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Libertyville Independent, 31 Oct 1918, p. 2

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W&e .De PROCTOR .NSU RA NC E Pire,. le. Accident sud HeetIlPlat. G la. A tqnaobiie ,a&d Workang- san'Compensation. Sms Him Before Placig Your nsrac Ph... 154R :-: Lahutyville.IM.> Ofer.Decker's Ding Store WELL DRILLING kl vU Psy y. tg write tonus. AUSIIIRMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY- e,. Ph.. 17>-w f. BAI RSTOW MANUFACTURCR 0F Meuble'and Granite Monument s Cmetery Work of Ever, Description Correspondence 5olctc, 16Genesee st mL 1,'L TAYLOR - no inFret Naiommiair D.Belila ustu-1 ta :80ad 7to 8 P. . hiiemS eon Broadway. opposite Part UAbortrvumA, "ieani. DL G01DING 11101» 8to12 am.-l to5 P. M. Over Vit Natioai>l Bank 0"i Phone 19-J. e. Phono 157.. Librtyilie. Illinois DL E H. SMITUI DENTIST. YUILéS 007W? NAIO A" 0. Usum-8 te a .. n»d 1 toa p. a. DAIL!. LibertyvUe. Illinos CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PHYSICIAII and SURGEON avUcselsiattention givento the dmoeussof t55e Eye Est, Nos%. Thiosi Eau ezsnined for Glanes Mre over Os Co. Tel. ian Libertyviale. DL . P. HUTMERLD. VETERINABY SURGEON, 4080TAXT TATEYDEiNEIM UAbortyville. ,ioa DR. A. 0. CAMPBELL VetennaryDetit Laid Uvery Stable Lbvrtyviifr, 111. Wsokse. aLake Forest. Antioch. Kenosha 9orns. Wsdsworth. Russel and other "c djacent towns ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-u.Lawv 0". at Houe, Coot A. Phono 168-J *~l 1..n,.. . RED CROSS. ilVES NEW RULES FOR (iIFIS TO TROOUS Christmnas Parcel Labels lssued to Fighters to Meot Shipping Space'LUmitations NOV. 20 LASTDAY FOR MAILING Two Pounds 1.5 Ouices-is Weight Limit; Khalci Handkerchiets to Be Wrappers la au effort tauaieet the. eager tietires of the familles of men ln servie abroad, the. 'Far Department bas declded that eacb mnumay recelve front his iamily ai Chritmao package oi standard aise, aud approxiaaately standard artie.. Regulaticans Are laaued. Ta this end, mn arrangement lbas been câmpieted betwe.n tue War Deparlnaeut, Pu@toffice Deparmeat aud thie Aniertcan Red Croie wherebi the latter bas under- taken tu co-opeat,- tu the preparatian aud maialing of these Christmas parcele. Tiiese reguianiane viii be abeeried: I-To lueure avoidance ai dupication 'aud of erroneousaddreeesari au bhan- tlee under Gea. Pershinsg are iseuiag a Chrituas parcel label to each man. Tis measure le rquiredti. ha-cippng epac" limiitations. The Red tCrosmcannot r"eae spackage witbauta coupona tram the soldier tu, whou the' package us addre.aed. 2-The men viii b. Instructedt tamail tuls label ta home relatives or finonds, vho upon receiiing It viii premut it ta the. nearet B.d Croie beadiqnartere or poetotiice. Tiiey l mecure on. carton 3 Inches by 4 nlches h9 tlche. laisil.. 3-The permon reeeîing a carton may ti it ilitii an>'combluatioai ot articles vhicii vil Il l n Il, ant i vlh are nol barred hi tii. Postalfice Depariuenl. 4-Tii. pereon eending the parcel @hall then, ln tise presence of the Red Cross repre@entative affiz staupe eufficonitaW carry tiie parcel ta Hoboken, N. J. Thé potage chargesq for Cri.cma' piekameýs @hhitb. ab the.rate ai iaurtii cia.. or parcel poît zone rats. li-Pareols read, for mailing shall remaila l te custody of the B.d Cross untîl delivereti b> ts repreeentatlves ta the poetofficte uthoritiee. 6-No Chrstma parceis can b ustiled later than Naveuber 20, 118. 7-The contents ai parceis muet b. firml>' pachoti, but there shaulti b. no bulge la the container. 8-Woigb he ii.tied carton unwrappea. It muet not weigh mare than tvo pzauntis ifteea ounces. The follawing le a lât of principal clamees of articles vhich are uumailable, viiether sent sealed or unsoaloti: Al epirtuons, vinaus, maitsd, fermeat- eti or other Intoxicating liquar. Poison Aise Barred. Ail liade o! poison and ail articles anti campostione conlainlag poison. Explosive@ ai &il kindo. Inflammable materlale, inludlng fric- tion matche. Infernal machines or anchanicai, cheuIcal or other devices or composition whIichmai igntsorexpiotie. Ijader this classification seouid camne cigarette ightere, etc. LIquide or liqueiable articles, traglsé articles anti ather admissible matber viien not packed la accordaneo vutb tho requireusats of th. . postai lave anti regulattiohe. ** TVILL, ILLINIS 5 Ail obher articles whlch May kIfl. or lu aai sise hure, hartn or Injure another LYELL HL MORRI or damiage or delace or otherwioo injure A??OEEY-À?-LAW the. malie or other property, Lbertyville - Iinois Soft Candy Tabou 14« c. &ug Noting ohonid go ln a Christmnas *Ue. lboas i1". oSe Phonelai Paroel whbich yll ot keep treh rou tii. tiane of packing untàl Chriatanas. PAUL MAC GUFfIN. Drted Imitaeand other food producta A1VOUE! A LAW. sbonld b. packed lai mml Un or wooden làbuyvth, llioisboseone.quarter ta onehall pound Puo.u83Hwrd candy, Iaciudiig chocolt., would proba be b.sale ln Utn fou or MAIM 4C. DaCJCER eavy cardboard, but no soit choclats. 4??GIUET.AT-LAW 501 iiytbiug tist conte powlhy b. 807 Wahington Stret crushe.j shoud ho ueed. a ti4e bsaaing WAUEGA, . ILLINOIS contente of tii. Packale Might b.e potild Es.. Phone î848.n thereby. ___________________________ everal dainties packed ln oblong tUn boxes.holding esch a quarter of a pound .wili provIde a btter varotylor a pacliet ________________________than lager qnatiby ofib&sAnge aont.c- tion. No liquide nor artàcle. packod tu giase shoald b. piaced la tho package. Wrap in Khaki For wrappi.mg the. ittauneo a khaki. colored handiterchioi, twontî.aeov tF FMuinCO.U&tichs.square. Gala«. Bulhia1WREN A CARTON 18 FILLED il should b. takeo u athe.pie. whoeeIt w m procnred. L J .Red Cross ropreenatiîen wiIlinueci ORSthe. pwrpel aad will exciudo any artlclea barrsd hy Postoffico Dq*tcntn troin "tY N. SMITH Christmas paroües. Ramovo any note 1oewU.DL. or messages, wrap, tie and woigh the ____parcel; plac on the pacl the "Chistmas .7.J. afoy.wei knwnparcel label" recsivod troun abroai, beam ne , It ollegeprotessor SU ntgname sud addres of recipient. » q condition t us homo THE PEbSON SENDING THE PAR. up al educational work for Croie reproentative sOt etaMpe at the Irst. He le the atthor of rats o! ro 8 ta 2 cents for eschvoalnd J: ay#,@ Istot biatey and basr M.e of the proninent le4acators or raction thereot. (Parcel post rats to fnl ww oryar. oboden, N. J.) LBrYVlIL DEPNEW. TuRSDÂY, OCT. 31, 1918 Au "eletrie ktehen" contalulng lie most modern sud up-to-date elec. Irical culnary aplisuces viii bc lthe leattîre of thse remodeledNavy Relief Cafeteria a Great baises. Tii. Navy itelief building ilarspudly neariug coupletio nanti yUl ho raady for oc- cupancy tisé irt part of November. Blte oficials aré cant»>nag Jadg- es anti cierlis o!flcin ~'nthe calmlng election, they muet band out to votera the speclal ballots.»on ver- loue questions, they muât write tber names on the bac'<s o! tiu, the. muet keep track o! them later-lu short. If the. voter doffl not tee fit t( deposit the little ballots, tien th-a Jutiges muât have It isaudeti bacis to thein for record. Thelr dut! itâta lceep care! ti cieck en .iery ballot. the sinali ones Î. vehi as the officiaI candidates' ballot. 1 The Indep@entna cirouistipil con- 8184st fREAER-.t f ooftes. tante. , 7 TUEHE D CBOSEEPREIIENIAT1VE Who iuspect thse parme iWin tisen sffix thse psrtiel the -'Red Croile inepectlon label." properi, ulgaed. PARIWELS BEADY FOR MAILING- Mhah romnialu itiie ustodi of the. RED CROS util delivered fil Ite reprecnuta. tii.. to the postoffli a athoritits. NO CHRISTIIAS PARtiEL connlb amepted by the. poitoffice without tise "Christmu .parcel label" tram ovies..a NO DUPLICATE ceahb. isoaed leae "'Christuas pacoel label" le bit. WAS ONE 0F THE13 44BN GUNS" eIN UNE, NOW IELD AS SPY Edward W. Otto of Highland Park Rode Along Side Brit- ton 1. Budd in, Summer PEOPLE "1FETED"1 HUN AGT. Suspect Found'to'Have Many German- Letters; Formerly in the "'Hussars" Highland Park peuple just aow are hemoaniiîg the tact and recaliag the tact that when thèy hati their sons-lu- serv ice parade about a month ago. bonoring the parents of boys who are in the service. tisat On. of the consicuous flgtii.es. in fart, one o! the' nen wiio lsd the' parade, wa. Edward W. Otto, now suspected wîth heing a German spy and held ln a Chicago jail peadiag furthar deveiop- ment fromn Washington which vihI sent i hm to an Interniment camp. Just a case visere tise spy "got away withut" and viser. he vilas r.- ceived la the open-isearted commuai- ty ta a vay tisat enaiiled bim to tale part In theige doinge. It vas vhen the big parade vas arranged with Otto, bacause lie va. head of the riti. ing academy, vas given tise honor o! iriding ahongeide cf Britten 1. fludd. bpreaident of the North Shore rail- road, un the. big parade In which everyhody tu lava took Part. Theare with aIl the pomp anti dignity possi- ble, Ottos Wbo nov la charget iwl being a German spy and charged vith hocating ia Highland ParkIs n order that lie coulti acquire Information ,î1,,u l'ort Sheridan, rode along tise street and smiled and bowl to peo- pie right anti heft as though lie vas 1deephy concerned lInvisat they ver. tioing for their boys viso are tIlhn the. Huns. Nov the general iseluet le since lieisas bean arreeteti that lie vas baking invardiy over.vhat vas 1betng don. The geenral feeling about High- lanti Parlinov is that lb. vil] lbe sent to an Interument camp In Georgia as soon as tise presidential «warrant ar- rives la Chicago antila given 10 the captain of the precinet station where hae la baing beld. Registraion Card Wrong. It furtiser devalops that Otto's ar- rest tocS place sou. time, ago, ratier tisan on Wednesday. H. vas arrest- ei, fil ls stateti, siiortly aiter reistr tdon day for the. man in tise nev draft. It isappeneti thiat on. of hie employees hati gone to the registration bolt anti remained tiser. toc long. Otto vent over to cee viiere ise was anti it happeneti that A. E. Smith, one o! the jutiges. asked hlm, Otto, If h. hati -a registration card. Otto sait! h. had anti protiuced- it. shoving tisat ise iad registered In Chicago. lie vas asked how hie happenet int hava a Chicago card and expîatied that la. iateaded living Ia Chicago la- side of Ovo months. The Highland Park board sait ie h.iad no rigist to have a Chsicago card and accordingly tookl t avay from hlm. Thoen tbey atuspected something vas wrong and began asking questions. They.sIe- e d hlm If lhe vas a citizen of this dcountry ant ihe calti ise as. that lho got hie tiret papera ina 1007 In New. Yorki ant isi second In 1910 In Cleve- landi. By saying that ise slipped s cog because second papers cannai be secured iIn lees than tive years eal tise tiret papers. He vas askedti t show.hie papers andtieh. xplained lhe 1051 tiiem ltua abig tire la Cleveland and when pinned down tb tell vhs! tise blg tire va. h.e admittet It -va. moerla tire las a ro n itiip hotel lviser.ise vas etopping. Data foufit about bis person show- id tisaI hlis at! iieloaged tu thé 113th dMouated bagoon un Germsny lu 199 anid 36 lettoneromlGenmany ver, etount I n bis offects, tise lut oaa hav- *r lng belon vitrttes hast ,ulY. ,Highland Park autisoritis eel con- le dent tisey bave srrestedl a rosaliIMm lportant fellov lI tIleis an Otto and g probabiy thse end of If te ual yet ua d lt The goierameut, no doubt, yull endeavor ta trace tnrther hie ai- Sleged spylng ou Fort Sheridan. FRE RMi3S IN1 NEWI POWI3R*IOUSU AT Tu TAOUR Standing In Two Feet of Wat-' Or Ffremen Fought Rlames in Baïemfent Fe Hours OCCURS IN NEW WDIINý Co nfined to Basement of Im- mense Building by Fact Floor Is Cernent Waukegan, Oct. 21. For nearly ive heurs this morning Oire raged In thé, bacament o! the new powerhouse luilding ai the $3.- 000,000 Grieac-Pfieger tannery In Watkegan. Tii. tact that the floor wa% of concret. prevented the flaines frrnm heing cominunleated to ather large .tuildings at tbe plant. The. origin e fthe blaze le fnot nown pas. ltIveh]y. One thaory 1l9 uhat ut may bave:&Arted from an elcctric motor. The Are was confined chielly to th e massive wood supports useti ne the forme for the concrete walls and floor. A watchuan at the tanrery le .afÀi 10 have detecteti the odor ot .aïolis about an hour before ha actuilly ln. cateti the ire. Tii. cal was roctlv.,d by the Waukegan ire department at 2:45 A. M. It vas 7:45 a. m. before they returned to thse station. The tire was one of tht' most tubborn andi most d Ifficult te fight the. local do- partaient lbas had In a long time. The' tact that the tire vas confineti ini the basemant . whieih has a con- crete floor, concret. vails and a cen- crete covering with but two or three smali openIngs caused the smoke andt ire to be confined in a liulted area. Standing in two feet o! vator. In smoke so dense tisat It vas Im- possible ta ditinguish forme at flve feet. tise members of the. Waukegan department fought valiantly. Sanoke heimets could net be used because of the deptb ot water and It was nec- easary for the. men te seek relief In the bpen air frequentiy. Even then somne of theno vere nearly overcome. Tii. fact that the. tiames hati spread to eîery part of the biuilding wiich Is considerably over 100 feet long made it more diflicult to figist. Tise building In vhicb the ire brole ouitei on, of tiie four new buildings wbicb tise tannery peope haie In course cf construction as a $1,500.000 addition to tise plant. The. fact that the ire vas confined ta the base- ment. hurning away merehy the thon- sands o! teet of lumber used as con- crete forme, made tle lose a nominal on. wisereas Rt would have been mucli more serious but for the, concret. floor. The ,tannery people evd the water soaled tir men withcotseandi doughnute. FULTON QUITS TUIE BANK TO DE11VoTE 1~ I ai "Buy at Home and Support Your Local Dealer" Buying at hôme wiil promote thse civic spirit of the community. It will bridge the gap between reaident and dealer which heretofore haa been the one retarding element in local growth. When your local dealer can render. the convenience and delivcry service of larger shopping centers, he eliminates the need of going away from home to trade. With its "express service at less thars express rates," The North Shore Parcel Dispatch enables the local dealer to fil every need of his local customers promptly and conveniently. He can off er a wider stock on less cap- ital At the samne rime, he savez ime. money and worry. Buy at home whenever possible. If your dealer haan't what you want, he can get it for you quickly. I-e can 'phone to the city for the items and can request delivery by the North Shore Parcel Dis- patch. In this way, he eliminates a nerve-trying trip 19 îown, anid savez many valuable hours-sometirnes days. If your dealer orders early in the day, he is assured. of. "Delivery Within 24 Hours" Saipperi"de»lesnd jbbe'ua " *0iNB. teNS* qahue Pa"cemDipetu ce eysve a.For pesliria epply tg e ir.a rMtDiW&choffice of the NORTH SOE LUNE Chicago 137 seiOui i t Pimcs. C msrlU SIbertyvil7e Milwaukee USi nad CDybowai Pime. Grand 96S 17 ., --- - -. - iRI3AT LAXES (OBS' Washngton, . 1.,- .Oct. 26.-Sailors tram Great ases Naval ZTnaining Station coupoted, the crewî 4sandlin& the. 16-inch naval gune ano* bombard- Ing the Germans ln Lorraine. These gpas ere originally intend. ed for -the new battie cruisers, but j change ln the. design of the cruiser» left th. pans available for other u, and as there was in the navy no ian. mediate need for theman aloat Reani Admirai Ralph Rarle. recommended they b. placed on railway moiantinga for land service wltb thse armies ln France. Agsoeon as the manufacture of the' material was well under way the' tankt of auîemhhing and training por- xonnei for the expedition was begun. Rear Admirai Plunlcett was placod lan charge of the expedition. and iinder h1.c direction the force of offilcers and mcn nécessary wan hit u p. Thse of- ficrrs ere drawn both f rom the reg- sîlar navy and naval reserves, and the men for thie mont part werp iak. en from thse Great Lakes Naval Train- tie station, Chicago. The first party of oflicers§ andi men for tues expedtionary force arrive' ln Fiànc Jine 9: the tiret shipment ntf material ieft the United fitates on June 20. and the entîre organizatton iwas completed andi ready to moi. tn Lthe. hattie front ln France late In Au- gust The tirst battery wac ln action nt 1the front for the flrs;t time on Sept 16. andi bas continued ln active OpeP ation sdace that date. Real Estato Transfeort Oct. 23, 1918--Rose E. Sage and hushand to John DeBoer; lot 7, block 10, Wrights add th Lubertyville. Wl C. W. Pence and wife to P. B. Fredericisson; lot E of Jackson St. and N of Helanhaiz Ave Waukegaa. LWD $10. > C. W. Pence and wife to A. C. 1Campbiell; lot E of Jackson St. and 1N of Helinhoîz Ave Waukegan. WLJ W. B. Smith and wlfe to J. J. Morley; lot la village of East Fax Laîke. QQC $120. Eliza Walther to LOUIBa Walthea; eW part lots 3 anti 4 Cotes add Wau- 8kegin. QC $1. J. S. Oison and wife to Emniett %lide: lot 3 Powell euh on Browning tAvi Waukegan. WD $1450. sWhitewood euh on Long bale. Wr tn H. L. Bretsnyder; part lot 24 o W. B. Walrath and wife to Ehi abeth Clare and husband; lot 111 o Shaws Antioch euh. WD $200. " Oct. 22-G. A. Johnson and wtte $200. " A. P. Beaubien and wife Io The' dBiech; lot 7 blechc6 Steele and Doug TIUTO NEW GO. Extensive Plans Made for Pho- nograph Co. Cali for Retire- ment from People's Bank After many Years Service Waulagaa. Oct. 21. John R. Fulton, cashier, heavy stockholder anti organizer of the Peu- Iple'e Bank today announetd ishie iti- drawal fro nthe intitution bo be- comae business manager o! the. Fulton Aldea Co. in aanotincinig hic Withdrawaîlimr. Fulton gave as -hs reason the rapiti devehopment of tie'- Fulton-Alden coupany ln the manufacture of theîr nev phonograph. causlng hlm ta de- cide ta, devote bis entura tima to tbe maangeuent o! -the concrn. Mr. Fulton'il resognition as casbier of the bank Is effective Immediately anti ho nov bas assumed isuanev duttea as business manager o! tise talling ma- chine company. Mr. Fulton viii re- tain hisIe aterest lai the bon"e. Mdr. Fallon orgauizod li, Peopie's Bank Iin 1900. Prior ta thtat he had been connecteti vith the FIrst Na. tional BBank for 10 yeare. Tii. Fllon-Aldeai coenpany aný manufscturlng the talkiflg machine lnvented by the. lat. R. J. Smith. It le cimleti that Il posiesses principles slpeior ta othor malos o! machinai.' Thse present output la 20 machines Der day but tbis ea bo lacreAfod tei 100 as soon as thse Coman la . ro. pareti to do a larger visolosalo huat. Doe. Thse cabinets for the. Pallon ma- cbanov are belngamade lu Milvan.- ke,. The copceams rcêastly pianchameti a taiking machine motor fsctory at Penton Harbor, Micis.. and theomaa chiner yIs ta be shippoti immediately. Efforts are boing Made to ofbtaias a suitable site li Waukogaas, but fusa> mucis as the conceru ilîl requIre 10,- 000 square-feet of fgour space tht. bas been impossible up 10 1DOW. Unies. ltse proper building eau b. obtalaïg it vili b. uooeaary for thecoucrft to locate in MiIwake. but tlisi.la something vhich viii hopreiented If possible, for If voald prove ta he ont. orfthe Ctty's moost r:ic plants. lI addition ta makInr mc %* to-- , aiFlton machinq t voulti mal, "1w, for other types o! talking ua- Alriady an offer -bu bega .sv one of tise lamgent taikitis za' concerne la til part o! the tC', ta eupphy their reoq1ur6eents ln tors. That this ila tselt volt hea alarge ord.r ilaes frCOM ils. !at ltaIt ts concerai tairaisout belveen O" and 70tOit cOanteii machIlneg dâîîy. Anyone vho latove o! a sutllaa site for the plant vould. be doing tise city et large a favor by roferrtig the. malter to lie Pulton-A14el n PanY so that the plant voulti nôt h be lt for wauliegan. las eub Waukefaa. WI) Il. Wl. se; lamnaEBosch, fmm. l10. CJ. H. Wkting &Pd Wtt. te 0. V. Richard U. Harding, Shelbias.. Mo., Ganks, lot 42 and N 8 1-8 foot lot 41& 64; Jessi. E. CoI, Milw'aukee, 49. block 4, Winthrop Harbor. QCD 8660. Otto H. Monson, Camp Logan. Ill., W. L. Tambiansd vif, ta 0. V. 22; Henrietta Grady, Oconto. Win, Han", l ots 10 and 89, blocis 9 Wlnth- 19. rop Harbor. QC-146. -Huago Wettenaair, Milwaukee, 24; Oct 24-Couaty cork toiY. N. Tom. Leona Wiohnmanu,. sane, 18. liaison 58 lots lu North Chicago. 'raz Robent 1P. Williams, Caubria, Win., Dfedèa. l29; fRachel t. HilheY, BeaVer Dam. Pausl Schumaker n ad wt.toAna Win.,.la. . Bohuniakor; lot 28, Washington Park, BdIth M. Stel, Chiicago, 18; Har- Waukegan., WD Il. old Higgtna, Great Lakes, 21. Joseph Kacal, Waukegan, 25; Mel- to P. 8. lfern; tract of land north lie Tomkowicz, san,, 17. Blie of Ana Gleason (deceased) Frank K. Bioaan Kenosha, 26; andi adjacent Vijlage of HaIt Day. Laura Meler. eau..e 18. Deeds $2. Frank D. Bradley, Mukwonago, Win F.' S. Kerai and vite ta Allena Daw- 46: Hîldegard Baaeaniae. 19. son; tract of land north and adjacent' Albert M. Edwardoen. Great Lakes, village of HaIt Day.. Dfied $10535. 25; AIma Helden. Milwaukee, 20. Tony Sliboah. Great Lales, 21; ]KÂRRIÂGE LICIINSÉS. Helen Kusch, Milvauakee. 20. -Arthur A. Alto. Neeuh, Win., 28; TerFance A. Pergoil, Green Bay, Flossy Krake, Glreen Bay. Wl... 26. Wis., 26; Maud Bondy, Milwaukee, Win. J. Seltz. Jefferson, Wl... 44». 22. Martha Dickbof in.e,. 40. Cifford Johnson MenomInee. Mich.. Josephs Daroxso Great 1*10..2; 21; Margaret Longetaff. Racine; 18. Virginia Zri, Chicago. 23. r Walter J. ba'3lIr., Menomine., ,% lcb Rinier E. Fin'c, Milvauke., 21; Es. 22: Laiella Ludorf Miwaukee. 19, ther Ilushye, same. 19. "Paul Klozlowskli. Miwaukee, 21; Henry Mac Kuautz, Spokane, Ilattie Frymark. eaine. -18. WaFh., 22. Richar<flelnrilh Milwaukee, 21;: Helen Carry, San Antonio, Tex., Lynd4 Balzow, samne. 18. 18. Gao. Giabo, Mlwvaukee, 24: Mary Flonry Steinfatit. Broadview, %Mont., Haen. Kankanna, Wis., 27. 2; 3Franceg Wurm. M.ilwaukee, 23. n Norma A. MacRae, Chicago, 4?;: 1-4-P C. Penningtoa, Chicago, 39,- i Amanda b. Fraemmning. Milwaukee, Ethel Fish, sanie, 26. i2 2. Joseph Cohin, Chicago. 22; Sylvia n Wm. K. Pattereon, Great I*kee, 28:;fBernstein, samne, 19. nHelen Warren, Mount Vernon, Ill., Fred W. Nitler. Chiago, 33; iva 024. Denis. saie. 24. à- Arty Burns, Waodotoc'c, 33; Net- Frank Biesel. Beaver Dam, 37; lie 1Marr, Miiwaskee, 19. Clara Kopif, samne, 50. it Terry L. Durner, Evaneville, Win., Ernest Meinke, Kenosha. 28; Em- S21: Frances A. Gabriel, sanie, 22. .-ima Favey, .same. 41. Emmeline Keatuer. Racine, 27; Frank Wagner, Chbicago, r5; Johan- f'has. Jorgenson Great Laites. 22. na Nolte. !Milwvaukee, 42. Jemeis G. Callahan. G'reat baite. 21 Samuel Caputo, Mllwaulee, 30; An- Cecella E. Turek, Cicero. 22. nsalHoffmann sanie. 23. Albert L. Hawker. Wheaton, 41: Frank Veseiy, North Chicago, 29; Lillian Faulkner, Zumbrota, Minai.. Anna Dahlia. saine, 24. 24. Fran*< A. Selhneider, Milwaukee, 34; A Angelo 'Piccioio. Milwaukee, 28: Annabeile Kehreiu. saine, 24. ,k Narletta ToIts. sane, 18. :Ciarence Stearns, Camp Grant, 24; D Richard E. Wahbrath, Great balesi, AdIce llackbird, Fon du L.ac. Wl.. 21; FrIpda Scisutt. sine, 23. 21. John F. Jarckhel, Camp Logan, Il. Caré'nce--flailey.ý Great -L.*kee,' '1; 26; Jane C. Enrigbt. East St. Louis, FÀîth 'M. Nelson, Chicago, 19. il]., 25. Victor .1. Funar. 29. Raciel A. l3eîch- Harry L. Do.. tGreat Lakes, 21;: lva le. 20, bath of Mlwaukee. NI. Smith, Brie. Pa.. 22. Henry H. Albright, Zion City, 29, id T'red Ruggaber, Milwaukee, 43; Suqan B. FBennett, Zion City, 25. 'L' Mary Sammer, sinme. 29. 1 corge F. Groff. G'reat i.akes, 38, Richard Il. Makoben. Mlwaukee, fora Major. Topekas, Kans.1q *21; Runice M. Marzoif, saine, 21. Carl]1B. Huehner, Nlwihvlk(,P. 21. )xAlfredi V. Cole, Great Lakes. 24; Elsie Steininulier, mamne. 19. Margaret Herri'.Highland Park, L.awrence A. Walden, CrFat Laýes, r;21. 21, lb-actle A. McGoven, Kansas City, U. Win. A. 'Morton, Mion City, 22; Mo.. 19. 4 Lois Miller. sanie, 20. John FoItstad. Elcho. Wie . 41, Fior- tf Walter H. Baltes, Miîwaukee. 24: erre mose, l<emster, Wis.. 27. 'Fg Pauline Barrie, samie, l9. Win. Pf.-Iffer. Raclile, 25, Lydfa George Hlnden. Chicago, 30; Cora Draves, came. 20. 7D Hann, samie. 26. Gunther R. Lessing, Et Pa-o, Tiox.. of Arron F. flDIkson. Great Laites, 33; 1.1,htelene Nef!. Highbland Park. 21. lz Linmie A. Kine, Garden City, Mo,. Elmer i4mmerq. Ostburg, Wis., 21, 0f 19.,.Iennip RoerdInk, camne, 20. NoeiIB. Lester, Gre-at Lakes, 21; John W. Stîalr, Great Lake%, IF. te Edith Steee. (Chicago, 22. Vera E. Larson, Minneapolis, %Inn.. Chas. Wilîiamson, mlvwaule. 39; 27. . Etina M. Burdieli samie, 36. Alfred W. Paris. Racine, 13. lit. ig Neta R. flllonaîre. Watprford, Ilan Mayîaad. saine. 26. d It It m m kt lie r- ýd le A toý

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