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Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 5

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LtIBBRTyVILLIINDIafflpM, THjURSDÂY, 'NOV. 7, 1918. Having decided to quit, the undersigfled will s0li- at public aiclion,Qon the Sears farm, at-.Phillipý' pllat, form, one' mile soutit of G;age's corners, three miles soutîe~cnt (4avsak~ ,iid four miles nortIýwest of LibertyVil le, sale commefliflng at 12:30 p. m. sharp on the followiug described property, ýo-wit: 45 tilad of Cattk: .5 n ew milkers, 2 with calves by their ide; 22 close springers; balance are ail good milkers. 10 yearlings and one fine Holstein bull. horses: 3-year-old work mare, 1?.year-old sorre-1 mare, 13-yearold roan mare, 8&year-ol( sorrel horse. and two 2-year-old. colts. Sheep and I1ogs.- Il hend of fine sheep;, two fulli hogs anA two futll.blood Berkshiîe boari. Machintry, Tools, Etc.: l2;ineh wlki plow, 16-ich sulky plow, set 3-st'ction drage, fanning mili' good as new; new corn planter, tîew lime andfertulz'r sower, seeder, jinverizer, with trîîckés; t1slovt iiCl. tivator, 8-ëhovel culti vator, Ml <ine si<lt+deli v-îry rake, 10-foot hay rake, newlîay loader, two mowing ma- chines, Moline corn binder, set of dotiblif liaruîess, e heavy draft eiîîgle lîarnems, smt of duiviîg harîîesp, six extra gcod Ltllarui, tet of double ly nets, mingle fly net, 3-inch trtck wagon, narrow-tired wagonl, set bob tleiglis, wagon 1 o ý, lbay rdî-k, iiiiirrey, lîog cart, 'with barrel sttd(umîp boar<i-', uiew 31i3-egg'Cyl)iher inctubator. 3o1 milk calis, r-traixwers, 1ails, ec.: cookii canidron aund other articu-s too xîuîîerouui to mîentiou. T~1~ol aIe*Sîxs of $ 0 and tnder, cashr Terms o Sale: oit 4uis ver *10, b înonths' tiînê' vill be given it good, bankahie notet heariîîg initî're-t at tit' ratte of 0; er et>. ,Not)pio erty renllox (l iuntil settlt(d for. .GETZ &SEARE FRED GRABBE. Aucitortt PETER W. ýNEWMIOISE. Cierk THE LIBERTYVILLE FLOWER & VEGETARLE COMPANI FLORAL DESIGNS FOR AU. OCCASIONS Rosez and Carnations Raiy to Cut Now Ail Varieties otfl14sean Foliage Plants in their Proper Soacon Office snd Crernhcuset: FIRST STREET PHONE, 10 UBERTYVILLFs, IL FOR SA-LE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY 500 to 1,000 21-f t. Cedar Posta 200 10-it. Cedar Posta 4x4s, 2x6s, 2x8s andi 2xlOs. 1x6 Boards andi Flooring 1xS Roof Boards lio double-cut Drop Siding 30 sets Door Hange m- and Track 6 iets doubie Bara Doors with Hangers andi Track About 30,000 feet Barn Floojr Flank Steel Tower, 60 feet higb, with Water Tank 8 Water -Hydrants 2,000 foot 2-in Pipe .i Electric Ilotor and Punip Outfit 2 tons of Mxed Boita, etc. AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACK RUEL WRECKING COMPANY UBERTYVIULE ILLINOIS GEORGE E LANE Aunounces to the people of Libertyville and Vicinity that ho will open a first clasa CAH ROCRY AI lI IR in the Kaiser Building, Milwaukee Aveuue, on Offering for sale the choicest r--...and Cured Meats, Staple and Fancy Cvocer- Îes, Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Gooda to b. procured on the 'market td péter and Johin Aleman. of Mil.Van- lî-e.,, verelier.t0-0 latter Pa rt iflut'-t Iwem,kl n rppltit se to là mes.ýKageanoune- Ibug the ci rt ieu ilinesesof their liruuher, LL Il,ttiiutter J. [t. Alieman. Tii..' 1' . A, wEI muet FrHîay at 3-30' ai- t b- iratitiii-r S-io.There w il i h. n i l r.nctdint the.. ark of t h..Assu- ci titl im juvniitd tu attetid. SvvirDjg' laies Invaded nur tuvu tiîis tuirlî g L't id lDo t ru-ete v ery luiart> r uIui.Appuratitiy tbo gais clad ili1e toiik ilote a iD.,) lIoOur igalurt am-iît-si1 acre baàt u lte lbis chrininiig i.ia. %%iiiaui l, iWho Ileilu Iuce eSam ' naval -ervic-. tditg duty ou Atlsuitc wat,!rs, vî,,n,-d witlt LibertyAllu en-de, Suudity, buvîug bueun grat.d a (vents- ton@e day furlough. H.e let Mouday for lu speaking 01i Dr. William GeBinge, of I-Brlîlgeport," LKwersyvilie. 111 , sud ie authîînity s a dog traîner, Charles Kei @eyo that Bill le a trille jealous hW Scauffl w. bave btter trained done In 'Dng AhIFY' (han they have dowu lu "Bridgepoirt." At eighi iiciock this eveuing the dédi- cMon th le ne. addition (o the Pres. bytenian clîurss yullitskePlace. Dr. C. eZenos. ori cCorxich Theological Seul. nay, wiii preslde, Dr. C. B. AcAse, ol Chicago. wilil preach th. sermon. l)r. Chideter, mi Wsukegan wIlIl lso, he present. P. BJOUINSON SGÊNERAL AUCTIONEER Hoas theboait judgment .1 values and gets the. highest prie«s:Far- Sales a épecialty. For dates, Phone or Write ZION CITY, Inq for, rareor Jnet lîy 1,uîr coueciionel ai the Jutucti lu in , tter-runcitiotis çihb the, Ni>rtlieuer1i train, ai Lake Bluff wiii als i@- el)t HIhSchool Notes H:gh zG ti. gdior Sonator -; %ilt are an îutereetittg addrs oui t1icilre.. questionq wluicl acre voti-il111n"i 'rue.dtbY. tre Umi _i . jimymî It t iry iiîiiîh STOP-i 0t1db i ISTEN! LIbert,, vilWe v %Uenry gaiturday. Nov 8. at :100 P. in, otn Higb sçiiîîi el Admiti.lon u -atd 25c, Dctmiss il! At last. The ioung deiayed parti has arrived at let. 1It viii b. giesu Frlday. Nov. 8, at the Higlenhool auditorium. Nellie Stuntoti entered sechol sea junior, Wed needaY. tjome gond procticul books bave heen added tl uitr library, iucludlng an international tieyciopaedlis, and tvo atlas..for iiie. tse o! the hlstory clane. Foot bail tchu-dule for the remalnlng seaso : 9 November 9, NIcl.nry at Lloertyvlle-4w November 16, MzuUeunY at Mcilenry. November 22. DePilueaines Liberty- ville. Novembuir 27, iepanstspans Laet MouilaY wu@ tire prevention day. A prograni dealiug iti prevention Of fire was gîven by the echool. It consîsi- sd o! n lire drill, a paper writteu by Secretary MvAdoo wus read hy Irrancls Van Zandt; Harold Hlagerty rad au articlq hy preii. Wilion and Emima Titus read the ProclamaSltinbY 130v. Lowden. Laëtly, Mile Ailyn expialned thoroughîî- the contente and usage of the firesic- lngulebere distrlbuted &round (lie build- ing. We are ail sure that w. bel capahIs 0I extinguieiilng a lire. A number o! cheer leaders wre eiecled amoug the girls and boys Monday morn- Iug.o David Fligg vas .ppointed presi- dent of theo cnrporatIotiafld hi@ assitenti are: Aiban Lindroth, Main Cheer Lead- er, Francec Boreti, Substituts. For the girls, Mary Roue@, Main Leader, Stella LangworthYu Su' batîtut,. Mauy nif(lie girls are makIug ecrap books Cnus@lstng of pîctures, stories, julies, ,tc., for C7hrstmas Dresets for our boys lu France. MiseHackley Il; super. VlSlng the work. The sale f thrifls tamps le Iucreasingi rapldl. titi far (boss suhscrlbere who. namee have been piaced oun(lie honnir si roll are: Libby Mlle, Helen M1lls,9J Miss 'slnkcorexplode -.q bietatcr that wiII burit emny kird of fuel with the bcst rcsuits, and hold fire This wonderful kecr witl noz only reduce your coal bill 4011,. but will aiso give you uncqualled cold w.-ather comfort Scientifically constructed, beautiful appearance. Made in many siaes and desigru Made by HioosJER STOVE CO., MARlON, INDIANA FOR SALE BY Schanck Bros., - ---- ---- - - -t-- - -- -- EXTRA IIOSIERV VALUES To close a lot of Ljdies' and Children's Stockinga that we bave accumn- leted in stock, the remaining sizes of many différent high-grade ânes, we have placed tho. ail in one lot and offer*your choice at 25 Cents per pair Many articles suitable for Christmas, presents are aIl ready in stock and we urge you te numke early selectioris. Hosiery for Ail the Family Big Assortmont of Bath Towohs Nice Lot of Men's lIes Ladies' and (a ! r mes Handkerchiefs Ribbor,> or Fancy Work&; Etc. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. Wr SrLL TIM W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAN Phono 29 js : : . -- ----------- -- --- 11111111[-Choir praticu VrIday esni gat B e. RsamnIlgiy.aêIhs8eaêsw, ------------------------I I o'clock. Md. Harmon, drcoAr.on tii. ubWec: "Lhelt IPh~< IDurand, prganhst. by the Englisb Army usd:r Gu Boy Sconts meet nt the cabln; CampD Allenby," mone han forty .eu B4"oS FieGrsat the parsonage, Friday ai eutilcordveeetF! I Mehodist-APpiscopuI. Ail are cordai lly in vited if yon knibw of an item Pf local interest, kindly teoeplione No. 1 Iservice.@ileit sunday wilq be heid as "Frontlers, Old and New," wil bW sssss:sssz::s a s u Sfoio*@: Bonday schoi at 10 o'clOck.. the sabject of the. mpworth L.eamesM1 jing Margaret Wlbspent Tue4illy lu The"Victo!Tsebohe'@TraiDlitCias " W rMs aeMs i yn AMr., Raliy DapormyhSudyeho igetndy vnn tl:Op . Wankegan. 1oft he M E SRnuday nebool was orgaize'd Ry, 'Floyd Rttier, Edward gWwlish, so i o'cinek. In. the. eeninu at 7:30! Richard Schanck wiil leMead b ne. Jo tg WC.1 wam tîransaetlng business.on i'oiiday evehling of tht. w..ek wiih Jeanette Taylor. George Hacker, A-ie la .hsday. sTulîteyn miners enroliedi Ti.. meet- Jungei, Wm. AcCormick. Aima Cutil Mime .Marie Engl.'hrecht W&@ the gamets lZe' nModyelg t Agnes LIghtbody, LIllian and France@ 7;30 co'clock. The. la@@ w11 .iet for 1 Kiepper. Henry CaseXY Eitih Gaglàrdi. , ~p gf <IjLVI s&a.rs of rlatves u Iicao. Sada. .tuds Ddt week Mcoàdayû vnfgaï fluslLois'1Ïy n, f' m. Staplin, Harriet Ruby, D 'A JL' ZL L éD 4 Mrs Hpherd. ofChicago, wan uhoguet bhoms of Msrs Jeisl ais onlu ehr n Mroreleekuur. ois MnWlliaot am urk tpntdt e The children et the gramamar a-lîool Tii.-two Ilterary societi... whlch were on T r* ck 'or Mies lizaeth ackly epnt ~ bave colleted over 500 lb,, ofni ;t and organlzed under Mime Hackley and Misse A OK weekýcnd witlî frlendo tu Chicago. I bitnte whilch bave bssn turned ini auti.he Ward laat week, have el.cted oficere. Mre@K..nith iovll "ont the. Redk Cross forus of th gv. iwtln The. officers fniow: Mies Ward's cia@; nd With Mise IkatrIce Carr at )ssrflld. mni'oa gas mak. The yngsters rgi,, Violet Forteous; Vice Pes., C ates Irli-udi. ln DePau., and Park Rildge, to which th.y are éligible and are Treeasurer, Edward Casy. *4P Bna.dliiently carrylng on the work. Miss Hackley's ciam@: Pré@., Florence A suprie prty rai teiderd Hnryioldenberg; Vice Pros., Heicu Buikiey; Miss Della Futon of North Ccb. Asrriepri P(.tdrdHur ereayBu. oot;Tesro.Jh vi -ited ber nuln, LMr@. C. M. Fuller and Schlutz. daturday svenlug, a sortotflare. Buretrld. PTul.Ksocut;e. avue eleJohn famtull, TIîuroda>'. uil prior v) bis departure to "juin the cominîtee s mak a bconstitutio sd j Miss Maron Taylor and Mie Ruth colore.' About fort! youugpeorîie were it.oeresgla paronrastitutinh andli C A SH . A T T H E C A R K-.nyon, of Lait. Forest Cullege, wers laIrement, averal of tbsm helng fronm Lake tgfur en so on. ame fr he soiei e Litierty tills Tuesday. Zurich snd Lak. Forent. Lunucheun was baven nou yeNanesn frchoe. eete The W. C. T, U. will meet wth AMr@. eregmsadohreca-dvr Ruls cltyNv 1.Agodated ons were lndulgsd lu, and flie time a esrtyevd 2 Ago d. p»aedmerl. C r h Le e v Y u r e O Mies Lucy Plot, fi Lake Villa. @tu H.lknd.e, ut Autoch, one AulThe-, In.z J r ies L a e o r O d e o t'o <e a-i-.n4 with ber brother, Rtobert d..pedtit'ae taunch Irleude from the uut n wf.nrtit part of vie county, wa,. a welcume Presbyterian. Pintesud Ile.v.tor, IMoudar alternoon A Ithough tBundaY ochool 10 a. mu egnnîngE . LD AI The. Ipworth I.eague social awiîich was i-tl'itg eomewbat advancu-i ii yesrs, Novemlber 17, ait 9: 1-,a ni. to have Ibu- e i-d Fnlday nlght ha. been IM.rH-nde. leu stili active and energetie MornIng worship t 1il a.m. Topie, E i AI pu-ip-tj41 ld.fiàatey. 1md etijuls an occalonai vi,ît to Liber.-"The Eaiest Work ltri heVorid.- Nir. andiàlis F. P. Dymond eh Ti.tutiie. For ifty odd couse. noivey.are, Ev.nlug service. M 8 o'cinck. Topie, P o e 1 0 1 * day for Jackson, Minu . wli.re 1he j l j.iI.nd la1o iuniatnig "su WoSi hi trhIle. o, vi-iog li-r son. Dr. E. C l[)iiàiid. the foau,îual [air oti. Laketî,unty Board Praier Mseting, W,dn-siay evenlsg. L- xaîatn foir the.draft.du men uITAgr-I(ulsure sot;this piace o. . 4 a e Dre bu-id litLib.rtyvIiie Tue@day. ftr- Tu lmn re4sof Mr. end Mrs, Aiex 2,1 oon and In Highliand Park, Wedne.day. W. Bruhuer were grfeved t, 1l,-ar of lthe Mr and tirs t. E Churcilli relu rned death of their lIttledaughtu-r, i-ici. Mary Sutiday froin a fi-w davîsîiot with theur or11Ainday at their home iii La-e Forest, son, Drv. i-ru- Churchli and famly»t alter a short Illuefs. Elsie Mary vas ', Osego. II. iorn lni Deerfield, Jaunetrs 1, 1914, heiug rsTh.. Shar3 i Girls, ofthiip city- and vicia- three yearnand teD monthe. lpl.. ovabis ig Irv, hWlan aî- esiuî nt the. home 01oh we-disposition twon ber iîîany frieude 1.irs. Jugepli l'.ddie, ut Iligi.land Parkwii-rover she went. The lunerai vas; tet ev,-ui. héiid Wedneday afternouotiut tiie home - Iwlb hurlai ut Lakse Forest cemetery. o Dir.Wiiam Gu-ing.i wam fn Wauke- tiany and beautifui wer- the. fOral uxnr abonut an*triaielumion li1fered hr Beuer ber. ,xtend ý o ju-h 1- 01? L4N S I7I AT MER ils tuitliecîni.. e ri-aity. heatt ympathy lu thi-k- ,-rruw. Tiie.local board>îvîlmv hpi-gun euii : n",dedy on: tt ir * o it liii qt: -et ioaire, ti, tii- , lîer ShOr e .dc rr t fnige Nor t tnehl i'r~ctrantt. t<îaii.. t,, tii, meni iietwieii itthservcen llu[-Ilinu-Area SJJITCUOf tii -e nI mut37 atmi If', yur. bad.Cr lai.se'i ,rîlt Rb Ti-.-Wa ri ai îîdhh-i mse-a a; ad niut.iftr ii. aor V I.j TIi,@îuedîv ,ilt ut thé l e of. iiE c.uitu are aorrive ii I.rtyviIii..uo Avnrtto Liuhtiîidv. (Mande Lkilgbtouti.lîtrtd alliri iu,-bnidf "' U ~ " it' * wil i'&t l tu ,-îtrtalitlg.cars St G andi 30 nîjout- îalter the bour. l-t-r l,.îte-t.rilFort Wiayne, l d,This ul s ai atreit - ti,-i- t heii Ç ile I-t m ixi tIi,îday for a traiminglgargz umbeutiur o iIi.-rtý itlwoiipi le Who -Vaïm Ifloors and corners ýâu. lt oqtLCarulija %ausliere mon.-1are emtpot ed ini 'iI, lL,gati anulother 7Y iday evetiiete Ifr a partlng u'l..t i hiel north sbore luhto ieda.t wtii enabie them --to save fuel ------------ -------- mil i 1 1 ILUNOIS

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