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Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1918, p. 9

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LDERTY VLLE I,-NDEPENDENT LAU~cabý"Wm 0O 1. PmET ± 2±e~ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN -VOLUME XXVI-' NO. lai la- maiHilo" Lease which was Cancelled.at Manufacturers Terminal 1 Reinstated by Head of Dept. After Sudden Cancellation Following Armistice BIG CANNON AND OTHER CIJRIOZ TO BE STORED - Permanent Use of Terminal as Warehousc Forseen as Re- suit of Renewal of Lease of -Hait Million Square Feet 5BULLETIN. SAC CANNON TO SE STORED Inqulry t the terminal toda>' re- v Sied the fact that the management *1lresdy Aie etarted te prepare thie big boier houss@ as à place for eton- ln@ the. big cannon thAtisiMA be 8iipped hacis fre tAie war zone. lA Ws Was admitted that part cf the 115M00 trucks made n ths country for OVerat8as wOrk wAAA b. stOred at the. terminal, man>' of thern having bndeivered to the overnmont aI th time the armistice was signed. Instead o! tht big storagu- quariars of tht Manufacturera Terminal vhich hava been used b>' tht gaveras- ment for nome ime baba ahi odoneul -fi le nov a positive fart that tht Ter- minaI vilI be usé-tAas% a permanent etoragt hout%( for govrnment sup- plies. Thus. vhile tht quartermasteri supplies wvetrecentl>' maved tronu the Terminal ta new siarage hauses lan Chicago as the resaIt tf a definit arrangement ln Washin.gtonu duinti 7the past wuek tht varehboust n' .Wauktegan vilA soon again be utîlAzetAl for governimeni vont andl from what ean be learned now h AIs ver> positive thatItAi ilI he rnantaned here per- manently. , i deveiops thai tht lease whtcb the igoveromnent bad n the %Manufactur- ers Terminal vas scually cancelled - liMediatai>' tollowing t-Ae decara- tien a! tht armistice. The cancalîju tien orsier vent out f rom Wasblingtoîu la conjunction wiih many sîmlar or- 47. PARTTW 'BRTYVILLE INDEPEXDENT, NOVE-MBER 21, 1918 ________________________________________________________________ I ~ ' M WDIT BI3CAE 0f BRÀDBUIY'S VAL" Sloflurln UBLI3S AND CASH?tu 1182 Cents and a Broken Com- ment Sent t0 Widow WHATBECME0F BALANCE RltvsSure He Had Consid- erable Money-Chance Body rf May Core to Waukegan mineToAi Eighty.two cents and a broken cm- pues I' - Thats what vas sent bacl< taubrs. ungtekayao es Sam Il. Bradbury, wldow of the late night tht intake which sapplipB îCapt. Samn Bradbury of Waulcegaa, Great Laites station orokie Otan the son of %Ir. and Mîu. Samuel Il. Trad- shore ine andl as a restait tht t5 - Clry f Wasiuing'cun siret. ton today was getting but about ont- A ltter rereiveul tram lire. Braul- tenth o!fls normal water @upply. bary',,i fathen, M. Burkue, lntarm Tht si tua tion vas acule and stepas ed the Waukagan parents that a W«dr taken durlng tht tAs> whereby broken package bualcame to tluin lii station expecied ta - onn,tt with tht Past, containihg the "valuabies North Chicagos mains tonighl and iii left behinul bv Capi. Bradb'ury vhi-n ibis way get vatar tram North Chf- hae dictA ln the bosPtal just aller cago and Waukegan teta lite cure of reaching France. a '-lu' victiln . ils needs ut the station. That flapI. Bra'ibury liait a gouui The pipe in question le t? inlchues sizeul gum ot mon-y. that ihuiha a and tht break s a serlous ont, one watch, rng and othen valîtailes, th, which, wil uqîuir,- divecrs tu rupair famlly s positive of. But. the packt. andl wll lamper the sy.tem Sut the age coniainpd mereiy the changé anud station unil It is repairtul. the broken compatsa and the notatiun This b~ said ta ha the mout serlous on tht package salul At had heu-n re- accident ta the vater svstw.mi hat -tht ceivedAln bal condition by the pos. F..;Poued ta thi- wuathir -but t wasý tal department. présumed ta be salt bey onul suchi an -tht radburys and t-ht Burses fu-u1 accident. that aven tbough Bradbury vas a It is stated thai tht wat'-r which eapiain. bis affectsverenul001poper- tht station vas abAetutagel tran At-s t IY taken care of. He surel>' wouldnt damaged lntake vas ont>'luafficient bave gont acroms with Ntt S . nîIo p;ravtde drinking water for the Ion h18 persan. Hope fur Bod>'. Tht Bradburys and tht folipt~s 5rJ hoping again.t hope that. because Capi. Bradbury did nat dia n action. but died n a hospîtal just afier reacbing trance, that I m'uy be pas- sble the departmont can arrange ta stnd bAs body' back la thie states. It vauld have been dAfferent. ft As feltt5 bad he dietA on tht battlefleld, but, speng that ht dAd not. t seerns log- leai 10 thinit that perhaps things vîll shape themslves sa tht remaîns may ha sent back home fMr nter- ment. If t-ai As dont t As nat itnawn whather tht hody' would be sent ta Waukegan ta the Bradbuîry lot for hurlai or ta tht resting place n the P ast near wbere hAs vldow lves. ARMOUR DOESN'T SEE CIIEAPER LIV- ING FOR TIIREF YRS.. dons ail aven ibis ceunir>'.I J. Ogden Armour cao set no pros- - Coignui Objecte. peci of lover living cent an ai ltasi Havever. when tht order rearbed of cheaPer foad, n tht otan future Chicago, Colonel Unmach. vho ba and no probabilit>' of material relief charge o! tht qaatermaster- division wthin tht nazit Vre, ytars. Tht ont- o! Chicago, immediatel>' express. aîlatholder vl ha l nterested ln Mn. etA imseet as disappeinted ta thlnk Aniours oplnloa, sînce ho ils tutu tsait teW'auiegan storagut bouse tht roof o! the economîr varîd as, lase had been cancelled. Ut dAtA banker. farmer. manufacturer. johher L.ot- haitate ln sayinti that heha e- and ndustrilist and.,llrough île k2levedl that Waukegan vas ana o! myiad corporations he contraIs. !P" mosi lgical places for a parman- feeda mort people t-an an>' other ,ont varebouse for government eup- man. plies. "Eventusîl>' there must bha mre As a resut a! bIs belle!, ha heid a damasase n foad prces as conditions contenance vilu H. C. Fînitltiein. rturo te normal. But- vit-h the task head ef tht Manufacturera' Teçminal of teeding Our ovn army> abroas ton Md iM. Finkeltin bei Dno tîme n a year on more and the added burden Jumpintg on a train and gong tet af supplying a large cîvlian popula- WUM«Ant-en vhere ha conferred wtb tAon thrt muai ha nattA tan the acan- the head of the quatennaster depant- amical use et fooda and fanrmsitimuia1 ment. production." S'olloving a taniSé>' contenance n VhIch'tht situation vas gona ovct tboroughly, A. D. Kisitern. brigadier again begîn sending mnatrisalbers toueeral et tht quartermastan corps, for storage purposes. Amiued anot-her formal order, under In ail the goveromeni had a bail Cdata o! Novembar 19 n vhIch ho a milliAon square tati o! spaca o! the laid: "With rafenence te ltter dat- Terminal aad as tht rasuit o! the ed Octaber 28. 1918 canceing tht recognition 'b>'Cl. Unntach' thal Ierne o! the Manufacturera' Teroin. WauÀStgen 's a logical -place for t-bAt aI -Ca., dated Jul>' lai, 1918 fan prer. purpasa. the c-b-uqet ..ara aveu mors fouee located n Waukaian, fi., sgich space wvAl ha taitantAn tht future. *emiaellatian vas t-o tait. effact Ne- It as underst-aod tlaI mach of the 'tomber 28, 1918, you ara advised ibat mt-ral whch vill i oreaia t-t-be tbim caýncelatlon herehy lAs escinded. Waukiegan vanehouse viAi ha the -Thé above rinstatea t-be pramîses f1rtarms andA other munitions iaken dis the fret entA former attat." acroma for tht allies and tht Amerl- Tiss means accondîntil>'t-ai tht cao- soldiera iln the va>' abroad vhicl téase for tht Terminal Stenaga quar. yuvl eooo ha rashipped te thtetuitet Aorsa bas been entAnt!>' rebat-at-ad and States. Prier te nov, th mat-arIa 4«Me the gavtrnmeot- supplie@sbanl wich vas stored -bhers ceniset ai bkntaiten ave>' at tha prasent chiafly o! wagons, ambulances, etc. -tAm, the Ajmediata proects as the Nov, hovevar. t- seame s uibougb t-hi omijt o! tht relostat-ement o! tht matent-ai viii chiefi>'consatso f actés leem, ane tiat tht govenmaent vil! van -muniios. e -o that the pressutre vas rtduccd 5that practklaty nane for ire pur- poses suas available. LAKE COUNTY IS LMiGIN<i IN WÀR -SÀV. SURM DRIV Laite Zurich s'Ill leads An tht pen capita subserpitiaonta tht Wan Sav- Ange Stampe An tht Laite caunt>' drive. ils par capita A $35. Wauitegau'5 ta date is $7.51 and tht caunt>' seat thus la tandovn tht lAstIAn pencentage. Of the $1,400,000 assigned as Lakte rounty's quota. to date $576.938 bas bean subsrribed so Atla sean that ont>' a littIe over a third of tht quota ha., been suhecribed. Tht per captAs scalps should ha $18.33 ta iake up tht quota and t-bus At la seen lthat Wauukegan As less than hait up ta tht par tapi expertetion. Belovta shown tht pen capita sales ta data in thteuifferent places: Laite Zurich----------------..836.00 Alleerfield .................... 29.82 Hawihorn Parti'.............. 26.69 Russeill...................... 20.00 Waucanda...................19.00 Libartyvillt..................18.05 Laite Villa .... ............. t17.45 Carnet ..................... 16.81 Highland Park---------------.15.45 Fox Le&ke................... 15.26 Round Lake ....... .......... 15.00 Ravinia..................... 14.76 Ingleside ..................... 14.00 Wadsworth..................12.42 Laite Foreti................12.34 Prairie View ................. 11.10 Ares .........................9.83 Wintbrop Harbor.............. 8.60 Laite Bluff ................... 8.41 North Chicago---------------- 7.78 Waukagan.... ................7.51 Antioch----------------------.7.22 Crayslake--------------------.7.08 MAon City ....................- 3.74 i igbwaod--------------------.2.01 Total amoant of sales An caunt>' ta Nov, lai., as fallows: Highland Park----------.8 92.700.75 Zion City> ................- 18,737.79 Wauitegan ............... 337,447.46 North Chicago------------ 38876.86 Lakte Forest-------------- 44,405.63 Libertyvillea ..............-44769.86 $576.938. 35 Quota asaignad ta caunt>' $1,400,000. Tht abave liai As quit an accurate tharmometer lndicatîng tîte co-apar- atian heveto posimasten. City' OM- cials and pullc-spîiied citizeng n thein respectAve tovos. Tht degret n vbicb these elemeots combine far tht hantAit o! th Unitd Stat-es govrnomant n taclu towO is loquent' 1>' indicaied b>' iIs lisi. Thert iet-sven taos have gant aven tht top. The nexi aIne are 50 per cent aver aoi -possihlY Ma>' maite t-bin quota. Al below $10 are almQst hopelass- 1>' dsianced, unîes local pride com- pes tht leading ctIr-ens o! theet ei- tie &a btir themsélves entA put ihair rit-yout of thte lacit ai-cAa. 1We vould lite to hava a simîluir comment- an thbe stuatiton At ha L. bertyvillis, Jnependeni, It possible. ie k t le ,d al ýd C. le al WIFE 0F MAYOR 0F FOX LAXE DIES VICTIM 0OF TUE FLU Mrs. William Nagle, Sick but Short Time Passes Away and Village is Mourning GAVE LIFE FOR HER FAMILY Husband and Daughter 111 and Mrs. Nagle Worked and Worrred Over Thern Foi Lake, Nov. 20.-Ru'uidentîs of thet village were shocked Ioda>' la lea that Mrs. William NattA, wAtt of the mayor o!f Tx Lake had died at 1: 30 thlp morning., influetnza being tht cause o! ber death. Mrs. Nageli wss formeri>' Nellie Sthlay and qhe waq 36 years of age. She As sitrvlvfd hy her husband and tbrea dauight'-r.s, llélen, age 10; Marion. aged 5; Mar-i garet, aged 2. bine. Nagl's passing carrlpd with t cunsideranle pathos becaus,- af the tact that hers v as anotiier )r thome cases wbere poauily she sacrific,-a ber lite a- tht reqait of s6ork and !Warry for ber famil>'. Uer daugi'.ýr Hielen wuas irst talcen ait-k sith ln. fltnnt--rai Osys ago, and M.rs -Nagel iià:uuîally vas deeAutv concu-rn- ed aven the chilld condition andl worked laborousl>' taklng rare ot lier Then Mr. NageA became si' k and wbile bis condition et no time as- sumeul a meriaus aspect, nievFrthPe-is the mother vas ver>' much concerneul ,ndl worried. Accordiuigly, a tew days aa. 'dhe berself came down with th-' influrn. za and for a couple of day-' ha-tliadt been rat-ber seriousl>' slck, but no- body thc1ght t would prove ratai. As the resuit of Mrs. Nagu-. death the wholp village lasn mourning be- TOUR PAGIB I SICH- MEN IAELD IN JAIL Aoording te Information to the liun from Chicago, thie fumes of tht Il men referred te beiow ore: S. J. ROSENTHAL. ABRAHAM ACRECUN. HARRY MUMMELMAN. Sheriff GrIffin, whe nack.d about the detention of men of pronhinence An the ceuni>' juil said he had a number of fedierai prisoners but other than that he would gay nething. Tht Laltè Count>' Jail met now 1.4 bouslng thret of the wealthleai and mont promlnent men who bave been detained bere aince the tAme Thomas F. KIly. tht wealthy Canadian 'con- tractor was the "star boarder" of SkerAff GrffiAn. AccordAng ta word taothe Sun tram Chicago, thtrie nen whose respective wealth a estîmated nt from $001 in the casa of ona. $250,00 An tile case of another and $500.000 An the case or the thlrd, are naw bting held prisonert; An the Lake County ' l. The specIfle charge on sshich the men are held As sald ta 1w conspiracv the exact naturé of ahiet, is not known. These men wera sentenced Io the fpderat tprisan in lpavenwortii but were not talten thé; the 1U. S. mar- shal. Mir. Bradley, 1usd thtrndiverttd jto Waukegan. Il a sald that the 1 "'lu' epidemic aI the tcdpraA Prison As tht cause af tht change. Further. IIt As saAd ihere may be a mive afoot ta prevent them golng ta Kansas at ail, therefore the swtching of plans~ whereby they have heen brought here. It Ass aAd the men, by theAr wealth,l bave been able ta keep ail details tram the puhlic in connection with thtlr triai and sentencAng An thet ted- eral courts: that tiot a Chicago paper bas mentioned their cage. etc. Itlil further said that they ail occuPy ex. woia, ndasth if o te ay, ceedng>' important and prominent o! tht village. nat-uraîl>' occut pied aj positions financial>' and saciail>' An position et importance. Chicago and ihat divulging o! thea,în naines would cet a big sensation An tht cli>' and state ai large. LOINS AUTO TO Jumut wbat tht>' vert senienced fou- ateteir trial, la net itnovn; An tact TO t-ha whola affaîr As abroudad An deetp BOY- NOW ÀSKE TO myster>' and tht Sun bludIdfficuit>' gala t-'s~~t-~getting an>' tacts pertalning t-ot-hem PÂ liDIMAUESand iheir case. That tht"flAu' epîdemir ma>' have heen ona of tAt au-tes o! theAr beiuug Charles Pence Is Defendant in' $1 5,000 Damagie Suit in CourtToday SMALL BOY A LOST LEG Encjeavor f0 Prove Pence Is Re- sponsible Evirn Though He Was Not Drving The question as ta wbether the aWner4br an autootbilet ho lans the machine ta some rrspnuiblej pereon, surh as a boy, is responsAble for damaes n case an acîdent oc- cura, lu the point Involved n a $15.- 000 damane suit whicb As being tried1 n circuit court ai Waukegan ioda>'.i CharIes Pence, a local rontracior, la detandant n tht action.1 The suit As hroîught b>' Matthts; Suha.dolnlcit of Waukegan, whose S- Yearoid son. Matthew Suhadonck ' Jr., vas run aven b>' Pences machine. Pence disciaians responsAbfiy 'for the acident because ha vas not driv- ng the car ai tht tîne. The Suba- doloAcit boy's lefi leg vas crushed se badl>' ihat t vas necessar>' teampu. taie t ai the ictie. Pence l Is cisîmed, loanusd hie au- tomobile ta a boy ta driva. The ma- china vas diven on the souili aide ln Waulcgan whare a number of chi. iren limbetA on tht runniog board ta get a ride. The Subadoicit boy vas among thenu. He happened ta lose bis hold and telI under the ma- chine. The vont a! oblainîni- a jury vas9 started this mornîng. Up ta naon t had oet been obtaîned. The Subadol- nicka are rapresanted b>' J. K. Orvist, vhle E, V. OrvAs s counsal tan Pence. LETTER, FOLLOWS SAILOR ABOUT SEAS FOR A YEA..R George ,%arnAs, Jr., cf ZMon CktY. vrete a cousin. w-ho s servîng n the satvy about e yaar ege, and tht lai. ter flieved hlm around f rom Port to port tht fulil yesn halant ho recela. ad At ln Glasgow, Seolland. Rt an- svered ft tram Newport Neye, Ta., about a ve«Pc go. sent here instead a! ta Leavenvorth s also bai n aut b>' tht tact that tht Jose girl, knawn as thé 'dynamite girl" s also belng heltA at Waukegan panding a lifting of tht "fli' trouble ai tht tederal prison at Leavenworth vhere shut vas sentenceul recet-tly. Berause o! tht apîdmie there sh ai- so was divrted ta tht Wsuîkagan pris- on. Ose Mlthl.ge, Ornt-Lake Forst Min Kifld làNillst Tva mort goî t iens vert addeat te- Laite countys hanor roil t-a> .$.503OPERKY.b£A.1IN2ADVAIWU. PARALYZED FROM FALL; AU RAVUE IuliÀI FRACTURED SPINII E. R. Moore, Farmer Near Gil-filod J mier in Lake County, Rush- 111 ed to Chicago Hospital CONDITION' IS CRITICAL K.Ray Picture WiIl Be Taken t0 Reveal Just How Serious His Condition May Be itEIi AI - Il Paralyzed tram lte waAst down andI apparent>' suffeu-Ang from a broken hack, É. R. Moore, aged 55, a weli l<nawn farmer resldlng near Clmner, iudge Edwards Attf irms Verdict just southwest of Diamond .ale , vas of $1709.31 in Favor of rusghed to the West SI&' hospital Ani Chicago Tuesday nAght. Thet tnp Mrs. Richardson was made An the Conrad and Wetztll ambulace. 1RAYMOND ESTATE LOSES Moare's condition was brouht- a bout as tht resuli of a fl e sut-Rpre ht h aeMyB fered last Tu. An e 4ný e oled hthe aeryB blacwar frm alader.faiinua' pCourt othe cisi e distance of eight feet. lie landed an hi% back in such a '*ay that Attas feared he fractured the spine. Ila was carried loto tht bouse vhen bis plight was discoveerd and a ph>'- silan vas atrmmooed. It vas fowud that he was paralyzed fromp tht waist down. AIl efforts te relleve bAs condition have been An vain. At the hospital aut X.ray pActura vill be taken ta determine wbeiher or not there vam a fracture of the backbona. It la feartd gJso lhat the victinu suiyered an Inestinal obstrue- tAon. is condition la rearded sa serlous. fIIREF MORE JUDG.- MENTS RETURNI3D IN ZDON DAMMiE CASE Chief Becker-.and Two of His Assistants Must Pay Damn- ages f0 ail Plaintiffs $25 IN EACH 0F FOUR CASES PhiIip Populorum was the First to Obtain Verdit-Other Cases Are Setled A seutlement vas reached toula>' An rcuIt court n the case whish tbrea Zon CNY boys bava hrought againsi membere o! thteZMon polira depanimneni, seeailng damages on tht grounds o! taise Amprîsonuaent. B>' agreement a jury vas vaived and Judge Riva-ts anterci luigment of $25 and rosis againai the policemen ln taoclio! thethiree cases. Tht datendants ana: T. R. Beckter, chie! ! olice. Assi. ChIe! C. A. Brune. Policeman Striei. Thet thraa boys who wert the plaintif e ve: Leslie Mayfld, -Ciar- once James and Bant Brennan. Chicago anul a Laite Foret man had brought suit aanst thet ilint police Den acuaeawt-ne t rhan. - -flcen aevdas.a . si .btan which termt-nat-ad recti>'y but vhose vctims, names stilîl ana ram- ng ln. Tht latent Laite caunot>'ler- ALEXANDER LULEWICZ, North Chilcago, kiled n action. LIEUT. OfO. McKLINLOCK, Lake Forest, ilAtd n action. Word reaches Charlea ILlewicz jf North Chticago o! the deatb n actAmo n France on Sept. lot-h o! ibA hb an. Alexander, aged 25- years. Tht vine meneai> slt that the government regneited tut inform him or bis broth. en's death n action. The young man tarmarl>' vresailn a meai maritet- an I4ih street, Northi Chicago and vas vail itoovo among the residanis e! t-bat vAinit>'. Laievicz vent ta Camp Graat or Sept. 1tb lasi year and thenefore vas n service a lutile Ions than a year. Lakte Forest ALieutnant Killed. Washington, D. C., 0v. 20-LIeut. George A. McKInlaeit, Jr., o! Laite Farest, j«, previonsi>' reporicd mise- Ing un action, vas ioda>' reported kilaed lauaction. PrivatGeorge Brun>'of o! In CitY. vries home tram EnglaUd, saYIni ýt-iha e as oev Ant-he hospital, havîng beau gassad wbile n action &bout tht 12th o! October. Ht praAaes ver>' highl>' tht tretment that- eln ste. coîvins ln t-be Amant-cao hoeptai. a verdAct of 825 and casta. ThtepW Ilcemen vert villini t- amake a set-- ilemeot on tht sanie basAs n earh o! tht cases and t-is arrangement vas made ioda>'. Tht policemen raidid a i-am to ie t1Sa lbc<ya vee J*iw ea d iocked them up Anua a «U c etO lai! tan a short time. Tht charge Wt An acho of tht famous Vola rail- riding case which accurred An west- ern Lake, count>' about four. yesrà ago was heard in.cAlput 9ut teday when .ludga Edwards afftrmed the 3udgment of $1,70q.31 agnlnst the es. tata o! tht ]ate Levina lRaymond and An tavor of Mrs. Mînnia Richardson, the vîctinu of tht rail rlulbng Incident. Irs. Raymond vas ont o!f lva Vola waman named as dafendants An a $100,000 damaesuit instiuttd hi bArs. Richardson. A verdict ot $3,506 vas returned againsi tht detendants. This later was eut to $1500. Thug ,court conta, etc., brlng , the total amount up ta $1909.31 at tht present time. Betwaen thethtne the verdict vas raturned and juiegment waa antered Mrs.-Raymand. died. Tht Judgment then was made a claim agalOat lier estate as At was tound ihat se, vs the only one of tha five who could b. reachad by a judgment. Tht matter was fougit quit. bitter>' At>'the ts- tate but tht clainp vas allawed An oounty court. An appeal was taken t0 tht circuit court and t-hi. vags «. irmed today. Wbetbar or not a further appeal will b. takten la not itnown, but At ià reporttd. that tht mattar nuay ha car- * iled ta tht higliar courts. Th -9 railriding Incident 1An vh Mrs. Richardson vas carlad about Vola astrida a rail which vas car- ried b>' sevaral ,vameit vas one ot the mont sensations bin ecent years. EXTRA BUTTER GOES TO 72 CENTS Score &gain for the lIigh Cent el Living I The Waukegan Food Adminiatwa. tion et the weekly meeting Wedags- day nlght ralsed the prie of buttr ta 72 cents per Pound, posltlvely tbe hlghest priet n the hlstory o (tiki city. The new pluce la an ificrase of tour cent» per Pound over tne prle for the last week., For r thase who purchase butter In~ bulk the price in ont cent per Pound le3s. Members of tht food administra- tion held out no hope that the price would be reduced soon. 1. tact they àeem to b. of tht belief that th. price may go aven hlgher. .Ail ovet the city grocers asaurt tbIat the ,imand frtn ,ter.,buh. h.*. provd ad tee nsttutd te flsedecreasing for thelst- fev monthe ipr o e nd t p e din tue d a Ise and th t>' anic pate a a til fu it-br imprsonuen pnceeing asa vin- utoppng off nsles vhen the new dcatIon. price becomue effective Pnida>'. »,. mand tor butter auhtiltutes lias Atten WHOS GETTING TA-E EXCESSIincreasing An proportion tu tht-betaIt ng off n th. butter demani. 98t- Whet tAie Sun weuld lite te knmev aven butterine ratails ai 40 cents pear e t-Ahis: Mow last that Great Lak«e pound. station can m@*I butter te ealîera-.. Tht price a! tais aiea vas hooted and1 des 8011 t te silons for 47 four (tentas per dosen, lbe Maxim0su cente a pcund when tAie retaii price prAce heing plactd ai 72 cent-s pet n Wauicegan la 72 cents a pound? dosen. Truc, tAie st-etion dean't maise a pro- Tht ouI>' pnlcetht-lii as 1oventi at- fit on butter or én>'thing aie$. BUT, the meeting vas thai cf wvite dber. theroe qute à différenece between 47 a drap or Ove cents pet sadk helmmg cent-e ard 72 conteae pound for but- made. ten. TAie samne le true wltAi egos: Thera vas tome discussion about Station folk& get ltomfor &bout 25 fAing the pice of poutti- 'for Thb&"a centeAe@ thon Woukegan peeple givlng but t- vas decided thai the bave tta q'ý. Waukdgan folke s>' yprice. af tovis 'yl luctuate go MUCIL 50 cont-t fer themi-at-t-ho ettaien lit th4t i vould be imposthie - at-Ais la 35 cents, lAme ta Il x piAct., The big quetion le: Who'@ gettlng Tht case ert th.elcAliet-er avenU tatdfrereInc e btweus47 td. 72restaurant- man who neceived totne M conte-25 cent- pound là TOO an alloiment et augar veas t-o bara MUCH différence on à single Pound henu hard but vas cetntaid ti of butter, or a single dogon ef ego&. neit ve.'z hecause ont e! tÏ-A tunt vitaffes,, *5Bot ila 1mai, a

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