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Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1918, p. 1

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Hlere Gcd*mG. '-' *N.; , Mi D WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUNe '-s B'g Weekly' 99 ,usltCs.yoaîe boys IJ!-fRANtE ,FuI IDiretuiosGven OW tfor Sendino C"ÙsMasBoxes WHAT TO SEND *-AND -11W U« of 1Ar"loeiAometed ln #M fe November 15 -ioit andi 2.25 ette Il-SI IL7KTU 4~JOI MLFis :111(1 'new.' . t lus large, 'ltîleft of )rt WoiiieI LBEJTstVL,.LvK CONTY ILIiZËXSTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1918 - ONE-0EIGHT. $1.50 PER -YEAR INA ,ýIVOLUME IÇXVI Clirisiflsa packages for mon vîtisj thea AIericisi apedltiofli>'farcesI abroad must le malled nOt Inter tisan November 30. lat an effort ta meet tisa dSare. o1thtis familles cni la service ab roa&thtie var epart- ,Mni- has dicisidti"saIacis rma guproceive froam bis aIiY a Christ- MU~ package of standard aise ad appmroxitel>' standard articles. Tise UssiCrass vWiihavé thia voris ln charge. A label vii i enavai amuisman obtroad wviiciho vili mail 10 home latis andi Inonda, vWho., uPOnrc- 4elvlfg il vili prenanlt it.to-the negr- ast ciapter headqisrtsoet Red Crois.&.1carton cf standard aise viii la givea Upon preffntautiOicf tsel la&baL w*his tisapersoit recelvni l »Maplini vitis artIcle isg idesare net lerredi 1>'tise poubcffcadepartimaL lo gai-gsivil ha acated fo mail- iag wrIat label recelved tromR Whou parcel la r»"ipfor sisipment I muMMble r"eturnas te is RaCroîs Er Cafl Inspection-It MusaiDot VelusmmretissathiaipounsWvion lb b sa i &*ad thtisaItisefa cs 1e bernéalamini visonpacising box nobimi abffli go o lit lb iicis vai" ne btstramS tram lime et ,êclu ntil Chrisonnea. .lti ruts or ausSifood producta abeuilbha acel in ama'li Un Or. vOaia boxes, 0o eiat eone- lircandy. taclsisilai osolai*. voui pb b. a a@ te ia Jlin oior bMym adiscri. but no soRb coo- ise osu»isai. lclla aeM& beasMe eis é - mvm ge" butl uus la»veraidaeb pcela aobiomi Uslaai .soitg séaquartai l *pcml i M roile a ltter uIM l ata-Bi-queantit>' af a magle X@MC"<1 or articaipcke lnl 815W sbauld bau ML, 1 7«vnping p Snam a klimi-cal. Pt nno taior messM a e abox. 'proffiMed Astla.. yUovtsng la a li t fthea principa ci et rarticles vhielà are anual aile, visoller mt ewesor i-us Ï& .éAU spiriue, vipowsa.malta& femented or otiser Itacalti- qure; ail kModa of poison admai al ai tiécIan sdcomgoaitiao otauu *poison; exploaivesi0aMfait iI&;t *%anmaisie materlala. lteluduins bic, lion matrhes; iernal maeislsuanda macebiucal. cheminai or ohedevIc les or somuposiona vhicis maýwy In qrexplode, under vISiehclassificatlon »vulscuic cigàret lgitara, eb& iD juiti or Ililq'lie artice., tr&it articleà, andi otiier admisile amtte, vlan not packesi ln aooranCe Witt ea requliremelts 01 tise postal iavs Md regulamUona; ail obler articl ~iàbk may kli or in any vise Suri àir= or inJure anther or dansa» -. l dela.e or oteisli Injure li mails or'other property. t vould le asivisable t thon, *planning to senS »aCkag 10ot ou Ibis article fr cefr.~, e It coa ftam feadQuarters. -PLANS TQ RETURN 10 IRMANI Lo,,don, Eng., Nov. 18.-Tho, Potl am aisbiders' Od o~slrklagmai'i'rcor iwltî co, according to, a Ceponiags dJspa, ci 10tise Exciage elegrap ômSpany, lerentisat Willam Il lt slleru intqrads 10 ratura te Gema 'leaucne f dîsturlances ln Hollan Lotl z-ger of Berlin ti 1-*bt it Il ltkeiy ha vilIl e permit -t, 55- tl . thse isml, The Indepu d 'hirts lat o I,' khi 1s.gulation ses 'bATS ,9.71 s to 14 tiirt' are ecat ia up to d styles andSc e front piumhei 0.50 Woo1i sses a- iildren's, Smo ool Berge Iuioy lu ciai syles. .98 iie, vel e and fies hlidren.a avr plus One more "lget ricis qugck" achex vas aisattrei Isiuurisp ta C4ice lu the. lederai court visenAnus86 Roai and bis vif., Marie, -pr tors of a b=ali1g "lMa M Iiihv'c vais arrtaluaibeore Uited, État Comalauler L.wls. 3Mas1On o cge ai ormeaigliqm o 105016ers ror.t ablidan.Mms. Rosai admitti la Assistnt Iuitei State Disti Atter' acsBormeili that I profits ona tbree montha' sales vs' $1,144. "Tva bottles for a quarte, vas tise prie ciargesiBmon in ux form for beur, sise maI&i A bftver>' agent named -Trei .from MhiansiPark, chargeS wi acting mu a go-betven for tisa Ko "beer gardon," va, àrraivsed ati i same tîme. Tihe tlsmee are being he for grsanS jury acin. 46CARRY ON"9 UNTIL BOYS COME BOXE, PLEA TO CITIE Patriotic Residents Urge Cit zens to Continue their Economy for Present 1DONT & RELAX EFFOR' .point out that Mar liUsBe% Won but lias not Been Won at Home Vlotarp 00«8 L ,t relm ax 70V- e*aita 6"rvefond, aseilpa uga 1 floua. Dont Mrela t por afoite 0 eal or aller fueL DWut nagiset te icep up potP mauts omunlberty Bonis bmIser DonVt fail ta pahase War Savt st-g'. r Donlt naus"eet angla pour1 tibutito he saPatrmoe Funi Doa't d piv uprofltvepooa Dwt aimeette clIpmil ausa tisas etisbe d&sa bea dTise vir lias beanuonaroat Bt lb iaiMtet t eaWon u m etiavmm.tg saiied V&arlaGe baierato4oq, ta mW sau ea m U a u m &r.M L av Food.&Bd l L 11%" and fuel MM t la00ai M urope muaI lofa4iW b>' S1> 1- atates te limvent sirtlam a * ompanias. sua-cli. MtIhIossm uit liihaspew -maintilia a ce sud occupied La Wairalile ors mub Oontlnum a. IDb lubt «Maler lai raturas iat Uie lIteg. Thia a-yhabet, id tisreepisu. g- Preutlabior must le cnth teb> apiPo, ul the 1er1 t returnesito effvlan Ifeé&a U- taisan tiaalr-glaoomtu Induatrisl le agiotltural vpunte. r Tisa irmtglourS machiner>'1 th la Stepttalupart v. oisIns aV outil It la seintisat-Germany ,@ Up tu tise armistice sonditon rt. peaa la realmaeI., ag The goqavanant. food anditue be modoaratlrs seciarat. vW modit exiatini -,rclnua ona e alie. Thea marc slgnint of tiho ut stice >_asmmt claged ecodition ss mediatal>', isavevr, ansinff' la roevasi, people uatOMM la oonatmptioAsý IotS. UL im y nigis, *boeer, lave, bsen di 46 5 ne. Tinift mua 9aninue. MI Thea fremaituiaitfapeSe cf sn igup tis aam>'and Imnvi lm ýph Sceds. Ulerti' bonds muet be en- mSu la p ai-cisaseet ad. 'stasi>'"wvasthIsavlis VM te aiong tise ln.ui wp. , IbWIt id vioa ibrod tatu déflet ab The rec'mtrUtl pèmi baud. Iverpoe mue i tte ma»ie lba pemporea s 0 ANTOC 11ASA ÀB MAAIN ARIESINISTER IN- NO AONTSÂARE OVER 500P.CL REAL Ll~~K~T BELL RIPPE, FLU13NCS'ATWffI(t SELLI!*(iU. S', . NRES ýS - ITS CRACKÉJ> TOO ,10W CASES1 IN FREMONT TOWN? LICATIONS, IS WORD IN LAIU3 Co# ým Enibusiaii Ringlng of M. E The *1flu i ta l aU if.ooher grip Fallure to Open District Sohool Calil Police if an Over-patriotie Farm Advisor Watk : sil Bell on Liberty Day Resuit oiy.hletb onerI l H as Caused Sensational Individual Tries to Sali lOUflcçs Fact Whic S ed it s Bflng Broken beraithor a#te*.~lte or 1 Reports to Float you ýGovt. Publication howv Farmers -Adedt~ iflheitsrpo=a ,» esat the locali_1 - ~hospitaiml " etIi over the vil.,- *£loge belog tu5%siflis their homes. . et PLAN TO .PRESERVE BL Belone «kW- VUS opened a feè, SCHOOLS IN MI) STATE Thse U. S. food administrationl 1& 400 P. C. ADDN. AU veek ago Ututio wa wel souedi the followinag: it under wu i lyone sertous thse cm50wua the UflCtted, but aînce if a blond, and aggressive patriotie e Distinction. Given to, Village by the ehfdWCflboita 0cngregate andi And no Steps Taken to Repair iserson ameurs on thse Iront DOrh, Wheat Averaged 27,2 0i- UnqeAocCIdnen ib- Mtisa a ua éfltbftak of thedis-e them While the Prcil trie togvrien ulct on- 3.4 nd UniqueeuonstarWParoohia teorne gpersadeyn topubaien- 2. ia srgerty Day 'Éaeiacs ai.Shools Keep Open dntd-Rthrarag -lnteresting Fgilm ervas mtn uJust congraàtulatîna smo'td I ahrarag oryu vith l- taelf v>fim uaistbér cry or more egbrorsl duhrt cl ]du ..fin casezs via reporte.-(l Wile the Wuea.Nv ieplO.Brevr neetn iu tise Philadelpiel isn't the only place MAJoritY of eu"saI enild and 'were akgNo.1.teoimS evryneesn fueo teld tisai han A 'rWa craclces Liberty taicen w thee bespta4 In time to pre- Comploains bave been made In 00e Agents ta many places are cau n- scrdImrprs Bell." vent mgrieus ainut at .qat tour Or Or twO communitles In the county vaasin :, from door tn dooT witlh pub- itéenooecurd fom rporta0. u Yact le. PhIsladelphia '«bas nothing live victime sire 0amldered serions. that sinister Influences ar e t work Ileatorc' nurporting to becilunes! oFodAdiirto ià.iC on" the !!ltivillage c0f Aatlocis, 1Lke smn tse égrPat excitemenit to discredit tise publice «bla.Is n theove.,iment. Thse goverhment by 53 of the 69 iiresermuea eO coussty. on Monday extra bedie and beddiAg tbsonfllfiis.To0 herrlhi authorised no uais'publication. county. lânt sarmEr thse M Tise Antioeh Methoitst church bell were ruaied to thse hoisotal inorder hscomnte.T fterua Those lit does Issue, are alwaYs v- ment aaked ail machine oet vas cracked lit rineing thse tidingm of to accommodate thse new victims who schis sIn the toiso of Premont bave .1b peace on thse eloiventh day of Novem- had applied for treats~nn and keep- flot yet opened and one In tise town en away or sold ut colt. In esse, off k a record of ail Mcp&- tî sà ber, 1918. go badly la t cracked that lng. lMen vorkad until lat-- Inthe j0 acna t s4prehveecransioo etbb< rea yi~~~eac aarltv It la o nfu he sei l0rsetafternoon colleeting anhd deliet gnrlal e uhrt ta h u the food administration 'whçre tise ÏSondiUion. uebeds until nov thse hoýý tal n elabe utbooktattis au are aold under cotraet vîtis food supplies vould ha avs* Reterin b ise attr tse Âttoh ____________ IoPenne *"Mod1vthse pubflmee -to charge the. price Immédiate use in helping te~ Nevimaya t f lareisrte tha onejI h~fxed by compétition, a priie iu made, var. Local thréshidSg maobluq Borne one suggestedl that'it could wuDW W~U n Sair ahools not as yet Opened le within a1 ranging fross 20 cents te haif a dol. ators: have eooparates in 0 be recait, but Wednemday alternoon flID W ilJW short distance of thse parochial scsOOl # a business man of titis village calied sA5 i W &11 LOIzj1 a. possible wils tthe thnahllg la us on thse phsone and wished us tû ut Fremont Center the othr'r wltisl Anvons engagIng la aollcItlng fort tee botis in grainsai i print a suggestion, whigh.1l9 that thse mu.u A L two or titres, miles of the parochlal uî<to.cnrr eteeTilsprlgdsrdilrain 01<1 bellbe preserevd just as fitla. s chool at Palrfleld. Both thesepae publiation cnrprsfin tat oifs ôThn, eired -nfation.eyp tisat It should be properly Inscribed ~»~4~ new tchiaIsechoolg are open but tise ques- netltmoref cifalses pr«ahiol f , -Tre- p rebytsfarM&BOrain and then securely tautened on the nuit more. SucIcasestionuis baise! prangto vthePatoie chlldren TSroof of the vilgehall vhere future D M ASvSU' isn a desedteatoyte hepblccholrte ots ers utoty njta t at1.0 ua IT pora el fthagetadgo _____fnlytes! ote daartest auth jstYaie. aa eeddtosat t a Las "MI generations couldpoint vits pride _____ houlsi nt e, that d prui or acti jloug occasion. These ane party alzo t "he a els * ch5 sbave frnto.Thteahiug reports show .a» 0 De tis tat ho beliaves tisat tise mnFour-Yeoe-Old Kathryn Kes- anhtGemé nl te utylr«eld of over .M0 e ey for a nev bell ce-eul aily hbe el.eki of26,0Fox ib riabi andi tut sonîe money towardsi i o Lake Thought Simiplon Explaissa Matters. Dprdwt h «iae thse purcast had aircady been offer- the ift WeeCondy ' en Counîty Superintpard ithtis eslxofs ed tw hlm, on condition that tish 16 ~e odOhoaSmn wuappoacAVLIUJL E TO )F4and yiels of 1917. vobÇý b ell be presusrved. - t Inhs epnIilt o»I cresse of over 400 perarlst l *CONTAINED STRYCHNINE that tise local scisool boarss ad en. PAVtDiJTO0 QURNEE, age ansiovésr 600 per osais X cs, A A(1 SN tire control over the affaire of the ilod.TW&lYar wvisuel an ,LA R 5.lIS INseisoole, andsIif they dUSSEI4netSEchou» $ 7.2 buasels Per acre et~ RU SELI EV Slyané estimatuest rhela laé T U gi r )13 pÀNo Had Seen Father Take TaffletOw99Y vauessnob as thse touchera thà àM d~ Ur eSas Nedicine andDId Net 1V?5 nov demanmittistera vamno %m- - or __utmm( K 'oDadly Nture I 01tiste buildiings are In siepiors- Co. Siipt. of Roads Say8 Lift- tcriewht isn " u" ic~ Knobaléhestate, neltiser la lit te boume *a ing of Ban by Bovement KatisrynMargaret Kusîcal,tour* - o chel room. bu _mnsao Make8 If Possible Tis e rtumna $rom y mgo mua ~ ~ isesil daugister a .slsK ehoh sent a teacier te the ohotol ut "go 5te COMU*n~ it y in etr, fVI ace, leudead uas'aramuf ofPriment Conter,.111111,reb»end tefin hicdt £urg n-Lake County Was Immun e s.a qanlIretaugr4Bta rls coOrw ~WONT FINISH SHERIDAN R0. psi. m.t, ~ Lon Up to Last Week am b s er i e .to Z iser tatoca latulsa bv*&su8 iss tions_ Bia oefy. Bshe ba ad W ei mvun. AaeoeLuMoae depart ansd boisa miu IIMk tI-aoaassopai trt hafore iser horror-oltuam Par- scisool tuauane isrt of tiese OEY odWa Wg" Itm-b*&, mY Src ffHOOLS ARE NO* CLOSED anosiiacoverd theisa tvs.atseiieî odtin is Osbl OCopeWork et" 19 ivas 4:30 o'clock auwda s er stesbol Odis» w 1#f ur a&l ' 1- ~ ~ » wh~vien tise chils iMtrsIswajlooed mr aon.hioWsplgtistisa t ci , IL«thé,eVoison tablets. Ber dssas c-.La rd i ---- lroudr "ut 8$tu36»W at Auth#e s PePrdto Tauç, c ouris .sad aa ha a mr. Dr. I1ne0oo.tr spummt abtais More DrastI PMaution l& r, ShaDer o aI s>khs s àî0011- .he.. onnéMffl bu ohoae tleim ussell. oOUfti suisffters- istaUsi villaa 5105tff et Wng WOBU Usêsi tise siedly piiea alro b# &pl tIt 7M Md ud t, mis dent of rsis. atendaieof.a « «oefWio X 5Utu if *MfI W »Mthe ddle chiWs sjstea ns m enh is -r atisaI.Tise of county rond sgp@rttm"ltg m ive bave eveY ns t utn hWg coulsi lave lier. états taw reqires tisaI eciSohaChîcago Moula>' aY t visicis&1 DMilppshma tt0 rise ~. ~ ci .-- ~ lamie Kuîosi b as b. DM for the< matainai for savonmenthea tu ave'> of tise rondsi ituation wv talonS & 1P151aura oR sa visicisupto, a fai, "po hsa b«&'t"k etci toinacl tronlie. . Tho pil districit h ie tt.l.tau iutittht itn i ieis v tise bissgme utv pommlsi vu@&. immune, la sufférlng nov lathe vr gvn l a art or bu lont matntaelb égloal scisool for governmant Illbairéaifss!i htis tisr.seaoarap uu tila ro I f e ins he disous bu i e tu ü insent containalI a am alI quan- over tvo peara. W hen a diatrisit nco la no b r 1te estata aIlrod p c a t a lai ci 8t rate e oIn oeu.àTscoe of fou ls brit f e~tryncisoine v.Ital taial fgaas w malntainlegal scbool for, prgraau Ismd ontinuan ailer the-luporat in 3.1 pote . a'otUsov*a crec fmll'l dompassasses médicinal proportien., te<, f tt hehbî die ttc is numbet- of cases inla sid tu e lSi ot loy tise chili sai ea i d ow yareit becoOtfsts u> s ae hcsl7 ui pendesi bol- lm iett ilis 50. Tise scisools hava bélai dosai gM els016of tise box .cotaintistese tisàe cs0l tutee of tise townshipp sues-plan ta prbeeoed next aprU wivti os .paOrne ..aroisi tis tere ansi tiseautisorities are pré- pilla1lanot kaown. but sel ad néenntw divida si ptise îerrilomy af thdis u- plana tisat verS" Interrupte .I b>'the 8.4 par cent of tise numUl1 d e-Vrdttk vnmore drastice pe- ber Misher taise them ansibaad vatcled tric among surroundln districts. var. enug ieat f 2or homeVW cautions tucase tise situation dose iobiebox vas piSosi.Tis asu- d1etrses e.6recte4s10 Llc CuLInapnstoie a lla6itgre*batno oei mot lmlwova.. *W-oting on tise Pilla plssssitheTise tetutn eeLk 6is7npeu ob u" itgwa tj Le U- Ducring the ttu that tise epidetlo tante 0f tise chistîsiandi bhiW4ng them1 do by tisa count>' superittendent but claas 4tiseraIn d trautois ar Gians! Ma r,* ESandpe id' ta reesila Wauisagan andi otbar ton- te 4ew cndy se ate a number cf theise1p te this time lise> have failesi te avenue tfiat ha.net ot.pet bleun pav.d. letag svifrme go or mntcs Ilirougisout 1Laka outy thse pllas. it vas net long bforrise mut.jTisastretcis te about on. andsi ane- counit>'and id unsesr* people af Foi Lake seama to baeur eesme violentl>' 'f i IWvasthon lTiese chool auithorities aenot] hall malles long ansi auna sis fmom ss rvas %aussi a chameS dInota uit fI. RS<IIThe bs et eaen tsord the ise wil}out pover- te-coenlsl' sélon ansi Gurnea. Wison thi, strolcis ia paved avar>' aisa 1viii les have~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ drnlgmnatlstdi e ie We u v e* 1 ia lit itapossible tisatssome of the local tisere yl leoanu mroken strotcis of taining Our food raaUwi again fact tuat 15.>' dranis more liquor ttam t.4U@% leaôkI ebild wvasbrougt t0,tise jofficIaIs may le callesi ta an »ae cncetp pavement from Waukegan IEvntsui l a~ I ns vev before-man>'of tlsam di ne aut> hos»pItal aiWaaLuaganfer contjn. 1 Gunee Tie cthef tse eman- a sd iraw a sler breatis f.e Mdasti hent. Bishe vas nurls! b acis 0te____________ - n teGrùe.et c oieaut ofthe>' n rm tru a-teco««r of& the We"% lte te r- U ta' ealtiand got along fine 'sfter tisaï. Igsrt oIoil bu 3,W.ýwt à «t et,111 muet bic sécarcel>' vîli atandi Up for lbTheo coroner's Inquest vas luid t! WR C ONST pSupt. Russel ays that tism oris vilIletfra vpas order vould fmot irovide immunity it 115e EnaLaONSuda>Taiernon@tort oarly in thee aprin&. N e lblsf or gi'* atio -c ,ueo lives wise de not drink.- , verdict vas In acordance vft th1e t isé le houI bt tisere viii le no more h o 15.nation andi Tise irat case of tise diese ppear- frts ASlîto Ca. * r lUAmusmmm tteidrasfoIepsonto pptahi o adI n Fox taise a -eeis ago, the uWglt ANi'EAfl YVAVJVIURhIIor badan 1 0f is bg idor Dy ellrtie. Chicago papers on Bunda>' cntaln-1 vlev of tisebig netvetc eof rondis ost tu marsa erud ma soi aà- Several more cases developed- latne- ai an aticle telllng efthtie deathIn!i tyl le bult vîististe. $60,M0000 ~ .WTIS I>' ail diately ansi under tise ellef tisét. tae Cisago of a chillsiunder aimilar- r aM on tise Tain Unliofotise .rflsesi hy bond isue. glu optleWn la W. eLunti Wr opas. scisools migist be responsible sa or-umSt .rodbttances.e ta heSeidnRdpvmetf ur-der won given to close ths. em. 7 Ellowing ar th ie unumual feature .&S.P os ewe lvue htts hrdnIoipvmn -i po1bl ffr i sen md 1 io f tise situatin:*andi Chicago vms lied i,) for.,hure j ot bu completed Ibis vinter anS tisat l, Issu tiseépidemie but It appears tu e l -Tise two victime eacl eefu Sunday ilgisi because of a vreckat mucisf-th IAEI bvetog v ois! gravjng in spite of aul efforts. 1>'am 01<. * aylad, soutis of Wadsworlb. Fîf- 'over t0f ets vis hve.<TowC In E mmise The a situation lu Waukegauslias S3-Both passed! avay aariy Satur-, enbae as0 o'ibud________ caed aI lfln w ieevlop hri a o -foteis dleosd FOR ar o %nrtb ctias coereofnnfin e ehape.hTseI toal dmp e o f strychine con- Iroigist train vere ditched AndS the' IFIIIJft ilcn ek o oelurpotdI h aitied ln pi3:. 'w es-e as strewn over botis tracks Tise ylof tise late Josephs O'NP III lisoon-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h eesomoevireots obt Tsafollewslng article Irons- tise frs sancfsvrlitnrf fLIeFrabsl ie o local healtis separtmant laut Satur- Sunda>' Tribune shosvetisa rmaris- fra 1tie fevrlbnrdo aeFrs sbe i o Sa>'. Tise victlts, a reient of Mur- aloi simllsrity ia tise two cases- elt. No one vasi niisred.. probaté la counaty qourt et Waulcegan.Wittb Demvam111 uê iseep- Ion street. vas sfemoved 10 tisa Is1* \Al ren. four peas'.olsi, ied - ~Tise petilton aboya tise astate to e ofis e ia mmto aifiI, laiite saisi isrconadaitin ast aght thrée sotirls aller ise baS "Women nof'1Ilnmif, stIck 10 you'- valued, at about *$»,000. Mr. ONeilll in Lake Fratueta»s cevl aresi for. It lesis b h oiti onaten 52 cascara c1asuse tabletr. jobs," edMns. Josephs T. flowen, diesi Octoisor ». Tise Kiscain onttise RIffnahospils sd tbs s ad quite, sero s ans itI le Iearei h .1 "Tisee isild limbsd on cisIn t heis 941amn" deveiap pneumifi. pantry," saisi Albert 1H. Green af 1941 ohiaifl 1 ftise woman's COnimittet'. petîtion viii taise place Peeember gr. hIjip~.>, couse nthsa.. Page18 nrsîg a ame Cuyîer avnuhefalie 0f ti111e "'lise.problemi 0 pace anld rpaju Telase tForest Trust andS avIngs tisom taa M aiIrt4 t tuin as'a-réuit Of à fmiistaniLed itableto--thesofrt camcara quinine as thse problaml nI r xeo o d ett, u bv e-pvstew.eMS m- b»& 'a isîs spine vi o lied a t ans homuet have satan sa 0f thons weina's. elit la needcd t a«siatl dinSta act. Tise wIdow, Mia.- la owned Wa grivle tor vlan I cauntesitlIrai that fanmber la solving these p-oblr:r. .Votar eha 'Ni as bs' ieanAmupoeteesêMI si boand an Il startesi 10roin ava> on l* bÏs ý*uiwap ,nissIng from tise, -t>OtWq-Thtexipectesi 10do Yjur utmaost nov In 1George Iindiay. preaidet., f 'tise aro 1. iv ifaRIL adlb voit off- Gurnea. Not iw" eoe l J b o>'sugaresi rteivliy. ý W" tise tlma f et P . n.Vý11have dne Lakte Forest bank. beappo1tt d ivrm renooI . ,,a ams!am0aWlm OluýWit, 1e loW saisi." yQur ulmont ItathetlIane of vr i a ditratte tise esate. .leaauMi < h r

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