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Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 1

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UND ED MILK Dead FIy in! ree Times Week ýave heen lodtc- te wlth regard o.ttl used as tar complainte lie ago with re- Thereïs a etty lies for arrest allure te keep- 1puri;oses In a iltion. tré, fot washed ly 1,; Indtcated, y the fact-tbat ,tfler In a nàum-. t,--îfoiin< ta ifflk la flot pro. îiitlîîîîîatlî,n for inilk tottléo lai O'.<n.- local lîîdboig of a fly' liit h '.f w~ >o i r f.,iiiles ai inik jeor tai ftes- sI. W... lirai bi*ar t , uthrow i tlei of anlk,* lipd el.but thc'ri ts aboot the silt nows wiuen a fly à anîd ont, hatel i1k. il S.-erns tc iii 'te til(en tA rî*dI for In moit lei'. E.ight Dol -dt>d as a neCes Ili of Influenza il hîe .-u;t hotlit Tii' hutaith au >k Int Ille mia Thought. 7.1i1_ru.nce 44ont"l Si li.t ruption. ait 'il SizE >45.0 tese suits, a - order, 110w esl in gilver- Event, LIBERTY-VIL LAK-E COUNTY INDEPIENDENT ,VA~TTTT . 'VXT x-rA AI i"lm -ru 1% a __Im NLvj.UbY Lf .&VJ-.r41 ROMPEL RETURNED TO PASTORATE AND IS MADE NAVY dIAPO Methodist Pastor is Reappoint- ed at the Closing Session of Rock River Conference HEADS CHURCH AT STATION Other Appointients Made in Lake County Show that Few Changes are Made Rev. Henry Rompe], pastor of the Waukegan Methodimt church, bas bein reapî,otnted for tVie coming year, bis appotiment Lptng made aithlIe chIos, of the Roc7k River conference bu-id In C'hicago M1%onday. Mr. Rompe] thur' b, ginq hi> second year as pastor of th", Waulîegan church, havlng corne bore from Iteirhiere where he was pas- tor rnany years. Stoce teing litru- Mr. RomnpuI bas hu-n tq'i- ah ("r.,? t r k 1t' ierved in the capnctty af camp pasto. At tI!u confr-rencu this weu'k howper. lie vas named Methndia;t chaplain ai BP it,,t s tlu- lilu iuhonor, Mr. Romltii %ast ni,onfe d f0t hu-position of stu ward of tlb>' BockRi llv.r or ence and 91so a mcýmhu-r of the Social Rervire Commris>ion. Few rhangea In the' patorates vers mna& -In L.ake cohnfr and. In fart, I the .'ntire rconfu-renru-, tht' feeling be- tng thai Ibli wasn'i a time to malte many changes. Altîson P Clarkc va> named supertn- tendent for the northern district whtcb Inludes lAke roîtnty churrhes. rTe pators amed for local churches: Ant loch and Ilckory-S A. Pollock. Gagpes L.ak-John Meredith. ray's LakE.--Homer A. Crumb. Lake luff-A.0. Slixrnd. Lake Por,-at To 1* supptied. lake Vlta-L. Earte, Snvder. Ltbertyvite-T. E. Ream. North ('hlcago-R. L. Mitchell. North Prare-J. H. McDonald. Rchmond-A. W. Harris. Rosecrans-A. Roger Krtz. Woodstock and Fruukvlle-FP. A. Graham. Yrork House-R. M. Dlbble. - Zin Cty-fay Marttt. Tbe conference took a firm stand aInst accepting the peace offer of Germany and telegraphed President Wilson tbetm oppoàlUion. JACKIES BUILD- INQ NEW BRIDGE AT LAKE1 BLUFF rapI M.%of'.tt lias talien It on bina- self tri put Int gond condition to brtdge on Sheridan road in Lake Bluff, whirh bas buen closed for some time by order of the tovn authorittes. With the pmmi.se that the money vilt be later refunded he bas personally borrow'd the $40110 fiucsary tW do the repair wark. A worklng party of biuejuciets fro th te station bas been sent down ta lýqkp flt'f iti tnthe'sound of, the bttgle, calilng, ".qtart ftring'" the' baya front Greal Lakes ate givlng an exhibition of -xpoditlous bridge building whlch ahI astonlsh the na- tives. WEATJIER MAN IS TOXBLME FOR FLU Here t Iste reason for tCe Spanislb Influenza, if tiieres reason in 1. The veathior mafia 10 biame. Chicago ha> Jiîst Passed tbrough thé. caldost Soptember In thé hlstory of the weatîîîr bureau. The mean temp- eralurf, wa 59.6 degrees. The next meane--t rnesn tomperatu14 vas in September, 189(). and Il vas In that ycar tIt:i? tc' thethn caileut Rus- stan, %wcpt over the country. go thore yoîî are. Thp l'tetyvlle Independent bau the biggest trculatie tulu ecotmty. TWBCLVE VAGUB ________________________________________________________ . - FARMERS DONATE 61 DOZEN E66S TO CAMP L06AN SJCK Voliva announced lad tIght that far- mer> ve5t of ZMon had contrlbutpd 61 dozen eggs for sick sailon at Camp Logan. The eggs wtl be brought ta Mton by John Mehaffey and turnpd over te Mrs . J. D. Thomnas. The au- thorlies at Camp Logan do flot vant the raw materlal' s0 that eggs must be made up Into custards, plidding, and, other 1(-Ilca<es. There la a staff of women at Zton who have vounteer- ed their services te caok these deli- cacies and four or f ive auto loads have already gonu- te the camp. MANY WILL 61VE UP HIOMES TIIRU FUEL SJIORTMII3 Steamnheated Apartments and Hotels WiIl Be Quarters for Many Here l Ii,, îtlîît u i'- unît l we1 ill bfî fiirîngd thiq surf r witlî p.trs'ins wli', are ' cli me irprIat I 'nîu-ý1 o auj tu- ,rrî tof ,oâi Il]. ~ i of Lake culiti. Te-tfrts n tri a<oî,t 1h i 'zcou rau-,Tht-' nun ',r in Lake Forest and tlghtaui Pa'-k wulo plan such a courseeli%îtnusuaatty large. but thu-re aI-o ar. a iarg' nîînîhur ini 'ÇWautîegan. The tLake Forest and tlighland Park npople who are givlng up thuir homt çs are moving ýntf(Chi- cago. In NWaikugan thjure ta an unu ustai demand for steain huatpd apart- nient., for thpre are large number here A ho have heu-ni unabie ta 01>- tain an adequate sutiply of coal. W*aitkugan coat dealers asBert that demanda for soft coat are unusually heavy. Thu-y sa that hundreds of Wautrngan people wha alwava have scorned ta use sort coal have been forced teaorder It for tht> wtnter, as there ta no other aternative. Wood ta ont of the question and fia tard coal ta obtatuabte. The fragedy of the local sttuation accrding te FueI Admînatrator Ers. kine ies on the south aide where there are hundreds of poor famtlles who are tuabte to burm soft coal wlth their present heaUng equlpment. These etmnUlesbave base burninL stovfes and cannot use soft coal tn them. They have flot the means te purchase new stoves and sa face a very unenvabte situtiton. 'Reade of the caiae fuel administre- ASSÇfWESSED MAUE 0F LAKE 'OUNTY IS $4M7790 IJ16HER Board of Review Completes Work; Value Shows Boost Over Assessors Figures $3,280,820 VALUE HERE Report Shows there Are 496 Dogs'in Waukegan, Due to Law Regulating Canines The total assesased valuation (one.- third the' reai value) of Lake county for te current year tis $22.023.055, arcordîna ta the report of the Laie co-unty board of re a lu-w vhlch bas Pîst comptr' diltut work. This valuAi ducs flot trîrlude thu- valueorfthie raiiroad rîchi rif way or the raî,it.al stock of corporatirn,' exc.'pt hanksa Tiiesu- i stucs art x- t d v th, lau T'if, lot., a- '-dfi altîiftior 'ita o- t $45:.7t< t!aas, L'îist fyour , i f~i i" h ttît r m flie rai. tic-s f sl'yiv a s-srs througholitl ~Ilp. "tii> v zg itu go to niakou up 1:1-' totl' I -a d vitiiîot of t. Tt-lion, ts lt -rapb -$120,295-. 1i hu- totail a.ss.--utaud valuation of Mi1,kugan for Ilir- uirrefit yuar las $22,~,To t Il sru-ai ialtîu- one aouil<1 las sfoiiulifPly hy thru-e. The foltowtng items go f0 make np tli.' tot al: Tu ta]l1lands $15'0.385. Total oa2.;4t0 Total reursonal $C627,!'Sr. TE-legraph and telephone-_$18,53). Total bankEF-1149,825. Thu- report shows fort hor Ibat there ar, t5r, dozs tn Waukcgan. Tht. dou-s o t nan neressarlly that thia t4 the t oat nunmber of dog,. i nîlie city for (aw- ils ablet e ue nuarty that masdy on one cornu-r at the samu- lIme, but if muan s Irbat t he owners of 496 doge reported t'he mat tfer to the assessos' and Pald tax on the anitnais ln addi- tion to paying a clty tax. This laslit accordanc-e wlth a new lav that vas enforced thts year for the firait Ut». The board of revtew thts yar basa Purformed much efficient vork. TPhe menabers vwere: Ai Maether, james King and Ney Lamb. Richard Barnuma was ctur# of te board and Uiss Cltara Reyes was assistant cler«c. FOX LAXE BOY, RaEUBDEN 10019 DIES AT CAMP ORANT iNDEPENDENT Lake County's BigWeekly- AUEANWEKY U rMWdo Greeaurd tha hWeekhes in County Comb4ned AKGNWEL SU FIFTEEN TRUE. BILLS RETURNED BY THJE GR. JURY TIu- Ortober nor1 ri' nîpl 't" %vtnt ua,,yly f t-.roonait whiliiresoltu-d in r c i. 'tînt ic o,(f i , f1i.tni e n tsa. îlai '-_11 lof -w.- In i, t t ,rn'y e-iý ii,. î.!i li, titi fl ifu - ti, r v W r O ir t lru Thuý-t tof Imd iri t t îlows: "d 1Itoul-I arru-îi ('ora BatlIforç-S'.! iting. WNater Panasak- N ftf Paul Ptack, et al-i tttîeny. .ohtn SitItiift' r!i, Etnaer Muyers-Li-t i't Morris Roscnbiîrît izrcuny and enmhezzelnient, f' E. Hapner- lu-4ring vorthlesa checks. The grand jury al-,stomplimentpd Sherlff GriffInin iptn the excellent mariner in vhtcbhu- ronducts- the :oîîrty jail. The Personnel of ibc grand jury vas cnanged soat,-what tbrough tht' death ef 0ne jurrîr andi the Ilîness of two others. P. Ewing of Shielda vas the membu-. who dled, is death hav- lng ocrured thiti nuorning. Thumne who vere Il and unabtu- ho attend vcre John Putnauu of Deetfleld and C. F. Wright of .Ibertyville. 6 The followlng Waukegan men vers selectu-d to cake thetr places and were Impanneiled: George Edwards. -A. U .Conradl. John McGulre. FollowIng ta a liat of the* grand Jury a.« drawn originally: *enton-O. W. Fatloy. B. C. Thomp- Newport-William GIeason. Newport-Wlliam Gleuson. Anttoch-David Pulls». Grant-Loula .9 DeProft. Lake. Vlla-Lêe Burnatuble. AvouaE. B. t)oaltttle. CALL IT PNEUMONIA BUT IT IS NOT; IT IS STRANiE 1MALADY DecIàred that Deaths Here Are Due to M serious Disease AsMset Unsolved LIKE & UNLIKE PNEUMONIA Deciared Lungs and Heart Turn Black and Gelatine Substance Covers Themn la it realty pneumonla thst ha@ been causlng the many deatha tn Waukogsn and at Great Lakes recently, op' have the physicisns of the community merc- 9t used the term upneumonia" because the aliment whlch has carried off ao mnany pensons hadl certain symptoma neaemnbiing prieumonia The fart of the Dnatft( r is, tiordlng to a man whie usa talilg v ith a sur- geon froin Great Lakes. that the con- dition of theu lungs and other internat organs are not te samu- in these re- cent cases at Gru-af Lukea that are to be foun din rases of prpuoiotiia. Fur- fhertuar<-. it is polîîted oui that the deaths ai Great Lakes and lit Waukts gan have occured very much asono affer the pattnet bas been faken lký ibmn fa ordlnarlly the' case ln ordtnary, pneurnonfa. Accordtng to the' theory of the phy- Ficlan ln questlonM the term pneumon- ta bas been applinud In these cases for vant of a hetter namne for this dread dîsuase, In the fitst place ltis stated by the1 man who wus tatktng ta, the surgeonu ln question that folovlng several posti mottumait vas seen that ln the case of thte present eptdemtc the victtms' lunga becomre very black as does atso the heart. liurtbermore, a sort ot gel- atîne forma about the tungs viîci probably cames trot» the aermt thut ta given off ln tthI. terrible attack. The physicians have found no cause for the present aliment and they have laot been able ta connect the symp~torts witti anythIng definîte they have had prevloualy vithth ie exception of pneu- -Onla. ,T- eretone, thut ta whF -140,la. expliled, the general theory ha been that it la pnfeumonia vdhlch b been epidemia la the coutmunlty but ln re&UltY t s not Pneumouu but la sOmethint eise vhicb viiibave to bW Ilve" su officia' name 11tlai It la stuted that lanlte case o! pneu. monta, the ptlents luunaïad heurt do flot lurn bluck and no compositon FRANK GUERINI FALLS A VICTIN TO EARLY SUNSIROKE The death of Frank Guerin, aged -- yeers, occurred Sunday atternoon at the stats hopitat in Elgtn.* The immediate> cause of his d.ath va@ exhaustian due tua general paralysta. This wae super. tndaced bY a aunotroke' ouffered whtte' barveottng at hi@ horne about tour mile@ north of tht. city durlng the euminer monthl. fie wam taken ta a ooaptia near Mtwaukee and treatedgr a couple of months, and atterwarde taken to Elgtn.1 Hie to well*known tn the communtty as a hard-working, thrttty farmer, htghiv reupected hy ail, and whose desth te generaiiy regretted. fe ie e urvived by a wtdow, Édre. Kath.urlne (;Itboue.Ouerln; bts tather, Michael (bu-nu; ive brothlîrs. Joseph P., John ami ni of, ,1Lierty. t,.e Utiliani ofiui.al- iîrg a<itîll,-riàrt, uttbta ; t wo 'uîtur,. NI r-. l iry leçkikueo and Lt ru. J, euî.- Cl ark,. lut h 1 Litwurt ' ville. TheIi.'urali tîiu lace frou 'li uit 11- t ii, ii.rilog, 'i'tîrs,iby toe 10îul, .the uit, rm.'ut be,),inu otii> Cathutte c'oitery rit %i'tukegiau DEATI! FINDS 4NOTIIER VICTIM AT CAMqP GRANT! Primate Lyman tj. ltenntson, Co. 4, ;U-platen.rient Unilt outhte Initeit StatFb Arrny, was humn January 10, 1897, at Union, NVt, , and died at Camp Gjr&nt, 111i, OctabemI. ,1tt187oldauble pneumna 1lomwIng Spaniah influienza. Mr. Denuison tesves ha mourn lus Io@@ anc brother, Ct. R.Dennison oihav&nnab, 1ii., and one stqetr, Mir@. John F.. Mitchell af Lilmnrtyvilie. He had been b ein c but a month and vas la tche ase haspîta tu-n day.. The funemat wiit te heid at the home ouf hi. steter, Mrs. John T. MIttcheil, on Satumday morntng ai 10 'uttack, wtth hurlai in Angala cemetery ut Lake Villa, 111 , bouldn- hi. parente Elien, the onty chttd of Mr. and Mm. Chartes Dyer, dtcd ut the tamtty home, about &a- slle- aStuthveet- o1 thtu ifc Wedn, adag,, October 9, &fier a briet llias,.aorIBÎUiuusShe vas aged about 3% years. We are not advtssd as ta the rime of the lutteraI, but It wtlI iiely he toorrov. IWIIEN YOU READ WAÀR REPORTS RE* ton suggest that people bhrn wood." The rtrai, Lake county boy tu dte lt Warren - Frankt Burke. Camp Grant as a reut fte p Woukegan-Joseph Pryborald, Pabut tFER TO TftIaSoe-moto MrEr'ineasete. Tiee ff-demite of pneuanonia starting from ln. cOmn. Jante, Salmon. la hetd. F R T I riaIs elttiet neyer burncd vood Or flenza, was Ruuben Hook, mon of Mn. Shildo-F, Ewlng. T. Horaui. Thun If fintt e nma ta la bas_____ il bas been go long ago that thev and iMr. Ernent Hoak, ýPt»n*nent Ltbertyvlle-C. P. Wright. been tatcîng off dosens and dazens of hav fogoten--thewle tdywoud«fat-mers rieur Fox Lake. Hook vas Fremont-Franlt Vtckery. ains-.'rt[AesndWueboeoga pits hae orotcnot~rts t~vvo 24i- years Of age andilufl In the draft Wauconds DI. L Putnantmr'tt .~un ac n k. A pramtnent husognptl flot sîîggust such a course for vhile from ILîke county tht-ce veeks ago. Cuba-Ou-orge Froptici. 9g1n, %.batIta ilIfaio nalgth a n nud re: It la possible te but-n a litle vood at ie a ae ikls've uo- Vernon-Charlfrerericbergem Aui n rat-my cthpe Is 1r,00 mca this time of year It 1.9 out of the day. Su-lut 28, and it vas on Tuesdai' Es-Wtilliaîu tuçschtng. An fanr dIviIolal1s'0mnas. question dîîring the extru-mety coid that bis condition became suaithIiat West Oeerfl"'d-,hn Doyle. IN E E D Nt(~M rigad visin 87,12 men. hi> mother vas cattcd ho hia hedolde. Oertd-John Nutnam, <Ge>o. BIUI A I-egtaen8,442 n.tyt ,5 veather In vinher, I do not pretend kh.mmmalaelaTaentavr asivusCONoc-Atr'kis. en ho offen a solution of the situation viihhbina up ho the lime of lhie paueT.RIT C MA r mena, o a .26mn for tt l> completely beyond me. TR. KIBUTSJi MATRIRA Company ta 256 men. dont knov vhah hundr-uds of familles Hlook lvas bot-n In Lake counhy onu itfIV U~ L L A plahoon te 60 men. the- big Itoot, fatm at Monaville, He O HV NNY Ii Dh IOIf'll(NNACEpLlasuaLs lhtm will do unlesa they at-e able te 7eut ,and is brother have conducted a. ~.wje II I.I E ~¶J<3 A cfiel ateny ta e195 mn. sourne bard coaV' farma for soute lime and it vas on flAL FORLKREDI1CROSS A fieldg sqad yla 205aten. - that agrir.uturat dlaims that iulhIaaISVE E S FaUa4 A macing ua bal2almnI 6 undea-orcd to gel exemaption from h it_______ilsyo teIak. AmeMegn atlonI 6 LIBERTYThL-ELitnertyt l, sautetaime athtwhtna enc. I 6 JDE TVVIIEsî'vîc- snieture ao v -enhe suv John C. ) TIv v 'a stt-lcken vlfh COulity cilatater (if the AXerran Re-d A machine gun bathailon l 6 LiJJnhIY i~L MAN he as ta he calhed, Tht' draftboard paraIysfs il Iiit boume ut Woodstarc Crom s In eltirnputt ofmi acieal unique men. t ldadvnrselyý bo-accer, and ho me- on M ofiitnillaweek. Thte severt. sltriuigs ut licade tiuvmailIl'e1, -e ~An engineers regiment t. 1,666 NJURED I~~S 'pondi-d withlte otera. lv o! the s-f tutu-ila stch triaitbis life ehto u otndfrsle ah eîr A ablnc0on1nha9 Hlook w's ainuphu-w of Robert lit >' l(Iitf . itti'ndittg physiclana hea!quarene ' orîn malede are telrtnmbuanc mu-o. m 9 GETTINC ON O.K. ke Carte fonne iaýlivha in aniong the msc o voN t rm. Ju.igê.Cemiunor ~A field Itoapilal bas E5 mon. GETTIfi ON0. Kaactiir. inil ifluritial of Mcenry peronal rAemuofdiraiI_7dA achmentetah bastb 5s 5mmen I atnt- un " it.havlng aerved a oîi. a iPr t ,! 'u-nminitahe iu-t A major geenral heaula the fieldl iero ,i lttýIlios1 i Jet.arîmîy -nd also each army çonpa. ONLY iPACKAGE Inurimiro atd s "tir r a Iitt îtns lt'ipt- il uiliiny Tite Main part ai the A ibrigadier general lcdrec n Private James Gorman Has a upulv in Ii'. Iniru-u States mat-shaît' ina>. ane "t taper, nîmîde or i-ut andl fantry brigade. LongPul intheHosital TflACH SOL IER ffic-e of t' ý itît' ii-cm district o! 1111 ri.lî,d fnm't,,I 'If mi li ttîpenmj.nt, A rol onel hu-ade a ccregiment. LogPl nte optl T -A CH SO.oem neta. ' r k ts'uni, t at rtlntii',iliv exm.utnud, A lieutenant colonel la next In rank an SonBak nLine FOR CHRISTMAS cin ,,intu ,,I i-wn1 Uca- el oonl men ar" - r.1nnwn In thtsasection Initit ,àmi.s v it ltlllaoemu- pnrelein A caiptain heada a companly. At an Anîurcan Base Hospital, ctabu. triantitluu lu- 5-ci hey are veti wmî tii A liemutenant heads. , tlatooli 7-P-tvate Jamen'u-iiuzaninfant.nlttreditmilte nnn tbe A set-geat tg next bulo a lieute- 7-rîatu-0 J qfaine aî sn anonfe Washitngton. Oct. 7-Amnerican sol- r ivra IInLlbertYviiie vas vounded July desi rnecurclebtone'NO KICK' IN SI4OES NOW ei.in sh ille.truetud and donatcd AcroalI qadofcr 18 nu-ar Chaîeau Thierry by a machtne, Chliltisa tagluv" arI thtsar ONLY THREE COLORS :ît\:.prnt, tlit:raugh :-hnm: ______ gun buffet In the' side Gorman bas each package must veig t otmonot-rcet 'cîtîu dt43wre is Se t, he A IIOASPO bad a long sPeillIn the hosbItàl sud Washînirt oit. 4-Neit Summer's vleRdCoi HAWTDASFO H ba onI osdr epibeihothin threpounds, acrording ta resu-style. ru-.ri iu-d by tht' governmenl ________RACE F0 RLEGISLATURE, says be la "gettlng on fine nov" and liii>ons annOuned today luy tht' vsrý whtrîi i h-1ast lxu-d rétail prices vll be al ight In another mon th. dcpiartment. Boxe> for men tn ltep' o! si'oîa fiunal $3 tu $12 per pair, ar A s-a-en pound daugbtcr vas bora SpringfteldCt. 8.-Ive pensons Hîs negment vhile fttaclclng near iuv, hou cet-, nntis- ve!ch 20 rods.out.,,roui t u- lr.M and Mits. Sherman Sitonnen. have flied, petjtions for the legIsla- Chatau hiery rosqd afied ad Te r latonq goprn n -.1Thot' f il ahoos, Of svery, bii'g i heir home ln Gurase Sunday lune according ,1t announcement ta- CtItaesu Tbienr rssdau w da nd Th'ureglaltoa govnntngChrist description, wii bltnatted to vbite Mottlig. day o! SecretarY o! State Emerson. soIth b wood Comn vas o t, ma pckges for 8sldiers bave Just bl-in,' n. I tînt, broya. Tva-tons !- Thréeltve in Chicago ant tva dovn ed n hefigtIg D lteWod, bica conapieted after conferences be-tle(etla anro't 7-bri'mu-itThe heel. or vom- The indep.ndent's circulation Con-.utate, Herbent A. Shea. o! Waukegan, For ALL the famliy, The Indepen. tween the var and postoffîce depart ele tir . nd r1irm~ers are flot ta ajutI of, READER»...nOt 1cones Demnorattc candidate for the bouse, dont. ments and te Anieriran RedhCross. e"plg lii ml h.u taand n te-rottc ae SCIJOOLS 0F CITYI GET ALLOTIENT 0F TWO MILLT Co. Supt. Simpson Disrbu $33,665.99 to the Vajot Schools of County - BASED ON POPULATI Waukegan Is Credited wbth' School Populationof 5717 -County 22,567 T, Arthur Stmpson, caunty us tendent or scitools. bas just ce td th,' work of mailing checks la tIa 't-,r-,o!flthe achoffol dtstit titnît iuttait Lak e. c unty, The it of 'Vt 91, rll, tu--I brotgitf ttto1t, Cl fax, has been dtstrlbuted. t"le vîrlui schoois, The fund Ibnd tnibrîutdon the -ba-is- e POPUat Tlîe cerisus o! 1917 gave tse u ,a popultation of 122,567 o! sahool TItis made- the rate for itb The' town o! Waulcegan la glvi popultrion o! 2106 pupîts and me~ î1l,1179'4 as lis allotruent. The city Wauk-egan la given a P ppîla .,17 prîpita and r-uirce $&5183 Tht' foliawlng table gives a liaitA rbc townships, tht' pensons e- 1 siu-d ln eacb and the antount or u-v tilnud over to each by thte 0S emperintendent a! scboola: Peraoce . Township El'umrerated 46-12 liletiton)---------..2413 S 4-l INewvport)--.....349 - 4610 (Antiocit)......... 909 1 46- 9 (Aitttocb)......... 159 45-12 (Waukegan lp.) - .2106 3 45-11 (Warreun)-------- 491 45-10 (Avon)---------71E, 1 45- 9 (Grant)---------- 292 44-12 (Sields) ........ 1551 44-11 <Uàbentyvillo) -. ... 1179 - 44-10 (Fremnont)........ 423 - 44- 9 (Wauconda)-. ..452 43-12 (Deerfleld)....8036 43-1t (Vu-non) .........408 43-10 (Ela)I.-.-.....----599 4.1- 9 (Cuba)---------- 443 Luke Ftorest cily district 1269 1 wa iegan clty -district 7 Total ..................I N"O TRUCE SAYS WILSON. Washington, Oct. 8, 2 .'ele Président Wilson tht.fe iee drsssed te Gemmany an lnqulry slgned te test thée delnelty eof many in her pesce ~. 1e . In hl& message ho 5 nervstts Germany thst ne, armnistice la pui white armies of the central p.er uspc. alIied soi1. And, ho added, thé good faitS any discussion .wouid dépend i the willingnesa of the Teona, wlthdrow thctr forces et on"f Invàsded terrtory. The message te Genmsny wus slgned officiatly as an InquiryA flot for a reply te the Germean pi note. This asked the German. d cettor for, hl* exact msantag i questions whether ho meant Gsu was ready te accept the 14 ten«W citcusa onty such détaits ostheWs. plicatlpn. COMMANDER At6CAMP GRANT ENDS OWN LI Col. Charles B. Hacadoru. 09 commander at Camp Grant. w&4ail dead In bis bouse. near camp hi quartera early today under dtro Stances which stt-ongly lndicato. cide - Col. Hagadorn clutcbed à I revolver In the rlght band whvest t and a buitet bad bu-en fimed Inté- Itead Jîîst benu-ath the rlght car. .1 shot ta sald tb have beau hear< Col. Olîn who vas the onty cthut'j son In te, bouse et the tline Coi. Hagadorn la satd to bavl du-uply bis resPonslbtlltles durlq taist few daya dumtng lte pneu"j CAPUR INSANI MAN ÀT lIIdfL Tlitîr'uday éve8"g tie tisty Mfi of t-lghiand Park phoned the V ttepartcent that he bad pioqed mlan, Insane, vito gave bis name Tom Thompsost. 1,949 lvsk ite, Racine.. invetUatlon l that he had escnped fron thet a@ylum for tbe tnsse. Kepea'r o! tht' asyium. vent ta ighlud ibis ýmornlng jand brougbt tient back-Racine Jounaj4u LIIBERT Y VIL LAKE COtJNTY, ILLINOIS, TRIURSDAY, OCT. 10, .1918 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN AD'?.

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