LIBERTYVrE LNDËPZNDENT, THURtSDAy, OCT. 24, 1918 serbe their quota. Antiocb. Ela, Fr. LAXE COUNTY 1mn,5epot Vron__'__NAfl i Wauconda al fell short of their que. NJLi'R 55DVN ... Il-Le F. PROFESSO mfI oel.ntNwot, Vernon arel n t "OVER TilE TOP IN y, aubscrbed $250,oversub. IIU FIOT'N seribing lieaquota by nearly $2,000. ArIp TI fiIlShovjnr ,Pronosed H rd Road S..,, . forIlinoisIS OUSTEI> AS aI DetaIled figures will be found ln an- - ad"s m in.II. Â&.MAJNEI~~JI ~5ft otber eolumnn. showing the aanount IUN BA K OM subsecrbed by eacb communlty andi OR OF STUDI the quota that had- been assigneci te SYNOPSIS. <C uju 4 O I O ) ec .Lieut. Joe LaRoSe of Zion City -1i oon Bih 59 p ssd h5 th e ro.5lb eLi ery*o -Workers 9uey Baturday. 1ýaAsnýI,ýf7- Ron wakes wre it*Nte:n ~ Arrives Home from, Months riAemi. ' .î ntii , - we~ bi t d ii heBaoonp d ecaiy re in wauekean. any tof SeviceibrAl 2, i 19 1 î-.,t p, --i,' i,± .5-ponent in Lake Forest that they bsd fnt done what (bey bu.ý- -a!! da> Saturday_ .is o eri5 w..., I (I bond Rmo chafing bonds This wor< was donc the factories sent ln thelr suhsrp i %,.-fltm.%.bodI..,iilrwte through government officiais, aidpd lions at the la't minute, laigwt.RCTSHSEPRECS1ý1"Ï ePATe .uIII AIIF by loyal local assistants. Thé best ed unitil ail employes could be sol. rcmrinsaceR." j " '~ *ii- *- -1" part of Il, according ta members of clted. One Prtcua .IntaceRe, 5yel C tats fin- offense ait the procedunie. Tisey was open Saturday night and was ltd Where H e Lost His Pcoonm' seemed ta rp alizeftlat they have been pack,da'i purrhasers. The wor'oers Friends in Air Battle Bu...i .~' ;i.~ ~~rena s Hr Pead of E deretiet la thir duty andi were glati were kcpt biiey durIng the plaire ev. .- eis a Q a e to a hie ble bave put the lban cning. The hanki. aiso wel.e 1)uy. icut. Jo.-1Litge, son of Dr. N. 1. ~** esQ ae acrosS. The Lihertv ip and frîr.Ncorpi Laitos- (Ir Ziin City, gave an intir. -' ,. ' Hlndered by Sicknens. was out and' arousAd mucti <'i'hi. eiting îft,-rvew hta ezion (11v cie.Po WrerldeAls Mexubers of the local campaign noms They marchei througiî the respouldvnt tis morning. The Young liarifisat nd 'fsiniu omm iîe asert that they werc stre tsi îwic, .The tirt tm p aioîît j aviator ha, jut returneti froîn os r -170ased 10 %e polciniaI nadthero handicapped grpatly' throngh thé< thousand saîlors fell ln linp ' hlîjieas and iii un six monthia' turlingisItrîîn orsa existing epidemlc af Spanieh Infilu- tbem, marching tour ahrp.ast Th 1 e hoingla-u wunde outheb.t lefza. Thoy were obllgpd to a - off ondi time tbey marcheti mny auto lie front and aiso severely, injurpd join_ .- - enthgectonwar booster rallies that hati been arrang- nîîîhîiists alma jaineti in. la fait which he had while convales. ~i. . et oee le.rmi eti and were ahilige ta(ogive Up boise Chîîreiih btIswere rung -and thé-erg nEgin, 4 o6' " f lteé denartment of EngliW of baving public meetings of any wam the wltiest entbusjasnîl when tl Lici t. latn eft Caniada withei4pf- .kind > T he c îosing of the heaters w a .4 know n that the duo U lat b .en Canadiari transport an di Wirne seda C h r e d i t . guage and lit-rature. matie t impossible for the Four Min- oversubsciribed. the siniiiiin of the. Tusi:ai a. HA -I -- u- ;ITw hrgsAmitd ute men tii he out ln their good work. GIVE THANKS TO WOMEN. on One of <tie transportChathe% furmeti i -i-'he 1. tact It was necessary ta tiepend The ,ltberty iéijan committpee fat Ithe grau p that was saillingteit h- c !wtht rnl d largely open appealî tbrough the' nrday eveing afrer tbe victory huad Tuscanila anti he saw the ili-fatetiVs. il. /'*0 thePrOfe'ssor-are twofold. pres and a luttile pers na ] fli it - h p an utn ed, as eti a vote ai sel ink a ler mie w as struck w îth i - o ds o t , fo r h r ai t tlon thnkaaadeveybody prmsent joined a torpedo. <0.1 ~ o fl l i e b a s r e fu e d ta b u y 1 The- plan of bavIng suiscrhers caltiln ta .eIpre'-sing gratification ta tbhe On arriving ln Englanti, the aria. gu ad N'--'pel tath ai a central Office, to place tseir su!) women ) o bad so faithtuliy remain- tar went tbrougb a course of train. 1H p blc n.-,,ed th m pe-Itinswa oud ~ a'sra- - a edquarters durlng the (]rite o' Inoe0f the' latet tv 6 w l T . I Vn t b e f o r c e ti ta s u b a c r ib e . Pcrlptlons-w ueaunb] tayhénaaOm eteiitiae mi VIcie succese anti will be foiiawed Int writtag ouît the receipta and takin g in l5cout ahns She carried four J '~ ~'o h tdns rycrst in i 0 e .es of0f wthea aiinti amcops IIIu cage sîibseiltent loans are fouand nec- the' subsecriptions. Mrs. Burnett antimachine gun.4 two of which were ufupcisanacoseto essary Mr. Stalî'v especiaily were desePrvýing syncrouisedti ttre through the pro- '-.pio Ia eptetfle Deserve Mucit Credit. of e,3dit for t4ey were there practic-p e lier. 'The other two acre operated *-JePio hnhpteUie Maich credit Ia due the ment whoaia].% alt the timte. b% bandi. Tiese peed ut the machin, - -jca nilt!b'Wudrte corîuri d (.- an rivein aake555 sfo if14r mit5 a hor ani'0.' wln the war. gan antdthebran ivei n Wh' cfunt wuH t'1( iesa or n h Indignation among taculty au gai an sueis "in the wrk l iith*r>ii 'b-geaeCd-orr'or ta ias sLieut Litfor al tiue iig.i dents reaced a clirax Tb tnight wben HenrY Wilkes 'W loan, 4-ausiKl%ag akegan ta r-naît i, bas boid sInce the tiegî4nnirsg of iag on' the- Europ,-an biaie front. The__meigotseactyairq third Inth ie 'ati'. that be a-as uriil tii. aar'C"rman, were sweeping forwartitd_ lnîl~a aiie ta a-rc.';.tis elairman'tip aaina t'r T! ith n r'sailverdicto, at av-iiri._Jlie toiated with * esi" .. ' 'aarm corps. tise fouti lona lie bas gis-en isi ea hthega b isg ceteliration titeir si-ai ces.-- tbc. w-r. .tiî an4-in-- ', , -,"""'"~I ukrb ît UnîivItîei timi- ta thse lan siace tii- ieîlintue-ci, ast Sattîrdas' nizt. t"Iiltheî- a-iole lun.. The alIIeti avia-lA'~ Tirit, ant ilbasthe satisfac'tioa of bai- Waîîga l'ra -nt Wld withtî'or, a ir.' dîtaili dfor what <a known "" Â--iài~~0 nstin~ c e trini a Quaker by Int put W'aulegan ant i.,,k iecirh ntbsia.h ittr. gon stain"-.Wrighît. "Hfbas matie no etr ta ailaanti arlniagnd" salti Pre Over in fine shape iepIte maity0ne) The Litî'rtv Pife, and t)rum cortji'- a iili. meansftisai (h.' avcatorstmuet ('lconeeaishieap. thestvcanvictiust statesnîaciîd lig'l tise town tolisfylti9o,' ,îîra ieapoci"Of courge tieveloptuentg- Niii er,'dtt ta dii.' W. T. liard!.', treels, folIos, it hv a pros-is l)ot f 1 Threî , 'Fsp trint; offensive -. .-.--....imatie hig reteation as adviser ai chai rmaan f-r Wa ukrigan M r.i tarîi t" i -nt 1i sî a t! ira freim the G repa <11 i c-lon NIarccb'-'1standtih,'[oI structor of hygiene ta the hl aiseo gave ail hi,; attention io thei- Lake.,s aatiîîn and ,a large s îi.r ol i;îs.,tel;în' .î drn hfs. *corps Inatisisabipe but (ber.'viol boan andl t- entti ti ta hoiinellii' -nautomobîiles.Tise air a-as buriwtt h n law] ndin lise air. The alliid tise larger question as to whetb. credit Mi-'eT .1.Stah), "'ar»neni" aîring aks rockîrs and n d lin lito-, i .Jiilltrucîî-d i)to hinli gos'ernmenf favotreis reti AI'itîiîir. A. F Tif-aiibl'-and E L. 1Si-ri--int il îîîî-l I' l. Crtî- ofl roop traini-, munition stores antid---'C1'".?9j V- ie college. Clark,,. asi'-h nts lieîth.-ho atnîl fthe tiî, 11,dluF'iî-iltlery. ji-t re tira - lite.--, sî herpti tos. ormuni- T êemn tegvrmn revul-a î'h-ýin ,aise) Iildfi i<i-:it 'sort- i '1 froi utlîî- fittIcfront, wa' t h ioitin -, il tssral td1<ssaat-dethaeme itelherne Ail îlriîigh theii-i îîruuî ler.' ' -, t iwi-liai 5-îki r lit a rits hell it ,~5is, u het( landr. I f tin he-ase ta teif I -ar efficien.t townshi p itair e ih I le corner ifsii ianti Washng lit(,% i'i Cind ianî ti d' aon ssî ls hic i-at hhasdeb t eitn ind th caehie a-ar dtoiepar wlth a roi-r tfa-si-tant' ITt woutti(n S-rgt. -tcC(artne,v hro:igbt î.aîe a-sIfealîti og- ta t1: 'removed,i cop~~g o0f wiîr.ers forthe ltom e- boys a-iti file 149tis lie i Per- aitariîr. 'lisi-ailied a0 ators lea- iniin bmte nvriyo W o rk intuatria n i ry a iý t i nik th e li ing o . h u l ti a ise a b e fo rc e d tb ris ei sanaty cqîanî-d wtisLiet ti] squdri:isbutin ashot tme bev"f course Til1.9 elknown T W p d q o fk a c t o r ie s . V r e e 1 - I e, wsîî î i t h gbttt e rl htl nd a p i î h t h G e r m afla-Q u a k e r s o l ti p o s i t o n s l b e Tue fcati of iictrlesaIraare Iti lc a-s mot hirer a hi refr-'era taIif iiei'soped into a regular rietsric ui iie titieti to mach cridit for thelir work. '-nce ta thse lun., and urged tise pur - dog flgt" as Mr. La Rose put if.prmusevc c ibr Thousajîde of emplayes vere absent i ha-î f L.fIÀIierî-ttîiBnds. l Lieut ILaRose iaw a Gerimanalina-taofPf.Ale rmnn l e Tt L b.' î' P i c ul- t ta ri po u a c "D o n t gle tit i O u o ts h a e d t a te r t in t b i g u n a i I l h t a n ti a s e c o n d t e m b e in g F o o d A tit u, H o o v e r t e nza an eti i w a i fct th e a clio po in c, i e t i0 " D ur o - h v e Ceet a l lo etelie l.i a stin g in g m artIn g en. A . M itch ell P a lm er, alle n p ro ] thm esîetii ac ie ets !to a f tp o iss -o' int uthe tbgh. 'He hati een ' ustodian" te concernei; erservereti anti havi J s3top until ibis' get ta Brlin" struck wtth an eenmy huliet.J Opposition Takeg Form. the satisfaction of havtng sn n He sait! that bch.'ati yet to ind il ----b-- aotlre ooeOpsiInt Alesanlvi lar~~io wi-rî n'tos (naho hatian','good ta hlm, and lit .aRu' llib -s ise-Ide taok tiefinile trim riday m lusîî, hying In Waultegan badl th, brought cheers wiîen he toit!iboa' an aIe. A companlon aviatar sawa bislite atidresseti stutient army boy efleetof brlnltlng In thaumanis of dl Iriisman hati intormet i hm that lie predicamFnt anti came quickby ta the lte fabbawing anguage: bairs that a-oaltinet bave corne iwaas tSa harsis on tise Cermnion, say- <eceue. He c)MPellet the German "Betore this coursé staals under ortiunary circumstances. flun- ingliteisati round one (bat Itat mrne I pianps ta open a Way for lise wa-nnti-t xpa ypsiin dreds a-ho aiready liait subscribeti gootdinla bm. Ie wenl on ta explain ed avistor la gelt tiraugh, Witb aamacnietusoetôa visaI Ihey thoughtb ihey couiti aford tisat hi, hati sein the sa-oap townsard. Lieut. La Rose a iracifist anti voultiInstller etrainei a point andti ok out more mai-e rame gooti American steel tram came tin- lgetspe. h a prison titan talke a part bonde, becoming pns subscrtbers. one of (hem, in..aa hgeathei.'icIis a-ar, (cie moite that envelapedtihie bat- H eer Anaiysis of Report. B. A Munson ianti S. A. ltatisot'ie. tllelti mate ie tImpossible for hii ___________________- isgee IasintentIta ie yo Tise tact thaf Waukegan, Laite Par-tour minute speakers, Postmaster D_ t tela-iicb a-as aibieti territory, s0a ti-- ent liere s, inl me, tu order tl est anti Higlianti Park ahl osersit- A . ratiy antIlH. C. Bitrnelt. csalrmau he hadta ta la'e chances anti landiBaoy-DA y :crihedti ieir quotas ln magnificent o! thé, ban drive ln Lakte counly, ail a-here bandy, Itfa-as just about tusik iM la IÇaî i " Drovaineâs anti Photophoitîa arecenot- ahen the limie coames yous' kmo tyie a-as wvitlcaried thte county dîlili-ýreti stirring faIts andti îî tise approachinig nigIt te "60VDFKWVL'A aJ IJON INFrLUJENZA Hm MOn. eg a i h en fp over Il@ quota ýfor there were sosue Thes ui'gedth ie purchase f oroe bantiîng a-as matie more tilficuit. He rTe fever usnally isas from three -venting undue sstffering and ce ommunitie whlch fiaiedta 0euIt- bonde. htigbt ai firatbie a-as on GermIan f> 1 fAC> * t Ae tays: but relapses are net un- serving birman lite." "Who'Il buy anoîber bofd-hold Up îerritory eledsoneioe fASA II tI' ITE v you bnds" r. unon rgd.Bey g bedimoute on o O T 30 AS B OSJI CEN ME vRY; common santicomnplcations, partucu- lMonday Pm. Wright appéarod the achie gus an stod riarwy pulronary, are t1lise fearet forethe studeut body mand émit erlbnswn ie o natc.A fea- moments laler T O D B N S O C T U K~ The deatis rate la unuaijy given as Alees staternenta, deciaring tha 'Hov many ere have'.bnds," a. e became unconacous! O R À O D O C bKS ÀI xrml o-; bti pelt err- fsevbo QaerwS lthe next question? l semed as If He itat droppeti on aliedti erritory fids of an Outbreak an Increaseti science forbida bhis Iaking par la everyone lunlte audience raised their goitee a-asa-eh taiten coure of. He flamber of deaths, presurnaily duetaWdedygr uensà» À Ifants, Infltanzan b a bospdose anti Iisettionfi id '7 Iflfen- e U a anti lan teUnited States. Be. PUISIENI poliIely. If te exctemeut turing te early WuWhichse. aer le asshp Iterie hiaoundCoksout part of the evening a-as great tl e be s a nlutefee hiag0atiask wtein trisO.tyin giedbreflitils anti »neumnoula . i-Def5fideMia Stand. demnstaton hâtocurrd hat If ve hoogh ant iIl as a-hile on viii bave lte most suecaculai- voot Seurnng 30 s Cury, n _t atono temseleba n d car- "I<am . blous anda le was announced atiotheofotiteadmBriishesoli tantilcaret wtlarnnatper urspe a0 Y arsong geste ove reseibse metadvtih. another roatdemonstration ln their ibidi- .- eaknets Yfowthdis.- oR biecton." Allai eatagi. voudemoerrem bieti mthnse . nytiat vas tair more serions on Oct. 30, six tisys bhorie the O44. oglnonmukrnnetr Patroimbot on.than leirst. He liat about recov0,00 odIsegost oea Washington, D. C.. Oct. 17-Span. IM M1144 IM ÈI muet obey the dictaite of m i eretitram litis vounti sud vas taking 0, od su ostaavt tlis Influenza, public bealis service KAUIIFI 4aU4science.1 y at O F Practice fiight before returing le the Nvm ei ectIo. aliyscentlaîs belleve, hla verY similar ta STÀJhave HE D CRUSIIED O F France a-henlise met wt aflying ac- Arrangements for lte event, vhicb th: epidemic of grippe vitici sveut' FORand d1oa-.v.r. eacbimetnr.a Hehati one eg iroiten, his un a as Illinois Gooti Reada day, vere 188.9 anti 1890.a-bncmpinIhv suei À M C o inise ant l e laru In v er. bon adatthitelL le nCf tcheRd Cross fund for the AiNEAc u tN ipilaf ant ift aas tieceti dthat lhe vas (tago Wednezday, recteti la Europe antiaaiter seeping --À builPLEA of risil btmei iNi uabet û cieduyayfute ov odn ilb tecnra h ar toi-n couritries, nov bas &p- es nov aggregate $100 a yeai. uable foto atie dtyanya fuhinier o odnah b iecnrlpearet inthlIe Unitedi States, bas aCity Has Purohasd -arly cuing Aliee's attitude te» onat the fonths' lt b s entboneigure of the tiay'a prograrnm. At 1 A, very ancient itilory, taitlng It bacithaed ie was atuet e.le ChcgKudh The aviator arrivet I n Zion<Ciy M. ho a-tii speait ln Evanston ae~t tte day et Hîppociresanti Uvîus, T titi CfltSQutaud rnb rf ensrcaleti aU 'Il M o o m a .0. S it , N rt n T urstay nigt, but wa- a o00mucb atherin v of eegatons fr0 m 1 oe th be 00 means ottrea Chme t0n. to the Present Tim e monti ln viicis the latter ointed more iban 400easoftretCht r Ieewreol w lus fD ChcgKted Saturday overtaxedti lrough bis long jonrney counny andi nnrttîern illino.9 venerl fluenza cases vere communlat a a the present tlrne-tbose a-ho at Highwood andti iraugb a rougIt voyage aci-os, îy. 'rben an automobie parade the country a fea- day. aga by Sur. QUOTA IS.15 $400,000.00 for America anti those vbo taday, Titis mornlng hi ese eadeti by the govennor vil! proeed genn'enerui'lBue througi tise Ao- against ber. A l akngHEDIN SE THR RANhave 1Improve.j consierable, anti ex- forth tb Gbencoe, a-est ta Wheeling, 0iatei Prea"!. Nea Gen. Blue bas ila- Intensive Campaign ta be Con- i@I aalary as a coleve professon All akig HEDIDT SE OT ER tAIN cepting for teimp lbe 1ook&fnone and bacit over Milwaukee avne about te(I ng a ad.'smtig ducted to Carry City Over structor ta tbe stndentse army Ir Cares theith Recfor hiWasxphonte. roand ta tbe Hoîc la Salie. . "Il seems probable Ibat ln 1918, as teTpinDieIng corps lie vas paît an atdtit CaesSmthRcetl W sChriebTere ai unclîson tteAsen. 0f In lE 191the,' esi-leat appearance theTopinDive$500. Wlien CALUMET from Run Between Here - ~'C1SFR Cmeceah neti iegaver. aaswu neistera urape," Il says., "By Theodore Ilecb, vice citair-nan o! tommubleswtakenUicag t-i a-sri o n , are ccrting onth th Wr S111idivIl'uke I - commies ini, z1l bakin and Evanston LAIUJ C E F Rnoir, 100 reprcseîîînbîves of organtzetiwesernnt I pincodngta today made. an urgent appealor troules ,keEuiT labor in Chicago. andilmany of tbe reportsIIla rrcent of lte 1p,01>11187- vryresut. ut ut WauOteg8n b r.. eave. You go right C. O. Smith Of Norths Chicago, a iiIUS 114 a-amen a-ho have bfs'n a-orking for lan-n - rahtirl-et in la y. Tise dcem lit-i pt'dre for War RIUIinII ahead and ix up bak- molorman on the NarhSoeEe.1 R9einrsar Savlngs RATE LOs liimeiatly i î'gaueta7m isfor biscuita- tric, met sa tragie deatb Saturdtay eve Ee odisuthihthYcant H a cle e~-sayth,~vib<~ far ning aI i Ugbaood aI about 8:30L IUU NJG vote on It, ! In-s litnanti Mrs I Europe, ls i e savlîy on rain: s meeting for tonir o r th0flie W ait E T R T O of uniee'tainty. Calumet iaes oo'citwhen, ln toopin: ioa-n ta Richard J. OgîcsbY, witioa of the for- aid, helin c o- of the fli'sI atllil dw'aarti and plsans lte Institute an The ticatirate cause t Irouvi t yoît Jardet lailure. cxamine a couffling on hie train, b.' rtPtvOne Wo n ismrgvrer illezet fhn- - idil Trkn.o pi 3ltnit rieimdaey pns Ifunaelei a e taiied t oeanotisr talapproacit <i" eî ilcrWo nibsme oenr -i legea tba! 'ti'u iekngo pi et-es'-dieimdaeî pnssluiesa1iimchs i C A UPi~ T mga-a Iultti io-n ntihn 1t. 2 Incîartii' tfram te Great Lakes or.e oiti s'ave tîcen attacitet ln tise'; Nr Tfliepints out fihat aithovh ai-r-y siait taEton Clty ln camps vAU Miseele a ufet! oer handisead. he Lnipitai unit have savet te daylisbre lu tise .atteris, e--'Iiere vb e preaf, stiet- The epîdu'unlc or Aneuiiaquota up la December son to othprer ilal the lte n 13hiICING POWDER He a'as ritriedta te Port *.L si'sti f1cuiriost tuinat Cap!, "Marre n1ie - u -iiih l emn n.ti ii.aari 4000(a h ui" Fume.lsisiseib dnnpost ~ ~ ~ ~ C - fla no orene-eogss~gsli m b!-i"sîinoor parade i ,-llIn, visere jure anntis is'it Ifbas appearpe! in hotal sale', ii-ne op te the pre entîuitii -artinnlait Zon City, li b Chi- S(lci oy. Lowien w:adtireslie a meeting practhî-a-eilc,< fFirrn ini-ltiît$600brî aa-ibanrutu iIOtbr2 bessiithent. . I -sol-ln. asbfr ia ago StateIliospital for the Insanep elibr a is! iit-nosti.tntabinEn'isi ' . tuti'mc reat titihni t ls--netirtiamua.ndii'elauiee 1 dans ntptL ecîs 5ý lan becsei-~~ t i tirs t 11: atcs nletir am bis i-u icterkona ie"unn .teeenr.s-n niecr iil t- ~i ntiJuiy."T're n'taorans -h a--ce.naing ie ea ath Aim.i ii, vice tha t iserea epres1bta'envanonantWat.Imn is Vei s .si'saod" cs-iyst s ca "Otb- < <-u-eaes -thetîi prcias aarsavng etisnu p,.-sr sis t iakni ath iegnanihabltn ea r.Te lSmibnth ptif cnuc h- uu îhia aene10tams-u - inaoffteratilin ii-r ;udtda' t ts ved FACTI Phi~ b to det dt . tedI Br atfq md stu., yort ~ nd 5 ier tu», r. tÏs ml. mi eue or l the ,a lm a em au I. S:. h I. I I I i. I. to ril tiP a tio fl l the ru lo. g rati y in g re u t . " - U h