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Libertyville Independent, 31 Oct 1918, p. 4

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pertyville Independen t comet indqpendet -waukegafl Weekly Suin Offico Téléphone Number 1. Libertyville Exchftnge. 4 st thé Postoffice at Libertyville. Ili., a@ Second Clas.Me lI atter OifIciaI Publicationfofa The Vilage of Lbert'vville. Mn"la Publicationt for Lakte County Sourd of superviaoOI5 Prooodllt* j$ Çvery Thnraday. Advertîiang Hte@ Moe.Known on Apl4icatioli. SOIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VYEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ................................................ ...... . ..... ................... Edtor .SMITI4.... ................................................................. Manager * 14. LOKIAROT .................................................... Local Manager IT HAS BEEN FORTY-EIGHT VEARS Slu Nov Hampshiro 1the question of a Oontitutional veution la submtted te the people overy seven yoars; loaeery ten yeara; Michigan every sixteen, years, iv Yrk, Ohio and Marylanid every tventy years. Il 'en orty-eght years since the. question bas been sub- t Ztt111te people of Illinois. "Evory generatipu should pemlted 10 accommodale o lathe circunulances, lu sors." llinois, Ibird stale lin1te U nion, should , ]me a constitution ltatis1 a model fer other slalom. On t11e ffth of November, next, lte volera of Illinois Shave an opportutilty the lik. of viticit they may not e'*v again for decades-an opportunity to say whether ' ut there shail be a convention; an opportunity 10 make iemstae roady for th1e adoption of a Constitution aI thé sof th1e vorld-var by baviug 1the macbinery created tad the. convention organized, giving lb Illnois 1the poslf Sof a planeer in mouldiug lu constitulioflal expression, d and safe policies lu harmony vith th1e nev order of t,ïand conforing to the urgent demands of progreas, 1Conttutions are nmde by th1e people. A favorable *eon the. Constulional Convention proposition, la-bo igmob ed at the election Nov. 5, m eans ltaI1the nex leg- v1tr ill cal an eecion for one hundred and tvo é«agates, Ivo from çach of te fifly-one Senalorial Dis- *icts. These delègates vill it lu convention and alter, &eud or revie the constitution and thon subiti their leoclusions la 1the people and the people vii vote 10 ac- -mtor rejecllthem. The people rUle inthe iflalflof dhstititons under our form of governint Thomas Jefferson once ezpressed an opinion that nÔ' uastltion oughl 10, go longer than tventy yearu ih Seut an opportunlty being given th1e citizens to, anind it. ElMios bas amended ils constitution Ivice sluco 1890, and feur proposed ameindments advocated, vis, lu 1892, 1894, 1M and 1916 have been defeated. Once lu forty-eight 1 Jian s not 100 often for people ta lturn their attention to a consideration of the. fundamental principles of thon, Sgovernment. Democracy should nol misîrust ilsoîf. vote for th1e Couslituliona.l convention proposition,, November 5.i Lfl3E1~ ~NDE~T TRtTRSD&1 OCT. 81, 1918 __________________ RECIPROCITY Doesn't ft make you feel a li111e peeved to ueo Pros-1 ient Wilson, ater you and I and al the other loyal re-1 publicaus bave gone out of our way ta help 1the var causé MdA belp lte administratin in ils efforts, corne ouI and 1.11 Ig. people of Ibis couutry ltaI lb. only vay 111* adminis- tpaton'-cati succeed is 10 elect dernocrats to congresand amtel Thtis afler ail ve've doue 10 help vin the var. 4i4 the republican memberu in Congresa bave been more ~lte behind the presideut titan nany et thé- democralic leaders. It's li111e reciprocity, it's litle appreciatlon on -the part of the chiot executive. Il vonl tend 10 cernent -ntfotism any, Il vont te nd to make feeling any kindlor ii Washngtbn vhere ltero lu so mucit noed for harniony. .feroas, had the president nol butted lp on te political p(% (vhen ho could bave remalued off juil as easy as not,> t.M3Is vould bave, gone abead lu the sanie coperalve mannor Ibal they have to date. Prosident Wilson surely Ibo «spilodedb.boa nslu the harmouy kette. Mir. Wilson has lusulted every republican in ttis country vho bas backed the administration; ho bas placed jm eaivth one fll-svoop, lu a band of "iukers," ho IMPugned their patiolisa, h. has clenied lteir hon.. j~adt -rusl less. Ho bas eras.d bis tormerly or appreciation of vbaî lite ropublianibave doue ulamt lu Ibe var program. In other vords, ho bas dk$W wfllngu, juil 10 aid democratic politolsà% tb zstad1ate the mu vho have helpod out bis w program and made bis succes as a diplomat possible - l:POLMOTiG q-coNvEIIII)Bir. mR WLS Presidut Wlon sbovs bis "1appreciatioin" of the M»»Ort gIVeU hlm luCongres. by Ülb. ePUbicU n-u .&ItWmen and senators by comlug out and boldly demand Mg tb. democratrepresentatlves and senatars b. returu. ad to congres.il order to help bim carry ont bls polley, Lfe -%a to bmention lte tact tha th. republicang are thd omes via have stood by hlm f&irlng Ibi crisis and lventy- <rtwv ut-four democrallc ceugrosimen have opposec. ïnInpractically evory important measure he bas pro. #mi&ftdRe seems 10 bave forgotton ail those Ibinga rigit Mw lu bdeinsistent demand tbal nolblng but democratic von ho retumed ta (iougress. . Wethe crissvwu herevwhen actionwà needed a Wasldngtom, Il vas lb. Republicans vho stood back of ~preudeutnol ithe DeMiocratas. It's little appreciation -66 4b.chotoxcutive shows for the Republicanauilst- a] a] ti fi a 'i r a a I i a I I c I I I Lake county votera certainly s hould b. a unit on th1e stale road bond issue for sixty ilhlion dollars. The fact is Lake county wMI gel a refund of hait a million dollarl whichit 1 nov being used to construct some other bard 'oads. This i sufficient groundi for everybody 10 join and boost 11118 good road movemûent. The carrying of 1the stale bond issue ieans thal 1the bard road betmon Wau- kegan and Fox Lake vo )b. coenpleted al1the sooner; it neans that lvonty a1ltonal miles of bard road can b. secured for Lako couinly if Ibis bond issue passes st 1the November eloction. Thus lte question la: do Lake counly people vaut 10 support 1h18 bond issue if il isult going le cost thom a cent to have il carried? The improvement* aii are paid for ail out of automobile licenses. Not a cent tax is added 101the property of inois as lte resuit of t]4-e proposed bond issue. Everybody ougit be for il. Isn'l il a shame4hal that man Freund of McHenry, just vheu the mon afflictod vitb Gorman namnes or Ger-, man blrlbrights in titis district have made il plain to their nighbors thal they are Amorians Oral, goos and tries to sflr titings up on "1nationallty"l Unes? As several Ger- mana already havé uald: "Here ve juil gel people la be- lieve ltaI were dôlug anl vo can to vin 111e var despile our names and despite our birlhs lu some cases, and nov Germanism in brougbl out as an issue by Ibis man frorn kcHenry counîy vho vasn'l even a primary uomiuee at ali but who nov lujecls. somelhing . luto . the . campaign which vo all have lried hard 10 keep out! " uIn any cases the. men have Ibrovu dovu 1the bler of appeal and starnp- ed their feet upon il lu anger to lhlnk ltaI such a course should be folQoved just aI Ibis lime. Afler 1the kaiser bas murdered thousands and thou- sanda of innocents, atter vomen have beenin allreated in th1e conquered countries, 111e Gernian Reichstag itas shorn t'le emperor of is oerfor t1e present. They have ai- ioved hlm 10 go on lu bis endeavor 10 conquer the. vorld aud neyer said a word to hall him-uulil nov, vhen tbey realize they're vhipped 10 a, finish, î11ey lake sufficient power frorn hlm (or say thoy do) 10 enable the o a10ski for peace termas. LeI'u nol discuss "terma" auy longer- unconditional surrender on 111e battlefield, a deal settled by 111e field marubaaiii be salisfactory. Berlin and a fev other cities as hostages vili be a-guarantee. The Ger- mana nov are proving Ihal they nol ouly are runnera but ltaI they alwayu vaut l6 jabber and talk, lalk and jabber -and say nothiug. t r tn is oq nova hich cornes troin abroaci, ta near that' a,'decision itas been reacited that viten th1e var is over lte( remal!roof Amorican soldiers vito bave died fighiîlg in I' France r vho have succumbed 10 illueus viIi b. brougitt back th Ijie United States for burial. Titis la a mornnous decision'and one vblcb parents have been vatcblng for vilh great conceru. Thora vas a generâl feeling taI th. bedies vould not b. sblpped back vhen they vero lnterred lu 1the trench soUl. Il not seens according t0o oMciai state- montesfroam the front, hovever, titat lte decision has been made ltaIlthe bodies al illiib. abipped back. Wov! Guesa Presideut Wilon's latest note to Ger- rnany vas plain .nough. Thora vasn'l any minclng of vwordi itaI. "Surrender" vwas th1e one bla word i n itl bave-any trouble undorstanding P1reident Wilsoni'. note. MOT ICE OF APPLICATION TO H. mxade il plain becauso they.have shovn a tendency aI T TRO~ INS 1.E i, oRAEVH) being unable o brwd anytbing as itou nteuded. go, lbe*.%IOIII'NU lTECI Y.>TLIiii president didn't vaut auy mlsunderutanding. h1Tbie« nsote t e pulie Companyera- I tiled with the. State of Ilinlois, Public Il looks as though the presideul must have bad a Utlto(,miineprr@leuf dreani sorneUlie ago vhen 11e announced politicu vas ad- telephone ex-hange servive luies Prairie journed for the var. Apparently h1e bas iusued a special vIcw Exchange Ares iu Lake c,,uuty, . Ilinois. sud that the @aid chanireof rates call fo rv- gîtr-'--- te lvet hor. . invores &au inerease for &l aiSâeeeof for rvlslg ic gnt~nov,~.ne leveal exci(ge eervlce off -red tu thée pub- 1i, sud $vr by ia rate suliedulese Won't that be great If il is trues that Lt. Col. A. V. no~ u.tldadi là feect colnelof isregineto arhi A? I arbies interested i tbpr6ceediug BmIh bs ben mdecolnelof is effinet, f atilery? ,, bliinInformation"a to the time He'u bad an ai=n W 11e-to be aI 1the top lu mililary mal- j U.rn«Uo tlt mltr tors and 11e insuhovlng rigitt along. ILftiîern Co.,.IInsstSrnfild, 111. A. R BiosE, The one big thlug lu Presideul Wilsonu's note 10 Ger Ornerai Commercial Supernt»nedat. many in ttat il shows clearly 10 1the Gerinan people thal Ihere in but one thlug lun111e vay of peace - and ltat TRING lun1the kaiser. Il looks as if vo can safely leave il 10 Wison- "lthat'sail"11 WHAT THE LEADERS SAY 1 armistice. "In my opinion nu public service1 An Amsterdam dispatchi to the that can be performed by any on. Delly Express tôday sld that the who cannot go to war es more patrio- Kaiser, whIio not ready ta abdlcate tic thon ta heip to carry the Con- le wiliing ta becomo hereditury prest vention proposition ut the coming dent ut the Germon repubîle with electioni."-Frar4< 0. Lowden, gover. powers eîmlîar to thoft wlelded by nor. the kInge of Great Britain, Italy &ne 'I amn piasod ta eMy that i cor- Beegium. ç fl diuly encloras tme movemnent for the Thcemrperor l~e aid to have re. cailing ut a Constieutional Convention fakd and wili 1vote for th"esoame inNo. qwl otaadnm orl r Ivember, 191L.-Edward F. Donne, " ilntaadnm oeytI former govornor. people, but if necesaary 1 amn ready tc *'The ConstItutlonal Convention become something Ilke a heredItary Campaign Committee wlshes the sup- preeldênt ot s German republo." port of aIl votera. The proposition The Post today prînts a dlspatcl hae been er)dorsed by bath Republi. tram ite Amterdam correspondent tan and Democratie .State coftven. eaying that Pr. KarI Llebnecht. Ger tions. llîfnole needs a new Canetitu- mon soclallet leader, led à grest penct Constitution Convention Campuign commlttoo. LET US HOPE S0 We hope that arrangements may be made Whcreby Sheridun Roaci, through Mion wIillho improved this taîl. It wilP be a shame ta have a good road north and gauth of ZMon snd thon lhave the humpe continue ta exlet tlireugh the clty. Cantorences now belng held point ta an arrange- ment whereby the. Zion Iniprovement may be Iaunched. Lot'@ aIl bocet it. Ifse the ane important untouched etretch now. aud it vasno put that the Humscannot duck the issue 3fly KAISER WOULD DE PRESIDENY longer. Tho prosident verg clearly stated that h. vas London, Ce 27-Thore are multi- wlUlng to lake Up vllb the alhle poversthe position plyIng ovîdences Ïhat the. collapes of vbich Germany finds Ilseit lu but admittedais ho voulci the mllitary party ln Gormafyla 10pro not ask bern t. bolier tbeir mincis about aaythbng excepI- ceodlng foot and that theo pow4e lug a proposition of t1h. Huni surrouderiug. go ov l t's whloh are demandlltg peace on any a case of 1"surrender or gel vlp.d C theb face of th. earth" 0terone lmpoesd by the entente nations pre.raly b. attrare rapIdly gong line the asoendant prefraby th laterA report from Coponkagon liY the MiosreIchstag has pa.eed loiran overwheîm-J Waukegan 18 -golng ta b. unanimous for to heuoInsmnajorfty a bill pIacln the mlllt&Ai« road bond issue. Why? BMes.il doefi't ua addl- geverniment 9f Germany undqr the tidunal taxation but lndted means.mer.ly the utilisation of central of olvllan admIniotiatn. lte auto licouse momeys lu lmproving Mlinois' roadi. AndA <Another report says that PIeId anyboyvho M SiShatt vonlLudendorff,. chiof. of anboy wobus gone over the sdate reslises hrb adl etsf te Von HindenburIg, la te tfli% au improvement ian.eded. Laie county.. la nlo OX4tOIL up hie reignatîon from the army by1 The $60,000,000 bond issue lu lbe stale ans a gstem of hoadlng a new revoit tlonary mu ve bard roadi that viiiput I1liuios oun1the map 1k. MIbhigan. ment ln the empire. Ludendorff la Indiana and olber elotes. mUId teo e the choi.;e of the junker elmnlrchancele- ~ The Frankfurter Z- tunj today pie Il au eeia conaencous fuct in y.ars put ltaI 1the dlcted the opltulatirn of Austrla. Germans neyer look Mucb toa aIbte. luntact, lu th. lu- Hungary withtn . few da"e trnational atie meets, the Humn nver vero uromnin . The Germa@ repiy fo Présdent Wil. ont lu tho vlnniugs-yt ~ emt aedvloe uson:sireport.d to Copenhagen, ne- -yett»y um o hae dVéloed n setedthat the German mlltary pow atibelca reaiy urlg l. it fev Year.m, tct y or now la subject to tire OpeopIec iare proving tbomselves ta be -thoetatesi runnerS' on thel goverament- and' tl'M thle goverfi. R uropean contineit.. mantt'now awafta propqaals for an bdI tc ln a car 4ecked with flowere betore the Reichstag building, he appeared.be1 fore the populace ut Berlin, whoi greeted hlm wlth loud cheerIng. Twc timos the police attacked and dIspers cd the throngtuliowlng hil* motor. Want. For Sale, Mo «aà In the IN- DEPEN DENT reoi Mm W Pousne weokîy. RAY N. SMITH DU YOIIR CHRIS1iAS SHOPPING WlAR Maltétihe Home Brighter witli the NEW EDISON Monthi7 Paylments if DesireI Send thé. Boy* in France a New Record if you have no old one o[gRLR'8 DROG 8OR PHoNE 55 ------ ---- -------------------------S SSSSUS 1. WANT ADS RATES-10 Cocta p« Lino, Each lmtiont. 20 Cou mtii mclan*e FOR SALE-One lctrtc dom. sud iamp, ou. bard coal base buruer. Cbeap. 0. L. loore. Phous 77. 4-- FOR SAL-E-Qneruesy bull, 16 mo. old. at farmera pries. Albert Panzer, Ares. 43-2 + NEAL ESTATE * FOR 8A1.E-1917 Ford touring car. FOR SALE-A 7roomnhoua iu DéerfieId, ni., modern with theexceptonof ha.- Garage sud chicken bdm. Corner lot 100 by 200 with lots of fruit sMd ahrubbery, an Idsalboole. Ywo blocki. frta depot. Cash or terme, a bargain If taken et once. Herman Penlow, 1619 North Ave., Chicago, fil. Telephons -8018 Dveresy. 41-5 FOR SALE-Choies reeldekçe loto -on MeKln4 yAve. ir. Orimit. 24 FOR SALE-A 40 acr sud un 80 acre tarte, 1 mile from Lake Villa. Good moi] sud good buildings. Loy pries and eaey terme. Immediate poession. Stoek, feed snd Impie- etsIf deired. F. M. Harding, Ares, 111. 42ti nortb ail Lbertyville and 121&, 5 miles *weetofLibortyvile. hare@H. P#eroon, Llbertyville. Phone 298-R-2. 4"- FOR SALE OR RENT-55-acre farm. sweetlng, Lhbertyvlle. 42-W1 - ------ ANous + HRune llkenew. 200 Washington Crcle, Lske Forest. 111. Phone 257. 44.2 FOR fiENT-Loyer flat on Becond et. Inquire lire, W. L. AttrIdge. 40-tf WANTED-liarried man for gm"rs tarin. Appiy to Sheldon Lancaeter farm, Everett. Good pay. 48.2-p WANTED-Eptfeced farmst(marrled) wants a position Msforeman on a farca kor on haif shares. A 1 rsfèesncs. furnish- ea. Inqu !re &T, Independent oflice. 48.8 WANTED TO RENT-A well Improyed farm 01feabout 100 ,acreby s Young man who has stock sud Implemente. Llfetîme experieuce. Addreee T. Z. ci. Independent, ~ 4.- i- ance given him lu COUMgres.t take tâme off bis ard>u war duties 10 peu a public notice, such' hai hssued, Friday. people vho.vatched '1the progresi of, tbiugs luWashington and noted 110v th. republicans have stood bick of th1e pro- aident vhile th1e democrats have flot, viii not b. fooled by tbis eleventJrhour appeal from the. nation's exocutivo. Everybody kuovs that the. republicans lu question can 11e trustd, vth matters before..congeas far.-botter than those who usually corne from democratic ranka. The ract iu, it is 1he republicans vho are, dolng the. big tblngs ail1the lime iu Wasblngton and 1the uatipn 18 uurprised 10 mee th1e president interfore lu th1e personal. manner he bas al tbis lime whien Ihere are s0 mRfly other things 10Ooc. cupy bis attention aI 111. capitail. VOTE "YEU" FOR ROADS vote YES on t1he $6000,OO0 bond issue for good roadsI llinois onNov. 5. %,*. ,-' The. lav requires a mai orlty of thé votes cult at the general election for the passage of this masure, not more- la majority of th. votes ceut ou tbe bond proposition. Failure 10 votèTOE 1the bond issue ih equlvaleut 10 voting AGAI98T i1. Président Wilson viiiregret th. day ho zaie the WOIo OAppiE. IO T appeail W bebalf of th. democratic candidate, REGARD- To PÂrston8 YTUH CÂoAo TELEPHOII LESS of qualifications. Ho bhs tbrovn dowu the gaunt- COMPANY:11 bt t 1h.repblicns: SUB IT O ~ ag5 Tih. Chicago Telephone CouiPauY bers- let o th repblicns: SUMU OR IMT........S0 sbygaire»notice ta the Public %bât h ha ZJ.'.flL, bt'sfigt an elot v.ryblaneArenulicn fld with te State of Illinois Public 10 K. ' igtad lc veybamdrpulcnofl Uin"Commission temuporary scbed- th1e varlous tickets jusI t show WashinUtonhat it JO Un- aise whlch will change the. rates for local becomlig the preidlent of th1e United Blates 10 lover hlm.. tellepEhne e, la Lke (ua self la 1the point vhich Mi,. Wilson did lait veok. Illinois, sud that the satld chauwe 0f rageainvolvss 00 lamscrae for aul clamse nf local ezchlangs service uffered tu Ithe A iman named Freund at McHenry lsasaking th1e pro- public and eovoered by its rate scbed nie Germans 10 suppoit hlm. WeUl, Mr. Grahain, (democrati Ail partes Ineedlnt ilprumed- nominee> let it go at t.hat-YOU ought tg b. wullng 10 let log may obtain Infornmationi as totldîne HM have ALL th1e pro-Gerinan votes in 1the district. He. aUdi=lgctéeo <ar of the Public vont find .nough t10-III a postage stmp fThe ititlIte imbeo tSpringogid, IliI- already in the Liberty Loan and in. the various drives for CUiIrAOTELEPH0NE COMPANY- var vorfi bas showu vbat il thinki of 1he.O'Qkei=n una, GêneraI A. 8. Be.aSprltue tlonalty" vhich ]Freund appeals 10 où strongly. . - - Commercial Spertut_____ NOTICE 0f APPLICATION Tg fr. Wilson, a coflege president, naturally didnt vant CHANGEoTmRATEu6 i 10 say inoninywords t101h. kaiser: "Go 10 heUl, vhereTr ooN FTHEiiAo EE0N you star'ted for"--so ho vordod il lu a l'diplomaticevap" The Chicago Terphoa. CompaBny hers- no it vould sound nicer 10 folks generally. But, h. rnlght 1used yul, the Otate ofIlîliuois Publié- as vn hve aidlt-l ~mine411h. ain thng ut, Utilities Commission tsmnporary schad- as ifl avesai itit mlm4e4to he a= bhgbutwe aie@ whIch vlili change the. rates for local mnust admit,.ft wvasut as penetratiug as if ho used 1the uIephone o ale evisi -wAe lbss délicate vording. ansd that the. sald change of rate, lu- volves su increaee for &Il clase»e of local Judging front1the whole situation in Washington, andit e rd byolred to thle ublic appears very ovidont that those people lu the United Uled sud lu effeet. A14 partie. interested ln thîs proeeed. States v11o vaut 10 stand behlnd 111e president, bad botter log may obbin Information ose to thzue electrepublicas1 onr.rther Iban deMocrats.T . dpie 01 hearlneupon timatie. recrd a Wablgtn pacic.ly prove Ibis 10» b e .utillîtl omission et Springfield, làl- oui ICAGO TELEI'HON ECOU PANY 1TU1aern the I Wnsam'bsofrlutely igorant. thev wonPtt i <jeraI Commiercial SuperInt endeflt,

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