest and hope@ * * * ** * * * * ** ...J..*... st you ull do theaaibe: "SBôteuhero la Fnaneb, FOR SALE OR SENT-flouse. and Arguai 15,1918.. ___+_________f___ armne. Insurauo algent sua Collecter. avo lorgotton àail about Fou, but I bave FOR ÎSALE-Bix percent Firai MortgageFO A -hoeludneitao "Dea ounyLakeupoForetstt jOR luAustn, hoce rsienelos.n bL> Did you recel,. fthe tiretîletton r *Bondu n ae -o'stréal esa McblKintoy Ave. lire. (Ume. -4 eut yon? Th* retspon I dld ncÏÎ.e'4ie <> ne8tsipYable Jull anud Jaueary.1 ou eoonsr wu& 1 have tee n onbthego D>Duànaloiie 8500. IMatuity, 2 to FOR SENT-About 50 acres of grodu oer mince the hour 1 londed. 10 yeara. (eore@ Anderson, Phone 89. tarin land, no buidings; lsrnlngobaw .'l have leat core ont ut the lit«s for L.sB e Forest, 111. terni, 4 mlles nortih ut Llbertyvlie. k etbut Ili meaa'work, such ae waah. FOR SAL£-Tw<>o aerwîe rAppiY tu C. J. Heriaihaw, 440 Webater Cheste WiebarAve, Chicago. lit. 8- ge ciotheo, cleaning of gune and equlp. pîgi. A feu @logis comb white Orpin. 8- mnt, persuaicare, etc. 130 Yeu se0& ton Cocterole for breedera. A. L. Darder. M 8 EL A OU * e10w don't get. a lot of time ta write Aras, 111. 8+ _________________ itfore h. gRosé lasigain. ne igesr oi rgt o sbore ÉTA IE WANTED-By boy af laaltendng hiSh "'rblngsa. mo baeJrrg(hetfor KEÂL STATEehoo .1etuaton pajing commensur- ) he roa.aW. ho asoin y te(l nm ile wagseafor uork &fier ecitb ours. tii ra nd . e oln yt.FOR SALE-An lrnpraved 40 acre fero); InquIre at Independent office. 40-2 «ILa week w. did a 'hop ove? etul' wlth or wlthnut stock, crane and lun. ________________ mIattby a big terce of Ailliés and we pigMente. Immedlate posessilon If, FOR SENT-jLower fiaâtaon découd erteiT' hi. towagd hoe.uje W liutidsred. F. Md. Harding, Ares, Ii. 28tt stres. Inqutre lire. W. L. Altnldge. sept hlm Op. Boe.lea&n'exemple i__________________________________ 'bat wu cui al etk edvaacement. W@ puîhed hlm back six miles lu ou@e nlght. Kaiser'. régiments usar buckiec on their j lb.. lIe coulle la a round-up. Yon Daptured e railroad Conter whlcbh hobelte ulth the (Germen coatof armeand aughît teheur our 75'o., W@ mak. .id. The phone la thoestation rang the word. 'Gottt intt une.' ThIe le the prieunere every dey, and they teill Ou sd a Germain on the other sud of the tiret 1 sver hourd of a raues of people tbiht am meseathey sou 1 h@ àmgeia ne, thlntiag the Germane .1111 heid th. thliititg God wu@ a a e chi. A ew i go aven the top tbey have ta rua. nouer. told aur inierpretelr te hoid eut more drive. ls U éthe Ou@e thât le nOW an, *AmOteaneart the only amne îoy are st Il Coste and'lio'lt give an Inch andi and ihey wlil réalie that the dev il play@e alaid ut. tait there wer. 2,000 freeh'reeerve tom- a big part lu this gae.of wer so0. "Once mtore I1ulil eRay arn lghting îg up an tro section& of traînéë. -0-r IlWeil*Henry, 1 Coutl write you alil with the regular South Dakota boys. utsrprater told %ht. Germen tua ury nigbt a0;iMy sapipenceel, but 1 I l suWe liebi lke wbooping cou punchere them np, wussureaeldethetn and would you more and aIl about them uhelà Iuhenu e letloos. Oh. boyl we are the 'ait for theut, uhich we dld and about returu, whléh 1 hope wan't tevsry long babiue tbey are Iaatîng for, lty-fiire, minutes later w. met t 1efliut now. Lîsten, Cali up rny home and tell *Tbe day aile yeterday myseli and te station. 8000 ébroue. and the reeuit them uhat 1 urote lIn letigter, Weang@ the rest ai My comradea saw (lermane, wa. 2,000 hrend Dow and treeh Gimen 1 uou't be able to Write anotber itUw or raîher dlnly lBon. ntresting in big pilonner». Aller thal, we pushed thora for a wuhile. Don't tell thanu 1 am goinic track@. And » e' wer.gasing faruanid ack %ua mlee farther;csaured e toua harkto t ej. ins gain. Tell them 1l thefields Iooked tu aMe lite flb.e where a (lerman gerneel weashedqûar. vas tn and Out agiain ailaito and .ound. yarda. A* vie paaaUd Borne utile touai tered; sot tu Shi& townnao aoe< h Me "Well. goodbye, Henry. WIilwritle ws -u French wone olugosta iheli eterai qld net have aechancesto-getot tgala théfinit oppantnohty I1 recolve. home. and I spot. French ta them of bed and escape; surrowded tite Frencht "Wlth love to ail," e'ting theut how îhey uer,, treated hi manston lho won quarterefi te and toot 'Wlr" the aube. tim and hi@e uholo staff. We vent on -*'Ailthtey ealid te n waethet ibel alîttis iarther. We had galnsd ur Ob-h.igUe etmer8 98 hvnssybigt s n btte icttve, Our uork uee doue and hues1i "Fr tni in,saTe mboment 118 a venht anthîncugt se endthat ihejn am back lh'sre tar a test. Well, brotber., 1 bave pienty ta wnIll ,,go fer, Henry, 1 have been lucti. 1I Witni thie laster tboueand ut sheille but haven't Rai the tîrue. Speattng o am truatînit te Rood luck and ths reit are dropplng eround us. but just the souvenirs, 1 have plenty an band. lu hope' and proyars. Belleve nem, same, brothers, thai won't mae the Il8 W b eplent>' oi gnub tas Henry, lever the top' le oniy thne o rde AmenimEn Yellau. Wag drive tbem bat nd mu vthng. but ît mees vernîthir« in the worîd, ta every day end nlght no fiant ltt wou yhg alad ailtsut and already for the zara can't Imaginea h. Thab's uby, iny dean heur and the word 'go.' brothers, ynu ought ta ha liraot 0ut. unr par cepital n auWr rnvingo semp 11i gave the(lermans alat morecradit ior beinginu tbi gnaat drive. tain proud aies op îtt. isi are $I. .Quoi maetlu the States es an intelligen at". yoelltfainlgwuith urb a fiua buneci)t 0Ooct.let Par capîta le $15M3 W but Dou 1 arn convluced. -tbey ara a lot 1als thio. bava thirisen maximum War sevîne of mlelad dammied loole.8ome ofai 11h We neya, fear brother. W@ bave 1lub members. 'kt Ve un

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