Four. LERtlYVIýT INDEPENDENT, RrHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918 i lncluding their owi people booklng down on them uasthe bertyvile'IndeTenden t wot eaues the world ever produoed.' TUe1com-.dowff. Çoun*y Iisdepedent - Waukegan Weekly Sun'couldnbegreater.' If K»Ala Bill lad it ail to do over 1- _ _ -aga in-well, one doosut have to tabe t.wo gtiesses to doter- st the Postoffcea st Lberty vile.Iii., sene what ie lage.Mail Me donr _______- all, Zaiser Bil did one et the biggest things OfcaPublication for Tii. Village of Libertvtviile. for the world et large-bhis deeds were so awfui that hie Om0elel PublicatIon fer Lake County Board oS1Stipei-Ioi-O'PronpS utnt IPsto a8 etI hteeyoyîwwl = len- Tbursday AlvertiailiF Raton Mal Knoovuon APPlicatit ltimaedsoiinl ocrai.hteeyoynwwl ~SRIPTION PRICE, 01.60 PER YEAR STRIICTLY IN ADVANcE live a straight and honest lite 80 TEAT in the hereafter %-1 ý_-___ they wont rM any chances of! MENGHMM ithe' 4 . SMITH .......................L........................manager says Iiie didn't do sometblng for the wrld-he made it ýU, M. ECKHAROT ...................................................ocal Manager btr*(mg*fa RTteatrlf ih rn OFFENDEEinicontact with hMnàî1 b is family.) Bo now eveirybody wMl just bave to eho gôd whether they want te or not. "Wris over l-isi't that the finest sentence you've heard in a long tjime? No-sWeeter sentence ever wrtten unlesa iti1: 4Peace bas come"t-anid, they mean'tii.same thing. SEIO) THEM NEA1R HOME Kaiser Bfi, fleeing as he is, in now. just an ordUinary Noiv that the big bise hospital is opcned at Fort running away from the deedsanad crimes that *eridaji and will lie the biggest one of its kind in the wil haunt him like sirilar acts baunt murderers in ail u4ntry, it strikes Waikegaîîýi people that it would be con- lands. ~teAt anîd dri' 'd for govri-nîent officiais to send back Ïthe'Ft. Sheridan liospital the doctors wlio ent into ser- Peace Uo theel1 ,e froinWaueCn WAUKEGAN CELEBRATES SPON- . iao -i fLk on For instance, w'hat w'ould do nicer than to think that 1,AinOtheY Onerroll ent e c rsof tar Ilr. Folev. who lias big property intcrests i Wauzeg-aii Waukegan's ccicbra:tion of th. Igm4 out of the 78 sent rom Lake Bluff, a~d fa.îiy. .~nud le schît ltaîk ta at as omc tfflFi' î-ýp 19of peace wil no down in the hisS1 the otier ta a Wýrieî.ii nan, Sertie ~S f Uc ti'WIji-ttt~. rhî 0fnueî.ti1db1 J i(d toti or(y as the iggest anud tlienio,t im :Stadtig. îbrtu-e, 1'. C i(w1>1'. r. tlll',DrXî. ak4q<,ur, î <lae- portant event of ita kind that ha2 Waukegan cxtcîîds ts ayrpathy of 411 1)t < - ~~~ever taken place boe. No matterý coupsebto h te aîts . ~e ud a s~ thes wlîoma ha'c onelrm Lke oîl- ow mucii Yeu may elaborate or ex. 1 reaved maY altolIft their isads nC oggerate on, tIe statemont, it wiii noS i meaîjZe tiat they have hoped brlnqg In otiier words, why not convenienre the doctors and ti omc.1dsicint hi aiis hi lfifamilies by sendin g tliem to a camp which is near If any cty in the Unted States en.-jasons have sacrirced thef r Iivcî bt 1 , Z i ome, torethi-e wl euta acpal ee into Its celebration of this big' they brougit giory te ticir famiy whîethresrvt-s vllli jsta acetal event In a more enthusiastic, more name. It la written in biood, It ia tthe govern-nieilt and whieectleir failies eould have effective manner titan Waukegan, let oritten In gold. -foin with tliem? tieni $tep forwai-d, Waukegan peope Whilc the government wo'tld rot thiiîk to dIo a thing Whio i-turned f rom Chicago Manday Depeti. xtme nîulm ethis kind without a suggestion from anyhody, it seems oveflndciaied that ovon Chicago and the. unusuil rnetiiods of celebrat- athough steps ntight be taken to rall attetîtion of gor- dld not put orti any singe demon-' îng, Waukegan etcaped wtiout any etr&tion asexnsv and Impiessive j ...lOu* accident It waa a Wonder ment officiais to the importance. of such a transfer. Th'le as Waukegan. tit omebody waan't kif led by lie tis very apin htthe Waukegan dco~ ldo otonytiitM j oiJcntd In roci<î0" and spoeding auto drilvo.i- as good ork down at Ft. k erd n sthey coul i ~ aao btpol rm n lgbor-but Providence sem dta b. itIî à%'a-.qhns gwlipre I-hc~ er iw aeai- wtri t tl tîY wutîlî.. ir aet twiic iatett ity-and protected ever-ybody. ,ýý&e he ton ifirance and enthusa v.î,. i- t. - at. l Ieeth3e convenienee of being nlear their honme aiîd their of the Occasion and jumped Into denc milies would have the pleasure of their presence oc- the Pa-ade and fine of mai-ch In cr pie s»tonally.__ ____ der te make it a -rsaiaffal, tiot, The downtOwn etseets looked like batt PLENY OFCOALAND ARSthe atreets of Chicago do on special PLENY 0FGOALAND ARoccasions tuch ae the ooming of the. At a recent meeting in Chicago, a coal mine operator pridnt. Nover bforo have Wau- T fuel ad.ministrators of Ilinois that if the administra- 410110 trOeet been packed with such bar Ioud furnish cars the coal operators would furnisht a motley throng as on Monday leva. d the coal necessary to prevent people from going nng. to tý The goo dpart o fit wa& thgt oery. loS ugh h aships thisw~inter. Rle laid the entire blame bodY memd to b. qpod naturod one o theZ shotage of cars or the inability of the railroad ad- mîImot ovrything 5v0ybdy es dldth tration to get cars to' the coal -mines for service. Rie -went.5'ca dthere seemed to be sometliing "1wrong in Denmark" It vue such a happy occasion that coan rference t getti.fg cr to the proper sucsof .e-bdyws l lt theti nd re t car souces col brator go the Ilmit ln hl* cathus- ply which was very apparent to people who watched lat.i Bide-tracks along the main trunk Une railroads. 'Rail- Tiie Waukogan factorise turned out ' ien generally admit that on every siding in a zond out ln pl nd îd shape, and the n hy hundred miles or legs from Chicago, one nlay fjn1j thualaini diplayed by the. empioyea bo ere rom.a dyen o fftee exta ers ad tey Sy eOwod their feeling toward the gov. the her frm doento ifeenexra ar an tey ay. rinmnt and toward oui- country. Tiec«C dthem standing thl"rc day after day, week after week cit could not hai been mors dem- qi pmonth aftcr month. There always are a lot of emlpty eiistrative iad It deIred. The af. or in--thc yards at Waukegan and in the big yards inù fair surpassod ail predictions and ex.up suburbs of Chicago on the other division, there are pectations of tiiose wiio ioped that eds of idi cars ail he time. I these car wouldWtkplwud do Its part ln makt eds f ide crs al th tne. I thse crs wnldiniftbecelebration a fitting one..I be sent to the inines, instcad of being allom-ed to stay en fr beyond that. It wae a coli- ere idie, there would.n't bc the danger of being.short. ebration auci as worde canflot de. Sil he cmin winer.scribe. To fairly 4lnderstand what coal he cnnng wintr. .took Place you iiad to witne4asthe. A RICAL ROAD B00STÉI. whole &flair on froin six o'clock until ap.Mofftt of Great Lakesa station is one of thie ftrnane. &esýrod<bffoestrs hatis o b fond n lke ouny. Thse wIiole celebration was cari-ed Ce tad' osesthti obefud' Lk ony thrOuilh in a 5POg9tn0us manner B eni lie who was encouraging Zion City to build the roadand that waa probably wiat made It .dVhei-idan road through Zion City, it is lie who is urging more effective. Had Jt been plannedi tgimportance of reconstructing Green Bay road, -.outh foi- weeks oý ionthe It couid not have tUve oints itbbe tiipore aou fei au ve poins t .sle who has worked so hard to have the baen moe Osutaoos ul. and E siernment and state establish a military road north from . h.happy frame of mind that erya ujeago to Waukegan limnits. Capt. Moffett ever sine bodl Was ln that made It possible to ~ae to Great Lakes station lias realized the iMport- have it such a gi-at succssa. A2riu nmilitary standpoint on having good roads along BUTRN N UFIGSL ,orth shore. Accordingly liebas bent every possible 9peakîng of the. ex-klé,nwii al ng t at l me ad a ssuances have been m ade wor d 's champion out cst the Hera d i CI ý regard n uue a nl road construction so that ExamIner fttingly pctures hlm when n, acoomnplishing big tlig.i aa gw : p. H. uneaked. In thie iour of defetV A OA Sn.G AILkopt hidden by a Iîstîme of bluster, Titis surely basa been a wonderful f ail in WaUkegaThflTiIon manhOed ihe b.asted proveda ~Wuebr bus beon o m d that people bave flot bl totUntel imitation. H4e lacked @Port>a much of a fine and thref ors it has been a God-send to r-nehlp. H-e was net umne. the voather su&b as ft bus been. It lîoka au if A wild isekafa wouid have stood by hie herd. A ganier wouid have ie.é ld e uc nter veed to tide over the coal situation and m ain d In the face of per îl a t et a .the burden lighter. The winter, no matter kow te- toeihl». A maie shsop wouid have I it may b. min ts latter portion, caimot eradicate the 1owered lta hona nd 'taken the f nimild veather we bave had so f ar this f all Gall" if the. fiock wei-e In dangper. ______e__ By creeping away te Vma he un-d The ex-.Xalser now is a mian without a country. worthy hido Wilhii*i ha@ left a awgel ~aud 1o~nUts relmhe sn' wnte anplae-biy wiich hie kind mmy be Judged.t Om rmheowU ebh s' wne npae Even Pi-au Hohenzollen muet havea Sem tbe- de>il himasf wouldn't welcome hlm. Ho truY lyjIO set~ . l fo-à huisluId Who1 Srepilset the personificatiou of a ian wlthout a coun- roiused te taire a chance of finlshlng1 - ta the fu.flest seiùaeof the words. Ho Started -out tlld wlti hie bouo. 1 .êquetMe world--anid ho bust hie throîe, a prediction' fHFIIR FAMILV NAMIE- HONORED1 vjlmaRy persons made whei. the war started. Aid TWO MORE gold stars werm add. »w be'lIle ia luol If somebody does't assassinate him led te Lake Couny&'sflot Thui-sday.1 *mr,!Da an awful retrospect for hlm aid his TWQ MORE homes ai-e aaddenied a-aresutitof news t*tt heur eon ~.~mo nd d oed, re»spected aid obeyed bof ors haegîven thbli, ives foi- th@ .'or- , -mm s bd . voetbrow the world'. social statue, they ti-iiow of autocracy. M jh pfl 01 ho!lte vitU the who0le world, iWO .oRIE names wifl b.writtsn Goc showed te concerrn ln the pao- e f thie country-the manifesta. )ne have been daiiy recentiy on the tiefloide of Europe. Thor* la talk now that the Novem- bllth MAY b.s made a world hicI. R-1t'a sii-eady mado. It can't bt opped. It wig aurpals ln egtius. .m aven ln the Foutt FJoly, It lwiiaurpasi h all uol 1OFFICIALTOTÂLS lmN ELECTION NOV. 5T11 *é Bastilo enthuelasm. Why? lie. Radouk. S-232. auo ail the world, gnd not a single Ceunty tchool Supavimlendent. ountry ci- two la concerned ln Il Simpson, R-5470. d wiat it isrmuant. Il was a eonspIlIootin ig nthe BENJ. WILLIÀS w.sbems Waukegan feiiows wiio, M1ISSINGiINAc£T fers, bad siiewa UtIle uonern tm ION ÇINR O CT . 8 ho overtiirow of Germany. wsx.edj ,ÂwsUlm ] coeodingly entiiuslaatlc. They no. uired a sudden chang off bri--on. 'those casse whsre It was, FORCED W. F. WiIIiamns ef WaUkegan pon themi Receives Wire frm War LAIEffff ERSDept. Saturday Night LEFT HERE LAÎT MAY CAN'T PRAY; FIE ln Action Sept. 12; Brother BL IS BROKIN thinks He May Have Been BELL lak Taken Prisoner by Huns Bell Which B8umnions Resi- ¶That BenJamin P. willlaos, a vel dens o Giy t Daly novu Waikegaii Young Mani1 -18 dent of ityto Dily ing in action in Franc* vas the in Prayer In<racked formation conveyed In a toiegr&m ret celved by "bis brother 5dtmtà Biay IN CELEBRATION Si-om the var departuieit.rThe me' sage sald* Believed UMonire Will William F. William$, Buy New Bell to Get Rid 114 Oak Street, o! Racous onesWaukegan. 111. of Bacous onesDe.ply usei-et tb Inforu you The tire belli Lt L&ie Foi-est was that "rveto senj)ansa P. Wli. cracred in colebs-atuflg the premature Ilame. Infantry, la .ffWAlIlY rome neva that Geninan'envoya hal aiign- pOrt8d as mimaîflO In SetiNiM@Ince eïl the armistice. Nov the olty la OctOOfher B Ib.Wl I-rPeftt flut ln. wondeilng mat vhat viii ho doue for fermatlen ,-ectve*. the bell bas serval two oui-pOsOu. MARRI&, Adttj. Cn. Tii-t-It hau been usedla luae of Privats Williamnsiveil lu W*uk, fis-es to aummon the volahiteer Sire gai practlcaiiy att hi. ltf. sd Up1 flObters as thone la no regular de. the Urne ho entered thte service va partmnut. employed at the Amerlean Stemlor Secoitd-It bau been rang at noon Wlre Co. and 'tue Cyclone Poue C «ch daY ta catI attention aof.the pop. lieWvra a memlber of the tvent-thli ulisoe o e enoouday praye- service Infalilfy, campaeur13. that tias beome generiat.-'rTe young man teft Wankeoufl i In ]tsaeedcondition thse sound camO Cardon vitti a dralt trom Wl Of the hbeti can be beard 0<117 a short ktg n uMay 28. IX. laided lni mt disane aniL\its raucolil toues land on Auguit 17, and as eatlyj most exaspes-atlng ta the sensitive ' -ipt. 12 bad i p t-o ite action, le tempes-ameuta of LaIre Foreta bine thai four mont'ls alter lie leS t1 stackings. They sImpli- vii not listen .inling camp. Local relatives ha; ta Il and as -a rosit the s-est of thte 1-arnedl ndirocCy tisaI ha tock p. résidents May notkimow vhen 10 bop 8.1--ither engagements aubsequelit 1ho1- beasls lat prayer. r -'tIl. Lake Foreut; as a ruie doua flot have William F. williams, Motermais 1 0 von-y macèh about boy lit wll oli- 3 assen lte 'ortit shore e01h01 tain new equtpmnent no it la expected tine, la Iuclusd to-the belleS that1 Ihat noSme lionaire vOl step for- 1i other ia a pi-Isoner of ther Germa 1yard guS suppiy a nov belli. ý ieving that therm voulid have bc ý1 -- - re definite InformationibaS t] . Want lier Mae.Ïs i@ 'i theIbm lU. ôt ben the case. Robert « Ws SUPEN DENT resohi 16M penss1anothes- brother, aIea residea ln Wi 1wmajdvs kegan. 'bore are two otite- bi-Ihe F *0~ 0. sm- Us- Ae t t as me, tiI mm, rav' ,WANT ADS RATES-10 Conte pur Lino, EacéInsertion. 20 Cents Iimum Charge -- - - - - -- - - - 4' F I B LEet 0f wau'cegazi. Cod toit FOR SLE-Pu= drpl, ' Cur d buildings, bouse modern. ln- flock wlth a genuine Sheppard Accoua quIs-e C.% Dally Sun, Wauiegltn, Cochai-et. Have norne nits bu-de. Fred i. wkiy ht Pakburst, Box 251, Libertyvîlle, III FOR SALE-A 40 acre ad ain 80tar 4(1-2 farm, 1 mile ironi Lake Vlla, (Gtod FOR SALE-lt you waui good cockerlm soi astd good buildings. Low loitO) iku of pure bi-sd Rhode Island Red@, White easy ter-@e Immediate lîuoeoeiun. Rocks, Woite Wyandotes, caîl ait lhe Stock, feed and irnpieent If desirul. Albert Stabl tain, Prairie View. 46.8 F. Ml. Hardling, Ares, 111. 42 9 FOR SALE-Soute Wite Pekîn dock FOR SALE ('boit@ namIdutce lots un ntivl gi-uc. l'oheys. H. A. Stulitl M e inley Av@. Ni-@. Oruew 24 Pra.îisîttoi,il. Route 2, or Phone O AE RRN-ta-acre taim. 269Ri 461I Sweeîlxag, Libers vllae 42-tl cond dition. Liberty'villc ( largti. + MIOL NE U 202. l loi- utail feai v ville. ilal. .; corn Butow are official totale on the etection lit lAie couaity, Nov. 6. -1918, as canvasel by Coanty Clort Rendee: . Foi- Ostention Home. Foi--5à6 vomun. 6101 mail-total. 67. A4alust-a-WoMen 35. mon 1103- total. 1138. Good Rouedl Bonde. vair 6668; againat. 587. *anking Law Amendment For 3030, againat. 998. Constitutonal Convention. For 6206: agaînat, 765. .Sonatar. McCormlck, R-4943. Lewis, D-2381. Lloyd, 8-219. F. B. vonnum, Pi-.-t-6. James M. Francis, . SUL-38 State Treaturer. Brady. D--1681. Hlarvey. S-236 tDayton. P-43. FI-sncb. S. L.-28 Supterintendent Publie insîtrurtion. Blair, R-5193. fltrausw. ID-1563. Plachel. S-234. ]BurriLt, P-44 Mon. 9. L.-391 Congreaamltn at-Wai-e. Yntooe, R-500f4. Maiton, 1R-IS61 Cojeary. D'-1645. Brooks, S-2il. Watts. S-222. Coi-son. P--41. Blake, P-52. Hartness. 1.. L.-26. ilathrle, S. U.-37. Cortgresanian. Clllndblom R1-r,085. FInnegan, lD-1681. Tucker, 58-247. y Representt'dO. r Shurtieff. R-7694. e Viciers. R-6639. Gr-aham, D-~4150t2. Frei-und, D-9,902. llausdo*s"c. 5-52I. County Judge. P ersan, R-5?l.9 a. Coulson. D-1541. le County Cisrk. l{pndee, R--56011. EII Simpson, 8-24d6 Sieriff. >e Waguer, 8-281. l-County Ti-Cmui-si. th Brasiler. R-5435. f iDootey, D.-1467. Report of the Condition of Fïrst National Bank Libertyville, Illinois At LitrtYJlu 11ý ohl lit i. t tt 0t , I l to if aîitesa ll t 1 iVI.i au. W Bonitd§ depolteil 10 gî.urc -aultl, ai .,)v . .... .gy , U -4 bon1119 "ud crttfiaLea îI o tf t ttesit te t sune .Il ttcîgi l , (M 6. Lîbrti- oast Iouat. W4 per cnttaud 4 ve1r Lenit. witîedged .4 7 lOîuf. SiirtEh,. a Itîîodm l'il -rdl.anU, . Itbontd$5tiedird i «i i mfs ii.istf : s bItotîdst ther thaitU . n. tit ulcilceltii-,itrile i.taaiîi le seciavliet other tîkuIln tSiiîdA nt ttijutntoi-ke) collateral '1 ruot sud 01(1., tiles îof corporatti nsie4I ffott l.Inlari Onîe Vcar (1cr molre bilanthum Yu- Tarbt Uile . Il7< li "t ai tostil. rI ur, ... .. .. . ... ...> ... .. .. 8 itocis. otllurthalit ederaf kestve 14I toç ktii , .. .On~d a. Stock if Feilerat HetcrveIBank 150 ter vet tof iui.vtlttifitil....I 'O) ta In. i10(10113 tu batukîttbone ......... 1,400: iFurulttratuni fttre. ... .1, l o 1.3. li ti eferve îaitttFelerai R-er,, ti.;k ..t....... 0 12 aW 15. <rm5u mit a u t'ett lamot uc ii, rol îtlîîaiIaka..13 0t. lis. elatn utet1,anks ln the .Mie -ILY .r t.«.i a, I-t îîrtltbatik .sj7b Total rit uu l -15andIAî. .. ... 1. 4 2 4.5 22. War Saing a(tvtiicates atnd TItriîtI t.arniun at.&aUY ouii12 47 Totalý........... . ......... ,........... .........S) 1- 24 Capriar bu kIt.. ........... ... . ýý. .. .. ....... Ca îi,(d.iýII 1 i l'io ..... S1. 71 tI,sîrîtt'f.îu itterettrififi t.a,- vld ..1,i 1 7,#7 S .0 iîîliî ..r" rt.-artiet... ilS42 '0A, L tt. -tll .teà tfor ill rta î....r...i... ....... (1 tniia.L I l 1 1 iit à aittu a dtatif. .t... . 12.5Là dé (1 tîii d s. ie. l . îfub ,i'to(0clitîtk .. i.... ... I aS :CrtftleatI- ff fdepttiit duc e i stfitnal] Si days................ 14408 34 C rtitiecit Cheiks ... ....... .......Wi Total do.tad detuosltâ, IteMs M.M3.; ...t .. ... .-8177,175 IV. Tinte Deposits 4. ostai Saut.. detioclin.ý.. ...................... 9:8 45, ottier Vill fep Otât ......a. .000283 Total &otlte ulcuosîtti cifjcct te, Roets tIv-tu44 anIlà4. I70,V44ti70 46. United Stae ties eoit olt (er thau jutaI bal i it. a War Inau devîtit ai'i.iuitt. ..... 4.250»0 56. Liabliltiesote tat koe 10, tat,-l. Ro.rn' îî1tcreosîi ilt arîd Total L berty Liau Patittcuts .. ... .........12.f240f9l Total ............... ... --............................................. S11.1021 ITATE 010 ILLINOfIS, COUlTl 01F LAKE, Iut, Sttbcvrlfiel aud atooru1,0heinrtletue 111tt 1. J.O. Oridley. Cablcr. oif the aboîe uauied day 0 Ol Ietter 191W batik, do tiolertuiy tcar thtattht alioe LYELL :H. MORRISt.N tary Public. statementlo true to te best off' mrntuktwedre Cirreet Atest -LER AFi fand beUe.12 WM WAL RO>ND. ¶ J. S. (IRIDLEY. Castuler.tBEN H. MILLER. Otrfflors LAIE BLUFF MAN SAYSFRITZ IAD BIS OWN WÀY TOO LONG Charles Helming. a Lake Bluff gi-o cor. bas »Scived a very InterestIng ltter tram France wrltten by hici haiif-brother, Saim FLMnth&l. Mri. Hehnsung, althougb possahng a Ger- mani name eubâcribed heavil7 to var drives at Lake Bluff «d hbe oidiei-- brother owns hall Of the grOcery et Lake Bluff. Sunce his brotiiei bas 1goals to var, Helming bas Isen dOing 1two Mens von lino«de- to keep up hie brothe n sd or the basins.. ExcOerpts &rM the lattaI' f010w: 1"The veatiter tg boginniUg ta gi-av quite chbllthugOes.dais aMd 1 guesa the v arm laye ane over. Time for 'al" veathér anyway. We have been mov- ing qulte a bit 'lateiy, so havent had s nnch time to write. - 0focourse I shave been i nlBY Parts Of the cOllfl itry whore there bas been more or- i es legtltng smrne tie or another tand tbey are gornewbat- unsettled. 0 Arn glaS ta get a lette s alW Ure as ve are flot near ilbrarle, readlng m=&ter ls, not ves-y pr-ntabe, z 0 hope mothes- and the i-Et ar 70u are i ai weti and expect ta o b bci home sbefore long. Fritz bas bail bis way nlong enougit and 1DOW ve are bavhng le oui- tufI." i- Iles5 01 ni7enuê muYW . OU vit . end it iu the LlbertYviie hee ndut d- Frocs a repiy mont hi- Mr. Edi- to the edin, f The Etude: *ui'ou aak me if monte le a buinan esenltiai? To the Esquimau. or Soth Ses Isiauder, no. To the Amerîca, Fi-encbman, Engiisb. ma, Italian. i-eu. Mare existence demnande nothlng but food, drink. clotblng aud shelter. But Whou i-ou attanpt t aes existence la a bighe- plane, F-ou have to nour- lobb the eWU am the body. "Muaîc, nit to religion, le tbe mInd's greatent solace. and aien ita greateet Inspiration." Monthy PaiMent Plan HAVE AN EDISON FOR CHRISTMAS OECK[R'S DI000SOR I to tr Ca ti Pr Lt bc Mi wt h. pt fer i t w ti ali lt i l'e t w tai i lat tg ---------- ----------- 0 1 - 3 n FOR SALE-Onue four burtier wickleeml wouîid buy edort and tîtol. A. H. OU @tove witb ovet. two adjutalile Beutdlct, 227 N. ['Oca St., 'Aauki-gan, batgiitg larnpc. ue dozeti loi-a ttlaulp p 11LI 45-4 wltla ietcti.rru utile large lît-atlng ett%'m. one 15 foot uxfteitn iladder, Oetiseal) tFOR RENT-, il rîaî,tt ibrik bue on Ilad(iluroe, 2 lugf -c,2etocingle fIai-ut-cc;S iool Si.t. lflt-trlc lîglîtu', Rau andIciti- oue 10 Neroe lI îttiso. Thee gool )dm Aîpî J L îîo S ua u e jîtuet bu cspoeed if titis wek nyrnuts j pritet. Mi,. S. W. Boijlcnger, ltnutiWANIED lien or i- Wi iitt r gît î. tbar, Ai-ca, 111. 45-1 îpart orirnl IliDtte t tat.- ut.urif-rpit a reîluv-eul iriee. foi- ettiartl liiuucl + REAL FSTA.TE l pfirtu iirIrtE <iii otite sffiliiai deîJit".. I. ii paii i f î >îît u Tj. kî. g .luul ion, FOR SALE- 't7riiooiih, Ii i r ui-ilIt3le ue4îttut tit i t-.t'iC' tI Ili., uttîdtu uii si i tî1 -tioo!lisat.., ttSwtà* îtý,aua.'r M sIîîu uituigi ;nrago tui Il'it itii iiîi- lut ,SI1. tîîrul .A,, -, i.eb ti.i itk, IP-. 1110 toy 2oo #tIilsfftlot, of rult tttii froi-itdep,ti. liuli iîr1 ruui. e a tiaon FIRST IN LAKtE COUNT-The Nitrth 'Ar i'ti'igi. II T 111 îîî 301 1 itssra 4i