s --.-~ -- - .. .varnttrfltW~ ti *atn LIBIERTYVILLE InDEPZI1»D}W, TiLU tSAY, NO v MB ..W côdn'Wt figlit but we worked - - -:lie ou" as prlnted on a 'large placard carrIed -by one of the YOufl vomen vorliers o! the brass comn- pany. Tihis seemed symbollCOfo!al the thouaaudu o! teoricers lnhUe. CoplacarSeat News Ny the marchera the liad Nigitl pol4cet' aittain LYOE5.U JIlE T M S ost popular seemedt tabe "To i-l l ~E IOES ] JIiAe lo \cttniiznMUR use I~ER US TTAC ; Io t ùîIe i utmbe.u Th SNeC L RA IN mints because o! the profusion o! 1~JJa ii . t'et t'r te A u sileamre IN lISTtJKY EAllies'Flas NumetOus. edCwPE INe DARKI CÀir'PEutI'N hDI ate oot lcS- -Tiiere were tliousaatds of Amtric.îtt but , radeï,,0d tci fiags ln line but c'le of file Prettb't Wbert Zoehler and Charles li't. 'ar-'ttrii Strec-ts iamhmed -wIth Surging sigîts was 'the appearauce of!il'( :Raasch in HosPital. POSuIIt leî iii' ianti %venft aMui," Mobs, ail Bent on Cele- iI o Inheale anti neutral n of Mysterlous Assault i.tii tlie' f the ,sffd--l brating Peace NeWS ticnB. Cleer affîr dîner relit the- t- it ttîtli- at-t _____ air as these bags P'a'-ad. Another pretty effetI was crelatei ?4EGROES WIELOED RAZORS , i t aid Uic t'lMAMMOTÀ PARADE HELD1 by the istunies worn by thtcc youîîg V ïc im s Ass rt til t t o N - t, -Ï iiraiuîI'îr a'is l i . a wbo walk'ti abrea t. j.ist groeis AsttkdthemtWO N- '- cuning l tt-iî tili -Neyer in History of the City s heati o! the 'oluniet'r Trainîig otayProvocation tte or colot I "%men. has there Been such a WiId Corpso! waukeau Th're sesnd out ny h ('11 IL ily ;ý.1ghDeronstatin &at tbey presented a strlking .like- Two teeli known Vaukegan" rt't tiietrf(o i t't'- were the sictîmas of a mu,'derottt 0 t' '. î-er ara i !t'&î ttwt-V- A ati, uncontrolleti delirium hlu' ieastotaOlti Giory. tank by two vegroes who wieded t r, tîliet ttîtt their as,' ila-' I' - sýway linWa',,'ega-li's strfeets Mondail Scores and scores o! automobie* razrsMonay î~h shntl ~fnt ii r' it-tTley aay ilialict a igt.t- Ail day long. froto carly in'goy of tliem decoratýet-igorgeoualy, .'cîcek. The sttack. w'uîch s r' trd iit'inproL-' <'i at-t ' t it ty «morllint there hladbeen a ad eelvr ione ter e ' elagê 55 iOt mmtt-i'l'. ccrr't it -t' -.tt'îlrnlilti ily te ll'il ' f jo.y. y nightfaili t was lilUte numbers o! finats which addtetitd h Market tt-et, s short dtstàncý cu-t th th tm as Iliere wht.t'nu foiao o nog.Not untîl te ear enriefe.ve ÇWelter etreet. Bth assaîîatits cs- inoie ai robbery. morniat- bout-s today didth Ie tevtI l litrds o! ret ilith trt-hî wer', cp.Knlfe Blade Founti. cesse. carrieti by marchera. casting a luri Thse Victime vere: tSiaasth i5-iwent t the- ho'tl il Rowdyl.,i of uta gondinaturt-d sr i vr the steets anti çedesriaiî'î. ROIT ilT')Y' Z0Ui1KLJ.ttoday ant inluexaminirle litr hus-hafld5bet-ame rmore nmarkcet! duriog the L- .ctii et Cnter streeL t-, fubý i a h ttttt ilatoveretin tir-thef knitft er part o!filie eenlng. ant i -shi,' Waukegan township ltih tas lires. face, onie cat bbeigfully six Inchi- llad-. embeddtet inb twt' t-lnth I l'some prtperty -sas destroyetino nutfej "ihalslarge numbet-i. -*g long, tomplet.elvts'trougl tbe f rot fth ! le gat-aelit. siowil g that fottati mach failtiwitii these ct-i - The appearance inIllthe-parade ot loft abeek "t'at bl(ie Javw w 5t- am, o[tlie a-tulant, bad Ihîttitith'for zothitît- lould din1 the joyis t.-tii't- nlt- Sami, ridint-ht l.î-.bt-ul' ,visible tbroiîgh the t;itýt) itate off la maiing ai hitttlt anze pet- of the mubs. I w-a W aukegSli'3 forth cheers. It deittîteti aftet-sar' CHIARLES ott'('ltf UStt. it lis ict-Im. Esitinitl t i tti tu ttgtttday anti na une hd liy aty b.t theitmnperitouailon wat by Sa- -St. James at-il t. -t.. tii-i('11thf' ' le o!fthis -ite whut h i nlirttd t desîre Ilu teract une iut ifrum tht- uel St-hwartz. back, bith ît t- 1,'- i îtt- o tit-tit it îwoitid n Nr. Ratant 'et v! ýi nhtsiasm. The Lberty Pire atît ri ttît r;t tat th--pt-ua (Wuni - ta t' aud laMr. Zoebler' s fac-e e* I- - Ml!day long croýNss l iati il lt-an arganizatioli wht.t - h, s ttiC- I tu trateti. "tly was madee a lii a razor. ttrett is itînes# wass at a sîadstill 'tIf moast layai tlirottgloat the -,ar- Bth mo'n s"-t' i- tî ' tn lie Je "- -These coltretimoi,--re su.jgtandti îhouiands feit that tbey coulti etîrreti the crowds w th maiallî McAiai r iTil - 'r, t- ii; sîen my' liuslantianti Mrs. Zoehiet- .occupy tacir lme no better than byit-, the kinti that nî.tst's the cilis of juries vere attetîiptl I.. lr. M. .1 l-K t rame about-." Nrs. Raaseli saiti today. jremainulat- in the tiown town tre-l- patriotism reep up tad dowyuiu .lowsk~y. flotisvictinîs 1' .'t cutrmît,- "Raasacliaaked tliem vital thi ert'I]ilday long huntiretis of decorateti sPine and makes yuîî San' lu get cai quantittes o! blooti Their condtioni shoutitg a'iont il-Ithen t li-ne' sbolt automobiles. huaa toting andinta' anti lit-k a few Huns ail hy yeurself tbis morning was rega.rdeda favot-- andi attat-kedt lem"' produtiag tevices dantling slong bv'- Ths organization bttd mut-t-ed i r el'.h'wv', ad_______ copl- .hint an tise pavement, tiasheti bach, ltttt>d the gt-t,"r pdt-toftif Le d.î I1caions do not deve!op tiseïr recuvtry iIAN(INti À EIAi and forth. IDynua.uibe Caps aud lot-petioe a looketi for. tRth atta art- mat-r "" By early evcning the crawtis be- jtlaCet on t-ar tt-tttk5 tr'-alcitan.ai v ie&.M UIC II'IE ame surgiag mobs. Tramec aw Il lui dia tbrougbaut thet, eniag. Mesura. Zoebier and Ritaschli itai MAI D 13 DLiAIL>AS bt bbockt-t. Neter before has there It was lnsplrlOg ta se the bat-i qaten supiter ai a littie restaurant on ~ U E ~ UIB been go maay people lni the cty's nlumber o! women salo marct-lied Maket street. etaduttei hy OBot- HEttES OTtiava wntowa streetsataIone time; net-et-the parade. The Womta' Bomne De Rlokm. They paiti their ttil.1 andi befare have so mauy vsitors from' es eau nuhusnso t etas-td iaway from thePi-ie At-- John Pke,13 clse, nnearby tavus Comse bere tu speîtd er m'.omeln wven athelanc o!marcb cý ording tothb e colînt o! thse affait- McAlister boupithil as a resîlttoa re- the day.Ancofti 1 'iven by Zochier tliey lad prot-cedeticligtril brswe ecm Delirium sad license that usuaIIy At tinies thse air vs-s 5o ful ! ot more thon 50 feet vlien tva ne- la contact with lîve vires whie try- marks a carnivai or mardigraa vere confetti andt tra bits of newepaper trou tepped out oa! tn s ltIdoNs and Iîng teu bang a fis-g near his home lame la Comparison anti telephone direcctrles that it ti vithout a word o! oxpianation, or Mna Scores ôtf mammouth bonfirea vere peareti as If there vas a terrif Vflbiit bavlng boee pros'ol<e inlu any is left kg vs-s terribly burned i a bulIt ln the streets turing tbe day 8110OWstorta la Progrtîss. Streets an - vu thc drv t-tar. Oa o! th ie kne iss, srigît anlile tg butnet muidevehnng. Dozens o! fatse alartuwsks'wre covereti witb the tin ' 11110111 bladed weapon8 siast'ed open la the bone and bis aides anti banda Cale ere receiveti ly thc tire de- hbit- Of!paper. The Btreet tepartme r Zoehler'achee authelts lv ervtfu ak !lseprec.partment. Borne o! the bonfires avertiwasOn bandi earlY thia mornint an laylag It open rom the temple ta the- Paiciey met bis Injuries whea be were built tu the street car tracks. vewricet long and digently ta ciea ebtuntitlàeebt a trîied t ravi aîong on thse vIres la but the crevs did't mmnd It-bhey up the mess. cbLRaach Jstsaîltiani er pttea ofrigLoalbatbut sors eprtf mot qulc euough. Tt lte a rater, an effort ta get the fis-g reos ina Js mlddwr atintovr thLrocka 0f a tormudes rervth 7 vweided by a powerful band. lasheti-certain position. atesrehlgo -anbrsatir stcs of tenandgsntet a h ;tbrough &Il the ciotbing o! bis baek Te________fuooranes_____ay mbute a te 1 md.tuffictoti oxtremeiy dtiais vounts. Chicago, Nov. 9-Mike pappa tht claagng of belsa scarceiy couit veopurchaseti eagerly as AOI 1Wtbout a vordt th' agroes tben proprielor o! s Waukeglft candy b. board abat. the continuus ilti producing implemeuts. Tbey ve toreed and iled Ito ta ie tarlineas store, w&ga rm-mgned before a United cheers o! tht mobs. i amrdadPone ni h vitout bainag een recoVuileti. Il $taills commossiener hem. today and The -pars-de wh(ch sttirtedti 7:30 îO st ail semblant-e ta their formera 1 U a&U doue s0 qulckiy ihat nether held under $SM0 bond on a charge of 'ciock anti vended its vway ta MMay Pearmuice. The supply a! borna ina e! tb. victime vas able iD get a-y alding s Gmet Lakeu îar W «et.street andt ieuce back ta the nortbulocs-l Mores vas exhausteti early t, oi-t ef a description of ther 5aa11- The @amle, James Rlome, 17, o1, aide. diabanding at the iY. M. C. A. the day. . mta. Philadelphie, wms a. eed ln plts- '-er. a massoumeeting ant i sings" At the conclusion o!flihe para, Wit blcd uslug~om tlifrbu gyuedymdrtrmdte Great waa heiti. vas thse mont gignatic the thouausda gatheredtiui front oft vu*.thoîr cltIes lteraUly soa4 ak essatO tod@Y vw5fl ho la ' City ever boa seen. lis liko probably Y. M. C. A. wbere tbey joineti ln air el v1thý. lt, thse tvo =en, et ggreti by the naval authorities,. Rouese nid neyer wlll be seen again for a vorldItiig PaturiOtic Monoa. 'rere wQ a6ta tise lttie restauranat sud saont that Pappas hmd euPPfled hlm wlth var o! such magnitude duos not c- short tsiks on patriotie subiects. fate, éairs. civilian cothes and bsd heped hlm eut- more tban once li a naturel ilfe- il seemetiassIf tbe retoiers hat PWbk immedlately notifeti the po. to arrange bie getawey. Umne, ta cli it s-.tsys workc for tliey we s-Mut-h credît la due ta the commit- sti buay creatlng a din atIo tee vhich -In aucb a short space ofhaut-. BoUfres etill roareti at HAROLD W. ALLEN 0F 'SHERMAN PLACE, WAU-, amie compieteti arrang"ments for jo'Clock. -- KEGAN, ýMEMBER 0F CO. D, 314TH1 ENGIN-\EERSl , holdingî the biggeat parade lanttel There's nat an empty sblppingb IN FRANCE, PRODUCES ORIGINAL IDEA IN clty'issry5u.mth rdt 'don owtb eealbr due aiso ta tht thousantis vIa valua- Iborne tinte Nonday wvhother early DESCRIBI[NG WAR SCENES A13UOAD teereti Bo rtadlly in take part in tt elate-thty finaiiy vWent up in fiam St remalned for Harold Allen, son of Mr. anti Mm. E. E. Allen o! Sher- affair. Wilîbout aucli a hearty re- i Wattkegaiss eteet.. toay lai MÉO Place and brother of Kenneth Allen. toa snd OuI rom France ta Wou. sponse ao ndtio! plans s-tit arrange- like a cyclone bati bit them. C * kegan, the most original latter pemtlning ta the war that bas been receivsd meats wouiti have availle danythint-. fîmes for the street sweepers. heme. ls a letter telllng of the war but wrtten ln' verse and containing Th sitneo inCt asp xtra force vas neetiet ta dlean vlvldly descriptive thinge despile the limitations found in verse. M letter plying lis spientilibsad. o! Narth i teli refuse. datsd Oct. 4 sa weil worth perxmal, being tb. only one of lte iund s. tfm- as the writer knowa that has corne front ny of the soldiers over there: Chicago lu aendiog lt paît-e fat-ce, Tht nId soutî school bell vast As 1 it here ln my bammock lun a celar vhich vas a bsrn, and tle cou. mart-hia.g orgauls-ablons, etc., anti o!f en !rom lis cupola anti usetiw dMs liglt ahtues brigbtly, 1 feel quit. sale from barra; but just outade oUi other commu.nities fax the county sutces la the parade; another W - building the Phelîs at-e hreaklng cloee anti outlode île tioorvay the gas guard i-ihsn uaod !ptibu I sta a isoeeittgn My pal s-ut I at-t- s1ii ing tu1 ic ones-s-we lute at home. vho la their tura Iepedtot malte the parade a big- sue-I the cilys uit fit-e wagon and ibe a armue wcnaerug, -iu wlat p-itrO!f 1-aa'e use roa.n.' As 1 look about the roam tt55. tht!lfn h-ewt lewr inret,1I Stelsînntry on a Uaie anti bunctles playlng paoker as on their huais Street» Jammed. wot-k 'te i as tht y inacliteti. thty recine. -Tht vintovu ad the' tlucre are coveret vwith blanitets and A request bat beels matie that Zion Band DowIl. sucb, Bo Our c-adle lit-ht carnot bce seen by the filera o!fîth tîtl. Tteeya n ieeî e atIie The stcdtZo lybu floor on vbich ingat O! the boys seep. ta matie o! coble stones, andi la the eeyU nteCt epr nte1Veslni inCt ade Inom-nng vhen they get uP t tey feel rheumatic pains la their bonret. paraSde t hthem' sw 'e thou.tunds.d %toin ubt-i)m"lce the parade bet Siterran vent tlirn the civil var but I'm iglit here ta tell, le Jida't say whlch jammied (lie ebreets. In t-bt- fne tînIfet-maani vth one blai! ?-1îg1 vt"'n - esiti'%Var 1l9 He-li. Watkegn is intiebtt-d tothe n00. IIatpt-tciion ili'y playpet i didn't inteui tu la malte a rhyme vît-n 1 tartet intawrite titter1t- ai snîn; ttia fur sentiiag a u.- thed ud "iti a t a-It ] but. m bestiet-t' Iii,.'f il s 1 tb" ightlit a (etter, but no lile-se1 nt a iuc r p-as- a i ..t ,! i ' ter te a clttse. spic-alit l-pimc-t' tantitiluthe clty. As C- 'IhoPtttt'he bg po-ad--ý. Vitle nie a let r ssh' n iou t ime but if you catit just write a lines lts rrt-aal-tt - msrt-led thtug-t, tl-*w-it~ ît ttt, iOtti"< lo-lur -ititg iti l s oiller au utuci. s a aletter fa oe îeerei a -iso loalnsttSi "1lA ud i1suisla gondatlha Il ntiîttt fa y thai I'm dolag my bit day by day an-i many acompaiiieti by thMrirvives or Moîîîlay afternorit. 'heir euira lookiuig forward tu th, e in bs-n thc Yinkt'e boys shah cross the R*iiao aeethearlu tîintil thtre vere lieu- It tî Vaukegaît vas me-t ifli eh( itIen ru return, no mare trmaintît iiiettlî- dots n anti etay at home. tit-d of t',.ttainlU ne, anti shout.. They carrieti their 'Mte AmerIcan Steel and Wit-r,,vice fis-g o! one prt t-mt o! Avon,4 -- -plet"tainnt-62 tars idone izgdaî m~rchers. azsd inslly eugiged lu a ruai vint!. i-. sel!.i I--tn .YMr 6 88 f ael Vise thleyfr.ohti homne In Lakte caunl> Once (bat lime. Whê th nes rachd WukeanAt the- autbreals of lte civii var lie th a t th e v a r v a s o v e r p e o p le se e m d e l s s n t e fI a o n a y t a e ti s tu p a t i b y its s d tie n !1 e s . T b c n t W u e » u e f r p c i c a t h u s ti a s m b u r e t f o r t h a n t i t h e c i t Y , e r d s i a i n o i h t ý e e h lad th e. viltest time Il a h s r'ers, vere polaneti. anti sent home. W i le W a n k e g a n v a s te l tb m a t iîig - A a e e r . a l n r p e l . I Uiyeat i-tes v t In evlS1864 lieo-sas marriedtu 10Mary A. Har- DnItieSrtaf Newva; YOrhinti klii- vey, vh i recetiet hlm ta tht botter D i s p t e l e s f o m e w Y r k n d C l v o r l di l a 1 8 6 6 , s s d i t a l t o a d a u g i t e r caga show that tise clcbrai a v-s Iin 194; leavling one son. CIs-renn , a fthc vildeet tliOS cits ever have, a -l.e.Ms Fa' lii he seen. 1gadhlrn li ýi ae lr 1tundre ,t> sf t.aikegan peuple ia tw îtcitie , lie rid B -i Clr wereIn hicao,(urtn th aftrn nti dRuiy Woiey, and many- frlentis o veinChg adrt athe asellea tau iîourn ni% departure. vtas ancuisey n'et-et- viiifort-et. îm. i Since comingto lullinois Mr. Woob. pro.sedconett feUlile ami~ey las seen rmaay changes, bath In p r o - I s e d c o n f t t i e U i k 9 u n (i h î1 1 1 e g o a nî t i W a u k e g l i l i . a n t i v a s o n e aton. Tht' sidt'wlV<s anti streatso aee' t' uc--u amri i. t-r- mm m cd Bo tînt It vas a cet o r La e ttou ity s uccane d yul arm erh. ti tpo sil eto tt-i iisna l'li lîttt v ti t' i5 r o t' o is avh"d.a s l veryone vas gooti natureti. -jhueen t-et-y active tîntil bis last Tht-S'intorePelvet huntrets of tel- I-iIiness, n-tut-h vas o! onlY a fev tiaYs' titratîn. O! lieyenrs lhe b u mate ephane t-als. T hese -als cnntbîitte l h b s h l r nPi iuntîl a late toar la tise eveuîag. j sbihomne vt iscitit.pas ()ne tint- la ure-Waulegaft 1le avsy Nov. 6. 1918, at the age a! 80, 11tuneti np" for tise oficiai neya -hcnai -the homne o! bis taughter, MrM II l sen outfroi Wasingtn. rank Clark. The memary a! a font ItIa ent nt <am W sgtO Father antd grantifather vili ho for- TRAINING CORPS MARC H ever cî"nisheti Roes-ed by a pIsats O! Po0ic-antid________ rtise fuAnierican Steel anti Wire camps-ny bauid, buntres Of vire MlÀ AWOMAN RQUURZI employes,1 scores o!. tht'. bearilat tort-bec, ft-net PttTisursdy oit E K I IU anti paradeti throltgh tIse tiov tOvn c stre e t ai n e x p re ss t l r e x ab e ra n c P i'y u g w - l a n n iover tise cheerlng news trmainairoat. Sm on oa.nm n f Tht' parade vas one o! tise moait kbava.carnet thinge too fat- lu front e pretentiofls boitbehm la omeUtime o! tise Western «Union offie--she bat r anti even a eticedy dowapoar a!fs-eil a tçlk andi kuoekoel any bats off caulti not dampon the at-dor t-h ie menc'he oeze te"e aIt teir lotbes Libertyvýille Independent Farmers, Attention! and other ornai! grain, usne the F0 RMALDE"î)E SO LUTIONI- The best and cheapest AntioSmnut on thse mar- ket. DRUCE'*CLEVELAND DRUfi CO. The Rexa'1 Store Cor. Madisons«a G«eesesSts. The Store That Saves You Monel The Volunteer Traininlg corps aise wth One man wbose veut s&W colar waa in te parade andi a number of alie tort badly. The police ert mRot- AN Iautomobiles broitght UPIn l the rear. lied but afer the climax to ber ve- Scores of American glags, includifli ning'e fun (T) she cooled off a bit ACTIN ATFRO thle Wire mill's large service fiag, and she escaPed arrest. Htr &OUM&8 ACTONATFR NT wredispiayed conspicuouaiy. , creatied diegut from many who saw Ater parading though the streets ber. P r v t e g T t e d , S ý f o r s o m ee u r e t h e p r o c e s s i o n s to p p e d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PriateGeoge on in front of the wire mlli club romis of Har y oterdeli, KiIIed, o ot Genettee strpet wbere the D ipatch sàyband piayed o.eral patîiotic selec-- tionh. In the IntermisBiofl h ibre lwsa toilng of horns on the brin- BROHE 'N TE RAT reds of automobiles drawn up In the, RAY N. SMITH - --nelglîborh'ood . Cheering fould he Uey Iile.Ii. Archie Hotterdeil is Scheduled heard for bock. _______________ to Leave in Draft for Camrp Then 3uddenly the Wirring strains McArthur Thursday irrtl1hP:d ln t;te That Private George Totterdeil., wa" 'l duffing of lials and hiundred'& ageti 27, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Harry t'i uitovttrIi t In the pourigrm Totterdel of West Washington asc'tte brdrt-id fb1aenhionand piold-i. 1 'wns kitied I n action lInFlrancc W" an iîe t illni Tin d*1Ier n ieitccadhi the telegrni receiveti in Waukegan 0* thV SI e sic o4. Saturday night. Privt ae Toterd,I l , I tdriýrnzta hi roavr11.1 hall lit-eId it WVuktgaillpractlcally al Bey.l Dr.n lii t'itt-so!tu' bis Ilfe. He was a former Sun cul- an i i t' rf-ni.fDivine Reler Presented W th Fag. Tratlng oo m@ rier. 1oom 404. Thé~ telegram teling of the' y ouiiig mnl,,iittly àl!pr t" p rade Er.,. Great Northera B ma 's d th rata flot 1 1inger wen < t th(, & IIIronm s '20 W. Jackson v mans deth yreMt toas foilowa: o (lite Aninriran Stpeiand Wlre com- CHICAGO. ILà. t edel e~tt nom~ pnat i t rt'aenteti the organzatinl tltat Private' George Totterdeil r wlt a_______________________andstand- officially reported kiiied li -lt a ti September 2a ___________ "1HARRL7, Adit. Gent r' i Tfeunl sicn Parents o filie Waukeafl Yo: ýROBBED Of $100 IT r&jent ty use ancon man receied a letier fo n t iîn v nt nt to uea.a: Nvlie'2 \I tltt r'-' e t'.. 'INlMDiT ALt socket as an attachmeflt the best of iiealt11. 1,il t.î .- A D'MA E T TAJI1 for the Vacuum Cleaneil, eIf lt l tle I h ,:h u u EI~ u n! or the Electric Wasb.ing thttelwrou)f no01tl.tt' - IUIE, JMANI'S aCHARGE1 Machine, or Toaster, or iole tnti-r niin. ltil alT'-3 b 71 'IrIront or Dise Stove, or I 'trwlig lt Chafing Dish, Perclator, George rn-t't- rdi, hor'n' i's Mike Davis Causes the Arrest employet b' lte itt ' i o Wm atie: Curling Tron. Ueating 'tin tV l ai!ko-gafl 'Th r" e >.ii jous Charge Preferred Pad, Utility Motor, Fan .go teo '&:i"p4~~, or any one of many othee whtile ilinre, early in 1.'17, tliat liccri- Eetia placs of I n td l signl 111, ,j, CASE IN COUNT4IY COURT E e ti a p la c s Lif experielice at cablo,-siuticitig t' r ite The. Rt.mndy utui.'jline compaliy matie hmaa 't-Dai Says Companion Forced___ uable man to taLtat Itlepbone Him eut of Auto After Re. je to equip the house communicaionsl between, differtt. ieving Hlm of Roll with many an-nly utits at flic frot.lIis parents - 'y re f t e b lle th t I wa wh le That le w s rolbet o! $11,5, h' n ecarry-ng on tgmt bardous noril orced out o!fnautonitîte i a n Wall and Baseboard W. bat be met deafli. point west or Wthr,)p andior 5 - -tei' ottîketi to w ik ail te way u i t te IM back ta Wattktgii, wastht',,,att' O ti 11ANG KA1â>ISR,"1t madie tathe policet.", Mi)e Dt-b', living nat NWad'twnrtii Numerous housses wire od EFrIui; PANDEMON nnu ai i-h treî,t i1,l" m Eleetrica riane oce àj Willinm 1.il ,inen of 120 MOILIL ave tei pr.stnt perfection are asth(,toma wlo ad ro,')icd hlm andî laciongin th.... They are IUM RE16NS IIERE -'sot-e out a warrant for big arrest.. asiy ~aa to any intfllsfio Laitinen was taken iuo custody by ~~~~ fi Lkeness of Hun Baby Killer AFýntfChit Tyrreil. l et P bi evc titi Hung at Corner of Genesee toKenshaMonaylOOi. aielac o ny and Washington Streets the afernoon be met iAItlnen and of o ho Illinois tnt tbree othr local mca who vere re -_________________ Lad CELEBRATION IS WILD ONE turne tanWaukegan ilan an ________________ - itbile. H1e asked tbema for a ride ta il Waukegan not Alone for Every Viaukegan andi thpy assentcd. at City in th eCountry Cele- At a point wcst of Wintiîroit Ha,. III l . armorh a ydatthat ne the m e dri e- 5~ Ha 3 brated-Faise Report bor hedsythat anc o îe h m edrnkd- oKf )131 "Kise Bil" asbung Ia effigy in wbiskey. saying that Il bholad iteon 'eeWaukegaa Thursday night. This ta Kenosba thât be must have a bot-- F - he liertess of the "Bita Baby Killer' j tie or booze In bis pocket. Davis pro- a. was buag frein a rpe wblch exteded j tested that le bad no liquar vhere- AK the from the top o! the Wiakegan Na- 1 upon one o fte men truck hm. HeLA E C U T lin tionai TBank building tc, tht' roof o! says that LAititlen xtracted a rll the building occupied by tîte lroad- 1of bis from bis pocicet and then Publiatbed by the ,ate way Ice cream parlor. Ail dey long' forced hMIto get out of the car. WAIJKE' AN DAILY SUN thse today titis effigy dangled from a rope. The auto drove on and Davis had to ng- swaying bacic and forth In the brouie. waik ail the way in Wau*iegan. ver Tbousands loolced at the figure. grt-- at the special low pricto 1 ted their teetb a little more firnîly îted and regretted that lit vas oniy anOBITUARY Of AN eachI late No one eorne ta lna-w just vho bag h eg but there w ete tho- TM1R SDE T$ 3 . 5 0 vad h ould w h- ave box bepe plthe flcrafle If il bad been a A.E. Wooit-y was born In Edmes- matei o bagig is kise hm-to .__ m au-9I-, I R Et.rrae t Ya-rala Pot e Ca-ndy umoIt- outil.. a on hand A a Chiengo Mms several Mdm-u. Wa-ukeg bm-ene t Mms. ( lus Chies Miàs 1 Chicago Mr-. s Aima Il Ibis vit Mmre. H future L Hlotkati vllh thî The baaa-r E. N. the bit W. St.l es-tendt r Se ver elebra Miss up aRa relapse M t-s. Wauke The and N Cather .a-uma Thurs Evei of the ma-de, for a C the ka a-ad I Na-Uc deatl Minan the i part]i effet- vo. vs anti ego HOUi In-la fane wta ]ad ofi Mm-. lb lb. mui Chicago esiebrat on a- tht Pa-ul&aa There the quot district. Kinstîi off isu Mm-sB. i visiting hem boa Chas. Camp G ln Logis % Tb* y. Ray w Waork.mi Praeed Procoed BER _y4, 19ýlk5 -