LIER'T-YVILLE INDEPENDE-NT LAU OUNT NDPmNDFmNTLakeCouf4igWeekèyWAUKEGAN WEEKL.JY, ýVN__ VOLUME XXVI-NO. 46. PART TWO TLIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, NOVEMNBER 14, 1918 SIX PAGES 11.50 PER YEAR IN~ ADVAXI OmlUvely 3fore the. i ai the ir treopl by that Sa par- outinued. t net, per- îtatemaflt 8 ay thJ4 mile that the good ha la a lie Baya ther hoth Ian trîbes Ir secrts sessment lt m.utual levied an il y cenlts i dollars Sanlaunt- ment ai tcretary. ke coaty, No remUer roOo'cluck t) the hlgb. rlck sehool abuut 16 it mlles tr, Cteck, TAKES FIRST AU. TOMOBILE RIE AT iE 0'F 94 YEARSI GASTON cGOES' OVERSEASi ~- Sixty Vets Have Had Empioy- bent as Guaras-Storest Shipped to Chicago Vhiethere bas beàau atlvlty lut tha equarterma tar's department atij - 't', c~ the Manufacturera' Terminal for tit-e pest few dayo,.lit vîll ail ba ovar by tomorraw, for, by the Abthte hal' million square teet oft Saur spaca oc. cuplat hy ('nde Sam as a Mtirage pjiace t the, terminai vLi k asa hort leànati ou, anti vacat-ti. ,~~<~ During the past gaveraI layei carloatisoutgaveruimauf maf'-ràilhi.>RID~C beau shIPPeti tram (the terminal 1it sealeti cars sud the destination 1.4 Chicago. lit devaps that the eatitrig, ef the war badtilniag tu duoitîî the Eber t, (e1iail S;o,4îaliSt, lis t:îkmî ,vil>iit M x' changes lu tbejocation of tht. arny jolas h tsshîr \s'-îî'lî lu is tue higges-t îiaîî i i hîî- Lieut.. 1. E. Gaston, la charge otf_____________________________ the work bheamince flie larîntlasî m uneti for storage bas beau orderetii dercelt. iidg4ut,- Tay lur wtre iti-ti to repart lu Chicago fur tempora-Y ltaianti ieat as tutiî'W5. werk ater wbîch lha la fo go Gversea SIfC À . tyoîtart futstt,Pi- ttWall. ta help clean up things tUerar. lie k eigatti l(.jýk, comtity lîy Wedne-- weait te the city lit nuonuand wil notEl A j'a lui fi pni., 1 i h! have Itle people havé much lmigett boece hagae _______of_______ t he tuen fpat you out or I shaHl abroati. have tui use force. Donftcunîî- back, la the local torage quartera ftlerel SEEKS WRIT 0F HABEAS I uit' r flt.fatvfy t eatti. hava beenau il iinds ot haavy bardý CORPUS FROM YHE ASYLUM. W1, IlLIAM FONDflt.V sm-uloc', f'1 *P.S.-Ift Ilere are cliv otiiers, mare, army wagonsaua ncestîîuugAIî the ansi lopîe w a. s i Il trt wlo dont Wie me they can They vera storeti bara pendlng con'1, plation lu Chicago of buge starahous§- tre.ssedt taPolice Magitrale %\WItt r g-t ,ani: lfU voti. Titke yautr tarnil. as for the purpasa. The plan uuw la 'al'yo, tha lerttar printeil hatîîw Mi, les if :ou antt to sec them again." to cancantrateaail the toraga in tirectedt vuthe editor at tht- Sis ' ona ie l thesa places In tbe cty. vs1 ritniy itinîFotu.,lt. Sline reseatedti (at Poutray The shlpmeate ot the stores traili ui-etrlnoiis,5 elv boea Jave gene on at tbe rate of 15 inu ao last sçriig ws l~ i a lîtuI ta Van Butren streat. Shel cars a day for s&metune past. (1teistr sending "bIset liant leti Ici oî uas ilîtili lto naine tîte place, bu-, londay 110 cars vent out. IM"ayor Pearce snd -Niagitratec l.îyîor tIie aîiiorlt t. bel vc that. ber in- TaeEpoe.4gg hr ietlaeedI ,ornaiion w til Itadt ti iîing of the fi lsa tthTîe epart j he i hetndt ti~ iii.wttoni tliesth lit 1<is . ttii alv- tet he uarma lesa lives-ha lter %%as fîtuntilaî]w Il'.î ane tounti empinymeut as guàrtia. Lieut. -lwt lknt h Gaitan deciarea somut fIli t asylum. LF I NW IEBED suoo h fic epwl te n i hisltter, n rather iteretilî,.LFTLDO1HiEBEO maasafutshowsoffice belpl iii 'oa tatl-n SUGAR RULE ALSO RELAXED te Chicago where tbey will cotîtin- me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ir th1 uisI ba îî.Ttclwat regarticti as a ver)- it Vi .atfiidlau>, ., -Nov. 13. Wîith neteaboue f hywil.T ~ranget ind, fotiows: thîle st uer, te retiraf focd tit. hava been 60 guaro antibuEgnsa. iiiitainailuie oa id ,tu tUa office. EgaS ttIIililtt t ii atî tiouct oi~ta l'libe tepar.ttre ufthtîe quarfermia.., Nv.1 4,L1 euainrqiigteue ter's department froin tha terminali Edtor i)aiIy SLin: Alt îi.iihstittitc, ibal'iug are sus- masterelease ut mach fluor apace Iaittil tI puals i v!,DittltaittlLewittntny masits tht1 atvisurs Ihat 1 wanat tta,ti i i i ril rlrîto t., tiî. stricteti cou for othar uses, anti elit tbusines opeiag up if nîcans that lkeIy at4Iii leigs for a habe~as 'rvIl- î s. îlc UI1îift tSi tf itibretdIt lestili ati1 to tîruve fa the- vorît IithaI att,il.lscaî,Itiitt iidtl titars-atit hoa actories vili hli ie ti u 1111as not crazy viien put il1ut JLusoItei. icitiSttd:îy(te hoodi adm)inlistra- In the space vacatet i ly tha guvetn 11Ira V met last wnfar. 1ftu -Iindertatdthat i couit îtýý im- 1ý ltasaiceîlows Ieigworkcti ouf lu CROWN PRINCE SAFE IN HOIL- ent 18sf dater that 1 amluit lîtan iti(tittifr lits iiiauiltci i stuk8 outfhie 1 LAND AS FIGHT RAGESIt yen telluva wouldi bave gis. îî i,tîttitit rct-.l. tîtter the new The langue, Dllant. Nov. il-TUa, a chance. But you u îdrit su t u1111i, littîlt-JitiI tiicoarsa grains elti Ut. fôrmer Geranan crovu Prince arrived going f0 denaîtiue nuw an î ,. 1t î1riinlitriy ur anuimal feeda. Thie yesterday ait Maastrcht, accerdîng f0 James G. Weiclt, fte state sîttri, it suusiadmiitrationt grain corpo.rtion a dtspatcb racelvati bore. (Dîspatchles report tha deatb et the attorney in gm attorney. 0 luL itîtib4ig aisfor tUe purchaue fermer ciown prince, the bondon euest anythlug thaf yon agre tglon tir dis. :I sitti vhschUdootfinitis saylng ha vas abt by Grman stilti agrea upen wll basa tob a t tu eil;) ie'us le.ttt ilet .uillers, deniers or lers.while hae wa tryiug to cross tha with hlm. liaivtis, Il atqiareti belore Nov. 1,-. Dutcli frontiar.)Yortrleut tAmtc. Washington, Nov. 13-lt vas statatiustuleutofAmsie officlalîy teday that the Amerlcan -WM. T. FOXNI)FIAN'. latfîta totf ii heat regullatloîts goverument bas ne confirmation et ru- Menmced Mrs. Ebeet. a dicef resaIt utf teienliitary arai. mors that the fermer German crown lncliautaîly It la racalît- ti tl ittiec.Thic tIetitterranean ses le now prine bs beu ~Foudray, insistedth îat Mrs. Ciarît11s tt uiefi commsercial transport, andi Ee tufrnerly ot Waukegait and îthe îiuroflîan uations dan again tirnw A man namati DaPriait came trom tItan ut fili a ana, cas his sonîniatut iîlsuu tUa largultveat &uplpies in St. Louis Suntimy ta sas hlm son, vîto anti ha hati also wrIttfe ber Ibreal. Intia anti Atutralia. Wiflî carge ln a salor at:tGreat Laites. The boy eing lttera talllug baer .tls t5 elattrmmltaysr hati goe away ou a furlougb. The Wbili file police were ail excîteti vice if witI also ie Possible fu tap tailler vaut te the station anti, End- about-tha latters, oFndtay oite mort>- aceuntulatesi supplies la tue Argen- ling hlm nt thara vas hlmseif grea'. lDg valbsti Inta the police station andti tne,. ]y exCited anti droppeti deati tront gave blmself up, sayiug he heard Increase Sugar Ration. heart trouble.. they bati beau lauklng for hilm ai, Incrtsase in tîte heat sugar produe- "Reiily's Buc's" of the 149th fieldi aiiig thatle had ibeau Iliat i g stages sud lu tUa cnn producing *artillery, ameng vbern are 17 Lakte about Wauitagan much uft(ha tinte. terrifury of LAulsiantuof utb- bouse- County boys,_ vara toastetl, teted n In lbis ltters ote amayor ant bhoit nugar altm0nL,; tromthree lauiet i a a "poisce caiebratlon" set- magitrata hae taIdt tbamift bey wcre poundstisf four pauntis manthly par *Ingetahe(ha Hal aLSalls, Ch ceage, net eut eftotava y 10 oclack oftan caita was ordaredt tday by tbe food T hurstiay làight. The metnaadeti aahavudfretenitministration, affective Dec. 1. AI preceedt by a parade through* the-ta beava.. the sanme lime public eatlag places b »GI district, The lttera crecelved by Mayorj lu thege eeçtloue vîll ha pernattat BigGoemnment Branch at the *Terminal Winds Up its A!- fairs in.Waukeçjan "i NOT i<NOW ENGLISH, BUT MANY TO LEARN," SAYS $HE C'hrla Covinelon. tarmerIy employ. t.d iu the prEss rîoui the tu. aily Sun and a former resident ot Zion City where lie was a spe(iaI policeman for acme time, hias just emerged frrnt a heopital ln France, accordîng ta a postal to is motber whe lveit on Gian FIera avenue. Waukegan. Chris auw i a s.rtgeant with the 92nd division. Bcause oft he un1 usual wordlng of a letter wich hi., mothar bas jut reccvle and whielî was written by a Freuch woman, I is reprlnted below. It shows ltom French womaa, although lber Eng-1 libaitters were formed pertectly,l gets twlsted on the construction o' sentences and use of wurds. Chri.t also sent a pîcture slîiwing hlm sit- tiug betweea two French sergeants. The ltter wrtten Io tta mothar by the Freachwomau foltows: Eourbouîte tes Bains, 17, Ocioher 1918t. Dear Madame: To exçuaeny ofthelIc lberty whoum 1 take of you write 1 to corne you ta give lame newsaut your dear Ion Chrîstopher hie la always god heelth tu arrive Franieti lit s tu find and iaews tamlly, who t hlm ta attanuaah' the separation of you Pear Madame. We have to have thte happinesOt ta posses te 92 tilvision in atîr amatI cly lutat r in France thev we have uwe to leavv a gooti remem- brance wborn sic have fleasse ta se" agaîn tht'se Nies, andi in particularl yeur son. 1 your felicilationth iis la a vcry cbarmlng boy. 1 arn haptpy ut you write tor hlm why you nu write. Many separation ot wiîuie tauily to thiak a you uftfen. You ta pardon my nu ta know mucb english, but desira mlny la learn. 1 yen anvoy is pltograply ut youar Dear Son, Witb bappiness ut youurend re- ceived whuia rny god trlendshlp. Madame Odinat. G. RUE VELLOUNi1, Baurbaune les Bains, Haute Marne. ta lucrease Ibaîr ConsuluPtli rQ.m tbree pounds ta four pounaID evary 90, meals served. For the ramainder ot the country, it was statas thea llotments et thee pouuds wauthly per capita for bouse- boldo and three pounds par '10 matis for publiceating places. wii ha cou- tinued for the prelent at leeat. ALL TURONHUti -IS LANs JOBS ___________ FOR ALL SOLDI ERS- Mr&. Eva Nantz, Resident of Waukegan 65 Years, Takes First Auto Ride Tuesday TAKES RIDE TO CHICAGO Says that Peace- Demnonstra- tion Monday Éclipsed Any iu Her Long Existence lFvpnts tranepireti fast tl1is week tor Mirs. Eva Nantz, et 2DS Waînut street Waukegau's oldest liting wom- an resîldeaf. She lu 94 year, oftgage. On Montiay Nîrs. Nanîz iiest 1Ibc marnmoth peace celebtionli. AI- tho ugh her Ilta bas cuver-,l a spaný of neariy a century sUe ýasi she ntýver saw snytbl"g lîka itIt eto'r'- net aven whaa the civil star ended. Then on Tuesday Ms.Natîtz took ber first ride lu au automobiile, the! trip. leing tu Chicage. lF',r ouser'20' ýpeais she bas.sean aulaont,bih tdact- itîg about the- streettt but stv..iy',j bas regardati them with mur--î,r luýi awt-. She neyer expprcsst.l aay de- sure toride la une. Mîs.Nantz lias matie b'r home tn W'aukegan for 65 years.'i yearsl site bati jiveti alune ln luir littIe home on Wataut atreef. She hs. cooketi ber meua ant iite ail lier own iiousewurk, c-bopplug tii,- wot ant in olu thar kîntis o r i vthi t ouf assIstance, Iler daugbfer vhe resdu--. lu ('hi-I cage finally bus, beu abît tao prevali an ber tu go tu e RS o ltake h 'ri htume wlth ber. Bacante of ber ati vaucad age every affert wa-. matie te lesan the lIts et the. jaunes. Thpi aged voman sat on a tsaîber beti which hati beau placetlin the bot- tom ufthte auto. Sha speaed delitnl. Pd with the experienca andi regretteti bhator Lieut. Hanier àahringer, Wouke- gan, msing sInce Sept. 17. Richard Staplin, Libecf'vIIie, with iCanadian troope, missiug Ince Nov. 15. Benjamn Wsiliams, Waukear, misaing since October 8. MEN WHO DIEO IN SERVICE OVER HERE OCTOBER 5, 1917 ..%IATTHEW L. I. SMITH, chIa! yeoman, L. S. N. R.. ttalonat at Gireat LaItes, in reymastar'a dapart- mont, drop il end ftrou heurttroll- ble at Philatdelphie, ben on duty g: n on oct. litb, wtth naval hunors, the regulation number et men hahug f rom Greant laites tu att c harge o! ceramonles. FEB. 15, 191& FRED LARSEN ,Atachadti te eati- quartera, [45(1> nfanitry. statiosd ieif Camp Custer, Mlcb., tiet after short attack front puetîrnanla :burleti at lWtiuiegtîi on Fî'ti. 19 wIl-h tilitary honore. soldicra frotiPort Sheridan lu charge. MARCH , 191L LESLIE CHIAND)LER. lieutenant lu thea as-fthon corps; etaioIned at Kelly field, near Sau Antonio, Tex.. dled tram :InjurIes sau airiane mater steppet anti tiurleti nlM ta grounti; burlaîl in Warren ceuaatas, Martib14, wltb flitiurY honora, sqattitfront Fort Sheitan Coinlng te ftnml anti accompaniati body te %Vuken vuhare tbey foot chanrge e1 funerai anti accamfit4ataibody ta cemetery vbare 1f1I a bsiors verts FORMER KAISER TO DUJY ESTATE Lanten, Eng., Nov. 13.-Ilollandt viii permît William Hoezlzlern tu remain on Dutch maiU an t he smre terme et interument as efuer hlgh ellicara oft(ha Garman army. Ha bat lakan the nama ai Coatt Wil- lIam HIohenzollern andi la expecteti to buy an estata anti ramoluluti Hollanti aocordlng toahal Amsterdiam diapafcb ta the Excoange Tabegitapla Company. ftes of Prevoat Narshai (ian. ([rais tiers office te this anti. With the conversion of indutityi train a var ta a peace Uteib mauy % ortare aieu viii ha releacati froin euîîrgeucy Jobs createti Uy tUe car, but flue prohlem bas beau taknItu nto considarat ion. Ses Big Construction gr&. lithfis counectlan officiais polnted: ou t today Ihat witi thte entilng at sumpten et private construction and mantacturlng hait up anti restrîcteti blecauàia ut var vont, anti that thon- sauts ut sitillati labarers soenilii ha neetet la al Parts of the country foc ibis vont. TUe question ut thte number ot Amarîcan troapa ta ha retainet li France' ar elsigi*eu l urope la bc- ing atudieti a that aide, Mr. lia . ec salit, vhile.the generaî staff I lre-- Patlnt recommentiationa as lu th'e nunîlsr ta hae kept under arase in thua country. Mr. Dater saIt savarai facture yl govaru the orter la vhicb men viii ha raleasati tram the army. If ia obvions, hae sali, tUai, as a matter ut Justice, men vha batl beau langer lu tha service ahuuld lha releaseti iret, but tUa ludustrîal situation andtihle spaclal neeti for men a! a cartaln callhng proably viilmedlty the prhîî- cipla out nînlg lengtb ef service a guide lu urtier ot muster ont. 136-45 M EN "tOUT" Washington, Nov. l4.-MIen bu twean 36 anti 45 years et aga vba bava rcciveti but net fillet out qutes BEFORE MUSTER OUTI Questionnaires Go to Employ- s ers Asking Needs; Oldest in Service Relesed First WAUKEGAN MEN PLEASED II Already One Business Man.De-. clares he WiII Register ifor His Two Brothersj H pi l A Waulcegan business man, whobe twa itrothars w-.,e associated wit.h ____ .P~JZ'JW/L/ZY../L. hlm In business btelore they euiisted ilb the aavy, upon .aading the tactsRa Hem mFo erCt LÀKECOVN Y'S tu file a notification that imy bruîh- Wounds in His Side Aise' ers have jobs awalf Ing tber; titat ilONOR ROLL a enyla wiat,'th e ovtrument OHR R List of Lake Co. Men Who prevent throwtng unempiuyad mitn ,Have Died in Service Sine o the country et large. Thiîs, the War Began "ona u in r ai, Il Walter Hutton and Ray Miller _______________________slitiw the aovarnment thal I haie nBs HoptAohe lieiow le printeti an unicital p,,* pl'ces waltlug for My brothers. 1 inBye osHitay ot ofth Mn rm ak clily hoétl,înk the. plan lm a splendid oneandBauOj s ayHome' ute. the m e rL ètcutîtywb 'te bu w the goverumanl bas mark-_____ arive hag eensacit-ii ditrin tite i' cd out detailie uta most wondarfui wroal wlleiinast uloul 'i ' ldtiI Plant fo i in g empluyment for nien Reports ttlferlng into Waukegan prubbly e nu conplet. aewou d at efcreating a Pauie When the byuteans ut iattefs and teiegrâmiL lîke ta reprint It iatzlr and have ~i no iare nustared out ut service.- ugthe wo atd oi. nu e ys,- ,contain every haros întt vw euw_ 0 h tdn f akg osi rom Lakte county If you nutîte a'ly tihîglonNv 2_e )la. action averseas. Reports were cir. Dame lef Out, WNov. dropaDUneotutiin ofculateti un the treet Sunday and tena a ef.'atdapaon tt 1 tflorutMen i utile military and nav- odyta af oe akgi THE u.WuEgaDploe IorSA ai service of the United afttarMntathtaIadoe Wela THEheDetAD-OVERSEAS cewîîî hae car- YOuna man bidbeen kîllied In action Jlhn returu trund rakce but Investigation slîuwedti îese Tpe. AlfedNorstn, onofake . A.rieti ouf largely o« a basîs of tl'e ports tu be witbot t oundation. i E ed otomo t c .A îlty of tratias anti occupations to Relatives of Ray Hlelmkamp, a for. Etcheli. ~~~~absorb tilem. under a plan beinig mer cif iea aeje eevt Demîresq Spencer, Highland Park. w.trked Out h hbe Labor. War and Itword that hav eu sottrcua James Catalina, Orysiake. Navy dapartmnents ttad thte sar liwothelgatliebas tee httabraua Arthur 1L. Smit Wuean. 1ia1 ieboar. w and hbi4sIa. Reo rts'apne Lawrence R. Wolfe, Zion City. utisbad Edward C. Larned, Lakte Forest.1 The war industrie.t )o'rd a sesat 1 u s Inispa was e tsth ya tran- Lieu. wllim Cokepopý M,,.qutestionnaires to employers la ail un-1 ment or sheil are dextii by rela- ut. WimCokdoeMi.trites aslng toieneede of eclitIvs. Cari Fj. cson, Waukegan. for aten Puli tha anever wiIl show l-elm\iamp bears the distinction er Elmer Bower, Waukegan. where. whan anti bow rapily jolis hlaving beau the first draft manIn l Bertie Stadia, Waukeglan. i wili ha raady fur disebargeti soltiier.i Waukagau ta leava for the front- Conad aze, Lke luf. ndtt sallors and whaf trades ara Whau the it tou the mca la the draft Cord aloLuaite, *'o C taCMot It neeti ut tbem, tIrdt was matie'Public lier@ the Damei Lynn . RlHvnGoulumae nt. SuPPlëeatlag this Information 0f Helmlîamp appearedtiîrd from Lyn . SmH radbuGray, aake. wiii be that recelveti trom draft the head oft ihe lIst. The two mens at. bmo rîbrWîk-hards andt community labur btardt Precetilug hlm asketi for exemption' arti LzaWueafrtl.which are tu co-oearte la the wors. lad era ulace inlu-tieferratidmcluse. cal man taelie killed. Crowder May Direct work. This IlatHIa it i thicexhempton William Parry, lion City. t lLH ddntai xmto George Totterdeil, Waukegan. Tt a aurplca urd ad .la wasac.a.. H eci Russlli Neargarder, Oserfitld. the UaltepI States EmInplyMeot Serglti wrlet watcb fer baîng the first Corp. Joseph Stadle, Lakte Forest, lice wili be combluedtiate andle the. waukagan man ta hae accepteid. 1 dad. iahar tiepartmauî'à5 uti. Tha War De. Ryîantl Miller, son ot Conti'actor Partaient hleaxpected ta ek!tab)lisb al 'renk Miller, aai ubas beau injurai.' îîew bureau or Iu couvert the ac tivi1. haviug beau abat thrangh the knee. Ha la lu a base bospîfai anti lias beuen perateti upen. Deputy Game Wardeu Huf ton lias recelvati yard (bat bis son Walter la In a basa hospital but bas net 3et Itean Intormati the axtent ut bis In- juries. Word bas beau recala-ad that AI Scbuenemann, son ot George Schuena- maun of (Iarlau streot le on bis way borna tu raraive freatmant at a basa huspîtai in tii country. JOHN W. DeKAY NEW READER Oneaoft(ha latest stibscrihers ta tUe Laite Couaty latiapeudent isJohn W. DeKay, formerly a Wa"ugn adtfor, later, canapicuouu packer ia MNexiea anti ot late years a travel- er la torelgn lande. ie nov islIa - Iuîg at the Stelnlîop jastle in Lu- zerue. (Sviteàailî tuti t la uthara tîtat the luIadpeadaut it nov being sent as a resuit utflbis ortier. Mfr. DeKay in saidti t.bava matie n millton dollars out of bis paciipg llant ventura lu Mexico, hsing a clame friand of tUa late Pres.tiauf Daz. HI9 Company got lutu lluaîial trou- bla later but DeKay ila aidtof0bave matea a "ciesning" hafora (ha crash_ came. Ha vas mlîtad up lu interna tional mattars pertaluing ta sblp- ment of munitions from the Unitedi States to Germauy betora thîs noun- iry gat itîto the war anti siuu'a then bas been living in Svitzerlauti wbera. df la sadltie ha ltulowIug a Ite ot, anse anti luxury. DÉ'. J. E. Jolînson, the chiropotlt ut Wsukegan andi Renoaba, met se- vera inJuries at tUe corner mt Mul- bath anti Etvard streets jum elofra flounaires vusar amieta tday by Gan o'clucit Monday aveulpg. As ho vas oral Cravder tui ratura tlia ln, blanit craa)iug the streat haovaa struk by tertn te ldboaa, I e boards arae an automebile andti trovis lethe lnstructedte hmcaesl ail antries rt--1curh.* Ha appearat taha lnJurd in- ià(ting, toe mn oet(hase classas, anàti traIlîy, but hati nu boues baokan. they vIln h. oonaiîjred i a1ne longer The driver o! tba automobile neyer, hounti by teselèct va kervlec lav. 1stoped isiîcar anti the polio@ a&M 11>at beards aise haaean noti-1 ssekung hlm tetiay. Johnston vau Rad et the possiiliity that thay may aten ta St. Cahherlne's hosPîtal ad ha neadeti as tha active local agatt il vas tieciared_ that ha vouuît racas in govarumantal demobllisation plans. er.--Kenosha Neys. -t ut I snesa tuants of 'J C-370) 48 .,fi 58 30,7001 21 15,365 65 1.<t54 85 23,342 86 14 W< 161,904 11 2--l000 0 2,500 00> 1,887 78 35.516 25 Bankt, do wîadga anti ['meler. Public.