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Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 14

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LIBERTYVILLE MNEPENDENT. TRIJ'RSDAY, OCT. 24, 1918 rage VA& litd "l Groceries ......... ..... .. i.f. TRANG, Chairman. R. -S. Brnum, lB. Babel,,.... . A. T. WHITE. Stampe. (Board cf Ras-lewIS 7.101 B. A. 24[ARTIN. iBurrougisa Adding Machine.Cc 1Frank Baron, Supervisor NILrphy moved tht the 1.Rbbol .................... 1.001 Groceries .............. .. 3.2 report lie aeepleA and adopted. Mo. Bec GDulcaord. J eris...m.,... .14r tion carried. Riibo n ... ....... 1.25 ocre .........17il urisor Eger,. Chairman Of the Ge'>. H. tlaicsbow, 1 Came>' Brus.. Judîciar>' Commitee. submitted tle Services.......ale Trading Co.," 6. foloving report. A. C. CourontoOeiieTaigC. STT ~î ...INILivemy (Coroner)........... 58.00) Grôcerles. ad meil ........ 136.00 1918., A. H.tock Co., Lake Coult, as. 6.80 Fuel .......................Fn 141.90 Boar ofSuPe"vI0rs-Sep. TenL erv cosurt.............2.00Jo5ie2Drahe Ger5 . . 96.A .Déc C.,HfmnBu. Septem enupppes----------6..... 4.061 Grocerles......... .........601 eeold beore the n d mecmmendD. A. Gradi-.ffa Ba. Chtub pay e ofti reo rtg, md Slamped eni'elopee ..........32.6 r(lc# .............. .. 69.00 thet lite Cet ohdte d buoissueandL. A. Hendee. CounI>' Clerk. Docie à Wlyle, tht h Cer e iec tht Ise Services-----------------.315-00 Cohn 09 ordars for the seVei'al amounte both Anton Jakrzoi*sltl. several cimauts, t0-il: Hansen Taxi. Groceries ........ .2t&.060 Amt. Claned Lîver>' (Coroner)------------3.00 Alfred - Johnson. Names. For What snd AII'w'd. B. J. Htîoper. ............6792 Dive Adams, Stîpliesa.............- -00 Finnial mercantile Co. servicesa bot allowed> ....$328.30 Arthur libble, Orocenies ....... . .. îog.oo) Thomas Boot, UveoT----------------------6»90 A. Gntafson, 'Semlices---------------.50..W..o...deGroceries ........... .. 15.79 F. N. Blakeglee, Commilice work........... 34.00 W. j. Lange, Repurtbng Inquests ..........170.30 Chas. E. Goorler. <G ecries .............. .. 60.00 F. N. Bakeslee, Feiegll and drayage---------1.33 Axel Lybeck. Rfflrting ..........5S.50 Ney' Lamb, Grocerles.... .............. 117.2g Josph . flsbP.Liver>'- (Board Cs'Raview).. 20.40 Goa. Larsen, Services justice fecs---------6.35 Oa sr ,Bouras .....................79.00o Foie>' & Bellows, Ambulance sersvice---------- 108.00 Oea. Lars cn, Services...................00 James O'Contom. Anmbulance service----------15.00 Commttee work........... 16.40 A. S. Kennedy, Foiey & Bellorws, Remington T>ypewriter Co.,Peu...........180 Services ...................57.00 Repaire .....................3.50 FAlnKra.............18 E. . 'iceA. b.Rugrs - Groceries ........... ........9600 Justice fees-----------------3.50 Services ......... ..........60-00 ohn0 Mozina, Lau 2P. Farimer.I. J. Pearsal, Justice fises................ 17.50 Asdt ing iooks4 Supt. Grocerien................ .. 273.37 J. W. Gray', Ekhuols)................... 90.00oJ. C. Merchant. OrGocelles------------------181.00 Costabile fees tout alowed) 51.80 Standard 011 Co,NotSbr rc>'&Mke GriSans Garage,. -011------.. -----------------.6.33 Nrhoremd eat........rket Services (Sharif)----------..255.00 w. j. Strattun. rcre n et.... 2& GriffusGarage.Commutte. -work .............45.00 ~Otsy Sm'.ite Coonr)600 Bc. C. Thbem25en Groeies-------------------25.30 GriffIns Garage, Services................. 10.70 George Oison, Services (State's Attorney') 6.75 B. C. Strattua roeres............... .. 313.38 Bli-lu3. Griflbn, Cmmitewr.......2.0Andro- Pucin, Jailers account ............846.90 j. L. iTaylor, Sue...........44.19 Elvin J. GriIBnu Telephone bills............. 14.4() J. J. Pelmshius, s-Shariffes services........... 722.70 Ney' Lamb, Burbal .............--------26.00 C. E. Hicks, Services (Board of Review) 365.00 Ira E. Pearsal. Services not allowed) - ..90.70 A. G. Maelher Groceries.................. 164.10 Samuel P. rain, Services (Board o! Review) 438.00 Reardon & Wall, Illii report............. 4.00 James, F. King-. Groceies................ ..8S5.00 Jouseph C. James. Services (Bard a! Revlew) 365.00 Rubin's, Justice fees................. 780 R. S. Barnum, Groceries------------------- 14.35 Herbert McLearn. Services (Sourd o! Revlew) 365.00 M. E. Smith & Cn.. Justice fePs....... ......... 16.45 Cara Keyes. Grocerles................ .. 110.00 John Nelson' Services ( Board o! Res-lew) 292.00 A. Sieble>'. iJustice -tea. ............... 93.60 Chas. H. Crapo. Groceries............... 56.18 E. V. Orvsla Attendlng convicntion....... .10.00 A. C. Taylor, Services. Assi. Sates AIIy. 25.00) Chas. H. Crapa Grocerles................. Pearce Transfer Co., Commiltee womk............ 21.20 Taylor & Goibrie, Services (States Attorney') 1820 T. M. Clark,. Groceries------------------.20;j.00 E. M. Fuuyard. Coxnmitee work............ 38.70 Fran'i Trust, Seelices i ......:...196.00 -Ni. P. Dlger, Grocerles..................1l20.0i1 Lavenia M. Sylvester. Commitee wor................ 20(j Gus Walbers-, Typewriting................ 23.35 H. B. Eg-er, Grocaries ............... ...17.0() A. E. Smith, Commlllee work............ 28.95 WestlEnd Grocery. Juie <rs ............... 8.00 Fox Store. Grocerles ............... ....24.00 Roy' Shoup. Supplie@ 1i....................9.50 D. T. Wehb, Seri'Vcai-< ........... 4.00 Emil jA. Ficke. JFuel ...................... 102.90) Roy Shoup. Cummlltee lwork------------ 49.65 Se 1' c. .................. 80.20 A. W. Verco,4329 Heur>' Vlcierman. Commiîîee work............ 7.00 Shields. $229 Services........ ........... 3.00> A. T. Whitbe, Anderson Bras., Heur>' Cickermau. Camsitlee work .............12.60 18UPPIre..................SIl q75 13ei.-ces...... ......... ...13.6,1 Ray' Paddock. V. W. Brna, Henry V'lckerman, CQmmltee work-------------15.00 Rent ............... .......1.00 Services......... ...... ....13.10 Ru>' Paddock. Bowman Dai>' Co., WaUkegau Gazele, Allending convention -....30.00 1illk....... ...... .........158.72 Publishins- notice......... .. 1.20 Rubn's. B. Wisenberg, -- John W. Welch. 'Supplies............ ....... 20.95 C"'thfrug ................... 25.00) BIlienses .................. 99.75 Clisse Webb, C. T. Gnon & Ca.. James C.Welch. Conmitlee work-------------- 28.00 Grocenle-------------------.77.Il Dexpouses .................. 139.75 E. J. Manalan, M. H. Husse> & Ca.. DA Weale, Commitlee work ............ 18.50 Fuel...................... 4 ii Conatalîle service <fot aI-- Jensen& Sundmark, lowed--------------------.262.25 $3447.44 Shuese......................30 il.J. White,, Al of which la respelttfull>' euh- Lake Forest Contas-loue Hos- Us-e-y--------------------..10.00 niibbed- pitlIservices ..............110.00 John W. Welch, FRIFT) KIRCHNER, Citairman Lake Forest Waber Ca.. Expensestnout allowedt. ... 11.35 'M. P. DILGER. Watem et------------------4.57 Jame., G. Welch, Supervsler Monahan moved tat North Shore Daim>' . EbOPenseea------------------4530 lhe repart be accepted and adoplad. Milk-----------------------.24.56 Jolbi Welch, 1Motion carried. T. 13. Proxmime, Constable fees------------- 11.00 Supervisor Clark. Chauimmn of te Services----------------2.. C. . Armen. Slaries Commuttee. snbmtted tle Rosenthal & Hei5mng. Melea lu ors-------------14.00 followiog report. Grocertes------------------.206.51 - -S'PATE 0F ILLINOIS, N. F., Schaaf. $3724.03 L.ake Count>'. set.Graceriez ................---145.58 Allowed-------------------..$298061 Board of Supervisors. Sept. Term. Robert Vipend, AIl of! which la respedtfuily euh- eptember 25, 1918.Re------------- mitd- Nlr Chairman and Ge n lemen a,' the Cý G. Wenhan & Son. H. B. Mer. Claîrman. Board o! Supervisos, 7Burial--------------------- 23.0f) X.JAMES IWCO'.NOR. Your Conutlee on Fees and Sal- report ho acepted and adopted. Mo- ames of the o <'001>Clerk. Caunot>'Deerfleld. lion carried. Treasurer and Ex-officio Coieclar Geo. F. Bock. Supervisor White, Citairman o! the and Suparvisar of Aseesmeute, Grocerle-----------------------7 lnanct -b-tYmmittee. sttbm'tled he CeunI>'Judge. Sitenif, Dapul>' Bier. Jas. Howden &sons. followius- report, tnf. and expeoses of Caunot>' uperin- M eat--------------------- 29.1U STATE OFr ILLIOIS. tendent of Scitools. for the ensuins- J. A, Biamiahi. Lake ('0001>, as. 10cm lie flxed as fllowa - Shoeis----------------------22.00i Board of Supersisoria Sept. Term. Count>' <lerk. $3000.00 per ye-sc Bowman Dair>' Co., Seplember 2<.1918. aud necessary cdem c binelUk....................42.g7 Nt. Ciairman and Gentlemen or the '01'Tesue,5.0 » prEFraI Bard of Supers iors year and nereasar>-dclAk bine. Ket ..................24.()( Yonc Finance Cuoiitee wouldl Countv Judge,.1.0<0 per year. Chas. Gardner. recumnieusd thatte aum o ao! 10.00 Shenif , 8000 GO per >'ar. Groceries .. .............. .. .1.3I lie aPProprit<ud ta te War Activities Deput>' Sherlff. $1.200.GO perar, Cm <arri,'- Gillett, Committee, State Ccuncil ot Defense. Canot>' superlotend-ont of Srhoale, Services--------------------'4r Lake C'0001> Chapter. $60u0.00 nier yearepua.J .Gmiy Re&puctfuily submlîîed, Itespacar exiy sîbmlLte. lie t---------------'f A. T Wl-ITE.T. M. CLARK. Paul Giaer. A. W. VERCOE IlH.'$TRANG.-mMt-----------------.. H. C. W. MEY1tC HASE WEBB.I H. al. Hasi Supers-Isor Murit>- .novpd that te Supers-ison Vemene -moved taI the Se lrvice-e--------------------<>0.t) report be acco-ptir-d and adoîmîed. Mo report lu2 u-cepti-d and adoPted. Mu,- A. W. hIimmler. lion carrled. tIon carried. Grocerles . ....1.. 08 Supervîsor Paddock moved that the ituners-isor t)ilsr, Cbairmnan of thé- H. P. .Ietperwen, mater e! purchasios- an honurrocll Waukegan. Shieldesud Deerfleld Pour Gr-fcei" - ------------------10.61 for the men Iu the siervice fromtL.ake Claims Vommoittee suhîmitêd the foi K. Lludstnom. îCounly ho deferredutIl soume fu.- awing report.i1 ...-------------------15. () tome tipOe. STATE 0F ILL.INOIS, M<'l,'ukClark. AYe and Na>' vote bcbng cîllad for Lake (ount>'. sa. 8a------------12.0 Supervstor Paddocks motion wa, IBoard of Suprvîsors. Sept. Terni. J-ver&, Do oo A), ceried b>' tbe followlpg vote: September 21, 1918. <lothing ........ ......0 'Ilose votiOs A>'e are Supervlsors Mr,.('iarmaît sud Gentlemen ortîfbteNortweetero Store, Barstable-. Clairk, Es-en. Fickf,. .IBoard o! Stîpersisors: (iroertnles-------------------25. r Kiracliner. Natîts, Mayer. lIcCul. Tour commitbee on Wauiu-gatt'1,.Il.MPrior, Ions-b. OConnor, Paddock. Thomp- Sbields and Deerfiild l'cor ('lalnt q Duria.1------------0.44 aon. Vercae. Webbu o! Waukegau, would hos- leave ta 'report taI hey. R. Shtannon, Wiite-15. lias-e examinAd 'ait l aims presenîed 4Cruu-r'nls-------------------1.7 Thone vtlog NO. are Erupervisore Iefore te-mand reeommeud te pîy- Santi inos - t- ~CraPo, Tiis-r. %Iotiliaan, Murphy-4. ment o!fte fniinwing, sud Ibut the Grocerés.......... SuI.ervisor Kiscmer. Charman 0f Clerk h. dircclad tu 1-ue ode-sfo- Slgewo titt -Clrkb. eted 10 igaue J.-M. Bîd-gî......... ordees t them "Venald eiMuta fer 1Grocerias---------4.1 Newport Merdhandîse-----------.. 24.57 C. A. 1-eydecker & Ca., Merchandise--------------55.4ï 580. 0? Grant ElF. Shiffer. Services---------------. 21.0oc W. W. Warriner.. Services----------------- 10.0( Antloch iCJng's Dmng Store. Drus-s----------------.. 5.2 1Chas. A.'Powers. 1Chas. F. Rtchards, Transportation-----------3.0 Chase VWcbh. Suapplies-----------------29.61 S48.78 Avon S. U. <ariield. - lerchandise----------.. 1.5 E. F. Shaifer. services-----------------.1.0 $12. W Lake Villa Hnsxpy A Webitar, Fuel----------------....... R. Wendland. Marchandise--------------87.02 2 1 IS 101.02 Libertyville i1 Wm. Wlarand. 1 Memi and 'grocerîca- S.. Il61.83S I Wm. Walnand. Marchandise------------92.42 2~ uH: Corleti. Marchandise---------... 46.07 oJ. L. Taylor. 1 Services------------------2.6f Il 202.81 Cuba Plas-ge & Ca.. Fuel------------------. Il12.56- Mca. M. E. Fletcher, Rent-------------------- 30.0< A. Pedersen, ý7 Milk------------ .-----19.0( A . W. Meyer, Merdhandise--------------26.1 Ela87.61 Lou Gear>'. .Services--------------516.6c tS Wm. Ankelti, ,services-----------------.18.0( 533.6t> Vernon -John M. Mater, Groceriea--------------. 17.7f l9 JO S7 <io 23 t) O, 17 f)l .7 .16 lI- the c'- 'rile iiii;of J, W,< lts 1).A -Weale, iDavid Adaaae.C.W, Ilieko $377 Total----------------- $t515.3c Ait o! whidh te respeeblull>' sul mltted. 1 EM-l A. FICKE. Chr. CHAS. - H. CRAPO. Superviisor Dls-ar moved that te report bc ccepted and adopted. motion carried. Supervisor Meyer moved thaltIh Caunt>' Clark be autliorized ta draw warrante oni the Count>' TreasurOr te the several claimante for te sevara' amounts cf ail bille allowed aettIsî meeting. Motioni camned. Supervisol' White presaented the bille of Dr. J. M. Falmer. Supervîsor Mur. ph>' mqed tht the blls ho laid on) the table.- motioni carried. supervisol' White moved lu adjour aUbjeoetto îhe cRIl af the Cîairman. motIoll earried. 1 I 1cr.» certif>' the foregoins- obch atruc sud corre'ct Iranscript of île procedjiigs of îleBoard of Super visons mi thc Saptember. 1918 session Gliven under tIi> hand sud seal bhib 111h day cf October, 1917. LBW A. HENDEE, (Beat) -Clark. Pattern te Copy. Detriceee AunnIMarjorie w55 b obe inuiled and BeaitlC' wns tu be th@ flower girl. They were to liate their piplure4 lekpn beforeite cereioîflf an(jth ie brire WRRIookIng snd, or n thougili etrc.LookIng nroiand the room, Beatrice apled tbê CMle (1011oi, dre"dnas a bride, wbich 'sud done duty <gt a previolis sliower. Retrîce uid, ,pont lolk. an sad, Auint Mtirjo ri: -4mible. timile 1like the lKewpie dol. W&NTW-ýl baye blyers and rent- ge ,tqr maili fanfla. 20 tu i80 acres. orewold buy stock and tdols. A. H.nenedict. 227 Norh Utica et.. Waakeffl I. wkly 4t and J. 'W. Gray which were flot allow- ed by the Judiclary Committee were rèad, and upon motion Of Supervisori White the bille for guard duty were laid over util the December meeting Of the Board. Supmrelor Barnstable moved that lthe balance of the bille b4 laid over until1 the Decembel' meeting. *Motion carried. Supervisor Ficke, Chairenan of the poor Committee (except Waukegan Shields and Deerfield) submitted the foillowiflSreport: BTATE OF ILLINOIS, Lake CountY, se: Board of Supervisors. Septembet M. 1918. Mr. Chairmatan sd Gentlemen of thf Soard of BupOrvisore: Your Commitîe On Poor Claims («ept Wgukegan. Shieldesud Deerp feld) would beg leave to report tht tb.y have çzamined ali l aims pre. sented betore thein and recommended the payment of the followiiiK, and thai tise Clerk be directed to Issue orderr Wo the several amoulti to the several claimants, to.wit: .enton I. H.Blanks, services..................2.50 Burial ...................35. oc Byron S. Knight, Services ..................40.OC Annie R. Sissoli. services .................390fC B. C. Thompaoni TransportatiOn ...........15.1W Zion lnIltutlns snd In, dustries, Supplie,;.................687 bteme la no valimî roson s h. n.om schools ishoulti continue tlu rnuan closed.-- T. A. Su m îon. <-omînt 1.-up" ni nit,'. dent o!ftîchools. taku's lite -<ime aiea andsys it iv a ni-Makt o khip <thli acbools c losed Ahn fitut s po.ut.lbItc . handle the inlunza si;uatlou so mucit better wal.-theé<-bilitren are lu scitool rinder the suipi-nI>lion of competont vsittittg <tii-S îe sI> i. stops shnuld I-e isiientnlmedtiiy Io sec lthai ail <bhonlisn thivi I nil>' are reopened. LOST H'OiUR ENROUTE BACK DOUBI LESS CLIOCK TURNINO WILL BE EVENINO RITE Fic Ibis flrmnly lu yeur mmnd:. If yen turn the dlock bick wbeu you gc lu b.d Saturda>' ulgbt yen wil gt an extra heur o! aleep. If yen u u Il back durnug ,yeur bouma cf worlc yen wil get au extra heur of work. Are you 0 o! ofliese pensons wito, - with exasperalin gsang-froid, ask If lIat 1l9 silo lmeg ceail Ime or witat Lime, wlien informed te Pour of bbhe Weil, you cao set back lu earlb next Suday,. cecuvar thal hour yon bave heen freltîns- about es-r silice the dlocks were moved forwird last, aprios- and s-et an extra 60 minutes of leep, because the clack, so back un boum then. Titere bas been a lot o! advice frons varions sourdes mrent thie fixols- the' dlocks o! father time Oct'. 27. sud itte man wbo s-oea byb>hie wrlst watoli, ,grmntu4athr c1oc*ý or the babys hb- lte Cao take bis chiole. Ab an>' rat,e. lte federal building bore lias rocels-ed ofllcil ordens Irons Washing-ton to reset the cdocks 10nteé goverumout ceeoator at 2 a. m., Sunda>'. ait Up te 2 A. M. If You Waut. If be is of the literai sort te flat leler osa> do that. boa, but ince lb le a srifle uncumfoctabie tbuast up unl ti 2 'clock Suda>' moroing lu oc- der r l set back the dlock now thal- tbhe cabarets andl Ibealers and es-or>- tîlos- else hba OkeRth ie coullt ta >ieafi-w- litms es-o. waisîrn 0Oct. 21. 1918. illiins- a Ford cîîîpî wli t-asio.Iin e ~< 1 a li - lt omiisnd wlf tc(Idejitly tIpsMt a luntemo tf,1<.- l .Mars' 'rX- rir. Ili îcrl- In bno iteilis- to se-, in <art-v ng n t- < ll, i < - k . at'-.S --Iail î Vil la Twp Thlî<antetu tlîpced as i-e'sas oid ins- tp thi, cao of gasoltuine andi<rNi ttî 1Frame, gas caushi t firp Insanatly, >-. < - s i- îînI ic. .i-l t Swi .i 0, 1'r.mno, e te yoong',man In fumes FimaltsiI I lot hI' î bPtC',mNort h 'hiceg rus<îed iiimini antI as quiockly i's uts lui$ siblc .'xinguîsited t- blaz. ,- muttii- )~. T WîIt ani w f,- to Tobl acere unable to gel <i-tno<utt b,-orei fl-tt-,bb-k .W bau he was btîrned Io surit atsexteîit tîtati5son', Sit uiku--:,.QI!,q ho dlod te next niomnins-. t'bt. mutlitil- &î 'rutt'.Co., 1 The a<itto hlonged luo (itapîcîi 1-.KniJ" f'<I.lot 11,~e blHock 17 Lakte iBluff, DLI, Deé4 FOR SALE On Account of the shortage of stable room, we offer for s alenfi n e young Guernsey buils, six ready for service, for one-haif the regular price. Im- ported, advanced registered stock, splendid animais. One two-year.-old bull to be sold for benefit of the friendless child- ren of France. Must be sold at once. Crabtree,. Dairy Farm Lalle bluff, Illinois -1 - - - - - -9 - - - 1 1 Sturtevant of the camp and the or was flling the car lu get it for a tnIp which the chaplaili VI3RY LATI3ST NEWS n:d m:king. UptoThî'da Nonthe range was taken ov er bIl- uay departmnent-a a biék iflu" mîny Chicagoane will set their (ireat Lakes. Nobody la bIIII&M 'T docks when they retire Saturday the accident for It was justce night, then aiwake ln the snorning tueafiawhlhwa 'ccud with the letlheur regained, absolute- ever>' sense. It ta oonidered ly painliessly. gerous to fI! a gasoline tan X jere delsa sîigestlon-the Officeliîghted InoteIrnoeven tisouhti RIDINQ TÈACI4RA P? es' an Way to Manage ht. the gas are Hable lu coren "Don__'t___ I nyspr nuthn'bout the ul betct ipcdth e .iIef:nd u Edward W. Otto, riding Instructor 'tii,>'er au blamed sleep yub cant tank. u de luxe to chiidrsn of wealthy famil. 1Btu omr.Ta' th' ieyu' Lmhws2yàrolan les of -Highland -Park, near Fort Sher. go te sieep anyhow SîtLidy niglit. home was lu Galeston, Pa.. idm, lia been taken into cuetody by Weli, just fore yul tar in, pugb the hie body lias biern shIpped. the rederai authorities on a charge clocks bande eround Just il haurs. --I of being a dangerous enemY allen. See' . Then yuh go to lied and wakePRV SE ES ER Tripe tîken with hie .youthfui puplle, up b>' the dlock, but yuhve got an PRV EVS H a dîiry containîing Incriminatlng bour ihead of the game. Get me? Great Lales, Oct. 23.-Ad statementa, ana a coneideiit<ie amount The Dcoblem o! resetting the lime- i muré tO the longlitoGra of correspondence wih. Persona lu pleces Iso nt a dificult oue for t he blueackets herue B. Gem.'seized by governmeol average single uided iffaîr. but for Thit aef10Gre:k ' agents ln a raid on hie riding ucade' these ellectrIc docks and mechinical- enza dld tibat -4nîit they have. my, forin part of the evidence upon iy controllid office oracles caution is wi"' and vltalit>' te coin e nIght whlch- hie Internment in the *Port nieceesar>'. It le, înjurtous te aimoat a t hie "lin" I a red blooded Oglethorpe, Gi., detenîlon prison han. au> sort of limepiece to turm the the rlsk of vnd,.ngerlîîg'thpir,' been asked. bande hac«iward, su ]et the dlock lin-Iles for fie second fiime from', F'ederal agentsi belleve tht Otto ker do It or chse tom i forwacd or diseaisp. In order tu <ave t ivi was what la known ln German se- else-oh, well, aek the ma ho litlvillan veîso h iilXtC cret service parlance as a 'flxed iî there. TeIl. sallors. irbose nomes are: post," being asligned tu watch ofi MRS. JOHN AHART DES held froin publication hy Iher- ces' tm4sýing <(amp ictlivilies sasInodes 1 roîutest and lu spire «W well as troop muvementsaia Fort Mca. .John Ahart, fommemi>' Daisy b>' lîtlIvIe. are lin te Evanston Sheridan. He le beieved tuu)lave ocilîtie of Crayslakp. diughtem of pital unîlervolng laboirator>' tentei been e former Prussinn cavairy offi- Rd IQooittle. weii knocjwn regîdent. , iaimaor> 10 giing ni) quantitis cer. died atlier home, 5:16 Grand avenue-. thet-jr l,o 1te firtil.slî srum foi, Went Theme in SprIng. Waukegan, Wednesday nlgbt at 1W)curi,<if Intîtonza ani pneumonie Otto went tu ihland Park early o'clock. a vlcblm cf pneumonie, fol- til2fl?. Ttîî- JavkIî-m Ihemivea ln thé sprlug and opened bie exclu-ilowing Influenza.Slip waa :10, years c(inv.ilescî I>i. fron. ithe disease., s-ve riding academy at 130 Hazelniod and hoit hein mmrried bt Mr.w,,r,, ln th,. nasal hase Itospits avenue. le brought vith hlm a Abimt îhrep yparp. . $le was hort ,,(rpat lit.k<-. when tIie- tail rame 1 string of hlgh bred hersesanmdBal Grayalake, whpcr -site ws wliI E2vaiitoi lW'haton andl other an introduction tu the, communlîy known. fier mairiage pruved a ilap. for %olonte-î r- ii furtn-<lh1 slmgeda parade et hie thargers, hie PY Climax toillog icquiiinliince. for ',er Irn iesdlng witb a high steppIng pure Mm.- Abart Bluollved riear (WRsyslan- Tht-v w e<-,. niarshalid lieuder IA white saddier and a brase band. Hie a in;y are and the two were eweet - J. l iC'o<f thé- hOltal 0O sdiI as an equestmian won hlm in, hearts from youth. and mentuil 1wi- vain-on Intititils 9 anl l-av6r md a sore or'- mure of It was tbre,wpekq ago Tuesdas inliiattEs. aclî solunteer the c-hlidren of te wpalhiesfamilles that %lrn. Ahart waq laken slck wit uug tli tu-'h*l 0ri-id blond lest 0f the forth shore tuwu becime hia i1nfluenza and then popumoula dcccl maki, mure lis b«md (<ontaifler4 pupis. uped later. Net until Sunda>' esenil,, jurions îîrop(,rtffî Ir)otheres al Suspicion was aroueed ln te mindIl oase ler condition regarded as mor, determini- hie ital<lt.% b witlistanl ofrBonme parents, howevem. wben day leu . Sire thon Fibe had heen In a ordeal. b>' day hoe led hie ptapils on rides %eriousstalle and fearx weme heldi through liighwood and dowu te the slie coid not surviv e the ravages (If OFFICIAL LIST 0F REA L fr. Route Never 111vstrOg almet.ESTATE TRAiSF~ turnithed by Th(, route neyer varied and the DOROTHY CARHART LAKE CO. TITLE AND TAiJ pupls rePorted lie tnok keen cogniAbrat Tl.TiiOu'~ zance of everytbiug transpiriug ai Priends of Mc. and Mrs <' I)g.,- bstatono itis.leTiti.shoe te post. Poderal agents were ln-,('arhart of West street. Waukigari, M Onc T.mple. 1918.;on formed bY severai Highland Park rem- %vicie grieved tîiuimornîng - a <i o OcI~ t 7,f1918. idents of their suspiciouesand as a Itews came out that thpir G N 1 '...> r.',tîi.tr q resuit an agent, disgulsed as a vI,1 daughter, Dorthy, hadl died ai Ili ; 1 W l IIi l*ilfi-t,,,N 24,0 fle erinarian a-as sent tu the place. lHe Wedno-sday ngî, Ig i? t I t': .r<i, -ffl,. of lis-k t. lîlghl made Ottos acquaintanre and speut Ipueumoula rolîtains- an aiî<l< of «in~r.<~. a nomber o! weeks Ithero. ibuenza. J tIl h<i,îîî ta.- 0 14-1 A fw ay ao ile'veterinacian Miss ilorothv had retiirned unis a1110 <It N iWi t-l imer. .51.20 few ays gu 11nnW 1I 15:,i-.%i- ,ort Twp., dispiayed his goverlîment badge, took week ago Tuosda y from Weplts coir Otto loto custody. sud headed hlmi les-.'at Auroma. New York. wbeccro, sIhîl-ii iTai.10. foc the froderaI building. Chicago. Il all bo-n a alident ll athe11<. lr.t I,; t taîw.i Il(.irtal ., i la now beins- held lncommîniiedi-do te year. The colles-c was (Ios l ii aani sb. awalling action on a pros.identlal a n-suit of an opidomtc of inhien,,1 n 1 . s ' mdhostie warrant. and accordingi>' thé studpinî i - t K î,i o'.Ilnîk2W - _______homo. She arrlved hé-re Tuesîli ,< , W,,. THNK SHOL SOUO P nmorning and Tuesda>' eseni s ilu' * i ic K <F.rowle>', THNSSHOSSOL PNwas laken Mi. Il was thougli: she it<rN2, ,tinliib o Failure ofrte local auîborjîles te mereiy had a slght aîîack ln 1h- ns jNIit..r lIigwod gel loto comnmunicationw itb Dr. S. titre of a coid but gradualîr «tv-lier o n lrI,w--r and I If-, tu J.M S. Winner o or t ate board o! ditlon cross-worsc and te atlie.îk i lioo nid f.,nîrtht'Ili acres. Nà heallh la deisyltîg te openlos- of Intfluenzl/a d4-%elopoîl loto jn(kinioni:3 Np1-t .11- . .ýNon Tait., WD.1 ochols inWauku-gan. boin S.('larkj Shi gcew wor-te rspidl y satnd ,. i aztil K.plîiitii tPrautcescol City Ltiuperintettdent or achools bas< Sunda>' obght ship ladtii--n <it o1,r: <<la a '-N 1 ". lIt 2 ,Stndsiý taken Itho malter tîp w th lDr.Bellows, «-alitate moin f h : lIe p,.'.-îal 'j- Al i. îîîtt i.W acting comuissioner of health, and Isti Weco call(ed frtm (chîigo ait1 Oct. 18, 1918. with Cnmml8eaiouer ...Swayec ite>' atonoce tiîagnosed itr .-iî m i itiltt, mti head of Ihe public healtli and sresuîa rb hseo te nti1,a < ItNI,:1t, S iion 7, depsrtmnent, but nelîher of tht-se ofl. haveen ouofnd lu Wautkes-arî durtrie "'%, 'i 1,;,ctl, iehoasys, care tn faake the Iitia-îsfill5e elid(otTtl< '[tI0 S"--,tittaitt îand aife tù tive wlth regard lu gis ms- permission Mis, horoth 'iwasa rlnoob 11aiîttmo , - <,.<t-<tb. 01 for te echool.s tu reopen. Mr. (ark s-an 21 voars as-o Ou-lober 91t.sh ' . rWl),it 1, le endeavorlng toes-et loto communi- case.,one0misiter, Nars-aret. tige Il, - Oct. 19, 1918. cation w iIIDr. Wlnoer su that per- and lht-rparente ar- amons-hlit e, I l. î îÏ~i t ,t,î wif lu CI mission cao hoe obtained. known resîdents o! Wan.«egai). lieri Nelson and i w lo <1 tI. bluock 5l 'Waukegsn tsonue of te extremels- mother Is a daneliler or .J. j.Page, a sîttîs lilî~tiîî-. ît Hghlîand few cilles on tho forth shore where Pioneer rosîdent of 'Wlaukcs-an <0<1ito.$1t the shoole are ui Xed lNr.Clark ILake Cotnty.AiiaJ ornIC.R sald. 'Evanston. lHigshand Park, 8 uneral front ie bouse S;ittttîila> - , <uiii. îi-O t GR.M Lîbertys-lile, Lake Pore-st aînd Northi MOroîog ai t0:30 oclocl. anîl 0of< i<Ti-î-.-r..<Q,'lt, $1. Chicago eitîber have opeued titeir cus as a revOit nf ft- health rîtoýi,- Itim' '.' ii lsir.ir, to IsaiteIIà schoole or have îieclled <o ta' w thii 1 t a )pIhoprivate. itn.I,. l tt 1,sliaws' course et once. lu soute or tIieconi- muoiles ln Lake collt), efUorî.haveO, AS- EXPLODES; SAILOR OIES liaI i.ittg <ik V 1> t,,Jhnib f been made' to locate 1l.t. W'utner and l"Fred l tisti, a smawn nsecond clas, -. uei trr;i-. Siiit . Lkc F% t a iing l intthi ie <rders 1<aiv tucen a t C nt>ii gan, tai-t a îî-rrlîilc lia.a NVI,'tm. 1) 1,

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