La. M-101 ROCTOR Obre, Lité, AccIent and Hseiih r,» iais Glasa.- ioufOfIe mnd Worilg- maso Conipentoll. lola K 15.Hlm Before Placinq Your Insurance [fm tomB14 g1< ubsîtyvile. IL WELL DRILLNG 09USIIERMAN & DOLAN MION CITY Fb...113-W I. BAIRSO .UAUU8UACTURKR 09 LMe ae nd Granite monumeni s <fuf.tery Work of Ever, 1 Description &rspoDdeIicei olicItcd 116. Geoesee st DM 1. L. TAYLOR "e M lus bawiemwankUséDandine 'l s.%.4A0 88W &Bd67I 18 P. lui.... on Broadway, oppoulte Pat Ub«4mylli. "ie. DRL GOLDING DENTIOT nor 8 to 12arn-i 1 aBP.,. over Fret NtIOnalBank Uu cePhone l1-J. Ieo. Phono 157-J. Ubortyvillle. liios DL E.LHK SMITH. DENTIST. »M sLAZ COUNT NATIONAL DAIM. unuý e c12 a. M. aBd i t a SP. M. DAILI. Libortytllle iflai CHAS. N. STEPtIENS, M. D. PHYSICIANa&"dSU7RGEON $u@MW atection givm Io 0thse dnemua 0of tisei - M EyEar. Ne, TMroat 1tres exasnlned for elaie IOffl ver Ou8Co. Tel. 10 Libeitl'vle. DR, O. P. BDLTRFILD. VUTERIIÂEY SURGEON. &§»TANT ITATZ YUTBRIKAEL&. Uberty-dlle. Ilaist. OR. A. G. CAMIPBELL VetenaryDentust Ladd Uvery Stble Libertyville, 111. W~ukwan.LakeFortSAutloch. Kenomba uurue.Wdiwoth.Russel sud 010r adjacent tovu. ELHANAN W. COLDY Atorney-at-Law agn ainorne, Cook Av@. PhOne 168-J LIERTYVILLE.- - ILLINOIS LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOBE-Atr-LAW LbertyvIlI. - Illinos 1«@e liildic. r». Piso1111t-. Oace Phone la PAUL MAC GUPPI. AIORJET AF LAW. Ubertyllle, [Diaisa MARTINC. DBCIC ATiOENBT-&T-LàAW 807 Washlngiou B t -VAUKEGAN, - . ILLINOIS Office Phonoe8SU Bu.. Phane 1860-R £AUE COlIN-rT EEl & FUEL CO. skzl RATN. SMITH LbuewytU L Nember IL P. C. A: (t brutaldriver> my frind, I won't shat up. porbrsufortunately, aso Î lke Daalaine au., but 1 would yen know, air, that I1cSn.-Dc0- ?asiPt. l With special reference to: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradbury, WI. and Mrs. J. A. Bower, Mr. and Mrs. John StadIg ef Waukegan and Mr. and Ms. Conrad Baxel et Lake Bluff, al et whomn have lust re- oelved depressing news from abroad. Dnsmiore Ey. Chicago avstor. va kilici ln France luts priug. Mis lust bIter to hlm parents, daei Paria 2, closedltus: "And I wait te sMY, In oloslng, If anything siiould happen te me, eors I have fno mournIng, lni splrît Or In d8e». Bs ke a Lberty bond, itla an lIvestrnent, not siloise, wbsn a men dies for is country-At Ila5en hoflor te a famlly, sud la that thie lime ton weeping? 1 wotld ratilsî lemes my IainiIy rîch In piaesnt momeso0f my IlItethon numbed In eorr@w et my deatil. McADOO TELLS ROADS TO RE-EMPLOY SOLDIERS Washington, Nov. 8.-Ralmoads van lunstructai hi Diroctar General MoAdoo ta restona employez nov lu milltary or naval service la thaîr aenlorlty rlgbts vheu the>' rton, so fer a4q precticable. sud fini sullabls vont for athen returnlug soldiersor @aleos vhê iad no sernity igilte. The Instructlons v -ilI nat aPplY ta ross viici have, eRlabllehed moreJ opeciilcprincipico.1 of Waukegau and D. A. Ferry of VZ Cilty; a siBter Mns. CI. M. Noveli Hemmoni. sud men>' other nelativ and fuleuis Bila vas bora Oct. 1850 at the old homastead la NeWv viiere she gi-ev te wounhood- Mai 25 1870 Oh. vas United lun oage vlth A, W. Smlith a! Warm bownship sud vent at once te Osmith fsrm te live. lu 1888 tbei veut te Chicago, vi bas sinca basa thoir bhome. Iu sarI>' gilbod tabsunt4.ed W the Baptiat chucb with vblcb as1 sîvays heen dentifiai. Neveu I strong she bas alvaa b eeu Inters:i Iu ail gooi voit sud hatped 1 hest o! ber abiliti. She yull be g1l ly iliac hia large cirlé O!fnBie aud relatives. The service yl ho condoctai the Rey. W. C. Rutherford. Wii day, Novr. 13, 10:30 s. M., Kt homneofni er brother, W. B.'TaurY, West street. Waulcegan, 111. Btl tat oaktie csmetari, Newport Toi shlp. missel;thel Maude $peucer, as] af Dornarssq Spencer, aviabor i ln Fria. ,viii ho maried Nov. 10 ber brothors' Iorner dmsamate Yale, Ensign George'Clark MOSOI V. 9. 'K<. R. Migss. pqner la daughtsr of Mu. a~man. Bul S jpencero! Hghian4\auk. She ,centiy completod, a n\pla'strain ,core prellminre1 4$pital rin France. C, want. e eg, ea.u mela<ho P DEPEN DENT ,OelIMM ,59POS' Wesliy. Rl il aSÔ ILId iuleadeUU5ti 'os TOJO 'STÉI hME' 0F 100 EMPL0YES )eoislen Affect 300,000 in George R. Thorne of Lake For- Vwlos Caps W itin te est, Made Provision in WII Leave for Francoe for Fathful Workers ORDERS ARRIVE HERE HE LEAVES BIG ESTATE Change in World Conditions Sum et $200,000 Is Left to Does net Abrogate Need et each of thïe Children; Wife Filling Questionnaires Is Provided For- DOEN'THITMARNESAND The wili of the rate George_ R. OC)FThons o!fLake Forest. heai ci te NAVY mtoir rdad Co.w 5wThe longent telIsaa iever e-proaM ntg ou W or t d tGo. ase IbISe morslng," 5mW the rait WnCmm gan loday, sud las unuiuel ilu 12man ai h. doraft i, ading: 'rWendelîrespects. Mu. Thouue'â death c- sgste doftorde ame tocanceOul ecrred Sept. 24, 1918. rages f dere m e d l thers ctthet The most unusiiel bequesi Isabthe recnt raf Cai nd it thOt tatguItto! $500 to each o! 100 faithful mlght ho under "5y. itcam frm eplyes of Moutgamery Werd and Ad. Gn. DidJt50, reîuyed from Gen- Co. emplayes vho have been vitti or&, Crowdr. BUT, mon shouid m- tefr.fryae membr te c8ielatin aplie to The lirai clause of the viii pro- &il army drafts but dos ot Include videa for e bequest o! 8200,000 saci tnecop taIi or the nmuaI or tebmr-to10Mr Thorne's clildren, viiose ternes à» crps thoe MR.M@t 9 aies -arcnatollovs: William C. Thons The filling of questionnfaires le juistLeurs. Thorue Donuellai, Chartes H. as impdrtant nfow as before.'" Thoras, James W. Tharue sud R> Washingtonl, D. C..ý Nov. 12-Almost brt J. Thortie. tiie first action D! the van depir*- A -bequost of 11,000 i9 mati' th menttody aterannuncmen fiMethe Shipmnn oiRichmonti Hill tha gug 0 f the armistice with Long Island. Germeni vas the cancellatlau ai al M. Thorne lbaves tbe followluâ ar mi draf t cana ouuden vhlch more amourota 10 different Chicago rher. tha>i 30,000 meu had been ordeud ed ta otrais fucampa ieforoNov: JO. LUited Charitias, $25,000. Urgent telegranis, ive seul 10 lil Glnwaad Manua Training School local draft boards diuectiug tuat the $10,000. moternent o! 212,000 mnch under an- Chicago Home for Incurables, $10. dorste ntrin obvoS tdaisud000. Fdonai o entaipp edln oa and Home fan Frlendlem, in Chicagt Tiie teleguams reached most of tae 810,000, boards lu Urne, but a fev men are Vlstlng Nurses' Association, 810, kuovu to have starte& for camp. 000. The rsecndlng ander affected 62 Stockyards Day rsery, $1000. mou fror i tae Wauitegau district.1 To bis son, Charles H. Thaune They hai been ordsued to entrain wham ho namlessas ezecutor au Tborsday t 2:53 andi voue b go ta trtistee. ho beaves In trust a sufficien Camp laArthur, Waco. Texa.. amoont of puoperty ta pay aunuitie Thei are nov being notltled tbat j te lhe foflovlug people: tbey do ual have ta report-ant thus Airs Grace ,,Llhme Ropea,,Eas tisse 63 men are Laits touKtY's con- Orange. N. J., 850 a mauth. lingent vWho 1"aost became sol- Marthe ThorMsVeuennos, Vt diemu."$50 a montI. Muet File Questionnaires. MiltitlM8rezo i Mon who arc lu the draft. but noV $1 outh. yst casified aee amed Ly Chair- Mus. C. M. Ferry. Boaton, Mas man KulîbI that they m'lut tua fin 8300 s year. thoir questionnaires anud show up for Tbese anauities are ta stop ai deas phîsical ezaminution just n3sIf au and the prsoperty on vhlu-h intosrr' armistice badl tbeeu signai. vas osod la pay tbe asulties r 11 amn airai tbintlheb. eneral vets hakto10the estate. confusion ome men mai tui t Ils Aillte rost o! the astate ls le all aveu sud tsar op their Question- in, the executan 4u trust. tho Ila taire,"~ Dr. Mnlght sai. "If s man structed to Psytse net Incarne, pi doea at moud lu i questionnaire, fit uni carnolgs la the vldow, Mi propelyI llisi out, he hecomes a de- Ellen M. Thorn. At'tae deth linqueul end can bcoroderedt o camp Mra. Thone ail theo property beld et once. If ho doos ual thon shcow Inust goesa lathe children up bc bocomes a dosertor. shaea eWce. menemuet r the elllercvo "Themen ust epemer w are3, J1912. goiag r1gill ahead lait the samne ares .Tossgitovl ca uul Navy Plant Work Stop&. OBITUARY-MRS. A. W. SMITI Washington, Nov. 11.-SecretOJi' At theolhgue a! heu brother W. Danlels annouaceti toulght that be Ferry In Waotegan an Monday mmi bad rderd vau t appeti on tig uev lng, Nov. ý1 occurrod the deatil naval explosive plant lu Wiconain Mns. A. W. Smith tormrely Mille. sud that the projecteti $9,000.000 nav- Ferry oudest daughtor a! the laear al lan etInden ead Md. wuldD. andi Sylvia A. Ferry. Muae. Sm! flot ho but. hati been e great suferai for wo rnths aud heu deâtit vas»Iot un TIIOSI3 WHIO. OURN etd h eve omunbrl glgqJwlylhJ Joephine jengls, lots 4 te t. block Roberts, Evsustol4 . 83. PULjUj~1, Howard Park, Pox La4ke.. WD.$M0. John Weldaer. Mlwaukee, 38; Dora e pO . H, Bn.gitt sMd vît. te W. p. Walter lý TroYer. Great Laites, 3;nî Nichlaea nite, »l lH . blocknet. R Dlul Clai, The actthatelatiaJo. cWai oat fonato . o r n ai t.4 2 R.Lso Cisoecaeo, C-qgo lected to utu lin mach csayI-foot S Of WashingýOu e-,W& efl lie ONeil.samne, 38. Dl formation on thie election ttabaIofai WD.$20,00.Lewis SBl, ilwue.2;Mr the election held Nov. 6, teeyd- Anus B. Johnson aud busband ta le Mandel, ane, mttlng a formai report on the. total 2, block 3, LYo sud Hutchiaes Sub.,1 Chas. M Anderson. Daggett. Mieb.. usa number or votes eust for tie varlaus Watikegau. Wl), 810. 21; Doris V. Dae. Milwaukee, 19. bo caudidatea. brings forth a statemelit Susie Capas te Mary Suchy, lotsb yV aiMlaks 1 r ta the Offet that strauge as lfit ay 19 sud 2e, blockt 6. Drayers Su.. ma Scbmlttlnger. saute. sosu. Jodges aud clerks of election North Cilcago. WD. $2.050. Christ Soreusen. Ienosha, 26; lu rural district& osttally ae udMarthea Iversen. sarne. 36. te be more elicient titan KÂm a h ARRIGE LICfflOBS. ier .inW 1ie akie i. cltoa~Ohi, :~..î: LiniîrnflCedarburg, Wls. oui The. reusa for this, It, la ,xplalnad. Wiliard Bllow. MiIwau*teo. 21, aud ti. o isi lecticion fciais Mnt Imb m...Alfred R. Schott. Chicago, 22; lier- bol muet depeai wpoa themeeîves to soîve Chas. 0. Sbledow. Omaha, Nob.. garet Crots, sare. 22. tui dIicultie, that arise sud as a resut 37 Cam-llue L. NAgel. Lakte Forest, Frankt Sklbnlsd.%Illlvaukee. 43;i they' refer trequently telite electian Mr3Coe.2.e 4.o laan and =Uarisia.tbemW.vm witb Chas. Bullette, Racine, 29, Mabel Mr CoerJ oute,h2. Qruel. i.,a tbem. vhnele ti precincts li 10 iTort Branon. Hland18.33; Viola B. 8Stender, West Alis, Wls. g0 easy foe- lostion offiels Hîbet teso, llh~niPark. 21. knttY problems te te count.y clerka 24, foda Johnson,.gmarne, 27. Victor Peler., Milwaukee, 27; BIais office titt any do net familsr'.se Arthur N. Barco. Chicago, 34, and Blaseraone, 35. -thameives witi tIhe latra. HlldS E. SobIopp. St. Louis, 27. W.W arGoc. 2 yl Il la net often. hovever, tht ~oe 27,Valua A. Satane, san Park, Oîdeuberg, Racine, 34. 0 caies overlooked no many maltera 2.1-im MassIsmo 5 Geo. E. Gesl. Milwaukee, 22: Es- o. > a oel i roeteeUl Walter E. 84mub, Osk Park, 22, aud ther Bacitus. arne. 214. be > la sald thet befora another eiectIon AmE eme r . PrairIe omowlv, 2., Chas, W. Munsell, Nononha. 30; Ly- ne la heldSlaUks viii be sont out. glvlng E1,mer E. TNeltsOoun. sm , . dia CurtIasmre. 43. ha explicit instructionls to Tdges audsme Rexford 0. Parriali, Norfok, Va.. an 0 cents as ta just boy robirns must Nielo O'Dell, l ty, 19, Milirsi 26; Inez FEichorn, Siieboygan Fafis, 00 . emade hi tham tetle conuty clerk. Soheleuger, City, 21. i.21 - la this election the office of lte Jrm Jr Cm icni, Win. E. Clslausure, Lakte Bluff, jcounty cort aud lhe cauvanig21, Geeliu E. llartlilm, Madson. 35; Minto H. LIntýhurg, ate, 80. board bas been put to muchi neon- Wls., ils. Ray A. Harmer. Autloch. 21; 1Helen veulence lu îookiug up Informationu Bron0.Ment, G Lates , jM. Canuon, Mlibrn, 20. tha1 should have beau sopplled hby e 0.,ineU2Vander CTION SAL!a eelectlou judges sud lertse. ol rla. Srlt. Mlaks o i tU.r. ap JosephIine Osrovukl. smre. si. Chaiîem Kerecbke & Sono îli eeil, at pub- s Real Estate Transi ors Josepht Singer, Freeport. 41, Elîcu. lic aurtlon, (ou te Renletia IfcbDol i '01 or -MilIer, Mlwaukee, 28. taime, ni River road and Mlwaukee niem-0 Nov, 1, 191IL Wm. P. MeKJuney. Great Lakes; nue. nea r Alison bridge: e BoitsEs-Surrel marse, 14W0; U- Augusta Dreves, et ai., ta Josph 21, raeeiobust on, Chlcago,19. black or.Idug, 1> ve., tut. 1500; biack Davldsou, lots 30 10 34, block 5. tDrey- Arthur Wesley, fGreat Lattes, 38. mare. 7 ira., vi. 1400; Pereheiun eual- onm Boub., North Chicago .WD. $10. Marlou Snell, Chicago, 37. lion. 7 yrs W t l50lt:; black horpe, 8 Ira., e, Catheineii Sullivan to D. J. Donne. Harry Cohen. Camp Grant. . 3 5. "CÀvTLE-lO heaiv' 2borne, 7hcaItBf; ad lot au LakesEEs, Village af Ares, Marie BManage, Mdliwaucee, 21. 4 sprnrgerp; balsîwle mllkerp; 3 boile 18 nt QCD, $10. Gea. Miller, Mllwaukcee, 21; Clara woe . 1 r, and 0 moi. oid. es Margeret Mulvihill to D. J. DloeWilke, ane. 21. ,nw n îîh C, pie; hro5pot 10o lot on Lake *Earal, Village af Area, Joseph WliiOwsi, Kenosa. 22; pla- 2 Cheter White boars, 150 lbe.. et QCD, 410. Sophla Zlentera"l, ane.,1.v t,<a, 125 Ibseaecb; 24 chickefle, 12 P. P. Dymond, et al., to G. B. Folet E rC eiauon ilwaukes, diIs oky d6gse 't. ad lf, .6 areslaE .2setin l:Auna Kother, azono. 1. 1 50 b:ohseis of 200 busheli of 1 Oea 6 tous pr by13an;0 20, Libertyvîlle. WD, 11695. Robent A. Miller, Mllwaukee., 21: i.a1z late merd xtatope, 10 balge sarli h., Charles tibi and wîfo te G. u. Isabelle Hanter, Green Bay, Mes., 19. m .od potatvcu. 30 acres h i nolu the Krueger and ville, lot 6. block 2, Wlllard Johnson, Great Laites, 21.; ehort. MeConniet grain binder, Deerei s., Osborus's Sob., LUbertyvillls. Wl>.Mari1ePattênfl.Chicago. 19. siicrlow.efte !he nWs ro lant. $4000. Wm. Creuse, Great Laites, 21-,Nle or, uew Cas.adasy sulky plow. 2 rding. tb F. W. Buck sudtvitle ta Grace A.- *,,. Brumnond. oeçt end of lots 7 anl . e. bockt 7., McKaysmAid.. Wau'iegan,l WD, $10. ef CoaMac V. Srnith sud husbani l3 n. E. E. Stotsud, te, 41-2 acres Iu ro. SE. part Sec. 25, Vernon Twp.. WD. irg. $10. o f Antan Levi sud vifete 1 G. F. Bloom. in quist and i vie, lot 119, Wadsworth Lnd Sub. Waulcegan, MWD, $4875. Nov. 2Z 1918. bor W. P. Harris, ta Helga A. Stabell, lot ut Dnico Lakte, WD. $10. G. S. Nelson and vite to Phlifpi B. $r. l e.2,W nlc w.< "Buy it of youir Local De 'rn Theo. Scheurmanfl and vile to Of Mînnie K. Myersou, lot 15, Rav mia, A. 1%-D, $1. SE hos S. M. Seldenfeld and vife te J A. )me 20, McKay's Second Add., Waukclian. j«. QCD., $1.- The unusually careful and prompt service whîî lon RosleB. miltimore te Wm. Wright, Parcel Dispatch is rendering ta merchants. and res ,yesst 17 fot or selip esansd ai- Uon inlug, lot 1 Do~uglas second dlv.. 10 do practically ail your buying rlhî here at hc a f n Colunts., Waukegan, WD, $10. expense of a large stock of goods, your local dealer Ive Nov. 4, 191& adquc ý8, Chlarles Wolblng sud -teetoAl- ce1 Diapatch, cari give you full selectionadqcl potbine Wolblng. 42 acres north afi ugai on n 1-, W 1-4, Sec. 23, Grant Twp.i Buy at Home and Support Your1 me . D t1. Ser sud vIrete toJoiephise re M.A. Lýuhmermli. veat 50 feel, 200î,if ><,ui-lo"aldealer cannot fiU your need from hi the feot 8 1-2, blackt 24, Meaies Plat Hlgh-cngeilorourmhewheaerr bbr vood and lots 3 snd. 4. blackt 1. a , tfrYUfOlu hlslro obr hilci Hayte Re-mO., HIlghvood, QCD, $10. Shore Parcel Dispatch.' he will save you dîne,- Josephine L. Peck sn u bsni 10 and hle is assured of witil renais Watts, W part lots 1 sud 2, ba" Bob. of biocit 4. Burchêoll's Snb.. etd W. W. E&wards snd wife to N. N.DE V RY N 24 H the Lund, part lot 2, Edward'm Suh.. la TeNrhS rePrlDipc oits the bus *eéàt- Bec. 21, Avon Twp., QCT., 8400. TeNrhSoeP " Dn thslc nds BaIiY 11. MoUliton te War Recreft- and readents, flot because its servite is thoe equal o tion board, part blgcit 4 and 9 Sun- other line, but because it is disinctly better. If3 hib delln's Firat Addition, Wbukeg&1 o echniead watyuooshnld Inos- .. J.Bowling, et ial., teSsrsh RavI-fomrhade dwnt orgod hndd the lIn, lot 9, block 2, Orayalato. Dards, pronptly, insiat on shilpients arrvng via the N '118 es. spth urial M. E. Wiag sud vle te Rose Whlt- DsSC ivu- tingbBUl, W 40 foot, lot. 144, Bhav'a; $rd sb., in Sec. 10. Grant Twil., WD-EXPRESS SERVICE AT LEUS THAN El $1,600. tâter W. T. Sullivant 10 W. F. Pre; tt, lot Frdtie rfmu5o.aprt 1ud 45 Sswm i uh, ~ Ya L. te ames iss Datch cim 0 c e L 1 itrto VB ban oiltvat ipiMOita Masie a rk laed vouler, cbainpo biY 4iiitr, -oin esler, 1-d cutbfl, en c dr arrotlift1e, 600-1b. plat. qip sue", reai cari, a.tu. truck wagon, 4t, IIug wagon, 2-lu. w an bobh bo, lvlesV a .% gVBoDi, 2-yard aton, box; 2 .W ru a, 9 Slé double bain. . neIy m; 2 expioe, arss, driving bauuM, ut@ double sy main, »w; 40 grain Np, bay tart and liprier. 180 11. beY p , lOalO-It. caoyeu, i 11klltCane, non etoye vitb rereoir. mmllbati,. &ension tabk% à iitebn table«. eovlng iachine, bureau, diseuer sud othot- ocueold lurnIturo. Plsnty to eat aud drink at noon. CoÀs Kansenîx & Borie, Prope. jonh J. Wlak-, Auctioneer. ---A -DDCATIoN NOTICE. - Publi. Notice là berobi given thatthe0eu riber AdulolBtratiof uthe litai. of Martin ",k.Scaw,ed.wMl teud th@ OMS ,urt of Lake Oounti et a terze1hereof lo b* Iden et Ithe, court Houleilu Waukegaa.4 0sait! Couuty ou the lesét MondaI& uO Januari bezt, 1nie. whezî and whes au persona baviu arne ag&imt saldlItatt are uottfied aud ,emised te prosent the mmt 10ld court lor UudleaUiou. ANDao puUiN. Admunuhttor. Wauke*au IIM. October 28. 1918. oct. si Nor, 7.14 ADJUDICATION NOI . Public Notice ta hosby gîventi Ihal 0. Ub- scnb.? AdmlotaMtlX of the litab. 0f LyMéi 0. Deisuhsn. deeaad. wlUlen440Mte Oouutl Court of LaS. Oouuty, as a terra thereof 10 be bolden et the Court HOUM. lu Wakegan fn &*d Conut. ou the lirgtU HonhiIOf Jauati nazi. 1919, Wbçn Spd where all persona a&vlng caim agait si ad etate are notà5ed and requeeled 10 PrelCut the care 10 caMd Court for àd)udlcadon BLANCHE A. SlITCHELL Admingtatdtx. vaukeran. Ill. October 28. 1918. Oct. 31 Nor. 7-14 LVELL f i.S. A=10ae. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie notice le b.reby alvin tisI the Suis- wniber Admitatril of the %ht&te Of VrMnk L.. 51M»«. d.eaaad. wlll &»" d 1h Con" iCourt of Lake Conut. a a taru tha»Ie go b. hold.u &*th* Court-Houl u DWakeam. in Wad Conlt. on M0e let Mouday of Jaunal Maxt. 1919. Whou and sisere aIl persona bavhU Sla aail"sald 1.1.8e are nOUR04 ds rmqual e 0 rfeeuth~.mfe'to aiwd Court for adlndiatiofi. FiitANCEs M. 8LUSBER Adualniclatrta. Waukeaau. I Cetober 29. 1918. Oct SI No,. 7 là L SIJ.H MI. Z Attr ADJUDICATION NOTICE. publie Notice la belebi uiven thbt 10e Sub' menibers. AdmItihStlOrf090e 1.Râtea0f Joohua LathroP. deet. vili attendi theOountY Court oi Lake Counli. ai a tenustheof 10 b. hsolden aM the Court Houie lu Wsukegljs. ln »Ild Couuti ou 1th e §t Mondai .Of Jahuary nes%, 1919. weefiand visert I ersionana da&ims galsi« id latate are notilied an4 roqueaLed to preset theb. ame t10ni 'ours 1for adjudicaion. Xt>WARD D. HUBB<D. Admini4tralOr. WaOSCCIO. October 29. 1916. Dcl. I Nor. 714 Laleryp DISPAICI ih tËe Noith Shiore sîidents enables you home. Without the er, through the Par- kdelivery. Local Dealer hi& present stock. he By using the North money and bother, )URS usine»s of merchants of that giveri by any you are in a hurry 1carefuily mwelias North Shore Perce] EXPRESS RATES" LINEý Milwaukee lutà andClubeer ffls..Gr*" %S8