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Libertyville Independent, 14 Nov 1918, p. 11

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vVflýf<oeiTTJ.1l EPI>RNT. NOV1EMBÉFR14. 191t, PM*~EkI~1~ CODUTI3I)BURE > Miss Shuifey of Girls Welfare -Lugue Teits of Work Ac- oomplished Here .4DOESSES WOMAN'S CLUB Arrangements Are Being Com- pleted forSeries of Lec- tures on Sex Problem TheiHMin eperimant of the Womsn I club, heid Its lIrga moetilasa -f the y-er on Mondai afiernoon, vitli miss johusion, lhe chairman lnl 4diM-e et êI2uaexcellent PrOgram. IboU speakers of the aflernoon. Miss .UhrfeîsudMasMrbekue, held the unadilaUed attention and eager !ntr- est of te rther miligrouP Of voinen presunt. Miss Sbrfei's tali ona th. Girls' Protective League watt ça permnai. go viai~lai t aIo10 be bopai h ib i iappear ery son béllwe a larger gaiherlnh. 'The work liai bas bcen don. Us unormous. but mach sili romains 10 lie dune alon; vlouUnes. -The club inembers were urged tu volunteer their servi- lira. MlciCe, an organiser !or a sere of social nèa-ity lectures to le givenlun Waukeaan explined brlefly the planes<of the organisation aad aipreasc te hope that evarY mother and child of suita5,le age Mlgit attend the lectures a-itd also suste Ptit dcatlonal film that bas been prepard, "Th End of th Roati" The vont of teaching vonien the- respon- Slbil.liiof educating thir children properly aaog @ex iUnes la one ef the greatet thinga. Mrs. MecKfe 'in'is, that has t-ver been undertak en by s governient. The meeting <as open.d by the ioag of "The Star Spangiud Ban- Soer' and "Amerlca.'" by the club mebers. MANY ROY& DERATED, Buir .Waik.ian reativas of boys whot hava Zone siroau ln Lhe army ser-f vce neeti not teel disappointed i o mirpilactwvitn theî hava gat word hock homa that mani of îhem vbo9 voe corporals or sergeaits belon-, 1 t l5~hae tates have buen rat-- doced lt rani a:d now ara prlvateS. Acodilnz lu word raceived trom abroad, many Of the changes lnb r»ai have buen maie andi the dr. ranklng laom&&I 1 hav-e been due tp the fact liai many of tbe boys whr- hava gone over have- been put into companies aod regmants vbicb ai- 1rsidy- vere ofliceruti mnd therefore jbore vu more neeti of privates than of corporlasor argeaiti. Piribermora, t la admttati(btia U58> of the bois vho have gone ovur from the states when they got ito actuai varfare ver. flot familiar enough viti the vork 10 juatily- belng heul titbe Postion$s. Accordlalg- ly tie rudpction in rant follOweti. HoWitevr, fila admited liai ith- greater number ot rednetions vert- due to tta tact that there vere too qnay- ooiporals ani sergeantsa-for thedilvision in use on tha var frontF. *&cortull n the average case ILtIr nothing reflectiva on the Young me-n froux the state who have been chang ci lu theUr ranis. In tbe case of a *=tber of Wauiegan iueo. word bas é cme hack bers thâl they- have been deranketi but Il la felt his lanul due 10 the faci litat tht-y have not abown 1180 abliti but lecause liera er.ff surmlcent offilcars alreail n te com- pkiui ta vhich tiei vera assignei 10 huile ibe'business ami therafore theî v er. not needai ai corporali or jgetgoaais. Nainralli, hovever, rela- dirasful &a utile disappoUntedteb re- colis, yard covering tis malter. Fairiberpora, IL lafeu lihai lihe boys uwba bave bad actual experlence in tic hables abouli la. given the ctpuideratim i ver tbe ielfliov vhc jnsu are gttlng ftba Il andi some- tindeg promotions are made front ._tj rgWeaover tiare ln profarenca îco Wh. now arrivais froin the sates. Aud, ithe geai part of Itlais Ibathle ugtw boys don'i feel ln th.bail Of- tendei bibIits conrse because they laie lie stand t 1 he b.onts. vii -bave beau fightlng abou4 lie conslJ. -ered befaru ibey theinaelves. SULL130HENZ0LLEZIÇ EEYUGZ Middaelîteiî (astle, at De Steeg, near Utreelit, Hol- lanîd, to %%hiehl the ex-eiperoî' of Gerffianv is repni'ted ta, 911 lhav" led. OLD DRAM S110F KAIES ROTREDMUST FIE 1 ,ES IN COURT TODAY D T IW IR S U John and Carolina Wagner Ob- aIUmbers'of Local Board Say ta n -aag s of $7 0 fr mthere le a M istaken Idea Wm cCanney et ai SMOKE CASES DROPPED ~ MN EODN BACK Zion Ciyt Declnes to Prose- cute-Baston Store of Chi- cago must pay. Ont- of the- aid drain &bop da mage cases whlch were qull.e commuon in the- palmy day4 of the- saloons ii. Waulcegen, bobbed up In circuit court tuday. It wa" the illîl case of the kind ta corne up in court here n the la.st two or three year-in fiel it was a case litarted a longi lime ao, but lias bteu rcontinu- trôrn one tern 10another. jR lfistje! case of Johnx and Crolina Waonrl against William NcCaney andi oth ers. The case was csled for trial toslay but la the mesotUma a mctliii ment had bt-en reachuti oui of court. The former saloonkeepers set lIcd for $7.30 antd jutgment intii amousît was tntered hy the court. Inthlie case ut Anna C. atzon of Cisuigo. againsi. the Boston Store o! te City ini a suit for $000dam- ait-s, a settleenlt was mad'e cut of court whereby the Buston stoiet paysi over $1275. Seven VitnCty sinoke cases which ware calleti for trial vert- iinissed by Zion officiais rather. than attempi to irosecute them. Tht-i vere cases lu vhlch Zion men had baun arreated for smoking in Zion In violaticn uf tse city ardinance. They hi heen fineti but appealati their cases. The cily shoveti no desire te0 ight the~ cases In the blgher court. The von cof getting a jury In tht- case of Andrcw rckson agafnet Varier S. oJhnson vus started inj circuit court Iodai. 'l'o thousani dollars ismages are as'ei. Botit par- îles zaside MI Hghand Pari. Itlal chargeti that Johnson drove bis au- tomobile into a iugg in Whlt-h Erici- son vas riding. casila; he hom'e tel mun away. Ericleso siys tbat hie vas 111 In a hospitlifor % bonsiderahle langt of ime as a ruani of Injurie. )FFICIL4LLIST OF Rifl ESTATE DUSE. Nov.A0 SM, 1u8 Andrew Scitz io Abert and Ida 8. Sobrtz. lot 24 andi 25, HeImhoizý Snb., Wauiegao, WI), $1. Abert Sehuts et al., to Olga W. Schutz, lot 25, block 15, Washburn Siprngs, Wauiegan, QCD., $1. Estale of Wnm. A. lii (decd) Là H. G. Gldemeister, lot 4. bluck1Ù, Dreycr'a Suh.,' North Chicago, Deeti C. W. Pence und vife ta Pt-rn W. Halig, lot 5, Pencc's proposeti Suit.. North Chicago, WD, $10. Elizabeth M. Heloroth and tiît,1 Wm. Broci, Iota-i'anti 16, bloc;0 'WinthroD Hobar, QC, $100). LtsQti lielorouli .to WM. Broci. lot "D"' blocit 9, Winithiip Harbon'. 9C 81A00 ,This ls Prince Henry-, whô lied'i t-oui Kiel viii the red arm baUd' of a revouioUnM enmd roi Ma oâ bis autombile andi témapot. ~buhballets " oilcwed bina "STICK TO YOUR JOBS," IS FLUA 0f LABOR -BD. CHIEF Chairman Coulson Says it Is Patriotic Duty to Remain n Essential Work -stick 10 your jobs." Thatsa the ativice of Hervy C. Coui- son, citairman of the federal com- munity labor huard of Lake Cuunty. Mr. Coulson says that Itls necessary that thet- iousands of Waukegsn and Laie eounty people who are employ- eti at esaentlal war work muet un- ieratand tiaI ther plîrlotie tasi le not yet eomplsetei and thautiey muat continue at Lieir taik. Mr. Coulson pointa ont that It viii be neceesary for huadreis of essen- tiel plants tca continue t0 tur ouot Iheir praducts ai top speeti for a long time to corne. "We bave aboit Ivo millUon mçni ,overseas,'" heasai, "andi large num. bars of them illviibu iept tiere, sonie perbapa for one or two yaars. Thet vîill ha usci ln the reconstruction of France. It vili be oacessary for te Unitedi States 10 eend thein supplies, clothing ani equlpmeni as long as they are there and 10 maie ibis pas- sIble rnany essentUal var plants vili have to continue ihaîr production tht same as aI present. "'There are hiindreds or people vhi thînitat btcause peace lea athand that Iheir iuty le performeti and thai' ploymeot ani reluro ta their ol pas- Mtous. It le a patriotic duty for thcma tô reranl at their poas untili Unclal1 Samn needetem no longer." DISREGARORD BREAD RULE W. J. Cabris, StIt treet baker. vas rettrrei ta the local admufittrator by- the Chcago hoard. He vas safli ta have persigtci in vlolong tic good lave ant i gnored the veeilY requesti! 1101 he compiy vith the lav regard- Ing substtt« In $read. lie vas toli he vouli llkely hqve hie lcense -revolici. but the ftiÏtirat the Word came from Waehlngton -today that the liq &'off vite breail le bellevei as a savlog lhlng for hlm. Men vho have recelvc-d question- naines muet sec thai tht-y are made out properly and lUcti wth the local board withLin theaspecified length of tdîne w-rtlst-taie lte conF- qîencec". This atatement vat made- tcday l'y the loca hoard as n rt-suit of Cou- fusion that appt-ans tu hAe ariseii n 'the- minda of a niamber of men-. The fact ihat the arin-iste bas been signed and that the gov-romenf, bas canceiiedl temporarily aIl draft cails bas eauseti a numb, r of Wau- '<agan nmen tu assume thit Rt would not be necaseary for tht-si lu ma)te out or file their questionnaires. Many mcn have called up the- board and asked viruther or noi t j. ouid be oecessas-y fer themIn o file iheir questionnaires; some have neglectcd 0 do go on the ni-vumpi ion that tbis conuewouid fot be necessai'i nov. ".We have received no orders vhicb vould- juatify us in stopping tha vor of filllg questionnaires and clsslfy- lng the registrants," the- chlt'f çlcri 'of the.bdard said today. 2_tfhe oniy Infarenca la that we aie to conItinu.e vitihah work. These questionlnaires ;giva the aovennment an acurateU lne ohi devry man in the- country betveen the acs of 11, and 15 and thia Infor- mation doubtit-is wili prove of great vaiue." -No Ame»aaMay lehIe," C.al Glbbems SMj James cardinal Gibbons. the leading Catholle churchSan ln Asnerica. bas saued a stro.g up- puai n support of the UnliI Wl & Work Campaigu. "It la an Ameriean campalgn," ho sai. "ita appeai la one that 'Do Aierican May 'refuse. Alrlca's anaver willi le another trlneaphant snnounceanent that we are Un1 i jm.-Was one people anids~ j~ .Uo;to sec t tlirough tc, Th4Mw7 Zgaiue splendid work.91 suii*in,. lIng the morale of our fightUh# mon- the -great social organizctloisiu 0f Anierica have thrown tlionsulve. The American peope viii ris. th sum tlsey- ask-generouily- and FERENO AS.eSTA. on Finishiogé mnWiI Be Kept Going 'ANIELS CORROBORATES IT Merchant Marine of Suoti Vast lImpodtc tat -Station Must Be Kept Up Signing of the nfitîehv ltep lermans yul maite no differencep10 Irep Great Laites "gtai." .Grual Lakes Naval Training %ta- ton wiii bu larger than ever. events n -Europe notwltbg<lidilg," CàPt. offett sali. «"This eMthllllhment Us not too large 10 be mattalbed after ha close or the var. -lThe merchant narine &as veli au the taguloir navy« nuet bu protected andl Mihned with trained saliors. We ositlihave a big tsi abead of us doint ual If noth. ng as. The. present decrease from 48,000 to 40,000 ln training lie.1l only temporary. Il la due 10 the fart that the tirait boards bave mot been sinding uis ai man ymufl as thé navY recruitlng stations did, but tuat con- dition viii bu allared. We are going 10 carry outi mprovemeflis of a per. manent nature.» ,Great Lake«, according ta accent word trom Secretaty Dlanlels, lu ta be onu oftIbrue Permanent navalà training stations 10 bu maintalfled byC th@ Unied States. The other two viii bu Newport and IçamPton Rodas. The half dozen lusser stations 110w supplysalg sua, mon power WEiI, be dis- contl5qued. Daniel* Cerrob0rtesmMoffett. Washington -- griehiln of the Amerioan, navy vii Igo abead. despite the armistice, Serotauy cfthe NaVY lianillsatated today. The United States fluet viii bear a baavy- share lu the policlig f the vorld lu tue future and muet bu eXtended accord- ingly. the sccrciary stated. The coutise patroi VUI D ot bu demobîllacd St once, lb. seretary aaid. plans vii fot be chamgud ax. copi aller car.! ai délibértion ln the Doit few days. Controbta for RAgie buste mai not ha carridibrbugli. DeIlvery of 100 wvu crderai by next su-oer. Ruturnu of màrinca tu France wili be entiruly under the direction - of Oerai Pershing, ftnterula>'Da4li said. t vas otimervai, hovever. ibat la the pust marinos .bave usuali been thu lait te bave, bulug uaed ai guards. The war la not ovur, il la onuy hait- cd, Secretary of the NavYY Déniais sald Iodai. tla ithe. job of uba navY to carry on for the. present. TEN MONESFSUN Leo Shea ft*qutly Saw M4en trom Coi.l miCommand SçomeiybjinrulFrance. Waulosan Da O ua: Just recevealen Jsues orfthe. "$un" today sud eDJOY-ed reaiding them et the y. M. C. A. Have bei 51 the front about an* gr the lime: vent "over the top" v3iiuii as an «ciLing xeeCi -Had the lileaure 0f g 1A Liut. Co l mntls p <ut Ot Weeh"l! as Camp- lntieracs the road >nom us for a couple of day-a; then they* departed for tIii fot. I 1 d ant secthe col- onel. buiui aikd the boire and liai 1014 jue tbey vure vilt hlm. JohnC Schiuumanand I are togethor ln the "0 neCompany. Boit liesud i are lu the soïï boat0fetaBib- Rculved a latter I rom Martln Ivanson and Guatave Papp bollu of *bom, -are ln lb, e71î Mtliery ov+ r snd ln baot 0fheaitb. Gliai to se bY i oaP*apOrathai WNukegan la sackUng thé-boysa "Over Hiers" as vs mure ihyi- thmBoche on tho ijan. .Tours triaI. LaoE «i.qL4I, Eb.~ "mn- ~UIRIIUE9W~W~OOd511YIb~5i a toua 0f auaiigétiyyt, mante as Iiuliag funnî sloviui.~' - -, He'e To Leave The Station O0MP1AT! ~~U Q0100DB M PAID My REAIlE ÂE>OKARGE» 20O UBTONEES Foiioln919, lur pi ~ferbc eu inla Lae connty for thé urimt vomitai ,eur ^rdj at d mnnitration. Nana.. of aIl dealèe selling t pl0ac. M ý: poud bu reliorIm te 0. C. Orldle-, ioderzj f cciadministra ildr C» oua * or te tovmabp adiitntou. w.b vinitake lhe proper êcii; ilbrepared b heibmWaUfl fond admanlnhtBtJOU. 1UleO wr.VOb@Ra. m1ing Novomaber 15, 1918. Rêtat i oitoUcutemSui .Mawlpuyfor the sg'*@ . aina booN m eimImeu te oo*sWag.The oeuto the mretalli et 0"obarticle sMo la agil. Cent te Roter 'Plrles te C.une Orafluated Sufiar (Un huit) ........ Par 100 Ibo.-$O 10 t0il Bakery Wrapped Breadi............ Per lb. iod-111%2 White Fleur ....................VPer 1-8 barrai 11.45-1.50 S.518 Whito Flour (in bulk) ........... 4 lbo.-24c 28e Rye Flour (in baga).............. 6 lbn.-53o 9 1111 Fleur...................... Par 1-8 barrel-S.30-5 1.5 0-.6 -Whole Whost Floue ............. &.1k bat- -3214 rahom Fleur...................5. ib. I5g..440 ale Barley Fleur .................... Per bbi.-1S.60 6c lb. Ry. Flour....................... Per bbi.-$10 7c l'o. Rico Fleura..................... 100 lbe.-S9 ile lb. .(ijUder the. Prenid*nt-l procla.mation rleta1ler mut 5»I l4 ("i," ere muet buy vith mach tour poutidà Of w-'iegour a pound of so-w q l,. zinnuia. Consumera have ChOlce of 0(AlUleai, cortâ, four. barley il ur. r're flour, oat flour, buckwheat gour and potato fobur. Rie tour.,rl. four. vhole viiesI four sUd cake fleur May bie.oid vitthout sub)-41 utes. Corn Moui (white hulk).......... Per 100 ibs.-85 Ge, 1b. Corn Maal (yeilow buik> ..........VPer 100 lbs.-15 - :cib. H-am@ <wboe) ............ ...... Par lb.-44o Sason (best grades) ..... ........-Per ib-Sl $Mn.. îateium gi.adoe>...........Per Me-5. î iltcnrSque(wiem) .......... PFer Ib.-437 41lC L.ard <boît grades otartan) ........ Per M-310 .470c .&ard <baille>................... Ve:P..80 I Lard Compound.................VPer lb.- -26e 29e Chesne(fuil cream cut to' order) .. .,Pur ib.--36C 44e eh"eem(fulltUae, Suidk) .........ePr lb--40e 494 Orulb 90f 10 ........... Fe l.-ile làe Hominy............. ar 100 lbs.-SI.25 S1-20 Rice Fancy)...................e 0 bs-1.0 5 b file <lia r ose).....Par 100 lbs.-." 8 l Sas(ai, bu ik ir Per 100 lbs.-81316 Dean& (Nsvy, hand pleked) .........er 100 hbu.--ls f 411k (hilhet srmd") ............luc 411k (medium grade)............170 Milt e(vaporatsd, not swtotnd) ... 16e lac Butter (creamory, extra, hut> ..63e 67c 9 (On. centb hair Una.erAeOm tbgm la tubs) b utterlne <standardg@ad", cartons>. Per 16.--35e 400 futtérine <Standard giadom, rolla> . ..Par, lb.-81c 860 Buttorins (medlm) rell@ and bulle.. Per ib.-allc 8S Ea <mtrlty frooh, eandled) ...Doen-B60-63e 63-680 È@gsW-- (eeld terage)..............Den-5Oc 56e )Patate.. ........................ Per 100 ibs.-Il2.26 pk. of 15 lba.*40e 9Potatos (Western)>......... ....er 100 Ibo.-l2.60 pic. of 15 Ibo. 46e LT. J313 SEXTON ISI RED AS lIE I STARTS FOR -CAM Chicgo Paper Retors ta Sex- ton's8Wie but Mtber De- nie& He la Mam-ied' The Hecid-ExemlUor ead Iodai: "Wih a $1.000,000 Inherîlance from. hie father souin too b Is, Liut. P. J. Sexton, 909 Lafayette parkvaY,1 b"3- calY i»unlf9rm on bis, baci 1ýhen ho -deparlet yesterday for hie molor..trauporl, division nuar Belti- lrfe. 1 lthereamon vas that s thIef stle tUs.usuicaaes continint his '4p potihafroin ils automobile, vhS. i I. " so l e vçre purçIhas- lng a vrlsb vaich for lbin. Ami bu di ot have lime tu replenish bis1 vardroha before bis tril 1t.' 1 The reference'10 "his vie" vouiti9 IndicaLe t~ual Boxton lu marrlud but iincuer cal es Inlasiedabut bis motllerdMn. feIon tokd aboustl thi a e nter rs exthe 111h 'B&go una lber sommdlrtnsaete s ool neasthe com ndcilonslth bnomtallai. oer h bAU ac e t sies a. qaust on the 23114 and that be vu tG leava for Baîlimore yesterdaî. Si. deulidlanovîciga o! hie marriagu and ftll. Ivas"jusL a nevtpaper'e e rror. She bati nul beard ut the theft Of the suit caice. No, Roberte., w't Imov vily tiat card mUsIoei "baiU.e" un- leu it le be=Wwa.It te pr1sugJuY R Poase of-fl"oi.acta .-»cmm Tran- script Te -ICep Ausake in ChUrChk Borne muai voinIt get so aleogi ta cbirci i lb rsIrtmhadi ootigetsa font 0rU md b. minîter vuà a t. mai. garbed Una amg, e daub of rosi paint anfla s n*.-ClOnrinnti iaquUa' ti. -he. pini 'y, ,atei rea la 75 lors. 'r .; SO lat! -il. or si 75 Il fiîîd lie wvanî -IjjnjWWZ 1 V- 1 1 -à& À Pl J-lq-"MtK- JL, -N " V £UýUAJ"JM £'X,, JA7eFýl'. -4 f

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