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Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 10

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,RYILLEINDE-,PENDEN LAU COUNTY ~~Jj)~ff Lake CouniiUg WeeklyWAKGN EKLSU -XXVI-NO. 5W PART TWO LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENPENT,-DECEMBER 12, 1918 EIGHT PAGES. $1 .50 PEU YE.~R IN DVÂNCE à 1 - STEPS IN FI u UVIRoy Bracher, the New County Treasurer who Assumed Of- fice as Guardianof Cnuotnty's ~aLeoeI Exchequer. IW aysh Reoeived His lu' n Action on the Ih f November ATIVES ARE HOPEFUL sd, ïa Believe Mistakel Wi Made-Dispàtch May éfer to Former Gassing asMeauu this mornlng re- Ia pot eard trom Willams dat- oveuer 13 two days arter his 4É wounding. Thp card sald: ce thle rnap. Wili lie home ln =se bal. CINI)ER." This in toestabil th.effart po3-1 ilsat mistake was made ln ~ca overrnment disPetch. Re- in of the local young man wers illpi wben they learned of the 'reived hi McCaDn. nt Gceme (Cluder) Williamzs. W Ufr. snd Mrs. F. D. Wiliamns 08 ASiE street. vas eevereiy Md ln action about November theUi message couveyed to 171s Ml lu an official dispatcli re- Ifroin the var depariment latic lky atternoon. Bpcause of a ýhV Chan of cîrcumstanres rela. ';aUe bopetul tirt the telegram bea mistake-that ilt may r,~ g. csan wbich the Wauke ,~gman recelved diurlng the hk of October. si"a hr i aet le Uer freim hlm on Deceus 1dted November 3. ln whlcb, bid of having been gazed, but ,le vas recoveriug lnnice shap' jingud ta bie out ln a few daYs. Îffl of gsselng ih uually takes om eui time to rectîpieratf auiatiUves canot ee boy iii Ibave recovrred sufficiently be- sb UmUre of wrlting the letter lvcrnber 3, and the signing of ýsirstIc»on November 11, to W, oten back juta action and k- Ulaued . Thuis auhat make9 k lboul tbe telegratu may bea gke as Usey neyer recevd oi notification fram the governmétn [,je bad! been gassled. Relatives I4pq that the notice just rn W m the ver departmnent non *cfter te, the gassing experience 13sscd through. M onuy thing that raises a doubt Icir mmid ile t act that the fluent telegramn stated that tbe mayo ng uuwas wgu4med *Ioebr 1 1. This was fiY '.y9h.e li adtwrtttenis las l r' iflai s jea graduaif 19ýW.uk'ea>. township bigh M fodi% recognized as Dne 01 ~Mts fremstathietes. He I Igaly pefpular and triends an ~~today that tliey have pian ,Ioplace lisnme on ithe hallo sprlng as a candidate for CoDi or. A similalr case. f ier instance ta thatc Wiliams bas deveioped hno ti *James Paton, another Wai Young man. An officiai Icie VUi yeceivod froin the var dE t TuesdaY night stating tha ffTlion ban becu seve-l: lu action October 15. j hcariug date of Noveinlier i,04 tu waukegan fromnFa tiy atatiug that lie ha .-Wounded 'lu the leg and tnath lu a boeptai about a mont pcted ta start for homei > wtêe a ldit not been for th 'vliiebprecededtheUicofficielini '*latives miglit bave been moi 0,cr bis condition tban the NOIE BY XMAi ie curreut that Dr.J. ic m edicai corpsetaiJac ,]Ma., la ta be home f sud that by then lie i cdfrorn service. Hee the recerves. ui. owever, that iliere 4about bis plans.E Voley Ibincd bîtu inU IM wvritteu borne that1 horne sud dsclarged Itbcu later'a letterse 0f makhng IL.sin l ois bc» o'urthet wvi lu WinASli G0000000000000000 o EVF44ING SH4OPPING 0" Waukegan stores openl everyc " evening tram Dec %th to Christ, 0 ma& ove.c oShop now.9 o Euriy shoppers get the boatc o bargains.c 0o .0 00 0 000 0 00 00 0 00 0 IF ALL COUNTY WAS INCLIJDEO THEN CO. B0. WOULD MANAGE toi' Clu Es- laps Pielli FINISIIED! Author of Many War Storios CoveringeiviI War who Has Written Finis on I-is Last Production Just Out Ilverett Millard of tHighland Park, Mrs.MaryRoot Was Robbed wuio appeared 'before the' supervisors by BoId Thief While Wait- Wednegday and urged tisai the board, Sam Hanna, Who Picked But- 4,ing forTrai n ai Depot beCame interesteti lu t4e torest lire. lt from Bell wilh Knife, serIves ln Lake county, expained th.l Fnll sSrukDw 1112ibnd Ot Procedure ta estabuili uh FnlyIStckDw POLICE MAKE A SEARCH a foreigt preserve lu the eurty. Mr. Milard lu a vanclug litai-eu.,ITRSGT WODHR FeIw Ment Polnted ta t he fact that coaiu viR ET W RDHR Unable to Locale the Fll e ounty nov lbas about 14,000 sers iivi Who Dashed Up Depot Steps irorest preserves and li urged tige Had no Word Sinoq October- de Roy W. Bracher and Rad West iprac fîk 'Luîh Brother Jack Is AIsç in Ser- BYIIPN A. DU NNa ing a big préeerve as a means offr.ir- Mailing a piaygrounch for people if vice in France = . ~ - Mrs. Mary Root of 1146 22nd it., Chicago who go oui in the autoino.T North Chicago, vas the victini of a biles for recreation on Siineav ;and! Afier leading wvItl sempd ta ie NMADE À PAC~T ci pures enatch'e r at the Norlt Wetstern iollier days. a charmfled lite antd escaping ig t ailh dSI LIA LE O B IN dept, auega, 'îieday nigi: Mr. Mllard explainstithat Lake ln bates «ith billts and gaï, Sam TE LKfi% IT E about 1 'lc.Mg iat *,'i Ite aw for etablilhing the forf--t pre- ht been hurt lu action. hie eîi$terg, NlWocal polT rice that :the lhif fwore thre ere that l era:ive in Cok court.'Misse Je10 FELL IN BndATILE to NEW ONG DIT Accafringfa sthen oylns o~ He sait] that lu case the boiindar- ODeepiy regret te infortu >.ou that it n 1 A c o rd n g a t e s o ry lf r . R ü ý1 le s o t th e p r e s e r v e l n L a k e ro u nty je o ff ic ie lly r e p o r t e d t h s t S e rg t. S a m -. n c o d n l y W r a e s terltsd ta the \atîîsgan police site icluded ail the territory lu the 'u-- u i e anus, m Uchine gun battalion, 1cc rIlgl Ses Being Considered at was t'aiîîng for a train bacit ta Cli- ty thn the supervIssacawuid lie- waswoudddln action, degree unde- tA t d Wcr d Camn e Springfield for Reappor- cgewheu tic %allor walked up ta rame the directing board for haud-. terminait October second. Furth.r nFgtn Hus tionmient of State lier and Inquired what lime ltus nusaI iig the forest preserve. In case Ille information when recclved. in _______Hun"_P 1 train lsft for Chicago. preserve didgt tInclude al ofy the MARRIS, Adjt. Gen. "At 0:1 o'ioc. .ne spied. cauoiy then Il vouid be uece-.SsqryteIit wasln September that Hanua,OF CILY MISN~ WHAT THE PLANS ARE "t1:4ocok st ele. eâtablîih a sort otf<ofliniqqion toa accordiug ta letters written homne, Pl H-ardly wers- the vords out of lier look atter the torest preserve. tiad a close escape visen a huilet, Spnuglel Tere mu h si moîliwhs te yun me gub IndluCook couuty tise bouudarie's are; iired by a_ Hunt,Imliedded hsefItlnParents Gel Message from the in ber 0fledTher llyofa m"angî.'Ii th urra-wae tp îyngmangae lirteCok onfuessdteore, the mets] of his uelt-and ie d le it Gvrmn u redhd CI boreof heapprof oneîen îlî- us h a aýi a h lhe cuty board bas charge off thc!out wvus hie knife and it vas eVeIn trmetbt ren a tise ornin genrai esem "Y ie a sud., ,sud dashpd Uilt 'ViPs. -eforestIpreserve the caine aS atler, bot vliem lie picked hi ouît. on odBeoeIa would create tva uew congressonai ceni west Jn Wa.hingtau sireet and matters ln the ýcouuty. l'boheutlter lie vas gased and vas dItricts, one hn Cnole.county..tnd une turncd souili in Sheridan ruad and NoeNpie oa.li p for a littie tîrne but wft Wbeu on Saturdqy Jamnes Sogrenseus *out i thes datae. Thle sgection lian disappeared. lUc t" totrtimer.t' ,if decishon bock t ata action. o eLieillst t 8eiei heesu mnde ibat ans district comprise1 Policemen were dispatclied ta the lcaide ta put tise malter lits te th il Hie shterse are muncl vorrled over gram frtr the van deiiartment tot >the couiies of %Vuebago, Ogle. scelle immediately bot vere unable vote of the people ofthte couuty, is, th evaew received today liecause i ing hlm ilat bis ean, Oscar, had heen *Carroll, Jo Devises anti Stephenson. ,ta, obtaîn auy trilce of the feiov. Hia beihef vas Iliat Il voud Ilie proper1 maris sucE a long lime since bl W asl Misslog ln action. Mr. Soreusen andi 4,nother district wouid comprise tihe cailor unifortu >Made Il di.'flcult tot put Il ou tEre hprlug elotibn bai- 'htrt-and uaturaiiy the vWoder viiet hig famliy fflttaigre ihat the boy Oc- Y tountien et Kane, Boone, McHlenry diktînguisisbila front there wearitîg, foi. Othergsfse a speeillelection bas bappened incesthen. Prom Oc -r leprobably amntugthose killed Isimd Lake aii anoaller. district the the camte unîform. wouid haveto lie calleti. taber second ta now la a long lime Iu ons of the fiuai engagements OCb 5couaties of iieKalb. Les, WhitsidIc The Purges catainesh a $20 bll Mr. Miliard expiained that a elle for sucli a message te camle through. thse ver. I Iandi La Salie. A new district votîldti tres or four Rouiler bis, a ticket miii tax coîtld Ile aptsiied ta tise as- "We bave taken the malter up vith Oscar was one of the Weili Icowu ebe made ut) of the cotities of \WiIo10C5icago gwith tour rides and a re- sssab auS ation. This pîa bIneedInhe Odd illiows ta vhlch lie lie- ïvouug men of F~ox Lae ivclulty. It IGruudy, Kendall and Du Page. The ceipt for eîîy vaier. aot$500ayar i xlied1louged and they lnu tam have pio-v as ou October 19 usai his tarnlly et0 new (Cook county district wouid jb_____ - that the arnata of bonde posaiblie iaed us ta try and lgsi furiher newe.", Fox tLake gtai ..letter fron PrIvais t rcarved ouI of terriory an tile, orth GAS RATES IGHER 2 MONTHS h noue 'cent on tlie assessed vaiua- sald Mies Evelyn todaY tise A. Brookheinz. Tbe letter was se.b aide lu Chicago, inciudlng the big lion Mn. llard sald this wouid givel Sam i-anna wes a menîber ofth verely ceusaresi andi lunl Brookiehz >25th ward. Peiiuving compiaints made ta titis about $250.000 as a liondhug lhmÏt for 12t1s Machine <Ian corps. litis braie-I saiti thai, ln a charge, lie liati eeu r A Under the ahove arrangement Cou- taper that thie North ' Sharp Gan coin- carrylug tiscaugl imi sort of e plan.I lff.lac' lsaiaso a sergeaut lu France Oscar tait but dîint kuow visai hada sq greseman McKnzie's ilili district parti>-%gas endsavorlng ta cba.,ge au The purpoous ofthie forest preserve, aud bath lirotisers enisted froisi Cal- become of hlm. a wouid bs Les sud Whlteehde rourt- atidlitional five cents pet. thousand lie said. ta ta preserve the foreste for Ifornia vliere they uIved et th re me 'I deevuopeti nov ibat Brookheinz i- iezsilad takp on Winuebagsi. Cou- feet a ithaugli no aucli increase viLsethe future and atao ta -pravide a var bronie aut. ud Sareusen bat motie a pact bc-e- Itgresman Copiey of Aurore. vould aliowitd ly tise State Public Utilities piaygrouud for people whe go out of Samu vas aitue front since Ji forse enterhng the battis tisai, if ans es loge Will sud OpPage caunities and commission, lias besu Inveseigatel Chicago anti Who vant ta enjoy the ilst sud taok part lu many battie. sav tise otiser fait ln battle lic voudd ùtake ou Boone sud Lakte. DeKalb and shows Unthriiosvis bave made country surroundinge. He pointed ta The astere gai a letter tram Jack h mmedateiy senti a ltter ta his rela- w aud LaSaile counties woulsi remain tise complainte have suffcred fromt a the tact that upon thrée dîfferent (lc- dateti Oct, lotis sud be aiseavas 112 tives ho tise dates telliig thsm i ot elhe Taflidtrcmla mirî.apprelienslon. casions tise mv se finaily put Élieengagements since thon. Miss Jen the tact. lug vith Les and Whteslde. Tbe On the gas bills blcis have Just operation lu Cook couuty, tise peo- nie Hanua la a traîn411u urse lu Wall- Accordlugiy Brookheinz carried tWll.rundl'-Kendali-DsPak distric e lsenast ouit the gas leiled lit tise pie voted slraugiy for tise creation ikegan and ber aster Evelyn vanks out bis agreemffent an isent.tise let- lewouid proabily give Joiet ircangres- raie of $130 per thouaand. LUdter of foresi preserve.. aitishe Sscurlty Titis and Trstst 00. ter sud tise tamiiy have iseard nous- e Man, possibiy lu thse persan of Sens- ibis la another item siatiug thati h vas genereliy conceded amon.g "Sain sesmed tea lie a cuarmed ing since fram their sou. TPerefores ýd tor R. J. Ban-. Under tise alsove pieu tisers Is an increase lu rates of (ave the board memisere tht the auggem- lite sud wvstiluhbave hople ihat bis the conclusion le thet ie lias lissa visîci is one 05of severai vhicis cents per thoueaud. effective sînce lion for estabishlug toresi preserves iuck vas w-th him sud that vord ildnpassytertaarme si have been tauketi, tise central and Seitember 1, t918. This amount la for Lake county vas flot very tronig- 1v'iii corns e la ail rigisu," said IMiss elloie tisai leis l a pnîsoner ofthile souibennIllinnts congressionai dis- added te the charge for thse curreut iy recelevd by board memliers. TiseliEvelyn today. She added that tliey German.s e tricis wauid nt be diturbeti. monthI. ndicating tisai a raie of $1.35 flseihng prevaied gi hat ttuey couiti not i are goiog ta try and gsi word ta ibeir- h Passage of a usv sispo't!onmeut per thauaand ls blilg cbarged. figure outviy Lakes caunty sbauid go brother Jack sud sec if lie calinot NO SLUMP IN LICENSES or bli, of course vauid do away wit J G. Hart, generai manager.of Uthe t ucli an enormous expert," ln pro-I asîsit ln altaining nevs ot Sam. lothe pesent tva congrves-meu-at- cainpany maltes thse foiiavlng explen- vldlng a PiaYground for Chicagoans wie&reole iisrpr In large, eter tise nexi election. but gaihon of the matten: vho bave rnany parýýs within tiseir T huue Da me tipersit ie rePor M- lien the next censuse la talten Illinois H as a lhog h rraeow oidr. Tesuevsr, T K i O U II vacation because thens bas been a lo viii proliahiy gale another congres lu raies of ise cents per thousand taikitsg among themsivePolatet ____ decideti taling off lu tise number of1 11sSpebr1ou htteforestae mati lcoe ue d. tIer s 1 __________ that tiseîgas Company chargeti at the rtactioly fon picnic parties sud pIc- odeBysRtrigfin ohn lWaeR t det ht rate.of 1,2 o h aniao e- ies prevai only duriug tstheSevce CNNT Wer lus tile got a ioSfng on tise job.1 MAY SOP STTION ONTRATS 'emisenanti October iséeattse ibere veeks durlug tle sautullr;Accord- Uiforms frForMonths O h otaytoal esnt se ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Tatcnrcoasggt upt ei i etlore tise u tiliies tngly tliey tiought it vas s conaider- U o Fu tliv ht el oring overtinse lu. tlug up tise scores of u'sv buildings comission foc anather lncreesce. able expensta put an the taxpayers I -Here's the Rule lunlihe case ofr.Waukegan. le ai the Greai Laes Naval Training This atiditionai increase vas ual for tis sort o s puritose. TEe rs.teoeel-th tteetlamd e station bave been cedet >Wasab grantet sa tise bils for tise monts îng aie, a v a î theisCook cory Ovîng to tise greal number oftfiil t îciytise storofmaaie ie n sae ait ington 'for a conference, le the rpor 0frNos'emler have been biled out peupe uhoulti prçsîde paygrounds quirle thatt are daîîy mde lu tegar tise nuof ier af marreau ge li0esea iy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a tiathcm uru tdyuf e ~ie $130 raie which le proper. Iu for thetuseives, tisai the rshîuourse- te the leugili otime coihrs, as velulihas beeî In 15 yeérs. Tise ajarniage Al tha ;lebeaei re tosslhy semight daddition tise gas campanry la scudhng meut viili migit cames t Lakte coula- as saliors. may vear tseir uuitiirins licence cierk in that riiy thought a A t le oteat osncly toporgtio fan atiditionai bill offise cents Per- iy lu the vay et patronage vouiti atter their discisarge ftram Ibein du- possilei* spianktion wse tbat rntY a-tise vork vhich romaineus dtons tiousauti for the gus used durlng net offiet the expeudituires necessay ls irwtih uise uetac e.faeit uhit acmn ad (li caryig oi o tie cntrctaSepteniber andi Octolier wvichisecate purchase landi and set it osidie tor of tise 1evcovering tibiscase: ai ibis tise. ilguring tisat vîis tise ia Th ayigtotheDcnrcslapopr o ue tCater tissu isiygraunti. «"Euiisted ioldlers upanggrecelilg compiltom of van contracta Mauly tli hare eiug arrewoiare adtWiiy Under the ruling of the Utililtes Mr. Milerd explineti furîiser tisat jtiser diacharge froa ithe aruiy. Iiay mien vould bave diuiltY l inins trar posbeuitrieprovîdea ravaî rCommission the gas rate tiseupposecthte cormnitee that promotedti tWear their uniforme. Ooiy fromtiiiê sîesdy vark tis ihnier ant i tltike hl osibl- with accomniotiailnafra5.00ta- ereveri back ta the olti rate of $110 fonest preserve Ides, lu'Lalte county 'pot of discliarge taeileir home ta assume- tiserespouslbihtY Of vives th on- wîîbtisearcmsti sfed ' 7 5,00 an the firniof January uniesa an lu- lias been onu>' ans oflits ova orîgîn, visalen eymuet change itmiaiteOy until tbey knov tisey cau provîId >Te assurance of peace li bas beeon bé- crease la greuted. Sucis a course, lIat It bas no partîcular siartding ta Civilase cothing. 'Plie soldier lias. Usem vus "-tîrese squares" tiluY. ar ievti ilaiog tatQuegovru entacordlug ta M. Hart, vouit piace anduti as mersi>' carrieti on iy pesaplie hovever,ftur moenths lu viicIlita Wite the number Of maiags il- would taiesceeteps ta curtatlithe compan>' lu bankruptcy. He ije, Who vers luterp.sted lu preservîug tm l E icreiuiomt iecoe sudi alea al e the amoiut of nSw vork for i laconfidIent Que tise UtilîttieeCommis. jthe, fareci of Lake couiuiy. govermlmnt. e-beiindtheUicrecord estab]hetd Just bellevedt ta there t3an possiblaie _siavli malts an extension permit- Mainu8SBig For ce? «Dischargedi alicers me>' retalu prlot ta the varlous drafts, nevertbe- chane tat her wil b 75000montiug teils opan>' ta retin is Pres- Wbeu Mr. Miliard explained that their unIforma ase tise>are required legs i la up ta the reeord of ailer lu training -tiers duriez peace timea sut rate uutillCoat of -production lias ha Cook county tiley icsenien ta te purchaue tbem tisemnseivea, but yesrs. Tisere ts ant averae o f fUil1Y sî as sucS a large compisment ha net decreased. keep the sisrubbery otnt dovu rl tise uniform a' i e voeu b>' eti- hait a tiozen lîceises ie iid tialu>' anti considereti necesesaýr>. il. as beon saie ofthUe proserves andti tEt a or offiera or snlsted mon ou -aispe- ibisaJla conalierssd a goot record for intsd Qaitioet more tison 15000 ta A petîtion lu liaowsuptcy vas 1used lAnitisape expert aiso e .sat i . d-ciel public occasion-s, As te the su- sny City of tibis ize. 20,000 - mon yllie tralueet itise lo llnehlsf of Kuutitsi, cantrector, reci Uicetmaliteance of tise ton'ea,lilstet mon, ibis rule applilpe oily dur- Stricter marriage ieasin tise siste C. eau station ai atIlme visen aetdetaix Fax Lake, Monda>' lu Chicago, b>' At- 1the .b0ard members began teai up log the tour mouhthistE 'are ai- of wscausiu drives a large number ce'- of the war bive been settieti., tarney Etiverd H. Taylor la tise Unit- anti taire nothce. Tise>' giso er o ld iowed ta keep tbelr uniforme," of people froni that aie isere ta eli- for Untier tise circumaitances Ih wo'ld ed States fDistrict Court, schetiulhng Uiat suiclia prospect vas ha clore for 'Plrocugli au errGr, il lbat. besu au-,tainlilcepees.lu tact a big majoni- eu perqieigclthst tis e -gos-lilabilths df$2197,6 sudasets Lake caunt>' in case the plan vent nauneti that Uie dseliargeti soidiers ty'o h Icnesisedter r e.erumeni vouiti desîre ta stop buliti- 0f $4,919. through. . couild vear iheir uiform for a per- ta Wisconsin couples anti of tusse lisg plana visons tisy ar1ç, noW anti Tbe moiebere teit tEst, lu case tise tlad o!f fr mouths, but Ibis l e ,st- the larger number are t0 cOUpll's tra ,le thersliy save a large expeuse for tise Etivard Montage. 23 years aid,- Pieu carriei, lit vouldb th e.s mesns tivciy forbitiden under changes 81. of Milwauikee. Be- buildings beiug put up are of a muore 2,711Bernard ltre*. Qucln&U,.ja Of PULU4 Onaua 'big fore)silu timn'e UcAmy Retulat4luk Que or lersa temporarynature anti1 Intenti- bluejaeket at the Great Laites -Nv whoce sole abject 'woustldie te main.~'akguaiai icre la lic cd prlmaniy for use lu traiung sit.training station, bvis as bùrt v*cltai us pienie grotirnts .for -,h cego Bt"suWu eie fouo-uee grail' tasignil 5 O untî h b>' îrs durnt Uic var. Justatisai. viii itibeiveeu tvo coSacli 1 of a (Oite vho vaut te driive oui la the mest$ lanput v lde fenorhsnonusi~e, gen f tI as inoisteie Ami-t lad bs doue probabi>' iiili e k ovu Passee>nger train, dlcd Tue-ada>' lu Chi- 'pount>'>' for e holiday andti t.it eee i tc fladrm hla uro e orgraziinaInuegmet vafmth Iie et mitie mAn- Incec *igeunihe Sotraçtors returmi rtrm cago. ouItyresu>' vouiti geltil u fetc Igtetih. >ird. their confereuce. l-exeepthmtg te "ivéea-vetis- erj. .lniatuh. lest S~ et peton o~ To 1 ,RAVER'S - CONVICTION IS SIXTH TIIAT HAS TAKEP4 PLACE IN THE SCANDAL. OUS FOOD GRAFTING AT NAVAL STATION Anoilier, makhng tiese ixtis cou. iceted h l teéGreat Lakea food seau- ai sud grafthg, isas liecassentencoti. lie lateat ta "gei hic' 'for stealig end seiling 'aodsttffa f ront.-Great .akes, la: GILIOERT 3. tAVER, acing pa>' egrk lu charze of the comrnls*alt lpanîmoent of ii tbe station, campe, ic.-sntuced hy court martial to fv yeaseinu federsi prison. Thle report ou Craver reacieti creai Laites this moruing ani le hm- mediatly vas placet Inh arreat anti iov lluIntise bri. " Hia conviction le Uic sixtb lu the cries of prosecitions the others be Ig as follava: 1. C_. P. O. llIespe--Ous ycar In prison andi diecharge front sirviQ*e. 2. Tony Sch"icdi-One yca. le prison sud discliarge. Me was chic printer et station prIntlng cilie. 3. Robert J. Plumer-Two yoars in prispe; reducci la riting. HOe1146 hie! commlssary stewart dUrîni tme thetta worm cosemtted. 4. Maril L. liawIdiW, thiW on es ulsear>' steward; epatenecd te tweQ oer legie for eaitfl a> cd5y , IL - igue- i .d&, ' ýeftwW ee cdIW missary steward, Oe syiai. it lenoticedti Qai Craver Igeis the 'et convldted. - Thle resson for thls, It le stateti. te because crever vas the amie vIe vAs in Uic posItiorn 09 trust <bld h 110vlo. lae sisamefUItuh t la reaedth lat tIers vers tyn otiser men Cisargfe vitE belng parties oe tise grattîug but île>' lave not issu apprehendcd. Tliey are: C. P. 0. Bowen, vlio, atter bis ar- -est, esca:pet tramntishe guard hous lit a senssiionel usanuer. Fsy Updlkc, C. P. 0., Who.-It bas lue! lisen iesrued, deserled InluDe- .emiser. He wvas broughtl mb Uic court uliertialIn he isfoodi malter visen it ffnit arase «but lic deserteti tise navy betorelic vas cliolet tilal anti las aine been ai large. A quli, but detcritncd searcb. It la saiti. has tissu kePi up for BoWel aud Updike. Boven le the ans Mau vlia, abeNt tise statian, Il la declareti vas tll.'ii rectar genersi of Que tooi graWi He, itis -rumared , cicaued up *i10, o00 lu theseies of theft Of isanis sugar, cauned goode. etc.. crever Makés tard Figlit. Crever matie a big liglit to esespe being senleucei. Hlindiri Chmil* Erbsoeiu, Uice'weli kuovu Cclff lsvyer anti Erbslehu fouglt ig Uscas biard. Crever spancti no èàPcnse for It la saldti Uai lie cames trOaie auim- menseiy veaiiby famly i> ,h.Iova. Ail aioug lis lad shovu coldence tisatie usouiti nellie cosvietetiland tiscretore vben vord came te>. th* station ibis monnlng anti Mar*WS Fritmsn sent hie offi1cerl te tise cou- îniesary depantutent ta arreat Crever. Il vas a sensational incident at thé station -anti Craver naturau> ' "ul' eti." ,Crever vilibcbeldtiaedais ssci then atart for Leav-nvmlbth serve Sic sentence. .crever lias liveM lu Waukcgaton SautS Sheridan Roct, ie s ite bat- urali>' la e ePi>'affecteti y hieicnoe. Tise>'bave Do ehildt0là. Cravor as et thec station about IWvO yeI's. DEPRESSIN4 Belated Informiation from iWarï Department Brings Sorow as Tidings Corne of Lk Coun'ty Men Hurt andK1.S Nov tisai Que var SB over, Wl usteldepressilui uevs Usai cou0lk0C~ local boys belng hurt lua 814Od- vben action.cesseti e rou NP- gO Sucit nesca»- itbarder 3" kseeiug ilat thc armistice 1 4la -'- Waukegail anti teSComitt sadthe Uic vr efeeti boutb= nova ibat: LUSAMDWAN. s1'iritus00 ktllct Inl sls "M IANNÀ wua eseIm eon Oct..L $1.50 PER YEAk iN ÀDVANC&

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