point a, a a sud"e bas Dlot av ouId be the, triâtes of Mh l -een yvlOusl Co tbre Munik tubh, thie h ey in WaukOg di ais exteniv Under the. vA rtaln perceftL ho time or si mcii to the. Ir & et Tels"e suioke end'bas there camne th of the. gong mau ltiF wer. dromp bis ph jsiest a»I tiie blrd. Gkw be sang throuW 4.dhaze, and'i Another vorki f the dap Chose mous WOrk. Classes Woar os other classesb reak or vartatio it, no chtange.1 (mnucus momotam regs a oisn.-E clved ln Wauki Iden death ln Ci r. who wlth C. tional baak. la of the lote Ne Boomer was vu nervououe.*- wrong wt ethe real troub "ntheorgama 1i n the seat of b and awoa treatment for it ihould be tet ite Presmn~ advice f ai ,ives frmc nwhichwoe rctcription" uin ve. During tho ms baniahed fomm of thousnd c *orry, Oiaery and r thette disea&"& Id tell you. léece, Pres. la-~ ralo, N. Y., aund edical advicé ean id 10e for tnd age. ce that mig the known lce,Sta- Soffice. ýy-make 10W nlo »mke Of est pos- me and Sale Begins Sat. Nov. i 6th o i -6 '(#j mmwiL - ý ej :an istries will be taxed to their utmost to supp1y strv xv 11 be greater than ever before -and merchand ise the -.vatchword of ail nations, and in anticipation of lil history of our business. item of this page carefully. isses' Apparel alîe Prices 1k and Serge Dresses $9.98 il.. * .- I Sae W hav e assenlble(l a w<>iderftil selev- i-dIlthe wimte<1 colors for hil and wiîmter Sj.,foru ~uî type .pf figure and ariy size- 111E' allies are su 9,098 ~sY, -,nab1e Gowns at $16.75 t5 i i Iiii Iesses nulle (f fine jualit ' vJerseys , iSurgusE in a il the ilEi îg sliidvs for. wiit(i (*;j ,u r . (1el in t lus giruuîptg) illicherequiremînts of -" -1 i l liit pitioal garîîîexts. Thîe styles are lie ' 1-1tall 111E-vare sizes h to i p Ie inii is assenibh , 6 / lhoue lo7i, Victory Sale Flanneletp- Gowns 98C W o in eein 's fiannelette night gowns inade of heavy weiglît flantiel iii whte and toltiis specially prcdfor thec veovsale ........9.. 8c k 'i Y Ladies'- Dressing Sacques 79c Ladies' fleece liued dressing sacques made of heavy weight fiannel iia good range of colors, spe- cially priéed for 1.79c Victory Sale ........-89 r, VICTOR Y SALE 0F- Children 's Apparel Boys' Suits Boys' suits ini a fille selection of eolors and styles. Sizes up to 18 speeiai for the Vietorv .7 Sale ........ 5 7 Boys' Mackinaws Boys' mackinaw Poats made to stand liard service, ail sizes, special fo r tilt.5 Victory Sale 55 Boys' Overcoata Boys Russiani over- coats i a good selce- tion of nîaterials ait oftered in thsa9 Victorr, Sale 39 Victory Sale Q'_ Sw eaters One Lot of Ladies' Sweaters at 13.98 For this sale we have assembled a large lot o>f - ladies' sweaters ini ail the most m-anted colors and in the newest Styles at flic very spe-39 cial pi--e of ..3*8 Chfidren's Sweaters One lot of children's sweaters iii ail colors .will be on sale during - ~this great ev ent 18 Girls ' Coats Girls' moats iin a good range of styles and mateials, all cors and sizes, spe- eial foi- Vie-77 tory Sale ..77 Girls' Serge Dresses Oirls' dresses miade of a fine quiality serge in rnany prettv styles are offered in ti, Victory Sale 575 a t... ...57 Chfidren 's Dresses Childreîî's w a s;l dr-esses made of pret- ty in2hams in a goo(l range of styles and <olors, speeial foi- the Viétory Sale .9 at.-.. Victory Sale of- Blo uses -,-. re, .. (w .,F, de Chine blou.,es ini a large selectioîî of cap- tivating styles and ini ail thie wa;itcd e(lors - 5<)ine einhroidered, sonie 1eaded, sinme braided-aIl heaut.i- tul. Speeually priced -., foi thîs sale at -s 3998 V'ICT0R YSALE OF-h StunningV Cups White saucers, oi for the V. limiteti qu. last 63 for soi 7-inehs scalloped )SClfor Sale ùeach Coffe Alurnint speeially 1 tory Sale, quantity l each ..... . Ri( Alumni in 2 qui priced foi tory Salet To Large fi paper rej special fci Sale, 4 ro( Vinte r MiHfinery For this sale we have assembled a fine selec-- tiop of trirnred hats that formerly sold up to $6, iathe wanted coloriiîgs aind shapes, 29 8 atteunusual lo rice of .............. Children's Hats S- Children's hats, in plain colors, also with fac- ings of contrasting colors, neatly trinmred in girl- ish styles. Speciallyý priced at- $evt1.7.5 and Up Vevttais in -ail the popular'%tyleý. are pre- scuted here in this Sale at- 98c and Up VJCTO,-.SPECIALS (Basement) ..and~ucers Berving Trays guaranteed not té'sinoke or chini cups and Japanese painted serving sineli. Specially prieed for )vide shape, special trays in round- or square the Victory59 ctry Sale while a shapes, 9 inch size, Sale ................... 59 'an415 speci.ally prieed at Tea Ketties Sad Irons Blue and white eî:arneled PMp ~ae The foyer sad irons in tea ketties, No. 8 size, strict- soup coupes with sets of three with stand. îyfrst quality, spe-1 ed4ges speciallv Specially priced for y1 )r Victory y2 Veory Sale, per set. 1.49 cially priced at ...... e 12 rèDouble Roauters C3overed Ketties ~ePecoatrs Sheetiron double roasters Blue and white covered iuni p e r c o 1 ators 10x15 inch size speciaîîy ketties with enameled cov- priced for the Vie- priced for Victory 49 ers, 8 quart size, specially ýwhile a limitod Sale only ................. C priced last 14 Nickel ]Plated Lampa at ......... .. ...... .....-85 ....................leavy nickel plated read- 01Mp ce Boilers ing or sewing larnps -with 2 in 1 Oit Mops, the "0 So ium double boilers fitn.cy white shade 9 Easy" make, easily ,detach- iart size speciallv speeia]Jy priced at.3ë19 ed.t cornes ini a box, speciaily r the Vie-1 9 Creamers prived eahFancy decorated creain- at........1................... -.., oilet PAjer crs, pint size, specially Prie- Mixing Bowls 0lsciee .oalues Se orteac o 15c YelIow mixing bo-wls ini culree ilt e d fore the.......i......or....y'1C sets of 3. Specially Priced r Victory29Th 01Hetr for the Vict or', Sale,~ MI ........ ...... 29 TePerfletiorteoil fleater, per met 49 I I - ."iE~E' r~~F ' 't 5~ W t*******~5~~W--t~ ~ ... ncnëu%,r-4m Georgette & Crelje iY!