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Libertyville Independent, 28 Nov 1918, p. 9

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LISE RTY VILLE INDEPENDENT LAKC OlLNTY INDEPENDENT Lake Counly's Big WeekIy - - - ww w- - - - a-- - - -.- A - - - m- - ;x.mu riia à i.N TAàlm-r àude T.TTME XXVI-NO 48. ty Council by a Vote of 3'to 2 Nus Votes to Increase Pay of Policemen PPOSITION IS SHOWN Dmmnissioners Durst and Diet- meyer Argue that there is No Money Available TbeWaucegan ire department won e digt vhen the city couricil on ffday nigt by a vote of 3 to 2. ied ta give an increa«e ln vages t15 per cent. ccepance ef thiîs rthe firemen %as. a concesion as B>' bsd been holding out for 25 per Wt Ai a reaIt of the amicable Ruiment or -atterg tiiere vas no WN.out Mondav nàight at Dîne o'clucc 9 bnd been threatened if the in- nize vas flot forthcoining. But wbiie the iremen proited àe meinhers of the police depart- tnt sîso profite.] for it was decided >give themn a similar increa.,e in Iles. ' Comm*ioner 6wayera bo made the moion for bth in- Musstii alary took th position tthe e mployes of bath depart- *nts have been receilng the saince (Continued on Page TWO) eXTA HNO LONGER WITH 1 49TH Waukegan people will be surprised M-her that Lieut. Col. A. V. Smith ,ë Do langer identiiied wth tne l49tâ I.Fed Artlery. îAccordi10 1,oa etter recived iby 8.1th r m flie Colonel on Tues- be made mention ut the tact thitý r và no longer wth the 149th. vever, he did not explain ywbat Imnt he was place.] vith an.] refore Mrs. Smith dues flot know e ame of is comnmand ut the utfit re. the colonel merely incidentally re- tu the tact that lie vaà no r witb the division with whicls was sent acraaa seas and that pu~ accounts for the tact that er man recently vas made cul- Sof the 149th in place of Lieut. A. V. Smith whom, everybody in ulkegan expected to be promate.] en C0ol. Relly was made a briga- en serai. ?be latent letter frram the colonel I" bi ie did flot conusin anythins VIMportance exceptlng that parti- itatement. In tact the latter dbappointing because It vas ex- * tbat ble voul.] senli a lot af rtant neye in connectian vitlt ltent drive and pence mnove t tt n this Mrs. Smith ira& dis. ted and the colonel tUUthe gm1tb bas been with %e @ ver ince it vent overeeas anmd therefore bis tranhfer teazotbor regiment isa matter meo împortjýDce iD Wkukegau Wf the tact there are.,Qo many nmmn ln the 1fth. la a] uai-d there !vfl ohOU t rffiment frontWaukegam. PART TWO - LIBERTYVILLE, INDEPENDFNT, NOVEMBER 28, 1918 FOVX PAMB ___ i ____________ ________________________ WAUKEGAN WUJ.Y SM - Fiw IIUN DICTATOR EBER BRO.e 0F LOCAL IAN, c.e EBERT DrvnlissasBy ITHA MAN'SPOLT Log A putatel OVE4BPl198 esWar, ..NOW Waukegan Man Recalls thatà Afti r Bullet Sont To pert, todYAgo ofHav- of *Rom Rit oTh rsWord ccvîj&cC.ý .-t E t.Brother in Hun-land Local Bkv glc-' bealien back -maiqJ1Ofl* mict..- Wberee - EBERT IS OVERTHROWN * 'owso6 D>Man.!-dn W.tO P,-Jhniiesi'a 72 nHs SAYS LATE9I REPORTS Sergt. Henry Weise of Wauke- Li4idwt~*4Mni 2iuiL4 Pocket-Pînned to, Turn gan Sends Word Baok He - -' Lrno~te es'.Iie' c' eaJ'it Over to Kaiser As Waukegsn figured In the Rue Has Been Maimed suen revolution by te revetati0ii IAre drap" ha doubtP'or hun.el h -'V IS NATIVE AUSTRIAN that à cousin of Keronsky, the dic. SOON TO BE HOME l'buf'retfinet awhizhlcçý lenottator for Borne turne, iived on South, 1,)e a, runl«.,veýGt oe s treet, 00 low Waukegsn- r -o. o rumh&~ovrC4 Was Arrested Monday Atter-const the front-au being iounect- Father Qets Letter Which Teils iws re hà hier f Mrýyr4.F tq.noon by Police as he Was ed, with the big turn f avnt* Ini of His Injury andl Prospec- ýW r e il-4& ave 0i' of arýe the * ivitC S tarting to take Train Fo,mit s tte ha . bettive Return Here ýWe bow'ibef8,re tUo. bl.s'r.4 FhOçt..P rivën Insane thraugb or ws ttd ht erEbr îVirt,ýover flic war, John .lnlderaie, agd 3 who has been Chancellor of iHenry weise ot washingto nsti'e.t Ar4 huT7bfr~T b TFbaký t? rêsiding' at 10)16' l.ennox avenue, the Empire since the Abdi- and] Edison Court. bas relved a let. North Chicago, vas trie.] in couniy cation of the Kaiser, is a fu 1 ter f ran bis son., Henry, wha h&4 cdurt at Waukegan toda>' an.] va% Brother of Chas, Ebert, for- been -wlth -the, enginerlng corps in orders.] committe.] ta the Insane aay.Frne rgl h t sd ew luni et Elgin. Jnidersi alanaive erly Superintendént of theFrance.bis snhan tsta h ithe s r.]v oif Austria an.] neyer took aut ltsa Local Sugar Refinery and vice for bis cauntry. ciltzenabip papera in tbe United] for Years Resident of Wau- This la the first case vhere the Sates.l ia s mat e hs lla othe o kegan. He now is at Shady- es bas cme bac'e ta W aukçan. - - - war Ge lan ad er vblly tea.side, N. J., where he is Sup- Ith.t .Waukegan boy bas ltet a.ilIl F *ie ds h i : . erintendent of a blag Plant of in the .ar abou.. constilerabl>' becauffl Austrl& waî the Corn Products Company ID thé letter ta bis tîther ho telle heaten at eveîy turn. Hie condition Attetm emn'atcrc abubiifjyastlo: grev mucb aorse wben Austria vas A h leGraysatcayaotbsijr sflos wbipped ta ber knea an.] was turc vas overtirown became public and OlItober 25, 1918. ______________________________________________________ d ta retire froni the struggle. He llerr Ebert assume.] charge of the Ucar Father: bai suffere.] ail sorte of peculiar bal- ga'verîîment, remarie vere made la TROS ST 6 Â D GO DEN WED INf WIL RE OVETHE uciatins.the Sun office: "Wonder If be ia any 1 ppoSe you think ibat 1 ha e TIIO. SRANi AD GODENWEDIN4 WIL REAVETUE lIId~as ag ho announced ta lm.trmry WIFE ELEBRATE À Ioa Srrg or~as~ CAST W ESUE reaisthtf .B llM Thm sVrag o Yas h Europe. le said he thought bis "0f course nt-that could net be," tva veek-s. We bave been 1, anath. GO DE ED JN ostmnaster ai Wadsworth, WcRuntOR 16 WKS.. m an.] hc vishe.] was the casuel repi>'. er big drive an.] have boit quitea W o t ieClbae ewntaalcal i. and wT. HiEtînacaf If. 1 got bit inthelgb Wh-- oden thWedin-e Celebatd ett oa a<aivfi- Here la v-bat a Wsultegan m= Who -une 0f the "kaisgers" shateaan.]bave t .,.,..drev $700 vbich be carried about ïibdcoerltos 'h Calsbe nth optlfr1 es WelI Known Residents Wads- Libertyville Flyo~ iwnIp nstr ospital i, okt;for s fev days. Monday Eber aid tlos te ros it: Cani en in teatal forelogaoff . g worth Attain Important Patient AnxiotJs for Sun- alternao« tbe police recelve.] a oz-m- "erEet1 rte fCA bv h nebt1a oU Milestone in Lives rise Wednesday plaint tuat a man vas acting quecr- Eber1r embeit Saibrout ay e lleh.Batoute the y ure o t a glSd ______ly at the North Western depot. Po .Ebertst emembor eabout bisvs e of ungoe. Tlitesreidot egond lîceman TrYon mnade the aryoflt. .nî- Mr.betwatingm abu scr.fuser.Teistoeod TWENY-FVE TTEDEDMOST PATENT PATENT demsic ait irât refuse.] ta go. HP famnil> in Germany. Me told me th&t bospital I have been at and vili bc insste] tat e vs glugto u-three- brothers were very prominent move.] ta a base bospita]Soon. Mr. Strang Was Credited with Was Hurt at Russell;-Holds rope ta turn bis savings aver ta the politicaiiy and that on. vas *Spécial- The weather 19 stili fairi>' gad Being Oldest Postmaster Record for Length of Ly. kaiser. uy a leader on Socialiem. 'rhat broth. bore but a lot cf days are darn and] in tat W en 4e ui in inOn Poitin Kaiser good man-l give him mY or steo.Who hi$ iateiy sscended rainy. in Statmoneyen HeeCuil.]ninibisnerooentinn-lnto i thpovWer which for s tîmo vas Weii, Ps.. this Ir, ail 1 have ta vrlte Mr. n.]Mrs Thnta Sîang0f I'bnksivig dy ttisyea vi Ielsb. pronoutlced au that of the kaiser. in about this time go vilI close. Hoping Wr.ad rB. m asg theha nofn- s aT hanksgiving y tsyar vi e &lct We erle] tteplc t- et, hi* élévation meant the ovor. yau are veil an.] happy, citet o the ordfor iss ûy he sumaf $729 ai the un in You§son adyo ansiigtth ul3tionthrow of the kaiser, or su Waswrtamngth'bet nov etet th wrdfr is l iei' espocfe$729lusase vas "n «Mr. Charle Ebert vatche. events HENRI'. residentm of Nortbern Lake county. Blrown, age 16, who holis the unpleaa- tune.] oe testtelithcase re- in Gernuiny vith keen Interest be- Sengt. Weise ivas born In ERYMaton celehrated their glden wedding an- ant distinction of having laid In a suIt orthat e tataslith te aue tbsbate rsence and]but lved in Waukegan the gr ater niversary MIonday, November 25, et eout extendîng tram ber breant dawn suitdecltaptiinsae as flein ot'lie causo bs rit ther tv'e p oltiapart of bis lite. He learne.] bis jud the hante of their ,lsughter. Mrs. Wil- ta her taes, for the longeat peria.] out.matters. It la seons that their entât- as -cabinet maker vith Mli* &fth r liam Y'ndick of t.ibertyvllle. - that anybody la Lake co-jnty bas 1 out.I nismtavioard the autocraîtic rule of an.] vas in businesse vlth bIr4 (gr Present vere 25 relatives aand.] Liýettenssce. cuMst e CITY 0F WAUKEaAN THANKFULi tm ie ewn ateWUo frieds f te apd oupl an a itte Msa Fe> ccuiesthebed On the eve of Thanksgivîig day tContInued on Page THREE) tauechoola an.] bas Many friends verends 0f he aed ,copean.] aIn the nartheast corner of the first -_leueope_________aveuc bore. Hia trtenda beings mucb pieau- ve>'deigtfl ayva sena floar at MeAi'ter hopital an.] for Waukeanppefn.th>bveuce]taernhaaotl'ttrogt sumoptiaus dinner belng, serve.] at 16 long -weeka she bas lain there, the.ta bethankful for. lnu atdtao oears h as mi.]. aefft got, noInonrothhapocainbablv neyer bas heen a t,rie ils ____ firecas .ho watr eaîn.]il er taav M.aon %ior.f the appy ccasrion.moat patient patient the bosr.tsl bas E -ttnry oftecut hnTak tose. e r Wei a t eon v- a n .] n ta;vemrd -ever latkn çgeeof. Lylng thene on glvlstnry cftuaetc. unI ve hais ig14-envorth and] vasmade a corporel unteMiwaukee Roaadon vhat i8 ber white bcd In front of the big vin- giving dayrtg.k o so bucbbraal si; known as Nelson place, mast nortb- wK j, ru edow she bas made an imperaonal ac- fjjafce.cois about elgbt monthi, weat of Waukegan, 50 years ago. mMIRS Q Ba-ai.wusaquaintance of scores cf p'I bt le chHoais Uicseauf est son 0f tbre The>' live.] in the count>' ever since. 6IIf9Drl broghthe vindav. pe that the vai'l. van . ebloodient Md WAU KEGAN BOYS MV- EL4 baya, an.] tvo girls an.] Ifle le teroit. although NMr. Strang la 73 yeirs ot Y E'Y S13 DBiIUC hrI mont terrible ln the hisMory of the. ag n ako btbsfte low aie, bis vife 75, they are haie and] This young girl witb lier stator vcri.], bas beau braught ta an on.]d Nov that the varleora la r g Igtonvthtisate l vs beaty n. lu t thni n. tai f ~ ubIIDIU ' elba and a young man nane.] Peter vltb the United] States an.] the allies number of Waukegau men are en. a soidier in Eurotpe vbon a yanng the happenings in Lake co'nty dur- DIES OF INJUI1ES ConDelI, austaîne.] serions Injuriesvctorlous. Democracy bas etamped d.eavoring ta otain.tbein reloase tram man* Ing the past haIt century. about 16 veeka ago vben In driving out autocracy, the navy, bovins onlisted. the>' poit.'- Accarding ta biesosn'a lettor homo Mr. Strang vas pastmasten ati E. R. Gobrecht eecretary of the Nrbvestor ntnacka near Russell et Waukegan la gratetul becafise the e.] out, for th.e.]uration of the varh em ah etn nncl 1. number of casualtles vere net larger an.] lb.>' oul.] Hike ta ho amOnil;th, altbaugb be vili corne back home Wudsvortb for a great man.y eare, Waukegan "Y" receive.] - anather vhat fi wnovn as Bartlett's arase-mnsoeslb owilpoal in tact et the lime lie retire.] vofun- crusbing blov Ibis morning vben he Ing, tbey vere truck b>' a North- - thon tbey vere for the local bors toOntrt ta bc master..] onthl i edhg sb hu o liril>' mure pear e g, it vus declar. receive.] a wire telling hlm cof the western treigkt train andl for a tîmne part i ntbe tblick fa the flgiting. In scores 0f instances yaung mn e t hbol.]bis boa.]viceb aheIbiaki bo e.] ho via the ,;dest pasîma'ter itn death ot bis agedmoîber, Mri.Anaathe lIte otMiahlo gy vas dîspaire.] Waukegan la tortunate iD having the naval station, have. madeoaut oa f. e ave brvices nd bo oiblYrbi service I lios ebi!&IeetGbe nCaint.o.taken a bîgh rank amant otlifI cltes fidavite vbich tho>' hope viii ai.] the n f& anttioScr ifie@D.] woy qpueaof>'the toast 35 inls. o bel.]-ears Mc . utaGobre i Ciinabi. * !om oftIhe country in the purcbateoftLib. hi obtainini thoîr reea-se. Homo are loins ab sicrite uabot i -Srang vas . superviser of Newport Injuries rçecîve.] In ýan auto acident Haà Brave.] it Throtègh. erty' bond ian.d lu e subeerption to-aklng for thelr roleane nov Io IigeI thegb t bu iTavnship. He fouillt t.arlng the civ.see-ral ..ays ego. She vas 70 yesrs Haves or tbrougb ber Indominahle yard the Red] Crc-ae, Y. M. C. A. anad grouinds-thut the>' bave déendnte- 1il vîr an.] bas bat# a prominent G. aI.]. Her hushan.] .1e.] In 1902. courage ana determination, ber baju. c-ter patrictic canspaigns. othors are pointisi out that the>"t ' A. Rmnfoma'yyaa aig -I.Gbehîbvsfrteoa a.p disposition an.] a possession of waukegan la fartunate ln baving gave up profitable business conern X T .1 IR been former comnmanlder of Wauko- nigbt ta attend the tunerai taehbel, hia.] the naval station etlits door dur in ordor Ibut thev migbt Serve the 1glin post of vbicb ho I&e t ill a mcm- Thanksgivîng day. {Continued on Page TWO) lus the poriaulofathIe var and« White cauntry In lime of var. ?New* that Uic SPECIAI TRAINS TO TH-E eber. M. and Mre.% Strang bu.] IVo Détails of the accident are net aîhet cilies suffered a sllump lu bon.> situation vhicb cause.] thom ta onlist STOCKYARDS FR018 LAKE M0 1- chiI.]ren, 'Mrs, Fondîci and a" son knovn. OR. 1NESBITT IN CL OSE ESCAPE Inean Wauk0g&n merchante bave pros- bus cbango.] tbey are anXIous _ta get r Herbert, vbo la omploye.] an the Mr. Gabrecit bas Ihree bnothers -pore.] tbroughotbt the var. bock into civil lite.TeNatsSdo lOicle-k - -Nrh Shore electrie lino. an.] tva aitera.- Dr. R. H. T., Neaatt ha.] a cose es- The announcoment that thse Johns- No ont appeare to. mev' juet hou Ing bg plane fo r takbl Laou>am -f ev familles are botter bnovn In The deth, et the eider Mrs, (Go. cape tram being injure.] Tueada>' ave- Mmviii. plant le t aebe bre le an- -many men it Great Labos -me, te >' ypeople ta the stock sbow la the à Labo WalntY ' thalt t if-1117>. brecltitnl a ehack tothe local "Y" DIng lu Wuukegaa, vbcn, La cross. other cause for Zoerai tbanbsgivlng. musîcredo.]out C roat Laboes but 15cyri hcgoo e.5i h -Mr, Strang's brathers an.]sîsîtes, are man hecause t vas ot>' a ftov veau lusWashington etreet et Couitt>', the On lbe otter han.] Ibere are à fcv those vha, arc maet desirons of getting1show runs frona Nov. 30 tafoc. 70. 1- William Strang of Wauliegau; Oco. mgo that hie vite dîiedIn Wai.'iogan, Mpr eon. f bis Ford coupe a*e atruob thiussfor vbicb Wiukoganu cînnot be out of theo service pou ire making~ On the Sth, a epecial train tesé r t Grayalabo:, Robert et Ourneo; Pe- au influenza viella. Ho an.]hie b>' a e"atbouna cîreot car. thanbtul. overy effort ta be amopg the rlt t Edilson Court, Waukegan at 9:.55 mmd , er ar Mlburn; Heur>' 9f Wa'ke<iti; tamily havo haroS>' recovere.] tramn The doclor escapedl bgIng burt but. dne of them a is-that tbe vator proh gez Poin.ra iett heexad ibu Mns. Brtltt 0f W*4vortb; Mr. thus aaock vbon the- latent nevs came tbe riglit rear vheel of the car Wvas lem appears ta ho fa-r tram- a inltiOn :rhohboitceoneste prev&il tbat tbf' a-ny transters In Chicago. a t'sl& i eungr 0 LbeltTilio an.] Mli mCnonaamashe..The fonder vas béat but Anotber la that the financi a fairv marrie.] mon vilI ho the tietla ho di-s.eIsvea Area at S: 18. Lihrtyrle af- -Enmma tang of Wauboganl. the car as a *haile tasn't daniated o! the otydo 'not soemin tImprove charge.] trom service. For-that re- 8:35; LueoBiluff at 8:38. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "h -fbrPtrudMe mavr ub hotrlai tUcmc'a. aynee ilnpromti muati min>' 0f n the married mon are The trais$tortbacb tram 1111- si.W PIER YMR IN ADVàN4M 1

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