LIBETY VLLE ]WEPNDEI , DAY. 0 VIM R28, 1911, - - - - - - - - - - - Mrea and IVieinitqI ..... .oe'--------------USSU ýODffIONS FOR WHICH WE ARE THANKFUL nftt01 &Ui, we are thansful tIrai we *» alve sud la a poitian to enJOY thre 40mfort ofai le by whieh we are e0 g$qI!oDBI$ aurrounded. Wq are tankful for the bOuntîfitu Iô.s b&tbs eatisfied the efforts o! sa taIt.rested lInbe productionl of fond " athei people 01 the eerth may be led.1 -, thankîlitl4at tIre ud uf there *orldg greateet and mo@t horrible1 buman couflict la lu sigIri and that Its &saI BttINDOUt will i oet ikely. foreverj proluda a recurrence of V i llar @vet.1 W. are thankfi that there will soon1 j» a glorlone returning of the Young1 Mas ho faced tIre danger@ and endured thé bardahlpe thst thre human family, uegardim ofa rank or station, mght «Joy. equatlv, ail tIre bleoinge 01 a W. are thnkinl tInt thomeewho foupIrt ,Md lell and made the eupreme sacrifice tai ustice and democracy sbould pre. 'Vail dld go awilllngly and cierfully. Oh! fI te daubly glorlous to dielfor a prtnciple. W. are %haui that thoee wbo wlll ait lu the International peaee confareice jaow belng are IigI-minded and *111 make &il poeqsit- provision for« the uirtunate and Ielple8e in al lande, -sud wll %rrange for adeqîrate, iborigh Dt, Inhuruan puui.hlînent for tIrois oaponslible for tubm awfui ýaainitv. ~W@arM thankfui tiait the peuple uf Amercan nation are ready, willilng anrd gsble to rendcr ruateral asistance lu allvlating thre sufferîngm of thiose nru"st *Mieted by tbiîs gr-at traged.y. And we arf.e@leejeilly tlrankfrrl for thre1 encoragitrg iro@l,ectm of an speedv reauniption o! indumtrial auivitiea. une o! thre nationse greate-it assets 'AREA BREVITIES lire. Cropley lm il iàt hr home lu-n. lira.* Mary borts bviýitig Nir.- Lucia Ayers. John yres and] son, (.ilert ai Chicago. led on relative@ bers Srrnday. Theodore Swan, wbo recently under- went au oporation lu the Hlgbland Park boptal la lmprovIng a@ rapldly as could hé.xpacwe., Mmlra Auna Latlrrap was called to ýMWaga Snndav ecrrsof tho Ilîne@s of bordanghter. tIra. A. L Jotins;on an'] -LAKE COUNTY -,EAL ESTATE F'OR SALE bnffl.vd Farina 10 te 1,000 Acres Favorable Termis -Of Paynîent Tii...Farina W'ithin 50 miles Of Chircago Gr.ategt Produce Market Nsa The. World PROPERTY IN TOWN- CF AREA FOR SALE ModuiiruHouses Vacant Lots Fact.ry Sites Acre Tracts -for Subdivision 8mai Tracts Fer Truck Cardeners Poialtry and Smali Fruit AREA HAS WYater Works Sewer Systein Cas, Eectricity Electric Railroad Seo Railroad -".t Lime Connections -Beautiful Lake C onstituting Popular Summer Resort Area le la The* Markçt For *A Number'of Indu stries. ~Addremw Ir. M. HARJNC, i~w~ ,ar4os. bier little grand daugbter, Georgidne. MI«a Blanche Shaddle sud tMr. Bell àpent Saturday tr the eiry where they *aW thre Chicago-Illinois football gaine and lu the e'enîn« atteuded the pl"y "Thre Crowded liour." It W&@ not E. R.lioore. Who wae injnred by a faîllas reported last week but bis brother, Victor IluarP Hs waa takeon to thes lVeet@ide IrospItal In tfelcazo. where an z-ray drscloeed thre fact that two vertabra in the opine bad been eplînters']. An aperation was per- forme'] lu the hope of savlng thre man'@ lite but twenty.iour iroure latar ho succui,.:.ed ta hi Injuries. The funeral took pi Wednesday morulng at the home of hi@ brother, E R. Moore aind hurlai rtt Éake Villa.' CARO OFTHNS i wiah to thauk the manv frîsude for thelr kindusas shown mne during thre very eevere ilînessai my bumband, who le dearer to me than file I&seil, Especlally Nir. and lire. A. Rlttae (iraudma Chamn- borlîn, lira. Dalton and aIl orhere Who 80 lovIugly car for my dear cbldreu durlng my absence. Mra. Fred W. Scbllcker. MAMIEVIEW Mir. an'] Mr@. S. L. Trlpp, of Area, called at the A. C. Itirharda home, and spent the afternoun n ithth ie Jus. lirI- ard@ fanilly 1 Mre. Emma Krugvratir-idled thre secin' wedding anniverirary of hi-r sun Charles at Lîbertyvîlle- ast Frldayý Mesdames 'rllîrectit, Cojier, l'eerrsatr'] C. IVeirenberiz w.-re rliy ii-itors oune day hast 'Aeë-i. L . ilHutcliings un-d fiiiiily ,.[ent 'fui-sda if lad nýesk a vai ton. Chas. Hersc-hbu-rger feft for %Inntustota lait wî vi t.a i it ni-hîtîr e" (ha'. Kruegter and fnrnrly î-imited wlth Mr. and N'Irm. Stancliff 4unday. NIr, .' Wltgyand] farnril '-, -f Aron, spori t Suriiiis- yw1th ber [Ètthr and] bru, er. NI %V Knedier and] Ted Mr. and] trs. J. A. Ma'.on were elty visitr r'rday an'] i'aturday. NIrpr Clara Wstirenberg and daugbter visit.-i triatîves i thîs v1llnty the past tari %vssks. Vernun nuxillnry roumir rient to %heý pirirtothce wil bu' open Saturday, Noveni- ber 130, ta rerieie Clristnrrns packages iisui'd me Noveuiber 21st. HAIF DAY .Th. suirper an'] bazaar given-'y tbIe Ladies'Arid]01thlIe Cangregatrorral churcir at Hertels pavdilon Saturday evenlng waëi attsinded l'y about two Iundre'] ;wuîîle Tihe ladieo dispose'] af the arti- cI-s fur siale and cleare'] over $80.00- A god col cion wae alau taken by thes youog people for the beneit of tIre local R."] Crorua. Stereoptîcan pitures were Cross, Knlgzhta ai Columbue snd Y. m. C. A. lu"th. army campa at home and over- san". Credit le due to Ernset Hertel for aferlng theu af' hie pavillon whlch l9 eo well equipped for eommounty suppers audoclala. The. ladIes wlahto thank ail who gave thelr serveso-au'] doations whlch made the oupp&r an'] bazaar a ancceaa 'Everynue had a gond turne and] enjoyed the apîrit af social fellowehlp whicii prevalle']. The manju fMende af Senatar l B. Swft wil be glari ta know tbat arrange- ments have tissu made for an addreea by hlm aetIrhe Cangregational chureli anme Sunday evenlug duriug eeuber. D)ate wlil be announe'] later. Ail tIhe meuberq, aI'] and new, af tIre1 Hall Day Stsn']V si-irol are urge'] Wtu îre)ent îet Sunday mafrnlung at 11:01> o'clack in order tua as4i. Parte for thre Crleîmias pragrarru lielp ne ta makie thle,,the irstChriibmas aie tire deelara- tian aofî,eae. a real Cri-tmas ai peace au'] gond wll. At the evenîng mer% ie, tM:00 W rlock, 1kv. Warren will speak on tirs 'tbject, "Our Country, the Serrant af Humanîty" Ail are cordlally lavlted. Prîvate Ira Cook, of Evanetuîn epent the assIt end wlth hie'] parents Baturdar la ulau HaaryKirwcl ae ashomeoaven Suadar. UmI. Mary Murphy oi Chlcago, eaul aspeudth. cluten citI ber grandparnte, lir. and lire. C. 1. Pratt. idre. Libby Hammoud avant thre firot of the ceek ienda ln Chlcago. MisesCorlua Wrde'a achool a& Laits Zurich la claeed thiI e Itaunaccount of Influenza. Atbanney Preudergaataud H. L. Ficher o! Whetoo, were here Fnl']ay lu the interme of tIre ralnaoad. lira. Barry Riley and Mies IËtela Grae cere Chcago viiton. Tuesday. Mira. W. S. Farneworth, claîrnian o! thre Woma'a cammîttes for thre recent La.ite'] War Fun'] drive ion Wauconu towuaihip, entertaine' at ber home ou lest Fiday at a Iurcheon, thre corps of assItant lady eolctor@. Those preeeut %vere: Mesdames F. E. Gresu,1D. 0B Murphy, L. E Hughee, H. E. lilran, M. E. tiitt, Barry Patiaflel'],'B. L. Brooks, L. E. Murray, C. K. Werdeu au'] Misa F.etelaG race. h laneedloose W ay that ail present epet a very pleasaut alternoon as lire. Faruawarth ha uoted as a charmlng hoateee. Regular trainsertvice was reume'] on aur rallrnd agalu at Tbursday alter a shut down of nine day. on accourut ai englue trougle. TIre englue that had been lnueue for thre paat two mouChe beiug teuted troni the Northweetern ralîroad'company was calle'] lu fan inspection au'] averbnuling and tIre local ofiScls coulti not @ecure ans to replace it untîl last We']uesday ehen ans cas @ecure'] lrom tIre C. il & St. P. ralroad. They Lave rente'] ibIsaons for thlrty daye at whlch tume -"tino'th'lId stau']by will ho tboraughiv averhauled and ready to g-r back lto service. NSegotiatiorîs are also rrndern-av for tIrs purchage ofa nsuca nsgline so that tIre il l'e ni) firthrer suijiende'] ssrvhce an'] regrlar scîedules wliIl e mantained Iereater. The troteboidero caurmittees who Lave tisu n']uctlng thé opération if tIre rnilrorîilmiucs tire c-inhlnnatlou ail tihe male July 13th wili tur ou-en tIre rranageinieit ta tIre ']rly elerte']directana of tIre new rahroan']corporation of the P. 1-b X&WIl',CaK, nIlecenîber 1.,. LAME ZURJHJ SMs V' S-hlaz 1,;à@ beer, visitirrg a ith lier liaugliter, tI rs. E-I Yurîrrg ln Kank-ake-ý tîuite a nurrîber froau tere attende']tIre sale at George Miltrielis farta riear Diawron' L.ake, B..G6irillmun wâs a iarrnington ealler .Udndtby. Mtiss Rose Preliri speut tire wuek-end lu Chicago. iiug. 'ruelrcb shipped' a load of hogm Friday. Crstal Lake, mlient Satunday at tre-rn cottage. A. Hosît au'] A. Kirrhtinuon are la, Ilutternut. Wl', , an n deer Iront.- We bnîpe taBese theni returu sach citIr a doer. Chas. Diehi ciii accupy tIre Wecetzs-r A petîtian bas beeu circulate'] amoug tIre people In lapes cf havîng Dr. Barbes, returnubers main camp. Wmn..Wewetzet purchamed twcofaitIre cottageoq beîonqing tu Wm. BcItuae, au'] move'] tbsm ta Iis Ian']dCre nantIr Ide of tbe laIte. Mls K. aterne Rrewmrand siia friend r AWAY LOTS FACÉS CJIARiE O0F 1RAUD .I. *M ofe bléos eaHimaa Froot "Sturday.' PMaU% Fuak badtwo aoua i of looeu- lngton, cor. the guete pi J. A. Wood- man, Bond"y. MM.a AmiSherman apent tIre past twýo weaka cii relatives lu Chcago. lir@. Auma Goodiman returued Friday fImm Springfield, where aseatteuded tIre Grand Lodgo meeting of the Itbekshe. Mr. sud lir@. Josephr Mursse sud mon of Dubuqu., Ioa, are apeudiug eeverai, days with lir. an'] lin. E. B. Selig. Sunday mqrulug, Nov. 17, lira. Sarah &dame recalved']the aad nusof tihe death of ber eau, GJeorge F. Adame uf Irving Park, whIa'] been sick fur tIre pait four moutha eltIr cancernofatinach. He leaves a wife and twa mana, Robert *ud Jas. liMre. J. A.waodman la epeudlug a couple of weekset at ale Crsek, MicIr tIrei. P. H ieyer @pent aeveral daye tet wesk iu Cicago wlth ber daughter, Ies El.- -&or lisyer. Jamc- Ualioway bas cioeed Ibis home. He ait hie daugbter, Mie@ Sadie, will spen'] rLie eluter eltIr Wm. Gallawayes tamie. M ,0 Eva -Pettle hnr returued ta Deh..can, Win., having spent the tanit ta it- -Le at ber latben'@, C. W. Petitsa. Aise Margaret Ve']der will @pend tIre wiuler lu Tlieo']ore, Ala, elth Mtr. and lire. Fred Cbnietson. Mitla Ireue licadie cf Chîcaa, W&@ tIre week-end gueat aiftire. Frauk Pebotrnu. RalpIr Horeuberger let far thre Glreat Lake@ last Tneaday wherebe bas enlieted Iu thre nedial carpe. tIra. Sarah Adameé an'] Lais returned home lionday haviug sçent a week at Mrs. Fred Klmbark'e ifl Raveîrswaa]. Suuday moruiug TtianktWivîng service was hel' lu tIre Prestryterian churcir rin change ni.tMr. KFIlyitIhe pa,3tor, wbîr calis'] on àmroe. ai.Dr. lie oing, IlMesirr .e. rc.ortsuit l.akl-iiritii Ilh----::s s::s J. A. ticerbeit, Sr., tGe-rge Stanger arr 'il unirst nu i '-ri l hte- ' -~A If~I- E.B-Jran0 ginvreasuns for tiuauk- P c<-plaine']. Ir-,l: or -re, 'ré7 . Il fullues. Ewald] Wiurers sang two u ,1-uki . tii-o- n ' - i iqpiirapriate @sida Tihe duciralng 'ens iako. . G pEg1k- dLit Bl TUESDAY., DECEMBER 10, 1918, BARRINGION, ILL. dune liv tie boy seriurs iu a vu'ry arîrîue Laks z tori i. T lse lots tre.ui t o rfd t oe Th ora adinsirir eýem"o Th1ingtenbrti-u'ls o.uîpete Dispersai of Entire Milking tierd th Pe yera cu,.- Ilaual a mti Pretytlan rbui ,.boselauail dra ]-wing luing mallei. irýýai']. on the~ 0~ meting at tirse oruirurîntymastsenlt .uin itcket.,iIssue']. \Vbn ar 30 Registered *îUîlstein Cow~s Tbrnsdigusv thr e Driiuuas eitig n tptewonuan lha'] a list of tram planin in tresal t li hu] urthirty tb fifiy Vaukc'gananNot plnnnfr the isle 51 t hei1),W (in Chiceago people aiuoha'] "vwon" lots. OTwelve headof the above have A. R. 0. records, and the tIrs. J.* A. itiecheit tank chrarge af thre Tic waman aZent çipiairue' thît others are just as good but neyer tested. Ail are very mrssiconary îmeeting, 'Tire Moatnhneen' the- lotir ere gîven away absoluteiY I well bred ancd EVËRY ONE IS A FINE INDIVIDUAL sas tIre ubject tinder sbudy. free, thre only condition ,bhegn that Alyugcwete rs o u ofehnso.OI thos whorereve i gempay on te pounblecows, her ben kor dun thifs herd, dai ly r<"fllfiUi bstract an'] d.] REsEKVuIKTANK -Rt gt irere., accordlng to thre poli'e records having been kept. Th< herd has been ect TO ~VE ESE VE whêeu the "roi" cornes In. TheY - and bred for production and inlividuality. AUl are nicely TO IVERESRVE as ssrt thtInvescrtigation haut provcd jmdnked and are the straight back and large capacity kind. -- tirhat Illre majority of tîtuî.e propo-sitionsi WA AT T"ATN are - tucluriei. Inasmurh as tire lots Neyer before inu this vicinity bas there been such WAILI AT rq phre u-ruliy wot suafli.oromo- an opp ortunity to secure cattie of such high class. WilI Have Capacity of 750,- abstrart an'] deu-d fa make a fat profit* 000 Gallons-WiII Fi11 out aifUic. tran:,actlon go wîrîîe the' ;W>. 1. MARTIN, Barrington, Illinois GreatNeed ersn an vidraws a "lnckyl, nomber Great Need otaie-n thînka lue Ila orturates expert- eebrtedeT sayDc 1, nig Wirsn tiey have trouble at tire nav'- erres acor']ing ta the. police: usually at R pmember the dae,3 iesa , ec. of, 1918. coniecn al station the usj'st goahaea'] an']shs ihm tint tluule tgnattece. i iIPmt the caameies.sto Brinin ai ercnue il. Lunt week tbp.y broke Tcar g ent, purartaînumbta shoscet USUAL TERMS OF SALE. Seuil ion Cafalo. WM. P'tTERS, Auct. thelr Intake-urow tiey're golng to ard iespupop m5-s0o senB flz things no0f ift breaks agaln, tireuv lu the. Icluîty of tire lots that are the.-------------------s:s:s:::ss :u won't bu' lu the dangesonre state they lng glven away. On fthe surface the_______________________ wr're filis UmeL Here's chat the propasition loks like n gond] ane but Bulletin Bays they are goirg to do:. the pollOO aay li la a écIndIe never-1 Public Sale Noticels published in The. Inclependent are read TIre construction ai an Immense thOleu. Inasmuctu as lit permIta ai mon-'lb7 froin dire. to five turne as many responsible buyers as steel reservain tank whlch W-i con- ey ' ng Obtadned tflrough fraud. in any other weekly newspaper in Lake couuty. cars güsata ai tIre lm bomne Sund]ay. dd Sehoul cas claeed agaîn Fniday utladded tatire State enter strpply uyt- alter Tbanksgiviug, due to the Ilînesa- ai cm bas been authonize'] iy the Bur- a grent manuy aitIrs cIrldren. TIre eautai Yards an'] Docks. The cour- teAcersretrne tu hoi repecivetract for tie construction ens award. toeaere returned] o thir rspetIv.e euto thre Thomas Hardîn compasny TIre people of! is evillage are more ai Chircago. Warlt cil be starte'] nt thaân gin'] tae efl"lau']" agalu ruuuîug once an'] eompleted siortiv atter the an echedule'] lime. fIrt oth-fle year. A letter Iras@tissurecelve'] Iy frlsndo a! Th, nec resenrafir wclif11 a long D. bL.icTaggert. He,tates tInt hoIrel feut wart at thÉ Station anud iii lit Englan'] near bondon. prove especlally valuable as It pro- tir. Posan spent tIre week-end ab Iris vides n resenve rupply A n ce ai Ian. tfine . Tic ,.reervoir aiea eilli beip F' . krnrnk cas a Palatine caler Friday. taerreu the "1pan'claad" aif'eter HRButier an']aLamIly vinlte'] iii usage on tire Station sarir lu tire relative@, Suuday. morinng an'] on "fllld dayrm.' Waten MIr. au'] tis. H. Brandlng gpent Sun- usage recarda lu Publie Works de. day lu CUhcaga. itartinent show thnt betwen 3.000,000 Dr. Starck au'] Dr. Sbrurer are attend]- an']4000,000 galons ai enter are Ing tIre numerous famillie@ tInt are liI. used ou the Station encb ']ay-.l'bils Wm. lieyer I. hom@ ou a ton day nec reservoîr theretore cull provide lu riough fram. V'rinlula a rive or six iours supply ou han'] Ira Erust Iras@Ieen serîou»ly I11I constnntly tn rasenve ton emergen. Neit Suuday evsulug at 8 O'tlock the eIca. Evangelical churvIr. A rmoug those.cho have besu I11Iaith a toucb of thInfluluenza are: 0O. Frank an'] chlldren- E llranding de lrr' rlen idra. et hlI@ home boe. Chae. Woeeiar au'] chldren; tirs L. F. L. Carr returue'] Frlday froun Cer (eary au'] tarjari .Al are reparte'] Rtapide, Iowa, cherse Iras tissuc m- Iniravinug. îuîcyed lîy tirs Public Service eu. Dudley Burntt rturne'] ta hi@ home ln Indianapolisa aiten apen']lng surse tme Evangelical Church Notes. hons attIreironie o!litIs grandfnthen, - 9:00 n ni. Suu']ay achool. Mltugean. 1(1:00 a. m. Germean servIce.. M. -W. Hughes cas na ihicago îîusîuesa b.001). in. Englisb services, irsia, Mrnuay.11 Tueaday anu' Frl']ay oveuIng choir Ilar <irrlini, chii']ren an'] vatrer. practîre 7.30J p. ni. tulauw. MmtireItübinson, a! Cary. @peut Thurs']ay 7:30ti1l. mn. . S. Tsar-lera Sunidaày niitIîr' Iruniv fr. an'] tre. V. meeting. I'uDuvlu .Sanda>', iscsriînb 1I1. . iepu-al M' - F*fIrllww,, 'I'Irorday au'] Sa-red vuîncert - Finn']Va flui h ieugiu. 1 -r - - fi. H. Murnît>-ant ai]u.rgttpr, Helen), oa!-Ma - .- . -j ChIlcag'u. avv ilrunne aven nituidny. tirs Laura Patemn a astIre Sundny tirs. C. bL'rutt ruioururiture11eItida> guestet atEnii l Mstzrrs at Sîermsrville. aitrur a Cwa,'et-s- viuit witlu reluJtiresMiss Eleanor Mieyer cunt ta St. Luke'm lI iri-uregio aud rN wt. Lbake. Iroolutal, cherseho undeneent an opera- N'r anti rs.\W. ..Surer an'id nouspent tlon for appeudieli l at Tuee']ny. Sunda>' an L.uuug gmaya. M. an'] Mr@. A ug. ScIreppe of (lentos, tIliru [-selia <iar7 enaa àClcaga an'] tr. and lira. Ueo. l'daster at HlgIr. vlifîir Saburuuln Ian'] Park, @pont Suda>' a# J. C. fEnder@. A i ýan Ii..4 i Stnier qKutt .unVui uul-.t r I tk ngo ,Wathte bguipm Natural Preasulfe. Tire new neservoîr wcl! ho ulît on n naturai elevatian due west af Camp L.awrence an'] at a pint gligbtiy east ni the Green Bay Rond, Tbe locerut point or tIre tank cilii hé139 feet nirove the lu-vel ai the la#eusoa appraut. fimately 100 feet abave the level af the main station, thug seSeunig a rat- vrral pressunre fon dlgtribUttonIi n the maIns. the hîgheat point af tir' tankrIll eilh 180 teet ahave tire laits ievei. Thre tank cilha 56 fret In diame- ter and] 41 i..t hîgb. Wnter wclii-ire pumpe'] loto the nec neaervoin ira ithe sedimentatlionand] fil tration plants an lie beach just sauth ai tie Main power house. A 20-Incu sater pipe lIn. ciliiconeet tie filtratian plants and] the nec ne- semvoir. Theis ilbe Approximateiy ans mlIui)n'] a hait long. it wcli n aiong tins Ionndnry hetweesu the.main station an'] Cgsp Paul Jouez, Cran- lng urder the electrie and] C.,& N. W. racks, passîng bet*eahi tiie OffIcen Mutertai School and the leeqrv@ Coal Yard, tinotugit Camp LacWrence tndnul Oui-dtu(, c0et. I T HERE, are two (2) kinds of insurance. Both are good till death takes place, or you want some cash or a boan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, wheu, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tili you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on- and gives. service. Both kinds keep you from worryi ng for a sea- son, but the dire good kind is the kind to buy. «Your Lif e Insurance should flot be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS CLOSING-OUT SALE! The Gridley Farmn having been sold. we wil1 sell, at pub- ic secttion, on the premise known as EVERGREEN FARM, 2* mile. northwest of Prairie View and 6 miles southwest of Libertyvile on WEDNESDA Y, DECÊM'BER 4th at 12:30 p. m. sharp Our entire HOME DAIRY 11fRD consisting of 75 111011-GRADE IIOL$TEINS-75 25 Freuh Coa-a 20 Close up Sprlnuere The bal,.vcs 1 and 2-ys-ar-old Irelera, daugirtere rît or bred to IIIIAG APPLE BUCKEYE KORNDYKE, whaee dam bas a r.-cord 18, 400 Ibo. of mllk andI1, M) lire aofIrutter and wbnse @Ire liras Il A It ( daught.'rtwith aliiivergor test ai 204 Iboe nf butter an'] fat t'eutof 4 14 per ent- 80 11EAD DUROC JERSEY H1065 46 Sprlng Stioats .14 Faîl Pige. Al vaccunatsŽd againat *wlne plagué. and bog choiera. 85 tIlla CanaoI1tlabcock Tee@ter 1 Shlàrpleae Separatar 1 Milk Scale Empire Milking Machn-2 Doauble Unt. Complet@, wfth piartitiolantiole air pump, vacunu tank an'] barn outflt for 56 u'awa. AIl in ierfsu-t candi. tMon an'] wlll be iuetalled] for purchaser If demire']. USUAL TERMS ORIDLEY BROTHIERS, -W. M.- IIARRIS; ç Proprietors FRED GRABBE, Auctionear JOHN ROUSE, Clori ty Coul Nus V( An"e No Tb. Wat e digbt 1 aaday ni ied ta 15 per -the In. commen tlk.out M u hé'] bu But W: àe memt tet situa i give C] lres.' Mo madu Muses lii Btthe nts bal (Con Waukeg P-hear tC hem. ever, ut ai are namu nt t tu or w wau anr ulkega as Co bit w Impor dasa t! -8 Arrested at Broadwal Theatre Saturday Night While Pro- , moting Soheme MANY LUCKY NUMOERS Waukegan, Nov. 2. ChIarge'] wlth an attempt ta pe.-pe. trate e trau']. ru oman "'ho wa$ "Igivrrtg away" lots on asmerr- ,crt !ake ln tiheirgan. was. pted un- de-r arrest attire lrcatdwaylenatre Jlu W.rurhegan iy thes police Satur.'fay nrglir. This la not th(- first tîme thil' tue F.cluemshas bin n ris'] ln Wauke I Purl but il cas tir, 7rst tinme tînt the çci cf cere able 50 rab those w'na v'eru - crndrsctifg Il. Thre woman gai-e her'name as Mr%. Lili1lan Penske. She cal'] ber home la ln Chicaga. The. pneiminary hearing was set for 2 o'clock irefore Police Magîtrate Water Taylor ait the polIeestation. Shu- hu. rîsîru laçite']up ln thre crnun!yJ..ii I 'il- fauit of furnishiin r ,ondi- of $511ï, NMrs Penske claimc-']to reure ,ýt the Northwestern Sali-s sac.4P .M'dvrtl.gIng Tiir - 12 W M-Islon 't Chicago. Shi ri. * -.:. :r u wîth the prolîpitor 1 'hIli-: Ie'r ,li'ow an adi -ru ý1r -lle0o"rIr"' sreren. ir-piaining .r 'r- tiropo.iour Th ini. uno,î..i, -r7,1,'