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Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 4

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ery ile(OVT. SEKS ALL sin d. Une.4ot hi UEME..N.UIED~s.splan that hboas oilowed up to the ON13PIne>enen » WauhegûflWeekly Sun LOAi4SLALKLUfistof October was as toîîows: John SClrfood admlnlistrator suppltied DV lfl j'lJfLJeach grocer with a quantity of!u 4h. PTooffie t ber.Lertyilla. e EcngiaeMal ater lJ RASJiVFLAII gar atsand required the grocer t MIL certgin questions regarding OmfciaI Publication for The. Village of LberivvIllO. Chairman Burnett is Informed ettanlitice of sugar already usait by PUMI«lofrU e at «dofOprioiePo»ll pplICants. 'rheueecards then were 'Olr Turda. ake MItY mogate d 0 ueOe ' w o Picaln that Many Wealthy Men tttrned over ta Mr. Clark witb the gro-, PTION PRICIE. 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Are Shirlcing Duty cer's 0. K. The food admînitrator then would apprave and sign the e~4 H, CKI-AROT----------------------------------..................Local Manager Report Given 04t Today Shows asked tilat tits plan be dscontinuae] Total of Million and a Haif andln fututre those whowisb.SddI- Dollars SoId in County see Mr. Clark personally and obtaifi Liberty Loan slackers lit Waukegan slips from hlma. Who Imagine tbey bave done their Grocera uow are paying $10 par full duty imply becaitie tbey have 100 for sugar Merchants who are Just purchaaed a $50 or a $100 bond, wben buylng sugar now are allowed ta they coutld Weil afford te bave pur- cbased several limes that . amnount, charge ni ta il cents per pound. need net think tbey are going te Those wbo Purebased sugar at the "get away witb it" aId rate, are required ta charge but _________________________________________________ H. C. tlurnett. chairman of sales 9 1.2 cents per pound as It ls llegal for Lake coitnty, received today from The Huit, driven te the waflfl, sa skdng for puace- Herman Gtfford. federal reserve di. ta exact a profit a! more titan one j. rector of sales for Illinois, a sizzlifig cent per pound. Because o!, this tact ASR 'B 0 h adetoe 'ilae y ie letter in which hie demtands e tklnow local grocers bave dis4cofltinitid the 1,ile b lowlng up Coal mines and valuable bridges, whlch, what la the trater witb the business plan of seîîîng sugar la two paund notce, - al nthe LZ S terrltory. Now thon, NI r. (lIffard severely arraigns l[hd art- s lir give bim ae until soème of HMO ctit*u and some erty bond sbtrkers ln Waukegan and The price of white fleur ln igbtb- proporty has been demolished as ho hÇA " E I 1inf atply te sce that tbey do theirdi y the food meeting Wednesday night. ibackward movemont, destroying? He must be given a Pehber voluntartly or by force. Thîi Temxmmpieta a on. Is practically a demanit that- a plan Thmaiu prctatay h ~eof i w mowicine beforo ueing ALLOWED te quit. simitar Io that adopteit at BelIvlder,ý charged for a25-lb. bpg 00w. is $16.5. Ire for an evrlasting peace-but flot until the H3un bas iep put inte effect bere. At Belvidere 'lour lu bulkis reduced te 7 cents thI bertv boan (offlittee aseeS'sper pouldi. â nade te taste the ravages of war as ho bas forcod 1paèhcietizen acran ount. basedi The price or bri, I. h es(, was li pion Belgiuni, France and other cointrios. He'slike a 'et' t raut f-es oewbNo In rwhI eich nrdtonl2cns p r ederd, who, when comered, keeps on shooting at a ýý- m"nrt a"e bil1"inPd on a ymliî p îînd. the new price heing 49 cents. . Mmwhic bashim t ba, ad, a he s topingthelice blackboard as slackers. The plait a hitherto ttnheard of price for brick p. bic ba hl atbay an, a heis eppng hemove j here bas been attended hy splendid cheese. *by ne h beg forpeac andmerc. 5 inîg is the letter recelved The price of butte-r tel one cent pet frott Mr. Gifford: pound, the new prîce being 66 cents, It in gratifing to note that practically no Waukegan My dear Mr. Burnett: - ha but the butterine price advaniced onE pi or oman aui~s~o se , on whih n h e m ter wthzesi - cent. now selllng for 40 cents. Olgve Gernany the béat of it. They all seem Of tho kegan? The tiubscrlptifln te the The price of eggs wa l ipcredised t. opiion tofel te filFourth Lberty boan so fer reported S9 cents per dozen, an Increase or! Fopiiontbat Germany must be made t eltefl bv you Indicate that your pt-ope Who cents. Mm as the allies bave been forced te take at GerM-any's are receiving surib great benéfits Teprc0fpatedrpeni tram war work sud also espectally Tepieo oaosdopdnn bU Thero lsn't a one wbo dosn't wish peace were tram te naval station, do neot real- cents per peck, the new price heInâ lui evn wth elaive fihtig aroa th ses tey ze their obligation to their country 50 cents par pack. bu rlaiesfihtn aros hsest yat ibis critical Urne._________ rI 'want te usietho United Stateu and her alliez, 110w Subscrlptlons of $50 and $100 frein ~tvltryiscrtain, give ay te, the dictaters of Pots- prominent business men cearl h WT ~,Lb onwo have tried to ruin the world because 1-iv -,,,h. buti how little tht-y cao 1L t.11 1. !f'f -fsr reýutîf attinr lt u rx a ~7èý COUkfl ruIe it. inuediàîeî9 rorthcoming front tht- W L (lVN( iI claqs of people I wouid recommefld W L 1I I Bo long as they ere og ahead, the Hunm hait no te" you the formation of a board of tho ~ 1fl2review te' be composed o! promînent pught of pue or anythlng that sounded 1k. it; tbey bad ancialssetizens of yu com-. SU1TOHlOSPITÀI .4OU h en of considering anybody's suggestion for or. as. an alternative. request that ýazmIstice or anything that savorod of possible adjuz-th Oe State Counicil of Defense ceuntv 1 Daisy Hart of Libertyville Says rn- ofword cndiion-E T 10W batthe'regoig1 orvzatlcnir act In thîs caparty anid1 Aunt, Miss Elizabeth Con- M.ethoruwy they'ro ready te, talk business. WelU, ît's: v hü -rtus stuto. 1 del, Was in Her Dotage thomfiri andtii rlngth t thiîr1 It ta aimast lnceuceivable ta me ta bthmfrtadten bintem t OOi keS brg- ý, stcoud trv te do less than CHARGE UNDER INFLUENCE for peace rather than permittlng thenu te bave a part '.sirroret wh-n Our colu'trv tg cal-à rteying wbat the peace ternis MÂY ho. ilJ: -5p-or What would the spirt-[ Says Fradulent Representatior ___________ oy1 front your caunty who artý! Was Made to Influence Wo-' Even an unconditional surrender la flot sufficient-We th, nadequate hacktflg or lack of! man on Her Death Bed àoudn't lot themi surrender. We want a littie blood insv akl-atal hchtt- rer forr- (lng tram sorne o! vocr ctizens if,* Charging that lier aunt, Nfiss Elize or that which our boys bave spilleiin trying tho fart- could hi' made kni<wfl to heth Condî-, wat lnnlber dotage, ani mck the savagery of Berlin. If we lot thenu withdraw t e m' ourz very truîy, Ifitînî. nlec a io~i lrown sol and lay down their anms, they've beaten us, îmiîî Herman Cifford. bear upon hcr. tagether with fl-audi t . i I n i m m a t el y u p o n r e c e lp t o r t h e i l e n t r e pr è e n t a t i e ns , 'w h lc h c a uîs e 4natvely spaking-for they will bave lost nothing- ' !*tcx-Mn Burnett annoînced that hii ber te cut off practlcally ailtlier ne auoh our aUe-hve--' jýuld 'ake the- matter aitvîlli Mr.« atives when ahi made bier wlll, lea, md wha allis hav but?(Ifford persoually wthln a few day- He salitlie thought it r «eI *elY"thýt ing pracftily al ber estate. the ei The kaiser now wants an armistice declared-ln order i a goverumrent man would be assigu t1mateil value of which le $20.000t igive~~~~~~~~~~ bP iet eueaebi misadto d tG Waulteran te make a Lberty lie Uscd i foiindlng the ConiielI mi hiýi:e imtim t rcueiae isariezan tenbegin tn osm n ie ecitizens of, MortalImtospit-%Iîat î1îturtyiille, Msu be delectabletak ho bas followed of murdering old men- SUSCIEDfaiyHat ! ibryvll t. ~mnand cbildren. When you bave an enemy licked, A report givPn eut today by the Llb. througb Attai npy J. K. Orvis, 'Wit l Otetm teau ti "itstet e crty7 an ,,Imttee ln Waukegan Nliss Lavinfa Sylveter as associat . r he tme t cal "tie;"it'sthe ime e ad bhwed that the total bond sales lu counsel t ld nid lcrcuit court at Wai is ir thO lut WaIIop.. Laite countv are $1.503,9000. In Wau-kena 1110ouetOewl.T __________k-gan thé- total tg gli-en as $350.050.egnabltects hewl T iThis dosesnot Inelde te factory suit was direcled against Dr. J.1 The kaiser wants peace envoys froM sal the boer - isuh"icriptIon1s which are expected tet Taylor o! Liberîyvllle, et al. Mis to meet and discusa nonce tens--likely e n i! go ovt -on-00-Miss Hart es ort lni10ber lh hO1 lvt W. T. Hardie. chairman for sales htbrarMisCnelmÈ k=to Berlin, and, when they get tiiere, be'll bave them -onwaukegan today made an appealtatleaniMsCodl.m the public te purchase voluntarlly. ont ber WEII Aug. 3, 1917, andt pase( B lerei cl _ __d hnaplgz for "the unfor-î lie' saldt that the comnilttee te baadle away Aug. 20, of the saine year. H F " incident." "Get" hlm finit a.nd thon ê.Ijk pem.ce 1 capped through being unahie te hold house and lot, together wIi trh _________________ ~~publie mass meetings. Plans bai luevaleitMssHr.Ali o ht1bot-n made, 10 get Senator J. Hatuil- na a ett isHr.Aie Lt'a 'not stop until the kaiser'. got a littieofta ton Lewis o0 address a booster meat- er relatives, the bill relates, w -Îc ho bas spread-TEEHOE A"DPIAHC AN DEIR1Ing bore but the proposition hadl te cut off without a penny. A51'Tfk ~~~~~~b- droppeit because of the Influenza T~rsdeo h -ae o NEuMATINAZM D SvmwIDW MM GENERAL TU- epdmIc820,000res tt u oftru stte, r.son rollowlng are figures showing the $000wslf ntutt r e amounit subscribed ln variaus tovu- b. Taylor, Attorney Beni. H. NliIl chips a! the connty: sud Crystal Eaton, ail of Libertyvill Berlin apparontly doesn't vant te get wba, the Hun Al4ioch-----------------S25,150 lu the will. h lea reiated, tbey t W* ive RemsLile nd the ciie--4 thyretryngA' .-------------------24 00gven authorîty te dispose o! ail lpre _____. .......... b545-----------------2:650 erty and convert It Into cash, i ________________East Deerfleld .........310,160 mOney to he used ln purcheolng a si---------- âMw h 10aMles wII1make po8ace whon thie Hun 1nolonerFreont-----------------..aDrePort 1.-4Oauco te play crokod, (,tant------------10,"50 structlng a hospital, pravtdiug th Note Bhave Vernon------------------.. 14.000 Th spital vas te ho kno-wn Warren ..t....t1-...e. -: o11050 te oward Ire oia opt Oca WetDecflld .. ........ 2,0DrTalrwsnmds.sue W»kga ....... B0io 0 hold good for lire, ------------------------------------------------------------ ,900 The vili vas admitted tetaprobi ~Intooct.i8, 1917. 4ft o Bouni iseHart then makes the char ULATINO I aSPtheLtitie br aunt madet HOPTL detal in swhy this ruliesg m uet 0f he as et o saud cflI0@ f the.effort to slIr thlngs 1necessity b. *@ôIrton %liait w<.ft mearysit atntt fsuevas _cl . esses m aý1 Éi rp l& gT acn d fmrY a nIe t pactiche s and< 414 not cmprehend 1li mport;. That if ahe haitsah. voulit not bave lait the buIlc of ber astate ta, compar- ative andt absoltîte strangera; That abe Perbaps Intandei totamake a aubscription of $2000 ta the boa-ý vital tuand but that ahe hait no In- tention of giving practically bar- an- tira astate te, the bospitai and leav- Iug al but oua af han relatives with- out a beiuest; That uniter the tenus providedt the executors are able ta draw on tht- principal fnom time ta time for àt- torneys sud archlicec tees; That what t. lefI ai the 820,00o wheu these fées ara taken out, tu- galber with the $5000 to be subsci-l ait, would nat ha suficient-ta evaîl SÉArt a creditable hospital; Thai Mise Coudel was 73 yeanl aId wben she signed 'ber wtll and vas lying an ber deathb bd. It i. askeit that the provisions ai the yull be chaugeit so that tbe heIns be penmtted to share andt share alike. « PROMINENT MEN NAMED Thare is every Indication that the efftort made ta break the wilI o! the late Miss Elizabeth Condell o! Ub- ertyville will hi' one of the mast bit- teriy contesteit cases tried la cir- fnaud which bring ln such men as Coroner J. U. Taylor, Judge Benj. H. Miller and.Crystal Ecton fonce these men ta fight the action out o! self defense If ton no other reason. Reports Were curnent shortly off- er titi'probatitg o! tbe ahilta the PfficIt taI 'Mis,; Daisy IlarI, tht- only legatee under the will, prabti.ly vould endeavor 10 break the yuifl. Thus wîten il bécame known Inlu .- ertyvilî.- that tIhe suit actuaîly hait heen fileit there vas n01 as much IWANT ADS RATES10 pr Làea ch lIertion. 20 Cýeu inImChoses TOI uàxsFOR SALE-Six percent Firet Mort«age + Bondi on Lake Forest resi e8tBt5. 7à loterest payable Jui1 sud Jnay FOR SAL.E-Two Che'er Whts boa Juolalns5 auary t 1 PIZI. AÀflaw single comb white Orpiug. b10 lajea s 100.e Anderi, 2 tu8, Pton CoekeWI for hreeders. A. L. Darder,10Yae logAndruPbne8. Are&, 111. 8983L.ake F'orest, iii. APPLES FOR SALE-About Oct. 25, FOR $ALE OR RENT-Bouses and 1 ancl C ng tu, Libertyville with B car tarmes. Insurance agent aud collector. *of Michigan apples. Quaiity No:' 1. Edwin AustIn, Phon@167.W;offlce10. 91l *Standard variettés, suchpa King Snow, 1ObL-hiereiec oso iBaldwin@, Steel Roda, igweet Baista, FORKlnle-C Ave Mr.ouidec s. Ol Wagnsre..Greenilge. rimes' Golden. Fur ______________________________-4 8 urther Informationeail H. N. Max'hai, FOR RENT-About 50 acre@ ai gond Pbaoss 219-R. 418 tarin land, nu buildings; HerinIgshaw. FOR tiALE-11headafcatte,2-year-old Warr. 4 mile@. north ot Llbertyvillls. hoiemr. Morne Botstein and sous short. Applylta C. J. Iierringshaw, 440 Webter Iborne. R. Epter, Phone 267-Mdl. 41.2 Ave., Chcaga, ili. 874 CrIMAuIs oe-Wluce -1-pple . titOi -i iug audtcooking. Wiudtall. *îper!.ISOLI+,B bushel Bergeron farm, Phono 278-J-2 Libert> vIlle. 41-2 WANTED-Experisuced farner( married) __________________________ anta e Po itouneas oreinan or on + uAL ESTÂTEC + ahares- AI re!erencettîrnished. Addrsss - Iis ie. m41.1 wIth ar withnut stock, erops andt lu pleutents. Immedinite possession It desired. F. M4. Hardiug, Are&, Ili. 28tf FOR SALE-A 7loomhboum lu l)eerlield, Ili.,,modern vitb tiîeezreptionol heat Garage sud ebieken bouse. corner lot '100 by 200 with lots of fruit aud ebrubbery, un ideal haute Two bloki WANTEO-By boy ot l5atendIng htgh ochebol, a bituation paylngcommensur- fate wages for work alier echulhouri. 1Inquire at Independeut office. 40-2 FOR RENT-Lower fiat on Second et. InquIre Idre. W. L. Attrldge. 40-tf .FOR RENT-Four new1y furnlshed tram depal. Caéb or terme, a bargaîn ruants lu Liberty ville, twa bed roouts- If talon ab once. Berman Peulow, 9 9 diulng raom anîd living root, sOngle or North Ave.. Chcago, 111. Telephone lu tuite, kitchen privl.we.i.asd nuee of 8017 I)Il.reey. 41 5 piano. Phone 1.îbortyville 223-. surPriser as wouuIu1hav e burccason ed ordinarily. Mmas Responalbillîty. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS Btf ohlp fTertyrilllo regideLts Men Bay they are not renposble IN DEMAND Ilwere prepared for the starting orftor the actions ot their brethren. but Pr.îî.,e Now aud Seerîre ()ne 6 such an action tliey hardly were ipre- th r 5 ara parnd fer the erions charges thil ey uen, e sthelr e«ample han 0f lhese Uood Posîllous were made aganst Niellera. Taylor. been contributory to the miafortune or e fitler and Eaton. especialiy the for: downfulI of their brethreL.-jamez COUDESl OFFERED IN Lg mer, for Mines Hart singled out Dr. Smiîth. CsgShoethand Taylor as the object of ber most ser- Rtea yerta ious charges. aialTm itn If Mise Hart le suecesaful ln lier ADJUDICATION NOTICE. BuoiaOssE0liiI*td Spllig efforts to break the wIll Libertyville Public Notice ie herebr gleven that the hub- Office Training probably wifl l h*e is proposed bon- Sriber. Ezectrla of the lat ulîl and testa. Cmsril.a PitaL.TIhe $20000 provided In the muoffWillam Quentlodeeeefd. wllattend the1 Comaurcil aad will of %liass Cnnd.-1l. together with anl COutY Court of Lake County, et a term thereof omclan additional subscriptian of $5001() btO i oden nt the court houce ln W.ukeua. Coaversiationai French. which It was provlded muet be made.i>ei our.o h trt1xîfy0 lceb r TutionPaYàble mOthlr or hy the cours.. ,would have given Tibertyville an uCit. 1918, wheu and where &ail persoos bavInxsaSciclaltour mootha' course for gradotn. 0f Ideal littie Institution. dema aahis.l ald catate areunotiîlîcO Col) accredited hIit wbhois. sgciai ClaSses for 4Senator Rodnfy B. Swift of 'lIbr-r.eqb'gtedt0oPreeut tbe ane ti) eald ourt for' ,tudentso havhe courpleted gramme, achool tyville ta brougbt Into the case ndi eadudication.' 1cOn. PosItIon, guaraoteed. rectly, ta be waq one of thp board of * Anna Marie Quentin. Vitecutrlo. Sdirectors of the hollpital as pruîvlded Waokcgeon. Illilool. Ocloî,er -,. ii R GOG MDN for ln Misa Condell'a will. kt.le l7-24 'Phema 13 AREA, ILL. Doeis Such an AÏ& American Exist? Can there be any Ameni- can who is flot doing ail he Scan to help win the war? Who pretends to believe that we could have kept SoutP Who whines or Lyrowls about the littie sacrifice he is asked to make? Who gets panicstricken and thinks that it woul4 be better to compromise with the 'Hun and listens to the serpent whisperingu of German propaganda? If such an American exists let him realize what Germany bas donc to Russia, which gave in and negotiated a cowardly peace. There is only one thing for us ail today and that i. war to the bitter end-war until the Hun is utterly and completely destroyed. For those who cannot fight, UBERTY BONDS are the best ~possible weapons against the Buy 0 LioteBuaTodaj, Ajny BasaiWil Hdp Y., misSpacu Conhributudt t.Winblngthe War bY A. HUSS0 WM.,WALDRON E. W. PARKHURST JOHN LESTER E. T. LANGWORTHY Ali T Ti Ecort Er-on Econ 1 1

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