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Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 2

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IERTYVILLR Egiqýîam#DÂ,OC. 0 11 S. D. PROCTOR Visita akl"isof N SU RANC E ni", Lire, AccIdent, and H[ealil, Plate Giss, kAU. temobtls and WorkIng man,@. Compensation. Sée Him Before Placing Youir Insurance 1%0»..144R :Uutvl.R. :Oe.D.cweasDrus Star WELL DRILLING MIStERMAN & DOLAN MION CITY b" Flube 173-W f. B»ARSTOW %Wie aâd CGranite ",etery Work of E ver' Description, #po dcnce 3oiIcIted 116 GenesmeeSt M L I.TAYLOR Nmn b IbisNat»Im Dsakdflb , ,Ofte-LI o 80Oand7to 8p. m. MIls.. 01101OU Breadwal, oppomite Para DY. GOLDING DENIT Over Finit Natieaal.Ba»k P"e Phon. 19J. fies. Phons 157-J. Ubsrty'dlj. Illi DL E. FL SMITH. DEITIST. te - b12 &.an .cd 1 to B P. LietvleIlliiots ,ItAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. S PETSICI,&N c&"SURGEON 41000141 Meitnon fivm tens Mu iaaa 0fts r? a.. «,, Thmû,oa * E,. ezailned for lsues im. esiornao C. Tel. lu Ubetyvili. m D.o. F. BUTTERFIELD. DR. A. G. CAMPBELL. Vetrmnry Dentt Laid Uvtry Stable Uibryviiie, 111. Wa*e tnLae POrrn Altio h len.ha -a -il HIOMMEWVIS BEEN IJOARINQ SIJ4iR? State Food Department Says Waukegan Has Used En- tirely too Much Sugar Have Waukegan hcuaewlves beer. using more sugar than they -ilould' Or, Io put It more Dlatnly-ilave Wau kegan housewtves been obtatntn.g liberal allowance. tof sugar on thle prL tort that tbay Intend to use it for canning Durposes, and tilen have used It for otiler purposes? Tits condition of affairs la sus- Ipected by thle state food administra- tion officiais for ln putting a stOP to the' formner method of apportion- lng sugar for canntng purposeg It vis- pointed oit tilat Waukegan bas been using entirely toc, much sugar for canntng purposes in proportion te the population. This atatement was baaed on the demau4o nmadSe h other clites ln thc state. It la said that thle de- mands for "canng sugar" ln Wau- kegan have been muci larger, pro- portionately, tisanln other communý- ties. That tlis apparent bettef oni the part of the atate too& administration dors Waukegan en Injustice lilere F*Pem% littie reason to doubt for tilere arp many peolP sho hrave foiloewpl the pleadings of the gos eriinflan.! have canned more fruit this year. de- pite the bigh prices, thain ever before. Thle plan of allottlng ten pounds per person in eab acilly ba% been followed -ln glving out canulng sugar and while mani people have obtataed their fuil allotinent t.bere are mati housewlves who have used very lit- tie, some flot more than 10 to 20 pounds. In the future tilose wilo wtah to obtain more suar for canning pur- îposes will have t0 seei eut the food adminlotrater bimnself and receive thé neceesary slips. They wiil net he ahle to obtain slips at grocerv stores. It la believPd tis will dc'-- o amoutit of sugar u.ed for can'r ng. JEATII RELIE V S Sf 3W1Q WAS N INV-ÀLID 15 YI3ARS ta the deatil Tbursday moraing in Kenesila of Mrs. Geoi'ge Middleton. formerty of Waukegan, there bas end- c d one of thle most pitiful canas of complet. tnvaltdism that has extîted tn tis community. Rt waz a case wilere Mr@. MIddieton for 1à or more years; was an lnvalid ln the fuît sense of the word-aile was absolutely heip- feas. Sile &iuId nôt ansist berseif In any manner and al L te years silo was a rare for ber hushaud who ucv- er broke down under tile strain but acccDted lin duty lu e mannar that few mein could. Nirq. 5bddeton'. condition fotIoVcd thI ilrtil et heu daugitor ElIzab th, in eWaukeran. many ys-ars ago. Ticý I. <Rens. edînootoisei ud Ur hild waxed arouc lbit (heo leir cOjacat tW~,5beccie no iuvaid sud despte cf- forts te aid 1er, never -tmproved. Sil- ELHANANl W. COLBY grcw Verse and thon ieeched th% Attorney.at-Law entirely ilelpless ihaha. Thle f amliyj WWis HRome, Cok Ave. Phone 168-J ived borê many yeasewien Mr. Mid- dieton ns organit ofet hie filacepal UE£RTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS.dri îelsalswekda thie Zion lace workm, betng a. desigu- LYELL FL MORRIS a. ÀATIOaEv-ÂT.LÀU Besides Vr. NMddlehon and Eliza- LibertyviJie - Ilinuois bth, a daughter Wiaitfred, a ptani-t Lce anliuînt. of abtlîhy, survives. Funoral ah Ke- s". phona ase-i. Onde Phone 1> noaba Ssturday ai hwo o'eîock frin the Episcopal churcI. PAUL MAC GUFMI. AMBUOH IA7LAW. Ubortri", 1lIARDUeLIFE, LORD 88 AND DEATII OUGUfT MAPTINrCDECKE 807 'Wshington StreetTOP A ME IN PAUKGAN, . - ILLINOIS 00.. ePhione 848 Mr. Hard Meets Mr. Death,- 5e..Phon 186-flSays Ho Has 'Hard Naine', WhiIe Death Goes one Boter Talk about a combleahion oet-nAMon! The Sun recouhîy told oft hie man ait Great Lakes wVile naine le Datil and tile toîdoet Ils meeting e now. comer ah tic station eamcd Lite. . . . . .. .. .....Wel,.ou Tuesday anotilar ma ar- rived aet hie statoti and hia aime WMCOUM T U» & FUEL CO. Van"liard." HoeVU s bptng intro- ~ uu,~.t.duced ho Deatil and mada the ne- ________________________mark: "Weil, 1 bave the bardenL lumrü yen over heard of," wîereupon Mlr dathlcamne back Vtil: c' E L ~'"Ob, t do't know-1 gneis R eau StiOES go along VitIl you-br' vcr. And, ilaading hlm a csrd bearag thie Maême "Deadi," Mr Hard admtted: R.AY N. SMITH "Weil, yeu bave me beaten al rght LletyvIlis, DL i-I give ilm," __________No wtiuea. tiare 15 a man nained Lord woklng ah the tanneny. 1h seee as If Lord ougit te, go dow-n te HIe Ceai s 850<thIe station and VIlle ile miglît bave direeerof a zoological gardea a Hard (ino meeting Deatil fIe- e. lIa holiday. Be ri<gived a CalaisDeti VormI th e .PosL office tahWa chiot uaitant whch lna e age) he woaldnt lave auy trou- (1ug "TR-iechiaiuze sea,1 iela ilsmeeting LIte. b* luig for s e cmaiuca. Wlat Then athere Veutd ho a combina. t ien oet Hard Ufc standing bt e.,r v.do iuULyou setumr-F Lord and Deadi. J Â-"'noi's sw i~ LIBERTY AY 0F THE M POMn RC sum FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Ij3 Ibâ.AnnlVers.ryof Oiscov.ry of Amric 0081ilated as ILfishy Dsy of the ~j~ft 'W %gFre0fom'0,1v. Saturday, Oetober M ,the. aniive?- AeW w mamu'~ Of thie diaever, of Ainerica. ban S U SIIUIM I5111Enyf ? * been designated as rte Liberty day et thle fourtil Liberty leau drive. By r HOUTONCOUDSS it has been thea custom in previons 8y C.MOUSON OODISS Liberty boan canipaîgns te selec the'l Food. Ecenemiat Autber of "Foodo Second E'lday of the drive as Liii- That llI iui lie nr. rty day. For the fourti lo105 the plan (Edilorîal Isued tb>, the tli,s Edueii a gesd by tie United Staites bureau taloa DIvison, United States Fod IAd sugta wnnud aion0 f education- te desigrnte October 12 Onie lîîîîîdred aniiirty mîillion pe& MB5Liberty day bas licou adoptad. pie ln Htîgland, liallu Friance and- The day wHI be celebrated tbrougii- Itaiy b>îld ont thiîr banda te us teda> out thecotuntry, and It la propoed to asking onlyty Ils-that wa tend tiien bave a Harvent Home festival le enoug> brezid te keep body and sou every schol idistrictInte cUnited hogether wnue tbey wonk and fight foi States. The treasury depurtment of freedoin. thue Unitad States, l c-pea icu tb Our freeiem and the worid*si tha United States bureau cf education, For four yasra thoty bave Straîned will reqfleft every.àchool district freni and dled te hold et ba the ftend forces tie Atlantic te the pacifie te arrange of brute power. But for ttir strenghil fer the Cellebration ofthLe dlscovery or and courage, our owa Atlantic coast AuuerIca Vîtil an tappreprîshe festival. now Mlgbt b. the -weet front" sud TRhe plnae made for the observance eur wouîen and cialldren thle victimeaofofet he annIvaraarv of the dlscovery ef Prussian lust. America bY the Liberty boan organIza- Tiey bave ted tiiemaelvcs te sho1tidon as Liberty day are coatalned teea and suffecation. They bave wtbstood letter frein L. B. Franklin. director of wava aftar wave et terrera thâtt pale war lean organIzatIon. bel Itself. And 9t:111tiiey ataend firlo Ia outtiaies thle plans tis latter @gainat thc tocs ef justice, houer and States: Mercy. Teeta oia nt ewn Stili aIlving WalR between us bers ln Tir aalgîa nt ewe America and thle foulent plagua tha hotat these Ideas ndl the Liberty loin. ever menaced mani1 . el.. Wilen the people of a ccrmnlhy re. But het bans ae ouatrtche tecount the fruits of tireir siimmer' a- tbetr baoda ar eutstratcbad e lier tiîev us-asking ooly that we siare ouri)mi l * Ivîsie bre-ad wvtti them "untîl tie .lay break cliat -hure ofifli-,m iliey nught te lu- and the shadowq fiee EiwIy! iVP-'t ln Liberty lbonds. %Whcu tliey corne Beggtng'nus, wbo always bave Rad te reataze wlat the discovery et Amer: more thoan pienty. te spare.tilent Jui les has meant te tieni persoinally, enoagh te slave eff stsrvahion ced wbiit Ie basntacnt for the cause ef keep thern fit for wonking and figtt freedom aed dcnîocracy, whah It will lui menu for thc salvation cf thle world ln Tumng ln tflubu f urete Praseuut world trsgedy, wtien (bey eeed (o ileworl's reatgra anad begin ho feel ail tbis. tiley muat cf ne- makdtetet or tiies enve sin., but ceslty say, tisLta wortb tnvestlug la. faIl n oefor ethe tii fluue et Worthfighting for, avortil making any D'readem--tuat we wiio bave atways sciiefr tessted Iliii princes and wboe .vat "Te croate this atteof ammd le thae fields stil are unscarred by shai, . -perpose ef ceicbratlug the dtecovery marred by beast-tracka, deny ourseives of Anierlea. It is our hope that the Jouit a fltte 1i aatien-wlde celaebration will s*Mr sucb Pleading for WREA'-thei wboSa ecnthnalasn over Amertca's miesion ln flele ae ba. sd blod-esd tbe %worid an te enabie a cc comuety whoe tillera arm lu the tranches! te reacil Rts quota by (bat day. Let .AoklnL, as. wa have fiva turnei an evcry local community maire thie 1is ni,,-ri ;t t ý i ..tnc nd ch,, îke and goal and on Liberty day anneancethe know bow te use the rida ycllew grain. acilievemeet aed rajoice over IL" te langea fer a Ilttla whtte our unieof The 300,000 selionîs Inthe United wbeat me tbey Man bave enougil te iieid States will reecîve suggestions for a Fiaine off wbile flghing lteetee. Harvest Home festival trom the bu- wHAT SEALLi WE ANSWER? resu ot aducation. Tits foraietofasti- Ia there any doutat or iiesttatloa te val ls the aaricsh forni of Amertean Four beari? ceiebratlons. and lit la tbougilt dasîra- Dpg you feet 1h would b. littie anougb: bla te carry the Iden over Into cfty lita te mensure our ghvlng by wiat tbcY a] as wail Bs of the country. City and ready bava given; te say, "Take It: al,. country conimunifles wll ceichrate the We'll est tiecocrn and ne and neta day ech afier lira own faslon. but aed thaek Qed for thaïn sua for YOU l' he Harvest Home Idles wlil dominate If 'rte giant now beid in leash t> 111101t tloge huugry cnes were te breai whatever s coininuunlty'e partieular tireugh, weuld Il matter wbetber ws type of prodtîef iuay ho, on Liberty had wbeat or cern? day lta ai iisilould Rie te reap a barrent Yct wae eed net giva (hem aIl. NeltI- of dollars for denieray," iatd Ur. or they uer cDr owa country'au. till. FrinklIn,."Ou 11i, *day we meet.nDt We uced onu SIARIJ wlth tiei . cty peple or couantr people, but ui wbest--enougb te itemthe tida 0f as. 1ieis alunlted, 7or the single huirger whtilh. unsteinmed, whll weaprî. re ering the nation by de- us aIl te defeat aud etaveryl vôtltiga part e ofor producta te lta But tbis we MUIST Ao-net lun aled. groupe or by fits and starti, but "There l« somneiiing vastly lusplrlug EVPIlY DAY 11< EVERY pLACEilethe tbeught tof cil thea local nelgb- WHBRtE F00!) Rfi BÂTENt bonbceda lu the United States meeting Wa niant de It NOW. and gtadly. the saine daiy on tha hanta of citizen- We muet count it a privllegetoeset slip wiltbunited devotien te the Ideale ern and rice and potatoas la order for wbtcil America stands. 'Morale te that these. or dofendars, and our own te force as tlirec te eue,' outl Na- eoliers "*over thora" caon have tIc foed poleoan. To ntlllze tic spirit et Amer- te wblcb tlîey bave been accustomad Ilaslla of pararnoîlar t lportanca.Oete- 'whle niaklng the great sacrifice, ber 12 furnisties three cston fer ox-, Tiley bave notiling te fait back en pressing thle ntiti s pirit la defialte We bave great stores et many excat- terme Ir service te meet ths nations lent foode. Their cupheards are lare. preacut need. l Oursa bulge wtti ncarly evcryting but,"Ticeaenlaqtbig. thie epporfutlu l wbaat.great Tie tiue is short This ebovid THRNK bewtIlttle tiey are asiagt le made the mont succasaful national Net food for teasting-net even enougii celabration ainca the war tarted." ho sitlmty « their ilueger--but JuI enough te keep tiain FIOHTING VOB molp*uy More Tanks. FREEDOM! Shall thagsit ln vain? Tanks afe a bis facbOr aow le roil- _____________lag back dia Genman UneI. TRîaY lâ» smving diaheivanez fthtunada of men CROCERS ASKED TO ly crusbing dia vicious machine-gua EXPLAI SGAR SITU- atn whicRi ara tRie woret obstelete ATION TO CUSTONIERS bod ndU eSam willbe able te pffe-tO ur aterni troopi with R1RuM Con Aid ln Eduating Public on Food mviug ecreen eftstnkO. Rugalatlene. "Mach oet hisce eoffond o ai- u cCLETNI lotatitearullagi lIen la thie banda fe UBIt eLCTN mys Ernest L Mitchell, educatlonal a- -SOLDIERS' OAS MASKS ertor, RIllenois food admntratetion. "«Vben yeu refuse te oeilmoe than ~.yyyyyVYVTTY tVo pouaioetnagar te à autom', Housewlvee, groceS, teatÇiSlit PR- szplaia te bhlmn wiiy h. emt have tren%, deprtunt store uhoppe an ad more. Tail hlm Mt u eu gres at neheol cildree avealaal taklag part lis prograni bas reduced Our sugar earrp themoemeat te mvae fruit pits snd lot fiea nd tiat the sugar requi. sut %bel,@ with the. geavismeat neede menta et Our ovurseunal MY iae la the. manufactu» re ecarcel ses'gS etautly hncrasuieg. ,*aufor ur uotdlsr "Tel M htm ttOur OVnse r eIBI At tb. request of tRh*Uilted States la tes than we epeeted. and tibatt(he food admnistration receptacte111a have amil Iisland of Cubé e lhUtthé i.benuplsced tustore, publie bulding, woend wltb noter. Tel i hm huit Vs rîboos, et.. u'tialignea cuing (bit have dCered 000tu ftegr t ls ad eut s sha bdepced ebîppin n aonsar thait Belgiuni sbould frUite,@opl anisieleae re I ____________________________ NAVY DEPARTIENT -Real E"thto ransfors J. A. Hainesaand« Vite ho H. T. Bircd cnd A. T. Gat, 40 acres section 10, Waukegan tp. 8;200. LUCY P Allen et ai te H. T,.Itircii aa4 A. T. Gait, 40 acres sectien 10 Waukaegma hp. 8800. Ih leaenoueced et Great Lakes tîst1 C. C.S-fdwardsanCd Vite te E. J. tIe navy dcpartnhbas -put iL1, o. Sehargar and Vite bV 1-2 sent oit rail. K. on tie proposead ulway vblil tg read et sec. 13, Ubertyvlla. 810. te be butît under tha rallroad track.m C. B. Ilockwltli and Vife te E . 3 Just South ot Dewney's Crossîug. Sclpger and Vife, ne 160 acres of sec leallag tetween Camp Farragut ced 13, Libertyville, 810. Camp Dewey. It le et that peint that G. A. Lageachulhz and Vite ta J. J. the Northwastere te te baal!d a new Brewn, 123 acres Waucoeda tp. $8,- depot and dia Improveaient witi a 600. suhway *fiha eue of the blggcst Froderick Madae nand wifa te F. tilinga efth(e ed ever hut a--d Possie, 360 acres Waucenda hp. $t. bora. Up te tha present ime tic H.* H. Bele aed wtfa te Franco eavy departinant have not given lt* H iemstead and wita lots 3 and 4 appreval te dia proposed Impreve- Daerfield Park, $1. ment, whtcb tateahocet about $200, .R asncd îeh bcg 000. R .Dwo n let hcg Hidiforhiecontrutio 0fhieTlthIansd Trust Ce. Iota 56 and C7, qubway bave been advertleed and will Lake Forent, $10. be epenéd ah Great Lake sud St thc C. B. tSyler and ite Le Lake Ce. bureau cf yards sud docks et WasI- Staha Bank, lots 3 te *6, 10, 11, 12, lughon Menday. . No. Chicago, $1. Thle bide cpened bers will e wlred Leurs E. Upregua te W. R. bayor. te Washington immedate.ly and the 1 acre ah Prairie VIe-w, $1. centract wiiI le aVarded frein tiare. C. A. NeVeol. Jr., te Wm. Krace, Wonk wlU b. started sbertl altier lot 18 North Chicago, il. the 11de ara opened and ViII b. cern- .%ary Jenkinson tae Bute cnd Bar- pietod noe m t nt December. that Goodmna, lot 5, $10. The caitera entrace t thie sub AnnasH. Huteilinsen t Mary JouIt- wBy will b. 250 tact soluut the en- Insee, aoutî4A rode, n 16 roda,.block traoceofeth(e rond letween Camp 21, original Wsukegen. 1l Bmone and Camp Farragilt. The Vos- Margaret E. Sauter et aI te Nathan tern otrance VitI ha in Camp Dewey'. end Rosa Fisiler. norti 30 feet, seuIl Incline roade Vth a. 4 par cent grade 60 foot lot 12 ýblock 10, first addition will tend ho (ha entrancecacftich su- ali- o rth side, $1. ,way. In len ' Il. Spauiding ho F. W. Cor. Tic ne-w eubway VIII reliave ejlsil. lots Il to l8 block 1M. Armsteads gestion ah ftue main gate and will en- able mon te be transfarred frein oe camp ho antier witleut Icavlug tbe station groada. Tramfe congestion oe tle Sheridan read wilila greatly les- soned and thie lllceluhoed ef accidenta througil crewda hurribgag ros thie tracka wIl b. olvlatcd te a great ex- (ont. CASEGiOTAÀFEW VOTES AFTER ALL Splrngfield, Oct 7-Albcrh Case et Lake ceuuty recaivod 6.076 votas for the republican nomination for. United States sengtor according te thie offi- ciai raturas, Secrets"i of Stata BEm. mnersen. announcad today. McCormick recetved 192,222 votes; Thonipsen 132. 511; Foss 62,040, 0'Dennelt 7,636. addition te WaUkegan, $80. L. A. C. Tabbets, ho F. W. Conial, Iots 40 and 41 block 16. Armsteadà addithion, Waukogan, $100. T. W. Smith sud Vite te Sarah Ha- wsorh lots 202, 203 aed 204 SIcw'i Lonk Lakte îub., $300. T. W. Smith and ite te E J. Lai- mn, lots 210 and 211, Sbawaq Long Lake suli, $240. F If. Rartletaud. wifo ta Tîe. Ilerzer sud wlfe lot 25 luiltlgblaud Park, 3$62e. Anus G. Ilitter and lhushand ho Emil Koeliler. lot 2() Grant tp. $10. Louisme Fauble and ilusband ho L. K. SCtford lot ? $45(10. H. M. Cross ho Waldemar Anderson and s-ttc lots lu Lake Villa $1. D. J. Dunne ho Catholic Hsiop of Chicago, 20 acres lun Libertyville i). $10. H. T. Crawford ho A. F. Beaubien. IL. H Edwards Sud ite ho A. P. Beaullen lots 5 $1 ]Elizabeth E. Laâte te C. R. Beagle, lotis 36-36 Northl Chicago $1. P. H. Eartlatt and VIf. ho P. I Taylor, lot 19 te Highltand Park 110. Irt les « &no»a value, you wul ied ltute LhbutrvUMint lpendeeit. MR. DEALER Think of the many convenîences offered you by the NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH Very'often you will find yourself out of certain merchandise and supplies. You need them in a hurry. Instruct your jobber ta ship them via the NORTH SHORE UNE and avoid delay. You will find it boh economical and convenient ta talce advaritage of the fast merchandise carrying service of the NORTH SHORE PARCEL DISPATCH. The rates are remarkably Iow, less than express rates, and, in addition, your gooda will be iDelivered Within 24 Hours By means of this rapid service, You can keep Up a larger stock on lesa capital, thereby encouraging your people to UBuy at Home and Support, Your Local Dealer" Delay in receiving goods means Ioscf rmoney to you, and disap- pointment ho yout customer. Emnergency orders placed by telepilone widi yôur wholesaler, with instructions to ship via the North Shore Parcel Dispatch, will mnean that your customer can have his needs filled flot later than the following day. For flurther hîformaW'15 appieoth ee îsares aael ispa tcA olice of the NORTHI SIJORI3 UNE Milwakee 5Sfze hud Ohoura Pbons. Grnd 9%S Chicago 137 Sutbhaurk street Pisse. Ceau m,152M -Libertyville Phono. LibrtreIlIe 74 - 1

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